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Listening Skill 3 (4 Points)

Listen to each passage and the questions that follow. Then choose the best answers to
the questions.

PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-4)

Listen as a student talks to a librarian.

1. Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.

Why does the librariansay this:

A. To show that he is busy with someone else
B. To indicate that he is ready to help
C. To question why the student is there
D. To demonstrate that he is bothered by the question

2. Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.

What does the librarian mean when he says this:

A. He does need to know the age of the magazine.
B. He does not know why the student asked the question.
C. He wants to know why the question was asked.
D. He is not sure why the student needs the magazine.

3. Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.

Why does the student say this:

A. She does not remember what she just said.
B. She realizes that she had just interrupted the professor.
C. She recognizes that she has just said something incorrect.
D. She does not understand what the librarian just said.

4. Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.

What does the librarian mean when he says this:

A. His services are free of charge.
B. He has a lot of free time.
C. He wants the student to feel relaxed.
D. He is always eager to help.

B. Listening Skill 4 (6 Points)

Listen to each passage and the questions that follow. Then choose the best answers to the

PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-2)

Listen as an advisor discusses a student’s course load with the student.

1. Listen again to part of the discussion. Then answer the question.

How does the student seem to feel about taking the maximum number of courses?
A. It is too much work.
B. It is the best thing to do.
C. It is only done when necessary.
D. It is required in graduate school.

2. Listen again to part of the discussion. Then answer the question.

Which sentence best expresses what the advisor might say to the student?
A. “You really need to work harder in your classes.”
B. “Graduate schools prefer students who take a lot of classes.”
C. “You should do better work in fewer classes.”
D. “It’s important for you to take more classes.”

PASSAGE TWO (Question 3-4)

Listen to a conversation between two students.

3. Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.

How does the man seem to feel about the assignment?
A. It will be interesting.
B. It will be worth the effort.
C. It wll be impossible to do.
D. It will take a lot of effort.

4. Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.

Which sentence best expresses how the woman feels about the assignment?
A. This assignment will be enjoyable.
B. It will be so hard to do this assignment correctly.
C. The assignment will take too much time.
D. It will be enjoyable to respond to the survey questions.

PASSAGE THREE (Question 5-6)

Listen to a conversation between two students and lecturer.

5. Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.

Then answer the question.

A. It is too simple.
B. It is remarkably effective.
C. It is overly embellished.
D. It is unnatural.

6. Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.

Which sentence best expresses how the student seems to feel about the assignment?
A. “This sounds like a very creative assignment.”
B. “It always helps to do your best.”
C. “This is too complicated to do.”
D. “This isn’t one of my specialities.”

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