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A. Escribe las frases en afirmativo, negativo, o pregunta según corresponda.

She / live / New York ()
She lives in New York.
They / speak / English ()
They don’t speak English.
We / go / to school / every day (?) VERBS
Do we go to school every day?
live = vivir
1. I / go / to school / every day () speak = hablar/decir
go = ir / salir
2. they / learn / German / at school ()
learn = aprender/conocer
play = jugar / tocar
watch = ver / mirar
3. you / play / the guitar (?) eat = comer
teach = enseñar
like = gustar
4. Charlie / watch / TV / at the weekend () drive = conducir/manejar
work = trabajar
smoke = fumar
5. we / play / rugby / at the school ()
visit = visitar
give = dar/ofrecer
6. they / eat / meat (?) write = escribir
help = ayudar

7. Susie and Ollie / live / in Dublin (?)

8. I / teach / Geography / in a school ()

B. Completa con do or does para realizar preguntas, y do, do’nt, does, or

doesn’t para las respuestas cortas, según corresponda.
1. Does she live with her parents? Yes, she does .
2. Do you like your job? No, I don’t .
3. I speak Italian well? Yes, you .
4. you drive to work? No, I .
5. they work hard at university? Yes, they .
6. Alan smoke? No, he .
7. your sister visit you very often? Yes, she .
8. we usually give her a birthday present? No, we .
9. you write to your parents very often? No, I .
10. he help you very much? Yes, he .

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