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• C for Microcontrollers

• Of higher level languages, C is the closest to assembly languages

– bit manipulation instructions

– pointers (indirect addressing)

• Most microcontrollers have available C compilers

• Writing in C simplifies code development for large projects.

Whenever the conventional “C” language and its extensions are used for programming embedded
systems, it is referred to as “Embedded C” programming.

Differences between C and Embedded C

Data types
 The data type refers to an extensive system for declaring variables of different
types like integer, character, float, etc. The embedded C software uses four data
types that are used to store data in the memory.
 The ‘char’ is used to store any single character; ‘int’ is used to store integer value,
and ‘float’ is used to store any precision floating point value.
 The size and range of different data types on a 32-bit machine is given in the
following table. The size and range may vary on machines with different word

There are certain words that are reserved for doing specific tasks. These words are known as
keywords. They are standard and predefined in the Embedded C.
Keywords are always written in lowercase. These keywords must be defined before writing the
main program. The basic keywords of an embedded software are given below:
1. sbit: This data type is used in case of accessing a single bit of SFR register.
Syntax: sbit variable name = SFR bit ;
Ex: sbit a=P2^1;
Explanation: If we assign p2.1 as ‘a’ variable, then we can use ‘a’ instead of p2.1
anywhere in the program, which reduces the complexity of the program.
2. Bit: This data type is used for accessing the bit addressable memory of RAM (20h-2fh).
Syntax: bit variable name;
Ex: bit c;
Explanation: It is a bit sequence setting in a small data area that is used by a program to
remember something.

3. SFR: This data type is used for accessing a SFR register by another name. All the SFR
registers must be declared with capital letters.
Syntax: SFR variable name = SFR address of SFR register;
 Ex: SFR port0=0x80;
 Explanation: If we assign 0x80 as ‘port0’, then we can use 0x80 instead of port0
anywhere in the program, which reduces the complexity of the program.
4. SFR Register: The SFR stands for ‘Special Function Register’. Microcontroller 8051
has 256 bytes of RAM memory. This RAM is divided into two parts: the first part of
128 bytes is used for data storage, and the other of 128 bytes is used for SFR
registers. All peripheral devices like I/O ports, timers and counters are stored in the
SFR register, and each element has a unique address.
Program variables
A variable is an addressable storage location to information to be used by the program – Each
variable must be declared to indicate size and type of information to be stored, plus name to be used to
reference the information
int x,y,z; //declares 3 variables of type “int”
char a,b; //declares 2 variables of type “char” – Space for variables may be allocated in registers,
RAM, or ROM/Flash (for constants) – Variables can be automatic or static.
Automatic variables
• Declare within a function/procedure
• Variable is visible (has scope) only within that function
– Space for the variable is allocated on the system stack when the procedure is entered
• Deallocated, to be re-used, when the procedure is exited
– If only 1 or 2 variables, the compiler may allocate them to registers within that
procedure, instead of allocating memory.
– Values are not retained between procedure calls
Static Variables
 Retained for use throughout the program in RAM locations that are not reallocated during
program execution.
 Declare either within or outside of a function
– If declared outside a function, the variable is global in scope, i.e. known to all functions of the
• Use “normal” declarations. Example: int count;
– If declared within a function, insert key word static before the variable definition. The variable
is local in scope, i.e. known only within this function.
static unsigned char bob;
static int pressure[10];

The Structure of an Embedded C Program

preprocessor directives
global variables
main() function
local variables
local variables
Comments: In embedded C programming language, we can place comments in our code which helps the
reader to understand the code easily.
C=a+b; /* add two variables whose value is stored in another variable C*/
Preprocessor directives: All the functions of the embedded C software are included in the
preprocessor library like “#includes<reg51.h>, #defines”. These functions are executed at the time of
running the program.

Global variable

A global variable is a variable that is declared before the main function, and can be accessed on
any function in the program.

Local variable

A local variable is a variable declared within a function, and it is valid only to be used within that

Main () function

The execution of a program starts with the main function. Every program uses only one main ()

Advantages of embedded C program

 Its takes less time to develop application program.
 It reduces complexity of the program.
 It is easy to verify and understand.
 It is portable in nature from one controller to another.


1. Arithmetic operations

• C examples – with standard arithmetic operators

int i, j, k; // 32-bit signed integers

uint8_t m,n,p; // 8-bit unsigned numbers
i = j + k; // add 32-bit integers
m = n - 5; // subtract 8-bit numbers
j = i * k; // multiply 32-bit integers
m = n / p; // quotient of 8-bit divide
m = n % p; // remainder of 8-bit divide
i = (j + k) * (i – 2); //arithmetic expression

*, /, % are higher in precedence than +, - (higher precedence applied 1st)

Example: j * k + m / n = (j * k) + (m / n)
Floating-point formats are not directly supported by Cortex-M3 CPUs.
2. Bit-parallel logical operators
Bit-parallel (bitwise) logical operators produce n-bit results of the corresponding logical operation: &
(AND) | (OR) ^ (XOR) ~ (Complement)

Bit set/reset/complement/test
• Use a “mask” to select bit(s) to be altered
3. Shift operators
x >> y (right shift operand x by y bit positions)
x << y (left shift operand x by y bit positions)
Vacated bits are filled with 0’s. Shift right/left fast way to multiply/divide by power of 2

4. Relational Operators

5. Boolean operators
Boolean operators && (AND) and || (OR) produce TRUE/FALSE results when testing multiple
TRUE/FALSE conditions
if ((n > 1) && (n < 5)) //test for n between 1 and 5
if ((c = ‘q’) || (c = ‘Q’)) //test c = lower or upper case Q
Note the difference between Boolean operators &&, || and bitwise logical operators &, ||
and bitwise logical operators &, |
if ( k && m) //test if k and m both TRUE (non-zero values)
if ( k & m) //compute bitwise AND between m and n, //then test whether the result is non-zero
Examples of a few Embedded C Programs


Available C Compilers
• Kiel – integrated with the IDE we have been using for labs.
• Reads51 – available on web site (http://www.rigelcorp.com/reads51.htm)
• Freeware: SDCC - Small Device C Compiler (http://sdcc.sourceforge.net/)
• Other freeware versions …

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