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S. I. Oh
C. C. Chen Ductile Fracture in Axisymmetric
S. Kobayashi
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of California,
Extrusion and Drawing
Berkeley, Calif.

Part 2 Workability in Extrusion and Drawing

In this part of the present investigation, the validity of the theory on ductile fracture was
examined by the experimental data found in the literature. Then, combining the formula-
tion of fracture criterion with the deformation mechanics obtained in Part 1, the workabil-
ity of materials in extrusion and drawing was determined.

I. Introduction II. Fracture criteria

McClintock and his coworkers [2], [3] developed solutions for void
For occurrence of cracks at the free surface, such as in edge-cracking growth under the transverse stress state. Their model consists of a
in sheet rolling and surface cracks in upsetting, the fracture criterion single elliptic cylindrical void extending in one direction and im-
can be constructed experimentally. However, for predicting internal bedded in a rigid plastic media. The major and minor axes of the void
fracturing, formulations of fracture criteria under general deformation coincide with the principal stress directions. They derived an ap-
are required. In this part of the present investigation, the validity of proximate solution for the rigid work-hardening materials, ff = Ken,
the theory on ductile fracture developed in the report [1] was exam-
ined by the experimental data found in the literature. Then, com-
bining the formulation of fracture criterion with the deformation
mechanics found in Part 1, the workability of materials in extrusion
and drawing was determined.
'-© = V3<
V 3 (1 - n) aa +
In an attempt to develop a general fracture criterion, a model for
void growth was proposed to examine the stress and strain fields
around voids. The solutions were obtained by the finite-element \aa + at,/ L \aa + 0V -I
method. The results show that deformation is concentrated along the
V3 lV3(l-n)
narrow band in the maximum shear stress direction. The fracture
criterion assumed that voids of orders of magnitude smaller than the
primary voids are distributed throughout and that fracturing occurred
X exp
[" (1- — sinh i
n) \ fr)|] (2)

where R and RQ are the current and initial mean radii of the hole, re-
when the small voids grow and touch each other along the band con- spectively; aa and aj, principal stress components along the major
necting the large voids. The McClintock analysis was used for pre- and minor axes, respectively; <? is the effective stress and e is the ef-
dicting the growth and coalescence of small voids. Based on this fective strain; m is the eccentricity of the ellipse defined in terms of
concept, the fracture strain formulation by McClintock was modified. the semi-major and semi-minor axes a and b, as
Then the modified form, along with the formulation by Cockroft and
Latham, was tested by the experiments on surface cracks and by the a - b
m=—-,- (3)
tension data by Bridgman. Its validity was further examined by a +b
applying the criterion to the determination of workability in bar ex-
and mo is the initial eccentricity. They assumed that the cylindrical
trusion and drawing.
hole is contained in the cell and that the material is composed of these
cells. Fracturing was assumed to occur at the point where a growing
void touches the cell boundary whose deformation is assumed to be
the same as that of the boundary at infinity. The fracture strain, ne-
Contributed by the Production Engineering Division for publication in the
JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR INDUSTRY. Manuscript received at glecting the void interaction, is then expressed (dropping a transient
ASME Headquarters May 1,1978. Paper No. 78-PROD-B. term) by

36 / VOL 101, FEBRUARY 1979 Transactions of the ASME

Copyright © 1979 by ASME
loge /I °\
sinh ^MLUtl. (£«±£t) ] +1 ( ^ p ) j
12(1 -n)
where la° and a 0 are the initial values of hole spacing la and a, re-
spectively. The above derivation was given for generalized plane strain
as an approximation for three-dimensional deformations. In three-

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dimensional configurations, there are six modes of fracture, two in
each of the three perpendicular planes. Whichever one of these six
modes gives the smallest fracture strain is the actual mode.
The model considers only the case where holes form at zero strain
by complete separation of the particle-matrix interface. The review
of the investigations on ductile fracture revealed that void nucleation i l l !
is a complex process and that the nucleation pattern depends on
particle size, particle composition, and possibly, particle distribution.
Fig. 1 Model for distribution of large voids
The general observation is that void nucleation occurs at the large
particles first. If a number of voids form and grow, then these voids
may act as a stress raiser in the matrix and cause further void nu-
cleation at other particle sites. Also, there are many indications that,
during deformation, shear bands between large voids develop and that
voids form at small particles in these bands, while the particles outside So-<i)dl=c (7)

the bands remain relatively inactive. Thus, the formation of shear for a given temperature and strain-rate, where a* = highest tensile
bands between large voids and growth and coalescence of small voids stress and C = material constant. The proposed criterion is phe-
in the shear band may be a mechanism of eventual fracture. nomenological and implies that ductile fracture is dependent both
Assuming this mechanism for fracture, a model for the growth of on shear strain and on tensile stresses. From the viewpoint of void
large voids has been proposed. Fig. 1 shows an assumed distribution growth, however, it appears more reasonable to include stress ratios
of large voids, extending in arrays to.infinity. The plane-strain con- in the formulation of fracture criterion. Thus, the Cockroft-Latham
dition is assumed in the direction perpendicular to the (xa, Xb) plane. criterion is modified to
The minimum and maximum principal stresses act along the
boundary at infinity in the directions of coordinate axes (<r„ ", ob°°).
The solutions of this void growth model were obtained by the elas-
tic-plastic finite-element formulation for large deformation [1]. A
It may be of interest to note that equation (6) reduces to equation

result of the computation is shown in Fig. 2. As Fig. 2 indicates, de- (8) with K = 2C, if the argument of sinh is small so that the hyperbolic
formation is concentrated along the narrow band in the maximum sine function is approximated by a linear function. The magnitude
shear stress direction, and the concentration of strain along the band of the argument of sinh depends on the stress state as well as on the
is about 2 ~ 3 times the overall strain for most of the band and about work-hardening coefficient. When n = 1, equations (6) and (8) are
4 ~ 5 greater near a large void. This implies that the band is the most identical. For other values of the work-hardening coefficient, the
favorable place for small voids to nucleate and grow. difference between the two criteria is small if {aa + Ob)/o < 1, but
The modified form of fracture criterion was obtaind by assuming increases with increasing values of (oa + ob)/o, as shown in Fig. 3.
that voids of others or magnitude smaller than the primary voids are We now examine in more detail the two criteria expressed by
distributed throughout and that fracturing occurred when the small equation (6) and by equation (8).
voids grow and touch each other along the band connecting the large A. Surface fracture. Since the fracture condition applicable to
voids. When the McClintock analysis is applied locally under the the free-surface cracks can be observed experimentally, several in-
condition prevailing within the shear band, 1 we obtain vestigators [6-9] have used upsetting of cylindrical specimens for the
study of ductile fractures. It was concluded from these investigations
K that the fracture criterion is expressed by
2 . L rV3(l • • n) oa + Ob) Ob — aa
—=. sinh 1
V 3 ( l - n) I 2 •a--e2, (9)
where K = 4/3/c log e (/„°/2ao) and K is a factor indicating the strain
where a is a material constant and ti and £2 are the circumferential
concentration along the shear band.
strain and the axial strain at the equatorial free surface, respectively.
When the stress ratios vary during deformation, McClintock's
The two principal stresses in the surface, o\ and oi (o\ > 02), during
model leads to the condition given by
plastic deformation, are expressed by
2 . . \V3(l-n) oa + °b] , Ob ~ Oa
X"[ —•=
[ 2 o
+ 2+<
V 3 V T T a + a2
:+ cre;
l + 2a
a + a2
; + oe (10)
where a = dtz/dti and ae is a hydrostatic stress acting on the surface.
instead of equation (5), where K is the same factor as that in equation The incremental effective strain di is given by
(5). 2
Another fracture criterion which will be considered in the present de = —= V I + a + a2 dti, (11)
investigation is the one proposed by Cockroft and Latham [4], [5].
They proposed that fracture occurs when Under these conditions, the fracture criteria given by equations (6)
and (8) are both path-dependent, except when equation (8) becomes
path-independent for oe = 0. Taking linear strain paths under ael'a
= const., and noting that <fa and ob are the minimum and maximum
1 stresses, respectively, equation (6) gives, for non-work-hardening
The stress ratios within the shear band are practically equal to those of
overall stresses. materials (n = 0), the fracture strain as

Journal of Engineering for Industry FEBRUARY 1979, VOL 101 / 37

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Fig. 2 Effective stress and effective strain distributions in the unit section,
(a) e 2 = 0.00525 (b) e 2 = 0.0423 (c) e 2 = 0.0699 (d) e 2 = 0.1163, where
e 2 is engineering strain in the vertical direction.

equations (12-14), with a J a = 0 are plotted forK = 0.5 and C = 0.25

V3 K i n Fi
(12) g- 4 -
2 V 1 + a + a2 V3 a\ + ff2\ It can be seen in Fig. 4 that the fracture line given by equation (14)
•Vs \ 2 ? / a has a slope of —1/2 for aeta = 0 (free-surface cracks), and equations
(12) and (13) result in almost the same fracture strains as those ac-
for a < —1/2, and
cording to equation (14) if the relationship K = 2C is maintained.
Similar plots of equations (12-14) for various values of ael~a are given
V3 K in Fig. 5.
2 V l + a + 1? (13) j5_ Fracture in uniaxial tension. Bridgman [10] investigated
Vz o"i + o"e\ ai ' plastic flow and fracture with special emphasis on the effects of hy-
—=sinh (
V3 \ 2 drostatic pressure, using uniaxial tension. The two criteria given by
for - 1 / 2 < a < 0. The criterion given by equation (8) becomes equations (6) and (8) are examined for internal fracturing* using the
Bridgman experimental results. In uniaxial tension of a bar, the
» a* ff a\
J ~de=
critical site for fracture is at the axis of symmetry in the neck section
where ti = tz and a = —1/2. Therefore, aa = o> = ae and at, = az = If
from which + ar. Then, equation (6) is expressed by
V3 J (Ft + l)dt = K, (15)
2 V 1 + « + a2 \a-Jai 2 2 . . /ae\
5 where
• (2 + a) +v —
^ vTTff + a (—J Fi = h when h > — 1
(14) Fi = - l w h e n / i < - 1

38 / VOL 101, FEBRUARY 1979 Transactions of the ASME

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eq. &2)<0r a < - - j
eq. (I 1 *)

0.6 O.i

Fig. S Comparison of two fracture criteria for various values of ae/a

Equations (15) and (16) are compared with experiments in Figs.

6 and 7, respectively. The experimental results by Bridgman used for
Fig. 3 Plot of hyperbolic sine function for various values of the work-hard- comparison are summarized in Table 1.
ening coefficient In deducing experimental points in the figures from the data in
Table 1, several assumptions and approximations are introduced: (1)
the effective stress a was assumed to be independent of the hydro-
static pressure, (2) the stress ay at the neck was estimated according
and to the Bridgman analysis, and (3) the effect of work-hardening coef-
ficients was neglected.
2 • . , \V3(l-n)
sinh {
[ 2 \
The comparison shown in Figs. 6 and 7 reveals that the fracture
criteria are both reasonably good for predicting the fracture
assuming that the negative damage rate is not permitted. strains.
The criterion given by equation (8) becomes
III. W o r k a b i l i t y i n E x t r u s i o n
C (F2+l)d?=C, (16) For workability in extrusion with reference to center bursting, ex-
Jo perimental observations are limited and information about the

F2 = -z for-f>-l
a a
and .K = 2 5 SYMBOL SERIES
O 9-2

F2=-l for—<-l. ® 9-4

A 9-3
X 5-0

1.2 1.4 1.6

Fig. 4 Fracture conditions predicted from equations (12) and (13) and by Fig. 6 Comparison between the fracture criterion given by equation (15)
Cockroft and Latham [5] and Bridgman's fracture data

Journal of Engineering for Industry FEBRUARY 1979, VOL 101 / 39

Table 1 Bridgman experimental data*
Ave. s t r e s s
Strain R a t i o of a r e a s
Pressure Fract. at max.load Ave.final Corr. F i n a l flow
log A.Ik Remarks
Specimen psi or not psi stress,psi a/R factor stress F,psi in fracture
Navy Gun S t e e l , a s received
5-0-1 Atmos . 1.12 f. 125,000 2lll,000 (0.7ll) 0.86 18!) ,000 0.38
5-0-2 83,000 1.75 f. 126,000 265,000 (1.19) 0.80 213,000 0.25 tudinal
5-0-3 298,000 3.65 f. 136,000 198,000 (1.96) 0.73 lli3,000 0 direction
5-0-5 227,000 2.98 f. 138,000 llll.OOO (1.78) O.7I1 305,000 0.03
5-0-6 Atmos. 1.0k f. 127,000 206,000 (0.70) 0.86 177,000 0.37 Radial
5-0-8 339,000 f. lll3,000 0
5-0-9 152,000
2.38 f. 129,000 —
3lt5,000 (1.53)— —
0.76 —
262,000 0.14
5-0-10 Atmos. 1.03 f. 12l|,000 202,000 (0.69) 0.87 175,000 0.39 Circumfer-
5-0-11 lll2,000 2.1)6 f. 133,000 ll08,000 (1.56) 0.76 311,000 0.16 ential

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5-0-13 325,000 li.35 f. 139,000 582,000 (2.10) 0.72 li!5,000 0 direction
SAE 10ll5 S t e e l +
183,000 305,000
— 0.86
208,000 f. — 575,000 — 1131,000
9-2-6 383,000
3.73 f. — 773,000 — 0-75
0.72 557,000
9-2-18 Atmos. f. — 337,000 — 0.87
9-2-20 130,000
f. l|l6,000 — 0.81
9-2-22 173,000
2.11 f. — 570,000 — 0.77 Wo,000
9-2-23 39>l,000 3.95 f. — —
9-2-21) 60,000 1.28 f. 38!i,000 0.82 317,000
9-2-26 273,000 2.76 f. — 680,000 — 507,000
l l l | , 0 0— — 0.75
9-3-1 Atmos. f. 0 21.ll ,000 0.86 181) ,000
2.78 f. 3ll0,000 — 0.7I1 253,000
9-3-6 269,000 3.87 f. — —
9-3-7 lil5,000 f. l(7l+,000 0.76 358,000
1.10 f. — 250,000 — 0.8I1 210,000
9-3-10 387,000 I1.61 f. —
9-3-11 Atmos. 0.81 f. 206,000 0.87 180,000
9-ii-l Atmos. f. 105,000 — 189,000 — 0.86 163,000
9-1,-7 18,000
f. 11(9,000 — O.Bli 125,000
2.Ill f. — 313,000 — 0.77 2ll0,000
9-ll-12 Atmos. f. — 189,000 — 0.86 163,000
1.56 f.
— 225,000 — 0.80 180,000
9-I1-1I1 182,000 f. — 396,000 — 0 . 7I1 295,000
9_li_15 389,000
li.8o f. — — _,

Table 1 (continued) gation of the phenomenological development of center burst defects

during hydrostatic extrusion. Central bursts were developed in 1080
SAE 101*5 steel pearlitic steel during a 25-percent reduction in area pass through
9-2 series: Quenched into water from 1575°F; drawn to 0°F
9-3 series: Quenched into salt at 800°F from 1575°F
conical dies having an included angle of 45 deg. The material had been
9-U series: Quenched into salt at 1100°F from 15T5°F previously cold reduced by hydrostatic extrustion. Central bursts were
formed during the second path. The study revealed that central bursts
The data which contain information required for comparison are only

stresses developed in metal being deformed by extrusion is insuffi-

cient. Thus, Latham and Cockroft [4] speculated the conditions in
axisymmetric extrusion by assuming that the slip-line theory can be
applied even though this is appropriate only to plane-strain condi-
tions. Also, it was assumed that lubrication during cold extrusion is
sufficiently good for the calculations to be based on zero friction.
Based on the tensile plastic work density, they determined a damage
factor for a range of extrusion conditions for several metals. Avitzur
[11], [12] investigated theoretically center bursting in extrusion, using
the upper-bound approach. Because the fracture condition was not
incorporated in the approach, some objections may be raised regarding
the validity of the results. However, the study led to defining the range
of successful extrusions in terms of die angle, friction conditions, and
the reduction.
Hoffmanner [13] also performed slip-line analysis for extrusion and
compared with visioplasticity results for axisymmetric extrusion. He
found that the calculated maximum center line principal stresses were
in good agreement with visioplasticity results when the plane strain
and axisymmetric results were compared on the basis of equal
cross-sections. Combining the slip-line analysis for deformation and
the fracture criterion proposed by Cockroft and Latham [5], Hoff-
manner examined workability in extrusion. In Pig. 8, the three para-
bolic curves represent the tensile strain energy in the process as a
function of the reduction ratio for three die angles. Whenever the
process-required energy exceeds the energy available for successful
deformation of the material, center burst should be observed. The
extrusion observations are superimposed on these curves and dem-
onstrate the near-perfect agreement between practice and predic- yv 2d (
Fig. 7 Comparison between the fracture criterion given by equation (16)
A. Experimental data. Pepe [14] conducted a detailed investi- and Bridgman's fracture data

40 / VOL 101, FEBRUARY 1979 Transactions of the ASME

3RD°© Table 2
RED Gauge
section Initial Pinal
INDICATES CENTERBURST Specimen diameter a/B a/R Fracture
z number (inch) ratio ratio strain Bemarks
TNLH1 0.250 0 0.29>( 0.382 L o n g i t u d i n a l specimen
TBLH2 0.250 0 0.3U2 0.35 1 ! L o n g i t u d i n a l specimen
it: TNTH1 0.250 0 0 0.0.1(6 Transverse specimen
z TNTH2 0.250 0 0 0.156 Transverse specimen

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Table 3
s Initial
height/diameter Fracture
Specimen no. Initial Final ratio strain Remarks

UMN-](upset) 0.50 1.61 1.1U5 0.265

U][N-2(upset) 0.50 2.2k Teflon l u b . ,
1.5 2.0 2.5
- - sheared over
UHN-3(upset) 0.50 1.58 l.lli5 0.281

Fig. 8 Workability criteria for center burst based on a maximum tensile

stress-strain energy criterion [13]

Table 4

Specimen n o . R d i e angle Remarks
develop from regions of structural damage and grow to completion o/Rf
by a two-stage fracture process. HW-101A 1.21)5 90° Unlubricated, b i l l e t stuck
Zimmerman et. al., [15] tested the occurrence of center bursting IIN-101B 1.326 90° Centerburst
HN-101C 1.2)l9 • 90° Centerburst
using 1024 steel. Hot-rolled 1024 steel bars were drawn and then ex- HN-1(51 1.157 90° Centerburst
truded in three steps. The final extrusion step was utilized to examine, HN-il 52 2.328 90°
through a variety of die semi-angles, whether central bursting was HN-990 1.988 90° Centerburst
produced or not. They found that among 4000 (1000 shafts from each HN-999 1.089 90°
HN-90B 2.132 90°
of the four heats) shafts, center bursting was detected in about 45
shafts from one of the heats.
The above observations of center bursting in extrusion, as some
other experimental studies show, were all made in material which has
been predeformed. Although the present theoretical method is ap- were lubricated prior to extrusion and load-time curves were recorded
plicable to the determination of stress and strain distributions in on an oscillograph during deformation. The billets were machined
extrusion for the material which has distributed strength and is ca- with one end contoured to match the die and approximately 0.005 inch
pable of following the previous deformation history, the experimental under the container diameter. A surface finish in the 20 to 30 mi-
observation of center bursting during a single pass of deformation has croinch rms range was specified. Initial billet diameters of 1.780,1.412,
been sought because the process condition in the computation can and 0.812 were used. The two larger diameters were used in extrusion
then be specified more faithfully according to the experimental pro- through 90 deg dies to study single- and multiple-pass extrusion and
cedure. In the present investigation, experiments reported by Hoff- the 0.812 diameter billets were used in single-pass reductions through
manner [13] were used for examining the validity of the workability all three die angles.
theory. Results. Tension test results are shown in Table 2, compression
Hoffmanner observed center bursting in a single-step extrusion for test results are shown in Table 3 and extrusion results are shown in
aluminum alloy 2024-T351 at room temperature. The experimental Table 4.
conditions and the results were as follows: B. Computation, results, and discussion. Using the matrix
1. Material: The specimens were obtained from a 3-inch diameter method, the extrusion process was analyzed for the material, Al alloy
of aluminum alloy 2024 in as-received T351 condition. 2024-T351, and the detailed mechanics were presented in Part 1 of
2. Tensile test: Testing was performed at room temperature on this report. The process conditions were: semi-cone angle a = 45 deg,
an Instron testing machine at a nominal strain rate of 0.1 in/in/min. area reduction Rt/Ro = 1.25, 1.6, 1.8, and 2.0 for the two friction
Measuremnts of extension were performed continuously until fracture conditions, f = 0 and 0.4 YQ. The critical site for occurrence of center
with an extensometer exhibiting a strain sensitivity of at least 0.0005 bursting is along the axis of extrusion. The stress and strain states
in/in. Measurements of the minimum cross-sectional radius (a) and along the axis of extrusion resulted from the computation described
neck radius of curvature {R) were performed in two directions at 90 in Part 1. Because the strain system along the axis of extrusion is
deg to each other either continuously by photographing the specimen identical to that in uniaxial tension, the quantities necessary for
or discontinuously by removing the specimen from the test fixtures workability are
and performing these measurements on an optical comparator.
3. Compression test: Compression testing was investigated by
using simple upsetting of cylinders. For strain measurements, an or-
J 0
(Fi + l)de from equation (15) for one criterion

thogonal array of Vickers diamond pyramid impressions was accu- and

rately placed at 0.050-inch separations about the exact center of the
specimens along subsequent directions of principal normal stress.
These directions corresponded to the direction of loading and the
direction normal to it through the center of the specimen. Eight im-
s: (F2 + l)de from equation (16) for another.

These quantities are plotted as functions of area reduction in Pigs.

pressions were placed in each of the two directions. 9 and 10. From the figures, some conclusions immediately follow. The
4. Extrusion: Extrusion was performed at a ram speed of 12 in/ two quantities are almost identical, with a factor of 2. The magnitudes
min with dies of (60 deg), 90 deg, and (120 deg) included angles with decreased greatly when work-hardening of materials was included.
anhydrous lanolin as a lubricant. Both the billets and the container The magnitudes decreased further with friction at the die-workpiece

Journal of Engineering for Industry FEBRUARY 1979, VOL 101 / 41


0.4 -

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0.2 -
2.0 2.4 ' °

Fig. 9 Variations of J"J ( F , 4- 1) tfe as a function of area reduction in extru-

sion. Materials: non-work-hardening and Al alloy 2024-T351

interface. Note that the curve for non-work-hardening materials in

Fig. 10 is in good agreement, with the Hoffmanner result given in Fig. Ri/Ro
8 for 90 deg included angle. This is somewhat surprising because the Fig. 11 Variations of Jo (F2 + 1) de as a function of area reduction in
drawing. Material: SAE 1144 cold-drawn steel
curve by Hoffmanner was obtained by approximations based on the
slip-line analysis.
The critical values of these quantities (K in equation (15) and C
in equation (16)) above which fracturing is predicted can be obtained
from the fracture data in tension or compression tests. Hoffmanner the fracture strains is not yet understood. Second, the observations
estimated C =* 0.3 (K = 2C) from the tension test results. On the other of center bursting in Table 4 revealed, as Hoffmanner reported, that
hand, another estimate of C ~ 0.08 was obtained from the compres- it always occurred by complete separation. In spite of the fact that
sion test results. If we apply the critical value of C = 0.3 to the results the fracture surfaces always possessed the centrally located conical
in Fig. 10, fracturing should not occur in all the reductions. If we as- cavity typical of the center burst, whether fracturing initiated at the
sume C = 0.08 to be a critical value, then center bursting would be center is in doubt.
observed over the range 1.08 < Ri/Ro < 1.86 with frictionless die and
1.16 < Ri/Ro < 1.60 with friction / = 0.4 Y0. IV. W o r k a b i l i t y i n D r a w i n g
Although the prediction of workability with a critical value, C = To determine workability in drawing, the same approach as that
0.08, appears to be in good agreement with the experimental results for extrusion was applied. The process mechanics were analyzed by
in Table 4, the proof of the validity of the fracture criteria is not the matrix method and the stress and strain distributions along the
conclusive. First, it is not certain which of the critical values, C (or K), axis of drawing were computed for various reductions of area. The
is proper to use for workability predictions. Evidently, the fracture tension and compression tests were performed to obtain the stress and
behavior is not homogeneous. This is due to the complex micro- strain property of the material and to determine the critical value for
structure of the materia] and the role of microstrucutre in determining fracturing. Combining these data, the workability in drawing was
predicted. The drawing experiments were conducted at room tem-
perature to examine the predictions. The material was SAE 1144
cold-drawn steel. The stress-strain property of the material is given
in Part 1.
A. Process mechanics. The process conditions were: semi-die
angle a = 8 deg; area reduction Ri/Ro = 1.05,1.10,1.2,1.3; and friction
f = 0,0.25 Yo- The stress and strain distributions were obtained and
the significant quantities for fracturing were determined for each area
Because the two fracture criteria discussed in the previous sections
/ \ NON WORK HARDENING resulted in almost identical predictions of fracture conditions, only
\ ((=0)
the quantities (normalized energy density) defined by So (F2 + l)de
was shown as a function of the area reduction in Fig. 11. In calculating
the energy density, the stress components were determined by cor-
recting the hydrostatic part of the stress components from the total
energy balance. It is seen in Fig. 11 that the energy densities for the
critical path along the axis of drawing increased monotonically with
increasing area reduction. They were larger for larger die-workpiece
interface friction. This is contrary to the extrusion results shown in
Figs. 9 and 10. To determine workability, this energy density level
must be compared with the critical value C for fracturing, estimated
from the fracture data in tension and compression tests.
8 2.0 B. Tension and compression tests. Tension specimens were
Fig. 10 Variations of J'J (F 2 + 1) cfe as a function of area reduction in ex- machined longitudinally from a 12.7 mm (0.5-in) diameter bar.
trusion. Materials: non-work-hardening and Al alloy 2024-T351 Testing was performed on a Instron machine with a plate speed of

42 / VOL 101, FEBRUARY 1979 Transactions of the ASME

Table 5 Experimental conditions and results
-2R: Ave.drawing
'Ill' 'i Speci-
(Outlet (Inlet (Reduc. pressure Center
diam.) diam.) ratio)
2R«, mm 2R., mm
i VR0 Lubrication bursting

li 9.86 12.32 1.25 White lead 0.907

in oil
8 9.86 11.81 1.198 0.713
5 10.66 12.32 1.156 0.691
•COMPUTED 16 10.66 11.81 1.108 0.361 No
1 11.1)6 12.32 1.075 0.1)35
LUBRICATED \ 9 11.1)6 11.81 1.031 0.1)28
21 11.1)6 12.70 1.109 Dry 0.661)

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7 9.86 i 11.81 1.198 Dry 0.997

and results are summarized in Table 5. In Fig. 12 the experimental

and theoretical average drawing stresses were plotted as functions
of the reduction ratio Ri/Ro. Theoretical curves were for frictionless
dies (/ = 0) and for the frictional stress/ = 0.25yo. The experimental
values with and without lubrication fell between these two theoretical
curves. The drawing limit due to the present experimental scheme
is also shown in Fig. 12. Under the lubricated condition, drawing over
the reduction range of Ri/Ro = 1.031 ~ 1.25 produced no center
bursting. This suggests that the use of the critical value C(C), estimated
from the compression fracture data for workability prediction, was
not appropriate. With regard to the critical value of C((> = 0.271, it
was found that the drawing limit set by the present experimental
scheme was very close to the critical value C(o, as shown in Fig. 11.
In fact, drawing was not possible for three cases of drawing under the
dry condition. As a result, it was not possible to determine the ap-
Fig. 12 Computed and experimental average drawing stress as function of
plicability of C(t) as a fracture criterion to the occurrence of center
area reduction
bursting in bar drawing.

V. Summary and Discussion

0.008 mm/s (0.02 in/min). The load-displacement curve was recorded For workability in metalworking processes, formulation of a ductile
and the instantaneous neck radii, as well as neck diameter, was fracture criterion must be simple (or in the form of easy applicability)
measured until fracture. The critical energy density was estimated and yet reflect physical mechanisms of fracture so that the predicted
from the tension test as C(t) = 0.271. The Bridgman analysis was used fracture behavior is close to the one of real materials within reasonable
for an approximate stress analysis during neck formation. accuracy. With a two-size voids model a modified interpretation to
Compression specimens were machined from the same bar of 12.7 the McClintock formulation of fracture strains was given. It was
mm (0.5-in) diameter. The height and the diameter of the specimens shown then that this formulation and the one by Cockroft and Latham
were 12.7 mm (0.50 in) and 12.45 mm (0.49 in), respectively. The grid resulted in almost identical fracture strains for occurrence of free-
lines were printed on the cylindrical surface of the specimens, and the surface cracks and for fracturing in uniaxial tension. It was demon-
strains at fracture were determined from the grid distortion of the strated further that these formulations predicted reasonably well the
deformed specimens. The critical value C was estimated from the experimentally observed fracture strains. In examining the validity
fracture strains according to equation (14) and was given by C(c) = of the prediction by experiments, the stress-strain histories at a critical
0.093. It is to be noted that the fracture behavior is different in tension site were determined by using the continuous experimental obser-
and in compression. vations on distortion in the case of surface cracks and by the Bridgman
C. Workability. The energy density in drawing shown in Fig. 11 analysis combined with experimental measurements of load and neck
is compared with the critical value for fracturing in order to predict geometry in the case of uniaxial tension. In applying the criteria to
workability of SAE 1144 steel in drawing. It is seen again that the occurrence of center bursting in axisymmetric extrusion and drawing,
prediction is drastically different depending upon which critical value the determination of stress and strain paths at a critical site was
of tension and compression is applied. With the critical value of 0.09 provided theoretically by the matrix method of analysis. The critical
which was estimated from the compression tests, center bursting value of the material's capability against fracturing was obtained by
would occur in all drawing with the area reduction larger than Ri/Ro tension and compression experiments. Workability in extrusion was
= 1.03, with very little effect of die-workpiece interface. On the other examined for aluminum alloy 2024-T351 using the data found in the
hand, if C(t) is taken as the critical value, the prediction is that for literature and the experiments of workability in drawing was at-
frictionless dies no center burst would occur up to Ri/Ro = 1.36, and tempted for SAE 1144 cold-drawn steel to test the predictions. The
that this limiting value decreases with increasing die friction; for ex- results of validation were inconclusive. This is attributed to the fact
ample, for friction / = 0.25 Y0, center burst would not be observed for that the fracture behavior has directionality as evidenced from the
Ri/Ro less than 1.16. tension and compression fracture data. Furthermore, most of the
previous investigations on center bursting in extrusion and drawing
In order to examine the workability predictions, bar drawing ex-
have reported observations of center bursting in pre-deformed ma-
periments were performed with 0.02 mm/s (0.05 in/min) speed. The
terials. Although Al alloy 2024-T351 was reported to have produced
bar specimen configuration is shown in Fig. 12. A threaded grip was
center bursting in a single extrusion path at room temperature, it
used for drawing. This scheme, however, sets the drawing limit ac-
occurred always ,by complete separation. With regard to bar drawing
cording to the maximum drawing force which can be sustained by the
of SAE 1144 steel, the drawing limit energy density level, thereby
threaded part of the specimen. Commercially available carbide
making it extremely difficult to perform drawing near the critical
drawing dies with 8 deg semi-included die angle were used. The
boundary of the sound and defect zones.
steady-state drawing force was measured, and the occurrence of center
bursting was checked with drawn bars. The experimental conditions In spite of inconclusive results of workability, the present investi-

Journal of Engineering for Industry FEBRUARY 1979, VOL 101 / 43

gation revealed several significant findings. In extrusion, the energy Hole Growth in Shear Band," Int. J. of Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 2, 1966, p.
density level critical for center bursting was less for work-hardening 614.
4 Latham, D. J., and Cockroft, M. G., "The Effect of Stress System on the
materials when compared with that for a non-work-hardening ma-
Workability of Metals," National Engineering Laboratory, Report No. 216, Feb.
terial. This energy density level is reduced with increasing friction 1966.
at the die workpiece interface. It increases first with increasing area 5 Cockroft, M. G., and Latham, D. J.," A Simple Criterion of Fracture for
reduction and then decreases indicating a maximum as a function of Ductile Metals," National Engineering Laboratory, Report No. 240, July
area reduction. In drawing, the energy density level monotonically 1966.
6 Kudo, H., and Aoi, K., "Effect of Compression Test Condition upon
increases with the area reduction, and increases, as opposed to that Fracturing of a Medium Carbon Steel—Study on Cold Forgeability Test, Part
in extrusion, with increasing interface friction. II," J. Japan Soc. for Tech. of Plasticity, Vol. 8,1967, pp. 17-27.

Downloaded from https://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/manufacturingscience/article-pdf/101/1/36/5520173/36_1.pdf by Indian Institute Of Technology- New Delhi user on 03 December 2019
Although conclusive validity of the present workability theory in 7 Kobayashi, S., "Deformation Characteristics and Ductile Fracture of
1040 Steel in Simple Upsetting of Solid Cylinders and Rings," ASME, JOUR-
extrusion and drawing awaits more extensive and systematic exper-
NAL OF ENGINEERING FOR INDUSTRY, Vol. 92,1970, pp. 391-399.
imental investigations, as well as theoretical calculations, the method 8 Kobayashi, S., Lee, C. H., and Oh, S. I., "Workability Theory of Materials
of computation is available and the approach has been cleared toward in Deformation Processes," USAF Technical Report AFML-TR-73-192, May
complete understanding of ductile fracture in metalworking pro- 1973.
cesses. 9 Lee, P. W., and Kuhn, H. A., "Fracture in Metal-working Processes,"
Technical Report to American Iron and Steel Institute, April 1972.
10 Bridgman, P. W., Studies in Large Plastic Flow and Fracture, Harvard
University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1964, pp. 51-57.
11 Avitzur, B., "Analysis of Central Bursting Defects in Extrusion and Wire
The authors wish to thank the Air Force Materials Laboratory, Drawing," ASME, JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR INDUSTRY, Vol.
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, for its contract F33615-75- 90,1968, pp. 79-91.
5151, under which present investigation was possible. They also wish 12 Zimmerman, Z., and Avitzur, B., "Analysis of the Effect of Strain
Hardening on Central Bursting Defects in Drawing and Extrusion," ASME,
to thank Mrs. Carol Chiang for preparing the manuscript.
13 Hoffmanner, A. L., "Workability Testing Techniques," Technical Report
References AFML-TR-69-174, June 1969.
1 Shah, S. N., Oh, S. I., and Kobayashi, S., "Theories on Flow and Fracture 14 Pepe, J. J., "Central Burst Formation During Hydrostatic Extrusion,"
in Metalworking Process," USAF Technical Report AFML-TR-76-1, May Metals Engineering Quarterly, Feb. 1976, pp. 46-58.
1976. 15 Zimerman, Z., Darlington, H., and Kottcamp, Jr., E. H., "Selection of
2 McClintock, F. A., "A Criterion for Ductile Fracture by the Growth of Operating Parameters to Prevent Central Bursting Defects During Cold Ex-
Holes," ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 1968, p. 363. trusion," Metal Forming Interrelation Between Theory and Practice, edited
3 McClintock, F. A., Kaplan, S. M., and Berg, C. A., "Ductile Fracture by by A. L. Hoffmanner, 1970, pp. 47-62.

44 / VOL 101, FEBRUARY 1979 Transactions of the ASME

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