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Annotated Bibliography:

Computer Science Engineering

Hannibal Rodriguez

The University of Texas at El Paso

RWS 1301

Dr. Vierra

November 6, 2019

Research Questions

1. What is your major or occupation of choice? Define your major or intended occupation.

2. Why did you select this occupation?

3. Why did you select UTEP to study this major or occupation?

4. What influenced you in your choice of an occupation?

5. What should one know about the profession he or she expects to enter?

Annotated Bibliography


Kadijevich, D. M., Angeli, C., & Schulte, C. (2013). Improving computer science education.

New York: Routledge.

In order to optimize a student’s learning, one should make the comprehension process as

easy as possible, for the teacher should implement skills in order to focus more on the

main claims than the details, paying attention to opinions and understanding the task.

According to Grigoriadou and Gasparinatou (2013), many factors contribute to learning

from text, but prior domain-specific knowledge and the building of a coherent situation

model are the driving factors (p. 4). During research, it was found that participants who

read cohesive texts had better recall of material presented and developed a better situation

model than those who read less cohesive texts (p. 5). Accordingly, text coherence

presents significant comprehension, reproductive recall and recognition.

Krauss, J., & Prottsman, K. (2016). Computational thinking and coding for every student : The

teacher's getting-started guide. Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin, a Sage Publishing


Until lately, computer science was largely an unknown entity in education ranging from

K-12 classes. According to Krauss and Prottsman (2016), they present computational

thinking as a set of attitudes and skills a person would need to confidently persist toward

identifying, posing, and solving problems (p. 4). All critical capabilities that are required

to progress in a daily life. The author’s point is that in today’s world there’s a lack of

personnel in this field. Krauss and Prottsman (2016) emphasized that we already have a

generation of filmgoers; now we need more producers and directors who can create the

vast array of products and services the world needs (p. 7). Accordingly, studying

computer science will provide knowledge of thinking creatively in a restrictive

environment accessing the impossible to a field of hidden opportunities.


Djordje M. Kadijevich. (2013). Learning about spreadsheets. In Djordje M. Kadijevich, Charoula

Angeli & Carsten Schulte (Eds.), Improving computer science education (pp. 19-34).

New York: Routledge.

Computerized spreadsheets are spreadsheet applications used on a computer which have

been neglected in computer science research education. According to Kadijevich (2013),

there are interesting and important spreadsheet-related problems in both practice and

research, which aim to improve spreadsheet learning from both professional practice and

educational context (p. 20). This is important because in order to support a better

spreadsheet learning and practice research including spreadsheet errors and their sources,

critical issues of spreadsheet design, and difficulties in spreadsheet auditing all take into

account into better comprehension from related areas such as management, modeling,

and programming (p. 31). Accordingly, studies on spreadsheet learning and teaching have

been missing in research in computer science education despite the fact that competent

work with spreadsheets is requires in most workplaces.

Journal Articles

BURTON, E., GOLDSMITH, J., & MATTEI, N. (2018). How to teach computer ethics through

science fiction. Communications of the ACM, 61(8), 54-64. doi:10.1145/3154485

Science fiction makes the key ethical questions of technology development and use more

vivid and engaging and the engaging and critical resources for addressing ethical

questions more intelligible. According to Burton, Goldsmith, and Mattei (2018),

discussing ethics in the context of fiction can make it easier for instructors to adopt an

open-ended approach required for a good ethics course (p. 62). The authors point is that a

key part of ethics education is helping student see beyond their own reflexive

assumptions about what is true or right (p. 56). Consequently, it is important to introduce

students towards ethics through science fiction as it establishes a student’s ethical

thinking and problem solving in the world of computer science.


POWELL, W. (2019). Computational sustainability: Computing for a better world and a

sustainable future. Communications of the ACM, 62(9), 56-65. doi:10.1145/3339399

Computer scientist have the ability to play a key role in helping address societal and

environmental challenges in pursuit of a sustainable future, while also advancing

computer science as a discipline. According to Gomes, Dietterich, Barrett, Conrad,

Dilkina, Ermon, Powell (2019), computational sustainability aims to identify, formalize,

and provide solutions to computational problems concerning the balancing of

environmental, economic, and societal needs for a sustainable future (p. 57). A large

group of computer researchers, collaborating with an even larger group of domain

specialist from social, environmental, and natural sciences, can drive computational

sustainability in ways that would not be possible in a smaller or less interdisciplinary

setting (p. 58) Consequently, sustainability concerns human well-being and the protection

of the planet.

Horsman, D., Kendon, V., & Stepney, S. (2017). The natural science of computing: As

unconventional computing comes of age, we believe a revolution is needed in our view of

computer science. Communications of the ACM, 60(8), 31-34. doi:10.1145/3107924

Quantum computing is now being developed on an international scale, with active help

from major corporations such as Google and Nasa as they believe computer science is an

interaction of both technological and fundamental theoretical advances which are needed

to progress in natural sciences. According to Horsman, Kendon, and Stepney (2017),

understanding computers can be seen as the key to understanding computer science as it

crosses through main aspects such as logic and computation (p. 32). Horsman, Kendon,

and Stepney observed that understanding computer science enables the ability to treat

systems with theoretical and practical rigor to unlock potential, as well as combining with

existing technology to make nature-friendly devices (p. 32). Consequently, computer

science can be used to help understand the physical world we live in and furthermore

create innovations which help our natural sciences.

Kumar, V., & Kalil, T. A. (2015). The future of computer science and engineering is in your

hands. Communications of the ACM, 58(7), 39-41. doi:10.1145/2668022

Computer scientist and engineers have a huge impact on the future of the U.S., serving

government importance by shaping the growth of industry and infrastructure. According

to Kumar and Kalil (2015), several federal agencies are committed to investing in

computer science research; addressing some of the nation’s most important challenges (p.

41). It’s observed that the government has realized the importance and minor personnel

lack in this field. Considerable investments by major companies are transpiring in order

to attract the next generation of scientist, engineers, and entrepreneurs to advance their

applications in domains such as manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, and energy

(p.41). This evidence suggest that computer science and engineering can be profoundly

influenced by government service, in the seek of superior economic prosperity, public

health, environmental quality and national security.

Niess, M. L. (2005). Preparing teachers to teach science and mathematics with technology:

Developing a technology pedagogical content knowledge. Teaching and Teacher

Education, 21(5), 509-523. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2005.03.006

As a shortage of mathematics and science teachers has proceeded toward the education

field, the preparation for changing curriculum which integrates technology is in

eminence. According to Niess (2005), having a consideration of multiple domains of

knowledge is required for technology to become an integral component or tool for

learning (p. 509). Science and mathematics preservice teachers must also develop and

overarching conception of their subject matter with respect to technology and the

meaning of teaching with technology (p. 510). Consequently, student teachers we

naturally focused on their own teachings and less likely to think about their students

understanding, thinking and learning.

STIGLER, J. W., & HIEBERT, J. (2009). Closing the teaching gap. Phi Delta Kappan, 91(3),

32. doi:10.1177/003172170909100307

Foreign patterns and methods of teaching may be somewhat more effective when it

comes to teaching a core subject such as STEM (science, technology, engineering and

mathematics). According to Stigler and Hiebert (2009), foreign techniques and practices

are essential for high levels of achievement as they focus in the engagement of students

in active struggle with core mathematics concepts and procedures (p. 34). Although

teachers in high achieving countries employed a variety of strategies and routines, in

every case these strategies were used to achieve a common learning experience for

students (p. 34). Accordingly, in order to improve the teaching of math in the U.S., we

need to engage students in exploring mathematical relationships and wrestling with key

mathematical ideas.


Manyika, James. Chui, Michael. Bughin, Jacques. Dobbs, Richard. Bisson, Peter. Marrs, Alex.

(2013). Disruptive technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the

global economy | McKinsey. Retrieved from https://www.mckinsey.com/business-


Having innovations that significantly alter the way that consumers, industries, or

businesses operate uphold a significant structure towards truly reshaping the world in

which we live and work. According to Manyika and Dobbs (2013), policy makers need to

prepare for future technology by having a clear understanding of how technology might

shape the global economy and society over the coming decade (p. 2). Deciding how to

invest in new forms of education and infrastructure and figuring out how disruptive

economic change will affect comparative advantages (p. 2). Therefore, if business and

government leaders wait until these technologies are exerting their full influence on the

economy, it will be too late to capture the benefits or react to the consequences.

Primary Sources

UC Staff. (2019). UTEP and Lockheed martin sign agreement to employ students in El Paso.

Retrieved from https://www.utep.edu/newsfeed/campus/UTEP-and-Lockheed-Martin-


Lockheed Martin has supported UTEP with supported research, infrastructure and

program development within its College of Engineering, and leading to successful

collaborations and teaming up with the universities’ students and staff. According to UC

Staff (2019), UTEP and Lockheed Martin will sign an agreement which concurs towards

employing students in El Paso. Accordingly, part of the agreement pertains that Lockheed

Martin will now open a location in El Paso near the UTEP campus where they will

employ UTEP undergraduate students as interns. Consequently, this agreement is set to

seek a great potential for the UTEP interns to make invaluable contributions to the

engineering community and to the future.

UTEP. (2007, -07-01). UTEP tops in educating Hispanics. Nova, , 10. Retrieved

from https://digitalcommons.utep.edu/nova/172

UTEP tops in educating Hispanics as it is ranked the fourth highest university in the

nation. According to UTEP (2007), for the second consecutive time the university has be

ranked within the top schools in the nation as it pertains a high number of Hispanics

graduating (p. 8). The author points out that UTEP awarded 98 bachelor’s degrees in

engineering and ranked third in the world, the universities success in educating Hispanic

engineers has been widely recognized and has created mass observation by many (p. 8).

Consequently, UTEP is ranked as the nation’s No.1 graduate engineering school for

Hispanics in both 2005 and 2006.


Tertiary Sources

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