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1. Детально описать функцию “Заявление на командировку”.

2. Описать логическую взаимосвязь сущностей в разрабатываемой системе.
3. Сделать прототип( wireframe) части системы, которая позволяет подать заявку на

Ключевые Бизнес требования от заказчика:

BR_1 Система должна позволять:
 оформить служебную поездку;
 согласовать служебную поездку;
 подготовить отчёт по ее результатам;
 оформить финансовые документы.
BR_2 Сотрудники в систему не добавляются, данные о них берутся из 1С;
BR_3 Система должна разделять Индивидуальные служебные командировки и Групповые
служебные командировки;
BR_4 Система должна нотифицировать руководителя о поступлении заявок;
BR_5 Система должна учитывать тот факт, что сотрудники часто меняют должности и
переводятся из отдела в отдел.

I have decided to use English language for completion of this task. So that all further description
will be in English.
Application Name is Business Trip Assistant (BT Assist). It is web-based application which has
integration with corporate 1C application. whose main purpose is to help managing business trips
(submit request, approve request, build report and prepare doc for payroll).
Business Trip Request Feature.
The following assumption has been made:
AS_1 Business Trip Request should be applied by employee themself. Due to the Business
Requirement (BR_2) employees can not be added to BT Assist app so that there is a way to apply
the request using 1C account.
An Employee can use 1C Account to sign in to third-party BT Assist, using individual 1C
username and password. Thus, all Data (employee’s information) that is needed to finalize the
request and prepare all documents is going to pull over from 1C database.
AS_2 Due to Business Requirement (BR_3) there are two types of Request the first one single
request that can be applied by Employee themsels and Group Event Request that can be applied
by Department Manager;

The following scheme presents Business Trip request flow:

1) An Employee can log in to BT Assist, using individual 1C username and password. At this stage the following personal
information is pulled over from 1C:
i. First/Last Name;
ii. Employee’s ID;
iii. Department;
iv. Position/Title;
v. Department Manager;
vi. Office Address;
vii. Phone/Email;
viii. Passport Details;
ix. International Visa Details;
x. Travel Manager;
xi. Credit Card Details;
2) The system checks whether the user can create “Single request” or “Group Event Request” or both and offers respective options;
Let’s consider Single Request and Positive Flow (Request Approved, visa valid)
3) The employee can create single Request. The user can enter all information regarding Business Trip to the system:
i. Request Name;
ii. Request Purpose;
iii. Project Name;
iv. Request Start/End Date;
v. Cash Advanced Required;
vi. Main Destination City;
vii. Comments (where employee can specify travel preferences);
4) The employee can submit the Request.
5) The request is sent to Department Manager for approve to their 1C Mail, to their work Email and as To Do item in BT Assist;
6) The Department Manager logs in to the BT Assist and reviews the Request and makes the decision to Approve;
7) The Approval is sent to Employee’s and Travel Manager work Email and in Notification in BT Assist;
8) Travel Manager reviews the Employees approved request, checks Visa Expiration Date and employee’s travel preferences;
9) Travel Manager prepares all needed documents: hotel bookings, ticket purchasing.
10) Travel Manager can send all prepared travel documents to the Employee;
11) Travel Manager can forward the approved request to Accounting Officer;
12) The Accounting Officer prepares payroll for travelling allowance;
13) The money transfers into Employee's card


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