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Short stories

Elements of short stories and novels, Character, setting, plot, theme,

language, pov, tone.

Character deals with traits such as attitude, thoughts, actions and

Types of characterization direct is when the other states the facts, but
indirect is decided by the reader about the character often based on words
or actions. Types of characters flat characters are minor and not
developed, round characters are developed and major characters, static
characters are basic and unchanging. Dynamic characters change often
the main character. Protagonist is the character that the conflict is centered
around and is often who the reader roots for while the antagonist either
causes or is the problem.

The setting is the time and place where the story takes place and gives the
atmosphere for the story to create mood and progresses the plot.

The plot is the plan of action in the story, the plot consists of all of the
events in the story, the plot consists of exposition which is the background
that tells the setting and characters. The narrative hook, this is the event
that draws attention and creates conflict. The rising action is the events and
problems leading to the climax. The climax is the largest turning point in the
whole story. The falling action are the events following the climax. The
resolution is the final outcome which sometimes is only implied. Important
terms. Surprise ending means an unexpected turn of events that end the
plot. Flashback means that the plot shows a time earlier in the series of
events. Foreshadowing are hints that an author gives to show how the
story will develop.

Suspense is uncertainty or anxiety we feel about what's happening next.

Conflict is the clashing of thoughts, feelings, actions or people external
conflicts happen against an outside force these include man v man, man v
nature, man v society, or man v fate. Internal conflict happens within a
person abou right and wrong this is called man v self.
Point of view is the perspective of the story
First person is the story told by using words like I and is from their pov
Omniscient pov is when the narrator is al knowing and knows everyones
Limited third person tells the story from the pov of one character but doesnt
know all thoughts also describes whats observed

Theme is the idea that holds the story together and is the authors message
Theme is revealed gradually an the reader has to figure it out, never just
one word.

Language is the entire body of words used in a text, dialect is the form of
language spoken from people from different regions or groups (southern v
east coast).
Imagery is language that appeals to all 5 human senses often created by
similies, metaphors, personfication, etc. figurative language is a way to
describe things in terms of another. Similie, metaphor, personification,
symbolism, onomatopoeia, alliteration, assonance is the repition of vowel
sounds in words close together, hyperbole

Irony can be situational, dramatic, or verbal. situational is what happens

when the opposite of whats expected happens, dramatic irony is when the
audience has information that the character doesnt happen, verbal irony is
when a person says one thing and means another.

Mood v Tone
Mood is how the author affects the readers attitude often emotional
Tone is the authors attitude towards the subject

Mood is the readers

Tone is the author

Theme is the authors message, theme must also be reoccuring aswell as

universal. The theme is also often just a phrase or sentence. General
Parts of speech
Nouns are people, places, things, or ideas
Pronoun is a word that takes place of a noun, she, he, it
Adjectives describe a noun or pronoun
Verbs are actions, state, occurance
Helping verbs form verb phrase
An adverb describes or modifies an adjective, or another adverb. An adverb answers the
questions where, when, how, or to what extent. Can but doesnt have to end in ly. Examples are
so, too, very, never, not, quikly, daily. Prepositions show a relationship between a noun or
pronoun to another part of speech in the sentence. Prepositional phrase ends with a noun

Conjunctions: words that join other words or groups of words

Coordinating: FANBOYS for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
Correlative: used in pairs Both and, not only but also, either or, neither nor
Interjections: words that show emotion with no gramatical relation to the rest of the sentence
Whoa, but man, Wow! Exlamation keeps capital, comma causes lowercase

Melcon paragraph/body paragraph notes

Melcon is an acronym. m for main idea, e for evidence, l for link, and con
for concluding statement
M =Argument or claim that is direct and concise that will be proved by the
paragraph. guidelines are; in one sentence, not starting wth yes or no, and
has to set up the entire paragraph.

E = Examples used to prove your main idea not opinions or biased

Must be cited. Use facts, reasons, or quotes to be specific and complete.
Guidelines are prefaced by a transition, prove only the main idea, should
be observed or measured, its the data/stuff you learn about the topic, not
choppy, doesnt ignore important evidence that may disprove the main idea,
should help define, and should be something relatively common or could be
viewed by anyone.

L = this is your explanation of why your evidence proves the main idea
often in 1 to 2 concise sentences. Most important thing in the writing, aswell
as the most commonly forgotten. Guidelines are that the link explains the
connection to your topic, you can also add your opinion somewhat, this
leads beyond the main idea, leading to the next paragraph, also is the
unique description of your thought process when using evidence.

Con = the wrap up, that is the closure/last sentence, leading into the next
paragraph. Guidelines are that it must be the last sentence and
summarizes your answer leading to the next topic.

Thesis statement = the thesis statement is the entire esay topic like a topic
sentence but for the whole essay, 3 requirements; The thesis must adress
the topic express your view and the main points in an essay dont be too
general. 1 SENTENCE, thesis is proved proposition, what is being proven,
declarative, not a question, no I


Archetypes are common character types, symbols, and relationships that appear in
modern and ancient stories. Archetypes help you understand the purpose and function of
aspects of a story. Examples are Hero, mentor, sidekick, messenger, fair maiden,
siren/seductress. Hero is a character of physical, mental, and or moral superiority who goes on
a quest in search of a goal. A hero is someone who is willing to sacrifice his own needs on
behalf of others. A character can be inferior in some way and still be a hero. However, a hero
cannot be morally inferior and remain a hero.

Epic heroes uphold greek values of honor and status, epic heroes have status or noble birth. All
epic heroes value their pride and reputation. Epic heroes also must serve and sacrifice for
others. The magnitude of their actions is above that of a commoner. Epic heroes are also
always mentally and phyically superior. Epic heroes also travel vast distances often in the form
of a sea voyage. Must leave area of security. EPic heroe always have atleast one character
flaw. Epic Heroes also always fight a supernatial enemy or recieve supernatural help.

The mentor is the wise and loyal advisor often personified into an older person. The mentor acts
as a conscience and helps the characters make decision

Sidekicks are the buddy characters that help the hero in their journey often do lots of the work.

The messenger is the carrier of the power of destiny who plays an integral part of the
transformation of the main character. Heralds issue challenges. Serve as motivations. A
meeting between the messenger and character often initiates the voyage. Heralds and mentors
often play the same role.

Shadow/Nemesis is the character that opposes the hero also known as the antagonist.

Fair maiden is often the love interest of the hero, often in need of saving. Is vulnerable. Main
female role.

Siren/seductress is who lures the hero off their path. Works as a distraction. Usually very smart
and manipulative.

Archetypical settings have two different settings. The garden often has water to indicate
holyness and rebirth. The garden represents simplicity, happiness and harmony between man
and nature. Green and gold represent life, renewal,and growth. The other setting is the
wasteland setting. No water or too much water and represents evil, hatred and loss of innocent.
Colored black, gray, or brown.

Situational archetypes.
The quest is the main search and the hero comes back restoring balance and giving glory.
The task is when the hero has to perform a nearly superhuman deed.

The journey is when the hero leaves home to find something but struggles.

The fall the descent from a higher state of being to a lower state of being. Loss of innocence
and bliss.
Death and rebirth. Most common situational archetype cylce of life through aging death and

Colors are very important

Black shows darkness, evil, sophistication
White shows purity good or bland
Red shows anger violence or power
Yellow shows happy and cheerful but maybe cowardly
Green shows natural peaceful or jealousy and disgust
Blue is calm and peaceful or sadness and depression
Pink is feminine or love
Purple means royalty

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