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Question 2: MRSM 07
Question 1: Melaka Mid 08 Diagram 2.1 shows an experimental set-set
Ali walks to the north for a distance of up where a ticker timer is used to study
300 m. He then turns west and walks the type of motion for a trolley moving
for another distance of 400 m to reach down a friction-compensated
compensated runway.
Pak Kassim’s stall. The frequency
uency of the ticker timer is 50
Diagram 1 shows the path taken by Ali. Hz.

Diagram 1

(a) Distance is a ……… Diagram 2.1

√) the correct answer in the
Tick (√)
box below (a) State the type of current used by
the ticker timer.
x Scalar quantity [1 mark]

Vector quuantity (b) Diagram 2.2 shows a strip of ticker

tape obtained from the motion of
(b) On Diagram 1, mark an arrow to the trolley.
show the displacement made by Ali
[1 mark]

(c) What is the total distance travelled

by Ali?

............................... Diagram 2.2
[1 mark]
(i) What is the time interval
(d) Ali then walks home for another between two consecutive
distance of 500 m. What is the total dots?
displacement made by Ali.
[1 mark]
.............................................................. (ii) State the type of motion of the
[1 mark] trolley

[ 1 mark]

(iii) Calculate the velocity of the


(e) Calculate the acceleration of the
[2 marks] motion of the bus.

Question 3 (f) Calculate the total displacement

Diagram 3 shows a strip of ticker tape by the situation.
which is produced by an moving object
through a ticker-timer
timer of frequency 50 2.2 MOTION GRAPH
Question 4
(a) Figure 4.1
.1 shows a displacement-
time graph of an object.

Diagram 3

(a) State the type of current used by

the ticker-timer.

(b) Draw a tape chart for the motion

of the object.

Figure 4.1

(i) State the physical quantity

which represents the gradient
of the graph.

(ii) Calculate the gradient of the

graph, m.

(c) Describe the state of motion in

situation (b). (b) Figure 4.2
.2 shows a graph of velocity
v against time t.
(d) Calculate the average velocity
(i) the first 10 ticks

(ii) the last 10 ticks

[1 mark]

(b) On Diagram 3.1 mark with R a

region with zero acceleration.
[1 mark]

(c) Based from Diagram 3.1 ,

(i) The acceleration of the car.

Diagram 4.2 [ 2 marks]

(i) State the physical quantity (ii) Displacement made by the

which represents the gradient toy car in 20 seconds
of the graph.

(ii) Calculate the gradient of the [2 marks]

Question 6
Diagram 6 shows the distance-time
graph for the motion of a runner who is
(iii) Calculate the total distance
running along a straight line.
traveled by the object.

Question 5: Trial Melaka 08

Diagram 5.1 shows a velocity-time
graph for a toy car.

Diagram 6

(a) Based on Diagram 6, what is the

distance travelled by the runner after
10 s?

Diagram 5.1 . [1 mark]
(a) What is meant by velocity? (b) What physical quantity is given by
the gradient
ient of the graph in Diagram
............................................................... [1 mark]
. [1 mark]
(c) Describe the motion of the runner, (b) Complete the table
e below.
(i) from A to B
Section of the Type of motion of
.............................................................. graph the car
[1 mark]
(ii)from B to C OA
........................................................... AB
[1 mark]

[2 marks]

Question 8: SBP 07
Diagram 8.1
.1 shows a car driven by a
kidnapper has overtook a police car at
2.00 p.m. The police car then followed
the kidnapper’s car.
Diagram 8.2
.2 shows a velocity against
time graph for both cars.

Question 7
Diagram 7 shows the graph of velocity
against time for the motion of a car.

Diagram 7

(a) State the physical quantity

represented by

(i) the gradient of the graph.

(a) Based on graph in Diagram 8.2,
....................................................... state the motion of the
[1 mark] (i) kidnapper’s car
[1 mark]
(ii) the area under the graph. ………………………………………………
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) police car

[ 1 mark ]
(b) (i) What is the net force acting on
the police car after 2.01 p.m?

[ 1 mark ] Diagram 9.1
(ii) Give a reason for your answer
in 3(b)(i). Diagram 9.2.2 shows the dots on the
ticker tape produced by the two trolleys
................................................................ before and after the collision.
[ 1 mark ]

(c) Sketch a displacement against time

graph of the police car.
Diagram 9.2

(a) Name the type of collision

collisio involved
in this situation.
(b) What is the velocity of trolley P
before collision?

(c) What is the total momentum before


(d) What is the final velocity of the

combined trolleys P and Q?
2.4 MOMENTUM (e) Determine the mass of trolley Q.
Question 9
Diagram 9.1.1 shows a trolley P moving
with a constant velocity, u, collide with
a stationary trolley Q of mass 2 kg. Question 10: Melaka F4 08
After collision, the two trolleys stuck Diagram 10 shows a cannon of mass,M,
together and move with a final velocity, 1200 kg fires a cannonball of mass,m, 4
v. the motion of the two trolleys is kg. The speed of the cannonball as it
recorded by a ticker tape attached
ached to leaves the cannon is 60 ms-1.
the trolley P and passing through a
ticker tape timer having a frequency of
50 Hz.

Diagram 10
Diagram 11
(a) What is meant by mass?
(a) State the physics principle that is
............................................................ involved in the movement of the boat
[1 mark] as the man jumps onto the jetty.
(b) Base on Diagram 10
(i) What is the relation between the _______________________________
backward momentum and the [1 m]
forward momentum
(b) Explain why the boat moves away
......................................................... from the jetty when the man jumps.
[1 mark]
(ii) Write the equation to show the
relationship in (b)(i) ? ______________________________
[1 m]
....................................................... (c) The mass of the man is 50 kg and he
[1 mark] jumps at a velocity of 2 ms-1. The
(iii) Name the physics principle mass of the boat is 20 kg. Calculate
involved in the explosion. the velocity of the boat as the man
[1 mark]
(c) Calculate the initial nitial velocity of the [2 m]
recoil cannon when the cannonball (d) Name one application of the t physics
is fired. principle stated in (a) in an
exploration of outer space.
[2 marks] _______________________________
[1 m]
Question11 (SPM 2004)
Diagram 11 shows a man standing on a Question 12: MRSM 08
stationary boat. He then jumps out of Diagram 12 shows a softball moving
the boat onto the jetty. The boat moves with high momentum.
away from the jetty as he jumps.

Diagram 12 Diagram 13.1

(a) What is meant by momentum? (a) State the type of collision

involved in this accident.
[1 mark] ..........................................................
[1 mark]
(b) Calculate the momentum of the
softball if the mass of the ball is (b) Calculate the velocity, v of both
80 g and its velocity is 100 ms-1. vehicles immediately
diately after
[2 m]

(c) If the mass off the ball is

increased but its momentum [2 marks]
remains unchanged, how does its
velocity change? (c) The driver of the car is thrown
forward during the collision.
........................... State the physics concept
[1 mark] involved.

(d) Using the concept of force,

explain why the player needs to ..........................................................
ar a glove to catch a fast
fast- [1 mark]
moving softball.

[1 mark]

Question 13: Melaka Mid 08

Diagram 13.1 shows a lorry of mass (d) The speed limit and the load limit
1200 kg moving at the speed of 30 m/s of a truck is shown in Diagram
collides with a car of mass 1000 kg 13.2.
which is travelling in the opposite
direction at 20 m/s. After the
collision, the two vehicles move

(i) Compare the force on the eggs
that strike Surface A and Surface

[1 mark]
Diagram 13
(ii) Compare the time of impact of
(e) Explain why the speed limit and the eggs on Surface A and
the load limit must be imposed on Surface B.
the truck.
......................................................... [1 mark]
(iii) Compare the change in
......................................................... momentum of the eggs in both
[2 marks]
[1 mark]
(iv) State the relationship between
the force produced in a collision
Question 14: Kedah 07
and the time of impact.
Diagram 14.1 and Diagram 14.2
.2 show
two eggs released from the same height
and drop on to Surface A and Surface B ..........................................................
respectively. [1 mark]

(v) Suggest a suitable material for

Surface A.

[1 mark]

(c) Diagram 14.3

.3 shows a pile hammer
used in driving a pile into the ground
at a construction site.
Diagram 14.1 Diagram 14

(a) What is meant by impulse?

[1 mark]

b) With reference to Diagram 14.1 and
Diagram 14.2;

(a) Based on the information given on

Diagram 15, calculate
(i) the speed of the boy just before
his legs touch the ground.

(ii) the impulsive force produced

when the time of action between
Explain how a large force is produced
his legs and the ground is 0.03 s.
by the pile hammer in driving the pile
into the ground.
(c)) Impulsive force can caused severe
damage. Suggest a method to
reduce the impact of the impulsive
force in egg’s drop competition
from a height during a science
carnival. .
[2 Marks]
Your answer should base
b on the
following criteria
Question 15: Melaka 09
(i) The egg’s casing
A boy with mass 50 kg climbs up a 2.5
m wall from the ground level and jump
down as shown in Diagram 15 15.

[ 2 marks]

(ii) Method for soft landing :



Diagram 15 [ 2 markah ]

(a) (i) Name the energy gained by the

boy before the jump?
Question 16 (SPM 2009) Q2
...................................................... Diagram 16 shows an egg being
dropped onto a wooden block. The egg
(ii) State the energy change cracks after an impact. The velocity of
experienced by the boy before the egg just before the impact is 5 ms-1.
the leg hit the ground.

Figure 17 is a stroboscopic photograph
shows two steel balls in a state of free-
fall. Both balls are dropped
simultaneously from the same height..

Diagram 16
Diagram 17
(a) Name the force involved during the
impact. (b) Observe the photograph and state
two similarities between the position
.............................................................. of the balls.
[1 m]
(b) Give one reason why the egg _______________________________
cracked after the impact.
.............................................................. [2 m]
[1 m]
(c) The mass ass of the egg is 0.05 kg. (c) Name one physical quantity which
Calculate the momentum just before causes the balls to fail.
the impact.
[2 m] [1 m]

(d) Based on the positions of the free-

(d) Give one suggestion how you falling balls, there is a physical
would avoid the egg from cracking quantity that
hat is constant.
when dropped from the same (i) Name the quantity.
.............................................................. [1 m]
[1 m]
(ii) What is the value of the quantity
and its unit?

[ 1 m]
2.8 Gravitational Force

Question 17 (SPM 2003)

State how the mass of a ball Figure 18.2
affect the valued of the physical
quantity stated in (c)(i). (a) Name one force acting on the
feather and the water droplet.
[1 m] _____________________________
[1 m]
(e) A ball is thrown vertically upwards at (b) Using Figure 18.1,
.1, compare the
a certain velocity. surface area of the feather and
(i) What happens to the motion of the water droplet.
the ball as it moves upwards?
_____________________________ [1 m]
[1 m] (c) Using Figure 18.1 and 18.2,
(ii) Give one reasons for your compare the changes in velocity
answer. of the feather and the water
[1 m ] _____________________________


Question 18 (SPM 2004) _____________________________

Figure 18.1
.1 shows a feather and a water [3 m]
droplet falling from the same height.
The mass of the feather and water (d) Using your answers in (b) and (c),
droplet is the same and both are state the relationship between the
dropped simultaneously at time t = 0. relationship between the surface
area and the final velocity.

[1 m]

(e) The feather and the water droplet

Figure 18.1 are dropped in a vacuum. Sketch
a velocity-time
time graph to show the
motion on both objects.

(c) State the direction and magnitude
of a force that has to be applied
on the object Y so that the object
is in equilibrium.


[2 m]

1.9 EQUILLIBRIUM OF FORCES Question 19:: SPM 2008 Q5

Diagram 19.1.1 shows two boys pushing
Question 19 SPM 1993 a large box. After some time, the box
Two forces with magnitudes 3 N and 4 still remains stationary.
N act on an object Y as shown if Figure
18.. The object Y is placed on a smooth
horizontal surface.


Diagram 19.2.2 shows an aircraft

moving forward with a uniform
velocity at a constant height.


Figure 18

(a) By drawing a scaled

parallelogram of forces to (a) Based on the situation in Diagram
determine the resultant force on 19.1 and situation in Diagram
the object Y. 19.2,

(b) If the mass of object Y is 2.0 kg, (i) state similarities about the
calculate its acceleration resulted magnitudes and directions of
from the resultant force. the forces F1 and F2 , F3 and F4 .

magnitudes : …………..................

directions : ………………................
[2 marks]

(ii) What is the net force in both


[1 mark]

Based on the answers in 5(a)(i)
and 5(a)(ii), name the physics
concept involved.
(a) Calculate the normal reaction ,P
……………………………………… acting on the rear tyre .
[1 mark]

(b) (i) Another aircraft has F3 greater

than F4 . Describe the motion (b) Give one reason why the total
of this aircraft. resistance, Q should be 200 N
at that moment?
[1 mark] …………………………………………

(ii) Explain the answer in 5(b)(i). (c) What will happen when the
forward thrust is increased?
(d) Why the cyclist thrown forward
………………………………………. when the bicycle runs over a
[2 marks] …………………………………………

Question 20 (SPM 1996) (e) Explain why the cyclist can

Figure shows a cyclist is riding along a gets serious injuries if he falls
road at a constant velocity. The total of into the road which the surface
downward force acting on the bicycle is very hard.
and the cyclist is 650 N. The normal
reaction of the front tyre is 300 N and …………………………………………
forward thrust is 200 N.


What is the weight of the student in

Question 21 (SPM 2005) ………………………………. N

A student studies the effect of the
movement of a lift on the readings of a (b) State two types of movement of
weighing scale. The mass of the student the lift when the reading on the
is 50 kg. weighing scale is equal to the mass
In this study, the student stands on a of the student.
weighing scale in a lift as show in the
following figure. 1.……………………………………………..


(c) F is the resultant force that acts on

the student.
R is the normal reaction of the
weighing scale on the student
m is the mass of the student
g is gravitational acceleration
Write a general equation to show
the relationship between F, R, m
He records the readings of the weighing and g.
scale when the lift is at rest, moving up
with acceleration, moving up with ………………………………………
uniform velocity, moving down with
uniform velocity and moving down with
deceleration. (d) When the lift moves up with
The readings of the weighing scale in acceleration , the normal reaction
the study are shown in the following is greater than his weight. Explain
table. why ?

Movement of the lift Reading
of the …………………………………………
scale/ kg (e) (i) What is observed on the
At rest 50 reading of the weighing scale
Moving up with 60 when the lift moves down with an
acceleration acceleration?
Moving up with 50
uniform velocity …………………………………………
Moving down with 50
uniform velocity (ii)Give a reason for your answer in
Moving down with 60 (e)(i).
(a) The mass of the student is 50 kg.

Question 22: MRSM 07
Diagram 22 shows a student pulling a (a) What is meant by force?
bag with a force F of 120 N.

[1 mark]

(b) On Diagram 4, draw the horizontal

component, Fx and the vertical
component Fy for F.
In your drawing show the direction
Figure 22 of Fx and Fy.

(a) What is meant by force? [2 marks]

.............................................................. (c) Calculate the magnitude of the

[1 mark] horizontal component, Fx.
(b) On Figure 3, mark and label the
horizontal component FX and the
vertical component FY of the force F.

(c) Calculate the magnitude of Fx and

(i) Fx

(ii) Fy [2 marks]
(d) What is the effect of the component
[4 marks] of forces, Fx and Fy to the towed
Question 23: SBP F4 08 (i) Fx : ......................................................
Diagram 23 shows a truck pulling a car
with a cable. The cable is at an angle of (ii) Fy : ......................................................
600 to the horizontal. [2 marks]
The force, F, of the cable is 1500 N.
Question 24: N9 08
Diagram 24 shows Nadia standing on a
weighing scale in a lift with Farah
standing beside her.

Diagram 25.1.1 and Diagram 25.2 show
two situations of action and reaction of
forces F1 and F2, F3 and F4. The rope in
Diagram 5.1 remains stationary while
the car in Diagram 25.2
5.2 moves at
uniform velocity of 20 ms-1.

The reading of the weighing scale

observed by Farah is 50 kg when the lift
is stationary.
(a) What is Nadia’s weight?


(b) How is the reading of the weighing

scale when the lift
(i) accelerates upward (a) Name the force applies by the
athlete on the rope.
[1 mark] ............................................................
(ii) accelerates
celerates downward [1 mark]
(b) Based on Diagram 25.3,
................................................ (i) Compare the forces of F1 and F2
[1 mark]
(iii) moves downward with ........................................................
constant velocity [1 mark]
.............................................. (ii) State a similarity between the
[1mark] pairs of forces F1 and F2 on
Diagram 25.1
5.1 and forces of F3
(c) Give reasons for your answer in and F4 on Diagram 25.2,
.......................................................... [1 mark]
[1 mark]
(c) (i) Based on Diagram 25.1, what is
(d) If the reading of the weighing scale the nett force exerted on the
in Diagram 4 is 46 kg, find the value rope?
of the acceleration of the lift.
[1 mark]
Question 25: Melaka 08

(ii) Compare the net force exerted
in Diagram 5.1 and Diagram
5.2 (b) Explain why the pole has to be bend
at L.
[1 mark]

(c) Calculate gravitational potential

(d) Based on your answers in (c)(i) and energy of the athlete.
(c)(ii) , relate the situations in
Diagram 25.1 and Diagram 25.2 to
the net force. (d) What is the acceleration of the
athlete at stage P?

[2 mark] (e) Why is a rubber mattress placed in
the area where the athlete lands?
(e) Name the phenomenon shown in
Diagram 25.1 and Diagram 25.2.

[1 mark]

Question 26(SPM 2000)

Figure 4 shows a high jump athlete of
mass 60 kg jumping over the bar of
height 5.0 m. I,J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q Question 27 (SPM 2007 paper 2 A4)
show the different stages of the jump Diagram 27 shows a worker lifting a
made by the athlete. The height of the load of mass 20 kg using a pulley
athlete from the level of the bar is 0.2 m. system. The worker applies a force of
220 N to pull the rope down a distance
of 0.5 m. The load is raised to a height
of 0.5 m.

Figure 4

(a) Why is the athlete required to

accelerate to a certain velocity at the
stage of J to K before he begins to

Diagram 28 shows a boy of mass 30 kg
sitting on the top end of an inclined
sliding board at a height of 2.5 m from
the ground. The boy slides down the
inclined board with the velocity of 4
ms-1 before he touches the ground.

(a) What is meant by work?

_____________________________ Diagram 28

(b) Calculate the work done (a) Name the energy gained by the
(i) by the worker to pull the rope boy at point P.
down a distance of 0.5 m.
[1 mark]
(ii) on the load to raise to a height
of 0.5 m. (b) Calculate the energy consumes
by the boy:
(i) At point P.

[2 marks]
(c) (i) Compare the work done in
4(b)(i) and 4(b)(ii). (ii) At point Q.

(ii) state why there is a difference [2 marks]

between the work done in 4(b)(i)
and 4(b)(ii). (c) (i) Compare the energy
consumes in 28(b) (i) and
_____________________________ 28(b) (ii).

[1 mark]
(iii) State why there is a
difference between the
energy consumes in
2.10 WORK & ENERGY 28(b)(i)
(b)(i) and 28(ii)

Question28: Melaka Mid 08 ..................................................

[1 mark]

done by the student in Diagram
Question 29: Perak 07 29.2.
Diagram 29.1 and Diagram 29.2.2 show a [2 marks]
student throwing a javelin event using
throwing techniques. (d) (i) State the changes of energy
The forces used by the student are the experienced by the javelin
same. The angles of projection are from A to B in both
different. techniques.

[1 mark]

(ii) State the energy produce

when the javelin touches the

[1 mark]

Question 30: Johor 09

Diagram 30.1.1 shows two identical
trolleys P and Q on a frictionless
(a) Observe Diagram 29.1 .1 and Diagram horizontal runway. Trolley P is loaded
29.2. with steel bars.
(i) Compare the distance of the
javelin travel from A to B.

[1 mark]
(ii) What happensappens to distance of the Diagram 30.1
javelin thrown when the angle of
projection is less than the angle A horizontal force of 10 N acts on trolley
of projection as shown in the P and Q.
Diagram 29.2? (a) (i) Trolley Q moves faster than
....................................................... trolley P. Explain your
[1 mark] observation.

(b) State the shape of the javelin so .........................................................

that it moves with minimum [1 mark]
resistance through air.
(ii) State the physical law that
.......................................................... explains your answer in (a)(i).
[1 mark]
(c) The force which acts on the [1 mark]
javelin is 10 N and the th
distance 70 m, calculate the work

(b) Trolley Q then moves down the
frictionless slope as shown in [3 marks]
Diagram 30.2.
.2. There is air
resistance acting on the trolley
when it moves down the slope.


Question 31 (SPM 2004)

Diagram 31 shows the arrangement of
an apparatus in an experiment to
determine the relationship between the
On the Diagram 30.2, .2, when the trolley Q extension e of a spring T with weight W.
is moving down the frictionless slope The relationship of e with W is
i shown in
label, the graph in Diagram 31.1
(i) The direction of the force due
to gravity
(ii) The direction of the force due
to air resistance
[2 marks]
(c) State the effect of the air
resistance to the motion of ttrolley
Q along frictionless slope in
Diagram 30.2

[1 mark]
Figure 31.1
(d) Compare the motion of trolley Q at
the frictionless slope and the rough (a) (i) State the SI unit of weight.
(ii) State the relationship between e
............................................... and W.
[1 mark]

(e) (i) The mass of trolley Q is 500 g. (iii)Name

Name the scientific law involved
Calculate the gravitational in the relationship stated in (a)(ii).
potential energy of trolley Q, at
the top of the slope.
(b) (i) What is the elastic limit of a
[2 marks] spring.

(ii) The kinetic energy of the trolley

Q at the top of the slope is 3.0 J. (ii) Mark with a cross (x) the elastic
Calculate the total energy of the limit of the spring on the graph.
(c) Based on the graph in figure 14.1,
determine the force constant of a
spring, k,.

(d) The spring stores energy when it is

extended. Calculate the energy
stored in the spring when it is
extended by 4 cm.

(e) Another spring, identical to spring T,

is added to the arrangement in
Figure 2.1. This new arrangement is
shown in Figure 2.2. The experiment
is then repeated.
(a) (i) A law states that the extension of
a spring is directly proportional
to the force applied if the elastic
limit of the spring is not
exceeded. Name this law.

[1 mark]
Diagram 31.2
(ii) On the graph in Diagram 33, 33 mark
Sketch the graph of x against F for this ‘X’ at the elastic limit for each
experiment in Diagram 31.1. spring.
[2 marks]
Question 33: Kedah 09
Diagram 33 shows the graph of force (b) The spring stores energy when it is
against extension for three springs P, Q extended.
and R. (i) Name the energy stored in the
spring when it is extended.

[1 mark]

(ii) Calculate the energy stored in

spring R when its extension is
8.0 cm.

[3 marks]

(c) The springs are to be used in a
Newton balance to measure a
maximum load of mass 8 kg.
(i) What is the maximum weight of
the load?

[1 mark]

(ii) Which spring is the most

suitable to be used in the
Newton balance. Explain your

[2 marks]


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