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1. Classes - blueprint
2. Objects - stuffs in the classes
3. Methods - Actions
4. Fields - kind of variables
5. Constructors - provides data via parameters, a method
6. Reference-Type Field - self explanatory
7. Instance Fields - each objects has its own field
8. Static Fields - where all objects share the same field and value
9. Call Method - simply call the method
10. Inheritance or Specialization - you can use an existing class to derive a new class and the new
class can be more specialized than the existing class
11. Overriding Method - providing a more specialized version of a base method
12. Encapsulations - the ability to change the implementation of a method in the server without
affecting the client
13. Polymorphism - Overriding and Upcasting Methods
14. Upcast - treating a derived object as though it were an instance of a base object
15. Casting - the process of converting an object of one type to another
16. Implicit Casting or Coercion - upcasting ; automatically performed by the compiler when it is safe
to do so
17. Explicit Casting - to make an explicit instruction to the complier ; has three parts, namely: Cast
Operator, Target Type and Object (Example: (Car)myObject;
18. Downcastng - an object is converted to a more derived type
19. Is Operator - to check an object's type
20. As Operator - returns the object cast to the target type of the conversion can be performed
21. Boxing - When you upcast a value type and the value is copied and contained within an object
22. Unboxing - the value type is unpacked from the object
23. Nested Classes - a class within in a class ; also referred as inner classes
24. Outer Class - nested classes that can access private members defined by the containing type
25. Static Classes - use a dot operator
26. Abstract Classes - force a derived class to provide an implementation for any methods or
properties that are modified with the abstract keyword
27. Sealed Classes - prevent a class being used as a base class by using the 'sealed' modifier
28. Partial Classes - comprised of more than one class definition
29. Access Modifiers - the ability to restrict the use of a class by applying an access modifier to the
class definition
Access Modifier Description
public - The class can be accessed anywhere.
protected - The class can be accessed only by the containing class (for nested
classes) or derived classes.
Internal - The class can accessed by any class in the same assembly, but not
other assemblies.
protected internal - The class can be accessed by any class in the same assembly or any
class in any assembly that derives from the containing class.
Private - The class can be accessed only by the containing class (for nested

1. Field - a variable that is associated with a class or with an instance of a class, and the set of fields
contained with a class collectively represent an object's state
2. Camel Case - the first letter of the name is lowercase and the first letter of any concatenated works
is uppercase
3. Pascal Case - the first letter of the name and the first letter of any concatenated words is uppercase
4. State - value assigned to fields
5. const - a keyword that creates a field that can be assigned a value only when it is defined
6. readonly - offers a variation on the read - only fields created by the const keyword

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