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mentoring engineers
No. of Questions: 65 Duration: 90 min (1 ½ hours)

x% on time
43% up to 15 minutes delayed
17% 15-30 minutes delayed
12% 30-60 minutes delayed
3% more than 60 minutes delayed

1. The chart above describes departures from a certain airport on a certain day. If 1200 flights were
delayed, how many flights departed on time?
(a) 250 (b) 300 (c) 350 (d) 400 (e) 900
2. What is the greatest integer that is a sum of four different prime numbers, each less
than 14?
(a) 36 (b) 40 (c) 44 (d) 48 (e) 52
3. A church collected exactly $303 from its members during a service. If each member contributed at
least $2, what is the greatest numbers of members that could have attended this particular service?
(a) 149 (b) 150 (c) 151 (d) 152 (e) 153
4. The population of City A is three times the population of City B. Together, Cities A and B have twice
the population of City C. What is the ratio of the population of City C to the population of City B?
(a) 1 : 4 (b) 1 : 2 (c) 2 : 1 (d) 3 : 1 (e) 4 : 1
5. Molly purchased Brand A binders at $8 a piece and Brand B binders at $5.60 a piece. If she bought a
total of 12 binders for $84, how many Brand A binders did she buy?
(a) 2 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 7 (e) 10
6. A local farmer grows wheat on land he rents for a fixed cost of $200,000 per year. The variable cost
of growing one bushel of wheat is $10. In a certain year, the farmer grows and sells 50,000 bushels of
wheat and makes a profit of $150,000, after paying the fixed cost to rent the land. If every bushel
sold for the same price, what was the selling price, in dollars, of a bushel of wheat?
(a) 3 (b) 7 (c) 11 (d) 13 (e) 17
7. If x + y = 2, and x2 – xy – 10 – 2y2 = 0, what does (x – 2y) equal?
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 5 (e) 10
8. The average speed of a certain train was measured every 6 minutes and was found to have increased
by 3 miles per hour during each successive 6-minute interval after the first interval. If in the third 6-
minute interval its speed was 24 miles per hour, how many miles did the train travel in the first 6-
minute interval?
(a) 0.6 (b) 1.2 (c) 1.8 (d) 2.4 (e) 3.0
9. If the product of the integers a, b, c and d is 546, and if 1 < a < b < c < d, what is the value of b + c?
(a) 273 (b) 185 (c) 21 (d) 10 (e) 4
10. In a certain laboratory, chemicals are identified by a color-coding system. There are 20 different
chemicals. Each one is coded with either a single color or a unique two-color pair. If the order of
colors in the pairs doesn’t matter, what is the minimum number of different colors needed to code
all 20 chemicals with either a single color or a unique pair of colors?
(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 20 (e) 40

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11. The value of a certain antique car increased by 30 percent from 1986 to 1990 and then decreased by
20 percent from 1990 to 1994. The car’s value in 1994 was what percent of its value in 1986?
(a) 90% (b) 100% (c) 104% (d) 110% (e) 124%
12. An insurance company provides coverage for a certain dental procedure according to the following
rules: the policy pays 80% of the first $1200 of cost, and 50% of the cost above $1200. If a patient
had to pay $490 of the cost for this procedure himself, how much did the procedure cost?
(a) $1200 (b) $1300 (c) $1500 (d) $1600 (e) $1700
13. If Jose does GMAT word problems at a constant rate of 2 problems every 5 minutes, how many
seconds will it take him to do N problems?
(a) (2/5)N (b) 2N (c) (5/2)N (d) 24N (e) 150N
14. Working together, John, David, and Roger require 2¼ hours to complete a certain task, if each of
them works at his respective constant rate. If John alone can complete the task in
4½ hours, and David alone can complete the task in 9 hours, how many hours would it take Roger to
complete the task, working alone?
(a) 2½ (b) 4½ (c) 6¾ (d) 9 (e) 12
15. The price of copper rose by 25 percent and then fell by 20 percent. The price after these changes
(a) 20 percent greater than the original price
(b) 5 percent greater than the original price
(c) the same as the original price
(d) 5 percent less than the original price
(e) 15 percent less than the original price
16. If Sidney is taller than Roger, Roger is taller than Vernon, and Billy is taller than both Roger and
Felix, then which of the following statements must be true?
(a) Felix is shorter than Roger
(b) Sidney is taller than Billy
(c) Roger is shorter than Felix
(d) Sidney is taller than Felix
(e) Billy is taller than Vernon
17. To meet a government requirement, a bottler must test 5 percent of its spring water and 10 percent
of its sparkling water for purity. If a customer ordered 120 cases of spring water and 80 cases of
sparkling water, what percent of all the cases must the bottler test before he can send it out?
(a) 6.5% (b) 7.0% (c) 7.5% (d) 8% (e) 8.5%
18. If xy > 0, which of the following CANNOT be true?
(a) x > 0 (b) y < 0 (c) x + y < 0 (d) (x/y) < 0 (e) (x/y) > 0
19. The average (arithmetic mean) of 3a + 4 and another number is 2a. What is the average of the other
number and a?
(a) 2a (b) a – 4 (c) a – 2 (d) a + 2 (e) a + 4
20. Tom reads at an average rate of 30 pages per hour, while Jan reads at an average rate of 40 pages
per hour. If Tom starts reading a novel at 4:30, and Jan begins reading an identical copy of the same
book at 5:20, at what time will they be reading the same page?
(a) 9:30 (b) 9:00 (c) 8:40 (d) 7:50 (e) 7:00
21. How many multiples of 3 are there among the integers 15 through 105 inclusive?
(a) 30 (b) 31 (c) 32 (d) 33 (e) 34

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22. Steve gets on the elevator at the 11th floor of a building and rides up at a rate of 57 floors per
minute. At the same time Joyce gets on an elevator on the 51st floor of the same building and rides
down at a rate of 63 floors per minute. If they continue travelling at these rates, at which floor will
their paths cross?
(a) 19 (b) 28 (c) 30 (d) 32 (e) 44
23. George takes 8 hours to copy a 50-page manuscript while Sonya can copy the same manuscript in 6
hours. How many hours would it take them to copy a 100-page manuscript, if they work together?
6 5 2
(a) 6 7 (b) 9 (c) 9 7 (d) 10 3 (e) 14
24. For the equation x2 + 2x + m = 5, where m is a constant, 3 is one solution for x. What is the other
(a) –5 (b) -2 (c) -1 (d) 3 (e) 5
2 3 5 2 3
25. If both 5 and 3 are factors of n x 2 x 6 x 7 , what is the smallest possible positive
value of n?
(a) 25 (b) 27 (c) 45 (d) 75 (e) 125
26. How many different ways can 2 students be seated in a row of 4 desks, so that there is always at
least one empty desk between the students?
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 6 (e) 12
27. A clothing supplier stores 800 coats in a warehouse, of which 15 percent are full-length coats. If 500
of the shorter length coats are removed from the ware-house, what percent of the remaining coats
are full length?
(a) 5.62% (b) 9.37% (c) 35% (d) 40% (e) 48%
28. If the probability of rain on any given day in City X is 50 percent, what is the probability that it rains
on exactly 3 days in a 5-day period?
(a) 8/125 (b) 2/25 (c) 5/16 (d) 8/25 (e) (3/4)
29. If an “anglet” is defined as 1 percent of 1 degree, then how many anglets are there in a circle?
(a) 0.36 (b) 3.6 (c) 360 (d) 3600 (e) 36,000
30. A number of bricks were purchased to build a fireplace at a cost of 40 cents each, but only (3/4) of
them were needed. If the unused 190 bricks were returned and their cost refunded, what was the
cost of the bricks used to make the fireplace?
(a) $76 (b) $228 (c) $304 (d) $414 (e) $570
31. If x is a number such that -2 ≤ x ≤ 2, which of the following has the largest possible absolute value?
(a) 3x – 1 (b) x2 + 1 (c) 3 – x (d) x – 3 (e) x2 – x
32. Which of the following is greater than 1,000.01?
(a) 0.00001 x 108
(b) 0.0101 x 104
(c) 1.1 x 102
(d) 1.00001 x 103
(e) 0.00010001 x 107
33. The output of a factory was increased by 10% to keep up with rising demand. To handle the holiday
rush, this new output was increased by 20%. By approximately what percent would the output now
have to be decreased in order to restore the original output?
(a) 20% (b) 24% (c) 30% (d) 32% (e) 79%

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34. Twenty-two percent of the cars produced in America are manufactured in Michigan. If the total
number of cars produced in America is 40 million, how many cars are produced outside of Michigan?
(a) 8.8 million
(b) 18 million
(c) 31.2 million
(d) 48.8 million
(e) 62 million
35. A student took 6 courses last year and received an average grade of 100. The year before, the
student took 5 courses and received an average grade of 90. To the nearest tenth of a point, what
was the student’s average grade for the entire two-year period?
(a) 79 (b) 89 (c) 95 (d) 95.5 (e) 97.2
36. A cement mixture is composed of 3 elements. By weight, (1/3) of the mixture is sand, (3/5) of the
mixture is water, and the remaining 12 pounds of the mixture is gravel. What is the weight of the
entire mixture in pounds?
(a) 11.2 (b) 12.8 (c) 36 (d) 60 (e) 180
37. A motor pool has 300 vehicles of which 30% are trucks. 20% of all the vehicles in the motor pool are
diesel, including 15 trucks. What percent of the motor pool is composed of vehicles that are neither
trucks nor diesel?
(a) 165% (b) 90% (c) 65% (d) 55% (e) 10%
38. The cost of a one-family home was $120,000 in 2000. In 2008, the price had increased to $180,000.
What was the percent increase in the cost of the home?
(a) 60% (b) 55% (c) 50% (d) 40% (e) 33.3%
39. Ms. Lopez deposits $1000 in an account that pays 20% interest, compounded semiannually. How much
money will there be in the account at the end of one year?
(a) $1180 (b) $1200 (c) $1210 (d) $1220 (e) $1400
40. At a photocopy center, the first 10 copies cost x cents each. Each of the next 50 copies costs 5 cents
less per copy. From the 61st copy on, the cost is 2 cents per copy. In terms of x, how much does it
cost in cents to have 200 copies made?
(a) 60x + 30 (b) 50x – 10 (c) 50(x – 5) (d) 60x – 110 (e) 10x + 490


Directions: Choose one word for the word given in bold in the sentence so that the meaning of the
sentence does not change.
41. He is honorary secretary of the society.
(a) honest (b) dignified (c) respectable (d) praiseworthy (e) unpaid
42. He made a judicious selection of books.
(a) impartial (b) thoughtful (c) justifiable (d) sensible (e) just
43. There is no vacant seat on the bus.
(a) available (b) spare (c) unreserved (d) unoccupied (e) empty
44. Computational skill is indispensable for clerical jobs.
(a) essential (b) incidental (c) advantageous (d) important (e) helpful

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45. He was officious by disposition and habit.
(a) officiating (b) meddlesome (c) official (d) casual (e) informal
Directions: Replace the phrases/words given in bold in each of the following to make the sentence
most effective and meaningfully correct. (NCR = No Correction Required)
46. In her views, the socialists are going to win.
(a) On (b) With (c) For (d) As (e) NCR
47. Kalidas is the greatest of all other dramatists.
(a) any other dramatists
(b) the other dramatists
(c) the dramatists
(d) another dramatists
(e) no correction required
48. It is a most remarkable event.
(a) mostly (b) a mostly (c) most (d) the mostly (e) NCR
49. On attempting to restore the picture to its original condition, almost irreparable loss was
(a) On our attempting
(b) On attempted
(c) Attempting
(d) Attempted
(e) No correction required
50. He is too clever boy to fail in the examination.
(a) too clever a
(b) cleverer too a
(c) a too cleverer
(d) a too cleverer a
(e) no correction required
51. Let he and I do the work today itself.
(a) him and me (b) him and I (c) he and me (d) he with I (e) NCR
52. I was annoyed at his arriving late, also his rather arrogant behavior put me out of my temper.
(a) also his arrogant behavior rather
(b) his also rather arrogant behavior
(c) his arrogant behavior rather
(d) and his rather arrogant behavior also
(e) no correction required
53. If I was he, I should not go.
(a) was him (b) was himself (c) were he (d) were himself (e) NCR
Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly the SAME in meaning.
54. Realise
(a) establish (b) cherish (c) prove (d) understand (e) fulfil
55. Hushed
(a) silenced (b) appeased (c) composed (d) provoked (e) soothed

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Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly the OPPOSITE in meaning.
56. Authentic
(a) wretched (b) unfaithful (c) harmful (d) unreal (e) improper
57. Sacred
(a) ignoble (b) impure (c) ordinary (d) unimportant (e) trivial
58. Reflect
(a) darken (b) return (c) refuse (d) camouflage (e) refract
Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. When you
find an error in the sentence mark the number of that part of the sentence as your answer.
59. My friend being unwilling to attend (1)/ the court at an early hour (2)/ of the morning, sent a letter
explaining (3)/ why could he not obey (4)./ No error (5)
60. The purchase manager played (1)/ malpractices in the factory’s dealings (2)/ which were a blot (3)/
on his character (4)./ No error (5)
61. Unless I do not get (1)/ some tea (2)/ I shall not be able (3)/ to do any more work (4)./ No error (5)
62. The man who I have often mentioned, (1)/ is one whose friendship I could (2)/ wish to acquire,
because (3)/ he is respectable. (4)/ No error (5)
63. In my (1)/ youth I used (2)/ to visit (3)/ Sharma’s and Chawla’s company (4)./ No error (5)
64. The doctor said that patient (1)/ should not have wasted (2)/ a whole week (3)/ before coming for
help (4)./ No error (5)
65. The apples (1)/ he gave me (2)/ are too expensive (3)/ to be had (4)./ No error (5)


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