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Chapter 1



This research aims to inform Liceo junior high school on how body shaming occur to

someone's life and how they bear it to themselves. Body shaming can also affect someone's

health as some people tend to avoid eating thinking they will loose weight if they don't eat

which lead to illness. Moreover, shaming present itself in the bubble comments within our

heads,media or someone, and some students or even yourself dictates on how bad you look,

commenting on how much you weight.

Body shaming is someone trying to make you feel bad for having a body that

different culture does accent according to their beauty standard. It can affect our lifestyle

as it can also affect our health. Body shaming occurs in our surroundings like social

media, outside the home , school and family.

In this study, it can make you feel ashamed of your body/appearance. People

nowadays look at themselves with perfection, as everyone the saying that goes “nobody’s

perfect”. Body shaming can make you lose confidence and at some point in your life, you

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try to control you weight like avoid eating too much, and sometimes lead to eating


Body shaming can ruin someone’s life. May will be ashamed to go outside became

of the shape of their body. May also lose their confidence because of their looks and they

will have a hard time making friends and socialize with other people.

Body shaming is one of the biggest problems in today’s generation. Society doesn't

just find humor in degrading a woman's body; they also find humor in degrading a man's

body. Body shaming has become a problem for both genders. People take their own

insecurities and aim them at other people to make themselves feel better about their own

body. Body shaming, while common in both genders, is especially harmful to women. We

should not be body shaming. We should be motivating, supporting, and encouraging each

other. Until everyone realizes that, body shaming will continue to be an issue. Body shaming

is an issue that will not be solved unless everyone learns how to accept their own body, and

until magazines quit perpetuating this myth of a perfect body. (hollycallegan, White Castle,


Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

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The study show the independent and dependent variable on what's the feeling

shaming their body among the junior highschool student. According to Vikram lyer, it is rare

to see people rise above self pity, and work hard towards improving their physical/mental

stature. All of this depends on circumstances and the will of the individual to rise like

phoenix. Mostly, He discovered that people give up very easily , because they do not see the

point in improving and also the futility of it all and accept it as their fate. Based on the study

of The University College London , It shows that the body image creation we have for

ourselves comes in a large part, from the parietal cortex.

In 1996 when Donald Trump named Miss Universe contestant Alicia Machado ‘Miss

Piggy’ as she had gained weight after the pageant, the remarks lead her to have a severe

eating disorder. In this study, researchers found that overweight women overate and had less

control over their eating habits when they were fat shame. There is evidence early negative

experiences are a risk factor for BED (Caslini et al., 2016; Jackson et., 2000: Pike et al .,

2006;). Fairburn et al. (1998) found that women with BED revealed greater exposure to

adverse childhood experiences (e.g., Parental, criticism, peer bullying , physical abuse,

critical comments about weight, shape or eating) than women eating disorders or with other

psychiatric disorder.

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Schematic Presentation


Figure 1. Schema Showing the Relationship between the Independent and

Dependent Variable

This shows the relationship between independent and dependent variable that those
criticism affect the students everyday life.

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Statement of the Problem

This study primarily aims to Body shaming among Junior Highschool students.

Moreover, it seek to answer the following questions:

1. Do you experience body shaming? Yes No

1.1 If Yes, what kind of body shaming?

2. In where you received kind of body shaming? Through;

2.1 Social Media

2.2 School

2.3 Mall

2.4 Others;

3. Is it affect your studies? Yes No

4. Is it affect your lifestyle?

5. How do you overcome body shaming?


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The hypothesis for the study was that the groups of victims of body shaming, those

who body shame in school or social media. In order to identify an effective descriptive

statistic for the study, the researcher wanted to analyze student, those who were never victims

of body shaming and those who body shame others to validate the effects of psychological

distress of those who are victims of body shaming. The descriptive statistic further helped

researchers understand the nature of body shaming and the distresses described thereof ,

Statistical technique further helped determine prevention efforts so that academic

achievement and mental/psychological health can be improved.

Significance of the study

The significance of the study is To prevent from body shaming and thus can

contribute to depressed mood . Shame is an especially painful powerful, distressing, and

when internalized also a potentially depressing emotion. Students nowadays are emotionally

imbalance; they tend to be easily affected by the people around them. We are teenagers and

we are still in a process of "metamorphosis". The importance of this study is for us to

understand the collected information on the main reason of why students most especially

teens being body shaming. At the same time we are aiming to know how to stop or lessen

this plague in school and soon in the community .

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

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This study focuses on Junior High School students of Liceo De Cagayan University.

The researchers will conduct a survey whether the respondents are satisfied taking the Junior

Highschool students and the researchers will ask the students about how Body shaming affect

their lifestyle and studies and how they overcome body shaming and where they received

kind of body shaming.

Definition of Terms

Terms here is operationally defined for better understanding of the readers:


Eating disorder - ​ ​Illnesses in which people experience severe disturbances in their

eating behaviors and related thoughts and emotions.​ 

Internalized - ​make (attitudes or behavior) part of one's nature by learning or

unconscious assimilation.

Metamorphosis - ​ ​change of physical form, structure, or substance especially

by ​supernatural​ means.

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Physiological - ​relating to the branch of biology that deals with the normal functions

of living organisms and their parts.

Plague - ​cause continual trouble or distress to.

Shame - ​a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of

wrong or foolish behavior.

Bubble comments - ​ ​It could ​mean​ a person who thinks they are superior to

everyone else that they ignore most people.

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