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Guiding Reflection Paper Questions:

1. Looking back over your previous reflections, do you see any themes or patterns emerge

on your approach to learning with technology? What stands out to you? Were you

surprised by any of your observations on your own learning experiences?

When learning with technology, I personally like the ideas of all the project in the class.

Everything was new to me except some information about the past technology.

2. Taking into consideration all of your experiences in this course (including all the

assignments) what were some of the problems or challenges you encountered, and how

did you solve them or work to get past them? How has your strategy for dealing with

challenges changed over the course of this class (or has it)?

Some problems I encountered are technology issues and being to try new thing that I

initially don’t want to do. Also, I do not like recording myself in an audio or video so when I

did the podcast assignment, I struggled on recording. I redo the audio recording many

times before submitting. However, I noticed that I need to overcome my fear on public

speaking and that by recording myself, I will be able to improve and get through it.
3. Compare the way you thought about learning with technology before the beginning of

this class, and now, what has changed? Why do you think it changed?

Initially, I do not like working with technology stuff, so I was not excited to be in EDT 180.

However, as the projects begins, I find it interesting to do all because it was very new to me.

Technology change over the course of years so it is a good thing to learn about the past. I do

not like doing something with technology but I like learning about them so it was a good

experience to know how and when these changes occurs.

4. If you take an assignment from the beginning of the class, and one from the end,

compare and contrast how you approached those assignments. What changes can you

see in how you approached the work?

In the beginning of the class assignment, I was confused, and it was hard to grasp the lesson

I learned in class. Also, I was not interested in really doing all the assignments, so I

procrastinate most of the time. But at the last assignment, my friend and I work hard on the

project and was fully focused. I think that giving all our effort make whatever we are doing

more quality and that even the person doing it will appreciate their own work.
5. What's the one thing that you have seen in your classmates' work or process that you

would like to try in

your next project?

One thing that I have seen in my classmates’ work that I would like to try in my next project

is storytelling. I think it is interesting to tell a story about someone when doing our

philosophy of education. When reading the story, the reader get excited to see the next part

of the story so I would like to grip a reader attention.

6. Thinking about any of your module projects if you could go back and change something

what would you change if you had a chance to do this assignment over again?

The module project that I would change if I could go back is the podcast project. I was not

prepared as I should be. I believe I should focus more on writing the speech rather than any

other thing because I realized by the time I recorded, the writing was short for the required


7. What's one goal you would like to set for yourself for your next semester / class?

One goal I would like to set for myself for my semester is to be prepared and start doing project

or homework early. I believe that starting early to do something result in a better outcome.

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