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City of knowledge

BY QASIM A. MOINI | 11/10/2019 12:00:00 AM

IN the Islamic worldview, the pursuit of knowledge is one of the central

tenets of faith. For example, the first words revealed to the Holy Prophet of
Islam (PBUH) by the Almighty were `Read in the name of your Lord who
created` (Surah Al-Alag). In f act, in the same surah the Almighty describes
Himself as the Supreme Teacher `who taught by the pen`.

This commandment in the Holy Quran is complemented by a f amous hadith

in which the Blessed Prophet has said that `I am the city of knowledge and
Ali is its gate`.

These two luminous examples from the Quran and hadith/Sunnah illustrate
the central role knowledge plays in Islam. However far Muslims may have
drifted from these noble tenets, the f act is that salvation for the world of
Islam, as well as humanity at large, lies in the pursuit of knowledge.

But what exactly is knowledge? Is it just the ability to read, write, compute
and arrive atlogicalconclusions?Of courseliteracy and numeracy skills are
essential. But is there some deeper connection of knowledge with the soul?
After all, the individuals who created weapons of mass destruction, biological
and chemical weapons etc, were exceptionally bright people. Yet f ar from
being beneficialformankind,theirknowledgehashelped spread immense
misery in the world.

In the words of the Holy Prophet, whose blessed birth the world is
celebrating on this day, `Knowledge is not (acquired) through extensive
learning. Rather, it is the light that God sends in the heart of whomever He
wishes to guide`. Thus, true knowledge illuminates the heart and takes one
out of the darkness of ignorance and into the world of light.

Unfortunately, today most of the Muslim world is drowning in the depths of

ignorance, far from the `light` of salvation the Quran and hadith have laid so
much emphasis on.

Sanctimoniousness has replaced piety and reflection; clamour and rancour

have taken the place of discussion and debate while the doctors of religion
are far too preoccupied with petty sectarian squabbles to look at the `big`
picture that Islam stresses bringing the light of knowledge and compassion to
a world filled with ignorance and hatred.

And indeed the fountainhead of divine knowledge is the personality of the

Blessed Prophet, who connects the `unseen` world of revelation to the
material realm. Whether it is knowledge concerning personal ethics and
conduct, of how to pray and fast, or familiarity with the advanced sciences
and the secrets of the physical universe, divine guidance is essential in all

The Quran in numerous instances observes:`dotheynotreflect?`Considering

the fact that the Holy Book is a guide for allages, perhaps the verses are
asking us why Muslims today do not reflect on their pitiful condition. Far
from seeking knowledge of the self and the universe, the ignorance and
deprivation of the Muslim world can be reflected in the fact that millions of
believers are affected by death, war, disease and malnutrition, yet their
brothers and sisters in f aith remain unmoved.

As followers of the Holy Prophet, who claim to love and emulate him, we
need to study his compassion and foresightedness when confronting crises.
To truly follow his example, the ummah needs to make greater efforts to
wipe out ignorance, malice and hatred. Instead of wasting our energies and
considerable resources on sectarian polemics and mutual hostility, it would
be better for believers to `hasten to do good works` as Surah Al-Bagarah

While it may not be possible for individuals to put right all that is wrong in
the world, at least we can play our small parts. This can be done, for example,
by keeping our surroundings clean, as we are told thatcleanliness is half of
faith; certainly our filthy cities can benefit much from following this maxim.
Or in these times of galloping inflation, perhaps we who eat our fill can make
sure none of our neigh-bours, friends or acquaintances go hungry.

The fact is that if hearts are attuned to and lit up by the nur of the Holy
Prophet`s love and his knowledge, such hearts are filled with compassion,
mercy and forbearance traits this society, indeed the world, are in dire need
of. Let us start with ourselves, then move on to our f amilies, or
neighbourhoods, communities etc as in such violent and depressive times, it
is essential to carry out amr bil maroof (to enjoin what is good).

Can there be a better way than the one taught by the Blessed Prophet, about
whom Shaikh Saadi has recited the immortal quatrain: `Balaghal-ula be-
Kamal-i-hi (He attained exaltation by his perfection) Kashafad-duja be-
Jamaal-i-hi (He dispelled darkness by his beauty) Hasunat jameebKhisaal-i-
hi (Beauteous are all his qualities) Sallu alae-hi wa Aal-i-hi (Benediction be
on him and on his family).`• The writer is a member of staff.


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