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Compare and Contrast Field Observation to the course

Elix Oliva Cerrito

College of Sothern Nevada

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Initial Class Visit

I made my way to the school I had chosen, I have attended the school before as a child

but I felt it would be interesting to see for myself as to how things may have worked back then. I

was greeted to a familiar face I would see around the school as student and it would feel as if I

had never left the school because of how welcoming the school was. Although finding a

cooperating teacher took time I was able to get two cooperating teachers. I then initiated my field

observations on a Tuesday with a class that would be considered or which is self-contained. I

was met with a teacher and an aid along with four second grade students. Upon entering the

classroom one would see the size of the classroom and take note of how much free space there is.

The students I observed were said to be autistic. As the initial observation I took note that one

out of the four had severe autism and one out of the four had the least level of autism, this

student would be placed in a separate class with general education students to allow for a least

restrictive environment. My second cooperating teacher would be a pre-k teacher with two aids

to assist him and his six students which were all self-contained.

Special Education Experience

As a student who can only relate to a bare minimum of what special education is with a

few amount of information on a personal level and the knowledge gained from this course would

expect to be ready for what is to come. Although that was not the case. I took notice that the

years of frustration and patience was seen in the work and effort of these teachers to do their best

in giving a proper education to their students. With the few hours I would get to spend with the

second graders I would begin to see that progress can be made within time that tends to go by

fast. The complexity of working with students who have autism takes a lot to master as everyday

may become a challenge due to several factors. Those factors being a change of prescribed

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medicine, the environment of their home, their peers, and even the environment of the classroom.

Within the short period of being in a pre-k classroom who were autistics showed an equal

challenge to those who were in second grade but in different aspects. The second grader and pre-

k students were a challenge to make them and ask of them to follow directions all while keeping

control. In both settings I was reminded to not show much interest in their actions and try to

avoid any eye contact as to they will initiate a bond and try to use that bond at their advantage. In

overall the experience is interesting and creates a sense of respect for those who are going into

special education and then into the field.

Compare and Contrast

In the first two chapter my initial class observation would compare to what is self-

contained which can be read in the first chapter on page seventeen. Self-contained classrooms

spend most of their days isolated from other students and daily activities which is partially true

as during the two hours I observed the second graders they spent most of the day as a class and

when it came hour to specials which are arts, music, humanities etc., they would be alone

together with no other students around. In a bit of research alone one can see why some would be

against self-contained classrooms or why it may be good. As for example alternative teaching

helps students with special needs as it allows for small group instruction which enriches

activities and what is in depth studies. Although parents or even teachers may feel like self-

contained classes are not for everyone and can restrict a student from receiving appropriate

education. In chapter two I can compare to what is assessment and thankfully I was given the

opportunity to see how students were assessed to gather information on every individual student.

In contrast during my field observation labeling a student or knowing what special needs did a

student have never crossed my mind although the curiosity to know was there. Labeling someone

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is not right and I did not bother task because I felt like it was not right in my place to ask but

within the week the cooperating teacher told me and I felt better knowing but did not make me

bias thinking that the students were any different to others who attend the school.

In comparison to chapters three and four I did observe students who were linguistically

disabled and it became obvious that it was a challenge for them and their teachers because they

are smart kids but some struggled with speech and pronouncing and within chapter three spoke

on a matter that stated, “As the number of students from culturally and linguistically diverse

backgrounds continues to grow, the diversity of our teaching workforce has failed to keep up

with this expansion (p. 81). In the last day of my field observation I observed a student who

spoke primarily Spanish although not being able to speak, commands or question were

sometimes said in Spanish. And I think this has become an issue not only in the field of special

education educators but general education. Which in contrast I can relate in personal level as

how myself being bilingual and my parents only speaking Spanish I am always needed as a

translator and when it comes to parent teacher conferences I asked by parents to come along or

for myself to take their place and then explain to them what my sibling’s teacher has said. And I

strongly believe that out of a few handful of the students I observed have parents who may

struggle understanding what is asked by professionals or their children teachers.

In comparison to my field observation and the course, assistive technology was a big part

in both of the classes I observed over the five days. There was a student who needed a touch

based tablet or computer because she had trouble speaking and making it clear as to what she

needed. And even though she seemed to not be listening to her teacher she proved that she was

by answer math question on the computer by pointing at the screen and either the aid or teacher

clicking on her answer. Another student required that she had her own small screen when it came

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to showing a children’s video through the projector. In contrast assistive technology did not

appear much when I was in early elementary school. Projectors did not exist nor did tablets or

touched based technology for student to use. It just comes to show much time and technology

has progressed and the hardships many may had to endure for a period of time. Something can be

of comparison is resources, students who need higher tech assistance were waiting for either

funds or a donation to give a student a touch screen computer.

In contrast to what we learned in this course I found a bit bothersome that educators

would assume that as student seeing first-hand what their classes are like would think that I

myself or others would not be able to have the patience or character to work around special

students. Which is partly true because it does take a lot of you and is much complex than general

education. Although at a personal experience I have dealt with someone who is of special needs.

I know that whether one goes into general education or special education having a leader type

character or being patience and communicative is important. As an observer it is wrong to think

that no one can take on a job a special education educator takes. Although in comparison we read

and study these chapters to understand how complex special education is and what must be done

to accommodate one’s students in the near future. One does not take special education classes

not to be prepared and not go on field observation to avoid seeing what special education is like.

I have met students who are much more motivated to go into special education because they can

relate to what teachers experience on a daily basis through personal experiences many have at

home like I do. Although in comparison to the course we are able to see through the work to

decide if whether or not this is the direction some would like to take and accept the challenges

that may come along with the job of an educator.

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In comparison to the course and my field observation behavior was an issue that was

being dealt with on a frequent basis. The students I observed dealt with emotional disturbance

and conduct disorders. Although there was a meaning behind as to why most of the students

would get bothered if something was taken away from them. Which normally was the case with

the students. In overall students in the classes I observed will be a learning experience I will

never forget because nothing makes me happier to see students’ progress and overcome

hardships that have been placed in front of them. In the two separate field observations in

contrast the one for this class was one I like the most and I have friends who are going into

special education and have yet to do their field observation and I hope they enjoy it as much as I

did. Although I may be in too deep into my current major taking the route to be a special

education educator would have been nice as well. The effort and patience one shows in any

setting of a classroom is need more than anything because a student will always observe their

teachers and having good educators new leaders will rise and make their mark in this world

through their education they have received throughout their years in grade school. To conclude

this course taught me a lot of what I did not know and to see it more clearly through studying late

at night and during the work in order to pass this class.

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Garguilo, M. Bouck, E. (2017). Cultural and Linguistic Diversity and Exceptionality.

Accomazzo, T. (Ed). Special Education in Contemporary Society (p. 81). Thousand Oaks,

California: Sage Publications Inc.

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