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Justin Glinsky 12/8/19

HHS English II

There is a big problem in teens today. It is sleep deprivation. It is a problem because

when teens don’t get enough sleep then their learning capabilities can decrease and health can be
The problem with sleep deprivation is that it causes a lot of stress on the human body and
when you’re always sleep deprived it is really unhealthy, it can affect you a lot in the future.
Learning capabilities can decrease because when you are sleep deprived you can be really sleepy
and when this happens you are not paying attention how you should be. This can also cause
stress because when a student is doing a lot of work in a class or multiple classes they are up late
doing the work for the class and are going to bed late that night, then let’s say the next night they
have two tests the next day. Now they are cramming for the tests while sleep deprived from the
night before so they are tired from going to bed late for two nights in a row. It’s kind of a
snowball effect. This also leads to students missing school to sleep in as well which leads to
more missing work. Overall it is just a bad thing that is an epidemic now affecting 4.1 million
students around the world.
The solutions to this problem are to start school later supposedly an hour later, or you can
give the students less work or no two tests in the same day or no homework something of that
nature so that way students don’t have sleep problems anymore due to homework. You can also
give them a curfew of ten to eleven o’clock that way they are forced to bed and can’t stay up on
their phones like some of the students do. The pros of the first solution starting school later is
that students and teachers get to sleep in for an extra hour or so, it also gives students extra time
in the morning if they get up at the normal time. It gives teachers and students more time to do
homework in the morning if they need to, etc. The cons of the first solution are that the students
and teachers get out an hour later which might be a good or bad thing since some students have
extracurricular activities along with the homework that they are given. Another con is that it
gives them less time after school to relax. The pros of the second solution are that the students
have time to do extracurricular activities without having to worry about doing schoolwork
afterwards. Another pro is that they have more time to sleep and relax before the next day of
school. The cons of this solution is that it slows down the process of the quarter so school years
will probably last a longer amount of time, since they can’t give out homework then the teachers
have to spend more time with the students in class to teach them the material to test them on it so
it would take more time. The pros of the third solution is that the students are forced to go to bed
at that time so they would not be able to stay up and the other pro is that this would teach them
better time management, because they would have to plan their day on how much homework
they have and their extracurricular activities if they had any. The cons of this solution are that if
they needed to do their homework they couldn’t because they need to go to bed. Another con is
that it might mess up their schedule for school and they wouldn’t be able to get their work done
then the curriculum might move a lot slower than normal. These are my solutions to the problem.
In conclusion, I think the best solution for this problem is a combination of two or more
solutions, I think that the students should have a 11:00pm curfew on school nights, and they’re
phones should be disabled during that time. Teachers should give out a little less homework, but
not too much less because you don’t want the students getting too behind in the classes that they
are enrolled in. They should also start school at least a half hour later so that way the students
and teachers can sleep an extra thirty minutes longer before they go into school. I think these are
the best solutions combined because it doesn’t hurt the classes or mess up the time that it takes to
teach the subjects. It lets the students sleep more, and it still allows them to do their
extracurricular activities after school as well without getting too tired for school the next day.
Overall this is a problem in our society today and these are some of the solutions that I have
researched and found that work the best to solve the problem.

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