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~ . r . 1 nomson d e monstrated th
- - - - _ _ ._.._ .. v u
· ·~ • ..... 1c 11g"ln .
'Ill'· 0 atv ... - h • k D . . · e wave nat u
'I ~,ave ns. Due to t eir wor av1ss1on a nd G.P. T h omson were awarded N b \ ..
ii,e electro o e pr11.c
(;931. e>'Periments showed that not only electrons but all material particles in motion (e
ter oo particles, protons etc.) show wave nature.
J) l trons, a.-


d· 1 hour Max. marks:

,,a11°we . and write the correct option in the following questions. (3 x t ::
Cbo<>se · · . l · · ·
1. . photoelectric emission occurs on Y when the incident hght has more than a certain min im
(i) (a ) power (b) wavelength (c) intensity (d) frequency
.. The threshold frequency for a photosensitive metal is 3.3 x 10 14 Hz. If light of frequ e
B.2 x 10 t4 Hz 1s
· ·
1nci·d ent on t h.1s metal, the cut-off voltage for the photoelectro n e missic
(a ) 1 V (b) 2 V (c) 3 V (d) 5 V
(iii) When the light of frequency 2v 0 (where v 0 is threshold frequency), is incident o n a rr
plate, the maximum velocity of electrons emitted is v 1. When the frequency of the inci•
radiation is increased to 5v 0, the maximum velocity of electrons emitted from the same I
is v2. The ratio of v 1 to v 2 is
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 4 (c) 4 : 1 (d) 2 : l
t In the following questions a statement of assertion followed by a statement of reason is gi
Choose the correct answer out of the following choices.
(a) Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason is correct explanatio1
(b) Assertion and reason both are correct statements but reason is not correct explanatio
(c) Assertion is correct statement but reason is wrong statement.
(d) Assertion is wrong statement b ut reason is correct statement. (2 x 1

(~ Assertion The energy (E) and momentum (p) of a photon are related by p = E/c .
Reason The photon behaves like particle.

Dua\ Nature of Matte, and Radiation

(ii) Assertion I IIt, v:ili it· nl' s:ir I mtt io11 _pl_,01 odt-cl ric ( 11 ,.,.c_
·nt iIHTt,-tst s wii l 1 •.
, 111 1
• ll<'t1sir y or inridc111 rad1c111011 h111 th e stopp111g- p<JI C' 11tial rerr .. e n<,< ·,,
II ' . I ' . I d t r th . I ' f' . 1,u n ~ 111(• \ \(• 111 I
Sto!JIJin g iJot e1111a 1smt epen en o e m ens11 y o trt<idC'nt rr1c1 . . ,rrri,. ,
Reason · 1•1,. ·
. I .h ( iriq
.. 1 <)f ,hr de-Broglie wavclengt I1 assoc1atec
,1ol.1H1.1p1 wit a proton ve rsus it•
, n1rm, . •
Draw graphs showi11? variatio11 of pl~o~oe lect::1c cu~i~e~t
. .
ap:li ed voltage fin \ ,,1
r:1diatio11s of' equ al frequ e ncy a nd different mtens1t1es. ar t e graph for th e ~'1 rr1, ,,J,
111 11

. . . r ,irJ,.
l11ghcr m1 ens1ty. t1t1,, 11
5 Show 011 a crrap h va riati on of th e de Broglie wavelength (A) associated with th e 1
llrv n . . .
l where V is the acceleratmg potential for thee ectron.
e eurr
JIJ '• f·1

6. A de uteron an d an alpha particle are accelerated with the same accelerating paten .
t1aJ \
one of the two has · lf,,, 1
(a) greater v:1lue of de Broglie wavelength, associated with it? and
(b) less kinetic energy? Explain.
7. 1:'.he work functio.n ~f caes_ium _is 2.14 eV. Find (i). the thresho:d frequency for caesiurn ~
(a) v,,ave length of modent light 1f the photocurren t 1s brou ght to zero by a stopping ote .anrJ
0.60 \I. p nt1aJ ,ir
8. Li<Th t of wavelen gth 2500 Afall s on a metal su rface of work fu nction 3.5 V What is th k. 2
o .. 1 . . d e tnet
e nergy (in eV) of (i) the fastest and (ii) the slowest e ectromc em1tte from the surface~ IC

If the same light falls on another surface of work func tion 5. 5 e V, what will be the e
nergv of
emitted electrons? ·
9. Plot a graph showing variation of de Broglie wavelength (A) associated with a charged pa .
of mass m, versus I/ where ~ is the ~otential _difference. through which the pani:ci:
accelerated. How does this graph give us the mformat10n regarding the magnitude of the charge
of the particle? 2
I 0. Deduce de Broglie wavelength of electrons accelerated by a potential of V volt. Draw a schematic
diagram of a localized wave describing the wave nature of moving electron. 3
I I. When a given photosensitive material is irradiated with light of t
frequency v, the maximum speed of the emitted p h otoelectrons I
eq uals V UW,X ' The graph shown in the figu re gives a plot of v2max v2max
varyin g with frequency v.
O btain an expression for
(a) Planck's constant, and
(b) T he work function of the given photosen sitive material in
terms of the parameters 'l', 'n ' and the mass 'm' of the electron.
(c) How is threshold frequency determined from the plot? . 3
. h f o . I k1nt'tll
12. L 1g t o wavelength 2000 A falls on a metal surface of work fu n ctions 4.2 e V. What 1st ie
energy (in e V) of the fastest electrons emitted from the surface ? . .-th
(z.) \ATh . . . Of lwhr 111
·v at will be the cha nge in the energy of the emitted electro ns if the intensity 0

same wavelength is d ou bled? .af

(zz If h · · h energ,
t e same light falls on another surface of work functions 6.5 e V, what will be t e :l
emi tted electr ons? II
. hoioce
13. 0
D~a~ graphs_showing the v_ariation. of photoelectric curren t with anod e_p~tent~~l ~e~nrensit_1
for (z) same frequency but different intensities / 1 > / > J of incident rad1atwn. (zz) sa . -ent''
b d.1ffi . 2 3 . cut1
. ut erent frequency v, > V2 > v 3 of incident radiatio n. Explain why the saturatJOO 5
independent of the anode potential.

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