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Motorola DynaTAC 8000x

The world’s first cell phone was launched in

1983, it is the Motorola DynaTAC 8000x. It was
developed by Dr. Martin Cooper in 1973, an American
engineer who is widely known as the Father of the
Cellular phone, but it took an entire decade before
the DynaTAC 8000x was sold as the first commercial
handheld cellular phone in 1983. It weighed 1.75 lb.,
stood 13 in. high, stored 30 numbers, took 10 hours to
recharge, lasted for 30 minutes of talk time before
dying, and cost $3,995. Despite the phone’s large
size, it was still considered to be the most portable
telephone ever made. For the first time in history, a
human being could call someone without the constraints
of wires or portable phone holders.

Jay Cee J. Gueco


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