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Buzzer Beater Assignment

If you so choose to complete this assignment and you do a fantastic job ("A" work), I'll make this what I'm going to call
a "three-point, hail-Mary, whatever you want to call it, buzzer shot" assignment. If you do mediocre work, your efforts
will not count.

I always get students who at the end of the semester linger at the cusp of a grade (like, 89.5%). And of course, those
students always want to be "bumped", which is unethical for a teacher to do, right? Of course.

So, here's the deal: The independent reading will be a buzzer shot for those students who may be just under the
winning point. The buzzer shot will only count if you have a 59%, 69%, 79%, or 89%. NO 88.9%, 78.9%, 68.9%,
58.9%. OKAY?

Okay, there is a caveat. The assignment will be due before the end of the semester, so there'll be no "last minute"
work. It's something you'll have to do in advance (a gamble of sorts) so that if in the case of needing a buzzer-beater,
you'll have the points on file with me already.

So, what do you need to do?

(Due January 13, 2020): Read Desert Solitaire, by Edward Abbey. As you read, keep a dialectical journal (not in your
notebook). Choose a quote from every 25 pages or so (10 passage total), write it on the left side of your paper, and on
the right side, provide a response to what you’re reading). Each analysis (in order to get an "A", must be a minimum of
5 sentences long). Remember: Analysis is not summary, but rather insight into the text.

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