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Foundations Class

Brigino, Dorothy P.
Group # 5 – Assignment # 1

If God knew that Adam and Eve would eat of the tree of knowledge, why did He
put it in the Garden of Eden in the first place?
15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take
care of it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree
in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” (Genesis 2:15)
Why did God made the wrong choice available?
First of all, He tilted everything in favor of the right choice. They can eat of any
tree in the garden. But why? Because He wants us to choose Him not to have to choose
Him. Love is not love unless it’s a choice. If God created us like the machines that we
would always choose the right thing and we would have only the right thing available
and therefore it was perfectly predictable, that is not love. Love is seeing the wrong
thing but caring enough about someone to do the right thing. That is what God wants for
Himself and that God wants us to choose in other relationships. He wants us to do right
by them because we’ve chosen not to make the wrong choice. -Pt. Joel C. Hunter
The two trees in the middle of the garden. There is the tree of life and tree of the
knowledge of good and evil. The tree of life is the provision of life. God is the life-giver.
And the prohibition is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which we take it
upon ourselves the claim that we can all make good and evil. We are the definers of
good and evil. The garden represents kind of life that God wants it to be lived. And the
way to live life as God wants it to be lived is God intended for us is to trust God for the
Provision namely life and honor the Prohibition. For life to be lived the way its meant to
be lived, we have these trust on God and to do what He tells us to do which is ultimately
to love like He loves but not claim to know what only He knows. We can’t eat the both
trees at the same time. If we are judging, we are now ascribing worth to ourselves
across to another. ‘We are better than them’, ‘We are the judge of them’. While love is
the opposite. Whereas love is ascribing worth to others across to ourselves. You can’t
both be stealing worth from a person and giving worth to a person. Judgment blocks the
flow of God’s love. And the whole purpose of this thing is about love. Be like Jesus in
terms of His character and love. Don’t try to be like Him in terms of our knowledge
(Boyd 2009).

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