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Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 1

Table Contents
Introduction������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4

So First Things First … Let’s Do A ‘Mini-Reset’ Right Now��������������������������������������������������������� 6

Here’s What To Expect … ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7

How this Success Workbook Will Work For You������������������������������������������������������������������������ 8

Daily Exercises��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9

Daily Exercise 1: Listen to motivational audio track���������������������������������������������������������������� 10

Daily Exercise 2: Practice gratefulness������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11

Daily Exercise 3: Meditation ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12

Daily Exercise 4: Fun self-nurturance activity!������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13

Weekly Focus Exercises����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16

WEEK ONE������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17

WEEK TWO������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 35

WEEK THREE���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 52

Final Exercise: Celebrate!�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 69

I’m Worthy of Abundance!
Success Workbook
Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny,

and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance

Congratulations on purchasing the Manifestation Miracle Secret System. You have just taken the
first step towards tuning into your one true DESTINY.

Because right now, you KNOW that you were destined for more.

You know that your life isn’t quite what you want it to be.

You can actually FEEL your mission calling you.

Because … you WANT a life full of abundance, joy and success, and …

You know that you will NOT feel fulfilled without this incredible destiny that’s waiting for you
right now.

Maybe there’s a little voice in your head right now, asking … why are you not living this life full
of abundance already? Why are you not ALREADY experiencing the incredible life of abundance
you truly deserve?

Well, even if you don’t realize it, there’s a frightening truth behind your lack of abundance right

There is actually a tiny (but powerful) voice in your head that’s holding you back.

A voice saying that you CAN’T achieve success.

A voice saying you don’t DESERVE a life full of abundance.

A voice you don’t WANT to listen to … a voice you might not even consciously realize IS THERE …

… but it IS.

What you need to know is simple: the messages this voice is giving you are not actually coming
from your true higher self. They are actually a trained ‘survival response’ that comes from your
lifestyle, your environment, and the people you’re surrounded by.

Humans are social creatures; it’s only natural to ‘pick up on’ the emotions and beliefs of others.

And NOBODY is surrounded by positive people 100% of the time (which is why you need this
book, to ‘undo’ the negative programming that’s keeping you trapped right now!

Let me give you a quick example of what this might look like for you …

For instance, you may have grown up in a family or community where it was commonly
accepted that things like wealth, fame and success are ‘unachievable’ or ‘not for people like us’

4 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Maybe you’ve heard some of the expressions that often go along with these beliefs …

Expressions like, I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth … I don’t know the right people …
I didn’t go to an Ivy League college … I’ll never be as successful, rich, or happy as the people who
were BORN to it!!

These sayings are common. And they usually accompany a life of LACK (particularly one where
you see others seemingly doing LESS than you, but getting so much more.)

And so you learned to believe that these amazing things – success, money, abundance, true
love, an incredible career - are things only ‘other’ people can have.

People who have the ‘right families’. People who ‘know the right people’. People who ‘went
to the right schools/have the right skills/have so much money behind them that they almost
literally CAN’T fail!’

What most people develop, instead of true aspirations for success and a bright future, aren’t
aspirations …

They’re expectations.

Expectations that getting anywhere you want in life will involve hard work, pain and sacrifice.

And … here’s the REALLY scary part … oftentimes you don’t even realize you HAVE these
expectations. They’re just planted silently inside your mind … shaping your life … and invisibly
controlling your destiny from the inside.

And it is THESE beliefs that have led to choices and situations that have taken you off the one
true path of your destiny.

Because when you are stuck in negative thought patterns, your own mind is actually working to
make these thoughts become your reality – which is the exact opposite of what you want your
reality to be!

What you need to know right now is that NONE OF THAT STUFF MATTERS ANY MORE.

Starting right this second, you not only DESERVE success, money, love, and happiness …

But you finally have the only tool you will EVER need to make those dreams your REALITY.

And not some distant point in the future, either.

Not after a bunch of hard work, sweat and tears, either.

But starting this second RIGHT NOW … and more quickly and easily than you could ever have

Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 5
So First Things First … Let’s Do A ‘
Mini-Reset’ Right Now
I want you to take a deep breath, and first of all, just honestly acknowledge wherever you’re at
right now as your starting place.

Just nod your head, and say …‘Okay. This is where I’m at right now.’

IMPORTANT NOTE: ‘Accepting it’ doesn’t mean you have to LIKE it!

‘Accepting it’ doesn’t mean you plan on staying where you are.

It simply means taking a good, honest look at where you are RIGHT NOW – where you are in
your life, your relationships, your career, your finances, whatever it is that you most want to
focus on first – and just see what your current starting place IS.

Starting from an honest place of owning your reality is the first step towards creating a new,
better, and ABUNDANT one, because it’s the first step towards silencing that deadly little voice
in your unconscious mind … forever.

6 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Here’s What To Expect …
As you progress through this kick-start workbook and Manifestation Miracle itself, please bear in
mind that the major growth and transformation you will be undergoing may feel uncomfortable
to start with.

This is because in order to change your very thought patterns and make new connections, your
brain has to literally ‘re-wire’ itself, which can leave you feeling a little different to usual.

But this is actually a great thing – as it means that you are on your journey of self-discovery to
becoming who you truly are!

So embrace these feelings of change and realize that any sensations of discomfort, fear, or ‘not-
enough-ness’ are NATURAL and TEMPORARY.

They’re not ‘rational’. They’re not based on REALITY. They’re merely a ‘detox symptom’, a sign
that things are IMPROVING.

So if you start to experience those scary feelings of ‘this won’t work for me’, ‘I’ll always be stuck
in scarcity’, ‘How am I ever going to GET where I want to get to’ …

… Then I want you to take a breath, RELAX your body, and think of those feelings as a kind of
‘internal cleaning house’ (things always get messier before they get cleaner!)

They’re the ‘death throes’ of the negative little voice in your head that’s been controlling your
destiny up until now (and that voice doesn’t want to go down without one last fight!)

So! Enough chit-chat!

Are you ready to begin your journey?

The key to kick-starting your Destiny Tuning lies in your hands!

Read through the information below to find out exactly how the exercises in the workbook are
going to help you to get your life on track.

And when you feel ready, get started with ‘Day 1’ of your new life!

Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 7
How this Success Workbook Will
Work For You
o In this workbook, you will have ONE focus task to complete EACH WEEK; and FOUR short,
focused exercises to complete EACH DAY.

o One per week, four per day. Remember that.

o You can pick your own times, it doesn’t matter ‘when’ in the day you do them, or ‘what
day of the week’ you do your weekly tasks.

o Just as long as you DO them, that’s the main thing. Don’t get bogged down in ‘knowing
what to do’ and not actually DOING IT. Analysis paralysis is a thing of the past, starting

8 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Daily Exercises
These daily exercises are designed to help you to get create healthy and long-lasting habits
which that will get you back in tune with your destiny.

Is it the REPETITION and CONSISTENCY of these exercises that count. This will not feel hard
(although amazing things will be happening on the inside!)

The reason this works to create INCREDIBLE effects is because your conscious mind feels nothing
at all – instead, all the ‘hard work’ is done behind the scenes, done for you by your unconscious

Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 9
Daily Exercise 1: Listen to motivational
audio track
Your Manifestation Miracle Secret System has come with two bonus audio tracks – one for
attracting wealth and abundance and one for love and happiness.

Each of these tracks contain AFFIRMATIONS which send powerful messages to your brain about
your ability to accomplish your goals and achieve success.

For this Destiny Tuning kick-start workbook, I would like you to focus on the wealth and
abundance audio track.

Focusing on listening to this one audio track for just 5 minutes each day over the next three
weeks will have powerful effects for imprinting these messages onto your brain.

The longer you continue to listen to your wealth and abundance track, the more your mind will
work to make these affirmations match your reality (you will literally re-program your mind to
do this).

You will find that because of this, you naturally start attracting opportunities for wealth and
abundance into your life.

So more maximum benefits, after you have completed this 3-week workbook, try and keep up
the great habit of listening to this track each day until you have done this for a total of 60-90

After this time, you can switch to the second audio track (love & happiness), and start the same
process with this one. Because your subconscious mind will be now doing all the work for you to
attract wealth and abundance into your life!

Choose a time and place where you have no distractions to listen to this track each day. It is best
to do this at the same time each day, as this helps you to develop a routine.

Note: For optimal effects, you need to listen to the audio track through headphones (you can
listen to the track on your computer or load it onto your music-playing device).

10 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Daily Exercise 2: Practice gratefulness
Your second daily exercise is designed to help you to recognize all the things you have to be
grateful for in your life.

Unfortunately, all too often we pay attention to the negatives in life.

We allow self-limiting thoughts to run rampant in our minds, such as; “I don’t have enough
money”, “I’ll never work my way out of debt”, and “I don’t have many friends”.

These thoughts are currently HOLDING you back from accessing all of the success, abundance
and joy that your true destiny promises.

But the great thing is that you can start to break this pattern of negative thinking by getting into
the habit of recognizing things that you are GRATEFUL for in your life each and every day.

As a result, you will find that you naturally start to pay more attention to the positive things
happening around you in your daily life.

In your workbook, you will find that for each day there is space for you to record three things
that you genuinely feel grateful for.

If you have caught yourself thinking negatively about something during the day, try to use this
exercise to counteract these thoughts by writing down at least one thing you are grateful for in
regards to that particular situation.

If you want to, you can also note down one form of positive action you could take in regard
to the negative situation you were thinking of. This will get you in the habit of taking action to
better your life rather than dwelling on the negatives.

Over time, you will find that focusing on the great things you have in your life will cause a shift in
your thought patterns, leading to more positive emotions and a brighter outlook.

Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 11
Daily Exercise 3: Meditation
Your third exercise is to practice meditation for a short amount of time each day.

Meditation is a proven technique that helps you to clear your mind, connect to your soul, relieve
stress and clarify where you wish to go.

By getting in touch with your soul, you will naturally tune into living your best and most
authentic life.

Through daily meditation practice, you will find that you start to develop more of an awareness
of your spiritual self and the things that bring you meaning in life.

Your daily struggles will be put into perspective and you will be astounded to discover the clarity
and ease of which answers will come to you.

Meditation can take some time to adjust to so be patient with yourself and commit to practicing
it for just a few minutes every day.

If you haven’t tried meditation before, don’t worry - it will get easier with time. Here is a simple
way to start:

Spend 5 or 10 minutes a day alone in a quiet place, without any distractions (free of the
thoughts, comments and influences of others).

Sit in a position that feels natural and comfortable for you. Close your eyes and take several
deep breaths.

Once your mind is clear, ask yourself any questions that you want answers for. Sit still and listen
to the messages and answers that you receive.

Often, you will find that the answers to your problems lie WITHIN yourself.

In your workbook, you will see that each day there is space to write down any comments or
reflections you would like to record from your meditation practice.

12 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Daily Exercise 4: Fun self-nurturance
Self-love is a critical element to Destiny Tuning. Therefore, your final daily exercise is to do an
activity which is purely for the purpose of self-nurturance.

This exercise should be something that you look forward to each day!

A regular practice of self-nurturing activities will help to increase your self-awareness, get you in
touch with your spiritual self and boost feelings of self-worth, love and accomplishment.

Choose one self-nurturing activity to do each day from the list provided below (there is also an
option for creating your own). Spend at least 10 minutes doing your chosen activity each day.

Try to mix these activities up each day to make sure you are meeting all of your needs - taking
care of your body, stimulating your mind, nurturing your emotional side and tending to the
needs of your spirit.

After each activity, reflect on your thoughts, feelings and experiences during this time in the
space provided in your workbooks.

Self-nurturing daily activity options:

Cook a healthy, This activity is about nourishing and honoring your body. For your
nutritious meal meal, choose a selection of healthy and delicious foods that will give
for yourself. your body the nutrients it needs, as well as pleasing your taste-buds.
Don’t be afraid to try something new!

Listen to music Music is a great therapeutic tool which can help to relax and engage
you enjoy. the mind and body in a variety of ways. In this activity, put on some
music you enjoy, relax and pay attention to how it is making you feel.

Explore As humans, we are designed to seek out novel situations. In this

somewhere you activity, decide on a place or area that you haven’t been before and
haven’t been would like to explore. Spend time getting to know this place.

Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 13
Learn something Engage your brain by learning some new information. Choose a
new. topic which interests you and research about it. If you make some
interesting discoveries, feel free to explain what you found out to

Write a loving This activity involves writing a letter to yourself which is filled with
letter to yourself. love, kindness and inspiration for the future. In this letter, write about
your strengths, accomplishments, the things you have overcome and
the qualities that make you special. You can also include the things
you want to achieve in the future. Sign and date your letter and put it
somewhere safe, so you can refer back to it in future.

Have a bath. A bath is a great way to relax and allow yourself to let go of anything
that has been on your mind. Add aromatherapy bath oils and put on
soft music for extra relaxation.

Read a book. Reading engages the imagination and well as learning. If reading is
something you really enjoy doing, I urge you to make time for this
in your life. It doesn’t matter what type of book at is as long as it
interests you and you feel enjoyment when reading.

Take a nap. If you’re feeling tired or run down and have a bit of free time one
morning, afternoon or evening, why not take a nap? Getting enough
rest is really important for your physical and mental health, and even a
short power-nap can do wonders for your energy levels.

Bond with A great way to get in touch with your spiritual self and find peace is
nature. to get out and bond with nature. Leave the noise and clutter of home
or city life and embrace some fresh surroundings. Go for a walk or
simply sit and enjoy being a part of the life around you. Allow yourself
to become aware of the sights, smells and sights you are surrounded
by. Note: It’s important that when you do this activity, you turn off
your cellphone or other devices. Being constantly connected to other
people can prevent you from fully relaxing and becoming one with
your surroundings.

14 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Spend time If you have a pet, you will know that they can be one of the great
playing with a sources of joy in our lives. Spend some time playing with your pet and
pet. cherishing the bond that you have.

Do a type of This activity is also about nourishing and honoring your body. A
exercise you regular dose of exercise has a whole range of benefits for your health
enjoy. and wellbeing – including relieving stress, stimulating your brain,
burning excess energy, maintaining a healthy weight and building
strength. Make sure you regularly make time to do the types of
exercise you enjoy. For instance, walking, running, yoga, swimming,
football, or dancing.

Spend quality This activity is about nurturing your social needs. We all need love and
time with support from others. Plan a fun date or activity with someone you
someone who enjoy being around. Note: Although this activity is WITH somebody
loves, supports else, it is not exclusively for THEIR benefit. It is still helping to nurture
and inspires you. your own needs. Just make sure that you spend time with someone
who boosts you up rather than brings you down.

Create your own You also have the option of choosing your own self-nurturing activity.
activity. Remember, it needs to be healthy, rewarding, appealing to your
spiritual self and self-focused (rather than other-person focused).

Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 15
Weekly Focus Exercises
In addition to your FOUR DAILY tasks, you will also have ONE WEEKLY task.

This is where the ‘heavy lifting’ gets done!

These focus exercises will be explained in full at the start of each week in your workbooks (see
the start of Week One, Two and Three for the details of each one).

16 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Week One is about getting to know your higher self and starting to build the habits and actions
which will lead you onto the path of your destiny.

As explained earlier, the exercise below can be completed gradually over your first week of this
workbook at any time which suits you.

Week One Focus Exercise: Getting in Touch with your Inner Self
Week One’s focus exercise is about connecting to your true inner self and discovering your
needs, desires and aspirations in all areas of your life.

The reason I want you to complete this activity is because Destiny Tuning is about living a life
that is in sync with your one true destiny.

And being uncomfortable, discontent or unhappy with any areas of your life is direct evidence
that you have somehow stumbled off the path to your destiny and are needing some

In order to do this, you need to reach deep within yourself and find out what it is you really,
REALLY want in life, so that you can start living in tune with your higher self.

In this week’s focus exercise, I want you to reflect on each of these areas of your life:

Career: What you do for work or for a living; professional development.

Financial: The state of your financial well-being, including savings, retirement plan, debt and assets.
Health: Your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
Friends and Family: The people in your life whom you love and care for; your support network.
Personal Growth and Development: Things you do to continue to grow spiritually and personally.
The things which give you purpose, passion and meaning in your life.
Fun and Recreation: Activities you pursue in your leisure time.
Relationship: Your primary love relationship.
Environment: Your home or living situation, including the city or area in which you live.

For each category, record your thoughts, feelings and what you aspire to achieve in the table in
your workbook (below).

Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 17
Include how happy you are with the ways things currently are in this area of your life and whether
there anything you would like to change.

In regards to your aspirations in each area, one helpful thing you can do is to read the success stories
of people who have accomplished the things that you would like to accomplish.

These success stories can help to inspire and guide you, by showing you what can actually be

If you already have role models in your life who you look up to, you can also ask them for advice,
information and guidance on the goals you would like to achieve. Remember, you do not have to be
alone in your journey.
Once you have completed the table on the next page, reflect on your answers. What you have in
front of you is actually a direct written reflection of the desires of your inner self.

These answers can act as a guide as to what you need to do to tune into the life you were always
meant to be leaving.

Keep this safe as we are going to be referring back to it in Week 3.

Areas of your Thoughts, feelings and aspirations:



18 I’m Worthy of Abundance!


Friends and

Growth and

Fun and

Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 19


20 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Day 1
Exercise 1: Listen to your wealth & abundance audio track (5 minutes).

Exercise 2: Practice gratefulness.

Three things I am grateful for today:

Exercise 3: Meditate for 5-10 minutes in a quiet, peaceful place.


Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 21
Exercise 4: Choose one self-nurturing activity and reflect on this (your thoughts, feelings and
experiences during this time).



22 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Day 2
Exercise 1: Listen to your wealth & abundance audio track (5 minutes).

Exercise 2: Practice gratefulness.

Three things I am grateful for today:

Exercise 3: Meditate for 5-10 minutes in a quiet, peaceful place.


Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 23
Exercise 4: Choose one self-nurturing activity and reflect on this (your thoughts, feelings and
experiences during this time).



24 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Day 3
Exercise 1: Listen to your wealth & abundance audio track (5 minutes).

Exercise 2: Practice gratefulness.

Three things I am grateful for today:

Exercise 3: Meditate for 5-10 minutes in a quiet, peaceful place.


Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 25
Exercise 4: Choose one self-nurturing activity and reflect on this (your thoughts, feelings and
experiences during this time).



26 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Day 4
Exercise 1: Listen to your wealth & abundance audio track (5 minutes).

Exercise 2: Practice gratefulness.

Three things I am grateful for today:

Exercise 3: Meditate for 5-10 minutes in a quiet, peaceful place.


Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 27
Exercise 4: Choose one self-nurturing activity and reflect on this (your thoughts, feelings and
experiences during this time).



28 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Day 5
Exercise 1: Listen to your wealth & abundance audio track (5 minutes).

Exercise 2: Practice gratefulness.

Three things I am grateful for today:

Exercise 3: Meditate for 5-10 minutes in a quiet, peaceful place.


Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 29
Exercise 4: Choose one self-nurturing activity and reflect on this (your thoughts, feelings and
experiences during this time).



30 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Day 6
Exercise 1: Listen to your wealth & abundance audio track (5 minutes).

Exercise 2: Practice gratefulness.

Three things I am grateful for today:

Exercise 3: Meditate for 5-10 minutes in a quiet, peaceful place.


Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 31
Exercise 4: Choose one self-nurturing activity and reflect on this (your thoughts, feelings and
experiences during this time).



32 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Day 7
Exercise 1: Listen to your wealth & abundance audio track (5 minutes).

Exercise 2: Practice gratefulness.

Three things I am grateful for today:

Exercise 3: Meditate for 5-10 minutes in a quiet, peaceful place.


Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 33
Exercise 4: Choose one self-nurturing activity and reflect on this (your thoughts, feelings and
experiences during this time).



34 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Week Two is about connecting with your soul and clearing out the things in your life which are
not in tune with your personal destiny.

Week Two Focus Exercise: Lighten your Load!

We tend to hold onto many things in life simply because it is comfortable to do so. But having
anything in your life that doesn’t serve you is just like carrying around a dead weight.

To achieve powerful success in your life, you can only carry only what is essential to living your
true destiny. Anything that does not support your dream future is just holding you back and
sapping your energy.

In this week’s focus exercise, you are going to work on giving your living spaces, possessions,
mindset and relationships a shake-up.

For your physical possessions, ask yourself these questions:

1. Do I love it?

2. Does it serve me?

3. Have I used it in the past year?

If you answered “No” to any of these questions, it’s time to throw out that possession – you no
longer have a use for it.

In your living and work spaces, the same things goes. Get rid of any clutter or rubbish that is
weighing down the energy in these spaces. And finish up with a nice spring-clean. You will be
amazed at how much fresher, lighter and brighter the air feels around you!

Unfortunately, not all of the things we need to clear out from our lives are physical possessions.
For instance, negative or painful memories or personal relationships. Therefore, they are not as
easy to let go of.

When considering any area of your life, whether it’s a belief, a relationship, or a particular
situation, a very simple question that you can ask yourself is: “Does it feel good to hang on to
‘X’?” If your answer is “No”, it’s time to let it go.

Sometimes negative, energy-sucking people try to lead us down the wrong path because they
are jealous, selfish or don’t want us to succeed where they may have failed.

Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 35
Often, it’s best to end these relationships which are only serving to bring you down and cause
you pain. And to instead spend your time with those who are inspirational, loving and have
similar values to yourself.

For any painful memories you are holding onto, there are also ways of symbolically letting go of
these. One way of doing this is to write these memories down on pieces of paper and then burn
them in a ceremonial fire.

As you release each memory into the flames, breathe out and make peace with the fact that this
experience is now behind you.

At the end of Week Two, feel free to note down any reflections you have from your experiences
of clearing out the unwanted and unnecessary from your life.

How do you feel after doing this?

Reflections from your ‘life-clearing’ exercise:

36 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 37
Day 8
Exercise 1: Listen to your wealth & abundance audio track (5 minutes).

Exercise 2: Practice gratefulness.

Three things I am grateful for today:

Exercise 3: Meditate for 5-10 minutes in a quiet, peaceful place.


38 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Exercise 4: Choose one self-nurturing activity and reflect on this (your thoughts, feelings and
experiences during this time).



Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 39
Day 9
Exercise 1: Listen to your wealth & abundance audio track (5 minutes).

Exercise 2: Practice gratefulness.

Three things I am grateful for today:

Exercise 3: Meditate for 5-10 minutes in a quiet, peaceful place.


40 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Exercise 4: Choose one self-nurturing activity and reflect on this (your thoughts, feelings and
experiences during this time).



Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 41
Day 10
Exercise 1: Listen to your wealth & abundance audio track (5 minutes).

Exercise 2: Practice gratefulness.

Three things I am grateful for today:

Exercise 3: Meditate for 5-10 minutes in a quiet, peaceful place.


42 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Exercise 4: Choose one self-nurturing activity and reflect on this (your thoughts, feelings and
experiences during this time).



Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 43
Day 11
Exercise 1: Listen to your wealth & abundance audio track (5 minutes).

Exercise 2: Practice gratefulness.

Three things I am grateful for today:

Exercise 3: Meditate for 5-10 minutes in a quiet, peaceful place.


44 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Exercise 4: Choose one self-nurturing activity and reflect on this (your thoughts, feelings and
experiences during this time).



Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 45
Day 12
Exercise 1: Listen to your wealth & abundance audio track (5 minutes).

Exercise 2: Practice gratefulness.

Three things I am grateful for today:

Exercise 3: Meditate for 5-10 minutes in a quiet, peaceful place.


46 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Exercise 4: Choose one self-nurturing activity and reflect on this (your thoughts, feelings and
experiences during this time).



Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 47
Day 13
Exercise 1: Listen to your wealth & abundance audio track (5 minutes).

Exercise 2: Practice gratefulness.

Three things I am grateful for today:

Exercise 3: Meditate for 5-10 minutes in a quiet, peaceful place.


48 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Exercise 4: Choose one self-nurturing activity and reflect on this (your thoughts, feelings and
experiences during this time).



Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 49
Day 14
Exercise 1: Listen to your wealth & abundance audio track (5 minutes).

Exercise 2: Practice gratefulness.

Three things I am grateful for today:

Exercise 3: Meditate for 5-10 minutes in a quiet, peaceful place.


50 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Exercise 4: Choose one self-nurturing activity and reflect on this (your thoughts, feelings and
experiences during this time).



Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 51
Week Three is about creating a vision of your ideal future and putting the steps in place to
making this become your reality.

Week Three Focus Exercise: Create your Vision Board!

A Vision Board is literally a MAP of your ideal destiny. It’s the instructions that tell your
unconscious mind what to draw in and what to bring your way.

In it, you will choose and display the images that your future self will get to enjoy. You get to
draw the map (or create the recipe!) for your PERFECT future life!

o The way that Vision Boards work is through creating visions of your ideal future and
reinforcing the REALITY of this future to your mind each day.

o Remember: thoughts really are THINGS! The energy of the ‘food’ you choose to feed your
mind each day (the thoughts you think, the images you dwell on) fuel your unconscious
mind to create your destiny.

o This week, you will begin to ‘feed’ your mind ONLY the thoughts and images that will turn
your manifesting ability into a RAGING WILDFIRE.

Through being constantly visually reminded of what we wish to achieve, we will naturally start to
attract what we desire into our lives.

It’s all about the Law of Attraction!

Steps to creating your Vision Board:

1. Look back on the table you created in Week One’s exercise. Make a note of all of the goals,
dreams and desires you noted in this table, for each area of your life.

2. Decide on which of these dreams and goals you most want to focus on attracting into your
life and a reasonable time frame for achieving these (be sure to dream big)!

3. Find pictures from old magazines, photographs, or the internet that clearly represent the
things you want to attract into your life.

52 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Make sure these pictures are highly desirable to you – you have to really want each and every
thing you see on your board.

Stick these pictures onto a large poster board in a way that is appealing to you.

4. Write powerful, ‘juicy’ affirmations that line up with WHAT YOU REALLY, REALLY WANT.

These affirmations need to be positive and inspirational to you. Writing them should not feel like a
chore. Remember, this is YOUR FUTURE we’re planning here – if you follow the plan, one day soon
you’ll be waking up and all these things WILL be in your life for real!

I want you to take a few seconds now – maybe the amount of time for you to breathe slowly in
and out, one time – and just EXPERIENCE the energy and excitement in your body, the feelings you
would feel if someone walked up to you right now and offered you whatever it is that you MOST

Maybe that’s a perfect life partner. Maybe that’s your dream home. Maybe that’s a firm, lean,
goodlooking healthy body. Maybe that’s a bank account stuffed with cash, and true financial

Whatever it is … how would you FEEL if you could have it RIGHT NOW?

Those are the emotions I want you to bring to creating your affirmations. Really feel the feelings.
The more positive, exciting associations you build now, the FASTER your unconscious mind will
work because it has all that extra energy to feed off!

For example, if one of your goals is to buy a house, you could create affirmations and headlines
such as; ‘I live in my DREAM HOME!’ ‘I’m a home-owner!’ ‘I own where I live and I love it!’

Stick these affirmations on your poster board along with your pictures. You have now created your
own Vision Board!

5. Hang or sit your Vision Board in a place you will see EVERY day.

I like to hang my Vision Board in my kitchen, because I spend a lot of time in there eating,
preparing food, and just hanging out with friends. It’s the hub of my household; that’s where my
home-life energy is focused. So that’s where I put my board.

For you, maybe it’s different.

Some people like to put their vision board in the bedroom, where they can see it as they get
dressed and ready for the day.

Others like it in their office, where they can FEEL the waves of inspiration coming off it and
fuelling their every thought throughout the working day.

Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 53
(One male client I had even put his in the bathroom, so he could see it when he was ‘doing his

The point is, put your board where YOU will see it every day. Choose a place that feels
comfortable to you.

(If privacy is important to you, choose a place where you feel safer displaying your dreams –
maybe your own bedroom, or a little –used corner of the house somewhere.)

Once you have created your Vision Board, spend a few minutes every day viewing the pictures
and affirmations it displays. Try to connect your emotions to these images by imagining yourself
having these things in your life.

Would you be feeling happy, fulfilled and overwhelmed with joy? Can you picture the exact
moment in which you realize that these dreams you’ve wanted so badly have come true for

Savor this feeling and allow it to drift over you whenever you pass by your Vision Board.

For the first couple of weeks after creating your Vision Board, you want to make sure you spend
a few minutes each day focusing your attention on the board.

However, after this time, you can relax your focus from your Vision Board and merely make sure
it remains in a place that you will keep seeing regularly right up until the end of your specified
time frame. The rest will happen by itself!

Repeat the process above for creating a Vision Board any time in the future that you have
something you really want to attract into your life. Just make sure you only have one board at a
time so your mind can stay focused!

54 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Day 15
Exercise 1: Listen to your wealth & abundance audio track (5 minutes).

Exercise 2: Practice gratefulness.

Three things I am grateful for today:

Exercise 3: Meditate for 5-10 minutes in a quiet, peaceful place.


Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 55
Exercise 4: Choose one self-nurturing activity and reflect on this (your thoughts, feelings and
experiences during this time).



56 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Day 16
Exercise 1: Listen to your wealth & abundance audio track (5 minutes).

Exercise 2: Practice gratefulness.

Three things I am grateful for today:

Exercise 3: Meditate for 5-10 minutes in a quiet, peaceful place.


Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 57
Exercise 4: Choose one self-nurturing activity and reflect on this (your thoughts, feelings and
experiences during this time).



58 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Day 17
Exercise 1: Listen to your wealth & abundance audio track (5 minutes).

Exercise 2: Practice gratefulness.

Three things I am grateful for today:

Exercise 3: Meditate for 5-10 minutes in a quiet, peaceful place.


Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 59
Exercise 4: Choose one self-nurturing activity and reflect on this (your thoughts, feelings and
experiences during this time).



60 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Day 18
Exercise 1: Listen to your wealth & abundance audio track (5 minutes).

Exercise 2: Practice gratefulness.

Three things I am grateful for today:

Exercise 3: Meditate for 5-10 minutes in a quiet, peaceful place.


Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 61
Exercise 4: Choose one self-nurturing activity and reflect on this (your thoughts, feelings and
experiences during this time).



62 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Day 19
Exercise 1: Listen to your wealth & abundance audio track (5 minutes).

Exercise 2: Practice gratefulness.

Three things I am grateful for today:

Exercise 3: Meditate for 5-10 minutes in a quiet, peaceful place.


Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 63
Exercise 4: Choose one self-nurturing activity and reflect on this (your thoughts, feelings and
experiences during this time).



64 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Day 20
Exercise 1: Listen to your wealth & abundance audio track (5 minutes).

Exercise 2: Practice gratefulness.

Three things I am grateful for today:

Exercise 3: Meditate for 5-10 minutes in a quiet, peaceful place.


Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 65
Exercise 4: Choose one self-nurturing activity and reflect on this (your thoughts, feelings and
experiences during this time).



66 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Day 21
Exercise 1: Listen to your wealth & abundance audio track (5 minutes).

Exercise 2: Practice gratefulness.

Three things I am grateful for today:

Exercise 3: Meditate for 5-10 minutes in a quiet, peaceful place.


Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 67
Exercise 4: Choose one self-nurturing activity and reflect on this (your thoughts, feelings and
experiences during this time).



68 I’m Worthy of Abundance!

Final Exercise: Celebrate!
Congratulations – by completing this workbook, you have started your journey towards the path
of your true DESTINY.

Over the last three weeks, you will have made some amazing self-discoveries, created healthy
new habits, set goals and challenged the aspects of your life which were not in tune with where
you want to be.

And most importantly, I hope that you have discovered that your truly ARE worthy of abundance
and success.

Now that you’ve been through this introductory course, you can start working through the full
Manifestation Miracle program and continue the great progress you have started.

But before you do that…

…It’s time to CELEBRATE your progress!

In this final exercise to finish your “I’m Worthy of Abundance!” Success Workbook, I want you
to plan something special for yourself to celebrate all of your progress, growth and success over
the past three weeks.

The way that you choose to celebrate this is up to you, but make sure that it is something special
that feels meaningful and rewarding to you.

Great work and I wish you all the love, happiness, success and abundance in the universe – and
all the best with the rest of your journey!

Your 3 Week Kick-Start Program To Tuning Into Your Destiny, and Supercharging Your Life’s Abundance 69

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