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Banks Stephens Campus • 66 Thornton Road • Forsyth, GA 31029 • (478) 994-6186

Visual Art Parent Letter and Syllabus

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome! The Visual Art Connections class is offered to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. Each semester students are guided
through an exploration and development of creativity through: Art Criticism, Art History, Aesthetics, and Art Production.
Each grade level diversely introduces students to the basic elements of art and the principles of design through a variety of
art activities with concentration on media techniques, famous artists, styles, and periods. Students will be encouraged to
participate in the productions of: Realistic, Abstract, Nonobjective, 2-D and 3-D works of art for class, school, community,
state, national, and even international art contests as well as local exhibits.
I have also included the rules, procedures, and grading policy. Please read, sign, date and return portion below OR
fill out the Art Class Agreement Form in my Google Classroom (see code below to join). Students are held
accountable by being a willing participant, staying positively focused, and demonstrating genuine effort. Therefore,
responsibility, participation, attitude, and work effort greatly affect a student’s grade. The teacher’s accountability
include lessons focused from the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) and an explanation of an Art Rubric used for
grading artwork. For any questions or concerns, please call the school number (listed above) or email any time.
Sincerely, Ms. McGouirk………………………………………………...………........kecia.mcgouirk@mcschools.org
Steps Below are Due each Semester by: August 30th or January 30th
1. Basic Art Supplies (Stored in a zip-lock bag or pencil pouch/box)………BRING TO CLASS ALWAYS!
Need: Wooden #2 pencils, extra eraser, color pencils (old/new, any brand/amount, except NO eraseable-type)
Extra Credit: Highlighters, black sharpie marker (fine-tip), hand-held pencil sharpener, scissors and glue stick.
Do Not Bring: Elmer’s glue bottle or crayons. Initial below if can’t get supplies. (HOMEWORK GRADE #1)
2. Visual Art Parent Letter and Syllabus (Sign Paper OR Sign Online)……....(HOMEWORK GRADE #2)
Parent/Guardian and student will both read and sign this paper and return portion below to teacher, OR sign
agreement form online by joining Ms. McGouirk’s Visual Art Google Classroom. (See codes below)
Google Classroom Code for Visual Art 6th grade: ph6fyl
Google Classroom Code for Visual Art 7th grade: z9t37ez
Google Classroom Code for Visual Art 8th grade: w8u2d84
3. Join Remind 101……………………...…………………………………...…....(HOMEWORK GRADE #3)
Text for Visual Art 6th Grade: @art6mcms
Text for Visual Art 7th Grade: @art7mcms
Text for Visual Art 8th Grade: @art8mcms
4. Donation (Optional not Required)
Not required but students who are able, may donate item(s) underlined below or donate a $1.00 classroom fee.
This donation covers: kleenex, hand sanitizer, antiseptics, band aids, and disinfectant wipes/sprays. Thank you!
5. Textbook (Provided by Teacher)
Textbooks are kept/used in class only and not issued to students. Damages and replacement costs range $5 - $50.
………….……(Cut and Return Portion Below OR Complete Online Google Classroom Form)……….…………

Verification of Knowledge Grade Level/Day

We have read and understand all polices set forth in Ms. McGouirk’s classroom.

Parent Signature:________________________________________________ Date:__________________

Student Signature:_______________________________________________ Date:__________________
Parent/Guardian, please initial this box if your child is not able to bring needed Art Supplies listed above.
Otherwise, I will provide them with a few gently used items in my classroom.

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