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=>Html elements?

sol:-Html elements contains start tag and end tag

some elements contains only single tag called void tag
<p> this is called tag. <p>this is a paragraph</p> this called html element.

=>Html Attributes?
sol:-html attributes defines the charecterestics of element.it has two parts name
and value, where name is the property and value is the value which you want to set
the value for property.
<p align = "left">this is the paragraph</p>.

=>html headings?
sol:-html headings are six sizes<h1>to <h6>
<hr>tag is used to write a horizontal rule.it is a void element

sol:-<form> it defines form to collect user input</form>
<form action='file.php' method='get' target='_blank'>
input element where you define several attributes for input, name attribute is
variable where from data collected
<input type='text',type='radio', type= 'submit'>
<input type='text' name='username' value='Afiya'>
<input type='radio' name='gender' value='male'>
<input type='submit' value='submit'>

select elements defines dropdown list //planet names mjmsenuv

<option value='mars' >mars</option>

sol:-<p>paragraph</p> it is used to write paragraph
<br>break</br> for new line
<pre>preformatted tag </p>it display the text as it is form

=>style attribute?
sol:-is used to styling html elements
<p style='property:value;color:blue;text-align:center;'>paragraph</p>

=>semantic elements?
sol:-semantic elements are clearly define the meaning of element in human readable
for eg:-<article><figcaption><caption>
non semantic elements for eg:-<div><span>

sol:- <b><strong> both tags are used to define bold text but strong tag is semantic
<i><em> <mark>it will highleight the phrase
<u><ins> both tags are used to insert element which underline the phrase ins
element semantic tag

<blockquote>it defines the section which starts with space </blockquote>
<cite>element defines the italic</cite>
<bdo dir="rtl">this text written from right to left</bdo>
sol:-<!-- this is a comment -->

=>html colors?
sol:-background color <p style="background-color:blue">
text color <p style="color:blue;">
border color < h1 style="border:2px red;">

=>html links?
sol:-<a href="http://www.google.com target=_blank">click me</a>
<a href="#">click it<a>

=>img element?
sol:-<img src='image.jpg' alt='image' height='500' width='500'>
<a href='http://www.google.com'><img src='file.jpg' alt='image'></a>
<body style='background-image:url('image.jpg');'>



sol:-there are three types of lists
1.un ordered lists
<ul style="list-styletype:circle"> <li>jupiter</li> <li>venus</li> </ul>

<ol> <li type:"1">jupiter</li> <li>venus</li> </ol>

3.description list?
<dl> <dt>jupiter</dt> <dd>large planet</dd> <dt>venus</dt> <dd>small

sol:-block level element it is always start with new line and it will take all the
width div
inline:-it not starts with new line it will take as much space as it needs. span

sol:-<h1 class="city">vijayawada</h1>
<h3 class="city">vijayawada</h3>

sol:-id should be unique
<h1 id="city">vijayawada<h1>
<h3 id="town">vijayawada</h3>

sol;-to display a webpage with in a webpage.
<iframe src="www.google.com" height="100%" width="100%"></iframe>

sol:-file located in same folder simply file name eg:-hi.jpg
file located in images folder in current folder images/hi.jpg
file located in images folder root of current web /images/hi.jpg
file located in the folder one level up from the current folder ../images/hi.jpg

sol:-meta means data about data.
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width initial-scale=1.0">

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