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Farmland Food Services, Inc.
A.M.F. O’Hare, Illinois 60018
Received for Publication March 19, 1979


The control of raw materials, processing and environment are critical

factors in the prevention of microbial contamination in confectionery.
Salmonella has been found to be the major hazard in confectionery.
Testing f o r this organism at specific control points provides the best
means o f quality control. Constant surveillance and good manufactur-
ing practice are the best methods for prevention o f contamination.


The microbiological quality of confectionery products is largely de-

pendent upon the quality of ingredients used and the method of manu-
facture. Confectionery products are generally low-moisture products
whose inherent nature restricts the growth and proliferation of micro-
organisms. Thus the incidence of microbial contamination in con-
fections, though not completely non-existent is low when compared t o
that in foods such as meats or egg products. Bacteria have been known
t o survive in dry food products for long periods of time although they
will not grow in them. Destruction of bacteria in confectionery prod-
ucts by heat is extremely slow as it might involve the blending of
chocolate liquor with sugar, milk solids, and perhaps cocoa butter. It is
therefore very important to control raw materials, the formulation,
processing, and environmental and storage conditions.

Presented at the Thirteenth Annual Symposium, Control of Microorganisms in

Food Processing, Rochester, New York. Sponsored by Western NY Section Insti-
tute of Food Technologists and the Institute of Food Science, Cornell University,
Ithaca, New York.
Present address: Ralston Purina Co., Checkerboard Square, St. Louis, Missouri

Journal of Food Quality 2 ( 1 9 7 8 ) 143-147. All Rights Reserved.

@Copyright 1979 by Food & Nutrition Press, Znc., Westport, Connecticut 143

Water Activity (q)

One of the most critical factors in candy production is water activity
(a,) which is defined as the ratio of vapor pressure of water in a
confectionery product to the vapor of free water at the same tempera-
ture. It is indicative of the available water to support chemical reactions
and microbial growth. It has been pointed out that values less than 0.95
inhibit most pathogens whereas 0.90 prevents growth of most non-
pathogens, even though staphylococci may grow at values as low as
0.85. Yeasts are inhibited at 0.88 even though osmophilic yeasts may
tolerate values as low as 0.65. Molds will not grow at values less than
0.80 even though xerophilic molds will tolerate values as low as 0.65
(Hilker 1976).

Composition of Confectionery
The composition of the confection will have a definite influence on
its spoilage traits. Although the bacterial effects of preservatives, essen-
tial oils and certain alcohols are important, these agents in themselves
will not eliminate spoilage. Coated creams and soft-centered chocolates
can explode when gases accumulate beneath the coating following alco-
holic, butyric or lactic fermentations. Alcoholic fermentations could be
caused by normal or osmophilic yeasts; butyric fermentations by cer-
tain species of Clostridium, Bacillus, Leuconostoc; Lactobacillus species
might cause lactic fermentation; and yeasts and molds may cause spoil-
age in products such as marzipans, fondants and glace fruits (Hilker


From a public health viewpoint, the confectionery industry has an

excellent record with only one documented outbreak of food poisoning
attributable to ingestion of a confectionery product. However, recalls
by the Food and Drug Administration have occurred, generally because
of Salmonella contamination. In most foods, pathogenic organisms find
their way into the packaged product through the following routes:
ingredients, faulty processing, poor handling after processing or from
the environment - that is, such sources as people, equipment or air.

Raw Materials
Raw materials inspection constitutes the first line of defense against
contamination in confectionery manufacture. The control of raw

materials must start at the source by ensuring that the ingredient sup-
plier manufactures his product under good manufacturing practices
with meaningful surveillance programs. Raw materials should be bought
on specification which must include the method of testing and sampling
based upon a positive lot identification system. This philosophy was
taken into consideration by the Salmonella Committee of the National
Academy of Sciences (1971) which provided guidelines based upon 5
categories of risk. The committee does not specify how a representative
sample is obtained but only states that sampling must be random and
representative. In most cases, the “rule of thumb” approach of
sampling the square root of the number of packages in a lot is used.
Most companies are faced with rising costs, hence, the need for the
development of an efficient program at minimal cost. Most official
procedures are complex and time consuming and too often, the analyst,
burdened by the procedures, tends t o do too few tests and thus fails to
accomplish the purpose of the program. Methodology, theref ore, needs
t o remain flexible as is seen in sample size specifications. Various
organizations have proposed various sample sizes : the Food Protection
Committee of the National Academy of Sciences (1971): 25 g; the
Food and Drug Administration (1968): 100 g; and the American Public
Health Association (1976): 100 g. Research conducted by Gabis and
Silliker (1974) under the auspices of the International Commission on
Microbiological Specifications of Foods showed that large sample (500
g) composites can be analyzed with sensitivity equivalent to multiple
analysis of smaller samples. Such an approach should be considered for
better efficiency and lower costs.
The type of process control used will depend on the type of product
being processed, as well as the nature of the process. Indicator organ-
isms may be used as indices of sanitation but their levels will not
necessarily be related to Salmonella contamination. Since Salmonella is
the major potential hazard in confectionery products, testing must be
directed towards this organism at critical control points in the produc-
tion process t o ensure that this organism will not find its way into the
finished product. The fact that negative Salmonella tests are indicated
in raw materials does not mean that positive tests may not be obtained
if these products are mishandled. Dried egg whites are an excellent
example of this possibility. The incoming egg whites might be negative
for Salmonella. Nevertheless, Salmonella could be present at levels so
low that they could not be detected with the method used. The con-
fectionery manufacturer should remember that negative results are not
always definitive. Mishandling of egg whites, for example by reconsti-
tuting and holding them at high temperatures could result in a

previously undetectable low level of Salmonella reaching a detectable

level, with concomitant contamination of the finished product.

Environmental Factors
Next to raw materials, environmental factors provide the next major
contribution to the contamination of finished products. Microorgan-
isms can find their way into the finished item through environmental
routes such as salvage material, equipment, air or personnel, or through
the more evident unsanitary conditions prevalent in the plant. Under
conditions conducive to their growth, small numbers of microorganisms
may multiply rapidly and enhance the potential spread of contamina-
tion in the plant.
In confectionery production, in-process material or scrap generated
during production is often reused. Obviously as such rework material is
in contact with the environment for longer periods, it would more
realistically reflect handling procedures and raw material quality than
mere analysis of the finished product. It has been shown that a low
level testing for Salmonella in the finished product revealed no prob-
lem, yet, positive results in the environmental samples led to more
extensive testing of the finished product, and further tests revealed that
the finished product was indeed contaminated.
Regular sampling of salvage material is advisable. If tests carried out
on such material prove positive for Salmonella, the source of entry
probably resides somewhere in the environment and must be sought
out. The finished product should also be exhaustively tested. Environ-
mental samples located in more remote areas should be collected.
Examples are air filters, floor samplings, and floor drain swabs. The air
supply of a plant is an important consideration. Indiscriminate use of
air can transfer contamination from one portion of the plant t o another
due to the generation of dust. Contaminated air currents can spread
contamination t o the environment and thus into the finished product.
Examination of air filters would reflect the environment. Strict separa-
tion of facilities for processed and unprocessed product must always be
observed to obviate contamination via air. Positive testing for
Salmonella in remote samples must be viewed with alarm and steps
taken for its elimination. Silliker and Gabis (1975) have used very
successfully cellulose sponge sampling techniques for surfaces. In this
technique the surface is flooded with sterile water containing 1%
tergitol. The surface is rubbed with a sterile sponge and the latter then
placed directly into the enrichment media and analyzed.
Equipment must be scrupulously cleaned and protected from recon-
tamination. Since confections are low-moisture products, wet clean up

should be kept to a minimum. If low levels of Salmonella are estab-

lished in the environment, moisture might be the only element needed
to spread the organisms. Vacuum type equipment should be used
wherever possible. The design of equipment for easy access t o cleaning
is important. Hard to clean spots could become focal points for bac-
terial growth. Any entry of moisture into the premises could contribute
towards bacterial growth: examples are steam condensation and drips.
People play a key role in the manufacturing process and the human
carrier could be responsible for the presence of Salmonella in the pro-
cessed product. The organism could enter the plant via the skin or
clothing of the workman, hence the need for training at all levels to
prevent the fostering of practices that could lead to the contamination
of the finished packaged product with pathogens.


It is plainly evident that t o be of ultimate use, any control program

must be well-organized and enforced on a continuing basis. Problem
situations have been known t o arise without any prior indications.
Thus, constant surveillance coupled with good manufacturing practices
is the best prevention. A system of controls, no matter how sophistica-
ted, would be useless without the continuing support of management.
In the final analysis the responsibility of enforcing controls rests with


GABIS, D. A. and SILLIKER, J. H. 1974.ICMSF methods studies. 11. Comparison

of a n a l y t i c a l s c h e m e for detection of Salmonella in high moisture
foods. Canadian J. Microbiol. 20, No. 5,663-669.
HILKER, J. S. 1976. Confectionery products. In Compendium of Methods for the
Microbiological Examination o f Foods, (M. L. Speck, ed. ), American Public
Health Association, Washington, D.C.
National Academy of Sciences. 1969. An Evaluation of the Salmonella Problem,
Washington, D.C.
National Academy of Sciences. 1971. Reference Methods for the Microbiological
Examination of Foods, Washington, D.C.
SILLIKER, J. H. and GABIS, D. A. 1975. A cellulose sponge sampling technique
for surfaces - A research note. J. Milk Food Technol. 38, No. 9,504.
SPECK, M. L. ( e d ) 1976. Compendium o f Methods for the Microbiological Exam-
ination of Foods, American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
US. Food and Drug Administration. Bacteriological Analytical Manual, Wash-
ington, D.C.

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