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Date _________________________
Name ________________________
1. Read and open the breakets to form adjectives. (16 p.)
This is a (reality) ____________ story about the Brooklyn bridge in New York, USA back in 1870.
In 1883, a (creativity) _____________ engineer John Roebling was inspired by an (ambition)
______________ idea tu build an (impress) _____________ bridge connecting New York with the Long Island.
Bridge building experts though that this was an (impossi-bility) ____________ project and told Roebling to forget the
(unreality) ___________ idea.
But the convinced his son Washington, a (talent) ___________ engineer to find a crew and begin to build their
(desire) ____________ bridge.
The (long wait) _________________ project started well, but a few months later a (tragedy) _____________
accident took the life of John Roebling. Washington was also (injure) ___________. He was not able to talk or walk.
Everyone had a (negate) ____________ comment to make and felt that the project should be stopped since the
Roeblings were the only ones who knew how to build the bridge.
As Washington lay on his bed in his hospital room, with the sunlight (shine) _________ through the
windows, a (gently) ___________ breeze blew the white curtains apart and he was able to see the (sun) ___________
sky and the tops of the trees outside for just a moment.
It seemed that there was a message for him not to give up. Suddenly a (despair) ______________ idea hit him.
All he could do was move one finger and he decided to make the best use of it. By moving this, he slowly developed a
code of communication with his wife.
For 13 years Washington tapped out his instructions with his finger on his wife’s arm, until the bridge was
finally completed. Today the spectacular Brooklyn Bridge stands in all its glory as a tribute to the triumph of one
man’s great spirit and his determination not to be beaten by circumstances.

2. Read the text again and state whether the sentences are true (T) or false (F). (4 p.)
a) The Brooklyn Bridge was built about 13 years. T F
b) Everyone believed in the project. T F
c) Washington continued his father’s project. T F
d) His wife decoded his messages and told the crew how to work on the project T F

3. Read the letter to the editor. Find 6 mistakes and correct them. Highlights
mistakes and scripts below. (6p., 6 p.)

Dear editor,
I enjoy reading your paper almost every day, but please don’t add any more sections. These days
information is cheap and easy to get. We have radios, Tvs, computers, faxes, cell fones, e-mail, and the
internet. In addition, there is always postal mail. And let’s not forget about regular phones, and of course,
newspapers. Information is wonderful, but too much information causes problems. People don’t have
enough time to think things through. Most of us get too much mail too many phone calls, too many news
reports. We need time to stop and think. We need less informations, not more.
________________________ ________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________ ________________________

4. Complete the spider-gram with media words. (21 p.)

- Website - text - voting (interactive TV) - chatroom -local - tabloid - cars - popular - game
- newspaper - documentary - show - soap opera - the news - newsletter - reality - sport
- current affairs - fashion - computers - quality newspaper
Magazines about TV programmes Mobile phones
_____________________ ______________________ _____________________
_____________________ ______________________ _____________________
_____________________ ______________________ _____________________
_____________________ ______________________ _____________________
_____________________ ______________________ _____________________
The Internet Newspapers
_____________________ ______________________
_____________________ ______________________
_____________________ ______________________
_____________________ ______________________
_____________________ ______________________

5. Translate the words. (14 p.)

courageous - ______________________ ascultător - _______________________
obedient - ________________________ inamici - ________________________
notoriety - ________________________ seriozitate - ______________________
broadcast - ________________________ tehnologii - ______________________
reliable - _________________________ musafiri - ________________________
science - __________________________ senzaţional - ______________________
strophe - __________________________ echipament - ______________________

6. Comment in 15 lines the quotation: “The world is mine”. (20 p.)


Total points: _______ Mark: _____________

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