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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

21 October 2018 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B


Called to Serve with Selfless Love

oday we observe World Mission Sunday – a day devoted to
prayer and generous solidarity in favor of our brave broth-
ers and sisters who are preaching the Gospel and witness-
ing to Christ’s love in the foreign missions. They are doing this in
response to a special call from the Lord. In their apostolic labor
they have become the “servants of all,” especially of those who
are poor, sick, or neglected in whatever way. That is why their mis-
sion is not only to preach the Gospel, but also to make it come alive
through hospitals, schools, and other forms of help to develop-
ment. For the success of their mission they trust not only in God’s
grace but also in our prayers and generosity.

P –For the times we have not on us. For you alone are the Holy
supported our missionar- One, you alone are the Lord, you
ies in their financial needs, alone are the Most High, Jesus
Christ, have mercy! Christ, with the Holy Spirit,
Entrance Antiphon All –Christ, have mercy! in the glory of God the Father.
(To be recited only when no Entrance Amen!
Hymn is sung.) P –For the times we have not
given witness to the Gos-
To you I call; for you will pel in our lives. Lord, have Collect (Opening Prayer)
surely heed me, O God; turn mercy!
your ear to me; hear my words. P –Almighty ever-living God,
All –Lord, have mercy! grant that we may always con-
Guard me as the apple of your
P –May almighty God have form our will to yours and serve
eye; in the shadow of your
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, your majesty in sincerity of
wings protect me. and bring us to everlasting life. heart.
All – Amen! Through our Lord Jesus
Christ, your Son, who lives and
P –Blessed be Jesus, the mis- Gloria reigns with you in the unity of
sionary of the Father! May his All –Glory to God in the high- the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
grace and peace be with you all! est, and on earth peace to peo- and ever.
All – And with your spirit! ple of good will. We praise you, All – Amen!
we bless you, we adore you, we
Penitential Act glorify you, we give you thanks
P –As we are about to celebrate for your great glory, Lord God,
the Sacred Mysteries let us call heavenly King, O God, almighty
to mind our sins, especially our Father.
lukewarmness in supporting our Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be- 1st Reading Is 53:10-11
missionaries. (Pause) gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of The conclusion of the fourth
P –For the times we have not God, Son of the Father, you take “Song of the Servant” underlines
shown interest in the work away the sins of the world, have the complete freedom of Jesus’
of our missionaries and mercy on us; you take away the self-offering and the twofold fruit
have failed to pray for them, sins of the world, receive our of his sacrificial death. This is all
Lord, have mercy! prayer; you are seated at the right part of God’s plan for the salva-
All –Lord, have mercy! hand of the Father, have mercy tion of all mankind.
R –A proclamation from the priest who has passed through for those for whom it has been
Book of the Prophet Isaiah the heavens, Jesus, the Son of prepared.”
The Lord was pleased to God, let us hold fast to our pro- When the ten heard this,
crush him in infirmity. If he fession of faith. they became indignant at
gives his life as an offering for For we do not have a high James and John.
sin, he shall see his descendants priest who is unable to sym- Jesus summoned the
in a long life, and the will of the pathize with our weaknesses, Twelve and said to them, “You
Lord shall be accomplished but one who has similarly been know that those who are rec-
through him. tested in every way, yet without ognized as rulers over the
Because of his affliction he sin. Gentiles lord it over them, and
shall see the light in fullness of So let us confidently ap- their great ones make their
days. proach the throne of grace to authority over them felt. But
Through his suffering, my receive mercy and to find grace it shall not be so among you.
servant shall justify many, and for timely help. Rather, whoever wishes to be
their guilt he shall bear. The Word of the Lord! great among you will be your
All – Thanks be to God! servant; whoever wishes to
The Word of the Lord! be first among you will be the
All – Thanks be to God! Gospel Acclamation slave of all. For the Son of Man
did not come to be served but
Responsorial Psalm Ps 33 All – Alleluia! Alleluia! to serve and to give his life as a
R –Lord, let your mercy be on The Son of Man came to ransom for many.”
us, as we place our trust in serve and to give his life as
a ransom for many. The Gospel of the Lord!
you! All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
Alleluia! Alleluia!
R. M. Velez
F C/E Dm
Gospel Mk 10:35-45

         
Like most of the Jews of their Homily
time, Jesus’ special disciples,
too, were expecting a conquering Profession of Faith
Lord, let your mercy be on us, (Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
Messiah who would re-estab-
Dm/C Bb C F lish the kingdom of David. This All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
   
 
 caused in them a misunderstand- ther almighty, maker of heaven
ing of the mission of Jesus and and earth, of all things visible
as we place our trust in you! the unpleasant event recorded in and invisible.
today’s Gospel passage. I believe in one Lord Jesus
* Upright is the word of the Christ, the Only Begotten Son
P –The Lord be with you! of God, born of the Father be-
Lord, and all his works are All – And with your spirit!
trustworthy. He loves justice fore all ages. God from God,
P – A proclamation from the Light from Light, true God from
and right; of the kindness of holy Gospel according to
the Lord the earth is full. R. true God, begotten, not made,
Mark consubstantial with the Father;
* See, the eyes of the Lord All – Glory to you, O Lord! through him all things were
are upon those who fear him, James and John, the sons made. For us men and for our
upon those who hope for his of Zebedee, came to Jesus and salvation he came down from
kindness, to deliver them from said to him, “Teacher, we want heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy
death and preserve them in you to do for us whatever we Spirit was incarnate of the Vir-
spite of famine. R. ask of you.” He replied, “What gin Mary, and became man.*
do you wish me to do for you?” For our sake he was crucified
* Our soul waits for the under Pontius Pilate, he suf-
Lord, who is our help and our They answered him, “Grant fered death and was buried, and
shield. May your kindness, O that in your glory we may sit rose again on the third day in
Lord, be upon us who have put one at your right and the oth- accordance with the Scriptures.
our hope in you. R. er at your left.” Jesus said to He ascended into heaven and is
them, “You do not know what seated at the right hand of the
2nd Reading Heb 4:14-16 you are asking. Can you drink Father. He will come again in
Jesus Christ is the only high the cup that I drink or be bap- glory to judge the living and the
priest who has “passed through tized with the baptism with dead and his kingdom will have
the heavens” and yet understands which I am baptized?” They no end.
us perfectly because he is like said to him, “We can!” Jesus I believe in the Holy Spirit,
us in everything, except in sin. said to them, “The cup that I the Lord, the giver of life, who
drink, you will drink, and with proceeds from the Father and
R –A proclamation from the the baptism with which I am the Son, who with the Father
Letter to the Hebrews baptized, you will be baptized; and the Son is adored and glori-
Brothers and sisters: but to sit at my right or at my fied, who has spoken through
Since we have a great high left is not mine to give but is the prophets.

21 October 2018
I believe in one, holy, cath- O Lord, and profess your
olic and apostolic Church. I Resurrection until you
confess one Baptism for the come again!
forgiveness of sins and I look
forward to the resurrection of Preparation of the Gifts
the dead and the life of the world
P –Pray, brethren . . .
to come. Amen!
All – May the Lord accept the
sacrifice at your hands, for the All – Our Father . . .
Prayer of the Faithful praise and glory of his name,
P –As we celebrate World P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
for our good and the good of all All –For the kingdom, the
Mission Sunday, let us turn our his holy Church.
thoughts to all our brothers and power, and the glory are
sisters working in the missions, yours, now and for ever.
Prayer over the Offerings
and express our solidarity with
P –Grant us, Lord, we pray, a Sign of Peace
them through our sincere peti-
tions. Let our response be: sincere respect for your gifts,
that, through the purifying ac- Breaking of the Bread
All –Lord, graciously hear us! tion of your grace, we may be All – Lamb of God . . .
C –For the Catholic Church and cleansed by the very mysteries
its leaders: May they never lose we serve. Communion
sight of their vocation to preach Through Christ our Lord.
All – Amen! P –This is the Lord Jesus, the
the Gospel to all nations. Let us
missionary of the Father, who
pray! R.
Preface I sent the Apostles to preach the
C –For all religious and lay peo- Gospel to all nations. He is the
ple called by the Lord to work in P –The Lord be with you! Lamb of God who takes away
the missions: May they respond All – And with your spirit! the sins of the world. Blessed are
to their vocation with joyful gen- P –Lift up your hearts! those called to his supper.
erosity. Let us pray! R. All –We lift them up to the All –Lord, I am not worthy
C –For all missionaries: May Lord! that you should enter under
the Lord reward their dedication P –Let us give thanks to the my roof, but only say the word
to bring the light of the Gospel Lord our God! and my soul shall be healed.
to all through numerous conver- All – It is right and just!
sions and perseverance in good P –It is truly right and just, our Communion Antiphon
work. Let us pray! R. duty and our salvation, always (To be recited only when no
Communion Hymn is sung.)
C –For all government officials: and everywhere to give you
thanks, Lord, holy Father, al- The Son of Man has come
May they realize that with power
mighty and eternal God, through to give his life as a ransom for
comes the responsibility to serve
Christ our Lord. many.
the people with all honesty, in-
tegrity, and dedication. Let us For through his Paschal Mys-
Prayer after Communion
pray! R. tery, he accomplished the mar-
velous deed, by which he has P –Grant, O Lord, we pray,
C –For our parish: May we that, benefiting from participa-
truly be a caring community freed us from the yoke of sin and
death, summoning us to the glo- tion in heavenly things, we may
that witnesses to the love of God be helped by what you give in
by sharing our faith to others ry of being now called a chosen
race, a royal priesthood, a holy this present age and prepared for
and helping our neighbor. Let us the gifts that are eternal.
pray! R. nation, a people for your own
possession, to proclaim every- Through Christ our Lord.
C –For all of us: May we never where your mighty works, for All – Amen!
aspire for positions of authority you have called us out of dark-
in order to gain prestige, but only ness into your own wonderful
to serve our brothers and sisters light.
in all humility and generosity.
And so, with Angels and
Let us pray! R.
Archangels, with Thrones and P –The Lord be with you.
C – Let us pray in silence for our Dominions, and with all the All –And with your spirit!
personal intentions. (Pause) hosts and Powers of heaven, we
Let us pray! R. sing the hymn of your glory, as P –Bow your heads and pray
without end we acclaim: for God’s blessing. (Pause)
P –Lord God, strengthen with May almighty God make
Your grace our missionaries, All – Holy, holy, holy . . .
console them in their afflictions you ever more aware of the
and make their labors bear fruits preciousness of the Catholic
Memorial Acclamation faith and of your duty to
of salvation for all. We ask this
through Christ our Lord. P –The mystery of faith! support its missionaries.
All –Amen! All –We proclaim your Death, All – Amen!

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

P –May the Lord make you ever ised to those who forsake P –Go in peace and be heralds
more sensitive to the needs everything for the King- of the Gospel in your daily
of the missionaries and gen- dom. lives.
erous in offering them your All –Amen! All –Thanks be to God!
help. P –And may almighty God
All –Amen! bless you: the Father, and
P –May the Lord make you the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
share in the blessings prom- All –Amen!


T here was no doubt that the Twelve were sincere

in their desire to follow Jesus. As Peter once
pointed out, they had “put aside everything to fol-
low him.” (See Mk 10:28.) Yet, for quite a time, they all
had failed to understand that to follow Jesus means
weakest of her members. Just as every Christian is “an-
other Christ,” so is every Christian called to be another
“servant” – servant of God and of all men, especially of
one’s neighbors.
In the measure that the Church as a whole and
to walk the thorny path of self-renunciation and of every individual believer are faithful to their funda-
generous service to all, in imitation of their Teacher. mental vocation to serve in imitation of Christ, they
Christ’s life can be described in several ways. One will be offering the most eloquent witness to their
of the simplest and truest descriptions is “SERVICE.” faith. Their presence and their life will be the most pre-
The whole of his life was a “service.” This word includes cious gift to the world – handog ng mga Kristiyano sa
everything that can be said about him. His teaching mundo.
was a service enlightening the minds and enkindling the The missionary activity of the Church – her effort
hearts of his listeners. His healings were a service to all to bring the Good News of Christ to all peoples – is
those afflicted by the devil’s possession and by physi- one of the most precious services she can render.
cal suffering or handicaps. His self-offering on Calvary Through this service, she enables all human beings to
as a victim of atonement and reconciliation was his know God’s immense love for them and to respond to
highest form of service benefiting all mankind. that love through a life lived according to the teaching
All the Apostles, after some initial difficulties (see and example of Jesus Christ.
first part of today’s Gospel), guided by the Spirit, came
to understand this demanding assignment. They all
served the Gospel and their Lord even unto death, the
martyrs’ death. Paul, the latecomer, made himself “all
things to all men” with a devouring zeal for their salvation.
The Church, as the community of disciples which
continues the mission of Jesus throughout the cen-
turies, must be characterized by the same attitude
of its Founder and the Twelve: humble service to all;
service unto death.
This leaves no room for unbecoming competitions
with the powerful of this world. Just as Christ exercised
his kingship through service, so must the Church, as a
saving institution, exercise her God-given powers in a
Give your children
spirit of humble service and selfless stewardship. The a treasure they will cherish
Church is meant to be the “servant of all mankind.” for the rest of their life.
She is called to serve all men through her sacraments A coloring book on the Rosary
and prayer, through her detachment from earthly posses- for children ages 4 and up.
sions, and through her commitment to the promotion of The simple illustrations and
superior values. short narrative for each Mystery,
Such a fundamental orientation and line of action will delight the kids
must involve all the members of the Church. It starts while they learn to pray the Rosary.
from the Leaders and stretches out to the youngest and Order now from WORD & LIFE Publications!

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, G. Ramos, J. Domingo, A. Adsuara, V. David, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Marketing: Fr. B. Nolasco and T. Mojica • Circulation: R. Saldua

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