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Management Philosophy

Based on our key concept of “Inspire Movement,” which in turn is rooted in our corporate
philosophy of a management style that encourages creativity and taking up challenges,” we
strive to develop our business under our corporate philosophy of bringing our customers a
fun, inspiring and exciting experience.
Our guiding principle is to carry our business activities with pride and passion, for the sake of
our customers, shareholders, employees and partner companies, and for the purpose of
contributing to the development of a healthy, sound culture.

Our Vision

"Killer Title(Killer Software)"

The Origin of our Name

The name “GungHo” conveys the meaning that our company employees are extremely
dedicated to their work, carrying it out with passion and enthusiasm!

【Origin of the Word】

The word “GungHo” was coined by a U.S. marines’ officer from an acronym for Chinese
small-scale business cooperatives, which was simultaneously a slogan for promoting the
activities of such cooperatives. Impressed with the work of the cooperatives, the officer
adopted the name as a motto within his company, from which it later spread to all companies
in the Marines

GungHo's Basic Approach to Corporate Governance

 We at GungHo work to establish and maintain an excellent relationship with our stakeholders, i.e. our
customers, shareholders, business partners, the local community and our employees, and
achieve stable long-term growth through maximizing our corporate value. At the same time,
we believe that in order to achieve solid foundations and maintain them, management is the
key issue. Based on this awareness, we have a number of policies designed to enhance our
corporate governance.

(1) Company Structure

1.Directors and Board of Directors

 Our company has seven directors. Amongst these seven, one is a part-time director from one of
our affiliate companies, whose job is to offer valuable advice to our group companies on
management policy and business operations.
 The Board of Directors is comprised of all of our directors. In addition to making decisions on
important business matters, the Board also has the authority to supervise directors’ duties. In
principle, the Board convenes for regular monthly board of directors’ meetings as well as
extraordinary meetings as necessary.

2.The Management Council

 The Management Council convenes in order to deliberate on which matters should be presented to the Board, as
well as to discuss important proposals and decisions. It consists of the Chairman & CEO, President & CEO, full-time
directors, and the Chief Financial Officer. The Management Council meetings are held on an
ad hoc basis, as necessary.

3.Auditors and Board of Auditors

 GungHo has three auditors (one is full-time and two are part-time, but all three are external auditors). The
auditors audit our company’s business operations as an independent body at the mandate of
our shareholders In addition to having the right to attend general shareholders’ meetings and
board of directors meetings, hearing of reports from board members, employees, and
accounting auditors, as well as legal authority, the full-time auditors in particular attend
Management Council and other important meetings, reviews board? decision documents,
conducts visiting audits at our places of business and subsidiaries, and so on. The auditors
work together with our internal auditing division, exchanging information and opinions with
the division manager as necessary.

 The Board of Auditors is comprised of all of our company’s auditors. They determine auditing policy, based on
reports from each of the auditors on the state of the company’s business. The Board of
Auditors in principle convenes once a month, as well as for extraordinary meetings as

4.Accounting Auditors

 GungHo contracts with PricewaterhouseCoopers Arata, an auditing company, to conduct our

accounting auditing. PricewaterhouseCoopers Aarata provides us with opinions on financial
statements etc. from the perspective of an independent auditor. At the conclusion of the
accounting audit, PricewaterhouseCoopers Aarata reports to our accountants on the details of
the audit, working closely with us to provide us with information and to share opinions with

5.Internal Auditing

 GungHo’s internal auditing system is overseen by the Management Planning Headquarters (Internal
Auditing Department). The Internal Auditing Department reports to the president and the
auditors on the fiscal year plans and the result of audits. GungHo employs a system of self-
evaluation. To enable our non-auditing departments to evaluate the level of internal control,
we check implementation and evaluation with a view to bolstering internal auditing.

6.Compliance Committee
 GungHo has a Compliance Committee to ensure that our business activities meet compliance standards. The
committee consists of the Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) and each of the individuals
responsible for compliance in the various departments.

 The CCO devises and proposes policy on compliance and is in charge of maintaining the organization for
compliance. It is also responsible for education related to compliance and checking on the
current status of compliance implementation. Each of the committee members conducts
training on compliance at their individual divisions, examines work procedures from the
perspective of compliance and reports to the CCO on any violations or suspicious activities
along with carrying out strategies designed to prevent reoccurrence.

7. Information Security Committee

 GungHo engages in a variety of information security measures, and we employ an Information Security
Committee to oversee these activities. The information Security Committee is headed by a
Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), and we are consistently working to enhance

Our information management system protects against the theft, falsification, destruction,
illicit access and leaking of information. In addition to devising countermeasures on
organizational, human resources, technical and physical aspects, GungHo pays special
attention to protecting personal information in particular. Aware of social demands on the
need to protect such information, we strictly observe the legal regulations, while at the same
time respecting individual human rights and striving to devise even more sophisticated
management systems.

8.Risk Management Committee

 At GungHo, we have established a Crisis Management Committee headed by a Chief Crisis Management Officer
(CCMO) in order to effectively manage any crises that may arise. The Committee oversees preventive measures as
well as damage control when a problem does occur. The Committee continues to develop
crisis management strategies and systems at all times, and in the event that a crisis does
arise, it takes on a key role in damage control strategy.。

Governance System and Internal Control System

GungHo Online Entertainment Co, Ltd. (sucesivo como “ GungHo ”) tiene la máxima atención
para proteger la privacidad. La unidad de nuestra empresa que se recopila información
personal, “ juegos de GungHo, ” es un licenciatario del Programa de la privacidad de TRUSTe.
Las declaraciones de privacidad en “ juegos de GungHo ” describen las medidas que
tomamos para proteger la privacidad de los usuarios de la página web de GungHo Online
Entertainment Co., Ltd.. TRUSTe es una organización independiente de la sin fines de lucro
cuya misión es promover el uso justo de la información y crear confianza de los consumidores
en la Internet como de los operadores de este sitio Web, estamos de acuerdo a revelar
información sobre su uso para cumplir nuestros compromisos con respecto a la privacidad de
información del usuario.
Haga clic aquí para obtener más información.

En casos excepcionales, GungHo recopila información personal por otros medios que a través
de “ juegos de GungHo ”. 」Regardless, sin embargo, de si la información se recoge en línea o
fuera de línea, los GungHo se compromete a tener el máximo cuidado para cumplir las
normas que se muestra aquí. Haga clic aquí para obtener información.

Copyright (C) 2007 GungHo de Entertainment,Inc. en línea Todos los derechos reservados.
Política de privacidad de GungHo | copyrights y legal

Actividades del grupo GungHo

La filosofía corporativa del grupo GungHo es el de traer experiencias divertidas e inspirador a
todos nuestros usuarios. Con nuestro principal objetivo a ofrecer juegos entretenidos en
diversos formatos, desarrollamos, distribuir y ejecutar servicios de juegos en línea, juegos
móviles, juegos de los consumidores y más. Aprovechando de los puntos fuertes de cada una
de nuestras empresas del grupo, ofrecemos el contenido de alta calidad y servicios mediante
un sistema de grupo de colaboración.
Aprovechando de “ comunidad ”, que es una característica principal del medio ambiente en
línea, ofrecemos una variedad completa de servicios de contenido en línea incluye no sólo
juegos, sino también otros servicios no juego que se ofrecidos por nuestras empresas del
Grupo en los juegos de GungHo, donde nos hemos concentrado de nuestros servicios de
No limitar nosotros en el mercado interno, estamos GungHo están también activamente
trabajando para ampliar en el mercado exterior para ofrecer experiencias divertidos y
emocionantes a nuestros clientes en todo el mundo.

Derechos de Autor y legal

Información relacionada con las previsiones de las tendencias futuras, incluyendo los planes
de GungHo Online Entertainment, Inc., estrategias, las previsiones financieras, etc., señaló en
el sitio WEB de nuestra empresa ’s, representan las decisiones tomadas por la gestión de la
empresa basada en la información disponible actualmente. Teniendo en cuenta y otros
factores de riesgo, el rendimiento real puede diferir de esas predicciones.

También cabe señalar que este sitio no está diseñado con el fin de atraer a los inversores. Las
decisiones sobre inversión deben hacerse por los usuarios individuales. Aunque GungHo da
cada paso para asegurar la calidad del material presentado sobre este sitio Web, se sigue
siendo la posibilidad de información errónea debido a las repeticiones inevitables, como la
falsificación con una tercera parte, mecánica de error y así sucesivamente.

También nos reservamos el derecho a revisar, modificar o eliminar contenido del sitio sin
previo aviso. Tenga en cuenta que no aceptamos ninguna responsabilidad alguna por
cualquier daño o pérdida incurrido por los usuarios debido a la información sobre nuestro sitio

El texto, fotografías, imágenes de vídeo, software, etc., se encuentra en Web nuestra

Empresa ’s están protegidos por derechos de propiedad intelectual por GungHo o de terceros.
GungHo no le concede a los derechos de propiedad intelectual ni de la ningún otro tipo de
derechos de terceros.

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