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Clarice A.

Ostaco August 27, 2019

2019400237 Seminar 1 – 1B

If there is a scientific explanation for out existence, where can God enter?

Science alone cannot seamlessly fill in the gaps, which would explain our
existence. Books and scientists have come up with theories as to how the world was
created. However, the things that fuel us, the moral values that we have, our capacity to
choose between right and wrong, even our wisdom cannot be defined by science. It is
certainly coming from our God.

Matthew 10: 30-31 provides that, “God even knows how many hairs are on your
head. So don't be afraid. You are worth much more than many sparrows.” God knows all
the details when he created us, more so the world. I recently knew that if the pull of
gravity would be stronger than what it is, the Earth will collapse. That precise calculation
of gravity and how it is that way, is designed by God. He made this place for us to live in,
well suited for us. Just as he knows, all the things that comprises us, our beliefs, our
history, our feelings and sentiments. He knows, and he has planned and created

Science may open one perspective on how the world that we live in today came
into being; but it is not enough to explain all that is happening in our lives, even our
existence. It is how we view our lives, and how we would connect our belief with the way
things work around us that we are able to understand and discern how we are able to
move in the world that we know today.

Heaven may not be seen in the layers of atmosphere that Science explained to us,
but I believe that it exists. It is there and my naked eyes need not see for it to know that it
is real.

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