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June 4, 2006

Session 1 :
1. Difference between drivers and providers.
2. Difference between middle tier and middleware.
3. .NET provides 2 Garbage collector implementations. What are they?
4. .NET has 3 types of JIT compilers. What are they? When do we use them?
5. .NET has 2 types of threads. What are they?
6. What is difference between URI,URL and URN? (Uniform Resource Identifier,
Location, Name)
7. What is the use of Strong name when GUID can be used?
8. Difference between GUID and UUID?
9. Difference between properties and Attributes?
10. .NET provides 2 ways to implement cache. What are they?

1. Drivers are procedure oriented and Providers are object oriented.
2. Middle tier is part of an application and Middleware is an application which sits
between applications. Middle tire provides business functionality and Middleware
provides messaging functionality.
3. ServerGC(Concurrent GC) & WorkstationGC(Non-Concurrent GC). Use CPU
Mask flag in machine.config to shift between the GC. And also WebGarden
attribute in the ProcessModel element. In APP.config GCConcurrentEnabled
4. Standard(Native code is cached) , Econo(Caching native code is disabled), Pre
JIT compiler. (Ngen – Native image generator) – to boost performance.
5. Background threads and Foreground threads.
7. Strong name identifies the assemblies uniquely by using public and private key.
Ownership guarantee ness. Strong name identity permission.
9. Properties are characteristics that maintain the state of the entity and affect core
functionality of the entity. On the other hand Attributes are characteristics which
provide extra meta optional information to the entity.

Session 2 :

1. What is thread synchronization? .NET supports 3 types of thread synchronization.

What are they?
2. What is object graph?
3. What is memory pressure?
4. What is the difference between mutex and semaphores?
5. What is nullable type?
6. What is the use of yield return keyword?
7. .NET supports 3 types of serialization. What are they?
8. .NET supports 3 types of XML parsing. What are they?
9. What is the difference between well formed, valid, well fragmented XML?
10. How does the CLR know assembly is tampered or not?
a. Hashing mechanism is used to determine whether assembly is tampered or
11. What is delayed signed assembly?
a. A type of assembly where public key is added at the time of development
and private key at time of deployment.
12. Why satellite assembly cannot be shared assembly?
a. Satellite assemblies are resource only assemblies which keep language
specific dictionary strings and images in the form of XML and don’t have
IL code. They require special folders like en-us.
13. What is the difference between localization and globalization?
a. Globalization is a process of developing an application that supports
multiple languages(Internalization  I18N). Localization(L10N) is a
process of binding as application to a specific language at runtime.
14. What is assembly key name? Why it is used for?
a. Assembly key name is a container of assembly signature or a key pair
which helps to hide key file from the source code.
15. What are the parts of XML document?
a. Prolog, Body, Epilog


1. Method level, Block level(through Mutex object), Object level.

2. Object and its dependencies collectively known as object graph.
3. Setting threshold to call GC Automatically. A mechanism of adding threshold
with regard to memory limitations so GC called automatically when the threshold
limit reaches.(system.GC.Addmemorypressure)
4. Mutex ensures only one thread access a given shared resource when multiple
threads try to access. On the other hand Semaphore allows set of limited number
of threads to access a given shared resource and other threads have to wait until
any of the thread comes out.
5. A mechanism of adding NULL support to the primitive or value types.

Session 3 :
1. .NET 2.0 supports 3 types of channels. What are they?
a. TCP,HTTP,IPC channel
2. What is the difference between real proxy and transparent proxy?
a. Real proxy is a proxy created for client application using activator classs.
These proxies are available physically.
b. Transparent proxy -- A context object used to manage server side
remoting objects. It is used internally by remoting environment.
3. Which design pattern for-each implement?
a. Iterator pattern.
4. What is N in nvarchar?
a. N -- National
5. 5 database objects can be created in .NET. What are they?
a. Stored procedures
b. User defined functions
c. User defined aggregates
d. User defined types
e. User defined triggers.
6. What do you mean by extended trigger in SQL server?
a. Extended trigger is a type of trigger which can be written for any DDL
statement except for Create, Alter, Drop Database.
7. What is difference between catalog view and dynamic management view?
a. Catalog view provides static information and dynamic management views
provide runtime information of SQL server.
8. What is pdc in Web services?
a. Publish Discover Consume model.
9. What is the difference between static discovery and dynamic discovery?
a. Static discovery – type of service consumption where service consumption
points is known to the users.
b. UDDI Search based service consumption is dynamic discovery.
10. What is assembly PVP(private virtual path) ?
a. Is a mechanism of configuring CLR to search for assemblies with
additional directories apart from GAC and application Local directory.
11. What do you mean by assembly probing?
a. It is a process of Locating appropriate version from the GAC based on the
12. What is assembly evidence?
a. It is a container of set of assembly proof details used by CLR to retry
permission information applicable to the assembly from the security
policy repository. 4 information considered as assembly evidence.
i. Strong name
ii. Digital signatures
iii. Publisher information
iv. Assembly name
b. All evidence are stored as XML in the form of assembly manifest.
13. .NET supports 2 types of attributes. What are they?
a. Assembly level
b. Type level
14. What is the role of event keyword in Event declaration?
a. Event keyword helps to take the control over the number of subscribers
being added to a multicast delegate by providing Add/ Remove
15. .NET supports 2 types of eventing. What are they?
a. Loosely coupled Eventing(LCE—COM+ based) and Tightly coupled
eventing(TCE-- .NET based).

Session 4 :
1. What is difference between serializable and I serializable?
a. Serializable ensured whether an object can be serialized. Iserializable
helps to customize serialization process.
2. What is the use of XSD Utility?
a. It generates XML Schemas out of XML documents.
b. Generate classes out of XML Schema for XML serialization.
c. Generate typed dataset out of a schema.
3. Difference between Local service , Network service and
a. Network service – least privileged cannot access any of resources.
b. Local service – can access any resources.
c. Local system – has got more privileges.
4. What is I18N and what is L10N in .NET?
5. Com+ provides 5 core services. What are they?
a. Object pooling
b. Application queuing
c. Loosely coupled eventing
d. Role based security
e. Distributed transaction management
6. What do you mean by thread pooling?
a. It is a mechanism of creating set of pre defined threads as a pool before
the usage and can be reused for different clients.
7. What is the use of Fixed keyword in C#?
a. Fixed keyword helps to achieve object pinning.
8. What do you mean by object pinning?
a. It is a process of fixing memory location for a given managed object when
it is referenced to a pointer variable in an unsafe context.
9. What are the 3 compartments GC users?
a. Gen-0 collection.
b. Gen-1 collection.
c. Gen-2 collection.
10. What do you mean by Phantom objects?
a. Weak referenced objects.
b. They are type of objects where a program allows GC to freely collect the
object memory space and the reference can be further reused if it is not
11. SQL Server 2005 supports 5 types of transaction isolation levels. What are they?
a. Read committed
b. Read uncommitted
c. Snapshot isolation
d. Repeatable read
e. Serializable
12. What do you mean by installer?
a. Are a .NET class which provides set of instructions to be executed at the
time of MSI execution. It is used for customizing installation process.
13. What is the use of MSM in setup?
a. Microsoft Mere Module is a packaging mechanism for redistributable
components and used by other MSI Installers.
14. What do you mean by click once deployment?
a. Smart client application deployment is known as click once deployment.
15. What is event bubbling?
a. Event bubbling is a mechanism of allowing child controls to trigger an
event and capture them at the parent container.


1. ss2005.com
2. yukonxml.com
3. sqlservicebroker.com
4. sqlteam.com
5. sqlcity.com
6. sqldbatips.com
7. sqlc.com
8. sqlservercentral.com
9. sql-server-performance.com
10. sqlmag.com
11. perfectxml.com
12. topxml.com
13. xmltc.com
14. Microsoft-watch.com
15. windowsitpro.com
16. research.microsoft.com
17. windowsconnector.com
18. sisinternals.com
19. theserverside.net
20. dotnetfun.com
21. asp24x7.com
22. programmingtutorials.com
23. findtutorials.com
24. w3schools.com
25. only4gurus.com
26. spsfaq.com
27. wssdemo.com
28. msdnaa.net
29. msdnaacr.net
30. sqlserverdatamining.com
31. freedatawarehousing.com
32. iturls.com
33. biztalkclinic.com
34. webservertalk.com
35. kbalertz.com
36. safari.informit.com

Session 5 :

1. Why CLR is designed to access Main() even if it is declared private?

a. CLR disqualifies the access specifier specified to Main() applicable only
to Main().
2. .NET supports 2 types of casting. What are they?
a. A a = (A) b;
b. A a = b as A;
3. What is the difference between specialization and realization?
a. Specialization – simple class inheritance.
b. Realization – interface the implementation.
4. What is the difference between association, dependency, aggregation and
5. What is the difference between operation, function and method?
a. Operation is a Conceptual
b. Method has 2 implementations
i. Function used for RAR(Request and Response) purpose.
ii. Subroutine is just one way call.
6. It is not recommended to throw the same exception which is caught in a try block.
a. You’ll lose the stack trace.

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