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Blackwell Science, LtdOxford, UKASJAnimal Science Journal1344-39412004 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty LtdDecember 2004756491498Review ArticleOstrich gastro-intestinal tractR.


Anatomy and physiology of the gastro-intestinal tract
and growth curves of the ostrich (Struthio camelus)
Ross G. COOPER1 and Khalid M. MAHROZE2
Department of Physiology, University of Central England, Birmingham, UK and 2Department of Poultry, Faculty of
Agriculture, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt

The ostrich is an important animal in many livestock industries and in the developing world. The digestive system of the
ostrich differs considerably from that of non-ruminant animals or poultry. The genetic potential of an ostrich can be
described by its characteristic growth curve. This present paper presents an account of the rearing, anatomy of the gastro-
intestinal tract, and growth curves of this bird.

KEYWORDS: anatomy, gastro-intestinal tract, growth, ostrich, physiology.

INTRODUCTION The ostrich lacks teeth and a crop, and the esophagus
empties directly into the glandular stomach (proven-
The ostrich (Struthio camelus var. domesticus) is the larg- triculus) without any distinct demarcation (Smith &
est of the flightless birds. It is mainly herbivorous and, Sales 1995). Iji et al. (2003) documented an 11-fold
in natural conditions, its diet consists of a variety of increase (P < 0.001) in bodyweight between 3 and
plants and succulents (Jamroz 2000). In free ranging 72 days of age. The relative weight compared with the
conditions, ostriches prefer soft ephemerals to peren- bodyweight of the proventriculus/gizzard, caeca and
nial grasses and shrubs (Williams et al. 1993). High colon increased significantly with age. The relative
mobility and selective foraging are adaptations in arid weight of the small intestine peaked at 41 days old,
environments for optimal use of vegetation (Gatimu from whence it declined (Iji et al. 2003). A recent
1996). The use of drought-resistant fodder crops as an study on ostrich GIT used concentrations of 25–100%
alternative food source has been reported in 8-month- w/vol liquid barium sulfate at 7 and 10 mL/kg, which
old ostriches (Nel & Lambrechts 1998). The common- were administered by stomach tube after withhold-
est drought-resistant fodder crops in South Africa ing food for 16 h (Wagner & Kirberger 2003). The
include the Mexican aloe (Agave americana), thornless Wagner and Kirberger (2003) study follows on from a
prickly pear (Opuntia spp.) and saltbush (Atriplex spp.). previous study in which radiographs were used to
Evolution has selectively resulted in unique adapta- produce schematic illustrations of normal radio-
tions of the gastro-intestinal tract (GIT) of this bird to graphic anatomy (Wagner et al. 2001). Structures
handle such food. The use of the ostrich as a livestock that were consistently identified included the
animal necessitates an understanding of its ability to esophagus, proventriculus, ventriculus, duodenum,
use specific nutrient requirements if efficient growth is jejunum, proximal and distal rectum. Because of the
to be realized.

ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF Correspondence: Ross G. Cooper, Department of

Physiology, School of Health and Policy Studies, Baker
OSTRICH DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Building, Room 701, University of Central England, Bir-
mingham B42 2SU, UK. (Email: rgcooperuk@yahoo.com)
The digestive system of the ostrich differs considerably Received 28 May 2004; accepted for publication 29 June
from that of non-ruminant animals or poultry (Fig. 1). 2004.

Animal Science Journal (2004) 75, 491–498 491


Table 1 Comparative measurements (inches) of the gastro-

intestinal tract (GIT) of ratites (Shanawany 1996)
GIT Ostrich Rhea Emu
Proventriculus 14 ¥ 32 4¥4¥8 3¥6¥8
Ventriculus 12 ¥ 16 9 ¥ 9 ¥ 17 4.4 ¥ 6.5 ¥ 10
Small intestine 640 140 287
Large intestine
Caecum 4 ¥ 94 3 ¥ 48 2¥9
Rectum 6 ¥ 800 3 ¥ 40 3 ¥ 25
Liver weight (kg) 2.2 – –
Gallbladder Absent 1.5 2¥8

The ostrich coprodeum is not adapted like a mam-

malian bladder. The abundance of goblet cells results
in a copious secretion of mucus that establishes a thick
unstirred layer giving effective osmotic protection
(Skadhauge et al. 2003). Ostriches like all birds, are
monogastric and their gullet widens to become the
glandular stomach (proventriculus) that joins the
gizzard. The esophagus is markedly wide and when
contracted contains numerous longitudinal rugae
(Shanawany 1996). Comparative measurements (cm)
of the gastro-intestinal tract of some ratites are shown
in Table 1. The esophagus enters the stomach (proven-
triculus). The proventriculus of the ostrich is a large,
dilated thin-walled structure. In ostriches, enzyme and
acid secretion is restricted to an area of only 25% of
the total inner surface area of the proventriculus. This
is in contrast to other birds in which the entire surface
of the proventriculus secretes digestive enzymes. The
distal end of the proventriculus passes to the gizzard
(ventriculus). The ventriculus is a thick-walled struc-
ture. The dark, tough lining (koilin) of the proventric-
ulus and ventriculus are formed by protein secreted
Fig. 1 The digestive system of an adult ostrich (adapted from
Holtzhausen & Kotzé 1990). (A), proventriculus (glandular from the glands combined with entrapped sloughed
stomach); (B), ventriculus (gizzard) containing approximately cells and other cellular debris. The green-brown color
1.5 kg of pebbles; (C), small intestine (approx. 6 m); (D), caeca is attributed to the refluxed bile pigments from the
or appendices (approx. 0.95–1.25 m); (E), colon or large duodenum. The small intestine is relatively short and
intestine (approx. 16 m); (F), hindgut.
straight while the rectum is long and large to enable
the digestion of bulky food and to facilitate fluid
absorption (Shanawany 1996). The round gizzard is
superimposition of the remainder of the small intes- muscular and contains approximately 1.5 kg of rough
tine, individual components were difficult to differen- pebbles the size of marbles that grind the food as the
tiate. The caeca were inconsistently highlighted and muscular walls of the organ contract and relax. The
only for a short time. The ventral pouch of the copro- digestive tract contains two large caecae and a long
deum never filled with contrast medium (Wagner & colon up to 16-m long (Holtzhausen & Kotzé 1990).
Kirberger 2003). In another study, the coprodeal epi- The well-developed hindgut is used as a fermentation
thelium was studied by electro physiology in the site for plant fiber. The large intestine is three times as
Ussing chamber, and the anatomy by light microscopy long as the small intestine, although the caeca is of a
and scanning electron microscopy (Skadhauge et al. similar size in poultry. A spiral fold in the caecum of
2003). the ostrich is described (Bezuidenhout 1993). The fold

Animal Science Journal (2004) 75, 491–498 492

Ostrich gastro-intestinal tract

spiralled 30 times transforming the lumen into a long, EXCRETA FORMATION AND
spiral-shaped cavity. The fold consisted of mucosa, MOVEMENT IN THE GASTRO-
muscularis mucosa and submucosa. The proximal part INTESTINAL TRACT
of the fold contained a central core of muscle originat-
ing from the inner circular layer of the caecal wall. The In one review, Duke (1999) detailed excreta formation
distal end was expanded and frilled so increasing the in ostriches as liquid urine followed by discrete faecal
surface area of the fold. The surface area of the spiral boli excreted in rapid succession. The cloacal structure
fold averaged 955.75 cm2 constituting 54% of the total of the ostrich possibly explains the type and mecha-
caecal mucosal surface. nism of excreta formation. Rectal stricture greatly
Bezuidenhout (1993) suggested that the fold plays impedes excreta formation and elimination. Indeed,
an important role in the absorption of volatile fatty Berridge et al. (1998), in a exploratory celiotomy of an
acids and other metabolites produced by microbial fer- 18-month-old female ostrich with anorexia, lethargy
mentation of cellulose and hemicellulose. Although and constipation of 5 days duration, showed mesen-
there are many similarities between ostriches and teric volvulus and a focal narrowing of the rectum
chickens, differences include simple superficial ~28 cm cranial to the cloaca. The animal was eutha-
proventricular glands, branched tubular glands, and nized and necropsy revealed a fibronecrotic proctitis
deep proventricular glands restricted to a slipper- and a 3 cm long circumferential stricture of the rec-
shaped arc and extending into the muscularis mucosa tum. Lower intestinal function was compromised by
(Bezuidenhout & van Aswegen 1990). A unique fea- the rectal wall at the stricture that was deeply effaced
ture in the ostrich is the variably developed muscularis by fibrovascular connective tissue with vascular
mucosae in the gizzard. The villi of the small intestine thrombosis and necrotizing vasculitis. The emu, how-
are long and branched profusely forming a labyrin- ever, has a limited ability to produce concentrated
thine surface. No Paneth cells were observed. The urine (Dawson et al. 1985). Eight emus were water
presence of numerous melanocytes in the submucosa restricted and the osmolality of the excreta fluid was
and connective tissue around the blood vessels of the shown to increase to a maximum after 6 days to
muscle layers at the tips of the caeca is surprising, as 428 ± 39 mmol, the urine:plasma being 1.35 ± 0.12. In
these cells are normally associated with pigmentation. normally hydrated birds most of the Na+ and Cl– ions
A well-developed subserosa was observed throughout were excreted in the fluid fraction although one-third
the gut. The topographical distribution of endocrine of the K+ was associated with the solid phase. After
cells immunoreactive to glucagon, bombesin, neuro- water restriction for 9 days the pattern of K+ excretion
tensin and substance P differed from that of the did not change, although the majority of Na+ (79%)
chicken. Secretin was structurally different from its and Cl– (73%) were excreted in the solid phase possi-
counterparts in the mammal and chicken (Bezuiden- bly associated with urates. The cloaca-rectum appears
hout & van Aswegen 1990). to play a major role in the modification of excreta. It is
The topography of the thoraco-abdominal viscera conceivable that a similar physiological function
in 20 ostriches aged 2 weeks to 12 months has been occurs in the ostrich, although this would require fur-
described (Bezuidenhout 1986). Important anatomi- ther investigation.
cal positions of the gut include the proventriculus Retrograde movement of urine from the coprodeum
that occupies the left cranial part of the abdomen, to the colon and caeca in birds is important in the
resting on the sternum and abdominal floor. The recovery of water and sodium chloride (Duke et al.
duodenum formed a loop from right to left with the 1994). Water is derived from both hypotonic luminal
pancreas lying between the two limbs. The coiled fluid and hypotonic fluid if the rate of Na+-linked
jejunum and ileum were located in the ventral part water absorption exceeds the rate of osmotic water
of the abdomen between the gizzard and pelvis. The loss. Ostriches (aged 10 months; 90–10 kg bwt) were
two caecae were situated on either side of the termi- slaughtered and used for anatomical examination.
nal ileum with their apices in the pelvis. The rec- They were raised on desert range (temperature of 32–
tum was the longest part of the intestine and was 34∞C in August; annual rainfall of 200 mm). The birds
divided into a thick proximal segment situated in the were allowed to feed on natural vegetation and were
right dorsal part of the abdomen and a thin distal given commercial feed (2 kg/bird/day) and fresh Luc-
part that occupied the left caudodorsal part of the erne. The lower colon and cloaca were collected from
abdomen. 16 ostriches at slaughter. Four initial samples used to

Animal Science Journal (2004) 75, 491–498 493


visually differentiate and determine the coprodeum atively less body surface area, the reservoir might last
and proctodeum, were combined with 12 subsequent longer (Degen et al. 1994).
samples to determine if urine passed into the terminal
colon (presence of uric acid) and the distribution of RESISTANCE TO DEHYDRATION
urine between the coprodeum and proctodeum. Lon-
gitudinal opening of chambers and the presence of Living in semiarid or arid conditions has favored the
uric acid and urine, and the collection of urine samples ability of ostriches to withstand substantial dehydra-
from 10 cloacae were analyzed. Serial radiographic tion (up to 30% body mass loss) and thereafter drink
observations using a suspension of 25% (w/v) barium water approximately equating the body mass lost dur-
sulfate (BaSO4) was administered into the coprodeum ing dehydration (Cloudsley-Thompson & Muhamed
of the adult birds. Urine was stored principally in the 1967). The rapid ingestion of a large volume of water
proctodeum that changed in size with urine volume. (17% body mass) following dehydration only caused a
In 8-week-old chicks, it was 6–8 cm in diameter prior slight decline in plasma osmolality (Withers 1983)
to urination when normally hydrated and 1–2 cm fol- suggesting that the water entered the plasma slowly.
lowing urination. Mean osmolality of the cloacal fluid Degen et al. (1994) described that ingested water is
was 395.4 mOsm/L (SD = 167.5; range = 185–715; stored in the glandular stomach and then released
n = 10), which was ~1.2–1.3 times the plasma osmo- slowly until the next water ingestion. This allows
lality (300–330 mOsm/L) (Withers 1983). The major- ostriches to graze over a large radius from a water
ity of BaSO4 suspension administered into the source because their great mobility and they can
coprodeum moved into the proctodeum by 20 min. replenish the stomach in one ingestion. There has
Similarly the contrast medium administered to chicks been no mention of the glandular stomach in other
was cleared from the blood by the kidneys, passed avian species although it might act as a food store in
through the ureters and quickly through the copro- emus and the lower small intestine might act as a
deum into the proctodeum within 25–40 min. Urine region for water storage (Herd & Dawson 1984). The
and feces were excreted separately (urine first) and glandular stomach in ratites achieves the storage func-
the birds were coprophagic. tion of the crop in other birds.
Degen et al. (1994) investigated the sequence of gas-
troduodenal contractions and the functions in the GROWTH CURVES FOR OSTRICHES
stomach in two male ostriches aged seven and eight
weeks. Birds housed in an animal-holding room were The growth dynamics of the primary cortical bone of
subjected to a relative humidity (RH) of 45–50%, tem- young ratites shows that from hatching to 2 months of
perature of 25–27∞C and lighted conditions from 06.00 age, cortical thickness remains constant thus express-
to 20.00 hours daily. BaSO4 was mixed with mash diet ing equilibrium between periosteal bone deposition
so that movements of food within the gut could be and an endosteal bone reabsorption. Radial growth
observed using radiographic imaging. Gastric contrac- rates of the diaphyseal bone cortex are high (10–
tion frequency increased in one bird from 2.08 ± 0.32 40 mm/day on average; maximum of 80 mm/day) in
(hydrated) to 2.68 ± 0.32 contractions/min (dehy- the hind limb (femur, tibiotarsus and tarsometatar-
drated), and decreased in the other from 2.08 ± 0.40 to sus). Wing bones are smaller and develop later (Cas-
1.56 ± 0.23 contractions/min. However, no cause for tanet et al. 2000). The genetic potential of an ostrich
the different responses between the two birds was can be described by its characteristic growth curve. A
apparent. The duodenal reflux might account for the Gompertz model on growth performance of ostriches
oral flow of ingesta from the upper half of the small from different localities in southern Africa has been
intestine into the stomach. This presumably improves described (Du Preez et al. 1992). The results of Du
the overall digestibility of the diet by exposing it 2–3 Preez and coworkers were verified using 43 mixed sex
times to duodenal and pancreatic digestive enzymes. birds solely at Oudtshoorn (Cilliers et al. 1995). Body-
The hydrated ostriches always had a large volume of weights at hatching were 0.81–0.85 kg for males and
water in their glandular stomachs. Water deprivation 0.78–0.85 for females. Mature weights estimated from
for 20 h, however, resulted in stomachs devoid of the Gompertz curve, were 94.2–102.1 kg for males
water. The authors described this as an indication of and 92.6–104.6 kg for females. Ages of maximum
the duration of water storage in the reservoir. In adults daily gain were 92–163 and 114–175 days for the two
or larger juveniles with a lower metabolic rate and rel- sexes, respectively. The estimated mean mature

Animal Science Journal (2004) 75, 491–498 494

Ostrich gastro-intestinal tract

(14 months) bodyweights were 119.2 kg for males and accretion. The estimated protein requirement for
122.3 kg for females, parameters that did not differ sig- maintenance was calculated using the following for-
nificantly between sexes. There were significant dif- mula (Emmans 1989):
ferences for most growth parameters among birds
MP = 8Pm0.73u
differing in origin from Oudtshoorn, South Africa,
Namibia or Zimbabwe. where MP = protein requirement for maintenance;
The Gompertz growth curves have multiple uses in Pm = mature body protein mass (kg).
production and research and are used as a tool to mea-
u = P/Pm
sure the standard of management and feeding versus
growth potential of the birds (Smith & Sales 1995). A where P = body protein mass (kg).
method of imitating the feeding pattern of ostriches in In a study of protein requirements of ostriches (60–
the wild would be useful as it would give a good indi- 110 kg bwt), in which lysine was 5% of the dietary
cation of nutrient requirements in captive birds. Nutri- protein, the highest gain in weight (235 g/day)
tionists could use different approaches to study the occurred when the birds were consuming ~2.2 kg/day
effects of nutrients on growth patterns (Du Preez of a diet containing 14% protein. This equated to 15.2-
1991). Male ostriches might have to be raised sepa- g/day lysine. Estimation of daily feed requirements to
rately as they grow faster, require higher protein diets meet the energy needs of birds can be determined
and are more efficient feed converters for longer using the formula (Emmans 1989):
periods than females (Shanawany 1996). Significant
MH = 1.63Pm0.73u
(P < 0.01) differences in the rate of growth between
birds from different regions and sex differences were where MH = maintenance heat (MJ/day); Pm = mature
demonstrated (Du Preez et al. 1992). Growth curves in protein mass (kg),
ostriches showed a faster age-gain in weight for birds
u = P/Pm
in Zimbabwe (Fig. 2). Carcass analysis from birth to
maturity to determine the development of chemical where P = body protein mass (kg).
components of the body during growth has been Estimates of daily gain in protein and lipid were
described (Du Preez et al. 1992). The sacrificed birds converted into daily energy requirement. Adding this
were defeathered and the empty body (minus gastro- to the maintenance requirement allows determination
intestinal tract) was analyzed for moisture, ash, pro- of the total energy requirement to which energy
tein and lipid. Dry, lipid-free samples were also ana- expenditure during activity and locomotion are added.
lyzed for amino acids. Protein accretion in the body Growth results of 43 ostrich males and females were
was used as the system to calculate amino-acid used to compile growth parameters of a flock that is
requirements of the birds. Because of the lack of data representative of Oudtshoorn birds using the Gomp-
on ostriches, poultry coefficients (0.73 and 0.63) were ertz model. In the paper, there was verb confusion
used, respectively, to convert the dietary amino acids, with the use of ‘chickens’ to represent ‘chicks’.
lysine and sulfur-containing amino acids into protein Growth data were derived from 19 recordings of body-
weight for each individual bird from 1-day-old to day
520. Chicks were reared in floor pens in a semi-
environmentally controlled chicken house from 1-
100 Namibia day-old to 2 months of age. From one week old, chicks
80 were allotted to small outdoor camps (6 ¥ 10 m) on
Weight (kg)

Lucerne pastures during the day. Ambient tempera-

tures were maintained between 23 and 25∞C with the
40 use of overhead radiant heaters. At 2 months old, the
birds were moved to larger Lucerne camps (6 ¥ 50 m).
The size of these camps was increased at 3 months
0 (6 ¥ 200 m) and at 4 months (50 ¥ 250 m). At
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
5 months, birds were removed from Lucerne pastures
Age (days)
and assigned to two identical feedlots (25 ¥ 25 m).
Fig. 2 Fitted growth curves for ostriches in three localities Male and female chicks were not separated. Six diets
(source: Du Preez et al. 1992). were offered to the birds during the experimental

Animal Science Journal (2004) 75, 491–498 495


period: pre-starter (0–2 months); starter (2– of growth should be considered. The authors suggest
4 months); grower (4–6 months); finisher (6– further studies to determine to what extent the restric-
10 months); post-finisher (10–14 months); and tion of a limiting amino acid influences growth rate.
maintenance (14–18 months). Such a study should be supported by carcass analysis.
Competent use of statistical analysis was presented Improvements in grading of ostrich parts using
in the implementation of Statistical Analysis Systems the Gompertz (1825) function have been described
to fit Gompertz curves to the collected data (sex, age (Mellett & Randall 1994). The authors noted that in
and weight). Each individual data was used to fit a nutritional and other growth studies that repeated
curve to obtain estimates of maximum weight at measurements are made on the same animals as time
maturity (A) and the rate of growth (B), also referred progresses, whereas in meat studies the animals are
to as rate of maturing. The curves were forced to pass slaughtered and only one measurement is possible. In
through the mean hatching weights of all individuals, the study, 10 ostriches were slaughtered aged 3, 6, 8,
and A and B were estimated thus applying the same 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 months, respectively. Following
form of the Gompertz equation used previously (Du the determination of the mass of body parts, a Gomp-
Preez et al. 1992). The time of maximum daily weight ertz function (Rogers et al. 1987) was fitted to these
gain was computed using the estimated parameters for measurements and the point at which growth
A & B. The various estimates for these parameters occurred at its maximum rate was computed by equat-
were compared between birds by t-test. Males exhib- ing the second derivative to zero. Only the growth of
ited slightly faster maturation rates (¥10-3) than the head (y in g) versus time (x in months) could be
females (mean (SE): 9.10 (0.278) and 8.55 (0.412), described with the Gompertz function:
respectively), although this did not differ significantly
from females. The corresponding age at which maxi- y = 613 expÈÍ -ln exp( -0.26x )˘˙.
mum growth was attained was 181 days for males and Î 133 ˚
199 days for females. Generally the age of maximum Growth rate, total body water volume (TBW), dry
growth in animals usually occurs at one-third of the matter intake (DMI) and water consumption were
age before maturity. The inflexion point of curves for determined in ostriches from hatching to 350 days
male and female birds showed that the expected ages (100 kg bwt) (Degen et al. 1991). The Gompertz equa-
of maturity were 602 and 664 days, respectively. As tion was used to describe the sigmoidal growth curve;
the birds were only weighed until 520 days, they were mature body mass (Mmb) was calculated as 104.1 kg.
not fully mature at the end of the study. Comparison The highest average daily gain (ADG) was 455 g/day
of mature bodyweights of cocks and hens showed sig- that occurred between 70 and 98 days. The growth
nificantly (P < 0.05) lower estimates of 102.1 and curve of ostriches was sigmoidal and asymptotic mb
98.4 kg, respectively. No significant differences in mat- was calculated as 104 kg reached in 1 year. The met-
uration rate were, however, observed between the abolic age of ostriches at hatching was 13.7 days,
findings of the present and former studies (Du Preez which was similar to the 14 days reported for broilers
et al. 1992). The former demonstrated estimates of (Wilson 1977) and lower than the mean of 23.6 days
mean (SE) 9.7 (0.43) and 9.0 (0.44) for cocks and for six precocial birds (Kirkwood & Webster 1984).
hens, respectively, versus estimates of 9.1 (0.28) and The metabolic age of the ostriches was lower than the
8.5 (0.41) in the latter. Calculated ages at which max- mean of the six birds to reach 0.5 Mmb (48.6 vs mean
imum weight gain occurred were substantially earlier of 67.8) but the time required to grow from 0.25 to
at 163 and 175 days for cocks and hens as opposed to 0.75 Mmb was longer (39.4 vs mean of 34.8). Total
181 and 199 days in the present study. body water volume (TBW) as a fraction of mb
The importance and usefulness of the Gompertz decreased from 0.84 (35 day olds) to 0.57 (322 day
curve to describe animal growth is evidenced in the Du olds), attributed to the accumulation of lipid. DMI also
Preez et al. (1992) study as a tool to measure the stan- followed a sigmoidal curve and plateaued at 2.05 kg/
dard of management and feeding against the potential day. The ratio of DMI to ADG increased from 1.07 (35
growth of the animal. Additionally, it can be used for to 42 days) to 17.1 (322–350 days). This explanation
statistical comparisons of measured growth character- forwarded was during growth of the ostrich, its abso-
istics between birds to help in the selection of progeny lute maintenance requirements increased while its
for future breeding. The ability to quantify the effect of metabolisable energy intake above maintenance
intensity of feeding or nutritional standards on the rate decreased following an initial increase. As ostriches

Animal Science Journal (2004) 75, 491–498 496

Ostrich gastro-intestinal tract

matured, the fraction of total body solids increased Degen AA, Duke GE, Reynhout JK. 1994. Gastroduodenal
including an increase in the fraction of body lipid motility and glandular stomach function in young
ostriches. Auk 111, 750–755.
content. More energy was thus required per unit of
Degen AA, Kam M, Rosenstrauch A, Plavnik I. 1991. Growth
growth (Degen et al. 1991). rate, total body water volume, dry-matter intake and
water consumption of domesticated ostriches (Struthio
camelus). Animal Production 52, 225–232.
CONCLUSION Du Preez JJ. 1991. Ostrich nutrition and management. In:
Farrell DJ (ed.), Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition in Aus-
Accurate evaluation and knowledge of the nutrient tralia, pp. 278–291. University of New England, Armidale.
contents of raw materials for formulating diets and Du Preez JJ, Jarvis MFF, Capatos D, De Kock J. 1992. A note
knowledge of nutrient needs during various stages on growth curves for the ostrich (Struthio camelus). Animal
of growth and development, and production of the Production 54, 150–152.
ostrich are vital. More research could be done to Duke GE. 1999. Mechanisms of excreta formation and elim-
ination in turkeys and ostriches. Journal of Experimental
investigate different food sources by country/region Zoology 283, 478–479.
and how this affects growth, development and per- Duke GE, Degen AA, Reynhout JK. 1994. Movement of
formance of the bird. Collaborative research will be urine in the lower colon and cloaca of ostriches. Condor
of benefit to mankind because of the healthy red 97, 165–173.
meat and luxurious leather the ostrich provides, in Emmans GC. 1989. The growth of turkeys. In: Nitey C, Grey
TC (eds), Recent Advances in Turkey Science, Poultry Science
addition to the many other potential health-benefits Symposium Number 21, pp. 135–166, Butterworths,
of its body parts, such as corneas for eye London.
transplants. Gatimu LN. 1996. The effects of free-ranging ostrich farming
on arid rangeland in the Prince Albert District, South
Africa. MSc Thesis. Conservation Biology, FitzPatrick
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Institute, University of Cape Town, Cape Town.
Gompertz B. 1825. On the nature of the function expressive
The library assistance of Mr D. Swanepoel and Mrs F. of the law of human mortality, and on a new mode of
Jones in South Africa is appreciated. determining the value of life contingencies. Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological
Sciences 123, 513–585.
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