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Bicarbonate is responsible for raising the pH of acidic chyme from the stomach entering the small


1) amylase

2) lipase

3) trypsin

4) nuclease

A antigen A antigen B antibodies

B antigen

Rh antigen

Yes, the B antibodies will attack the B antigens

Yes, agglutination will occur from this

No, blood transfusion cannot be safe in this case

Carries blood away from the heart Carries blood back to the heart

Contains oxygenated blood Contains deoxygenated blood

Blood pressure is higher Blood pressure is lower

The layers of tissue are the same, but differ in thickness due to pressure differences

CO2 is more soluble than oxygen


CO2 moves out of tissues and into blood plasma where some

of it is dissolved

CO2 that is not dissolved in plasma will move into the red blood



CO2 that binds to hemoglobin becomes carbaminohemoglobin

Carbon dioxide and water are converted to bicarbonate and

65 hydrogen ions

Carbonic anhydrase is the enzyme that aids in the conversion



• Mechanical digestion - chewing

• Chemical digestion - salivary glands release amylase and lipase
for breakdown of starch and lipids


• propels food bolus down into the stomach

• transition from skeletal muscle to smooth muscle

Lower esophageal sphincter

• allows bolus to enter stomach


• Mechanical digestion - churning of food into chyme

Pyloric sphincter

• allows chyme to enter small intestine


• produces bile


• stores bile


• produces amylase and lipase for digestion of pizza

*Absorption of lactose requires that it be broken down by lactase at

the brush boarder. Lactose is broken down into glucose and
Small intestine
galactose. It is then absorbed into the blood stream by a process
Majority of chemical breakdown occurs in the duodenum
called secondary transport, in which sodium ions create a
• Brush boarder contains sucrase, lipase, Maltase, but no lactase
concentration gradient that pulls the monosaccharides into the
majority of reabsorption occurs in the jejunum
bloodstream by diffusion.*

• lactose is not broken down into its digestive monomers, and

will not be reabsorbed properly

Large intestine

• absorption of water and vitamins occurs here


• vitamin b12 will be absorbed in the ileum • storage and expulsion of feces through anus

If Mary took her lactaid with her meal she would have had the lactase required to breakdown

lactose and would have no issue digesting the pizza

• Carbohydrate monomers are absorbed into blood vessels using secondary active transport

• the monosaccharide glucose and galactose are normally diffused into the blood against a

concentration gradient, where sodium will acts as the “co-transporter” in diffusion

• Sebaceous glands are located in the dermis, and can be found all throughout the body except
the palms of the hands and soles of feet

• Sebaceous glands produce and oily substance called sebum into hair follicles

• sudoriferous glands produce sweat

• Sebum is made up of triglycerides, wax esters, and squalene

• Too much sebum will cause a plug to form and harden in the follicle which then leads to


• Red blood cells - CO2 and O2 transport

• White blood cells - fight off pathogens

• Platelets - forms blood clots





Bronchi Secondary


Bronchiole Terminal

• Erythrocyte

• Erythropoietin

• False - 120 days

• Biconcave shape, allows for flexibility in small vessels

• contains hemoglobin, which binds to carbon dioxide and oxygen

• when red blood cells mature, they lose their nucleus to make more room for
hemoglobin (anucleate)

• red blood cells are composed of lipids and proteins

• Deoxygenated blood leaving tissues enters the right atrium via superior and inferior vena cava

• blood passes through tricuspid valve into the right ventricle

• right ventricle pushes blood through the pulmonary valve into the right and left pulmonary arteries

• pulmonary arteries bring deoxygenated blood to the lungs where gas exchange will occur

• pulmonary veins bring oxygenated blood back from the lungs to the left atrium

• blood passes through the mitral valve into the left ventricle

• left ventricle pushes blood through aortic valve, and into the aorta, where it will be delivered to the rest of
the body

• deoxygenated blood leaves tissues and back into the right atrium
• Intercostal muscles contract and lift the rib cage up and outward, decreasing thoracic pressure and
increasing thoracic space

• diaphragm contracts and flattens, drawing air in, decreasing thoracic pressure and increasing thoracic

• Intercostal muscles relax, rib cage moves down and inwards, increasing thoracic pressure and decreasing
thoracic space

• diaphragm relaxes and expands, increasing thoracic pressure and decreasing thoracic space
CBD oil can be digested through the body similar to lipids. This is due to the fact that it is fat
soluble. CBD oil will be emulsified by bile, and transported through the lymphatic system for
digestion. Research suggests that CBD oil can reduce inflammation by decreasing the excess mast
cell and macrophage production in the gut.


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