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JUMURIN,Chaudhri Ameer T.


Man is a body because man is comprised of a physical entity, one
that is composed of a tangible, visible, palpable, and recognizable part of the
human entity which can be perceived by the senses. This body is essential to the
human experience. Without the complete entirety of our physical bodies, we
would never be able achieve and perceive life in its most excellent state and
condition. We would never be able to fully understand and have a clear grasp of
what is transpiring around our surroundings. And we can never be able to
integrate ourselves in to the society fully for the full integration of one’s self into
the social structure of our world requires the multi-faceted and multi-dimensional
levels of interaction wherein a fully-functional body is considered to be a

Our bodies are considered to be the greatest machines to ever exist.

They carry out biological processes continuously, 24 hours, 7 days a week until
our last breath; they perform functions which make life so much easier for us to
battle; and its sole purpose is to serve us and all our needs. But for our bodies to
actually serve us well, we must also make sure that they are in their most
excellent shape and condition by feeding it nutritious food, exercising, avoiding
harmful vices, and practicing proper hygiene. If our bodies are in top shape and
condition, surely, we can become the best students, professionals, and members
of the society as we can perform sharply mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Lastly, our bodies our not meant to last eternally, for at one point in
time we all shall experience death. During our time of death, our bodies would
cease to its most basic form – as a matter, an atom, an energy which would be
released back to the atmosphere. Our bodies would decompose. But does it
mean the end of the human existence? Continue reading on to the second
installment of this three-part series of reflection philosophical reflection papers.
JUMURIN,Chaudhri Ameer T.


Man is a soul because the human person is composed of

metaphysical aspects in which are invisible, intangible, impalpable, and
unperceivable to the human senses. This metaphysical aspect is what gives
meaning to the human experiences which we our senses perceive. This
metaphysical aspect comprises our abstract concepts such as our being,
knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space. Without this “soul”, we
would never be able process the various aspects of life in its most astonishing
form. We would never be able to fully comprehend what is occurring in our lives
and the lives of the people around us. And we can never be able to incorporate
ourselves in to the society fully for the full incorporation of one’s self into the
societal pyramids in our world today requires the multi-faceted and multi-
dimensional levels of interaction wherein a fully-functional metaphysical aspect of
our human existence is considered to be integral.

Our metaphysical aspect may be considered to be the most

bewildering and most intriguing entity to be in existence. This is the reason
behind our intelligence, our wisdom, and our intellect. Our metaphysical
composition our “souls” transcends the various circumstances in which are
beyond our physical capabilities. It gives us the power to imagine, conceive,
perceive, understand, comprehend, process to information, accumulate
knowledge and be ideal, realistic, morally upright, and choose whichever
principles are applicable for us. It is due to our “souls” that we accomplish things
which first seemed impossible, it is due to our “souls” that we become positive
human beings, and still it is due to our “souls” on how do we manage and deal
with the negativity which affects our existence. It is due to our “souls” that we
become invincible, impenetrable, impregnable, and indomitable. To keep our
“souls” vibrant and full of life, we must always contemplate – open our eyes to
the unseen, consider the possibilities, and find our inner peace.

Remember, our “souls” are transcendental, unlike our physical

bodies which are mere mortals, our metaphysical entity are immortal. What lies
beyond human consciousness is a mere mystery for us to unravel, but what is
sure is that our souls will traverse the time and space beyond our known time
and space at the present for it is far more supreme than its physical counterpart.
JUMURIN,Chaudhri Ameer T.


Man is a soul because the human person is not made up of separate

entities; rather it is a union of the two previous entities discussed which comprise
the human existence. The two entities referred to here – the physical body, and
its metaphysical counterpart – fuse to make one very special being, one that is
way more advanced and is considered to be the highest form of living creation in
the known Universe. This very special fusion is the reason why our experience
as human beings is complete, holistic, and full.

Man is a body and soul because we cannot exist without one of the
two compositions mentioned. This means that there is a need to balance our
physical and metaphysical sides. To be physical is to give in to our body’s needs,
desires, and wants and to be soulful is to give time to find balance in our outer
and inner world. Truly, man cannot be a functional being if one of the two
compositions of his existence is in distress, thus, we must always take care of
our body and soul.

Lastly, understanding our existence becomes easier when we finally

come to accept we are not just a single entity. We are a sum of two
interconnected and interrelated parts. We are the product of a fusion. It will only
be at this point of realization when we already fully understand our potentials as
the most advanced living creation in this planet. Therefore, we must always strive
to find our much needed balance.

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