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Interfacing crystal, power on reset switch, reverse protection to

Abhijeet both battery and charging port, Brown-out detection. Use LED for
indication at proper place
chassis design, required material and fabrication for it take into ac-
count CG, maneuverability & size of the BOT
find out how to use motor encoder as a feedback and how to do
programming of it using timers define some functions in C which
will make our programming simple, also find out how encoders are
used to take 90, 180 degrees turn in GRID following
develop a function in c which will convert sensor values to the
unique value which will determine position of bot
Search low cost, high capacity battery and is availability, and tell us
Hemangi which type of battery to use and why? Also find proper adaptor for
USB interface to pc using RS232 interface and proper USB to serial
Kishor converter IC, parallel port interfacing, ADC programming, voltage
sensing circuit programming
interfacing piezo buzzer, switches, LEDs, power LED, find out which
LED we should use for less power consumption
find out voltage regulating circuit for both motors as well as AVR
(current limitation should be taken into account), you can read
about linear, switching, boost up regulators, also see the cost &
availability of the component you are using
sensor building, sensor calibration, sensor initialization and reading
function in c
building main function for line following, building main board PCB
buying components and keep track on all of your tasks
build a header file and define functions delayus, delayms which will
provide delay in us and ms, also build functions delay_us, delay_ms
which will generate interrupt after predefined time interval in ms
and us
read ATMEGA16 interrupt and read its programming in c. also find
out or build functions for it
Build the algorithm and program for the line follower without us-
Poonam ing PID. Build two programs one is without PWM and other using
find proper motor driver low cost and capable of high frequency
PWM and interface it with AVR use reverse protection circuit
learn about PID, its programming in C, and converting its output
value to the motor speed difference
Find proper LCD which is low cost and can be interfaced by 4-wire
mode. Interface it to AVR. Develop appropriate header file in c. for
initialization and displaying values. You can use 16*2 or 8*2 dis-
According to chassis design find out how much speed difference
there should be between two motors
serial programming, various baud rate generation appropriate
crystal frequency required for it (other than 11.0592MHz) defining
functions in C which will send and receive data serially using inter-
Varad PWM, reading all things about AVR ATMEGA16
battery charging circuit, indicator LEDs, interfacing encoder to AT-
Vinay MEGA16 also finding out prices and buying some components as

Also all have to learn the eagle PCB designing software. I will give the tutorial
to all.
For any difficulty in anything contact me. Please contact each other regarding
tasks and give me feedback regarding your work

All the tasks should be completed by 15th December and all should send me
mail regarding your tasks…
BSET OF LUCK !!!!!!!
Mayur Kulkarni

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