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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Vol. 68, No. 1, pp. 6-9, January 1971

The Folded Genome of Escherichia coli Isolated

in a Protein-DNA-RNA Complex
Department of Biophysics, University of Colorado Medical Center, Denver, Colorado 80220
Communicated by Theodore T. Puck, October 8, 1970
ABSTRACT The DNA of Escherichia coli has been iso- Viscosities of solutions of the DNA complex were measured
lated in a compact structure containing small amounts of at 250C in a falling-ball viscometer.
protein and RNA and having a sedimentation coefficient
of approximately 3200 S. The molecular weight of the DNA Proteins were obtained from a DNA complex that had been
in the complex is very large (probably higher than 109); the purified by a scaled-up modification of the procedure described
protein is predominantly core RNA polymerase; the RNA in the legend to Fig. 1. The isolated complex was collected by
is chiefly nascent messenger and ribosomal chains. Solu- centrifugation at 23,000 rpm (SW 50 rotor) for 45 min. The
tions containing the complex have low vicosities; this plus
its sedimentation rate suggest that the DNA is in a tightly pellet was solubilized with pancreatic DNase and the pro-
folded conformation. The DNA unfolds after exposure to teins were desalted on a Biogel P4 column, lyophilized, and
RNase or heat; this indicates that an RNA component of redissolved in 0.1% sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS)-0.14 M
the complex is involved in stabilizing the structure.. .3-mercaptoethanol-0.01 M sodium phosphate, pH 7.2.
The DNA in bacterial cells as seen under the electron micro- This solution was heated for 10 min at 650C and cooled to
20'C; 5-20 ,ug of the reduced protein was electrophoresed for
scope is confined in regions of the cell called "nuclear bodies," 20 volt-hr per cm on 5% polyacrylamide gels as described by
but no nuclear membrane is observed (see, for example, refs.
1 and 2). Yet these chromosome-like structures have defined Shapiro et al. (11).
boundaries, which reorganize during the nuclear segregation RESULTS
that accompanies cell division (3). This implies that DNA
folding within the nuclear body is maintained-at least Isolation and sedimentation of DNA complex
partly--by internal interactions between the elements or re- When E. coli cells are gently opened in solutions of high ionic
gions of the nuclear body. The tertiary conformation of DNA strength, DNA is released from the cells but the solution does
within this body is unknown; however, studies of the rates at not become viscous. A DNA complex, having a nearly homo-
which different operons can be transcribed and regulated sug- geneous sedimentation profile, can be isolated from the bulk of
gest that a considerable portion (perhaps all) of the genome is the ultraviolet-absorbing material of the lysate (Fig. 1; see also
available for free interaction with other macromolecules (for ref. 12). This complex contains: nearly all of the DNA of the
examples see refs. 4-7). The packaging of the DNA must cell-free lysate (the radioactivity remaining at the top of the
also be compatible with the requirements of semiconservative sucrose gradient of Fig. 1 is due predominantly to free [8H]-
DNA replication and the eventual segregation of daughter thymidine); most of the DNA-bound RNA polymerase
double-helices (8, 9). These considerations imply that the-, activity of the lysate (12); the nascent RNA of the bacteria
tertiary structure of DNA within the cell is organized; how- (12, 13); and less than 1% of the DNA polymerase activity
ever, this structure and the interactions that stabilize it are (14) of the lysate (unpublished observations). Speed is essen-
still to be determined. tial in purifying the complex, since it is unstable in the crude
We describe here the isolation from E. coli of a DNA com- lysate and probably also unstable in nongrowing cells. Once
plex in which the DNA genome remains folded into a struc- purified, it retains its sedimentation and viscosity characteris-
ture which is compact and nearly homogeneous in sedimenta- tics for a few days when stored at 0C.
tion. The complex is approximately 80% DNA by weight; it The DNA complex has been isolated from bacteria grown
includes a small amount of protein and also contains nascent for several generations with a mixture of 3H-labeled-amino
RNA. At least some of the RNA of the complex is essential acids. Less than 1% of the incorporated radioactivity co-
for stabilizing the packaged structure, since the DNA unfolds sedimented with the complex when it was purified as in Fig. 1.
as a result of RNase treatment. After determining the specific radioactivity of the total [3H1-
protein, it was estimated that the complex contained less than
MATERIALS AND METHODS 10% protein by weight (assuming that proteins on the com-
The E. coli strain D-10 (RNase I-, ref. 10) was used in these plex have the amino acid composition of average E. coli pro-
studies. The bacteria were grown into the log phase in M9 tein).
media supplemented with 0.2% casamino acids. The sedimentation rate of the complex, determined by com-
parison with that of a T4 phage marker (15), was about 3200 S.
Contribution No. 425 from the Department of Biophysics, This value has been corrected for the inconstant rate of sedi-
Florence R. Sabin Laboratories, University of Colorado Medical mentation in the sucrose gradient due to variations in field,
Center. viscosity, and solvent density, using a recently devised com-
Abbreviation: SDS, sodium dodecylsulfate. puter program (McConnell, J., to be published). The figure
Vol. 68, 1971 Folded Genome of E. coli 7

TABLE 1. Effect of various agents on the relative viscosity of the TABLE 2. NaCl concentration and the viscosity
DNA complex in solution of the purified DNA complex
,q/o0 * n7/710 '1/"lo
Pancreatic ribonuclease After 50'C
Incubation alone 1.0 14.7, 13.5, NaCl (M) Before heat for 5 min
4 jg/ml 12.3
Pronase 100 Ag/ml 1.0 Above followed by de- 0.9 1.0 1.0 16.0
oxyribonuclease 1 jig/ 0.5 0.9 -
ml 0.2 1.0 -
Trypsin 10 .ug/ml 1. 1 Sodium dodecylsulfate 14.1 0.07 1.0 9.0
(SDS) 0.5%
Diethylpyrocar- Heat 50'C for 5 min 11.2, 10.3,
bonate 0. 1% 1.0 8.5 that of T4 phage (16). In making this estimation it was as-
,8-Mercaptoethanol sumed, as above, that the complex had the same partial
1.0 M 1.2 specific volume as T4 phage and that the molecular weight of
Each sample contained the same amount of DNA (approxi- the complex was equal to 1.4 E. coli genomes plus 20% due to
mately 8 jig/ml) and was incubated at 250C for 3 min in the pres- RNA and protein (see below). With the assumption that the
ence of the listed agent prior to the viscosity measurement. complex sediments as a sphere, the diffusion constant was
* x1o is the viscosity of the buffer-sucrose solution in which the applied to the Stokes equation r = kT/6Tr-D to calculate a
sample was tested (the same buffer as in the sucrose gradient of radius of 0.14 ,um. The average DNA density in this particle
Fig. 1, except that it contained 0.2 M NaCl and 20% sucrose).
Values are not corrected for non-Newtonian effects.

was not corrected for the possible difference in partial specific

volumes of T4 and the complex.
Viscosity properties of purified DNA complex
As shown in Table 1, the purified DNA complex does not add
significantly to the viscosity of a buffered sucrose solution in
which it was suspended. However, after treatment with RNase,
sodium dodecylsulfate, or heat, there was a dramatic increase
in its viscosity. Manipulation and repeated measurements of
the viscous, high molecular weight DNA resulted in shearing;
the changes described in Table 1 are therefore minimum
The high salt concentration present during lysis and puri-
fication of the complex was required to maintain its conforma-
tion. At lower ionic strengths the lysate became viscous, and
separations by sedimentation were difficult except at very low
DNA concentration; the DNA then sedimented much more
-slowly than in Fig. 1 and with a broad, heterogeneous profile.
However, after the complex is purified in the presence of 1.0 M
5 10
salt, it retains a high sedimentation constant and low viscosity Fraction Number
even in solutions of reduced ionic strength (Table 2). These
data were obtained by diluting purified complex to a final FIG. 1. Sedimentation of the DNA complex on a sucrose
concentration of 8 jAg of DNA per ml into a buffer-sucrose gradient. A 20-ml culture of D-10 (approximately 2 X 108 cells/
mixture similar to that described in Table 1 except that the ml) was incubated for 30 min at 370C with 50 iCi of [3H]thymi-
dine (8 Ci/mmol); the culture was chilled to 00C in a dry-ice-
NaCl concentration was adjusted to give the listed values. acetone bath; the bacteria were quickly harvested by centrifuga-
We have not examined in detail the effects of ionic strengths tion, resuspended in 0.2 ml of a cold solution containing 0.01 M
lower than those of Table 2, but we have seen that the complex Tris (pH = 8.1 at 4VC), 10 mM sodium azide, 20% w/v sucrose,
becomes viscous when diluted into a large excess of distilled and 0.10 M NaCl; then 0.05 ml of a solution containing 50 mM
water. EDTA, 4 mg of lysozyme per ml, 0.12 M Tris, pH = 8.1 was
added. After 30 sec at 00C, 0.25 ml of 1% Brij 58-0.4% deoxy-
DNA packaging cholate-2.0 M NaCl-10 mM EDTA was added. The mixture was
The sedimentation and viscosity properties of the DNA com- held at 0C for several minutes until it had cleared considerably,
plex, combined with the knowledge that it contains only but had not become more viscous. The lysate was then centri-
minor amounts of RNA and protein, suggest that the DNA fuged for 5 min at 4000 X g and 4VC to remove debris. The super-
in the complex is folded into a compact structure that is natant fraction was layered on a 10-30% w/v sucrose gradient
stabilized, at least in part, by RNA molecules. We have containing 0.01 M Tris (pH = 8.1), 1.0 M NaCl, 1 mM EDTA,
and 1 mM f-mercaptoethanol, and centrifuged for 9 min at
estimated the density at which the DNA is packaged in the 17,000 rpm and 4VC in an SW-50 rotor of a Beckman ultra-
complex by the following procedure. Applying the sedimenta- centrifuge. In a separate but identical gradient, marker T4 phage
tion equation s = MD(1-po/p)/RT to the data of Fig. 1, it (s = 1025 S, ref. 15) was run at the same time. 0-*, absorbance
was possible to estimate the diffusion constant, D, relative to at 260 nm; O-O, 3H radioactivity; -0, T4 phage.
8 Biochemistry: Stonington and Pettijohn Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA

x x



5 a
Fraction Number -0
FIG. 2. Sedimentation of unfolded DNA from the complex. 4
The DNA complex, labeled with [3H]thymidine, was isolated as
described in Fig. 1 except that 0.1% diethylpyrocarbonate was
present during lysis to protect against nucleases. An aliquot taken
from the peak fraction was diluted into 0.2 ml of a solution con-
taining 0.2 M NaCl, 0.01 M Tris (pH = 8.1), 1 mM EDTA, and
14C-labeled T4 DNA (about 3 ,g/ml). This solution was layered
orn a 5-20% sucrose gradient containing 0.5% SDS, 0.1 M NaCl,
1 mM EDTA, and 0.01 M Tris. Centrifugation was first at 5000
rpm for 5 min to introduce the complex into the SDS-containing
gradient, then for 165 min at 20,000 rpm at 220C in the SW-50
rotor. The [3H]DNA of the complex was applied at <0.3 .g/ml
and recovery in the gradient was >80%. The shoulder on the T4
DNA profile, which was observed consistently, is attributed to a
fragmentation product of the T4 DNA. O-O, ['4C1T4-DNA;
0-*, [3H]DNA.

(Right) FIG. 3. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of proteins isolated from the purified DNA complex. After electrophoresis (as de-
scribed in Methods) the gels were stained with Coomassie blue, destained with trichloroacetic acid, and scanned at 500 nm on a recording
Gilford spectrophotometer. Tracings of the actual scans are shown above. The 3 and ,' bands, which were well resolved visually, are only
partly resolved by the spectrometer. (a) RNA polymerase of E. coli prepared by the double glycerol gradient method of Burgess (24);
(b) proteins of the purified complex prepared as described in Methods; (c) pancreatic DNase marker.
was then about 0.4 g/cm3, a value roughly one-third the cules were sedimented directly from SDS lysates of E. coli
density at which DNA is packaged in the head of T4 phage made on sucrose gradients.
(17). At ionic strengths less than 1.0 the density is probably The proteins of the complex have been isolated and analyzed
smaller, since the sedimentation rate of the complex is some- by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels containing SDS.
what reduced from that shown in Fig. 1 (unpublished observa- As shown in Fig. 3, the protein is predominantly composed of
tions). the RNA polymerase subunits j, j3', and a (21), which is con-
sistent with previous observations (12) that most of the RNA
knalysis components of the complex polymerase activity of the lysate co-sediments with DNA com-
plexes. Little or no a- factor was observed, a result agreeing
The DNA of the complex, unfolded by interaction with SDS, with other indications (22, 23) that a is released from the core
sediments at a rate less than one-tenth that of the complex RNA polymerase as it initiates RNA synthesis. In the data
(Fig. 2). On the assumption that the empirical Burgi-Hershey of Fig. 3a the smaller bands between a- and a and between ,
relationship (18) can be extrapolated to these higher molecular and a- are contaminants in the RNA polymerase preparation.
weights and these conditions of sedimentation, a molecular In Fig. 3b the small band immediately to the right of a is due
weight of 1.5 X 109 was calculated for the DNA in the main to the DNase added to degrade the complex, while the next
sedimentation band of Fig. 2. How the sedimentation rate of band is an unknown protein that has repeatedly been found
this DNA varies with concentration is unknown except for one in these preparations. Other very minor bands, not attribut-
measurement made at 10 times this concentration, when the able to RNA polymerase, are also seen in the tracing of Fig.
['H]DNA sedimented 10% faster than in Fig. 2. The molec- 3b; whether these proteins are part of the complex or merely
ular weight estimated here does not differ greatly from the contaminants is not clear. Few, if any, of the DNA-binding
figure expected for the intact E. coli genome, namely 2.5 X proteins of E. coli (other than RNA polymerase) would be
10' (19). The observed sedimentation rates are also compatible expected to remain associated with the DNA of the complex
with the results of other experiments (20) in which DNA mole- in the presence of 1.0 M NaCl (25).
Vol. 68, 1971 Folded Genome of E. coli 9

The RNA of the complex consists primarily of nascent The DNA complex described here has potential application
messenger and ribosomal RNA chains, the latter composing in studies of the template function of DNA. It has been rec-
nearly half of this total population. The RNA analysis has ognized for some time that certain aspects of DNA replica-
been reported earlier (12, 13) in connection with our studies tion, transcription, and genetic control may be related to the
of rRNA synthesis. tertiary structure of the genome in the cell (31). Difficulties
of manipulating large, fragile DNA molecules are avoided
DISCUSSION with this complex, since the compact structure of the DNA
There are at least two fundamentally different kinds of molec- reduces its sensitivity to shear. We have observed (12) that
ular interactions that may organize and stabilize DNA pack- the complex is an excellent template for either its endogenous
aging in bacteria: (a) The DNA folding may be an inherent RNA polymerase or added enzyme.
property of the macromolecule. That is, the tertiary structure This work was supported in part by a research grant from the
of DNA, like that of many proteins, could be determined by U.S. Public Health Service no. GM14989 and by Public Health
intramolecular interactions between the monomeric units of Service Training grant no. GM00781, from the National Insti-
tutes of General Medical Sciences. One of us (0. G. S.) is a pre-
the polymer, mediated by rather nonspecific constraints of doctoral trainee of the U.S. Public Health Service.
the solvent environment. (b) The DNA folding could be
stabilized by other molecules or macromolecules that interact 1. Kellenberger, E., A. Ryter, and J. S6chaud, J. Biophys.
Biochem. Cytol., 4, 671 (1958).
specifically with the DNA. In this case the DNA, like RNA 2. Fubs, G., Bacteriol. Rev., 29, 277 (1965).
as it is coiled in certain viral capsids, could be constrained into 3. Robinow, C., British Medical Bull., 18, 31 (1962).
a compact structure by intramolecular bridges connecting 4. Kepes, A., Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 76, 293 (1963).
specific sites on the same DNA molecule. As an example of 5. Sadler, J., and A. Novick, J. Mol. Biol., 12, 305 (1965).
6. Bremer, H., and D. Yuan, J. Mol. Biol., 38, 163 (1968).
the first alternative, it has been recently reported (26) that 7. Baker, R., and C. Yanofsky, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA,
the DNAs of several bacteriophages, in solutions containing 60, 313 (1968).
high concentrations of certain neutral polymers and univalent 8. Ryter, A., Bacteriol. Rev., 32, 39 (1968).
salts, fold into compact structures. This reversible conforma- 9. Lark, K., Ann. Rev. Biochem., 38, 569 (1969).
tion change was attributed to repulsive interactions between 10. Gestland, R., J. Mol. Biol., 16, 67 (1966).
11. Shapiro, A., E. Vinuela, and J. Maizel, Biochem. Biophys.
DNA and the polymer. In other theoretical work, it has been Res. Comm rn., 28, 815 (1967).
proposed (27) that DNA supercoiling, attributable to over- 12. Pettijohn, D., K. Clarkson, C. Kossman, and 0. Stoning-
winding of the double helix, is responsible for its compact ton, J. Mol. Biol., 52, 281 (1970).
structure in the cell. 13. Pettijohn, D., 0. Stonington, and C. Kossman, Nature,
The results described here support the second alternative, 228,235 (1970).
14. Schildkraut, C., C. Richardson, and A. Kornberg, J. Mol.
and implicate an RNA species as the hypothetical bridge. At Biol., 9, 24 (1964).
this point, speculations about the relevant RNA-DNA inter- 15. Cummings, D., Virology, 23, 408 (1964).
actions do not seem justified, except to note that there is 16. Cummings., D., and L. Kozloff, Biochim. Biophys. Acta,
ample prior evidence for highly specific, stable coupling be- 44, 445 (1960).
17. ZArybnickk, V., J. Theoret. Biol., 22, 33 (1969); Tikcho-
tween these nucleic acids (28). The effect of SDS on the com- nenko, T., in Advances in Virus Research, Vol. 15, p. 201, eds.
plex suggests that a protein may be involved in stabilizing the K. Smith, M. Lautter, and F. Bang (Academic Press, New York,
conformation, but there is no other evidence as yet to support 1969).
this idea. 18. Burgi, E., and A. Hershey, Biophys. J., 3, 309 (1963).
None of our findings rules out the participation of solvent- 19. Cairns, J., Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol., 28, 43
mediated interactions in organizing and stabilizing DNA fold- 20. Kaplan, H., Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 55, 1442 (1966).
ing. It is possible, then, that certain features of both the alter- 21. Burgess, R., A. Travers, J. Dunn, and E. Bautz, Nature,
natives described above may be important in DNA packing. 221, 43 (1969).
Certainly there is a requirement for counter-ions to shield 22. Berg, D., K. Barrett, D. Hinkle, J. McGrath, and
M. Chamberlin, Fed. Proc., 28, 659 (1969) (abstract).
against the charge repulsions that would otherwise destabilize 23. Krakow, J., Fed. Proc., 28, 659 (1969) (abstracts).
tightly folded DNA. Indeed, the instability of the DNA com- 24. Burgess, R., J. Biol. Chem., 244, 6160 (1969).
plex in solutions of very low ionic strength is probably at- 25. Alberts, B., F. Amodio, M. Jenkins, E. Gutman, and
tributable to ionic repulsions within the complex. In the cell F. Ferris, Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol., 33, 289 (1968).
(as well as in phage heads) polyamines, simple cations, and 26. Lerman, L., C. Jordan, J. Venable, and T. Maniatis, Proc.
Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 66, 242 (1970) (abstract).
certain basic proteins may provide the necessary ionic shield 27. Fong, P., J. Theoret. Biol., 15, 230 (1967).
(16,29,30). 28. Chamberlin, M., Fed. Proc., 24, 1446 (1965).
It is not clear why the salt concentrations required to 29. Stent, G., in Molecular Biology of Bacterial Viruses (W. H.
stabilize the DNA complex are greater during isolation than Freeman and Co., San Francisco, 1963).
after the complex has been purified. Possibly, the high ionic 30. Raina, A., and S. Cohen, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 55,
1587 (1966).
strengths, in addition to having counter-ion effects, also 31. Maaloe, O., and N. Kjeldgaard, in Control of Macro-
inhibit RNase activities. molecular Synthesis (W. A. Benjamin, Inc.: New York, 1966).

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