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T h e Fu t u re o f B i o m a r k e r s

Jean-Louis Vincent, MD, PhD*, Elisa Bogossian, MD,

Marco Menozzi, MD

 Precision medicine  Phenotypes  Biomarker panels  Sensitivity  Specificity

 New biomarkers are being developed that will facilitate the move toward personalized
 Combinations of biomarkers are more likely to be of use than single biomarkers.
 Developments in omics will add new biomarkers to the traditional protein and cytokine


Mr X, a postoperative patient on the general surgical floor, develops a temperature

of more than 38 C. In just 2 minutes, his bedside sepsis panel alerts that he has an
infection. In just 7 minutes, the presence of Klebsiella is identified from a blood sam-
ple and its antibiotic sensitivities provided. Appropriate antibiotics are started ac-
cording to a computerized algorithm. The antibiotic doses given are higher than
usual because tests suggest he has increased renal clearance of drugs. Neverthe-
less, his bedside renal panel indicates he is at high risk of developing renal failure
likely to require renal replacement therapy (RRT) in the next few days, so immediate
transfer to the intensive care unit (ICU) is organized. His urine output then starts to
fall, and his blood volume biomarker level indicates a risk of fluid overload showing
that he needs close monitoring, especially because his acute respiratory destress
syndrome (ARDS) risk panel is also in the red zone. These results suggest RRT
should be started, even before his creatinine levels increase significantly (in any
case, creatinine levels are no longer trusted very much; there are better markers
now). The new lung protective agent will also be prescribed, even though this
drug is costly.

Disclosure Statement: The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.

Department of Intensive Care, Erasme Hospital, Université libre de Bruxelles, Route de Lennik
808, Brussels 1070, Belgium
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: jlvincent@intensive.org

Crit Care Clin 36 (2020) 177–187

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ccc.2019.08.014 criticalcare.theclinics.com
0749-0704/20/ª 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
178 Vincent et al


Markers of disease have been used for centuries, but it was only really in the 1980s
that the term, biomarker, came into widespread use. Biomarkers can range from
simple physiologic measurements of, for example, pulse and blood pressure, to
highly complex and expensive molecular or imaging variables. Since the early
1980s, biomarker research across all fields of medicine has increased dramatically
and this expansion shows no sign of slowing down as new technology assists in
facilitating the development of new biomarkers and assessing their place in mod-
ern medicine. In some fields, for example, oncology, biomarkers have played a key
role in defining distinct disease entities that respond to specific treatments,
enabling precision medicine to be applied to individual patients. In the critical
care arena, progress has been much slower, partly because much critical illness,
for example, ARDS and sepsis, is syndromic and heterogeneous rather than con-
sisting of clearly defined, homogeneous disease states.1,2 With increasing avail-
ability of data from large patient databases and improved technology to analyze
and identify potential biomarkers, huge advances will be seen in this field in the


Importantly, biomarkers can have multiple applications. The US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) and the National Institutes of Health have recently listed 7 cate-
gories of biomarker: susceptibility/risk, diagnostic, monitoring, prognostic, predictive,
pharmacodynamic/response, and safety3 (Table 1). There may be some overlap be-
tween categories and any 1 biomarker may meet the criteria for several different cat-
egories. The fictional case history at the beginning of this article demonstrates some of
these uses, with biomarkers for diagnosis, prediction, therapeutic response, and
prognosis. This article explores 2 of the key applications for biomarkers in the ICU,
focusing on how each will likely evolve in the future.

Table 1
Categories of biomarker with some possible examples from critical care medicine

.To Guide/Assess in This

Categorya Example of Use. Context
Susceptibility/risk ARDS, risk of respiratory Early endotracheal
arrest intubation
Diagnostic Infection Early and adequate antibiotic
Monitoring Fluid status Fluid management
Prognostic Risk of multiple organ failure ICU admission
Predictive Good outcome ICU discharge
Pharmacodynamic/response Serial sepsis biomarkers Duration of antibiotic
Safety Chloride levels Stop saline infusions
Categories as proposed by the US Food and Drug Administration and the National Institutes of
Health Biomarker Working Group.
Data from FDA-NIH Biomarker Working Group. BEST (Biomarkers, EndpointS, and other Tools)
Resource: Glossary. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK338448/pdf/Bookshelf_
NBK338448.pdf. Accessed 9/7/19.
The Future of Biomarkers 179

Diagnostic Biomarkers
A diagnostic biomarker is used to identify or confirm the presence of a disease or con-
dition.4 The number of available diagnostic markers is vast, enabling identification of
diseases ranging from myocardial infarction to prostate cancer to lactose intolerance.
Some of these tests are highly sensitive for the condition in question, others much less
so. The same applies to specificity. New diagnostic biomarkers are being developed
on a daily basis as understanding of disease pathogenesis improves and ability to reli-
ably detect and measure even very low concentrations of substances increases. The
challenge is to ensure that such biomarkers are correctly validated and relevant. More-
over, diagnostic biomarkers are of limited interest if the information they provide is not
associated with the ability to offer appropriate treatment of the condition in question or
to influence clinical decision making so that patient outcomes can be improved. This is
particularly true in critical care medicine.
Diagnostic markers also can be used to assess disease severity, which can be help-
ful when evaluating the need for aggressive therapies, such as a surgical intervention
or a costly medication. Assessing severity also can help in deciding whether a patient
in an emergency department should be oriented toward the ICU or the general floor.
This type of biomarker use may be especially important in the middle of the night,
when doctors are often less experienced or may not be fully awake. Increasingly, arti-
ficial intelligence and machine-learning systems will combine biomarker information
with other elements, for example, patient age and medical history, to provide accurate
patient triage based on known outcomes.5
Given the high morbidity and mortality associated with sepsis and the recognized
importance of early appropriate management, availability of a biomarker able to accu-
rately diagnose sepsis would be a major breakthrough. Over the years, many candi-
date markers of sepsis have been identified, proposed, and studied6; however,
none is perfect and can unequivocally and reliably differentiate all patients with sepsis
from those without. Even procalcitonin (PCT) and C-reactive protein, the 2 most widely
studied sepsis biomarkers, have many limitations.7 A major problem is the lack of a
gold standard against which biomarkers can be tested: there is and will always be a
gray zone between demonstrated, suspected, possible, and unlikely infections.8
Will there be better sepsis markers in the future? Unfortunately, given the highly com-
plex nature of the sepsis response and the heterogeneity of the patients sepsis can
affect, it is unlikely that 1 biomarker will be found that can definitively separate septic
from nonseptic patients. Rather than relying on single biomarkers, combinations or
panels of biomarkers probably will be used in the future. As an example, SeptiCyte
(Immunexpress, Seattle, WA) is a test based on the expression of 4 key genes involved
in the host response to infection: CEACAM4, LAMP1, PLAC8, and PLA2G7. Septicyte
is the first host response gene expression assay authorized by the FDA for the diag-
nosis of sepsis in ICU patients. In a clinical trial,9 the assay was able to differentiate
sepsis from sepsis-like states on the first day of ICU admission with good sensitivity
and specificity, combined in an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve
of approximately 0.85. It performed better than other markers of sepsis, including
PCT.9 Nevertheless, the test results currently take an average of 6 hours to become
available, limiting its usefulness to guide initiation of treatment. Clearly these time de-
lays will be much shorter in the future.
In another approach, Langelier and colleagues10 used metagenomics next-
generation sequencing to develop pathogen, microbiome diversity, and host gene
expression metrics to differentiate critically ill patients with lower tract respiratory in-
fections from those without. Combining the 3 metrics together resulted in a negative
180 Vincent et al

predictive value of 100%. Combining bacterial and host characteristics will be a key
feature of future biomarkers.
Importantly, markers of sepsis should be distinguished from tests to identify the
presence of microorganisms. There is no doubt that rapidly identifying the presence
of microorganisms will be possible in the near future,11–13 without having to rely on
time-consuming microbiological cultures. As these tests are refined and they are
more widely used, the time needed to obtain a result will decrease from several hours
to minutes, and the price, which remains a strong limitation to their use today, will go
down. Nevertheless, the distinction between colonization and infection may never be
entirely clear. Hence, it is likely that combinations of sepsis markers, to assess the
presence of sepsis and its severity, with microbiological tests, to choose the correct
antibiotic, will always be needed.

Response Biomarkers
Therapeutic response biomarkers are vitally important because they can help guide
treatment decisions to optimize patient outcomes. Monitoring of biomarker levels
over time after treatment start can help determine whether the treatment is effective
or needs to be reviewed and altered. This approach is widely used in many medical
conditions, including chronic hypertension and diabetes. In critical illness, response
biomarkers will be increasingly used to guide antibiotic duration in sepsis, to decide
when to start and stop RRT or to determine ongoing fluid needs.
Antibiotic doses and durations in patients with sepsis are largely determined from
data in noncritically ill populations. Yet critically ill patients frequently have acute he-
patic and renal dysfunction, which can influence drug metabolism and clearance;
capillary leak and fluid resuscitation, which can alter volumes of distribution; and co-
morbid conditions that can also alter antibiotic response. Moreover, the rapid and mul-
tiple changes in physiologic alterations during critical illness make it difficult to predict
how a patient will respond to a particular dose. Antibiotic doses, therefore, need to be
individualized much more than is currently the case. This will be facilitated in the future
by more rapid and widely available drug-level monitoring.
The duration of therapy is also important. Giving antibiotics for an arbitrary planned
duration of 4 days, 7 days, or 10 days exposes patients to risk of inadequate or exces-
sive treatment as well as increased risks of adverse events when treatment is pro-
longed and promotion of the development of resistance. Again, durations should be
personalized based on identified pathogens and individual clinical response. Some
patients will recover quickly even from bad infections, whereas others remain febrile
and acutely ill for longer periods of time. Changes in levels of biomarkers over time
may help adjust the duration of antibiotic therapy in individual patients. This approach
has already been studied with several biomarkers, notably PCT and C-reactive pro-
tein. In a multicenter randomized controlled trial in the Netherlands, patients who
received antibiotics for presumed infection were randomized to PCT-guided (advice
to discontinue antibiotics if PCT decreased by 80% or more of its peak value or to
less than or equal to 0.5 mg/L) or standard-of-care antibiotic discontinuation.14 Anti-
biotic duration was lower in the PCT-guided group (absolute difference 1.22; 95%
CI, 0.65–1.78; P<.0001) and mortality rates also were lower in this group. Importantly,
however, although use of PCT to guide initiation of antibiotics in stable patients with
respiratory tract infections was associated with reduced antibiotic durations with no
increase in mortality,15,16 in critically ill patients, use of PCT for initiation or escalation
of antibiotics had no impact on antibiotic durations and was associated with worse
outcomes.17 In a meta-analysis of 15 studies in critically ill patients, Lam and col-
leagues18 reported no difference in short-term mortality for studies using PCT to guide
The Future of Biomarkers 181

antibiotic initiation but lower mortality in studies using PCT to guide antibiotic discon-
tinuation. Current recommendations for patients with sepsis suggest use of PCT only
to guide antibiotic discontinuation.19 PCT has now been approved by the FDA for use
by clinicians to help guide antibiotic management decisions in patients with sepsis or
lower respiratory tract infections. This strategy will be increasingly used in the future
and should help decrease the emergence of multidrug resistant organisms, a major
concern worldwide.
The use of biomarkers can also help identify the need to re-explore a source of
sepsis. Hence, the evaluation of the time course of a biomarker will help assess patient
course. Persistence of high levels of sepsis markers suggests that treatment is not
effective and should trigger further reevaluation of the patient and repeated explora-
tion for a possible source.20


Biomarkers can provide important information related to organ function in critically ill
patients in terms of diagnosis, prediction, prognosis, and treatment guidance and
response (Table 2). As for sepsis, when considering organ function, the ability to di-
agnose organ dysfunction early is paramount so that treatments, if available, can be
started promptly. Current markers are often limited by delay in appearance as well

Table 2
Examples of future applications of biomarkers per organ system

Organ System Signal Potential Therapeutic Implications

Cerebral Encephalopathy Cerebral/metabolic support
Cell alterations Adapted monitoring
Therapeutic limitation
Pulmonary Overdistension/parenchymal Decrease tidal volume
alterations Adjust PEEP level
Respiratory muscle and Start ECMO/ECCO2R
diaphragmatic dysfunction Start corticosteroids
Need for lung transplantation
Cardiovascular Risk of myocardial ischemia Need for PTCA
Altered cell oxygen supply Antiplatelet agent
Myocardial protective substance
Need for LVAD/transplant
Renal Altered perfusion Fluids (albumin?)
Impending injury Renal protective agents
Specific vasoactive agent
Start RRT
Expect long-term failure
Coagulation Subtle coagulopathy Adjust (anti)hemostatic agents
Endothelial activation Give an anticoagulant/endothelial
protective agent (thrombomodulin?)
Gastrointestinal Dysfunction Withhold enteral nutrition
Give a specific nutrient
Hepatic Dysfunction Liver protective agent
Need for liver transplantation
Metabolic, Deficiencies Add proteins, amino acids
cellular Add vitamins and other trace elements

Abbreviations: ECCO2R, extracorporeal CO2 removal; LVAD, left ventricular assist device; PTCA,
percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty.
182 Vincent et al

as problems with sensitivity and specificity. Combinations of multiple markers in the

future are likely to be more accurate than single markers.

Cerebral Function
Brain injury can be the result of direct and indirect brain injury, but, whatever the
cause, cerebral biomarkers will increasingly be used to predict which patients will sur-
vive with a good as opposed to a bad neurologic outcome.21,22 Accurate prediction of
prognosis will help provide appropriate treatment, limit premature withdrawal of life-
sustaining therapy in patients who may go on to survive with good outcomes, help
inform discussions with relatives, and potentially reduce the economic burden on
Several biomarkers have already been studied for this purpose, including neuron-
specific enolase and S-100B protein, but many can be produced by extracerebral
sources so are not specific to cerebral injury or can be influenced by other factors.
MicroRNAs are so-called functional biomarkers that play an important role in the path-
ophysiology of organ dysfunction. Importantly, some microRNAs are tissue-specific,
potentially making them valuable biomarkers of injury to the tissue in question.23,24
Recently, Tissier and colleagues25 analyzed gene expression profiles in comatose sur-
vivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and, using functional enrichment analysis,
identified differential expression of more than 300 genes, involved in innate and adap-
tative immunity, in patients with unfavorable compared with those with favorable out-
comes. The transcriptomic signature was able to predict outcome already at hospital
admission. Although single tests will never alone be sufficient to lead to a decision to
withhold/withdraw life-sustaining therapy in these patients, as part of the total infor-
mation available, they can help inform these difficult decisions.

Respiratory Function
Important future roles for biomarkers in patients with acute respiratory failure will be to
accurately determine whether or when to start mechanical ventilation or extracorpo-
real membrane oxygenation (ECMO), how to adjust ventilatory conditions for an indi-
vidual patient, and when and how to wean the patient from mechanical ventilation.
Recently, latent class analysis has identified patients with ARDS who have different
subphenotypes, based in part on differences in concentrations of the inflammatory
biomarkers interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 and plas-
minogen activator inhibitor 1. The 2 groups were found to respond differently to
different fluid management strategies26 and to different positive end-expiratory pres-
sure (PEEP) settings27 and had different responses to simvastatin treatment.28

Cardiovascular Function
Biomarkers will help evaluate more rapidly the presence myocardial function and the
need for intervention, including some myocardial protection. Acute aortic syndromes,
which are particularly challenging to diagnose, also will be more easily recognized,
probably by combinations of several biomarkers.29
In circulatory shock, biomarkers will increasingly be used to evaluate the need for
fluid therapy. For example, natriuretic peptides can reflect the degree of myocardial
fiber distension and, therefore, potentially indicate adequate fluid status or fluid over-
load. Use of natriuretic peptides is already widespread in the diagnosis of heart fail-
ure,30 but their usefulness in critically ill patients is unclear.31 The combination of
biomarkers with the colloid osmotic pressure and bioimpedance techniques could
help identify and quantitate fluid overload.32
The Future of Biomarkers 183

In addition to what some people call macrohemodynamic alterations, the role of the
microcirculation in critical illness has gained interest in recent years as techniques
have been developed that enable its assessment. Importantly, in patients with shock,
microcirculatory changes persist even when global hemodynamic parameters seem
to have normalized, making normalization of the microcirculation a potentially impor-
tant resuscitation target. Markers of endothelial damage, such as endothelial progen-
itor cells and endothelial microparticles, have been associated with outcomes33,34 and
may help determine the best therapeutic support for the microcirculation and to
monitor treatment success in the future.33
Renal Function
Evaluation of renal hemodynamics will help select the right drug, for example, angio-
tensin II in certain patients to increase postglomerular perfusion. Although not yet
possible with sufficient accuracy,35 renal biomarkers will be developed to decide
when to start and when to stop RRT, thus avoiding unnecessary treatments in some
and providing maximum benefit in others. They also can help predict long-term renal
outcomes, which is important for organizational and sometimes ethical decisions.
Several new biomarkers, urinary-based or blood-based, of renal dysfunction have
been proposed in recent years and been shown to have various degrees of accuracy
in prediction and prognosis, including insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 and
tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 2, neutrophil gelatinase–associated lipocalin, and
kidney injury molecule-1. Combinations of these biomarkers are likely to be most use-
ful36 but some work remains to determine which panels are most effective for each
purpose and to develop rapid point-of-care assays that can be used at the bedside.
Hemostatic Function
Biomarkers of coagulopathy can include markers of platelet activation and function,
for example, platelet-derived microparticles.37 Markers of endothelial cell dysfunction
can also indicate development and prognosis of coagulopathy. Panels of different bio-
markers will enable the underlying cause of the coagulopathy to be identified enabling
appropriate treatment.
Gastrointestinal Function
The importance of adequate nutrition in ICU patients is well recognized but the ability
to provide correct nutrition to individual patients is currently limited. Biomarkers of
gastrointestinal function will enable in evaluating the potential benefits but also the
likely risks of enteral feeding more accurately. Instead of the vague current recommen-
dation that enteral nutrition should be withheld in the presence of profound shock,38
quantifying the precise degree of gut impairment and its evolution over time will be
possible, enabling feeding to be started in a timely manner.
Biomarkers will also enable the diagnosis of certain conditions, for example, acute
mesenteric ischemia, to be made noninvasively instead of surgically,39 thus reducing
risks associated with surgery and anesthesia and making diagnosis, and therefore
treatment initiation, more rapid.
Hepatic Support
Few interventions are currently available that can improve liver function, but new liver
support systems and drugs for hepatic protection are being developed. Current
markers of liver dysfunction or injury, including bilirubin and liver enzymes, are
elevated late in the disease course, and biomarkers that can identify liver dysfunction
early are needed.
184 Vincent et al


The term, theranostics, refers to the use of techniques, including biomarkers and phe-
notypes, to guide therapeutic interventions. This approach is widely used in cancer
therapy and in rheumatoid arthritis.40 In the field of sepsis, it is highly unlikely that
sepsis drugs that are effective in all patients will be developed, because of the
complexity of the condition, with an immune response that changes over time and
varies among individuals. Rather, a theranostic approach will increasingly be used.
For example, corticosteroids in septic shock will be guided by genetic expression sig-
natures or metabolic response.41,42 Corticosteroids in patients with ARDS may be
guided by a mediator in the bronchoalveolar fluid. In a multicenter study by Steinberg
and colleagues,43 mortality rates were lower in patients with ARDS treated with meth-
ylprednisolone who had high bronchoalveolar procollagen type III levels compared
with those who had lower levels. A randomized controlled trial is currently ongoing
to assess whether procollagen II can indeed be used to guide corticosteroid use in
persistent ARDS (Procollagen-3 Driven Corticosteroids for Persistent Acute Respira-
tory Distress Syndrome; ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03371498).
In a retrospective analysis, Seymour and colleagues44 identified 4 clinical pheno-
types of sepsis based on clinical characteristics and organ dysfunction patterns. The
different phenotypes were associated with different outcomes and different mea-
sures of host-response measured using biomarkers of coagulation, inflammation,
and endothelial and renal injury. Importantly, in simulation models, estimated treat-
ment effects of early goal-directed therapy, activated protein C, and eritoran varied
according to the relative frequencies of the 4 phenotypes, suggesting these pheno-
types could potentially identify groups of patients more likely to respond to these in-
terventions. As discussed previously, latent class analysis has identified
subphenotypes of ARDS that respond differently to different management


The numbers of biomarkers in critical care medicine is increasing rapidly, but there is a
real need to improve analysis and validation. Groups, such as the Operation Brain
Trauma Therapy,45 a multicenter preclinical therapy and biomarker screening con-
sortium, will help speed progress in this field, and big data analytics and machine
learning will facilitate translation of research to clinical application.46
Although it is not impossible that a biomarker will be 100% sensitive and 100% spe-
cific for a certain condition or application, it is clear that the vast majority of biomarkers
will not attain this ideal. Combined panels of biomarkers, therefore, will increasingly be
used9,36 rather than focusing on single compounds, especially as technology enables
multiple markers to be assessed simultaneously from 1 blood sample or sensor at
point of care and costs begin to decrease (Table 3). Importantly, biomarkers should
not be used alone to make diagnostic, prognostic, or treatment decisions but rather
to guide them, combined with physician expertise and clinical judgment.47 The focus
on traditional markers, for example, proteins and cytokines, has begun to move to-
ward newer omics markers,48 using transcriptomics, metabolomics, and genomics.
The potential for use of biomarkers to advance the move toward personalized medi-
cine is exciting. As new biomarkers appear and are validated, panels with have to
be altered accordingly and increasingly it will be possible to accurately predict and di-
agnose conditions and complications, target treatments for individual patients and
monitor doses and treatment durations, and prognosticate short-term and long-
term outcomes. The future of biomarkers will be one of constant evolution.
The Future of Biomarkers 185

Table 3
General evolution of biomarker characteristics over time

Characteristic Present Future

Sensitivity Very good Very good (even better)
Specificity Very good Very good (even better)
Reproducibility Very good Very good (even better)
Cost High Low
Practicality Complex methods Simplified test
Delay in obtaining the results Long Short


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