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Contoh :

The teacher is teaching now.

E- 2
At present the applicants are waiting for their
turn to be interviewed.
TENSES 1 I am still taking a short course of driving.
2) Menyatakan pekerjaan yang dilakukan dalam
· PRESENT CONTINOUS near future.
· PRESENT TENSE Near future : Jarak masa yang akan datang -
· PRESENT PERFECT dengan saat ini dekat, misal:
- the day after tomorrow
A. PENGERTIAN : Near future ini relatif.
I am visiting you tomorrow
Menyatakan pekerjaan yang sedang terjadi pada Tonigh I am going to the movie
saat kalimatnya diucapkan .
Untuk membentuk kalimat negative cukup -
S + is/am/are + V + ing Meletakkan not sesudah to be

S + is/am/are + not + v + ing

Subjek To be
I am Is + not : isn't
We are Are + not : aren't
You are ex :
He is · I am not visiting you tomorrow
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· The teacher is not teaching now
· They are still waiting for us
Pembentukan kalimat Tanya (interrogative)
dilakukan dengan menukarkan posisi to be
Ing ditambahkan pada kata kerja bentuk pertama dengan subjek.
(V1), ex:
work + ing = working
walk + ing = walking Is/ am/ are + S + V + ing ?
sing + ing = singing
· Penambahan ing mengakibatkan V1 mengalami Ex:
penghampusan "e" diakhir kalimat, ex: - Is the teacher teaching now ?
make + ing = making - Are you taking the book ?
love + ing = loving - Are the student discussing the problem
write + ing = writing
· Penambahan ing mengakibatkan penggandaan 2. SIMPLE PRESENT
huruf akhir g, t, m, n, p pada V1 yang terdiri dari
short vowel. A. BENTUK :
dig + ing = digging
swim + ing = swimming S + V1
run + ing = running
stop + ing = stoppinng Jika subjek orang ketiga tunggal
put + ing = putting (he,she,,it)maka V1 mengalami penambahan s, es,
atau ies tergantung pada huruf akhir V1.
1) Menyatakan pekerjaan yang sedang dilaksanakan He/She/it + V1 + s/es/ies
Ditandai dengan adanya kata:
at the moment now at present
1) V1 yang di akhiri huruf h, o, s, x meng- ex :
lami penambahan es. · Budi doesn't walk to school.
- o : go ..........goes · We don't play Badminton
- h : teach ..... teaches · Does Budi walk to school ?
- s : kiss ...... kisses · Do you play badminton every morning?
- x : fix ......... fixes
2) V1 yang diakhiri oleh huruf y jika sebelum- 3. PRESENT PERFECT TENSE
nya terdapat konsonan sebelum menambah- ies,
y dihapuskan. A. BENTUK
- y : fly .......... flies
- y : cry ......... cries
B. FUNGSI S + has/have + V3
1) Habitutual Action
Menyatakan pekerjaan/ sesuatu yang meru
pakan kebiasaan.Untuk fungsi ini digunakan I He
beberaapa keterangan waktu : You have She has
Every day · often We It
week · seldom They
month · sometimes
year · always Berdasarkan pembentukan kata kerja dari
etc bentuk pertama (V1) ke bentuk yang kedua dan -
ex: ketiga (V2, V3) kata kerja dapat dibedakan :
· Budi walk to school every day 1) Regular Verb
· we play badminton every morning
Perubahan bentuk pertama ke bentuk kedua -
· Johny always sing at night
dan ketiga hanya menambahkan :
2) Untuk menyatakan kebenaran umum
- d untuk V1 yang berakhiran dengan huruf e

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(General Sense).
Menyatakan teori, hal dan kecenderungan yang
memang benar.
bake baked baked
· Doctors work hard
· Men eat foot - ed ditambahkan pada V1 yang tidak -
· Gravitatioan makes apple fall. berakhiran dengan huruf e, mi :
V1 V2 V3
Untuk membentuk kalimat negative dan interro- work worked worked
gative kata Bantu do/ does digunakan. walk walked walked
do + not : don't - Untuk V1 yang berakhiran oleh huruf y, dan -
does + not : doesn't Sebelumnya huruf y dan sebelumnya huruf -
mati (konsonan) maka sebelum menambah -
I He kan ed, y dihapus.
You do She does
We It V1 V2 V3
They cry cried cried
fry fried fried
Pengguanan do/does sebagai kata Bantu 2) Irregular Verb
pada kaliamat negative dan interrogative Kata kerja tak beraturan. Pembentukan kata -
mengakibatkan penambahan s, es, ies tidak berlaku. kerja dari V1 ke V2 dan V3 tanpa melalui sua-
tu kaedah.
S + do/does/ + not + V1 V1 V2 V3
go went gone
sing sang sung
do/does/ + S + V1 ? take took taken
cut cut cut
Kata kerja yang digunakan untuk Present - B. FUNGSI
Perfect Tense ialah Kata kerja bentuk ketiga V3 Untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang
(Past Participle) dirintis pada masa yang lampau dan sampai saat
B. FUNGSI ini masih berlangsung.
Dalam fungsi ini digunakan:
1) Untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang telah
- for : lama
dilaksanakan. Dalam fungsi ini keterangan
- Since : sejak
waktu tidak dibutuhkan, hanya kata just,
alreading atau yet untuk penekanan makna. Ex:
- We have been doing the exercise for two hours
ex :
- She has been writing the novel for two months
- Ted has postend the letter
- The police have caught the thief C. NEGATIVE DAN INTERROGATIVE
- He has just arrived
- The students have taken the exam Kalimat negative ditandai dengan adanya
kata not sesudah has, have.
2) Untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang dirintis pada
masa yang lampau dan sampai saat ini masih S + has/ have + not + been + V + ing
Dalam fungsi ini digunakan ;
- for : selama
- We haven't been doing the exercise for two
- since : sejak
Ex :
- She hasn't been writting the novel for two
- We have don't the exercise for two hours.
- She has written the novel for two months.
Kalimat interrogative / tanya dibentuk
The woman has been ill since next week.
dengan meletakkan has/ have sebelum subjek.
has/ have + S + Been + V .....?
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Kalimat negative ditandai dengan adanya
kata not sesudah has, have dan tidak jarang terdapat
kata yet diakhir kalimat. ex :
- Have we been doing the exercise for two hours
S + has/ have + not + V3 .....yet
- Has she been writing the novels for two
Has + not : hasn't
Have + not : haven't Contoh Soal :
ex : 1. I ________ my holiday in Bali every year.
- the police haven't caught the thief yet (A) are spending
- She hasn't written the novel for two months (B) have spent
Kalimat interrogative/ tanya dibentuk (C) wiil spend
dengan meletakkan has/ have sebelum subjek. (D) spent
(E) spend
2. Mr. Brown _____ in his car for half an hour
Has/ have + S + V3
(A) has rode
(B) drove
ex : (C) drives
- Has the visitor arrive ? (D) has been driving
- Have the teacher given us a test ? (E) is driving
3. The servant ___ the floor.
(B) Has swept
A. BENTUK (C) is sweeping
(D) sweeps
S + Has/ have + been + V + ing
(E) sweep

4. Detectives ___ uniforms. C. NEGATIVE DAN INTERROGATIVE
(A) do not wear Pembentukan Negative dan Interrogative
(B) does not wear dengan menambahkan not pada did dan merubah
(C) are wearing kata kerja menjadi V1
(D) have not worn
(E) have not being wearing
5. Badu _____ learning English now S + did + not + V1
(A) learns
(B) has learnt did + not : didn’t
(C) has been learning ex :
(D) is learning - He didn't pass with flying colours in the last -
(E) learn exam.
- He didn't play football once
Meletakkkan did sebelum subjek

E- 2 Did + S + V1 .......?

Ex ;
- Simple past - Did he pass with flying colours ?
- Past continuous - Did Budi visit me yesterday ?
- Past perfect
- Past perfect continuous 2. PAST CONTINOUS

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A. BENTUK S + was/ were + V + ing

S + V2 To be digunakan tergantung pada subyek.

V2 Verb Past Tense I you

Pembentukan kata kerja dari bentuk V1 ke V2 He was we were
dan V3 seperti yang telah dijelaskan pada Present She they
Perfect Tense. It

Menyatakan perbuatan yang sedang
Menyatakan perbuatan yang terjadi pada masa terjadi pada masa lampau.
lampau. Untuk fungsi ini Simple Past selalu ex :
ditandai oleh keterangan waktu : - The thieves were climbing the wall when the
- Once - a month ago police saw him.
- Yesterday two week ago - As the woman was getting off the bus, She
- Last night a few year ago dropped her purse.
- Last week etc - My mother was singing while she was cooking.
month - just now - Tuti was not helping her mother when her
year friends came.
- He passed with flying colours in the last exam.
- Yesterday Budi visited me A. BENTUK
- He played football once.:
S + had + V3

Ex: 5. Before the thief ____ , the police caught him
- When he reached the station, the train had left for (A) ran away
Medan (B) had been run away
- After he had taken medicine he felt better (C) had run away
- Before the bus arrived, he had finished his (D) had been running away
Breakfast. (E) has run away
- Before he had studied went to his house
- Had the gone home after they took lunch? E-4
- Modals
A. BENTUK - pronoun

S + had + been + V + ing
B. FUNGSI Kata Bantu yang digunakan dalam satu
S + had + been + V + + ing kalimat yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri tanpa kata
Menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau kejadiaan kerja.
yang dimulai pada masa lampau dan masih
berlanjut pada masa tersebut. FUNGSI
ex : 1. Permission
- At the time I started working at the office, He Memberi keizinan. Modal yang digunakan :
had been working for three years. - may
- When I came to England in 1985 Budi had - might
been staying there for ten years. - can

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Contoh Soal :
1. He _________ in a café when I saw him.
(A) were sitting
you may go now
you can have it
(B) is sitting Meminta keizinan. Modal yang digunakan :
(C) was sitting - may
(D) are sitting - can
(E) has been sitting - could
2. When I want to Bali, my brother ________ for Contoh :
three days. May I help you ?
(A) have stayed Could you show how to get to the post
(B) had been staying Office ?
(C) was staying
(D) has been staying 2. Ability
(E) stayed Menyatakan kemampuan. Modals yang di -
3. My uncle sent me a letter after he ______ gunakan :
(A) arrived - can
(B) was arriving - could
(C) had been arriving Contoh :
(D) had arrived He could leave the heavy trunk.
(E) will arrive Jack can swim.
4. Jack's father ______the army in 1970.
(A) had joined 3. Possibility
(B) had been joining Menyatakan kemmungkinan. Modals yang
(C) Joined digunakan:
(D) was joining - May
(E) Joins - Might

Contoh : Pembagian.
He might come tomorrow. Pronount terdiri dari :
He may finish the assigment now. A. PERSONAL PRONOUN
Menyarankan sesuatu. Modals yang digunakan : C. REFLEXIVE PRONOUN
- should a. personal Pronoun
- ought to kata ganti orang, yaitu kata yang mengga-
Contoh : ntikan benda sebagai subyek dan obyek.
- you should clean your teeth.
- You ought not to speak loudly.
5. Obligation
Menyatakan kewajiban atau keharusan. Modals
yang diguanakan : PRONOUN
- Must - have to
- has to - had to
Contoh :
You must obey your parents.
All had to return the book. SUBJECT OBJECT
6. Logical Conclusion. PRONOUN PRONOUN
Menarik kesimpulan logis dari suatu statement.
Modals yang digunakan : Kata ganti orang terdiri :
- Must - Might
- Should -ought to SUBJECT OBJECT
Contoh : I me
He has a lot of houses. He must be rich. I - we us
knocked on the door and got no answer. He might - you you
have been sleeping. he him
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Contoh Soal
1. you _____ go for a walk.
(A) may (D) might
(B) must (E) should 1. SUBJECT PRONOUN
(C) could
2. ______ I go home in the last lesson. Kata ganti orang untuk pokok kalimat (Sub -
(1) may (3) can yek).
(2) could (4) must The woman is going to the shop
3. Birds____ fly. the woman is shopping.
(A) could (D) must Sebaiknya :
(B) can (E) ought to She is shopping.
(C) may The cat is flying on the floor.
4. the woman looked ill. She ____see a doctor. The cat is sleeping.
(1) must (3) has to Sebaiknya :
(2) ought to (4) should It is sleeping.
5. there was no bus or taxi, so I_____ walk. Johny and I are running.
(A) ought (D) should Johny and I are chased by a dog.
(B) should (E) has to Sebaiknya :
(C) could . We are chassed by a dog.
Bob and Ted are in the river.
Bob and Ted are swimming.
Sebliknya :
PRONOUN Bob and Ted are swimming.
Pengertian 2. OBJECT PRONOUN.
Kata ganti, yaitu kata yang digunakan seba-
gai ganti dari kata benda. Menggunakan kata benda sebagai objek.

Contoh : POSSESSIVE PRONOUN menggantikan kata
We saw a donkey. benda.
The farmer hit the donkey with a stick. Contoh :
Sebaiknya the donkey pada kalimat kedua digantik- This is my car.
an oleh oleh Objek Pronoun. Tis car is mine.
The farmer hit it with a stick.
This is her wtch.
The lady bought potatoes. This watch is hers.
The hawker put the potatoes in a package.
Sebaiknya : That is your pen.
The hawker put them in a package. That pen is yours.

The teacher called Ani. These are their books.

Her mother waited for Ani in the office. These books are theirs
Sebaiknya :
Her mother waited for her in the office. That is our class.
That class is ours.
Contoh :
The man is standing outside the building. That is its kitten
The man is waiting for his son. That kitten is its.
The man pada kalimat kedua
Sebaiknya digantikan oleh kata ganti orang sebagai Possessive Pronoun bisa juga digunakan
subyek. menggantikan Possessive Adjective jika
Kalimatnya : bendanya diketahui.
He is waiting for his son. That is my pen and this is yours.
Is this your ?
I met Amir at the station. Where is mine ?

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A conductor was talking Amir
Sebaiknya :
A conductor was talking to her.
It belongs to hers.
C. reflexive Pronoun
Merefleksikan kata benda, reflexive
Pronoun :
The headmaster punished the boys.
The teacher found the boys peeping. SINGULAR PLURAL
Sebaiknya : myself Oursselves
The teacher found them peeping. yourself yourselves
2. POSSESSIVE PRONOUN herself themselves
Kata ganti kepunyaan. Kata ini penggunaan-
nya kerap dikaitkan dengan POSSESSIVE ADJE-
Contoh :
The little girl fell down and hurt herself.
my mine PERSONAL
your yours SUBJET OBJECT

his h is I me my mine myself

her hers we us our ours ourselves
its Its you you your yours yourself
you you your yours yourselves
their their he him his h is himself
she her her hers herself
it it its Its itself
POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE menerangkan kata be- they them their their themselves
nda dan letaknya sebelum benda yang diterangkan.

He was tired of life so he killed himself. The book is red
We see high buildings in the city.
A baby cannot dress it self. The teacher always gies us difficult problem to
I sometimes cut myself when B. POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE
I am shaving.
Kata sifat yang menunjukkan kepunyaan.
Letaknya sebelum benda yang diterangkan.
W e must not be selfish and think only about
She looked at herself in the mirror. POESSESSIVE
He lives alone and often talks to himself. SUBJECT OBJECT

Some men go to a barber, but most men shave I me my

we us our
you you your
Reflexive Pronoun dapat digunakan untuk you you your
mengeraskan atau menjelaskan benda atau orang he him his
yang dimaksud. she her her
I saw the minister himself. it it its
I myself mended the wireless they them their
The queen herself is going to open the
New hospital.
Contoh :
E-4 I lost my book
The teacher forgot to bring his beg
The studens were busy writing their composition
1. ADJECTIVE The pick-pocket tole her wallet
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Menunjukkan benda yang dimaksud.Le-
taknya di depan benda yang diterangkannya.
Kata yang menerangkan kata benda (noun ). This boy is strong.
These mangoes are sour.
PEMBAGIAN Don’t be in such a hurry.
Kata sifat terdiri atas : That rascal must be punished.
C. DEMONTRATIVE ADJECTIVE Kata tanya seperti which what, whose -
D. INTERROGSTIVE OF QUALITY yang digunakan dengan kata benda dalam sebuah
Menerangkan kualitas benda dalam konteks: What manner of man is he ?
Karakter Which way shall we go?
Usia Whose book is this ?
Warna Kata sifat yang menunjukkan jumlah ben
Letaknya bisa di depan ataupun di belakang da yang dimaksud.
benda yang diterangkannya. Contoh :
Contoh : I eat some rice.
He is an old man. He showed much patience.
All men must die. Letak adverb of manner di dalam kalimat
He claimed his half share of the booty. ialah sesudah atau sebelum kata ker-ja.
You have no sense. Ex :
The whole sum is expended. - He runs quikly
There hasn’t been sufficient rain this year. - He speaks English fluently
- He hopefully found the money
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Dete Qual size- Ag Parti- shape colour Origin noun Menunjukkan tempat terjadi suatu
r -ityc e ciple location
mile harat lem perbuatan. Letaknya di akhir kalimat .
r er per
Ex :
old Negie
square Red
- He work in an office.
expe Hors - She’ll meet me at the same.
nsive -es
- He drove eastwards.
2. ADVERB Menunjukkan waktu terjadi suatu
PENGERTIAN perbuatan. Letaknya di depan dan di akhir
Kata yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan
Ex :
atau menerangkan kata kerja (verb).
- She is studying now.
1. ADVERB OF MANNER - Yesterday I visited my cousin.
2. ADVERB OF MANNER - Next month he will be forty.
5. ADVERB OF FREQUENCY Kata yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan
6. ADVERB OF DEGREE frekwensi terjadinya suatu perbuatan. Kata-kata -

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Menerangkan cara melakukan sesuatu.Ad-
keterangan tsb :
- usually
- always
- sometimes
- never
verb ini dibentuk dari - often - seldom
letaknya sebelum verb (kata keja).
Ex :
Adjective + ly - I always go to the library.
- She often watchs t.v.
Adjective Adverb
Menunjukkan kadar/derajat dari suatu -
quick quickly tindakan.
easy easily letaknya sebelum adjective atau sebelum-
foolish foolishly adverb.
beautiful beautifully
ex :
Sehingga : - He is too big
Untuk beberapa adjective kadang-kadang - He walks very slowly
penambhan ly tidak diperlukan.
Adjective Adverb Jika dalam satu kalimat terdapat lebih
fast fast dari satu adverb maka susunannya :
hard hard
good well Manner place time
late late

ex :
- Susan regularly studio biology at home
.........., and so + to be/h.v1 too
every day.

Contoh Soal : ........., and neither + h.v + s

1. Our teacher speaks English _______ to be

(A) good (D) fluently

(B) fluent (E) fluenting ....., and s + h.v + n’t + either
(C) clear to be

2. Jakarta has many ____ building

................ but S + h.v./to be
(A) high (D) expensive
(B) big (E) modern
(C) large .......... but S + h.v./to be + n’t
3. I want to meet _____
(A) two teacher english Aplikasi
(B) teachers english two Kalimat Positif
(C) two english teacher
(D) english two teacher untuk menggabung dua kalimat positif
(E) teacher two english yang hanya berbeda subyek, formula berikut
dapat digunakan :
4. which of the following senteces is correct ? - and so .......
(1) He works hard in his office every day - and ....., too
(2) He hard works in his office every day Contoh :
(3) Every day he works hard in his office Jack can swim

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(4) He every day works hard in his office

5. He always feels______
Budi can swim.
- Jack can swim and so can Budi
(1) anxious (3) happy Jack can swim and Budi can, too
(2) anxiously (4) happily Ali walks to school
We walk to school
- Ali walks to school and sodo we
E-5 Ali walks to school and we do too.
Kalimat negatif
Untuk menggabung dua kalimat negatif -
- ELLIPSIS yang hanya memiliki perbedaan pada Subyek -
- DEGREE OF COMPARISON digunakan formula sebagai berikut :
- and neither .....
- and ...... neither
Fungsi Peter can’t swim
Untuk menggabungkan kalimat yang hanya Teddy can’t swim
memiliki perbedaan pada Subyek (pokok kalimat) Peter can’t swim and neither can Teddy
Peter can’t swim and teddy can’t either
Budi didn’t attend the party last night.
Joni didn’t attend the party last night.
.........., and so + to be/h.v + s

- 10 -
Budi didn’t attend the party last night and neither - Untuk membandingkan dua kata sifat (adj
did Joni. ective).
Budi didn’t attend the party last night and Joni Cara membuat perbandingan dengan
didn’t either. a). Menambahkan "er) di akhir kata sifat.
Kalimat Negatif-Positif Hal ini dilakukan jika kata sifat (adjective) -
Untuk mengkombinasikan dua kalimat - satu suku bunyi (one syilable).
yang hanya memiliki perbedaan dalam subyek dan - Contoh :
salah satunya negatif digunakan :
Positive Comparative
....... but S + to be/h.v. short shorter
Jika kalimat pertama negatif. slow slower
Contoh : quick quicker
Jack can’t play the guitar. tall taller
Budi can play the guitar. high higher
Jack can’t play the guitar, but Budi can.
....... but S + to be/h.v. + n’t Kecuali :
Jikakalimat kedua negatif. Kata sifat berakhiran denganhuruf "e" cukup
Contoh : Dengan menambah "r".
Joni passed in the exam
Positive Comparative
Budi didn’t pass the exam
brave braver
Joni passed in the exam, but budi did’nt.
white whiter
Contoh Soal :
1. Ani ____wears glassed but her sister______ Gunakan than sebelum bentuk Comparative.
(A) do (D) don’t Kata sifat berakhiran dengan huruf "d", "g",
(B) can’t (E) doesn’t "m","n","t" dan sebelumnya terdapat short -
(C) does vowel maka huruf tersebut digandakan sebe-

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2. Joni made a lot of mistakes in the exam and ____
(A) so I did
(B) so do I
(D) so did I
(E) I did so
lum "er" ditambahkan.

Positive Comparative
(C) I do too red redder
big bigger
3. The girls don’t like the movie, _____ slim slimmer
(A) So do we (D) We do too thin thinner
(B) Neither we do (E) Neither don’t we fat fatter
(C) We don’t, either
Kata sifat yang berakhiran dengan huruf "Y"-
DEGREE OF COMPARISON dan sebelum huruf tersebut adalah huruf mati
(konsonan) maka sebelum menambahkan"er",
Pengertian :
"y" hilang dan digantikan dengan "i".
Tingkat perbandingan kata sifat (adjective)
dan kata keterangan (adverb. Positive Comparative
Pembagian : dirty dirtier
A. Comparison of Adjectives noisy noisier
B. Comparison of Adverb
C. Equal Comparison b). Kata sifat yang terdiri atas lebih dari satu suku
bunyi (more than one syilable) mengalami pe-
A. Comparison of Adjectives nambahan "more".
Membuat perbandingan atas kata sifat (adj-
Ective). Positive Comparative
Perbandingan terdiri atas dua, yaitu : useful more useful
1. Comparative difficult more difficult
2. Superlative necessary more necessary
3. Compareative hopeless more hopeless

- 11 -
c). Kata-kata sifat tertentu tak menggunakan kaidah Contoh :
di atas tersebut di bawah ini : Comparative
Positive Comparative Planes move faster than buses.
good best Budi learns harder than Joni does.
bad worst
She explained it more clearly than I did.
much most
He speaks more loudly than I do.
many most
little least Superlative
Contoh : Rockets move the fastest.
Budi is 20 years old. Ati learns the hardest.
Joni is 21 years old. Mr. Ali explains the lesson the most clearly of the
Ati is 19 years old. teachers.
Ati is the youngest. C. Equal Comparison
Joni is the oldest. Perbandingan setara. Pembentuknya ialah:
"The" harus digunakan sebelum bentuk Superla
B. Comparison Of Adverb.
Perbandingan Adverb atau kata keterangan.
Pada umumnya yang dibandingkan ialah Adverb of .........not as........as..............
manner (keterangan Cara).
Bentuk perbandingan :
1. Untuk kata-kata keterangan (adverb) yang di ............not so..........as.........
bentuk bukan dari Adjective + ly maka er dan
est digunakan dalam membentuk"compa-
rative" dan "Superlative". Untuk bentuk tersebut kita bisa mengguna
kan baik untuk kata sifat (adjective) maupun kata

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keterangan (adverb).
1. Adjective
Untuk perbandingan yang positif kita gu-
high higher highest nakan bentuk :
.......... as adjective as ....
2. Kata keterangan yang bersal dari Adjective +
ly menggunakan bentuk more dan most untuk Contoh :
Comparative dan Superlative. This book is as thick as that one.
Ani is as clever as Budi.
Pos. Comparative Super Untuk mengungkapkan perbandingan, yang nega-
tif dapat digunakan dua bentuk :
slowly more slowly most slowly
simply more simply most simply ........ not so ... adjective ..... as........
nicely more nicely most nicely ........ not as ... adjective ..... as ........
neatly more neatly most neatly Contoh :
tidily more tidily most tidily The car is not as fast as that one.
The car is not so fast as that one.
3. Kata keterangan (adverbs) tertentu tidak
menggunakan kaidah di atas tersebut dibawah Tuti is not as clever as Ati.
ini : Tuti is not so clever as Ati.
2. Adverb
Positive Comp. Super
well better best .......... as ..... adverb .... as .......
bad worse worst Contoh:
little less least He thinks as hard as I do.
much more most He played as well as I did.

- 12 -
Negative I
…….. not as…… adverb ….as ………
…….. not as…… adverb ….as ………
Contoh : We
He doesn’t walk as fast as I do.
He doesn’t walk so fast as I do.
Joni didn’t sing as well as Nita did yesterday.
Joni didn’t sing so well as Nita did yesterday.
she will
Contoh Soal : it
1. Lauren _____ than Diana.
(A) tender Contoh ;
(B) tenderer Jack will visit his moter in the country next
(C) more tender week.
(D) the tenderest I shall not attend the party tonight.
(E) the more tender We shan’t have another extra lesson
2. Martin doesn’t speak ____ tomorrow.
(A) so foudly as you do The boys won’t swim across the river next
(B) so loud as you do weekend.
(C) as loudly as you do
(D) as loud as you do Interrogative Form.
(E) as louder as you do Untuk membentuk kalimat interrogative,
kata bantu shall, will diletakkan sebelum atau di
E-6 depan Subyek.

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Shall/will + S + V1 ?

Will Jack visit his mother in the country next

1. SIMPLE FUTURE Shall I attend the party tonight ?
Shall we have another extra leson tomorrow?
Menyatakan pekerjaan yang dilaksanakan
Will the boys swim across the river next
/terjadi pada masa yang akan datang.
Oleh karena itu kalimat Future Tense/Sim- weekend ?
ple Future selalu ditandai dengan keterangan waktu
Will you take a day off the day after
soon tomorrow ?
tomorrow Will Tini return the book to the library next
tonight month ?
the day after tomorrow Contoh Soal :
next week 1. We _____ our homework together soon.
next month. . (A) shall do (D) did
next year (B) do (E) does
bentuk (C) done
2. The visitor _____ tonight.
S + shall/will + V1 (A) arrived (D) arrives
(B) has arrived (E) arrive
(C) will arrived

- 13 -
3. ____ the father punish the son for his bad habit ? The boys are not going to swim a acroxx the
(A) shall (D) does river next weekend.
(B) will (E) has
(C) Do You are not going to take a day off the day -
after tomorrow.
You are not going to take a day off the day -
Fungsi after tomorrow .
Menyatakan sesuatu yang terjadi pada masa
yang akan datang. Bisa digunakan sebagai alternatif Tini is not going to return the book to the
dari bentuk Shall dan Will. Library next month .
S + is/am/are + going to + V1 Dibentuk dengan melatakkan to be sebe -
I ______ am
To be + S + going to + V1
We are
Is Jack going to visit his mother in the country
next week ?
Am I going to attend the part tonight ?
she is
it Are we going to have another extra lesson
tomorrow ?
Contoh :

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Jack is going to visit his mother in the country
next week.
I am going to attend the part tonight.
Are the boys going to swim across the river next
weekend ?

We are going to have another extra lesson Are you going to take a day off the day after
tomorrow. tomorrow ?
The boys are going to swim a acroxx the river
next weekend. Is Tini going to return the book to the library
You are going to take a day off the day after next month ?
Tini is going to return the book to the library Contoh Soal :
next mont. 1. The teacher __ a test soon.
(1) has given
Negative Form
(2) will given
Not digunakan sesudah to be untuk membentuk (3) gave
kalimat negatif. (4) Is going to give
2. The boys __ a short course nex week.
S + to be + not + Going to + V1 (A) Are going to take
(B) Is going to take
(C) Shall take
Jack is not going to visit his mother in the (D) Has taken
country next week. (E) Took
3. The lady __ to shop tomorrow.
I am not going to attend the part tonight. (A) Will (D) Are going
We are not going to have another extra lesson (B) Shall (E) must
tomorrow. (C) is going

- 14 -
4. Amir __ for Jakarta next month. by now
(A) Is going to leave by the end of the year
(B) Are going to leave ex :
(C) Has leave - By tomorrow, Joni will have worked for three
(D) Left days.
(E) Leaving - By the time he finishes the question, I will
have read the book for one hour.
5. I ____ supper afterwards.
(1) am going to (3) shall have
(2) will have (4) have had

BENTUK S + Shall/will + have + been + v + ing

Shall/will + be + v + ing
Menyatakan perbuatan yang sedang dan
masih berlangsung pada masa yang akan datang.
Terdapat kesamaan antara future
FUNGSI perfect continuous dengan future perfec tense-
terutama dalam fungsi.
Untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang sedang
ex :
terjadi pada masa yang akan datang.
- When she get to London, she will have been
Keterangan waktu yang digunakan untuk fungsi ini;
travelling for five days.
This time tomorrow - By the end of this year, he will have been
Next week working for three years .

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Contoh Soal :
1. She ___ as a secretary in the company for five
years by the end of this year.
Di samping itu ia juga dapat menggunakan keterang
(A) will work
-an waktu simple future.
(B) have worked
ex :
(C) will have been working
- I"ll be playing tennis this time tomorrow.
(D) will be working
- I"ll be watching t.v. tonight.
(E) is going to work
- This time next week the pupils will be having a
test. 2. Don't come at five o'clock because _____
- John will be helping us this evening. (A) I will be playing
(B) I will have been playing
3. FUTURE PERFECT (C) I have played
BENTUK (D) I will have played
(E) I will playing
S + Shall/will + have + V3
3. My friends _____ next sunday.
(1) Will invite
(2) Will be inviting
FUNGSI (3) Is going to invite
Menyatakan perbuatan yang telah selesai (4) Is inviting
pada masa yang akan datang. 4. we _____ a meeting this time next wednesday.
Untuk fungsi ini keterangan waktunya (1) have
selalu diawali oleh kata by, mis: (2) will have
(3) would have
by the end of this month (4) shall be having
by the end of the week

- 15 -
5. John ___ in prison for two months by and of this
year. is/am/are + S + V3
(1) Will stay (?)
(2) Will have been staying
(3) Will be staying Is the butter is kept here ….?
(4) Will be stayed Is Budi played the guitar ….?

2. Present Continous Tense

(+) S + is/am/are + being + V3
A : They are repairing the bridge
PASSIVE VOICE B : The bridge is being repaired.
A : The man is supervising me
Adalah kalimat dimana subjek bukan
P : Iam being supervised by …..
pelaku cerita atau dikenal pekerjaan .
Passive hanya memiliki satu jenis kata
kerja.yakni kata kerja transitive dimana ia butuh
(-) S + Is/am/are + not + being + V3
objek untuk membuat suatu kalimat dan objek
merupakan pokok kaliamt dari sebuah kalimat
pasif. A : The thief is climbing the wall when the
Bentuk : Police saw him.
P : the wall is being climbed by the thief when
To be + V3 the police saw .
The bridge isn’t being repaired I am not be-

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Seperti juga kalimat aktif, kalimat pasiv juga
mengikuti tense dalam artian terdapat tense untuk
ing supervised …...

(?) Is/am/are + S + being + V3

kalimat pasiv, mis : present, past dan future.Berikut Is the bridge being repaired ……?
ini bentuk kalimat pasiv dengan tense yang Are you being supervised ……...?
3. Present Perfect Tense
1. Present tense
S + has/have + been + V3
S + is/am/are + V3 ....
(+) .......
A : Tuti has written two letters.
A : We keep the butter here P : Two letters have been written.
P : The butter is kept here A : He has don the work well.
A : Budi plays the guitar at night P : The work has been done….
P : The guitar is played by budi
A : The teacher teaches the pupils S + has/have + not + been +V3
P : The pupils are taught by …..
Two letters have not been written
S + is/am/are + not + V3 The work has not been done …..
(?) has/have + S + been + V3
The butter is kept here ….
The guitar is not played ….
Have two letters been written ?
Has the work been done by him ?

- 16 -
4. Past Tense 8. To be going to
(+) S + was/were + V3 (+) S + is/am/are + going to + be + V3

A : The bad boys broke the windows A : We are going to hoid a party
P : The windows were were broken by .... P : A party is going to be held …
A : The farmer hit the snake A : the teacher is going to punish the lazy stude -
P : The snake was hit by ...... Nts.
P : The lazy students are going to be punished by-
(-) S + was/were + not + V3 The teacher.
9. Future Perfect Tense
The windows were not broken .......
The snake was not hit ..... S + shall/will + have + been + V3

(?) was/were + S+ V3 ..... ?

A : They will have elected new president in five
Were the windows were broken by .....? Years.
Was the snake hit by ....? P : New President will have been elected in five
5. Past Continous Tense years.
A : IPTN will have produced war planes by the
(+) S + was/were + being + V3 year of 2000.
P : War planes will have been produced by IPTN
A : They were taking the injured player out of the by .....
P : the injured player were being taken by them .... 10. Past Future

6. Past Perfect Tense

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S + had + been + V3 (+) S + wuold/should + be + V3

A : Ani had watered the flowers when Badu came. A : if it rained, We should postphone our picnic
P : The flowers had been watered by Ani when - P : if it rained, our picnic would be postphoned.
Badu came. A : if all didn't change his behaviour, the teacher
A : Mother had prepared the meal when the guest would punish him.
arrived. P : if all didn't change his behaviour, he would
P : The meal had been prepared by the mother - be punished by the teacher.
When the guest arrived.
7. Future Tense 11. Past Puture Perfect

S + shall/will + be + V3 (+) S + wuold/should + have +been + V3

A: He will meet you at the station A : If you had studied hard, you would have got
P: You will be met by him ...... good marks.
A: Budi will lend me his book. P : If you had studied hard, good marks would
P: I shall be lent by ...... have been got by you.
A : If the goverment had not made mistake, the
(?) Will /shall + S + be + V3 judge would not have sent Sophia Laurent
to prison.
P : If the goverment had not made mistake,
Will you be met by him ....? Sophia Laurent would not have the judge
Will you be lent by .......? would not have beensent to prison by the

- 17 -
2. America ______ four hundred years ago.
A. discovered
S + wuold/should + have +been + V3
B . will be discovered
C. had discovered
12. Modals D. was discovered
E. was being discovered
S + modals + be + V3 3. Tomorrow the car ___ by my sister.
A. will be driven
B. has be driven
Modals : C. is driven
. can ….. …could D. was driven
. may ……. might E. will be being driven
. must …
. has to ….. had to 4.He sald the several plans ___
. have to … had to A. were being
. ought to B. were been
. should C. has been
D. are been
A : you must shut these doors E. had being
P : These doors must be shut
5.The food _____ several hours before the guast
A : You ought to open the windows arrived.
P : The windows ought to be opened A. were cook
A : They should told him B. had cooking
P : He should be told by them C. has cook
D. were cooked
A : He has to drive me home E. had been cooked
P : I have to be driven by him …
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13. Modals With The Perfect Tense IMPERSONAL IT
S + modals + have + been + V3
It yang bukan berfungsi sebagai personal
A : The girl must have watered the flowers when I pronoun.
saw her.
P : The flowers must have been watered by the girl
when … 1. Digunakan untuk menyatakan :
- distance
A : I could have asked somebody to carry that
contoh ;
it is a long way to London.
P : Somebody could have been asked to carry
It is about two kilometers reach the post of -
That box by me
- time
A : The teacher might have told the story when
Contoh :
I was absent.
What time is it ?
P : The story might have been told by the teacher
It is four o’clock.
story when I was absent.
- condition
Contoh :
Contoh Soal : It is cold outside.
1. Most scientific book ___ in English. It is warm inside.
(A) Are printing (D) has been printed 2.Dapat digunakan pada kalimat yang subyeknya:
(B) Are print (E) are printed - Gerund
(C) Is print Dilakukan dengan meletakkan Gerund diakhir -

- 18 -
kalimat dan mengganti posisinya dengan it. 2. I think ___ necessary for you to sleep.
Going on appears no good. (A) It is
It appears no good going on. (B) It will be
- To infinitive (C) It was
Caranya sama seperti diatas yaitu dengan menem (D) It
patkan to infinitive diakhir kalimat dan posisi- (E) It should be
nya digantikan oleh it
To say is easy. 3. _____ impossible for us to build a brick house
It is easy to say. in a week.
(A) It
- That clause
Lakukan pada that clause cara diatas. (B) It be
That they will have to go seem a pity. (C) It is
It seems a pity that willhave to go (D) There is
(E) There be
3. Dapat digunakan pada kalimat yang objeknya : 4. To understand the lesson is difficult, in other
- To infinitive word.
Memindahkan ke akhir kalimat dan meletakkan it (A) it has difficult to understand the lesson.
diposisinya. Kata kerja to be atau kata-kata kerja (B) it difficult understand the lesson.
seem, appear, look, happen dihilangkan kaena itu (C) it's difficult understand the lesson.
merupakan obyek bukan subyek. (D) it is difficult to understand the lesson.
Contoh : (E) That is difficult to understand the lesson.
We consider to cheat is wrong
We consider it wrong to cheat . 5. _____ right for us to obey our parents.
- That clause (A) there is
Lakukan cara di atas untuk that clause. (B) there are.
Contoh : (C) there has.

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We think that they didn't try is a pity.
We think it a pity that he didn't try.
Kalau sesudah that langsung diikuti oleh to
it is
it has

infinitive (tanpa subyek ) maka penempatan itu

menyebabkan hilangnya that. E-8
Contoh :
People believe that to be polite is important.
People believe it important tobe polite. CONDITIONALS
Ada beberapa kata kerja yang biasanya diikuti oleh Secara harfiah conditionals dapat
it antara lain : diartikan pengandaian. Merupakan kalimat-
- Believe - know kalimat yang terdiri dari :
- Consider - realize 1. syarat/ prasyarat
- Declare - snow 2. Hasil jika prasyarat tersebut terpenuhi
- Find - suppose
- Guees - take Syarat/ prasyarat tercermin pada if clause dan
- Imagine - think tercermin pada main clause.
- Understand
Main clause
Contoh Soal :
1. Step inside ____ outside. .
(A) There is cold Conditional - hasil
(B) It’s cold
(C) Cold
(D) It If clause
(E) It cold
- syarat

- 19 -
Catatan : if Clause ialah rangkaian kata-kata yang
diawali if If clause Main Clause
. Posisi
If clause bias di depan atau di belakang main Simple Present SimpleFuture(can,may)
clause. If you study hard You will pass the exam
If it rains We shall postpone our
If + S + V + …… S + V + …….. picnic
If Clause I Clause You can wait here
If you agree You may use your
Atau If you don't know the Dictionary
meaning of words The teacher will punish
S + V + …….. If + S + V + …….. If all doesn't change him
Main Clause I Clause his behaviour I shall buy you a car
If I am rich
1. Open Conditionals (Future Conditionals/Type 1)
- Fungsi Unless
Untuk menyatakan bahwa sesuatu akan Unless : if not : jika tidak . Digunakan
terjadi jika syaratnya dipenuhi. Conditionals type sebagai ganti dari if clause yang negative.
ini disebut possibility/probability artinya kemungki- Kalimat yang diawali unless harus positif.
nan. · If all doesn't change his behaviour, The teacher
will punish him.
- Bentuk Unless all changes his behaviour, The teacher
If clause will punish him.
· If you don't save your money,your fatherwon’t
Tense yang digunakan ialah Simple Present give it again.
Tense ini terdiri atas:
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a. S + Stem/Verb/V
Unless you save your money, your father won’t
give it again.

Main clause yang negative tidak dapat dihindari.

· Kalimat Tanya dalam conditionals
b. S + is/am/are + …..
Yang berbentuk kalimat tanya adalah
Main clause dan posisinya di depan if Clause.

Main Clause Will/Shall/Can/may + Stem…,if + S + Stem ..?

Tense yang digunakan ialah Simple Future, Will the teacher punish him, if Ali doesn’t change
Bentuknya ialah his behaviour …?
: 2. Present Conditionals ( Conditionals Type 20
Shall/will + Stem Menyatakan sesuatu yang terjadi
sekarang (present) kontras atau bertentangan
dengan keinginan (harapan). Tertutup kesempatan
Shall … I,We untuk memenuhi syarat sehingga disebut
Will … He, She, It Improbable (mustahil) atau Unreal Condition
You, They Present.
Can dan May sering digunakan dalam - - Fokus
conditionals pada main clause. fakta (present Group)
. Pengandalan
- Bentuk
If Clause
Tense yang digunakan ialah Simple Past.
Tense ini terdiri dari atas dua bentuk :

- 20 -
a. Mengidentifikasikan fakta dari segi tense-nya.
a. S + V Past tense Fakta dapat dibentuk ke dalam Conditionals
type 2 jika tense Present Group :
¯ Present Tense
b S + were + …. ¯ Present Continous Tense
¯ Present Perfect Tense
Was tidak digunakan, oelh sebab itu ia dise ¯ Present Perfect ContinousTense
but "unreal". If Clause tidak menggambarkan keada
b. Menentukan Prasyarat …. If Clause
an yang sebenarnya terjadi.
Hasil ……… Main Cause
ex : I was a boy
if I were a bird
c. Mengembalikan fakta
I was a boy dianggap real (nyata). Saya seorang boc
ah laki-laki dahulu. Tetapi seandainya saya burung Jika fakta positif, conditional harus negative
(if I were a bird) tidak nyata (unreal), karena saya dan sebaliknya
bukanlah seorang burung yang disulap menjadi Jika fakta negative, conditional harus positif.
d. Hindari penggunaan was
Main Clause
a. Past Future ex :
(-) (+)
Should/ would + stem All doesn’t study hard. He falls in the exam.
Syarat hasil
b. Bentuk "could/ Might" untuk kondisi tertentu. If Ali studied hard, he would not fall in the exam.

Could / might + Stem (+) (-)

People don’t ring me up, because my number

If Clause Main Clause

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Simple Past

If you studied hard

You would get good
is not in the directory

People would ring me up, if my number were in

marks the directory.
If it rained We should postphone (+) (+)
our picnic
If you agreed You could wait here e. Kalau dalam hasil terdapat "can" gunakan -
If you didn’t know the You might use you "could" pada Main Clause.
meaning of word dictionary
if All didn’t change his The teacher would ex :
bhaviour punish him We haven’t got any matches, we can’t light a
If I were rich I should by you a car fire
If we got matches, we could light a fire
Jika dalam if Clause terdapat “were”, if bias f. Kalau dalam fakta terdapat "perhaps" gunak
dihapuskan dengan memindahkan were ke depan. an "might"
Ex : - If I were rich, I should buy you a car ex :
Were I rich, I should buy you a car He’s very thin, perhaps that’s why he feels the
¯ If he were not of today, he would meet the cold so much
supervisor. If he were not thin, he might not feel the cold
Were he not of today, he would meet the so much.
3. Past Conditionals (conditional type 3)
Tanpa “if”, Main Clause harus di belakang. Menyatakan sesuatutelah terjadi dahulu
Membentuk Conditional type 2 (present (Past) bertentangan denagn keinginan (harapan).
conditionals). Mustahil untuk memenuhi syarat, dengan demiki
an disebut impossible atau unreal condition past.

- 21 -
- Fokus jika tense-nya Past Group:
* Fakta (past Group) - Past tense
* Penggandaian - Past Continous Tense
- Bentuk ¯ Past Perfect Tense
If clause ¯ Past Perfect ContinousTense
Tense yang digunakan ialah "Past Future perfect".
b. Menentukan prasyarat ( if Clause)
Bentuknya :
Hasil (Main Clause)
Had + Verb Past Participle (Verb 3)
c. Memutar balikkan fakta
Main Clause
Tense yang digunakan ialah "Past Future perfect" Jika fakta positif, conditional harus
Bentuknya : negative dan sebaliknya
Jika fakta negative, conditional harus positif
Should/would + have + Verb Past Participle
(-) (+)
Untuk kondisi-kondisi tetentu, main Clause dapat All didn’t study hard in the last exam. He failed.
berbentuk : Syarat hasil

Could/might + have + Verb Past Participle If Ali had studied hard in the last exam, he would
not have fall.
(-) (+)
Past If Clause Main Clause
I had no map, I got lost
Past Future Perfect
Past Perfect Tense
Could/might Perfect If I had had map, I would not have got lost
a. Kalau dalam hasil terdapat "could" jangan
I you had studied hard You would have got
gunakan Should/would/might, tetapi gunakan
good marks

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If it had rained

If you had agreed

We should have
postphoned our picnic
You could have waited
"could have + verb past participle" pada main
We couldn’t get into the house, because the
If you had studied not You might have used
police forbade us.
known the meaning of your dictionary
We could have got into the house, if the
If Ali had not changed The teacher would have
police had not forbidden us.
his behaviour punished him
b. Kalau dalam fakta dapat "perhaps", gunakan:
If I had been rich I should have bought
you a car
Might + have + Verb Past Participle
Semua if bisa dihapus, dengan memindahkan had
ke depan.
Ex : Ex :
- If I had been rich, I should have boughtyou car. The champion didn’t take the fight seriously at
Had been rich, I should have boughtyou car first;
- If you hadn’t known the meaning of word, you Perhaps that’s why he lost it.
might have used a dictionary.
Had you not known the meaning of word, you If the champion had taken the fight seriously at
might have used a dictionary. first he might no have lost it.
Contoh Soal :
Tanpa "if", Main Clause harus diblakang 1. If it rains tomorrow, we ___at home.
Membentuk Conditional Tpe3 ( Past Conditional ) A. Shall stay D. stay
B. Should stay E. Stayed
a. Menentukan tense dari fakta C. Stay
Fakta yang dirubah ke dalam Conditional tipe 3

- 22 -
2. If I were you,I _____ that book.
A. Would buy As If
B. Will buy + S + V2
C. Buy As Though
D. bought
E. Will not buy Example :
3. If he had not helped me, I ___ of hunger. - He always speaks as thought he were the
A. Would die - He dresses as if he were an officer.
B. died
- She speaks as thougt she knew it a lot
C. Will die
2.Mengungkapkan rasa kesal atas sesuatu yang
D. Will have died
terjadi saat ini (Present).
E. Would doesn’t come today, so I cann’t meet
him. Wish
If only + S + V2
4. He doesn’t come today, so I cann’t meet him.
Would rather
A. If he come today, I can meet him.
B. If he had come today, I could have met him Example :
C. If he came today, I could meet him He is sick so he is not able to come.
D. If I met him today, I could come. - He wishes he came
E. If I had met him, He could have come today. If only he came
She would rather he came
The teacher always explains the lesson in a glance
E-9 - The students wish the teacher explained in
If only the teacher explained in detail.
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The student would rather the teacher explained
in detail.
Was tidak digunakan karena unreal past
SUBJUNCTIVE (menggambarkan sesuatu yang tidak nyata).
Pembagian : 1. Mengungkapkan sesuatu yang terjadi dahulu
B. PAST SUBJUNCTIVE - bertentangan dengan fakta
C. PERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE - diragukan kebenarannya

Menyatakan keinginan, doa atau harapan S + had + V3
yang belum tentu terwujud pada masa yang akan As Though
Ex : Example :
Long live the queen - She screamed as if she had seen a ghost.
God bless you - He acted as thought he had been an actor
Heaven help you yesterday.
Sering digunakan dalam sastra atau literature. - He talks about rome as if he had been there
2.Mengungkapkan rasa kesalaha atas sesuatu yang
1. Menggunakan sesuatu yang terjadi saat ini terjadi dahulu ( Past).
(Present) :
- bertentangan dengan fakta Wished/wish/es
- diragukan kebenarannya. . If only + S + had + V3
Would rather
- 23 -
"and" selalu menggunakan kata kerja jamak
The teacher didn’t give us a test yesterday. (Plural Subjek) ex :
- We wished/wish the teacher had given us a test. - Bob and Badu are here.
- If only the teacher had given us a test. - He and his friends have arrived.
- We would rather teacher had given us a test. - Fire and water don’t agree.
Budi didn’t take part at the game and we lost it. Kecuali :
- Budi wished/wishes he had taken part at the a) Kedua subyek tunggal itu menunjukkan orang
game. atau benda yang sama.
- If only Budi had taken part at the game. ex :
- I would rather Budi had taken part at the game. - The orator and stateman is dead.
Tina was absent to the meeting last night. - The captain and adjutant was present.
- Tina wished/wishes he had not been absent to - My friend and benefactor has come.
the meeting last night
b) Dua subyek menunjukkan satu opini
- If only Tina had not been absent the meeting
ex :
last night.
- Bread and milk is his only food.
- Tina would rather she had not been absent to
- Slow and steady wins the race.
the meeting last night.
- The horse and carriage is at the door.
Contoh Soal : c) Dua subyek yang diawali oleh kata every
1. He speaks as if he ____ an orator. dan each.
(A) Was (D) is - Every boy and girl was ready.
(B) Had been (E) had - Every woman, man and child was lost.
(C) were 2. Dua subject yang dihubungkan oleh :
2. The teacher wished all the students _______ the a) - Neither …………nor ………
homework. - Either …………..or ……….
(A) did (D) was doing - ………………….or ………
(B) had done (E) do yang menentukan bentuk kata kerja ialah subyek
(C) have done
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3. He acted as if he ______ill.
(A) were
(B) was
(D) is
(E) have
- Either Abdul or Amir has stolen the watch.
- Neither the headmaster nor the assistant
masters were present.
(C) had been - Rama or his brother have done this.
4. Choose the correct ones. - Either he boy or parents have arrend.
(1) I would rather he went to Medan now. b) Dua subyek atau lebih yang dihubungkan oleh:
(2) If only he had joined the last lecture. - ……………, with, ……………
(3) She wished she had joined medical faculty. - ……………, together with, …..
(4) She wishes she picked her mother up. - ……………, in addition to, …..
5. I wish I ______ you the right time unfortunately - ……………, as well as,……….
my watch stops now. Bentuk kata kerja di tentukan oleh subyek
(A) told (D) tell pertama.
(B) had told (E) telling ex :
(C) have told - The chief, with all his men, was massacred.
- John, as well as james, deserves pralse.
• CONCORDE - Justice,as well as, mercy, allows it.
PENGERTIAN 3.Collective noun menggunakan kata kerja
Bentuk kata kerja yang kita gunakan dalam tunggal (singular) jika dianggap sebagai suatu
kalimat apakah singular atau plural tergantung kesatuan, dan menggunakan kata kerja jamak
kepada subyek (pural) jika dilihat secara individu.
Apabila Subyek Plural maka kata kerja ex :
juga plural dan begitu pula sebaliknya jika subyek - The council has shosen its presuden.
singular kata kerja harus singular. - The military were called out.
- The crew was large.
BENTUK-BENTUK - The crew was taken prisoners.
1. Dua atau lebih singular subjek digabungkan - A number of interesting suggestions have
been made.
- 24 -
4. Kata kerja jamak yang diawali oleh kata ganti b. Keteranngan waktu
atau benda tungga diikuti oleh subyek tunggal.
Direct Indirect
ex :
now then
- Each of his sisters is clever
today that day
- Neither of the men was very tall
tomorrow the following day
- The quality of mangoes was not good.
yesterday the previous day
Contoh Soal : tonight the following night
last night the previous night
1. Neither Rama nor his friends ______ hurt. last ago the previous
(A) was (D) am next the following
(B) were (E) are
(C) has
Namun demikian tidak seluruh keterangan waktu
2. Each of these subtances _______ found in India.
berubah, seperti keterangan waktu yang diawali -
(A) is (D) were
oleh Every.
(B) am (E) has
c. Tenses
(C) are
3. A number of boys ____ caught peeping. Direct Indirect
(A) are (D) is Present Tense Past Tense
(B) were (E) am Pres.Cont Past Cont.
(C) was Pres. Perfect Past Perfect
4. The horse and the cab _____ in front of the gate. Pres. Perf. Con Past Perf. Con
(A) was (D) are Past Tense Past Perfect
(B) is (E) has Future Tense Past Future
(C) Am Future Cont Past F. Con
5. Rama, as well as Hari and govind, ____ hot curry Future Perf PastF. Perf
(A) like (D) are liking
(B) likes (E) was liking Perubahan Tense dimungkinkan jika introduction
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(C) is liking dalam Past.
Sebaliknya tidak ada prubahan dalam tense jika
introduction dalam present.

E-10 Present Past

Say Said
Will say Would say
REPORTED SPEECH Have said Had said

d. Penghilangan beberapa tanda baca seperti tanda

Pengertian kutip, koma tanda seru, dan tanda tanya.
Reported speech disebut juga direct inderect e. Keterangan lain.
speech. Direct Indirect
DIRECT SPEECH ialah kalimat langsung,
kalimat yang diucapkan oleh si pembicara. this that
INDIRECH SPEECH : kalimat tak lansung, these those
kalimat langsung yang diceritakankembali. here there
Penceritaan kembalikalimat langsung atau
pembentukan kalimat tak langsung menyebabkan Reported Speech terdiri atas
beberapa perubahan. A. Statement
B. Imperative
a. Pronoun C. Interrogative
Karena kalimatnya diucapkan oleh orang kedua -
maka kata ganti harus disesuaikan dengan kebutu-
han kalimat.

- 25 -
Tom said :"My uncle may go to The USA soon."
Tom said that his uncle might go toThe USA soon.
Reported Speech
The teacher told us, : "you have to finish your
exercise at home."
The teacher told us we had to finish our exercise
at home.
Statement Imperative Interro.
b. Imperative

a. Statement Merupakan istilah lain dari perintah dan

Disebut juga kalimat berita. Bentuk Indirect kalimat permintaan. Perubahan Tenses tidak
selalu diawali oleh That. Tetapi that bisa tidak tampak karena adanya penggunaan to , sehingga
digunakan. kata kerja yang mengikutinya ialah to infinitive.
Contoh :
Contoh : I said to Bob : "Open the window, please".
PRESENT CONT ____ PAST CONT I asked Bob to Open the window.
Jack said : "My sister's learning to cook now". The angry workmen said to the manager : "Pay us
Jack said (that) his sister was learning to cook then. at once".
PRESENT TENSE ____ PAST TENSE The angry workmen asked the manager to pay
Bob said: "I come to school by bus every morning". them at once.
Bob said that he came to school by bus every
morning. Badu said to Budi : "Please lend me your
PRESENT PERFECT____ PAST PERFECT Badu asked Budi to lend himhis dictionary
Tini said :"My uncle has bought a new car."
Tini said (that) her uncle had bought a new car. The teacher said to Tom,: "Collect the exercise
books and put them on my table".
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Siti said to Johny: "I have been waiting for you for
half an hour here."
The teacher asked Tom to collect the exercise
books and put them on his table.
Siti told Johny that she had been waiting for him for
half an hour there. Untuk kalimat Negatif not diletakkan
sebelum to.
Jack said : " Mary fell down but she didn’t hurt The mother said to her children, : "Don’t play
herself ". with fire".
Jack said (that) she had fallen down but she hadn’t The mother asked her children, not to play with
hurt herself. fire.
The bus conductor said to the passengers, : "Don’t
SIMPLE FUTURE ___ PAST FUTURE get off the bus while it is going".
Ted said : "I shall be fifteen years old tomorrow". The bus conductor told the passengers, not to get
Ted said (that) he wold would be fifteen years old off the bus while it was going.
the following day.
Mary’s mother said to her, : "Don’t go out at night
FUTURE CONT. ____ PAST FUTURE CONT. without your cout".
Rudi said to Johny: "I will be playing tennis with Mary’s mother told her not to go out at night
my friend this time tomorrow." without her coat.
Rudi told Johny (that) he would be playing tennis
with his friend this time the following day. The teacher said to the student, : "Don’t make a
lot of noise!".
Bob said: "I must go to bed early". The teacher told the student not to make a lot of
Bob said he had to go bed early. noise.
Jack said : " My father can drive a car ".
Jack said his father could drive a car .,
- 26 -
c. Interrogative nish you ?"
Interrogative atau kalimat Tanya dibedakan The father asked his son why his teacher had pu-
atas: nished him.
2.INTERROGATIVE WITH QUESTION WORDS The policeman asked the woman "where does the
suspect park his car ?"
1. YES/NO QUESTION The policeman asked the woman when the
suspect parked his car.
Kalimat Tanya yang dijawab ya atau tidak
dibentuk ke dalam indirect dengan menggunakan Mother asked Mary, "What are you doing now ?"
kata sambung if atau whether. Mother asked Mary what she was doing then.
Kalimat tak langsung hanya berbentuk
kalimat berita.Oleh karena itu, kalimat tanyaditanya The teacher asked the students when they would -
dibentuk menjadi kalimat berita dalam indirect. finish their homework.
Contoh : The teacher asked the students when they would -
The stranger asked the boy, : "Is it a long way to finish their homework.
get to the post office?".
The stranger asked the boyif it was a long way to Tense tidak berubah jika INTRODUCTION
get to the post office. dalam present

The teacher asked the student, : "Have I given you The teacher always asks his students, "When do
a test ?". you get up every morning ?"
The teacher asked the students if he had given us a The teacher always asks his students when they
test. get up every morning.

The old man asked the boy, "will you post a letter Mary tells me, I takes a knap at two.
for me?". Mary tells me that she takes a knap at two.

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The old man asked the boy if he would post a letter
for him. Contoh Soal :
Siti asked her mother, "Did my friend bob visited 1. Bob said, "Will you borrow the book for me ?"
me ?" Bob said __________
Siti asked her mother, if her friend bob had visited (A) you would borrow the book for him.
her. (B) whether you would borrow the book for
The policeman asked the driver, "Do you have you (C) whether I would borrow the book for him
own license ?" (D) that I would borrow the book for him
(E) that you would borrow the book for him
The police asked the driver if he had his own 2. The teacher asked asked the student
license. (A) to clean the blackboard
Kata sambung whether dapat menggantikan if. (B) that he cleaned the black board
(C) if he cleaned the black board
The police asked the driver whether he had his own (D) whether he cleaned the blackboard
license. (E) he cleaned the black board
2. INTERROGATIVE WITH QUESTION - 3. The police asked him, "where is your driving
WORDS license ?"
Question words pada kalimat langsung, menjadi The police asked Jack ______
kata sambung pada kalimat tak langsung. (A) where his driving license is
(B) where his driving license was
The stranger asked me : "What is your name ?" (C) whether was his driving license
The stranger asked me What my name was. (D) where was his driving license
(E) where is his driving license
The father asked his son, "why did your teacher pu-

- 27 -
4. The actor said, "I didn’t want to play that part" 6. Untuk memberikan keterangan tambahan ter-
The actor said _______ hadap kata sifat.
(A) He didn’t want to play that part Contoh :
(B) He hadn’t wanted to play that part Meat are good to eat
(C) He haven’t wanted to play that part The medicine is pleasant to cat
(D) I hadn’t want to play that part The boys are anxious to learn.
(E) I didn’t want to play that part 7. Untuk menerangkan kata benda
5. "I don’t like to see the film" Contoh :
(A) He told me that he does not like to see the This is notthe time to play
film You will have cause to repent
(B) He told me that he didn’t like to see the film 8. Untuk memberikan keterangan tambahan ter-
(C) He told me that he didn’t like to see the film hadap kalimat.
(D) He told me that he didn’t like to have seen Contoh:
the film To tell the truth, I quite forgot my promise.
(E) He told me whatever he didn’t like to see the To sering digunakan pada infinitive, tetapi
film. bukan merupakan bagian yang utama.
To tidak digunakan jika :
1. Setelah Modals
Contoh :
E-11 I will play
He may go
2. Setelah kata-kata kerja tertentu.
S + make + O + infinitive

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Contoh :
1. Sebagai pokok kalimat Let him sit
Contoh : Make him stand
To find fault is easy. I saw him do it
To err is human I heard him cry
To reign is worth ambition I bid him go.
2. Sebagai objek
Contoh : Contoh Soal :
I do not mean to read 1. I am sorry ___ this.
He likes to play cards A. Hear
B. To hear
3. Sebagai Complement C. Hearing
Contoh : D. Heard
Her greatest pleasure is to sing E. Hears
His custom is to ride daily 2. I have come ___ you .
4. Objek dari kata depan. A. To see
He had no choice but to obey B. Seeing
The speaker is about to begin C. See
D. Saw
5. Untuk memberikan keterangan tambahan E. Seen
terhadap kata kerja ,terutama untuk menyatakan 3. Let us ___
tujuan (puspose). A. Pray D. prays
Contoh : B. Prayed E. praying
We eat to leave. C. To pray
I come to bury Caesar

- 28 -
4. The order ____ was given She finished doing her homework
A. To advance You prevented seeing me bad film.
B. Advanced Gerund juga dapat digunakan sesudah rangkaian
C. Advancing kata-kata berikut, yakni:
D. Advance Can’t stand
E. Advances Can’t help
5. I sawher _____ there It’s no good + V. ing
A. stand It’s no use
B. stands To be worth
C. stood Contoh :
D. stood It was no good speaking that way
It was no use telling him soon
E. to stand
The best was really worth seeing
I can’t help falling in love with you
He couldn’t stand laughing at you
Contoh Soal
Pengertian 1. We can’t excuse ___ in this room
Kata kerja yang mengalami penambahan A. Smoke D. to smoke
ing yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda. B. smokes E. smoked
C. smoking
V + ing 2. I couldn’t help ___
A. laugh D. laughed
B. to laugh E. laughed
Fungsi : C. laughing
1. Sebagai Subyek 3. I must avoid ______ him money.
Contoh : A. giving D. given
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Seeing is believing
Hunting tigers is a favourite sport in this country.
2. Sebagai objek
B. to given
C. gave
E. give

Contoh :
Stop playing E-12
Children love making mud castles
3. Object of preposition
Contoh :
I am tired of waiting
He is fond of swimming
4. Sebagai Complement PARTICIPLE
Contoh :
Seeing believing Terdiri atas :
What I most detest is smoking. - PRESENT PARTICIPLE
Gerund sebagaimana infinitive dapat mengikuti - PAST PARTICIPLE
Bentuk :
kata-kata kerja tertentu, yakni:
mind enjoy Verb + ing
consider excuse
S + finish suggest + V. ing Fungsi :
prevent keep (on) 1. Digunakan dalam Continuous Tense.
avoid miss tidak dibahas lebih lanjut.
risk resist 2. Digunakan sebagai adjective.
postphone Untuk fungsi yang kedua ia disebut sebagai
Would you mind helping me ? Participle Adjective. Berfungsi memberikan
I consider buying another house. keterangan tambahan terhadap kata benda.

- 29 -
Contoh : b. - Subyek kalimat pertama = Subyek kalimat
The rolling stone gathers no moss. kedua
The lying witness ought to be punished. - Kejadian pada kalimat I dilanjutkan
The smilling general gave the flowers to the little oleh kalimat II.
girl. Penggabungan :
Subyek kalimat I dihapus & kata kerjanya di -
Rolling, lying, smilling berasal dariVerb 1 roll, lie, jadikan Present Participle.
dan smile + ing. Ketiga bentuk Present Participle Contoh :
tersebut menerangkan kata benda stone (batu), He opened the drawer
witness (saksi) dan genaral (jendral) kerenanya ia He took out a revolver.
berfungsi sebagai kata sifat. Opening the drawer , he took out a revolver.
He seized his stick.
3. Digunakan sesudah kata-kata kerja tertentu.
He rushed out of the room
Seizing his stick he rushed out of the room.
c. - Subyek kalimat 1 = Subyek kalimat ke dua
- Salah satu kalimat Past Perfect Tense
S + had + V3
S + listen to + O + V + ing
Penggabungan :
look at
Kalimat yang Past Perfect dihapus Subyeknya
dan had dibentuk kedalam keadaan Present Parti
Had______ having
Contoh :
I had seen the photos of the place. I didn’t have

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Contoh :
They saw the thief running away.
any desire to go there.
Having seen the photos of the place I didn’t have
any desire to go there.
They left me waiting outside. 4. Meringkas Kalimat
We mustn’t keep them wating. Kalimat-kalimat yang diawali oleh :
3.Menggabungkan kalimat AS
Kalmat-kalimat yang bias digabungkan dengan Since + S + V ......
Present Participle. Because
a. - Subyek atau obyek salah satu kalimat = Su Bisa diringkaskan dengan
byek kedua a. menghapus since, As, Because dan
- Salah satu kalimat continuous. Subjeknya.
Penggabungan : b. Kemudian kata kerja (verb) dibentuk ke
- Subyek kalimat kedua dihapus. dalam Present Participle.
- to be atau kata bantu kalimat yang contino Contoh :
us dihilangkan.
Contoh : Because He thought that he couldn’t buy anything
Some students were playing football. on his journey, he brought anything with him
They won the game. Thinking that he couldn’t buy anything on his
Some students palying football won the game. jouney, he brought anything with him.
- Jika kalimat continous di kalimat kedua maka ia
diletakkan setelah subyek atau obyek kalimat 1. • PAST PARTICIPLE
Contoh :
Some boys were punished.
They were chesting during the examinations.
Some boys cheating during the examinations were
punished. Disebut juga kata kerja bentuk ketiga.
Fungsinya :

- 30 -
1. Sebagai kata sifat Contoh Soal :
ex : 1. _____ a sharp axe, he cut down a big tree.
a lost change never returns. (A) Use
The boiled watered has been poured into a (B) Used
glass. (C) Have used
2. Menggabungkan kalimat (D) Using
Kalimat yang dapat digabung dengan Past (E) Uses
participle : 2. The techer caught the students _____
a.. - Subyek atau obyek salah satu kalimat (A) Peep
sama dengan Subyek kalimat kedua. (B) Peeping
- Salah satu kaliamt pasip. (C) To peep3. The painter
Penggabungan : (D) Peeped
- Subyek kalimat kedua dihapus. (E) Peeps
- Tobe/kata bantu kalimat yang passive hilang. 3. The painter _____ with his fans exhibited
Contoh : his paints last month.
The students were punished by the teacher. (A) Talk
They are lazy (B) To talk
The students punished by teacher are lazy. (C) Talking
- Jika bentuk passive di kalimat kedua maka ia (D) Talks
diletakkan setelah subyek atau obyek kalimat I. (E) Talked
Contoh : 4. _____ in the first exam he didn’t want to have
The old man was sad. another try.
He was mocked by the bad boys …… (A) Having failed
Penggabungan : (B) failed
The old man mocked by the bad boys was sad. (C) fails
b. - Subyek kalimat pertama = Subyek kalimat (D) fail
kedua. (E) To fail
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- Kejadian pada kalimat I dilanjutkan oleh
kalimat II.
- kaliamt I mengandung V3.
5. We can drink____ water
(A) Boil
(B) Boils
Penggabungan : (C) To boil
Subyek kalimat I dihapus & kata kerjanya dijadikan (D) Boiled
Past Participle. (E) Boiling
Contoh :
The ship was scattered by the storm
The ship drowned Pengertian
Scattered by the storm the ship drowned Mengakibatkan dilaksanakan atau tidak
c. - Subyek kaliamt I = Subyek kalimat kedua dilaksanakannya sesuatu.
- Salah satu kalimat Past perfect Tense Formula
S + had + been + V3
Get + O pelaku + To infinitive
Penggabungan :
Kalimat yang Past Perfect dihapus Subyeknnya dan
had dibentuk ke dalam Present Participle. Have + O pelaku + infinitive

He had been praised by all his friends

He was very happy Contoh :
Having been praised by all his friend, he was very The manager had his secretary type the letter.
happy The manager got his secretary type the letter

- 31 -
The teacher always has his students finish the 5. We have the shop ____ the magazine
homeworks. (A) to deliver
The teacher always gets his students finish the (B) delivered
homeworks. (C) delivers
(D) delivering
We have the servant do the house work . (E) deliver
We get the servant to do the house work .
I will have my brother fix the bicycle E- 13
I will get my brother to fix the bicycle
+ O Penderita + V3 CLAUSE terbagi atas dua, yaitu:
Get 1. Main Clause
2. Subordinate Clause
The manager had the letter type CLAUSES
The teacher has the homeworks finished
We have the house work done.
I will have the bicycle fixed.
Contoh Soal : CLAUSES
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1. Asthe trunks were heavy my mother, my mother
got someone ____ them
(A) To move
(B) move Rangkaian kata-kata yang memiliki
(C) moving subyek dan predikat tetapi tidak dapat dikatakan
(D) moves kalimat karena pengertiannya tak lengkap.Ia
(E) moved disebut juga anak kalimat.
2. As He was ill,he wanted to have his meal ___ kata sambung yangdisebut SUBORDINATING
(B) serves
(C) to serve What how however
(D) served Who which whatever
(E) serving When whom whenever
Where whose wherever
3. I go to the barber to have him____ my hair. Who that why, etc
(1) Cuts
(2) Cutting
(3) To cut Subordinate Conjunction + S + V
(4) Cut
(5) Contoh :
4. The guest had the porter carry his bag
Where I lived
(1) The guest himself carried the luggage
When he will come back
(2) The guest asked someone to carry luggage
How we got in touch with them
(3) The porter got the trunk carried
(4) The guest got the trunk carried

- 32 -
Rangkaian kata-kata tsb.bukan kalimat, Contoh Soal :
karena tidak memberikan pengertian yang lengkap. 1. Tell me _____
Agar ia dapat memberikan makna yang (A) How you found it out
lengkap, dibutuhkan kalimat lain yang disebut (B) How did you find it out
dengan MAIN CLAUSE. (C) How it you found
2. MAIN CLAUSE (D) How it did find you
Disebut juga induk kalimat. Induk kalimat identik (E) How did it find you
dengan kalimat. Dia dikatakan induk kalimat jika 2. _____ is doubtful.
ada anak kalimat. (A) How long shall I stay
Contoh : (B) How long I shall stay
He asked me (C) How shall I stay long
He let us now (D) How shall I stay long
The police had arranged (E) How long I stay shall
SUBORDINATE CLAUSE dapat menjadi sebuah 3. Will you explained ______?
kalimat dengan adanya MAIN CLAUSE. (A) Why did you behave so
Contoh : (B) Why so you behave
He asked me where I lived (C) So Why you behave
He let us now When he will come back (D) Why you behaved so
The police had arranged How we got in touch with (E) You behaved so why
them. 4. Do _______
Berdasarkan jabatan kalimat CLAUSE terbagi atas: (A) Whatever you think right
1. NOUN CLAUSE (B) Whatever right you think
2. ADJECTIVE CLAUSE (C) Whatever do you think right
3. ADVERB CLAUSE (D) Whatever right do you think
(E) Whatever right think you
1. NOUN CLAUSE 5. It is not clear _____
Rangkaian kata-kata yang memiliki subyek (A) Who done this
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dan objek tetapi tidak dapat dikatakan sebagai
kalimat atau berfungsi sebagai kata benda (noun).
(B) Who this done
(C) Who did do this
(D) This Who done
1. SUBYEK (POKOK KALIMAT) (E) Who this done
Contoh :
When his father will return is uncertain.
Why he left is a mistery. ADJECTIVE CLAUSE
Whether we can start tomorrow seems
uncertain. Relative Pronoun
What is done can’t be undone. Relative Pronoun adalah subordinating
2. OBJEK KATA KERJA TRANSITIF conjuction yang mengawali suatu Adjective
He says that he won’t go Clause (who,whom, whose, which, that) .Clause
I don’t know when I’ll return yang diawali oleh Relative Pronoun disebut
Tell me why you did this Relative Clause.
Pay careful attention to what I am going to say? Manusia Relative Pronoun
There’s no meaning in what you say Subyek who/ that
Idon’t believe in what he tell in his story Objek whom/ that
4. COMPLEMENT OF A VERB Possess whose
My belief is that he will not come
His great fear isthat he may fail
Non Manusia Relative Pronoun
Life is what we make it
Subyek which/ that
KATA GANTI Objek which/ that
You must never forget this, that honesty is the
best policy
It is feared that he will no come.
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Penggunaan : Subyek kalimat kedua mempunyai hubungan
Who digunakan jika penggabungan mengakibatkan kepunyaan subyek atau objek kalimat pertama.
hilangnya salah satu subyek. I saw the boy
Menggabungkan dua kalimat yang subyeknnya the boy’s father had an accident yesterday.
sama : Penggabungan :
Contoh : Bentuk kepunyaan (the boy’s) digantikan oleh
The students was my classmate whose.
He passed the examination with flying colours.
I saw the boy whose father had an accident
Penggabungan :
Subyek kalimat kedua dihapus dndigantikan oleh
who dan ditempatkan sesudah subyek yang
Jika subyek atau obyek kalimat pertama sama
dengan subyek atau obyek kalimat kedua.
The students who passed the exam with flying
colours was my classmates.
The book is on the table.
The dapat menggantikan who
It was written by him
The students that passed the exam with flying
colours was my classmates. The book which/that was written by him is on the
Objek kalimat pertama sama dengan subyek kalimat
kedua. That is the house.
The teacher called the girl We live in it.
The girl wears glasses. That is the house which/that we live in
Penggabungan : Jika diakhir kalimat terdapat kata depan ia bisa
Subyek kalimat kedua dihilangkan dan digantikan dipindahkan ke depan which. Which yang berada
dengan who/that kemudian ditempatkan sesudah setelah kata depan tidak bisa digantikan oleh that.

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The teacher called the girl who/that wears glasses.
That is the house in which we live.

Penggabungan menyebabkan salah stuobjek hilang. Dikatakan Defining Relative Clause jika ia
mengidentifikasikan kata benda (noun) ynag
Dua kalimat mempunyai objek yang sama.
That is the English teacher.
That is the house which/that we live in.
Mr.Ali is speaking to her
Penggabungan : That is the boy whose father had an accident
Kalimat kedua diawali oleh who/that dan objeknya yesterday.
dihilangkan lalu ditempatkan sesudah objek kalimat The teacher called the girl who/that wears glasses.
pertama. That is the English teacher whom/that Mr.Ali
speaking to.
That is the English teacher who/that Mr.Ali is Contoh Soal :
speaking to. 1.The man ___ wrote this article is a famous
Jika diakhir kalimat terdapt kata depan /preposition (A) Who
seperti pada kalimat diatas with, kata depan tersebut (B) Whom
dapat diletakkan sebelum whom. Whom yang (C) Which
berada sesudah kata depan tidak bias digantikanoleh (D) Whose
that. (E) What
2.My grand father, ____ you just helped, was
That is the English teacherto whom Mr.Ali is born ninety years ago.
speaking. (A) Which
Whose (B) Whose
Penggabungan yang disebabkan karena hubungan (C) Whom
kepunyaan(possessive ) (D) What
(E) where
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3. The helmet ___ you put on the shelf is my 43. have had had Memiliki
44. hear heard heard Mendengar
brother’s. 45. hide hid hid Bersembunyi
(A) Who 46. hit hit hit Memukul
(B) Whom 47. hold held held Memegang
(C) Whose 48. hurt hurt hurt Melukai
49. kneel knelt knelt Berlututu
(D) Which
50. know knew known Mengetahui
(E) What 51. lay laid laid Menaruh
4. The woman ___ daughter wrote this poem is the 52. lead led led Memimpin
professor of French. 53. leave left left Meniggalkan
(A) who 54. lend lent lent Meminjamkan
55. let let let membiarkan
(B) whose 56. lie lay lain Berbaring
(C) who 57. loose lost lost Hilang
(D) which 58. make made made Membuat
(E) that 59. may might - Mungkin
60. mean meant meant Bermaksud
DAFTAR KATA-KATA KERJA TAK 61. meet met met Bertemu
BERATURAN (LIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS) 62. ought to ought to - Seharusnya
63. overcome overcame overcome Menyelesaikan
Past 64. partake partook partaken Partisipasi
Stem Past Tense
No Participle Meaning 65. pay paid paid Membayar
Verb1 Verb II
Verb III 66. put put put meletakkan
1. arise arose arisen terbit 67. read rent rent Membaca
2. awake awoke awoken membangunkan 68. rend rend rend Menyewakan
3. be was, were been adalah/berada 69. ride rode ridden Menunggang
4 bear bore born melahirkan 70. ring rang rung membunyikan
5. become became become menjadi 71. rise rose risen Terbit
6. begin began begun memulai 72. run run run Berlari
7. bid bade bidden meminta 73. say said said Berkata
8. bid bid bid menawar 74. see saw seen Melihat
9. bite bit bitten menggigit 75. seek sought sought Mencari

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14. burn burnt burnt membakar 80. shine shone shone Bersinar
15. buy bought bought membeli 81. shoot shot shot Menembak
16. can could could dapat 82. show showed shown Menunjukkan
17. catch caught caught menangkap 83. shut shut shut Menutup
18. choose chose chosen memilih 84. sing sang sung Bernyanyi
19. come came come dating 85. sink sank sunk Tenggelam
20. creep crept crept merangkak 86. sit sat sat Duduk
21. cut cut cut memotong 87. sleep slept slept Tidur
22. dig dug dug menggali 88. slide slid slid Tergelincir
23. do did done melakukan 89. smell smelt smelt Mencium bau
24. draw drew drawn menggambar 90. speak spoke spoken Berbicara
25. drink drank drunk meminum 91. spell spelt spelt Mengeja
26. drive drove driven menyetir 92. spend spent spent Menghabiskan
27. eat ete eaten makan 93. spin spun spun Memiintai
28. fail feel falden jatuh 94. apread apread apread Menyebarkan
29. feed fed fed memberi makanan 95. stand stood stood Berdiri
30. feel felt felt merasakan 96. steal stole stolen Mencuri
31. fight fought fought berkelahi 97. stick stuck stuck Melekt
32. flee filed fled melarikan diri 98. sting stung stung Menyengat
33. fly flew flown terbang 99. strike struck struck Memukul
34. forbid forbade forbidden melarang 100. swear swore sworn Bersumpah
35. forget forgot forgotten lupa 101. sweep swept swept Menyapu
36. forgive forgave forgiven memaafkan 102. swim swam swum berenanng
37. freeze froze frozen membeku 103. swing swung swung berayun
38. get got got memperoleh 104. take took taken membawa
39. go went gone pergi 105 toach taught taught mengajar
40. give gave given memberi 106. tear tore torn mengoyak
41. grow grew grown tumbuh 107. tell told told memberitahu
.42. hang hung hung menggantung 108. think thought thought berfikir

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109. Throw Threw Thrown Melempar
110 Understand Understood Understood Mengerti
111. Wake Woke Woken Bangun
112. Wear Wore Woken Mengenakan
113. Weep Wept Wept Meratap
114. Will Would - Akan
115. Win Won Won Menang
116. Wind Wound Wound Mengunci
117. Withdraw Withdrew Withdrawn Menarik
118. write wrote written menulis

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