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For 9 months, the food you ate fueled

you and your baby. But after you give
birth, your diet is just as important. It
helps your body recover and gives you WebMD.(N.D.). New Mom’s Guide to
Nutrition After Child Birth.
the energy you need to care for your
little one. Retrieved from:

Know your nutrition needs so you can https://www.webmd.com/parenting/baby/nu

stay healthy while you bring up baby. MOM’S GUIDE TO
NCBI.(N.D.) Nutritional Concerns of Women
in the Preconceptional, Prenatal, and NUTRITION AFTER
Postpartum Period.
Retrieved from:
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK23 Caring for the Mother
Aim for five servings each day, or seven if
you’re breastfeeding.
Calcium: You’ll need 1,000 milligrams -- about
3 servings of low-fat dairy -- each day.
Iron: This nutrient helps your body make
new blood cells, which is especially important if
you lost a lot of blood during your delivery. Red
meat and poultry are high in iron. So are tofu
and beans. Whether you eat meat or
go vegetarian, the daily requirement for
lactating women is 9 mg daily for women ages
19 and older, and 10 mg daily for adolescents.
If you had twins, have a health condition, or
are vegan, check with your doctor. You may
How Much Should I Eat? Nutrients You Need need a supplement to get the right nutrition.

Even though you’re not “eating for two,” your Other Nutrition Essentials
In the months after childbirth, most new
body needs to restore a lot of important
moms need between 1,800 and 2,200 calories
nutrients. Keep healthy snacks on hand. If you have
each day. Nursing? You’ll need up to 500
fresh veggies and fruit washed and ready to go
more. If you’re underweight, you work out At every meal, fill half your plate with fruits and
in the fridge, you’ll likely reach for them rather
more than 45 minutes each day, or vegetables. The other half should include whole
than chips or cookies.
you’re breastfeeding more than one infant, grains like brown rice, whole-grain bread,
that number could be higher. Talk to your or oatmeal. Try to limit packaged, processed Stay hydrated. Aim for 6-10 glasses
doctor to figure out the right amount for you foods and drinks that are high in salt, saturated of water each day, whether you’re nursing or
and to determine continuation of vitamin fat, and extra sugars. not. You can also drink milk and fruit juice.
supplementation. You also need to get enough: Ask friends to cook for you. When loved ones
ask how they can help, suggest they bring you a
Protein: Foods like beans, seafood, lean
healthy dish. In these first weeks after you give
meats, eggs, and soy products are rich
birth, you may be too tired to cook.
in protein, which help your body recover from

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