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Self Assessment

1. Do I believe that everything is meant to be, or do I think that

2. things just tend to happen for no reason at all?

3. Do I forgive and forget? Or do I forgive, but always remember?

4. If I could give one piece of advice to everyone in the world, what would it be?

5. Do I think that people can change, or that they just are who they are?

6. Would I consider myself to be religious or spiritual?

7. Would my 10-year-old self be proud of me?

8. What do I think is the best revenge?

9. What would I change about myself?

10. On the flip side, what would I never change about myself?

11. Can I confidently say that the path I am on in life right now is the one that I (and no one
else) would want for myself?

12. It’s the year 2040. Where am I?

13. Am I a morning person or a night owl?

14. Would I consider myself to be more creative or more logical?

15. What could I do to be a healthier person?

16. If time and money were no object, what would I do with my life?

17. Is it all about luck or hard work?

18. Should I live with no regrets, or learn from my mistakes?

19. How would I describe myself in only five words?

20. Family first, true or false?

21. Can discipline be learned?

22. Am I as loyal as I think I am?

23. How could people be a better friend to me?

24. How could I be a better friend to people?

25. Is conformity a good thing or a bad thing?

26. What is a book I read that completely changed my outlook on life?

27. How can I be generous when I am not rich?

28. How can I improve dialogue and communication with those I deeply disagree with?

29. If I had to make a list of my top 10 most important values, what would they be?

30. What are my deal breakers for romantic relationships?

31. Do I love myself?

32. If not, how could I find a way to love myself?

33. Is trust always earned, or is it a given until it’s broken?

34. If I could apologize to one person, who would it be?

35. And what would I say to that person?

36. If I was able to say one thing to my ex, what would I say?

37. If I could have one person apologize to me, who would it be?

38. And what would I want them to say?

39. Do I ghost people or do I give them a reason for breaking ties?

40. Do I believe in karma?

41. How do I show I am angry?

42. In my opinion, what are my greatest strengths?

43. In my opinion, what are my greatest weaknesses?

44. If I could go anywhere in the world, where would I go?

45. Is work-life balance important to me?

46. Is family important to me?

47. Is friendship important to me?

48. Is romantic love important to me?

49. If I could have one talent, what would it be?

50. What is one part of my life I miss and why?

51. What are elements from that time I could incorporate into my present?

52. Do actions really speak louder than words?

53. Am I happy with my career?

54. If not, what could I change about my job to be happier and more satisfied?

55. What’s more important to me, self respect or being right?

56. Do I learn from the past or live in the past?

57. When I die, what do I want to be remembered for?

58. Are you happy with who you are?

59. 2. Do I like the people around me?

60. 3. Is there something or someone I am taking for granted?

61. 4. What does beautiful look like and mean to me?

62. 5. Is there one thing I think I can’t do but want to do?

63. 6. Does anyone really care what I’m doing with my life?

64. 7. Who do I really need to apologize to or ask for forgiveness?

65. 8. What is the monkey on my back that I should be getting rid of?

66. 9. Why do I judge people all the time?

67. 10. Can I make a difference in the world?

68. 11. Can I make a difference in someone’s life?

69. 12. Why do I lash out at the people that love me?

70. 13. Will I ever find patience and compassion within myself?

71. 14. Can I forgive those that hurt me and move on with freedom?

72. 15. Is yesterday going to make a big difference for my tomorrow?

73. 16. Do I want to inspire or impact people’s lives?

74. 17. What is my gift that I could share that might help people?

75. 18. When will I ever know what my purpose is?

76. 19. What do I really hope to accomplish before I die?

77. 20. What am I the most grateful for in my life right now?

78. Are you happy? Where you are right now, doing what you’re doing, the life you’re living…
are you happy? If not, what do you think you need to be truly happy?

79. What does a perfect day look like to you?

80. If you could change just 1 thing about your life, what would you change?

81. If you only have 6 months left to live, would you change the way you are living your life
now? What would you change and what would you do?

82. What’s holding you back from living the life you would live if you were dying (refer to the
question above)?

83. What are 5 things that can put a smile on your face no matter what?

84. If you inherited 1 million dollars from an uncle you’ve never heard of before, how would
you spend that money? And how would you live your life?

85. Have you ever felt truly loved by yourself or someone else? If so, can you distinctly
remember a moment where you were filled with love?

86. What does it take for you to feel loved by yourself or someone else?

87. Is there someone inside of you that is blocking love from your life? Maybe a belief or a
past experience.

88. Do you ever underestimate yourself? If so, name a time where you underestimated
yourself and why you did it?

89. What lies do you continuously tell to those around you?

90. What is your happiest memory?

91. Are there any lies you’ve been telling yourself regularly? Such as I’m ugly, why am I so
stupid, no one loves me, etc.

92. What is your biggest self-limiting belief?

93. If you could have any career, what you it be?

94. What is 1 problem that you see in the world?

95. Is there anything you could do to help solve that problem in the previous question?

96. What are you truly passionate about?

97. What are my strengths?

98. What are my short-term goals? Long-term goals?

99. Who matters most to me? Who are my support people?

100. What am I ashamed of?

101. What do I like to do for fun?

102. What new activities am I interested in or willing to try?

103. What am I worried about?

104. What are my values? What do I believe in? (consider politics, religion, social issues)

105. If I could have one wish, it would be ___________

106. Where do I feel safest?

107. What or who gives me comfort?

108. If I wasn’t afraid, I would ___________

109. What is my proudest accomplishment?

110. What is my biggest failure?

111. Am I a night owl or an early bird? How can I arrange my life to better suit this part of my

112. What do I like about my job? What do I dislike?

113. What does my inner critic tell me?

114. What do I do to show myself self-compassion and self-care?

115. Am I an introvert or an extrovert? Am I energized being around others or being by myself?

116. What am I passionate about?

117. What is my happiest memory?

118. What do my dreams tell me?

119. What is my favorite book? Movie? Band? Food? Color? Animal?

120. What am I grateful for?

121. When I’m feeling down I like to ___________________

122. I know I’m stressed when I ______________________

123. What gifts or talents do you have that you typically hide from yourself or others?

124. Is there anything in your life that you are ashamed of?

125. When you have free time, what do you like to do for fun?

126. What legacy do you hope to leave behind once your time on Earth is over?

127. Are there aspects of your life that you worry about?
128. What is your greatest fear?

129. Do you believe that everything happens in your life for a reason?

130. What is your proudest accomplishment in life?

131. In your life, what matters the most to you?

132. Do you prefer to spend time alone or with other people?

133. Would you consider yourself to be an introvert or an extrovert? Are you energized by
being with others or spending time alone?

134. Are there any dreams that continue to repeat themselves when you sleep?

135. If you could be a fly on the wall, what would people say about you behind closed doors?

136. Do you feel like you know your purpose in life? If so, what is it? If not, is there anything
holding you back from discovering your purpose?

137. What would you consider to be your biggest failure in life?

138. Do you rely on others to tell you what to do or how to act? If so, how can you remove this
expectation and act based on your own beliefs?

139. Are there areas of your life that you notice you compare yourself to others? Your body,
your job, your friend group, etc.

140. What are your short-term goals? And what are your long-term goals?

141. If you could go back 5 years, what is 1 decision you made that you would change?

142. What are your greatest strengths?

143. How is your relationship with money?

144. What do you believe is possible in your life?

145. Who is your greatest role model?

146. Do you believe in a greater force? Whether that is religiously or simply believing in the
power of the Universe?

147. Are there people in your life that bring you down, hold you back, or fail to bring you joy? If
so, is there a way that you could rid them from your life or confront them with your

148. What do you want people to say about you at your funeral?

149. How do you feel and react when you fail?

150. What do you believe if the meaning of your life?

151. When something bad happens, do you tend to place blame on yourself, those around you,
or a greater power?

152. Do you believe in destiny? If so, what do you believe is yours?

153. What would it mean to live your happiest life being your truest self every darn day?

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