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Name: Jules Broz L.

Malagum School: Samal National High School

Grade and Section: 8 – Mendel Date: March 21, 2017

I learned in Science that Matter is anything which occupies space and has
mass. There is 6 Properties of Matter: 1) hardness 2) texture 3) color 4) flexibility
5) malleability 6) electrical conductivity. The Ancient Greek Philosophers who
proposed ideas about Matter are Democritus, Leucippus and Aristotle. John
Dalton presented concrete evidences that all the matter is made of very small
particle called atom. There are four states or phases of matter: Solid, Liquid, Gas
and Plasma. There are three types of Subatomic particles in Atom: Proton,
Electron and Neutron. Proton is positively charge particle, Electrons is negatively
charge particle and Neutron is neutral and it does not carry any charge.

In the Module about Elements, I learned that there are 118 elements in
Modern Periodic Table of Elements. In Development of the Periodic Table, there
are 5 scientist develop our periodic table: 1) Johann Dobereiner (German chemist
formed triad of elements) 2) John Newlands (English chemist proposed the Law of
Octave) 3) Lothar Meyer (both came up with periodic tables that showed how
elements should be grouped) 4) Dmitri Mendeleev (interesting to note that these
two scientists did not personally know each other but they came up with the
same conclusion) and 5) Henry Moseley (English physicist observed that the
order of the x – ray frequencies emitted by elements).

In Module about digestion, I figure out that there are enzymes present in
our digestive system to help the food easily digest like amylase is responsible for
converting carbohydrates into simple sugar, protease convert protein into amino
acids and lipase convert fats and lipids into fatty acid and glycerol. Peristalsis is
the contracting muscles in your esophagus to pull down the food easily. There are
common diseases affect the health of our Digestive System like Obesity (caused
by excess food intake), Anemia (caused by inadequate intake of iron) and
Impaired Sight (not enough intake of Vitamin A deficiency.)

In Module about Daily Serving, I learned that Water comprises 55 to 60

percent in our body and we needed 8 glasses of water a day. Fruits and
Vegetables comprise one half of the food plate. Fiber is a carbohydrate portion of
a plant that the body cannot digest and absorb.
Name: Jules Broz L. Malagum School: Samal National High School

Grade and Section: 8 – Mendel Date: March 21, 2017

I learned in Science that Genetics is the study of heredity and variations.

Gregor Mendel is the father of heredity. There are 46 chromosomes in the Homo
sapiens (man). The 23rd pair of male chromosomes is XY while XX is the 23rd pair of
female chromosomes. There are two Stages of the cell cycle: 1.) Interphase –
where the chromosomes are long and extended are referred to as chromatin. 2)
Cell division phase – where the chromosome become condensed or thickened.
The Interphase is divided into three sub stages: G1 or first gap period, S or
synthesis stage and G2 or second gap period. In Cell Division, there are 2 types of
Cell division: the Mitosis (responsible in growth and development) and the
Meiosis (responsible in offspring production). There are 4 stages of Mitosis: PMAT
– stands for Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase. Gametes are sex
cells. Sperm cells produce in the testes of male animals while Egg cells contain a
lot of stored food which is used by the growing embryo at the start of its

I learned in Science 8 that there are three levels of Biodiversity: Species

diversity – refers to the different kinds of organisms, Genetic diversity – genetic
information that organisms contain and Ecosystem diversity – different kind of
places where organisms live and the interconnections that bind these organisms
together. There are eight categories of organisms: 1) Domain 2) Kingdom 3)
Phylum 4) Class 5) Order 6) Family 7) Genus and 8) Species. There are 6 Kingdom
Classification: 1) Archaebacteria 2) Eubacteria 3) Protist 4) Fungi 5) Plant and 6)

In Archaebacteria, there are 3 examples: Methanogens (survive in place

that has no oxygen and produce methane gas), Halophiles (salty environment)
and Thermophiles (live in places with high temperature). Examples of
Methanogens are Methanobacterium ruminatum (from cow’s stomach
undergoing division and Metanospirillum hungatei from waste treatment ponds.
Examples of Halophiles are Halococcus dombrowski and Halobacterium salinarum.
Examples of Thermophiles are Pyrodictium occultum and Pyrococcus furiosus.

I learned in the Kingdom Protist that there are 3 classification of Protist as

term of method in obtaining energy: 1) Phototrophs – can produce their own
food, 2) Heterotrophs – feed on other organisms and 3) Sporozoans – are
nonmotile and form spores.

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