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Technology and kids
Communicative goals:
 Develop a clear written description or narrative with relevant supporting details and
 Systematically evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
 Compare information from different sources.

1. Think about…
✓ How often do you use digital devices? When
and why do you use them?
✓ How many hours do you spend imbibed in
✓ Do you think the elder generation struggle
with technology? Explain your answer.
✓ Do you consider children have the intuitive
knack for understanding computer systems?
Device: Gadget invented for a particular purpose.

Imbibe: To absorb or to bear in mind.

Struggle: Have difficulty.

Knack: A special skill, talent, or aptitude

2. Words matter!

To do well in this lesson you need to become familiar with a number of words.
Complete the following exercise to learn more vocabulary.

2.1. Underline the expression that best matches the idea of the boldfaced word or
phrase. Have a dictionary at hand.

1. Nowadays, children are digital natives as they handle digital devices in a very easy

- A person who teaches technology - A person that grows-up in the digital age

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2. Some parents are setting up parental controls on their children’s social networks.
- Features that allow parents to restrict the access of content to their children.
- Group of parents who prevent society from the use of technology.
3. Schools in France are banning the use of electronic devices for both students and
teachers as a policy promoted by the president, Emmanuel Macron.
-Legally prohibit something - Make something legal
4. Batman Arkham VR, Eve: Valkyrie and Job Simulator are some of the most popular
virtual reality (VR) games.
- Interactive experiences through the use of social media.
-Interactive computer-generated experience in a simulated environment.

2.2. Match the word on the left with the meaning on the right. Write in the parenthesis
the corresponding letter.


1 Old fogy ( ) A Accessories and clothing that include

electronic technology as a part of them.

2 Acronym ( ) B Individuals with presence on social media

who use their platform to affect group
opinions and behavior.

3 Wearable ( ) C Word or name formed as

an abbreviation from the initial
components of a phrase or a word

4 Glanceable ( ) D Someone who is excessively old-

fashioned in attitude, ideas, manners, etc.
5 Influencer ( ) E Way of referring to a person or account on
social media platforms.

6 Mentions ( ) F Something that can be read and

understood quickly and easily.

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3. Read a bit!

Read the following article from the “Geek-ASW-daily” discussing the advantages and
disadvantages of children using technology.


Technology is embracing our society in a variety of ways. Some of our children are digital
natives, and the consequences of its use are experienced by parents and educators who,
nowadays, are debating whether the use of it has a positive or negative impact on children’s
development. Several discussions are being held in order to state the pros and cons of
children’s use of technology.

First of all, there are the ones who proclaim

the disadvantages of the use of technology
on an early age. Just to exemplify, The French
government, under the management of
Emmanuel Macron, imposed a school ban on
phones during teaching activities. “We know
today that there is a phenomenon of screen
addiction, the phenomenon of bad mobile-
phone use,” education minister Jean-Michel
Blanquer told French news channel BFMTV.

Furthermore, not only educators but also parents are worried about the children’s usage of
devices as they spend too much time on them. Some teachers claim those devices distract
students from learning and, additionally, the quality of the information and sources children
find may not be top-notch. Finally, contradictors may state technology can disconnect
students from social interactions, making them lose their ability to verbally communicate as
Vawn Himmelsbach published in her article “Education Technology” in the webpage Top

I&D Team 2018

On the other hand, there is another group against that negative assumption, emphasizing
there are benefits to consider before banning children from technology. Some teachers
choose to use technology in their classrooms as they think it should support the curriculum
and meet the needs of their students. In that sense, technology will help students understand
the lesson in a relevant way. Educators are using technology more frequently as it makes
students more involved in class activities and more interested in the topic.

Moreover, technology supports many modern advances as there are many wearables you
can use to stay in touch (for example, you can wear a phone on your wrist). Technology
allows people to check out thousands of virtual books, news, or any information they want;
in that way, children have access to the most up-to-date information quicker and easier than
ever before.

Overall, it may be said that technology is a controversial topic as there are arguments against
and for the use of it, especially at a young age. Contradictors may say it is a tool that is being
used in a wrong way, so it is necessary to ban it in certain context as the educational ones.
Supporters, on the other hand, may say technology is a tool that allows children to interact
in the digital era they are in.

4. Tips for composition:

In this session, you will find grammar elements and composition strategies that will
help you improve your writing skills. Read the explanation, this is important for the
next step!


When writing a text it is necessary to state the topic you want to describe (TOPIC
SENTENCE). After writing it, you need to state the SUPPORTING DETAILS which are the
ideas that provide the information that supports the topic sentence.

I&D Team 2018

To support your ideas, you can:

● Describe
● Exemplify
● Explain
● Compare

Taken from: http://www.elcamino.edu/academics/basicskills/DLA_EngB_Support_ECC.pdf



First of all, there are the ones that proclaim the disadvantages of the use of technology on
an early age.


● Just to exemplify, The French government, under the management of Emmanuel

Macron, imposed a school ban on phones during teaching activities.
● Not only educators but also parents are worried about the children’s usage of devices
as they spend too much time on them.

I&D Team 2018

● Some teachers argue those devices distract students from learning and, additionally,
the quality of the information and sources children fin may not be top-notch.
● Contradictors may state technology can disconnect students from social
interactions, making them lose their ability to verbally communicate…

4.1 According to the given topic, write down some supporting details you think can
provide information to develop the given idea.

TOPIC SENTENCE: Technological devices should be used as a tool in the classroom.

● _
● _
● _
TOPIC SENTENCE: Technology is affecting the way children interact with their peers in a
negative way.

● _
● _
● _


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Several discussions are being held in order to state the pros and cons of
the use of technology by children


 Technology supports many modern advances.

 Children have access to the most up-to-date information quicker
and easier than ever before.
 It (technology) should support the curriculum and meet the needs
of their student.


 Some teachers claim those devices distract students from learning.

 Technology can disconnect students from social interactions.


It may be said that technology is a controversial topic as there are

arguments against and for the use of it, especially in a young age.

4.2 Think about the use of the following question “Should there be social rules about
cell phone use in schools?” Complete the following chart. Write advantages and
disadvantages about the given topic.


✓ _ ✓ _
✓ _ ✓ _
✓ _ ✓ _
✓ _ ✓ _
✓ _ ✓ _

I&D Team 2018

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