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This npernting instnur:tinns conh'tlns safefy in fruun*[k¡rr l.

r t..
if ignored nali enrimnEr:r life or rs:ilultr in serious ittjuirl'. l-ney
nl"e indicated by 1['ilm inr:¡n.

, ,...W
l:'' il
.., l.trse of this pump with radinactive chemicals is forlr]{kien!

Keep the punrp protected from mun and m¡ater.

Avoid water sp{ashcs

lfimq¡lish lmm6]uage

$:tmad üarefullyl r".lsA. R1-ils-06

ffiffi ffiNj603il$fi-1 : 'lSS5,

f,$aserj nn clirectiv* üHH TSlilS

ñF,l15501,{., $fdliü08 1-1/2, ffihX${]ü{}P-1/2, EI.'.16t}tttr-2, EF,lfifl555;3

r i)'3/{i8 (DST l-.*rw valtage r:ilrectivrrl anrl dir**tive 89/

í..{i361fi l[. ffi t H ft4 C ffi I erntrn rn r*9.¡ ¡r eti* #o rn pati b i[y)


ffianger! ln ernergencies the purnp shnulcf hs switched off irnmerJiately! Disconnect the
power cable from the power supply!

When r-rsing pump with aggressive chemicals observe the regulations concerning
the transport and storage of aggressive flui<ls!

When installing always observn natlmnal reguiationsl

l\llanufacturer is not liablefor ar-ry urrauthorized use or misuse af this prorlLictthat

rfiay cause injuny, darnage tc persorrs or materials.

CAUtfrmUm$ Fump must bn accessible at il tinrinsfor both opmrmting and servicing. Access must
not be obstructed in nny wnSrl ,

ffr*edmn nhnurlal bs int*rlocknd l¡rlt[i a no-flow protection rlerri*m.

[i'ump nnrd ancessnries musi: he *prviced and repaired by c¡unlifiscl nd autli*rized

6rersonncl nnrNy!

l\lways ctrrucharge thm t[quir.{ mnrl [:¡,sfore servicing the pumpl

l.nrpiy arrr{ rinre th+r diquiri -:r,,-i :'¡:fore work on a p{rrnp whicil has hree¡r userl witli
¡,¿7¿¡¡1,-il l :r,Jr n[(n o\^/n ch fl-1,, e;,: l i
1..1 .

S,lwayn rm¿¡ui nheminmil safeh¡ rlatmmheet!

l\lways wr*;*n prcte*:N:rr,¡,r,¡ clothlitrrür:l,ril:[:iürt handling t'lmrarrJous cr'infsns:u]ivn:chr,¡nrinr-¿tsi

1. frnntrrpr,fin¡ction


"V" Series metering punlpl.$ are the ideal solution for low / midclln dosing
of chemicals. All control nnd setup pararneters are available using ñcrurüte
nontrol knobs and a visunl system {led). "V" Series rn*t*ring pumps
have digital On/Off swit*h to ensure dosing activities (available on some mode|s

Fump capacity:

Flow rate is determined byt the stroke speed (frequency) adjustment. 'fhe stroke
speed is adjustable fronn 0 to 1OCI% usinE the adjustment knob.
l-{owever dosing accuracy is guarantee within an adjustment range from 30% to
1CIO%" The led on the panel shows the status activity of the pump.
,m,, [tnmnnillllsülrnffi

:. ;.,;¿r6¡'rt,d iJIIL) ¡:i¿¡r-'t\'Jn'

m.fi ffirhhlers r¡r{i

m.ü $nlf ta¡:¡:ir",r[¡ rü{:rews 4,S x ,tü
n"1 $-)mll*l¡rucl lr¡r";r,l 5 X 20
u"1.1 {::nu'[ filfer rn¡ith valve
m.1 Inlmr:rtilnn tra{t'*
¡ru. 1 Levm{ probe {nm[ includmeJ in VüfJ rnodel)
$.56 ffr Delivmu'y pipe*' (m¡':aque t)ñ)
S"56 ft Suctimn pipe * (trmnsparent P\'ü)
6.56 ft DischnnEe pipc (transpanent PVC ax6)
n,'l This installation manual

üf hose is {Sx8 then there is nnly a 13 ft lnng hose.

ilr.rt to ohtain sucticln and delivery hoses.

-é' %

pi-illúrTtü## DO ]Vffi F il",ffifd[*iFl p${3't{¡&ffill|\fffi.

ff #,d[,{\t ]$S,ffi U$fi"ü] 'fffi ffi,ffiT{"fRni filÍ,ffi Pltrr,,t#$t
ffi : ffi untr'rffi r'ruü désó;¡ ffiptfr ffi n

Pn/Qtr leEqq Slfg[p_Spgg$ knoh

ün/Off Led - Puntp's pulnes lJmlivmry valve

ffiischarge knob

Fnu¡nn supply

Level Frobe !npqi

Suction valve

$hnwn irnagm does nfit rmpresont a spmnifin ñ{-inrp'$ modcl. l[ is nmly fmr generntr purpü$*.
il::'tirn6l'$ irur*t*,lfilation an{.i fl¡.:r,*rtrtivif l¡ is perfnrnled in 4 ninrin st*ps:

P t-t rt¡¡7 s insf;lllafioll

Ffydlnr"l,'Yc Jnslaffal/*:n 4'lfrnnres, lmrnei prnfurrr, ir¡lecfio¡i r¡?Jlr¡c,}
Fiec{r,i*¿:/ ! nstal latía n 4,rnri,'¡,l pfl wer ccr¡ rnsr:fion, pri rn i ng.}
Prograrnrning the pump.

ffi*{r::r,n t start, pl*asm read narmfully the following safety informa.tion.

F¡CIÍriclii¡'sr, * Jnlfi u¡t

..,É rt nf{::;rt;iruu
l¡Vear a/ways ]ül"ütrecfiue cloffuss &s rnasks, g/oves, safefy g/asses and
.'E ff:tws
drrins ALL ínstaLttátictn proced-ule and white

lnsf¿l 1li:¡f¡r.¡n loi:a fio¡l

I Fump must be instalied rn a safeily place and fixed fo ihs iabie I wall fa
Í$.' , avoid vibra.tion ¡troblems!

, Pump must be instatted in a easy accessib/e place!


Pump rnusf be instailed in horizantal pasitian!

: Aynid water splasftes and direct sun!

,Fl*,s*m and \¡nives

..i.i: r $ucflon and delivery hoses musf be ¡nsfa//ed in haritantal pnsifioni

,,. : .4// ftoses nr.innecfinns musf be perfnrnncl ustnE aru/y ,hands'furne/

' lVo longs lequired/


; *)et¡vory hmp"w Lrmrumf ,fue ffr,rmf¡r fixm*$ fr¡ ;+rroid mnrrJrf*rmty rnmv,mrir¡enüs
i #rhaü cou{S dmmrrurgo u'rmar ofilmmfsf

: $iucfíon fiosw ,mnrsf fuw ,ghor{mr ms possrffilm amrS r,ru,*r;#,mlled in, u"mrticaf
, pr*síüíon fn muullr*il arr f*ubbf*tm mn¡cfíonJ
: Llse oniy hoses n:nm1:,ilfib/es u,'r¿'/r praduct cioss,J Íie.'r ,;rlie¡nir;m/
: compafib#itv fa,frlt-;" /f iCc,,srng producf is r¡of /isfed ¡:lei*;.lr,r
, ccrmsulf full ünrul¡::ratibiliw ,Tabf* m,. contact nhe¡rii* t',lr l'¡lan¿lfar;{i-¡¡er/

5. lnstallatiosr c¡raw

trump nnust be lnstalled in a stable suppurt at a rnaxirnurt height {from tmmkrs hottmmr) r:"[ $ ft.

1- Dosing Pump
2 - Suction Hose
3 - Delivery Hose
4 - Injection Valve
5 - Air discharge
6 - Levei Pnobe
7 - Foot Fllter
I - Power table I
ffi . fi "fi 'pru$ mmnq"il ffi fr n $ fl'm,,nfi fl:#,fr lfr ation

hlydnmurNia nmnner:timn$ are:

Suction Hose m¡ifh /eumf probe and foot filter

üelivery ü.ilm"se wffr injection valve
f,)lscfiarge Hose

Suction Hose.

Completely unsürew tightenlng nu¡t from pump's head and romove assembling
components: frghfening nut, holding ring and pipe holder.

Assembly as shown in fig. {A}" Nnsert hose into pipe holder until it reaches the

l*ock hose on pump's head by screwing down the tightening nut.

Use only hands to do it!

Ccrnnect other side of the hose to the foot filter using the sanre procedure.

Suclicn Hose

Tighte,ning Nut

l1_o_lüu Firs

Pipe Holder


fis. (A)
6. il-il-l¡d na¡¡ | ic I nstaü $¿+tion

,üssemblíng fruCIf filfer Mrilff¡ levmil ffum*¡m"

Level probe must be ass*mhlmcl with foot filter usirlg the provided kit.
Foot valve is mmde to be instaülec$ nnto tank's bottorn wltt-rout sediments ¡:rlming

ünrnpletely unscrew leve*t probe's nut and assembly as described in fig. (ts)
paylmg atlnntiom fo the blmck rinE: [t rmust [¡m inserted frnrn f[oater slda.
Lock nut on the opposite sicJe of the lloater using hands only.

to sr"¡ction hose

foot filter

fis. (B)

üonnect BNC from level probe into pump's level input (front side of the pump).
Fut levef probe assembled with fbot filter into tank's bottom.

V/arning: lf there is a rnixer installed into tank, install a suction lance

instead of level probe / foot filil{er.

Delivery Hose.

Complctely unsnrew tighteninE nut frnm pump's head and remova assembling
components: ilrEhfenlng nut, halding ring and pipe holder.

Assembly as shown in tig. (,s,i. lnsert hosn into pipe holder until it reaches the

l-nck hose ofi plrrnp's hmmtl by ucrewing down the tiEhtening ni,lt.
l-J** nnly hands to clo i1!

Connect other slde of ths hose tn thm injection valvm usinp the $ffrne
S" F"fi
Srlndm',mqJlie üflnmtaü lation

$n,rym*ürcln Vmfwm.

lrrjentir:n valvc must k¡e insl,nlleti run ¡rlant fnorn water's input.
lnjectiorl r¡alve will crpen at pre$$Lirm greater t|-ran 4.35 P$i.

Ois*hmrge fuome.

lnsert one side of discharge hose into discharEe ccnnector as shown in fig (C).

lnsert mther side of disnharge hose into product's tank.

ilurinE priminE procedure prnctruct exceerJing will flow ir¡tn tank.

To Delivery hosn

illscharge Knohr

üisahargm lrose -kl

Su*tinn hose

Fcr prinrrnl:t prm*udutre see l:hre r*{a'[l;¡nl nhnpt*t'

ffi. h{wdrmwililm ins*ümfr fimtion

Self-p'entlnff Í*{rtnp head "

to, bl**r.l hose

to delivery hose

Self-venfing pump head murst be used when using chernicals that produce
gas (i.e. hydrngen peroxide, ammonium, sodium hypoclorite at particular

Hoses assernbling pracedure (including pL¡rge frose) is described in fig. (A).


- suction, delivery and purge valves are DIFFERENT! Do not exchange theml

- d*livcry nnd purge hmses arw nirnde mf sarne material!

- it's allowed ta liEl-rtly bmnrl discharge hrnsel

- during calibratinn proceclure (',TEST") insert clischarge hose into mECKEm


7" HEemft s"sm+'ft H ü tr'fi ,$ü"trffi $ tm.*isüt

AlI nrlecirir:ai q:einn*l*:tit:ns rnusL be ¡:er-funriimii,i]l l;]y dh{.Jí"fr"Mffi}FtlUEU:b 1&f{m {ft$J,&[-iF$frm per**rrnel mn{y.
[frr*'fr"¡r'* tu prrur:**ed" ¡-l$easc. verify the fmlIrrwlnr,¡; stu6rr*:

- vr:rifj that p*rnp's laL¡q¡l r¡*[ues ürfr] []mmr$latl[-¡ie with il'rmlrr pnr,wer supply"

- Flurnp rnust he nonnected tn a planX u¡ith a dlfferential sv,,'itch {0,03A

sensitivity) if ther"u isn't a gcmri ground.

- 1o avoid darnages tc¡ [hnl purm[r do not install it in parallel with heavy
lnductance load (fon r*lrrnrn-rp'[e: mngines). A relay switch must hre used. $ee
l-'elaw picture

l'- I



F - D*sing Pump
fr. - Relay
I - Switch ür safety device
fi. - Electro\Jalve ar inductance laad
,á - Main Pawer

- ün pump's mothur bn;,lnd thmre is a further protottion against nver voltages

(275V - 150V) and distrihution lime noises (4KVfor rnax 50¡;sec) ets shown:

T. Hleclrümmü [mstmtilation

üncs verified previous sterp* pro*:eed as follows:

- checkthat "ffiltlC" of level probe has been connected as described in "l-lydraulic

lnstallatian" ühapter.

- connect "BNC" and mxtmrnal signal to pump's "INPUT" connectors.

leveLryqlq lrpull

{baftarn view)

Level Probe lnput available on: VCL

üir$. ff\d$*r*+,:fimHgn

i fiVH[ -\[. \,$"-rflJl

ffiL typrm fi¡i.{nlps,*rnil prnviclmd witlt a iíquid it*'r¡ei miarrn tc¡ indinal,* producf fiar¡k is ernpty. l-he fu*vel
pnoh* iu nc¡nmmnted [r:lthm niqht BNC piug mri pump's bottom pdnml" The f,,ffvel probe is made nf a
il,|"O. rn*rd *c¡ntact (ltl'd,¿\,, 1l\ rna:r., ll$OVar;: niax..) i:losed by a ffmating rr"lmE¡net housed in a {[-]F]
piastic hc¡N. \¡Vhen H'ru prni lr*t ievel ü,res h,mlr:w the minimum the nnagnet rrir¡ses the reed contact.
The punr¡:: stnps ¿r¡"rn[ thn r*rl l-.ffiffi on FrLrmp'rs flront panel indicates fhe alar¡'¡:i stat¡-¡s.

hrqiffir1F TYPES

Furn¡'rs mot./" "VC[" (12-24 VaclVdc) are equi¡tp,rri wifh a bicolour led.
Led pn, r'ed colpwr: low level product alarm. Cfurryu'k plnduct's tank anri rosfoie fñe ievel.
L.ed an, rh/inking 6lr#en cnlnur: punip norun;*l operaflng mode"
Led an, rb/inking gr*üfi cp/our (nne suconc/ ffin, ofie second aff): pawer suppiy out af ranEe. üfter:k
¡"rurn¡r's labe/ and {]hmck tl'tw main pawer"

'l /{

l, f"'. u''¡

ffir:nrutar¡t plrrTrp with flnu¡ cnn{¡'r:l {{rmt'rt panmü J.rn*fl rnmy he met fnorn t"}*tü, tm i0ü9'¡ nt purnp nunriinotl

rjo rlr:t set the knnt: uf pi-{t'rp flq¡u'u hmtwr¡qim ü% ancl 1ff't*
lrnulmrity prokrlmm
\i{i}ü may operate in nnnlstant dnsing¡ nnod*, r:r ün-fitf rnodtr (using nn nxfernal siEnal).

Vfiü has a divider (x- ü.i) tn reriunu hV tenr trmes [hm f]Lrrnp capacity hy rfivicling the purnp strnkm
fijow to enable "divider rncde":
- set the pump into $T,A[rlffiffiY* rnode;
- I<eepinE presscd the on/nff l¡utton, wnit ÍJ flashes frnrn thm stmtus led. The pump will start the dosing
activitv with the stroke speed reducecl tr*n tin'res than the value set on strcke lenght knob.
To di**alhl* the "riivider modo", power ü)FF the purnp. Keepirig pressecl the on/off h¡utton, wait 3
flash*r* üf [he stutus led.

strokn lenght lrnr:b

mn/mtf [:utton

status led

The led on the frontnl panel shows thm punn6.r'lll nprnrortlnE status thrnugh four flashing:

LHM Afi:TIVITV Pf,X üil'l P'SI lfrbTrmlT"ruffi

It flashes S times per s*nnnd the ¡rum¡: iu pnlvr:rreci with a pmwmr mupply lower thmrr the lal-iel

It flashes 2 tirnes pen sccond tf-rr* pum¡: [* ¡:muvernd wlth a püwmr supply higher thnn the Nabe

It filmshms 1 time per smcnmcl n-- u*, ," i'-l ;;"- 1oFtl ** t - t-r*-,J (-*^ñ1. r-.1")
iec| ffihl, rt switahes nff "l time
thn ¡lump rln antir¡m mmd fumctionimE {ü[tl]
per *lm,r:nnd

,f,$.,, ll n ll

\t'{} lt

ttu,¡l l:l,r:*llr,ri¡ [J{"i 1?1p vuith levml niarnr .


{in*nrit'y ¡irnkiklm d,"l rur¡t *eú ilre fisna]h of FlL.iir"rfir flu"rr¡,,'hetu,¡r:q]n 0?ri and

VLIL has a divrd*r (x- ü,1i [n redu*m by ter"r [irnes til"¡e pr"]rnü cmpacity by divicling the purnp stroke
f{nw tn enai:le "divider müds":
-*int th* pump into STANDBY* mncls;
- kmrr6:ii-rE pressed the on/off button, wait 3 flash*s frum the s{atus led. Thn pump ln¡ill stari the dosinE
aa:tir,rít!' $¡i'ft'¡ [he strq:ke speed rnduced tmn [innell {han t!"rn value set on strnke lenght Ntl-rob.
To rlis,shlm thm "clir¡iclar nnode", power flFF: the purnp. Keeprng pressmrJ the oniotf button, wait ii
flashes oÍ thm statlrm lecl"

*froke lenEht kno[:

un1*lf [:r-¡itcn

status l*rril

ler"i n,n ihn frontr*l pmrrel nhmi¡,¡n the ¡:urn¡:'s upmratirrq status thrnLlgh fon-lr {lashing:

fi-ffiM ATTIVITY *ryry$ flrffi[S---- I

ll flashes 3 tirnps pmn *nnmnd

Hv:r T:ry]::'-gyilfl ;:;;ry'r,"y1 *;;f:ggl
------1 -
It lf lnsh*:* 2 timms per smnnnd
lylIll !: i:r:T:1! 1r".'i r11! :_: Tjr v 981!'*!:_9T l
[{ tl]ñxiiiillm$

ilsrf ffif,J, it
"ll tlnim per secnnd
off 1 tirfle
ryyil y_ryii-" {g[fl u"¡|il1t -'
Pn-)"vered {srANDtsY tnorlel

'slvifinhes tl'lr,l pll.Ln-lp i.E llrr:tirr* anrd f¡..u'l ctioning {üi rt

[¡n,lt l$l*nt:llS.:l |


1. Connect the pump to main power.

2. Rotate front panel knob to 70%.

3. Turn on the pump.

4. Flotate discharge knob (open it completely).

5. The chemical will begin to flow intn dlscharEe hose. Close the discharge knob.

6. Proceed to normal operating mode"


pffiffim[_ffiM fr"i¡ ü:lmffi Im l_ffi üI\t"$sH I

I :ll : I

| ;lir::¡"¡,,;:,.::,r .1

iil ri;1;5, Éru,rll¡r isn'f powmred. ür:nnecf lf ln nl¿rin suiJp/y. I

, :: ==:::::=il I .t::111

i ¡:l
ftoüftifrT$m {¡o$s[r-{ i

üm,w¡r rs ,orofecfion fuse is brnken. ftm¡llnne lf. See I

ip,' ¡:=': ,,,,i¡ pa.ge 19 for replacemenf prnnedure" I

Fu"mrp',s main bna¡'d is broken. Iieplace lf. $ee I

page 19 for replasement pracedure. i

The fc¡ot filter is obsfr¿¡cfed" tienn if" I

Suction hose ¡s ernpfr/, trwmp must be primed. ffiepeaf

priming procedure.
, r,:::,:::::.=;:r,:lI i:.*:li;. .t.r..:::l::r::il!.-i, i.r:
ffi, *$- ftiü mfmffjr'*m .4ir" ¡bubhJss il'¡side hyulraulic circuit. Check yalyes -
#is¡ *$#ti.rrrgr hoses - /iffrnEs.

Frmducf fn dose is generating gas. Turn discharge

knob and let air flow away.

Use a selfventing pump head.

()-rp'ufa/s plffsnnce rnside yalues. #hec/r them and try

i¡ fi urrro'F rnnrilri,mp'é=?.-ir'f,,i,üü
fo rrose t-3 rifers
lnjectinn vair¡e otrrsfrucfmd. ffhange rl

'Í"1. ffitrsm nmd mmin hmard replacernent

nNlor,,vmd tt: quaiificd personnel only. Befnrm tu

Fuse or rnnin bnar*-'l repla.cement is uprmnmte disconnmmt
the punrp frorn mnin power and all hyrdrmulic r::cnnentions.

For fuse replacennent is necessary to u$ü n íiix 16 antJ 3x15 sunewdriver and n new {L¡se {same rnodel
of old one)"

Fc¡r mainhoard replacernent is necessany tc' une a 3x16 and üx15 screwdrivcr anctr m new nn¿lin lroard
{sarne model nf old onei.

Fuse repfmcemenü prmmedure:

- Pull pump's back cover until it's completed separated frorn pump's front. Be
careful of the knob's spring.

- Locate the blown fuse and l,eplace it.

" Reassemble the pump. Be careful to put back the knob's spring.

- Reinsert screws.

Maín board *t":T;r:*il-;,""

knob nn o%

- Fiemove 6 screws frorn purlrp's back.

- Full pump's back cover t¡ntil it's completed separated from pump's front. Be
careful of the knob's spring.

" Hen'lovn hoard's screw$.

- tompletely disconr"rect wires from main l:oard and replace it. Reinsert screws.

- Fl*cnnnclct wires to the mnrn board (se* enclosed picture).

- Reassmmhle the pump. tsm aareful to put back the lqnoh's spring.

- Reinsert screws.

P" $WmHn hmmnc$

fidmd" YCO

L +
il+r il

t:] fl

ffi#md- VCI

iü {J
A Append ix. Mai ntmunrurnce.

During norrnal operating mode, pump rnü${ htr ohnnl,rmd nr-rce fcr rnonth. Wean needed safety deví*ms
and check hoses and all hydraulic compon.:vcis {ür:

product leak

- broken hcses

- corroded connections

Atl malntenance operations nnust be perfornmed by authorirnd and trained personnel only. lf
pump needs factory ansistance plemne use mniginal package to return it.

tsefcpnm to do it, please, remove all dosing product inside the purnp and hoses.

Use omly original $parts parts!

ffi -Énppmrreüix. tt.I{ffih"T*tra¡ctü+nn Matmrilum,t{l*m li;lri¡''rd

Tffi {} ht il\,¡ ltAL frffi ,{'r }-lii"u $4 lE$

P*vL¡ü¡ .supply: 23ü VAü {18ü-27(} \¡:/¿\{.il

,ncvver supp/y: 1 15 VAü (9ü-135 Vp,fi'I
PoH¡n¡' supply: 24 VAü (20-32 VAC)
P*it,e; sup¡tly: 12\,/[)fi (1ü-16Vnfi)

Fr-rmp .sfrokes: ü -: 18ü

S¿.¡c:finn HeiElst: ft ,{1.9ü
ffr¡r¡lronrnenf leryrpnrnfure: r) + 45'fi {$! + 111ü"F)
{}h*mical lempernfurc: $ -:- 50'ü (ll2 + 12ii'F)
/¡rsfa/la#on C./ass: tl
Pallutían l-eve/: ¿
Audible iVclse; 14dbA
Pa*agi ng mnd TianspnrfrnE Temperature: -1ü*+50'S {{'4 + 122'F)
Frotectian dmgree I F6s


ün-qe; PP$
Pumn head: PVDF
ffiiaphragm.: PTFE
iÍucfr*n Prp'e PVC
Dmiiu*ry Prp*; PE
Valv* ffiady: PVDF
O-ring: FB ER WAX, SI, PTFH *
lnjectinn connectur PB PVtf (cerami*, I:iAS'IELLOY C276 spring)
Level Frabe: PE PVDF *
Level¡:iobe cahlu: PE
Foot Filfer: FB PVDF {
* as nrdered.
Mox shipping
nrr, Strokesl Fuse ot Fuse ot \,Yutt st l{qtt ot
Flow Fressure
¡iffoke '
t30 vAc 1 15 v,4c rro'üÁó r is'vÁc *Lt;t'
tü ü1 290 0.00

1E ÚP 0.1s
"|fi f¡4 0.37

l5 ru2 n.1s

ts ü4 0.37
't s {}$i n.4rj

1i] 04 145

¡U U)

1S f 0

{Jlrr üü

üs 1(1

o5 t?

ü4 0E

$j3 '10

01 I6

., ,*
ffi ffipry*mn"ud[x" ffimüfr'ü{wry ffimu'vem

Pump Head K

1B ü2

r lh ü1 r_/h a2

bar 2ü

Pump Head K

15 02

L/h 02

bar 15 bar 15

Pump Head K Pump Head K

1CI u5 10 ü4

L/h 05 L/h ü/+

bar 10

ffi A pn ¡¡:ll,r* m c$ ix,, flf ,,h
q* ff n'Mffi ry G n,r rrres

Pumo Head ll, Prmp Hea'l K

t/h it8

:.., ...i. - . -.1....-r--. ".- j....-..:.....,..,;---

'. 1::11 -;
u?' üó 1
*--: l - i*" i*' i --*t *-'1

Ilh ü6
ba r tlI

Flnw rate lmdil:ated is fnr hl"ffi at ffi[i"F at thm

ratr.,,tJ ¡:rnunl,"rn",ü. Dosin$ Étrtilmrüüf 3: 2olo ilrI
ci:n*t r¡t pr{:}s{iLrr* t 7.25 F$|.
^ '
t$ ffippmmdix. Dimmmsfimm,m

Infn inch

A 106,96 4.21

ó 210.44 8.28

c I E9.44 / ó5

D 1 14.50 4.50

E 187.S6 7.40

p7.0ü 3.81

L? 106.S6 4.21

H 125.47 4.S3

L 50.00 1.$6

¡vt 201.00 ¡.s1

H Ap pnru1y1n- dry ffi; m il mm ü,m"m $ nnUU m:nU ll tUy'mm ln*'Ue

mü,$t srrifüitr-iln mafmfr"ial in r:o¡rta.nt with

{lu"ri*.i i,* nmlmr;f,utJ for *a*h nppli*ntir:n. Ti-iis col-l-lp;itlhilrty table
$er\/flsi ¿ts a us*ft-¡l htifp in llhrru rmspu*t. All thr* [n'fnrrnntimns in this lüst *rm veniflerl perioclically and
f:¡tlill#rred tn [:¡t* tniluct (jr'r th* alute nf i{}:ümmnr:m.,1\,1! the informatinrrs in this list mre Lrnsed on
n¡anmf¿i;-:luigr's rlata and it* $wr] f)rprlrlence f:rt since tl¡e resistmnre of any rl"¡t,t1erial depends by
flris íist is mr..ippli+:':i r:nny as ;an initial 6:¡r-rlde, irr nur: way Eh,{n:ü makes warranties of any
rur*vmrai factr:r.*s
rnatter r*s6:rrsct to the infr:rrn*ti*l"ls prnrr!r.{nd !n thilm iist.



:-]-, 1- 1l
, ,'l
'11111 llit1 I


rirlrlj --,


HyLlroflüoric Acirl 40% 1i
'l 1 1]313 !l
-r- i-* i -
l.i.¡r:lrochloric Acirl Conaent atc 3lil 1i1l313
I HyciroE¡eiiPsróxidé,3ü%(Pérydroli

;+-, rl-,ill=
' lt
rlrlrlr lj i

i So,iium Bisulphite NaHSO.

l;(,dirm ¡"nir ,naie (Süja) ni:l:o:

Sodi.r r r V:roride ¡C¡r;iic iotlal I'laOl-l

Sodium Hyp' .frdnt¿. t¿.51/o NaOCI + NaCi

i Sutphuric Acicl. 8596

F--- -

i-----:ryY_:ii t1t:
Res¡srtfince ratinH
Re$istant J
Fairly renistant 2
¡'l|]t rEsistant il


Polyvinyfu:il*na fluoride FVMF Fump l-"leads, vaives,,fittln g, tubing

Pnlypro¡rylene I: il) Pump l-{eads, valves, fittina, level floater
p\lü üJ\ //a
Fump l{eads
Stainless lrt*el s$ iJ]6 Pump [-1t-rads, vnlves
Fnlymethyi Merilnnrilatnr {Acryl ic} rlil}tMA Fun'lp [{e'adn
l-llastelloy ü-!:r'6 l-ias[nlliry 1tr ieutron r alve sor ino
Folyl*traf uoroelhVlene
I PTTE Diaphragm
iÉiunr r q:cartron (1/itnrr@ [:i) [:i[:r¡il Seah¡¡95
[:'tN-lylnne prn pvlene EPDi\r'l Scrtings
ftlit¡'ile il'¡BR Sealings
Foly*ttryle ne pr Tubing

tl {i
*{W1 n
S,il;h, 6m ¡p;utml*il.m,
ilirt il w. ss ilüw,m p L¡ n$ $s exp lod ed v i m,¡nr

4q ñ\I\

(l ::.,,..

P, \=jr-'+
-:,lt t
'. É.'--4
i.B,- ffia \-i ,10)
iT f4rr'-

'a.'f'------'¡')':' I

j.. I

¿) iqi

NOTüffiE: a[ways specify the pump's la[ietr wh"len ordening sparo p .n"ts.



3. Gennral description
4. Befrrre to Install warnings ., ..... 6

6. Hydraulic lnstallation ."............. .... ., ........8

7. Electrical installation .............1...........". ....12

10. Troubleshooting ..............,.... 1 B

'11. Fuse and main board replacement.............. .. ....19
12. Main board .....-..20
A Appendix"'Maintenance. .......,.. ....:............. .,.............21
B Appendix, üonstruction Materials and Technical info .....,..... ..,..22
C Appendix. Delivery Curves .....................23
C Appendix. Delivery Curves .....................24
D Appendix. Dimensions ............... .............25
E Appendix. Chemical Compatibility Table ..,...............26
G Appendix. "V" series pump exploded view.......... ,....................27
H Appendix. Summary ...............

Teehnicatr femfruurms and drnwings mrm muhlm,mt to changmffi ffiffid nmmdifimmtionn wrlfhmnr'ft
amy nc$'''ice.

fr{ Appn'mmn$üx. $u run mary

ffiu rffi rflIruffi'W

4. Before to lnstall warnings ...."........ 6

6. Hydraulic lnstallation ......... .......... B

?,1il#-;;;;;;; :
: :ll
12. Main board .................:
A Appenriix. Maintenance. ..........
B Appendix. Construction Materials and Technical info ........... .....22
C Appendix. Delivery Curves ..................... 23
C Appendix. Delivery Curves .....................24
E Appendix. Chemical Compatibility Table ..................26
H Appendix. Summary ..... .... ..


Teehntcal femtmres amd drawingm mnm suh$mct to mhange,m unmd rnodiftmatiomm w¡ithmu*'fr
any advice.


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