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Е.Н . Соловова
John Parsons


Тренировочные задания
к разделу «Аудирование»
Тексты аудиозаписей
Ответы ко всем заданиям
с текстами для аудирования

Центр изучения английского языка

Елены Солововой

УДК 372.8:811.111
ББК 74.268.2Англ-922

Соловова, Е.Н.
С60 ЕГЭ. Английский язык. Практикум. Аудирование / Е.Н. Соловова, John Parsons. — М.: Центр изучения
английского языка Елены Солововой, 2011. — 143, [1] с.

ISBN 978-5-451-00007-6

Практикум ориентирован на подготовку учащихся школы для успешной сдачи Единого государствен­
ного экзамена по английскому языку.
Предлагаемое пособие содержит информацию о структуре и содержании ЕГЭ по иностранному языку в
целом и части «Аудирование».
В книге предложены пошаговые советы по эффективному выполнению каждого типа экзаменационного
задания ЕГЭ 2011 года в разделе «Аудирование» и 20 вариантов тренировочных заданий каждого типа в
формате ЕГЭ для отработки предложенных алгоритмов.
Выполнение заданий с учетом предлагаемой последовательности действий поможет быстрее сформи­
ровать нужные стратегии работы с данными типами заданий и сократить время на их выполнение на экза­
Помимо инструкций и заданий в пособие входят тексты аудиозаписей и ключи ко всем заданиям.
Данное пособие может быть использовано как в классе под руководством учителя, так и дома для само­
стоятельной работы.
Пособие предназначено учителям английского языка и методистам, учащимся старших классов школ и
всем тем, кто готовит и готовится к ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

У Д К 372.8:811.111
ББК 74.268.2Англ-922

Подписано в печать 11.10.2010.

Формат 60x90/8. Гарнитура «Школьная». Бумага газетная. Уч.-изд. л. 7,03.
Уел. печ. л. 18. Тираж 15000 экз. Заказ № 3124.

ISBN 978-5-451-00007-6 © Соловова Е.Н., John Parsons, 2011

© Центр изучения английского языка Елены Солововой, 2011

Пояснительная записка................................ ....................................................................................... 4

СПЕЦИФИКАЦИЯ контрольных измерительных материалов
Единого государственного экзамена по иностранным языкам...................................................5
Бланк ответов № 1 .............................................................................................................................. 14


Первое задание (В1). Понимание основного содержания текста............................................17
Второе задание (А 1-А 7). Понимание запрашиваемой информации.................................... 28
Третье задание (А 8-А 14). Детальное понимание текста......................................................... 44


Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям.............................................................. 66

Первое задание (В1). Понимание основного содержания текста......................................... 141
Второе задание (А 1-А 7). Понимание запрашиваемой информации................................... 142
Третье задание (А 8-А 14). Детальное понимание текста........................................................ 143

Пояснительная записка

Данная книга продолжает новую серию учебных пособий по подготовке к ЕГЭ по анг­
лийскому языку. Основная цель данного пособия — предоставить учащимся и учителям не­
обходимый материал для отработки стратегий выполнения трех типов заданий раздела
«Аудирование», представленных в ЕГЭ.
С этой целью в практикуме дается полная информация о структуре раздела ЕГЭ «Ауди­
рование», о цели каждого задания в данном разделе, а главное — советов по их оптималь­
ному выполнению. Эти советы можно рассматривать как алгоритм, который поможет избе­
жать потери времени на экзамене, повысить осознанность действий и концентрацию
внимания на ключевых моментах каждого задания.
Для того чтобы данные советы стали реальным «руководством к действию», желательно
выполнять каждое задание практикума с опорой на пошаговые реком ендации предложенно­
го алгоритма: вспоминать, что нужно сделать до начала непосредственной работы с данным
заданием, как эффективно выполнить его и как самостоятельно проверить правильность за­
Тематика и речевое наполнение тестовых заданий практикума соответствует государст­
венному образовательному стандарту и кодификатору ЕГЭ и охватывает следующие темати-
честе разделы:
1) « Человек и его окружение. Взаимоотношения в семье и с друзьями. Переписка. Внеш­
ность и черты характера. Досуг и увлечения. Путешествия. П окупки»;
2) Школьное образование. Изучаемые предметы, отношение к ним. Каникулы. Досуг
молодежи: посещение кружков, спортивных секций, клубов по интересам. Возможности
продолжения образования в высшей школе. Проблемы выбора будущей сферы трудовой и
профессиональной деятельности, профессии. Планы на ближайшее будущее. Языки между­
народного общения и их роль в выборе профессии в современном мире;
3) Родная страна и страны изучаемого языка: их географическое положение, климат,
столицы и их достопримечательности. Национальные праздники, традиции и обычаи. Вы­
дающиеся люди и их вклад в науку и мировую культуру. Городская и сельская среда прожи­
вания. Средства массовой информации и современные информационные ресурсы.
Материалы пособия можно использовать на занятиях под руководством учителя или в
ходе самостоятельной подготовки к экзамену.
Предложенные задания позволяют проверить и оценить уровень готовности к выполне­
нию заданий ЕГЭ в разделе «Аудирование», определить сильные и слабые стороны своей
подготовки, восполнить имеющиеся пробелы.

контрольных измерительных материалов
Единого государственного экзамена
по иностранным языкам

1. Назначение экзаменационной работы

Контрольные измерительные материалы позволяют установить уровень освоения выпу­
скниками Федерального компонента государственного образовательного стандарта основного
общего и среднего (полного) общего образования.
Результаты Единого государственного экзамена по иностранному языку признаются об­
щеобразовательными учреждениями, в которых реализуются образовательные программы
среднего (полного) общего образования, как результаты государственной (итоговой) аттеста­
ции, а образовательными учреждениями среднего профессионального образования и образо­
вательными учреждениями высшего профессионального образования как результаты вступи­
тельных испытаний по иностранному языку.

2. Документы, определяющие содержание экзаменационной работы

1. Федеральный компонент государственных стандартов основного общего и среднего
(полного) общего образования, базовый и профильный уровень (Приказ Минобразования
России № 1089 от 05.03.2004 г.).
2. Примерные программы по иностранным языкам / / Новые государственные стан­
дарты по иностранному языку 2 -11 классы / Образование в документах и комментари­
ях. — М.: ACT. Астрель, 2004.
3. Программы общеобразовательных учреждений. Английский язык для 10-11 классов
школ с углубленным изучением иностранных языков. — М.: Просвещение, 2003.
4. Программы для общеобразовательных учреждений. Немецкий язык для общеобразо­
вательных школ с углубленным изучением немецкого языка. — М.: издательство «Просве­
щение», издательство МАРТ, 2004.
5. Программы общеобразовательных учреждений. Французский язь>^ для 1-11 классов
школ с углубленным изучением иностранных языков. — М.: Просвещение, 2001.
6. Программы общеобразовательных учреждений. Испанский язык для 5-11 классов
школ с углубленным изучением иностранных языков. — М.: Просвещение, 2005.

При разработке КИМ также учитываются:

7. Общеевропейские компетенции владения иностранным языком: Изучение, преподава­
ние, оценка. — МГЛУ, 2003.

3. Структура экзаменационной работы

Экзаменационная работа включает разделы «Аудирование», «Чтение», «Грамматика и
лексика» и «Письмо».
Для дифференциации экзаменуемых по уровням владения иностранным языком в пре­
делах, сформулированных в Федеральном компоненте государственного стандарта общего об-


разования по иностранным языкам, во все разделы включаются наряду с заданиями базового

уровня задания более высоких уровней сложности.
Уровень сложности заданий определяется уровнями сложности языкового материала и
проверяемых умений, а также типом задания.
В работу по иностранному языку включены задания с выбором ответа из 3-х или 4-х
предложенных (28 заданий), 16 заданий открытого типа с кратким ответом, в том чис­
ле задания на установление соответствия, и 2 задания открытого типа с развернутым отве­
Базовый, повышенный и высокий уровни сложности заданий ЕГЭ соотносятся с уровня­
ми владения иностранными языками, определенными в документах Совета Европы1 следую­
щим образом:
Базовый уровень — А 2+2
Повышенный уровень — В1
Высокий уровень — В2

Таблица 1

Распределение заданий экзаменационной работы по разделам

Соотношение оценок Макси­

Разделы Кол-во выполнения отдельных частей мальный Тип

работы заданий работы в общей оценке первичный заданий
(в % от макс. балла) балл
1 Аудирование 15 25% 20 Задания
2 Чтение 9 25% 20 на соответствие,
с выбором ответа и
3 20 25% 20 с кратким ответом
и лексика
Задания с развер­
4 Письмо 2 25% 20
нутым ответом
Итого 46 100% 80

4. Распределение заданий экзаменационной работы по содержанию и видам проверяе­

мых знаний и умений
В аудировании и чтении проверяется сформированность умений понимания как основно­
го содержания письменных и звучащих текстов, так и полного понимания соответствующих
текстов. Кроме того, в чтении проверяется понимание структурно-смысловых связей текста,
а в аудировании — понимание в прослушиваемом тексте запрашиваемой информации или
определение в нем ее отсутствия.

1 Общеевропейские компетенции владения язы ком : Изучение, преподавание, оценка. МГЛУ,

2 П оскольку весь возмож ный спектр уровней владения иностранным язы ком представлен в д ок у­
менте Совета Европы лишь ш естью уровнями, очевидно, что внутри каж дого из них мож но выделять
определенные подуровни. Обозначение базового уровня ЕГЭ как А 2 + означает, что из описания уров­
ня А 2 для подготовки заданий базового уровня разработчики ориентирую тся на дескрипторы , лежа­
щие ближе к уровню В1, а не к А 1.

В разделе «Грамматика и лексика» проверяются умения применять соответствующие

лексико-грамматические знания в работе с иноязычными текстами.
В разделе «Письмо» контролируются умения создания различных типов письменных
Соотношение проверяемых знаний и умений и первичных баллов представлено в таблице 2.

Таблица 2
Распределение заданий экзаменационной работы по содержанию
и видам проверяемых знаний и умений

Проверяемые элементы Кол-во Максимальный Процент от максимального

содержания заданий первичный балл тестового балла
Понимание основного содержания
1 6
прослушанного текста
Понимание в прослушанном тексте 25%
7 7
запрашиваемой информации
Полное понимание прослушанного
7 7
Понимание основного содержания
1 7
Понимание структурно-смысловых 25%
1 6
связей текста
Полное и точное понимание ин­
7 7
формации в тексте
Грамматика и лексика
Грамматические навыки 7 7
Лексико-грамматические навыки 6 6 25%
Лексико-грамматические навыки 7 7
Письмо личного характера 1
Письменное высказывание с эле­ 20 25%
ментами рассуждения по предло­ 1
женной проблеме

5. Распределение заданий экзаменационной работы по уровню сложности

В разделах «Аудирование» и «Чтение» представлены задания, относящиеся к трем раз­
ным уровням сложности. В разделе «Грамматика и лексика» — к двум (базовому и повы­
шенному). В разделе «Письмо» задания относятся к базовому и высокому уровням сложно­
Распределение заданий по уровням сложности представлено в следующей таблице.


Таблица 3
Распределение заданий по уровням сложности

Процент максимального первичного

Кол-во Максимальный балла за задания данного
заданий первичный балл уровня сложности
от максимального тестового балла
Базовый 16 32 40%
Повышенный 15 20 25%
Высокий 15 28 25%
Итого 46 80 100% !

Задания в экзаменационной работе располагаются по возрастающей степени трудности

внутри каждого раздела работы.

6. Жанрово-стилистическая принадлежность текстов, используемых в разделах «Ауди­

рование» и «Чтение»
Аудирование: высказывания собеседников в распространенных стандартных ситуациях
повседневного общения, прагматические (объявления) и публицистические (интервью, репор­
тажи) аудиотексты.
Чтение: публицистические, художественные, научно-популярные и прагматические
Распределение текстов определенной жанрово-стилистической принадлежности по за­
даниям разного уровня сложности представлено в таблице 4.

Таблица 4

Аудирование Чтение
Базовый Краткие высказывания информаци­ Краткие тексты информационного
онно-прагматического характера и научно-популярного характера
Повышенный Беседа или высказывание в стан­ Публицистические (напр, рецензия)
дартных ситуациях повседневного и научно-популярные тексты
Высокий Интервью, развернутое тематиче­ Художественный или публицисти­
ское высказывание, репортаж ческий (напр, эссе) текст

7. Требования к отбору текстов

Тексты, используемые для заданий всех разделов, должны отвечать следующим требова­
— выбранный отрывок должен характеризоваться законченностью, внешней связностью
и внутренней осмысленностью;
— содержание должно учитывать возрастные особенности выпускника, не должно выхо­
дить за рамки коммуникативного, читательского и жизненного опыта экзаменуемого;


— текст должен соответствовать жанру, указанному в описании задания;

— содержание не должно дискриминировать экзаменуемых по религиозному, нацио­
нальному и другим признакам;
— текст не должен быть перегружен информативными элементами: терминами, имена­
ми собственными, цифровыми данными;
— языковая сложность текста должна соответствовать заявленному уровню сложности
задания (базовый, повышенный, высокий).

8. Система оценивания отдельных заданий и работы в целом

За верное выполнение каждого задания с выбором ответа и с кратким ответом ученик
получает 1 балл. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа выставляется 0 баллов.
Уровень сформированности комплекса продуктивных речевых умений и навыков выпу­
скников определяется экспертами, прошедшими специальную подготовку для проверки за­
даний ЕГЭ 2009 года в соответствии с Методическими рекомендациями по оцениванию зада­
ний с развернутым ответом, подготовленными ФИПИ, на основе Критериев и схем
оценивания выполнения заданий разделов «Письмо» (задания С1-С2), а также дополнитель­
ных схем оценивания конкретных заданий.
Особенностью оценивания заданий С1-С2 является то, что при получении экзаменуемым
0 баллов по критерию «Содержание» все задание оценивается в 0 баллов.
При оценивании заданий раздела «Письмо» (С1-С2) следует учитывать такой пара­
метр, как объем письменного текста, выраженный в количестве слов. Требуемый объем для
личного письма С1 — 100-140 слов; для развернутого письменного высказывания С2 —
2 0 0-2 5 0 слов. Допустимое отклонение от заданного объема составляет 10% . Если в выпол­
ненном задании С1 менее 90 слов или в задании С2 менее 180 слов, то задание проверке не
подлежит и оценивается в 0 баллов. При превышении объема более чем на 10% , т.е. если в
выполненном задании С1 более 154 слов или в задании С2 более 275 слов, проверке подле­
жит только та часть работы, которая соответствует требуемому объему. Таким образом, при
проверке задания С1 отсчитываются от начала работы 140 слов, задания С2 — 250 слов и
оценивается только эта часть работы.
За верное выполнение всех заданий экзаменационной работы можно максимально полу­
чить 80 первичных баллов. Баллы, которые фиксируются в свидетельстве о результатах ЕГЭ
для поступления в ссузы и вузы, подсчитываются по 100-балльной шкале на основе анализа
результатов выполнения всех заданий работы.
В свидетельство выставляются результаты ЕГЭ по иностранному языку при условии, ес­
ли выпускник набрал количество баллов не ниже минимального.

9. Минимальное количество баллов ЕГЭ

После проведения экзамена Рособрнадзор устанавливает минимальное количество баллов
ЕГЭ по иностранному языку, подтверждающее освоение выпускником программы среднего
(полного) общего образования по иностранному языку.
Минимальная граница ЕГЭ по иностранному языку определяется объемом знаний и уме­
ний, без которых в дальнейшем невозможно продолжение образования в учреждениях сред­
него профессионального и высшего профессионального образования.
Экзаменуемые, набравшие не ниже минимального балла ЕГЭ по иностранному языку,
должны продемонстрировать:

— понимание основного содержания иноязычного звучащего и письменного текста;

— умение создать связное письменное высказывание в жанре личного письма (дать раз­
вернутое сообщение в соответствии с коммуникативной целью, запросить информацию, со­
блюдать принятые в иностранном языке нормы вежливости);
— владение лексико-грамматическими и орфографическими навыками базового уровня.

10. Время выполнения работы

Время выполнения четырех письменных разделов экзаменационной работы — 160 мин.
Рекомендуемое время выполнения отдельных разделов:
Аудирование — 30 мин.
Чтение — 30 мин.
Грамматика и лексика — 40 мин.
Письмо — 60 мин.

11. План экзаменационной работы

Варианты экзаменационной работы равноценны по трудности, одинаковы по структуре,
параллельны по расположению заданий: под одним и тем же порядковым номером во всех
вариантах работы по данному языку находится задание, проверяющее один и тот же элемент
Содержание единого государственного экзамена по иностранному языку отражено в обоб­
щенном плане экзаменационной работы. Обобщенный план экзаменационной работы 2011 г. да­
ется в Приложении 1.

12. Дополнительные материалы и оборудование

Дополнительные материалы и оборудование на экзамене по иностранному языку вклю­
чают звуковоспроизводящую аппаратуру (раздел 1 «Аудирование»), аудиокассеты или ком­
пакт-диски (CD) с материалами для выполнения заданий раздела 1 «Аудирование».

13. Общие требования к процедуре проведения ЕГЭ

Специфика структуры и формата ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам определяет специфику
кадрового обеспечения экзамена.
Проведение ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам осуществляется с привлечением специалистов
по данному предмету:
1. Председатель предметной комиссии;
2. Ответственный эксперт по подготовке и проведению установочного семинара для экс­
пертов, проверяющих выполнение заданий раздела 4 «Письмо»;
3. Эксперт, оценивающий задания в разделе «Письмо».
Кроме них привлекаются организаторы.
Для проведения ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам на ППЭ выделяются аудитории для прове­
дения письменной части (1 аудитория на группу экзаменуемых в 15 человек).
Каждая аудитория для проведения экзамена оснащена аппаратурой, обеспечивающей
качественное воспроизведение аудиозаписей.
Все ответы экзаменуемых на задания раздела 4 оцениваются двумя независимыми экс­


Результаты первого, второго и, при необходимости, третьего оценивания ответа экза­

менуемого в разделе «Письмо» фиксируются экспертами в Бланках-протоколах оценивания
ответов на задания С1-С2.

14. Рекомендации по подготовке к экзамену

При подготовке к экзамену рекомендуется использовать учебники, имеющие гриф Ми­
нобрнауки России и включенные в Федеральные перечни учебников, рекомендованных (допу­
щенных) к использованию в образовательном процессе в образовательных учреждениях, реа­
лизующих образовательные программы общего образования и имеющих государственную
аккредитацию, на 2010/2011 учебный год.
К экзамену можно готовиться по пособиям, включенным в следующие перечни, разме­
щенные на сайте ФИПИ:
— Перечень учебных пособий, разработанных с участием ФИПИ;
— Перечень учебных пособий, имеющих гриф «Допущено ФИПИ к использованию в учеб­
ном процессе в образовательных учреждениях».

15. Изменения в КИМ 2011 г. по сравнению с 2010 г.

Изменения в структуре и содержании КИМ ЕГЭ 2011 г. по сравнению с 2010 г. отсутст­
вуют. Внесены изменения в схему и критерии оценивания задания С1 (личное письмо).
При сохранении общего максимального количества баллов, которое экзаменуемый может
получить за успешное выполнение задания (6 баллов), оценивание производится по 3 крите­
риям: содержание (0-2 балла), организация текста (0 -2 балла), языковое оформление текста
(0 -2 балла).
В заданиях на установление соответствия B l, В2, ВЗ предусмотрен переход к единооб­
разной цифровой форме ответов, что позволит сократить число ошибок выпускников при за­
полнении бланков, брака при распознавании и верификации ответов экзаменуемых.


Приложение 1

Обобщенный план
экзаменационной работы 2011 г. по иностранным языкам

Обозначение заданий в работе и бланке ответов: А — задания с выбором ответа,

В — задания с кратким ответом, С — задания с развернутым ответом.
Уровни сложности заданий: Б — базовый (примерный интервал выполнения задания —
60%-90%), П — повышенный (40%-60%), В — высокий (менее 40%).

Коды проверяемых Макс. балл

Обозначение Проверяемые Уровень
элементов за выпол­
№ задания элементы сложности
содержания нение
в работе содержания задания
по кодификатору задания
1 2 3 4 5 6
Раздел 1. Аудирование
Понимание основного 3.1 Б 6
1 В1 содержания прослу­
шанного текста
2 А1 3.2 П 1
3 А2 3.2 П 1
4 АЗ Понимание в про­ 3.2 П 1
слушанном тексте за­
5 А4 прашиваемой инфор­
3.2 П 1
6 А5 мации 3.2 п 1
7 А6 3.2 п 1
8 А7 3.2 п 1
9 А8 3.3 в 1
10 А9 3.3 в 1
11 А10 3.3 в 1
Полное понимание
12 АН прослушанного текста 3.3 в 1
13 А12 3.3 в 1
14 А13 3.3 в 1
15 А14 3.3 в 1
Итого 20
Раздел 2. Чтение
Понимание основного 2.1 Б 7
16 В2
содержания текста
Понимание структур­ 2.4 п 6
17 ВЗ но-смысловых связей
18 А15 2.2 в 1
Полное 2.2 в
19 А16 1
20 А17 информации в тексте 2.2 в 1
21 А18 2.2 в 1


1 2 3 4 5 6
22 А19 Полное 2.2 В 1
23 А20 понимание информа­ 2.2 В 1
ции в тексте
24 А21 2.2 В 1
Итого 20
Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика
25 В4 5.2.1 (англ., исп., франц. Б 1
26 В5 яз.) Б 1
5.2.2 (англ., исп. яз.)
27 В6 5.2.3 (англ., исп., нем., Б 1
28 В7 франц. яз.) Б 1
29 В8 5.2.4 (англ., исп. яз.) Б 1
5.2.5 (англ., исп., нем.,
30 В9 франц. яз) Б 1
31 В10 5.2.6 (англ., исп., нем. яз.) Б 1
32 В11 5.3.1 (англ., нем., исп. яз.) Б 1
33 В12 5.1.2 (франц. яз.) Б 1
Лексико­ 5.2.2 (франц. яз.)
34 В13 5.2.3 (франц. яз.) Б 1
35 В14 навыки 5.2.6 (франц. яз.) Б 1
36 В15 Б 1
37 В16 Б 1
38 А22 5.3.3 (англ. яз.) П 1
39 А23 5.3.3 (исп. яз.) П 1
5.3.3 (нем. яз.)
40 А24 Лексико­ 5.3.2 (франц. яз.) П 1
41 А25 грамматические П 1
42 А26 П 1
43 А27 П 1
44 А28 П 1
Итого 20
Раздел 4. Письмо
Письмо личного ха­
45 С1 4.3 Б 6
Письменное высказы­
вание с элементами
46 С2 рассуждения по пред­ 4.6 В 14
ложенной проблеме
«Ваше мнение»
Итого 20
Всего заданий — 46, из них по типу заданий: А — 28, В — 16, С — 2;
по уровню сложности: Б — 16, П — 15, В — 15.
Максимальный первичный балл за работу — 80.
Общее время выполнения работы — 160 мин.

Бланк ответов № 1

и Е ди н ы й г о с у д а р с т в е н н ы й э к з а м е н

Si (Б.ш нк om fwrneii N91 ||

Заполнять гелевой или капиллярной ручкой ЧЁРНЫМИ чернилами ЗАГЛАВНЫМИ ПЕЧАТНЫМИ БУКВАМИ по следующим образцам:

А Б В Г Д Е Ё Ж З И Й 1 С Л М Н 0 П Р С Т У ? Х Ц Ч Ш Щ ' Ъ Ь 1 Ь Э Ю Я t Z 34 5 6 7 &90
предмета Название предмета Ощъттж эттна ознакомленщш т ш

□□ □□ ооооооооо
IВсе бланки и листы с контрольными измерительными материалами рассматриваются е комплекте
Подай» участника ЕГЭ строго внутри окошка □ш
Номера заданий типа А с выборомответа из предложенных варианте»
“*написанияметки Ixl
wl БЗАПь
ур нсы
А1 А2 АЗ М А5 А6 А7 А8 А9 *18 А11 А12А13А14A1SА16 А17А18А19А» А21 А22А23 А24А25А28 А27ASА23АЗО
V ....... ллшши*. . ...... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ^ ....... ....... ....... _
___ ....... .......
£ *□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ *
А31 А32АЗЗА34 A3S«6 А37АЗЗАЭ8А40А41 А42М3 А44 A4SА4вА*7А48А49 ASOAS1А52 AS3А54А85А66AS?А58 A5SА«0
1J_n □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Dj_
g_f_D □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ D_f_

1j г | з 1а i | a| з | а 1I Ш| 3| Резерв-6
Замена Щ □ □ □□
а АЩ □ □ □ □ а Ш □ □ □□
ошибочныха00 о о □ □ А 00 □ □ □ □ 0000
сутошчаэ A 0Q □ □ □ □
назадания Резерв-7
типаА a QQ □ □ □ □ a QD □ □ □ □ а00 □ □ □ □
a Q3 □ □ □ □ A0 0 □ □ □ □ А00 □ □ □ □ 0000
Результаты выполнении заданий типа Вс ответом в краткой форме
" □ ш а ш ш ш ш ш и ш •” □ ш и ш ш ш и ш ш ш
" О Ш О Ш О О О Ш О Ш О Ш ™с о о ш ш о о ш щ о с п и
ез и ш ш ш ш ш ш ш ш !!• ш о ш ш о о о о ш о о ш
- о ш о ш о о оо о оо о о оо ^ о т а о т о т о ш о о о о
■ •о о ш о о ш о о о о о о о ш - о т т т а т о т о о т
ввO D O D O D O D O D D D O O O O D - о ш е з ш о а о ш ш о о ш
-□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ о - ш е о ш ш ш ю ш
ваD D O D D D O D O Q D D O D D Q O - ш о ш ш а ш а ш о о ш
вэи и и и и и и и и и и и и и и и и - ш о о о ш о о ш ш о о ш
-о о о о о о о о о о о о о о о о о - □ о о ш ш о о о о ш а з о о
Замена ошибочных отввтоа на задания типа В
в ш -ш о с ш х и л ю о ш а в ш -ш о с ш з о т л о о а х )
в Ш -Ш (1 Е П Х П Х П Х 1 Ш 0 1 в Ш 4 Х 1 С 1 1 0 1 0 0 С 1 1 1 1 3 (Х Ш
в ш € ш (х о ш 1 1 ш ш о 1 в ш с )а о с ш х )[1 1 1 ю 1 1 ш

Рекомендуемое время на выполнение данного раздела — 30 минут.

Максимально 20 баллов за верное выполнение всех заданий раздела.

Данный раздел экзамена состоит из трех заданий. Каждое задание проверяет тот или
иной вид аудирования: понимание основного содержания текста, понимание запрашиваемой
информации, детальное понимание текста.
Задание В1 Базового уровня (7 баллов) с кратким ответом (задание на соответствие). Это
задание на контроль умений понимания основного содержания аудиотекста.
Задание А 1—А7 Повышенного уровня (6 баллов) с выбором ответа (верно — неверно — в
тексте нет информации). Это задание на контроль понимания запрашиваемой информации в
Задание А 8—А14 Высокого уровня (7 баллов) с выбором ответа из трех предложенных
(задание на множественный выбор). Это задание на контроль детального понимания аудио­
Желательно заранее ознакомиться с форматом данной части экзамена и установками,
предлагаемыми к каждому заданию, а также бланками ответов и инструкциями по их за­
полнению. Установки к заданиям, как правило, формулируются одинаково во всех вариан­
тах ЕГЭ — это позволит сэкономить время на экзамене.

Понимание основного содержания текста

В данном задании надо установить соответствие между заголовком (темой или кратким
утверждением) и небольшим текстом. В задании предлагаются шесть коротких высказыва­
ний, отмеченных цифрами 1 -6 , и семь заголовков (тем или кратких утверждений), отмечен­
ных буквами А -G . Один заголовок (тема или краткое утверждение) — лишнее. За каждое
правильно установленное соответствие дается 1 балл. За все задание можно получить мак­
симально 6 баллов.

ЦЕЛЬ ЗАДАНИЯ: проверить умение

^ понимать основное содержание или основную идею высказывания;
<§> отделять главное от второстепенного;
Ф игнорировать избыточную информацию;
^ игнорировать незнакомые слова, не мешающие пониманию основной идеи или основного
содержания высказывания.


До прослушивания текстов
Заранее ознакомиться с форматом задания и с требованиями по заполнению бланков
для данного задания.
1. Прочитать заголовки (темы или краткие утверждения) и попытаться определить:
♦ что их объединяет (тема, проблема, ситуация, ключевое слово и т.д.);
♦ чем они отличаются друг от друга (проблемой, отношением к проблеме и т.д.)
2. В процессе изучения заголовков (тем, кратких утверждений) подчеркивать в них ключе­
вые слова, делать другие пометки, помогающие понять их смысл и отличия.
3. Глядя на заголовки, попытаться предвосхитить основное содержание текста, подходяще­
го к каждому из них по смыслу, а также те слова, которые необходимы для раскрытия
данной темы/ проблемы/ ситуации.

Во время первого прослушивания

1. По мере прослушивания каждого текста отмечать все возможные варианты ответа.
2. Делать нужные исправления в ответах по ходу прослушивания остальных текстов, т.к.
некоторые первоначальные варианты ответа могут отпадать методом исключения.

Во время второго прослушивания

1. Обратить особое внимание на тексты, где изначально были выбраны несколько возмож­
ных соответствий.
2. Слушая текст, записывать ключевые слова, которые помогают обосновать выбор того
или иного соответствия.

После прослушивания
1. Записать окончательный вариант ответа в таблицу после задания.
2. Определить лишний заголовок (тему, краткое утверждение).
3. Еще раз проверить точность записи ответов и перенести их в бланк.
Тренировочные задания к ЕГЭ. Раздел «Аудирование»


В1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказывания­

ми каждого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А -G . Используй­
те каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть
одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в
таблицу. ______________________________________________________________________

A. Uniforms can ‘hide’ people

B. Uniform rules can be too strict
C. Dress-code as a sort of uniform
D. Dress codes can prevent one looking one’ s best
E. Unbelievable coincidence
F. Uniforms are always dull
G. Dress-codes can be fun

Говорящий 1 2 3 4 5 6


В1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказывания­

ми каждого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке A —G. Используй­
те каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть
одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в
таблицу. _____________________________________________________________________

A. Don’t be idle on holiday

B. Beach holidays are extremely boring
C. A chance to discover more about oneself
D. New places are the best places to go to
E. Holidays are perfect for hobbies and pastimes
F. Restful holidays involve family and friends
G. Extreme sports can ruin your holiday

Говорящий 1 2 3 4 5 6

Первое задание(В1)


В1 Вы, услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказывания­

ми каждого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А -G . Используй­
те каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть
одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в

The Speaker believes that

A. sometimes speaking a foreign language hides no secrets.
B. it is beneficial to learn the language of the place where you live.
C. it is beneficial to become multilingual naturally.
D. everyone should learn a foreign language.
E. listening to foreign speakers can be relaxing.
F. one should have a choice in language learning.
G. language learning is hard work.

Говорящий 1 2 3 4 5 6


В1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказывания­

ми каждого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А -G . Используй­
те каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть
одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в

A. Better out than in

B. Music and food do not mix
C. Pure flavours
D. Surprising hobby
E. Important ingredients for success
F. Old recipes are best
G. Limited choice

Говорящий 1 2 3 4 5 6

Тренировочные задания к ЕГЭ. Раздел «Аудирование»


В1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказывания­

ми каждого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А -G . Используй­
те каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть
одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в
таблицу._________________ __________________________________________________________ __

A. Hidden motives
B. One for all
C. Frightening but friendly
D. Hidden value
E. Valuable in a group
F. Difficult to talk to
G. Effective worker

Говорящий 1 2 3 4 5 6


В1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказывания­

ми каждого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А -G . Используй­
те каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть
одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в
таблицу.______________________ .________________________________________________________

The Speaker believes that

A. for some people, old habits never die
B. sometimes it is a mistake to write a letter
C. writing letters in English is good practice
D. letter writing is a waste of time
E. it is a waste of time making your views known
F. persistence eventually gives some results
G. seven together will be better than one.

Говорящий 1 2 3 4 5 6

Первое задание(В1)


В1 Вы, услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказывания­

ми каждого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А -G . Используй­
те каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть
одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в

The speaker believes that

A. it is not easy to leave home for a university.
B. his/her chances of becoming a university student are high.
C. he/she is not too emotional about leaving school.
D. it can be too hard to pay back the money for higher education.
E. it is impossible to make the right career choice at the age of 18.
F. it is not necessary to start a career from a university course.
G. it is not good to start a university when you are too young.

Говорящий 1 2 3 4 5 6


В1 Вы, услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказывания­

ми каждого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А -G . Используй­
те каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть
одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в

The speaker believes that

A. it is possible to change professor’ s negative attitude.
B. it is OK to live in a students’ hostel, even if there are some minuses.
C. university life is often too stressful.
D. starting with a basic working position is OK for a career development.
E. he/she should arrange his/her life in a hostel better.
F. university focuses on students’ interests more than school does.
G. people have different ideas of what young girls should do after school.

Говорящий 1 2 3 4 5 6

Тренировочные задания к ЕГЭ. Раздел «Аудирование»


В1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказывания­

ми каждого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А -G . Используй­
те каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть
одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в
таблицу. ___________________________________________________________________ _________

A. Exchange programs are important for your studies.

B. Organizing your studies efficiently is important.
C. Education is never extra when you haven’t yet chosen a career.
D. Speaking a foreign is useful for exchange students.
E. College atmosphere motivates students to study.
F. Learning a foreign language is never extra.
G. College discipline policy can be too tough.

Говорящий 1 2 3 4 5 6


В1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказывания­

ми каждого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А -G . Используй­
те каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть
одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в
таблицу. _______________________________________________________________________

A. The youngest of the two children got more fame.

B. Homeland always meant a lot for the scientist.
C. Science was just one of many passions.
D. Late start made an early finish.
E. The road to success was hard and painful.
F. Early childhood didn’t promise such a success.
G. Scientific career was followed by one of the children.

Говорящий 1 2 3 4 5 6

Первое задание(В1)


В1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказыва­

ниями каждого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А -G . И с­
пользуйте каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В зада­
нии есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите
свои ответы в таблицу.____________________________________________________ _________

A. It’s possible only one week a year.

B. It’ s a national tradition to eat them on this day.
C. It combines fun and profit.
D. It’ s one of the days worth going to church.
E. English people aren't very religious.
F. This treat was officially allowed only twice a year.
G. This healthy habit has little to do with religion.

Говорящий 1 2 3 4 5 6


В1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказыва­

ниями каждого говорящего 1—6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А -G . И с­
пользуйте каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В за­
дании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите
свои ответы в таблицу._________________________________________________________ _

A. It was necessary to start it even earlier.

B. It was difficult to look like others.
C. It was a hard period, but it had its pluses.
D. It’s an expensive example of international research program.
E. It’s the oldest example of international business relations.
F. Russia then scored three to one.
G. It’ s a good example o f international cultural relations.

Говорящий 1 2 3 4 5 6

Тренировочные задания к ЕГЭ, Раздел «Аудирование»


В1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказывания­

ми каждого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А -G . Используй­
те каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть
одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в
таблицу.____________________________________________________ __________________________

The Speaker believes that

A. good books can transport you to other worlds.
B. it’ s nice practice to give away books that you have already read.
C. in some cases it is not bad to watch a screen version of the book.
D. the difficult language of the writer can hide a good story.
E. a good mixture of mental stimulation is good.
F. old novels are not worth reading.
G. traditional reading will never stop.

Говорящий 1 2 3 4 5 6


В1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказывания­

ми каждого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А -G . Используй­
те каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть
одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в

The narrator believes that

A. some hobbies are a form of escape.
B. pastimes are generally expensive.
C. an extra effort is sometimes rewarded.
D. it is not easy to focus on one hobby.
E. hobbies can sometimes change one’s life.
F. sometimes we need to travel to enjoy our hobby.
G. hobbies can be the result of pure chance.

Говорящий 1 2 3 4 5 6

Первое задание(В1)


В1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказывания­

ми каждого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А -G . Используй­
те каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть
одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в

The Speaker believes that

A. you can’ t always trust sales messages.
B. applying new technology to shopping is good.
C. efficiency and comfort are not that important
D. bargain hunters used to go to extreme measures.
E. the best discounts are not necessarily in the winter.
F. the most important thing about shopping is price.
G. it’s worth paying more in a real shop traditional.

Говорящий 1 2 3 4 5 6


В1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказывания­

ми каждого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А -G . Используй­
те каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть
одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в
таблицу.________________________________________________________________________ _

The narrator believes that

A. it is good to be spontaneous when travelling.
B. weekends can be really boring.
C. the weekend is perfect for long walks.
D. the best thing about Saturday morning is breakfast.
E. it’ s good to get outside at the weekend.
F. Sundays are for meeting friends and chatting.
G. sport is more about fun than prizes.

Говорящий 1 2 3 4 5 6

Тренировочные задания к ЕГЭ. Раздел «Аудирование»


В1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказывания­

ми каждого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А -G . Используй­
те каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть
одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в

A. Proper revision is crutial before exams.

B. Teachers can help with choosing effective revision strategies.
C. Tests should not test what you haven’ t learned yet.
D. Memorising ready-made answers isn’t a wise revision strategy.
E. One can invent personally useful revision strategies.
F. Creativity can help to find a way out at exams.
G. It’s hard to get good test results in a subject you don’t like.

Говорящий 1 2 3 4 5 6


В1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказывания­

ми каждого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А -G . Используй­
те каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть
одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в
таблицу._____ __________________ __________________________ ________________________

A. It may be annoying, but it is useful.

B. Everyone at school should oppose it.
C. Reasonable arguments can make teachers more flexible.
D. Students are not allowed to use them.
E. Some school rules are really stupid and useless.
F. Everybody has their own responsibilities.
G. In reality it is more flexible than it is supposed to be.

Говорящий 1 2 3 4 5 6

Первое задание(В1)


В1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказывания­

ми каждого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А -G . Используй­
те каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть
одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в

A. A world famous architect who designed no buildings.

B. To be recognized as a good architect was not easy.
C. The talent that had no support.
D. Talented farther had many talented relatives.
E. Architecture and nature lav/s should go hand-in-hand.
F. A great architect who is remembered mainly as a painter.
G. He restored palaces and wanted ordinary buildings to look great.

Говорящий 1 2 3 4 5 6


В1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказывания­

ми каждого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А -G . Используй­
те каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть
одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в
таблицу._________ ____________________________________________________________________

Now we are ready to start

A. Little changes in our lives can change our Mother Earth.
B. Climate change predictions can be more accurate.
C. Human memory can play tricks.
D. The difference between the language and real life.
E. It changed, changes and will change.
F. We will never see it again.
G. They are rare and unforgettable views.

Говорящий 1 2 3 4 5 6

Понимание запрашиваемой информации

В данном задании надо выбрать правильный ответ из трех предложенных: Верно/ Не­
верно/ В тексте не сказано. В задании предлагается семь утверждений, связанных с содер­
жанием аудиотекста (беседы или небольшого сообщения в пределах тем повседневного обще­
ния). Текст записи звучит дважды. В ходе выполнения задания требуется установить,
является ли каждое из утверждений верным, ложным или текст не дает достаточной инфор­
мации по данному вопросу. За каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл. За все задание
можно получить максимально 7 баллов.

ЦЕЛЬ ЗАДАНИЯ: проверить умение

ф понимать суть запрашиваемой информации и находить нужную информацию в звуча­

щем тексте;
определять наличие или отсутствие запрашиваемой информации в тексте;
<§> игнорировать избыточную информацию и незнакомые слова, не мешающие выполнению


До прослушивания текстов

1. Определить общее содержание текста по первой строке установки.

2. Бегло просмотреть все утверждения, а затем каждое утверждение последовательно, что­
бы уточнить суть запрашиваемой информации. Мысленно сформулировать уточняющие
вопросы. Они помогут сконцентрировать внимание на нужных моментах текста, игнори­
ровать избыточную информацию, определить, есть ли запрашиваемая информация в
тексте. Пример утверждения: Сестра одобряет решение брата по поводу летних кани­
кул. (Сестра или кто-то иной? Одобряет ли? Чье решение? Летних ли каникул? и т.д.)
3. Если в утверждении есть информация (чаще всего именно уточняющая деталь), которая
отсутствует в тексте — это является основанием для выбора ответа «нет информации».
4. Если не успели изучить все утверждения, не расстраивайтесь. Все задания идут последо­
вательно по тексту, опережения на одно задание достаточно.

Во время первого прослушивания

По мере прослушивания текста отмечать все возможные варианты ответа, принимая во
внимание уточняющие детали, вопросы, заданные ранее.

Во время второго прослушивания

Обратить особое внимание на задания, где изначально были выбраны несколько возмож­
ных вариантов ответа. Слушая текст, записывать ключевые слова, позволяющие обосновать
правильность выбора ответа.

После прослушивания
Проверить однозначность выбора ответа и перенести ответы в бланк.
Второе задание(А1-А7)


Вы услышите разговор между братом и сестрой о летних каникулах. Определите, какие

из приведённых утверждений ( А 1 - А 7 ) соответствуют содержанию т екст а(1), какие
не соответствуют(2) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя
дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа(З). Обведите номер выбранного ва­
ми варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

А1 [ Katie’ s initial view about Paul’ s summer plans is entirely positive.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А2 Katie enjoys department store work.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

АЗ They finally agree that there is no excuse for not being computer literate.
1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А4 | In the summer Paul will work individually with every trainee.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А5 Paul has been a volunteer before.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А6 | Katie never volunteered for anything.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А7 1 Paul believes they share the same motives for their summer holidays.
1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано


Вы услышите разговор между Кэйти и ее другом о планах на лето. Определите, какие из

приведённых утверждений ( А 1 - А 7 ) соответствуют содержанию т екст а(1), какие не
соответствуют(2) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя
дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа(З). Обведите номер выбранного ва­
ми варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

А1 Katie is certain that her brother’s choice for the summer vacation is the best.
1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А2 Katie worries that she might never change.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано
Тренировочные задания к ЕГЭ. Раздел «Аудирование»

АЗ | James believes Katie’ s thinking is correct.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А4 1 James suggests that they should take opportunities while they can.
1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А5 James believes that all people are born to be alike.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А6 | Katie decides to go on the Mediterranean holiday.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А7 | Being a volunteer is of no interest to James.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано


Вы услышите разговор между слушательницей компьютерных курсов и ее инструкто­

ром. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений ( А 1 -А 7 ) соответствуют содер­
жанию т екст а(1), какие не соответствуют(2 ) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на
основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа(З). Обве­
дите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

А1 Ivy previously believed she could never learn to use computers.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А2 Ivy’s husband Fred is impressed by Paul.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

АЗ Fred has been on a computer course before.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А4 Paul refused to take Fred as his trainee.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А5 James and Katie will do two evenings a week in September.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А6 CLAIT is easier than the Office Skills course.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А7 Ivy plans to finish both CLAIT and Office Skills courses by the end of winter.
1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано
Второе задание(А1-А7)


Вы услышите разговор двух студентов о выборе курса истории. Определите, какие из

приведённых утверждений ( А 1 - А 7 ) соответствуют содержанию текст а(1), какие не
соответствуют(2) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя
дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа(3). Обведите номер выбранного ва­
ми варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

А1 Victor and Anna are students o f the same department.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А2 Anna has always been keen on history.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

АЗ Anna believes the course with Dr. Jones gives real understanding of history.
1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А4 At first Victor thinks that the test system of Dr. Jones is very easy.
1) верно 2) Неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А5 The students in the course with Dr. Jones are not passive listeners.
1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А6 Anna approved of all the professor’ s demands, including test grading for spelling.
1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А7 Anna managed to persuade Victor to register for the course of Dr Jones.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано


Вы услышите разговор студентов о семестровом экзамене по истории. Определите, ка­

кие из приведённых утверждений ( А 1 - А 7 ) соответствуют содержанию текста( 1), ка­
кие не соответствуют(2) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста
нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа(З). Обведите номер выбран­
ного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

А1 Victor liked his history class with Dr. Smith.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

Тренировочные задания к ЕГЭ. Раздел «Аудирование»

А2 Ann thought her history exam was interesting and challenging, but not difficult.
1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

АЗ Ann’s exam consisted of two parts: multiple choice tasks and essay questions.
1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А4 Ann’s history professor wanted them to forget all they had learnt at school.
1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А5 This course covers the periods from medieval to modern history of Civilizations.
1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А6 То write an essay about a process is possible, if you’ve been taught how to do it.
1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А7 Victor wished he had taken the course with Dr. Jones, not with Dr. Smith.
1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано


Вы услышите разговор двух американских учеников о школьной программе обменов. Опре­

делите, какие из приведённых утверждений ( А 1 -А 7 ) соответствуют содержанию тек-
ста( 1), какие не соответствуют(2 ) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании
текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа(3). Обведите номер
выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

А1 I David can speak some Slavonic languages.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А2 The Bulgarian exchange student will stay with Rosalind’ s family for a school year.
1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

АЗ | When the school year is over, Rosalind will go to Bulgaria for the summer.
1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А4 The Bulgarian girl speaks English better than American school students.
1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

Второе задание (А1-А7)

А5 Rosalind’s family have already learned all they could about Bulgarian culture.
1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А6 Rosalind learned about the exchange program in her French class.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А7 David is sure that his parents wouldn’t like to host a foreign student.
1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано


Вы услышите разговор между братом и сестрой о покупке новой машины. Определите, ка­
кие из приведённых утверждений (А 1 -А 7 ) соответствуют содержанию текста(1), какие
не соответствуют^ ) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя
дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа(З). Обведите номер выбранного вами
варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

А1 Michael thinks it is best to buy a 3 or 4 year old car.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A2 Michael is a careful driver.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A3 The scrappage scheme supports buyers of second hand cars.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A4 | Hybrid cars are slower than regular cars.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A5 Hybrids can reach over 60 mph from zero in less than 15 seconds.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A6 Alice doesn’t know how to drive a car.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A7 C02 emissions make a big contribution to global warming.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Тренировочные задания к ЕГЭ. Раздел «Аудирование»


Вы услышите разговор между отцом и дочерью о поездке в магазин. Определите, какие из

приведённых утверждений (А 1 -А 7 ) соответствуют содержанию текста(1), какие не со­
ответствуют'(2) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать
ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа(З). Обведите номер выбранного вами ва­
рианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

А1 Alice is going shopping for carbonated water.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

А2 The choice of shopping is limited by A lice’ s decision to cycle.

1) True 2) False 3) |Not stated

АЗ They need more soap and toothpaste.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

А4 Alice is inexperienced in making electrical repairs.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

А5 The only way to travel at that time was by bicycle.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

А6 Dad believes even slow moving traffic is dangerous.

1) True 2) False 3) not stated

А7 A lice’s brother Michael also rides a bike.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


Вы услышите разговор между братом и сестрой о планах на вечер. Определите, какие из

приведённых утверждений (А 1 -А Т ) соответствуют содержанию текста(1), какие не со­
ответствуют(2) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать
ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа(З). Обведите номер выбранного вами ва­
рианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

|А1 | It took Alice nearly four hours to get home.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Второе задание (А1-А7)

А2 Michael wanted to see the film “Avatar” .

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

АЗ There was no chance for them to watch TV that evening.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

А4 Alice would quite like to see the film about The Doors.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

А5 Alice is really enjoying her essay on Shakespeare.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

А6 Alice thinks that Michael should choose a red car.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

А7 Michael is not sure if he can afford a new car.

1) True 2) False ■ 3) Not stated


Вы услышите разговор брата и сестры. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений

(А 1 - А 7 ) соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют
(2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни
положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — N ot stated). Обведите номер выбран­
ного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

А1 | Victor doesn’t like the TV show “ Who wants to be a Millionaire?”

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A2 Anna is completely bored with the programme

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A3 Anna finds Victor’s essay topic very interesting.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A4 Victor believes there were remarkable men of action in the 19th century.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Тренировочные задания к ЕГЭ. Раздел «Аудирование»

А5 Florence Nightingale came from a wealthy family.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

А6 Anna doesn’ t like Florence Nightingale.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

А7 Anna would have liked to be Nancy Astor.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


Вы услышите разговор друзей. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений ( А 1 -А 7 )

соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False)
и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положитель­
ного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами ва­
рианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

А 11 Anna believes that 19th Century history is really boring.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A2 David was surprised that Italy became a state so recently.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A3 Anna believes the most interesting part of history is names, dates and laws.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A4 David believes that it is important to study diaries and letters.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A5 Anna feels her class fails to teach what ordinary people in history felt or believed.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A6 Anna’s teacher was hostile to her criticism.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A7 In the end, Anna agreed with her teacher.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Второе задание (А1-А7)


Вы услышите разговор брата и сестры. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений

(А 1 -А 7 ) соответствуют содержанию текста(1 — True), какие не соответствуют
(2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни
положительного, ни отрицательного ответа(3 — N ot stated). Обведите номер выбранно­
го вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

А1 Anna thinks her brother is intruding into her private life.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A2 Victor believes film makers often have a religious agenda.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A3 Victor believes the most common reason for changing history is propaganda.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A4 The screen image of Queen Elizabeth was as close to reality as possible.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A5 Elizabeth and Mary were not the only children of Henry VIII.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A6 The real Elizabeth knew about Dudley’s marriage.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A7 | Anna saw the film with her boyfriend.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


Вы услышите разговор между английскими студентами, приехавшими во Францию в

конце летних каникул. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений ( А 1 -А 7 ) соот­
ветствуют содержанию т екст а(1), какие не соответствуют(2) и о чём в тексте не
сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицатель­
ного ответа(З). Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите за­
пись дважды.

А1 James prefers Paris to Nice.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано
Тренировочные задания к ЕГЭ. Раздел «Аудирование»

А2 Katie thinks that it is good to have countryside nearby.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

АЗ Katie thinks that it wasn’ t worth seven weeks work to pay for the holiday.
1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А4 James thinks Katie’ s brother made a better choice.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А5 James booked an expensive restaurant without consulting Katie.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А6 James has eaten at La Cambuse before.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А7 I They plan to be up all night.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано


Вы услышите разговор между братом и сестрой после летних каникул. Определите, ка­
кие из приведённых утверждений ( А 1 -А 7 ) соответствуют содержанию текста( 1), ка­
кие не соответствуют(2) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста
нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа(З). Обведите номер выбран­
ного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

А1 [ Katie wasn’ t very much impressed by Nice.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А2 Paul’s girlfriend Amy is half French.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

АЗ Amy grew up in Nice.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А4 Katie’s postcard gave Amy the idea to revisit Nice.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

Второе задание(А1-А7)

А5 Paul thinks his summer was a waste of time.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А6 Paul will spend two weeks in Nice next spring.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А7 Katie is planning to go to Nice again.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано


Вы услышите разговор между продавцом и покупателем об условиях покупки машины.

Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений (А 1 -А 7 ) соответствуют содержанию
текстаЦ), какие не соответствуют(2) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основа­
нии текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа(З). Обведите
номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

А1 ] The special price is for one year only.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A2 The purchasing scheme is with zero interest.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A3 Michael can take five years to pay for the car.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A4 The bank will agree to support Michael’ s credit application.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A5 Lease purchase is a good idea as technology keeps changing.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A6 Michael’ s chosen colour is green metallic.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A7 I Michael prefers black coffee.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Тренировочные задания к ЕГЭ. Раздел «Аудирование»


Вы услышите разговор между братом и сестрой о планах на ближайшее будущее. Опре­

делите, какие из приведённых утверждений (А 1 -А 7 ) соответствуют содержанию тек-
ста(1), какие не соответствуют^) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании
текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа(З). Обведите номер
выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

А1 | Michael has paid for his new car.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A2 Alice believes that going to Leeds will be a good test for the car.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A3 Charles is not going bowling tonight.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A4 Alice really likes Charles.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A5 They won’t have dinner before they leave.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A6 Michael doesn’t like going by bus.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A7 Alice won’t go there on her bicycle.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


Вы услышите разговор двух студентов о целесообразности изучения иностранного языка.

Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений ( А 1 -А 7 ) соответствуют содержанию
текста( 1), какие не соответствуют(2 ) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на осно­
вании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа(З). Обведите
номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

1А1 [ A fter college Rosalind wants to become a teacher of French.

1) верно 2) Неверно 3) в тексте не сказано
Второе задание (А1-А7)

А2 David believes there are enough people in the world to speak English to.
1) верно 2) Неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

АЗ David is not impressed with the first argument in favour of learning languages.
1) верно 2) Неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А4 David is interested in furthering his education.

1) верно 2) Неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А5 David thinks Rosalind is not very persuasive for a future foreign language teacher.
1) верно 2) Неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А6 David is going to learn poetry.

1) верно 2) Неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А7 Rosalind thinks David is too childish to discuss serious matters with.

1) верно 2) Неверно 3) в тексте не сказано


Вы услышите разговор двух выпускников вуза уровня бакалавриата. Определите, какие

из приведённых утверждений ( А 1 -А 7 ) соответствуют содержанию т екст а(1), какие
не соответствуют(2 ) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя
дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа(3). Обведите номер выбранного ва­
ми варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

А1 1 David was impatient for the graduation day to come.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А2 David doesn’ t plan to enroll for the graduate program in the nearest 3 years.
1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

АЗ Rosalind is going to continue her education.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А4 Rosalind is going to take the graduate course in foreign languages.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

Тренировочные задания к ЕГЭ. Раздел «Аудирование»

А5 David has elementary speaking skills in French and Russian.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А6 Rosalind and David knew each other before they became college students.
1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано

А7 Rosalind and David have agreed to go to the graduation ball together.

1) верно 2) неверно 3) в тексте не сказано


Вы услышите разговор друзей о воображаемой вечеринке. Определите, какие из приведён­

ных утверждений ( А 1 -А 7 ) соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не
соответствуют (2 — False) и о чёт в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста
нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — N ot stated). Обведите
номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

А1 | Anna asks David to imagine a party in which he chose 6 guests.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A2 David thinks most people from history would not make great dinner guests.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A3 Anna imagines Shakespeare would be a good choice for the party.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A4 Friends think there is evidence that Ivan the Terrible read Shakespeare in English.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A5 The only reason to invite Cleopatra was because she was beautiful.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A6 Anna agrees Nancy Astor would be a good guest.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A7 Anna agrees to be a guest at the imaginary party.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Второе задание(А1-А7)


Вы услышите разговор брата и сестры. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений

(А 1 - А 7 ) соответствуют содержанию текста (1 -Т г и е), какие не соответствуют
(2 -F a lse ) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни по­
ложительного, ни отрицательного ответа ( 3 -N o t stated). Обведите номер выбранного
вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

А1 I David invites Anna because she is interested in old schools.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A2 The journey to Kimbolton generally takes about an hour.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A3 Katherine was Henry’s second wife.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A4 Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church for religious reasons
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A5 Henry married Anne Boleyn after Katherine to get an heir.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A6 The Castle is occasionally open to public tours

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A7 Anna really wants to accept the invitation.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Детальное понимание текста

В данном задании надо выбрать правильный ответ из трех предложенных. Текст записи
звучит дважды. Это либо интервью, либо развернутое тематическое высказывание, либо ре­
портаж. Задание на множественный выбор может быть представлено либо как вопрос с тре­
мя вариантами ответа, либо как начало предложения с тремя вариантами его завершения,
при этом в том и другом случае только один вариант является верным. За каждый правиль­
ный ответ дается 1 балл. За все задание можно получить максимально 7 баллов.

ЦЕЛЬ ЗАДАНИЯ: проверить умение

полного понимания текста на уровне содержания и смысла;

<§> определить единицу проверяемого текста (слово, предложение, абзац, весь текст);
Ф различать мнение автора от его намерений; а также от мнений и намерений других
лиц и т.д.


До прослушивания текстов
1. Определить примерное содержание текста по первой строке установки к заданию.
2. Бегло просмотреть сначала все утверждения, а затем каждый вопрос/ начало предложе­
ния без предложенных вариантов ответа или окончаний, чтобы уточнить суть запраши­
ваемой информации. Если без окончания суть предложения неясна, тогда просмотреть
варианты концовок. Это поможет сконцентрировать внимание на запрашиваемой ин­
формации, игнорировать избыточную информацию в звучащем тексте.
3. Просмотреть предложенные варианты ответа и определить их различия. Подчеркивать
ключевые слова, делать иные пометки, которые помогут понять суть запрашиваемой
информации и различия между вариантами.
4. Если не успели изучить все утверждения, не расстраивайтесь. Все задания идут последо­
вательно по тексту, опережения на одно задание достаточно.

Во время первого прослушивания

Отмечать все возможные варианты ответа в задании, ориентируясь ТОЛЬКО на текст, а
не на свой здравый смысл или общий кругозор по теме.

Во время второго прослушивания

Обратить особое внимание на задания, где изначально были выбраны несколько возмож­
ных ответов. Слушая текст, записывать ключевые слова, которые помогают обосновать выбор.

После прослушивания

Проверить однозначность выбора ответа и перенести ответы в бланк. Если однозначного

ответа нет, ВЫБРАТЬ ЛЮБОЙ, но не оставлять пропусков.

Третье задание (А8-А14)


Вы услышите рассказ об инциденте в ресторане. В заданиях А 8 -А 1 4 обведите цифру 1,

2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись

A difficult client
А8 The narrator was
1) a naturally talented cook.
2) just able to follow recipes.
3) a qualified chef.

А9 The narrator worked in the kitchen with a man, who was from

1) Panama City, Florida.

2) French Louisiana.
3) Los Angeles.

А10 When the narrator was asked in the dining room he worried because he thought
1) the problem might have been his fault.
2) the woman would make a complaint.
3) that Suzie would call the police.

АН The lady was unhappy because she

1) expected better service.
2) didn’t like the taste of the food.
3) was afraid of the shrimp ‘staring’ at her.

А12 In the end the unhappy customer

1) ate the same dish.
2) ordered another dish.
3) refused to eat anything at the restaurant.

А13 The narrator was asked to return to the dining room again because
1) Suzie wanted to see him.
2) other customers insisted on it.
3) the unhappy customer came back.

А 14 The narrator was generously rewarded for

1) being inventive as a cook.
2) his ability to compromise.
3) being calm and kind to a difficult client.

Тренировочные задания к ЕГЭ. Раздел «Аудирование»


Вы услышите рассказ о фестивале под открытым небом. В заданиях А 8 -А 1 4 обведите

цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите
запись дважды.

The Glastonbury Festival

А8 The Glastonbury festival is a

1) music festival.
2) New Age festival.
3) performing arts festival.

А9 Glastonbury Tor is a hill where

1) ley lines cross.
2) there is mystical or psychic energy.
3) there is a connection to the legend of King Arthur.

А10 To buy tickets for the festival you need to have

1) good personal and computer connections.
2) a lot of money.
3) a mobile phone.

АН The narrator believes that the mud

1) adds to the fun of the event.
2) is always a problem for everybody.
3) can be uncomfortable and dangerous.

А12 On the first night the narrator noted that

1) ABBA were the best band.
2) Lily Allen was disappointing.
3) Bjorn Again got the crowd dancing.

А13 On the first day the narrator’ s best moment was

1) meeting Ray Davis.
2) the nursery rhyme version of “Days” .
3) the Neil Young concert.

А14 The narrator believes he’ ll be called the Glastonbury Granddad because
1) he expects that one day he’ ll have children.
2) he’ll bore everyone with this story for generations to come.
3) his children will probably have children of their own.

Третье задание (А8-А14)


Вы услышите рассказ о фотоохоте на тигров. В заданиях А 8 -А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2

или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись

А8 The best place to photograph a tiger in the wild is

1) the Aravali hills.
2) Jaipur.
3) Ranthambhore Park.

А9 A good guide was essential to

1) get a jeep.
2) secure a giant truck.
3) provide technical support for the cameras.

А10 The clothes chosen for the expedition were needed

1) for cold mornings.
2) for extremes of hot and cold.
3) to meet technical requirements.

A ll Until that day the girls managed to get really good shots of
1) small animals like lizards, hares, gazelles.
2) leopards and boars.
3) all the target species.

А12 The girls knew that

1) huge patience guaranteed a tiger sighting.
2) there was no guarantee of seeing a tiger.
3) skill was more important than luck to find a tiger.

А13 The best photograph taken that day was that of

1) the beautiful tigress.
2) a sustained sequence of three cubs and the tigress.
3) a single cub.

А14 The fact that the girls left after 5 minutes demonstrated their
1) gratitude to Farid.
2) politeness to the tigers.
3) acceptance of park laws.

Тренировочные задания к ЕГЭ. Раздел «Аудирование»


Вы услышите рассказ об одаренном ребенке. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или

3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Future Composer

А8 The narrator thought that Mr Bridges was

1) a naturally gifted engineer.
2) really friendly.
3) good at restoring vintage motor bikes.

А9 The most memorable thing about the time living with the Bridges was
1) being able to listen to lots of live music.
2) being welcomed in the fam ily as an elder son.
3) watching the transformation of their son.

А10 The surprising thing about Robert was that he

1) didn’t play any musical instruments.
2) was a naturally talented musician.
3) wanted to learn to play the piano.

A ll The narrator played a part in Robert’s transformation by

1) playing Final Fantasy with him.
2) playing the sound track to Robert.
3) joking that Robert might teach himself how to play.

А12 What was unusual when Robert could play ten pieces was that
1) he learned the first piece in just three days.
2) he was unable to read music.
3) the Bridges decided to get him a teacher.

А13 The most exciting thing was when Robert

1) began writing music.
2) learned to read music.
3) got help from Luke’s friends.

А14 The narrator believes that in the future Robert

1) might inspire future musicians.
2) would make computer games.
3) will be famous.

Третье задание (А8-А14)


В ы услышите рассказ о каникулах на море. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или

3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. В ы услышите запись дважды.

Childhood Holidays

А8 The three problems of driving on holiday in old times were

1) the fact they lived in Lincoln, Eastern England and 200 kms north o f London.
2) driving a Morris, having 3 children in two seats and car sickness.
3) long distances, slower roads and an uncomfortable car.

А9 The parents improved the journey

1) by encouraging singing.
2) by making short stops.
3) in no way.

А10 The children knew their destination was really close when
1) they first saw the sea.
2) the landscape began to change.
3) the roads became steep and narrow.

A ll As soon as the fam ily finally arrived the children

1) had some tea.
2) pretended to be “ red Indians” .
3) went to bed early.

А12 The three children were most excited by

1) the combination of sun, sea and sand.
2) the combination of running, swimming and digging.
3) digging really deep holes.

А13 The castles were constructed based on

1) the plan of K ing Arth u r’ s castle.
2) wet sand possibilities.
3) fillin g the holes.

А14 Castle was destroyed later in the day by

1) parents to stimulate kids’ activity and imagination.
2) children themselves to remove the memory of the car journey.
3) the sea as it was not too far away from the water.

Тренировочные задания к ЕГЭ. Раздел «Аудирование»


Вы услышите рассказ о современной рекламе. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или

3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Viral Advertising

А8 Viral marketing is used to promote

1) only chocolate, health products and football teams.
2) Things that potential buyers really need.
3) A ll types of goods and products.

А9 Viral marketing
1) is inexpensive compared to traditional advertising.
2) is always more successful than “ hard sell” advertising.
3) randomly contacts huge numbers of people.

А10 Viral advertising

1) makes people ill.
2) is the practice of placing messages on internet sites.
3) only works on teenagers or people with hobbies.

A ll It is called an epidemic when

1) huge numbers of people buy what they really need.
2) lots of people become internet friends.
3) huge numbers of people pass on a sales message.

А12 Many believe that viral marketing is wrong because

1) it steals peoples secrets.
2) people pretend to be genuinely involved in a group.
3) it puts innocent comments on the internet.

А13 Astroturfing is about

1) sharing and discussing political opinions.
2) spontaneous “ word o f mouth” opinion sharing.
3) falsely creating public opinion.

А14 The writer believes the best way to get an opinion is to

1) be cautious about astroturfing techniques.
2) hear it in real conversations.
3) avoid fake messages.

Третье задание (А8-А14)


В ы услышите рассказ о роли язы ка в судьбе одного человека. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обведи­

те цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. В ы услы­
шите запись дважды.

Language and Me

А8 As a little child the speaker spoke little and badly because

1) he was left alone at home for most of the day.
2) the fam ily were too busy to concern themselves with his speaking skills.
3) fam ily conversations were too clever for the little boy.

A9 The speaker’s progress in language development was interrupted by moving to

1) a secondary school.
2) a foreign country.
3) a new cultural environment.

A10 A t secondary school the speaker became quite noticeable for his
1) ability to socialize easily with girls.
2) above average skills in math and sports.
3) failure in Latin as a way to rebel his parents.

A l l [ The speaker was accepted to the US Naval Academy thanks to his physical fitness,
1) high grades in math and ability to speak and write good English.
2) skills needed for engineering and academic fam ily background.
3) academic skills in science and a textbook written by his father.

A12 The speaker chose Russian as a foreign language only because it was the language
1) potentially useful fo r the military career.
2) that was rare and seldom taught at the Academy.
3) none of his fellow-students could have learned before.

A13 Language studies opened a new world for the speaker because
1) they led to a lasting passion for Russian culture.
2) the quality of linguistic instruction was inspirational.
3) he could finally read Russian classics in the original.

A14 | The speaker left the Academy to continue learning and then teaching Russian history and
1) language.
2) literature.
3) world cultures.

Тренировочные задания к ЕГЭ. Раздел «Аудирование»


В ы услышите рассказ о первом годе работы молодого учителя. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обве­

дите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. В ы услы­
шите запись дважды.

First year teacher

А8 The speaker decided not to enroll for a University graduate program because he
1) was poor and needed to earn money to buy a car first.
2) put his fam ily responsibility higher than his education.
3) knew there were no scholarships for that program.

А9 The speaker went to teach in a small unknown city for the sake of
1) better climate and safer environment for his family.
2) meeting the utmost professional challenge.
3) getting better payment.

А10 When the speaker says ‘W e were expected to sponsor student activities’ he means
1) all teachers had to arrange students’ extra-curricular activities for free.
2) first year teachers had to find ways to help students earn pocket money.
3) male teachers were in charge o f extra-curricular sport activities.

A ll Coaching the school basketball team, the speaker managed to

1) influence the development o f students’ academic motivation as well.
2) persuade school athletes to take a course in math.
3) organize a professional basketball team.

А12 The way the speaker chose to celebrate his first child’ s birth suggests that he was
1) concerned with his image of a Teacher.
2) still much o f a naughty boy himself.
3) a quick thinker.

А13 The play the speaker put on with his students turned out to be a success thanks to
1) the students’ poor acting.
2) the speaker’s guidance.
3) the genre of the selected play.

А14 The US Congress Grant program, which the speaker became part of, was meant to
1) select capable candidates for the graduate programs in science.
2) provide better professional training for young teachers.
3) support devoted teachers from small village schools.

Третье задание (А8-А14)


В ы услышите рассказ взрослого человека о том, как будучи школьниками, они зарабаты­
вали деньги в летние каникулы. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соот вет­
ствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Summer work
А8 For the speaker and his friends summer work was a way to
1) escape from fam ily chores.
2) active and useful pastime.
3) earn for the living.

А9 The three boys decided to go to Wisconsin for the summer work because
1) they could not stand the heat at home any more.
2) it was a chance to travel and see the country.
3) it was a financially tempting adventure.

А10 Five weeks the boys worked for 15-17 hours a day because
1) they decided to compete with professional farmers from the South.
2) seasonal harvest necessity required it.
3) they wanted to earn as much as possible.
A ll The boys worked in
1) fields, cutting and loading pea vines.
2) the factory, processing and canning peas.
3) different places doing all sorts of work.

А12 The next summer the boys managed to get a job

1) on several pea canneries, moving from place to place.
2) in the same factory, but in a bigger company o f friends.
3) in a different cannery farther north, but on the same terms.

А13 In two years pea picking became

1) the only summer work for teenagers from this southern town.
2) a special brand mark among the school students.
3) a very risky and challenging way to spend the summer.

А14 Pea-picking developed a unique sense of brotherhood among the boys and they
1) still can’t talk of anything else.
2) became really interested in agriculture.
3) are eager to reflect on that experience years after.

Тренировочные задания к ЕГЭ. Раздел «Аудирование»


В ы услышите рассказ человека о его опыте использования современных технологий.

В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами ва­
риант у ответа. В ы услышите запись дважды.

The modern world

А8 W hich of the following is TRUE about the speaker’ s school?

1) Students were offered a basic course in computing.
2) Computers were primitive, but they were regularly used.
3) The main learning tools were old fashioned pens and pencils.

А9 A t the age of 24, the speaker was

1) very keen to work with any type of computer.
2) doubtful that computers would replace typewriters.
3) resistant to change of any kind.

А10 The speaker began using computers because

1) they were introduced at work.
2) he needed to write many emails.
3) it helped him to make many copies of the same letter.

A ll By the age o f 30, the speaker understood that

1) a secretary was essential to make progress in business.
2) he would have to learn more to make progress in business.
3) it was time to consult his secretary as a computer and business expert.

А12 The speaker was amazed at the first mobile phones because
1) they were as big as house bricks.
2) they could be operated hands free in a car.
3) he could speak to someone in the USA from a car in London.

А13 The speaker believed the volcano to be a reminder that

1) the planet is not impressed by the sophistication of humans.
2) there will eventually be another ice age.
3) the age of travel might soon end.

А14 The speaker believes that

1) we’ll soon run out of fuel.
2) the effective management o f climate change is possible.
3) technology w ill continue to develop and progress.

Третье задание (А8-А14)


В ы услышите рассуж дения англичанина о великих научных от крыт иях. В заданиях

А 8 - А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту от ­
вета. В ы услышите запись дважды.

Who invented it first?

А8 How does the speaker feel about his country?

1) He loves his country.
2) He is proud of his country.
3) He believes the U K is greater than America or France.

А9 The speaker believes the fact that there were so many U K inventions is
1) proof of the U K ’s greatness.
2) irrelevant.
3) interesting.

А10 The speaker believes US-UK arguments over inventions are

1) old-fashioned.
2) entertaining.
3) silly and irrelevant.

A ll The U SA claims the W righ t brothers as the inventors because

1) they built and flew the first powered aircraft.
2) their design was made before 1899.
3) they didn’ t know about Percy Pilcher.

А12 Americans claim Edison as the inventor of the light bulb because
1) his demonstration was 10 months before Sir Joseph Swan’s.
2) his light bulb was a commercial reality.
3) they didn’t know about Sir Joseph Swan.

А13 The British claim the telephone as a U K invention because Bell

1) lived in Canada before moving to the USA.
2) suffered health problems in the UK.
3) was born and educated in the UK.

А14 The speaker believes that Marconi and Edison were

1) greater than Bell.
2) not very important.
3) just good at PR.

Тренировочные задания к ЕГЭ. Раздел «Аудирование»


В ы услышите рассказ о быт овых традициях и предрассудках. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обве­

дите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услы­
шите запись дважды.

Traditional Beliefs and Superstitions

А8 The speaker believes that the old traditions are

1) followed by a small number o f people.
2) recorded only in folk history books.
3) still widely followed and believed in.

А9 The front door is a good place to “ correct” a house because

1) houses can be lucky or unlucky.
2) it is the main point of entering a house.
3) it is a convenient place for statues and lucky charms.

А10 The speaker thinks

1) some old beliefs are quite practical.
2) all old beliefs are complete nonsense.
3) some old beliefs can predict the future.

A ll For ancient people salt was probably a symbol of

1) employment.
2) protection.
3) friendship.

А12 The speaker believes that if you

1) stir the pot twice good cup of tea will result.
2) stir the pot anticlockwise there will be a quarrel.
3) study tea leaves, you are wasting your time.

А13 Modern tradition to be careful with mirrors probably stems from the ancient belief that
1) a disturbed reflection brings danger.
2) mirrors or water reflections are like our soul.
3) a mirror can take away one’s soul.

А14 The speaker believes the tradition about singing in the bath
1) is simply unavoidable.
2) will lead to sorrow before evening.
3) is just plain stupid.

Третье задание (А8-А14)


В ы услышите рассказ о конкурсе бальных танцев. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обведите цифру 1,

2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись

А8 It was almost inevitable that college would hold a dance competition because
1) the college encouraged fitness.
2) there had been a dancing master class in town.
3) ball room dancing has become trendy.

А9 The first amazing coincidence was that three couples

1) chose exactly the same dance versions.
2) got the same score from the judges.
3) chose the same waltz music track.

А10 It was incredible that all the three salsas were

1) between 150 and 250 beats per minute.
2) above 250 beats per minute.
3) close to 250 beats per minute.

A ll The six competitors didn’t talk about the dances because

1) they were trying to be considerate.
2) the Hesitation W altz is quite rare.
3) they were all too busy.

А12 The Salsa dress was called Mango Sparkler because of its
1) colour and texture.
2) matching zigzags.
3) colour and stone decorations.

А13 The narrator believes that dance scoring will be more objective because
1) the judges will give marks for presentation and shape only.
2) the couples will be distinguished only by their dancing.
3) dancers’ poise and timing won’ t be taken into consideration.

А14 James is out of breath as

1) he thinks he and Katie will win.
2) they have to return to the dance floor.
3) the last dance was physically demanding.

Тренировочные задания к ЕГЭ. Раздел «Аудирование»


В ы услышите рассказ о фестивале экстремальных видов спорта. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 об­

ведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы ус­
лышите запись дважды.

А8 W atching the displays at the exhibition the speaker was eager to test personally
1) only some of them.
2) the first twelve.
3) all of them.

А9 The speaker came to the exhibition

1) alone.
2) with James.
3) with a group of friends.

А10 The speaker managed to do well in the

1) Brush boarding.
2) Roller skiing.
3) Land yachting.

A ll The speaker didn’ t do well in the Aquathlon because

1) he didn’ t take it seriously.
2) he was saving energy for K ite surfing.
3) it was technically tricky.

А12 The secret of successful K ite surfing lies in

1) choosing the largest possible kite.
2) ‘jumping’ and landing smoothly.
3) avoiding getting dragged in the air.

А13 The speaker stopped K ite surfing after 30 minutes because

1) of extreme tiredness.
2) there was an o ff shore wind.
3) the instructor suggested it.

А14 A ll the displays were

1) experimental models with designers used as instructors.
2) real practiced sports.
3) computer installations of real sports.

Третье задание (А8-А14)


В ы услышите рассказ о знаменит ых сестрах. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2

или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. В ы услышите запись

Fabulous Sister
А8 Venus has won
1) the most career prize money.
2) 23 grand slam titles.
3) more Olympic Gold Medals than her sister.

А9 The sisters grew up playing

1) coached by their Dad.
2) with the best professional coaches.
3) on private courts.

А10 Robin Flinn thought that

1) Serena would be a number one ranked player.
2) Venus was better than her sister.
3) Venus had an unorthodox style.

A ll Some journalists are unhappy with the sisters because they

1) don’t devote enough attention to tennis.
2) are good at everything they do.
3) are in to fashion.

А12 Serena’ s fashion company

1) was founded because she wants to be an actress.
2) was started because she is stylish and beautiful.
3) is named after Serena spelled backwards.

А13 The sisters do lots of charity work because

1) they enjoy travelling all over the world.
2) they used to be poor themselves.
3) it is good for their reputation.

А14 The sisters gave tennis clinics in Jamaica despite

1) Venus having a wrist injury.
2) Serena not being able to write or type.
3) hundreds of children wanting this.

Тренировочные задания к ЕГЭ. Раздел «Аудирование»


В ы услышите рассказ о популярной телепередаче. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обведите цифру 1,

2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись

А8 The TV programme is designed to feature

1) actors pretending to be ordinary people.
2) people who vote for themselves to win a prize.
3) real people preparing dinner parties in their own homes.

А9 The funniest part of the program is generally the

1) kitchen scenes of preparation and cooking.
2) contestants trying to impress each other.
3) host selecting ingredients.

А10 The narrator believes that people are fascinated by other peoples homes
1) since every body likes to show o ff their homes.
2) but doesn’ t know why.
3) because diicor and layout are fascinating.

A ll Each of the guests

1) gives the host a mark out of 10.
2) privately complains about the host.
3) publicly thank the host.

А12 Some o f the shows contestants

1) leave the show on a Friday.
2) become real TV stars.
3) become minor celebrities.

А13 The celebrity version of the show works well because

1) much is already known about the contestants.
2) the prizes go to charity.
3) celebrities often hate each other.

А14 The narrator might apply for the show because

1) he’d serve fish that he caught.
2) it would probably be good fun.
3) in reality he’s a good cook.

Третье задание (А8-А14)


В ы услышите воспоминания взрослого человека о детстве. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обведите

цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. В ы услышите
запись дважды.


А8 The place where the speaker lived when in elementary school was kids’ paradise thanks to
1) a variety of possible seasonal activities offered by local nature.
2) the opportunity to earn pocket money easily in any season.
3) risk and adventure of everyday life kids value so much.

А9 Names of most significant town sites and places were connected with
1) the history of American Indians.
2) George Washington.
3) the first settlers— French veterans.

А10 For most of the run-away slaves before the Civil W ar the town of Marietta was a
1) a stop on the long way from slavery to freedom.
2) the final point of destination on the way to freedom.
3) the most dangerous place on the escape itinerary.

АН The speaker calls his elementary school years the time of fun and adventure as
1) he had lots of free time to spend as he wanted, uncontrolled by adults.
2) his life was full of events and emotions meaningful fo r a little boy.
3) he had adventures comparable to the ones of Huckleberry Finn.

А12 The attitude of the speaker’ s white friends towards their black classmates was
1) neutral, with subconscious desire to beat them even in athletics.
2) openly suspicious and prejudiced.
3) friendly, with open respect for their obvious athletic superiority.

А13 The episodes with school dance and the barber prove that white adults in Marietta
1) deliberately cultivated racial prejudice in their children.
2) were exceptionally tolerant towards Afro-Am erican neighbors.
3) haven’ t yet overcome their biased racial attitudes.

А14 When the speaker says ‘The days of innocence ended with elementary school’ he means
that he
1) was immature and nanve when he went to elementary school.
2) first faced open racial hatred and despise.
3) disclosed the secrets he was unaware of in Marietta.

Тренировочные задания к ЕГЭ. Раздел «Аудирование»


В ы услышите лекцию об основны х ст упенях образования в С Ш А. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 об­

ведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. В ы ус­
лышите запись дважды.

The Academic Ladder

А8 Originally pre-school program was designed
1) as part of compulsory schooling.
2) for gifted and talented kids.
3) to prepare kids from poor families for school.

А9 When the speaker says ‘ State attendance laws va ry’ it means that each state can
1) recommend public, private or home education schooling for each kid.
2) decide on the best age and grade division for school students.
3) have different requirements for students’ academic performance.

А10 The term “ middle school” in America can refer to school grades
1) 4-6.
2) 6-7.
3) 7-9.

A ll School leavers can’t become university students if

1) their parents have no ability to finance this education.
2) they fail to get academic or athletic scholarship.
3) they do not meet the requirements of university assessment.

А12 Community colleges are colleges that are

1) financially supported by the state.
2) used mainly as feeders to the 4 year colleges.
3) 2 year colleges that have occupational curricula.

А13 Bachelor degree is crucial for a professional career as it

1) is the minimum entry credential for any profession.
2) includes general and professional training components in a field.
3) has both major and minor fields of study, needed for professional skills.

А14 Graduate students are students who

1) want to get a university degree in higher education.
2) are ready to study more than 4 years.
3) try to get a doctorate degree skipping Master’ s Degree.

Третье задание (А8-А14)


В ы услышите рассказ о художнике. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соот ­

ветствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. В ы услышите запись дважды. У вас
есть 50 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданиями.

James Abbot McNeill Whistler

A8 Whistler
1) was born in Russia.
2) studied in Russia.
3) worked in Russia.

A9 W hat happened to W histler in Paris?

1) He learned printmaking.
2) He met painters from the Realist School.
3) He left the army.

A10 W histler became well known in London for

1) several reasons.
2) his huge ego.
3) his distinctive style.

A ll Which is TRUE about the relationships between W histler and Wilde?

1) They were friends throughout their lives.
2) They were the basis for characters in “A Portrait of Dorian Gray” .
3) They competed with each other in making w itty remarks.

A12 The Ruskin trial resulted in

1) W histler’s bankruptcy.
2) John Ruskin’s triumph.
3) no compensation to W histler.

A13 W histler belonged to

1) no particular school o f painting.
2) the Impressionist school of painting.
3) the Realist school of painting.

A14 W histler’ s price for his paintings was quite fair as he charged the buyer
1) for two complete days of work.
2) who could afford to pay 200 guineas.
3) for a life time knowledge and experience.

Тренировочные задания к ЕГЭ. Раздел «Аудирование»


Вы услышите рассказ о том, как извержение вулкана в И сландии повлияло на отпуск

одной семьи. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбран­
ному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

The Volcano

А8 Apart from Lucy, the number in her holiday group was

1) five.
2) sixteen.
3) seven.

А9 When the holiday-makers first heard about the volcano they were
1) worried it might be like the 1783 eruption.
2) certain it would not affect their home country.
3) impressed by the power of nature.

А10 By the weekend, Lucy’ s fam ily understood

1) that more than 73,000 flights were cancelled.
2) that they were trapped.
3) much more about the global economy.

A ll The owner of the chalet let Lucy and her relatives stay for
1) free.
2) a whole week’ s price.
3) half price

А12 Which is TRUE about Lucy’ s Mum and Aunty Jane

1) They urgently needed to be home by Monday.
2) They thought it would be nice to stay a bit longer.
3) They could work remotely with W i-Fi if needed.

А13 A t Geneva Airport Lucy and her relatives learned that

1) flights would probably resume later in the week.
2) there would be no flights that weekend.
3) the next flig h t to Birmingham had 8 available places.

А14 On the journey home, Lucy reflected that

1) in the future, international travel could be unpredictable.
2) the ash cloud made it hard to think about the past and the future.
3) the planet was still quite young.

Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям


(Multiple matching)


В ы услышите 6 высказываний. Уст ановит е соот ветствие между высказываниями каж ­

дого говорящего 1—6 и утверждениями, данными в списке A —G. Используйт е каждую бук­
ву, обозначающую утверждение, т олько один раз. В задании есть одн о лишнее ут вер­
ждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Now we are ready to start.

Speaker 1
W hy on earth do they want to check our uniforms in a final exam? There are enough
stresses in taking an exam without having to worry about whether you are wearing a regulation
shoe! But this really happened to my friend and five other kids, who were excluded from taking
an exam because they were not in approved school uniform. Can you imagine? A fte r five years
learning and hours of revision and practice; you finally fail your exam and endanger your
future simply because you are wearing the wrong kind of shoe!

Speaker 2
Here I am at the school dance, wanting to ask Susan Turner for a dance — and I look like a
penguin! I had put a lot of thought into this. I really did want to look my best. I managed to
borrow my brother’s Paul Smith jacket and jeans. But the most exciting thing was that I got
Kurt Geiger shoes and a “ super cool” Armani shirt — in a charity shop for twenty five quid! I
looked and felt great until the dance invitations arrived stating “ black tie dress code only” . I
wonder i f Susan fancies dancing with a flightless bird...

Speaker 3
People can wear a set of clothes that are not identical but still be “ in uniform” . Bankers and
stockbrokers, together with football fans and style conscious teenagers all wear a type of uniform.
They can be strict about this. There are no jeans in the board room and you don’ t wear a Chelsea
shirt to a Manchester derby! Research has shown that uniformity is one issue but more important
is being noticed and approved.

Speaker 4
Technical security workers at this huge corporation belong to a private firm whose delivery
vans, uniforms, bags and boxes are all the same horrible mix of orange and blue. The ingenious
robbers discovered that this provided both a perfect disguise and a clever means of escape. They
just walked into the security camera repair room and pretended to work for almost an hour —

Первое зад ан и е(В 1)

nobody even spoke to them. Not even the genuine workers noticed that they had three additional
“ colleagues” and it was only the next day that the robbery was detected.

Speaker 5
I am worried that they’ll notice and laugh. I ’m trying to keep as far away from them as
possible. I divide my time between the “ chill out” area and the buffet. I ’ ll not chance the dance
floor because everyone will notice. A cream taffeta wrap blouse, Italian Jersey dress and
«fabulously edgy» strap thong shoes from Camilla Skovaard and — unbelievably — all of us
scented with Jo Malone “ Orange Blossom” ! How on earth can three girls at one small party wear
exactly the same thing?

Speaker 6
Jimmy was a pirate and Becky was a queen. Cleopatra did an incredible tango with a
policeman and I noticed a slow dance between Napoleon and a ballerina. I myself wore nice
jeans, a new shirt and looked, I thought, pretty cool. But neither Cleopatra, the hospital nurse
or the pilot would dance with me. I went home quickly and with a wide sombrero and poncho
(holiday souvenirs) quickly transformed myself in to a Mexican bandit. I returned to the party
within an hour. I can now tell you that Cleopatra taught me some crazy dance moves.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task (Pause 15 seconds.)

Now you will hear the text again. (Repeat.)
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.


В ы услышите 6 высказываний. Уст ановит е соответствие между высказываниями каж ­

дого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А - G . И спользуйт е каждую бук­
ву, обозначающую утверждение, т олько один раз. В задании есть одн о лишнее ут вер­
ждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Now we are ready to start.

Speaker 1
I am exhausted. I need a holiday. I have spent hours at a computer terminal — sometimes
late into the evenings, at weekends or on public holidays. I deserve a rest and I can afford to go
anywhere for two or three weeks. But I am going to my home village and my childhood. My
parents, fam ily and many friends still live there. I am going to swim in the river with my
friends again, go for picnics and drink homemade lemonade. I want to go fishing in the lake
with my Dad and elder brothers, ride horses at the farm and sleep in the shade of the forest.
Speaker 2
My trouble is that I want to go everywhere and see everything. Every opportunity that
comes I ’ ll take it! I am still young but I don’t want to miss out on any chance. This year I
decided to go to Egypt. Was it because I can get a good price for travel or that I want to see the
Pyramids? Was it because I heard about the land of the Pharaohs, and the unique blend of
North A frica, southern Europe and Middle East? No — it is just that I have never been there
before and now is my chance.
Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям

Speaker 3
My Mum is French and as a result I am one of those people lucky enough to speak two
languages without even trying. But until now I never had the chance to go and explore France
properly. Of course we often visited Paris, but these were all visits to Mum’s family. But half of
my ancestors came from this land! I want to breathe the air o f my grand and great grand parents.
I want to slip back into a world that I never knew but somehow believe is still a part of me.

Speaker 4
A British Punk band in the 1970’ s recorded a hit record called “ Holidays in the Sun” .
Although I was a child then, I still think about the words “ I want to see some history” and “ I
want to go over the Berlin W a ll” . It strikes me that holidays today are so trivial. W e seldom try
to learn about, let alone change, the world we live in. W e follow “ the herd” to beaches and roast
in the sun. As for me, I am going to Botswana as a volunteer teacher. The package beach
holiday is a symptom of a sick society.

Speaker 5
I never took a holiday abroad. To be honest it is too expensive at the moment but really, it
is not a priority either. My hobby is forest photography. W ithin 100 miles of home there is
more forest than I can explore in a lifetime. M y main speciality is birds. Getting a good clear
shot can take two or three days of patient setting up. I have 11 decent “ species shots” so far and
I ’ll be taking two weeks holiday this autumn to try and get a few more.

Speaker 6
A ll my life I have been a skier — both downhill and cross country. The trouble with a
skiing holiday however is that all it takes is one small accident to ruin everything. This year I
was in the French Alps. Everything was going really well until the second day of a two week
trip. But as I returned to the chalet a complete beginner lost control and crashed into me on the
driveway. A cleanly broken ankle was the result, followed by three days in a French hospital and
the rest of the holiday watching my friends having fun.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task (Pause 15 seconds.)

Now you will hear the text again. (Repeat.)
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.


В ы услышите 6 высказываний. Уст ановит е соответствие между высказываниями каж ­

дого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А -G . И спользуйт е каждую бук­
ву, обозначающую утверждение, т олько один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее ут вер­
ждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Now we are ready to start.

Speaker 1
I have been trying to learn Russian. It is so hard compared to English in my opinion. And
the words have so many syllables and are often so hard to pronounce. But I have Russian
Первое зад ан и е(В 1)

friends who disagree. I suppose it is simply a question of what you are used to. But for me,
Russian is the hardest — with an unfamiliar alphabet, strange sounds and stresses; not to
mention a totally different grammar system. I can’t think of anything much harder than trying
to learn any new language. I ’ll just have to keep on working at it.

Speaker 2
A ll languages have their own unique beauty but it seems to me we should be able to choose
which ones we study. The Irish and the Welsh, for example, make their school kids learn those
languages. Fair enough — these languages should be encouraged and available to all who live
there. But i f the kids spent the same amount of time on French or German maybe their career
choices would be wider.

Speaker 3
I was in Brighton on the famous stony beach when I overheard a group of Russian girls
talking about boys. Understanding some Russian I was immediately entertained as they
obviously believed they could be understood by no one apart from themselves. I slipped into a
kiosk queue, pretended to scan my paper and slowly looked in the other direction. Then they
were talking about me! One gave me a better review than the others but fortunately none were
too unkind. Still, you can imagine their shock and embarrassment when I introduced myself in

Speaker 4
I have just met an interesting lady. She is Russian and met her Spanish husband in Greece
where they lived for 12 years bringing up their three children. Three years ago they all moved
to live and work in Brighton, in England. This, I think, makes the children potentially
quadro-lingual. Is this a record? Imagine the advantage of just growing up naturally with
Russian, Spanish, Greek and English. I am so jealous!

Speaker 5
I divide my time between my small studio office and the kitchen. I am trying to build my
web design company but it is tough. But I have found a way to relax that I find soothing and
occasionally useful for business. I listen to French programs on the radio whilst I work. My
French is pretty good but I tune in and out o f listening so it becomes a background noise. But
amazingly it seems to keep my energy up. And once I got a new French client in after
impressing him with my knowledge of French news!

Speaker 6
My aunt and uncle have retired to Spain. They live all year round in a small town close to
the sea. But they are not learning Spanish. They say there are enough British living locally: A ll
they need is enough Spanish for polite greetings. In the shops they can point, smile and hold up
fingers and in the bank and post office there are English speaking staff. But I think it would be
great i f they started lessons. They would enjoy their retirement so much more and learn about
the people amongst whom they have chosen to live.

Y o u h ave 15 seconds to com plete the ta sk (P a u s e 15 seconds.)

N o w you w ill h e a r the te xt a g a in . (R e p e a t.)
T h is is the end o f the task. Y o u n o w h av e 15 seconds to check yo u r an sw ers.

Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям


Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Уст ановит е соответствие между высказываниями каж ­

дого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А - G . И спользуйт е каждую бук­
ву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть одно лиш нее ут вер­
ждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Now we are ready to start.

Speaker 1
I can’t stand restaurants where they play live music! I f I want live music I ’ ll go to a
concert: And when I do, I am ready to dance — not fill my face with food. Restaurants are for
food and conversation with friends. W hy do they do it? How come they don’t understand this
simple thing? How can they possibly believe those bright “ ethnic” costumes, the frantic guitar
playing and maddening clapping can in any way improve your meal?

Speaker 2
Helen is a banker. She power dresses, carries a fu ll brief case and works in the city. She is
hard working, extremely knowledgeable and has a background in law as well as business. But
her greatest passion is preparing, cooking and serving curry for herself and her friends. She
chooses and buys all the specialist ingredients. She likes to dress in traditional Indian clothes
for her parties and encourages her guests to do the same.

Speaker 3
The secret o f good cooking is choosing top quality ingredients. Ideally they should be
absolutely fresh and when ever possible I buy organic meat and vegetables. It is not simply
about avoiding the additives and chemicals of intensive farming (although this is also important
to me): But it is also about rediscovering natural flavours — the true taste of vegetables that I
remember from childhood.

Speaker 4
I eat out most days rather than stay in, at home. It costs a fair amount but just think what
I save. I don’t need to go to supermarkets to search for over priced single portion meals (I live
on my own). I don’t pay electricity for hours of cooking or running a dishwasher. I don’t
actually have any washing up, clearing up or wasted food. I don’ t need to prepare food, plan or
cook so I guess I actually save 2 hours a day.

Speaker 5
In my opinion two things are essential in running a successful restaurant. First — reliable
food. The menu doesn’ t need to be exotic; just a good choice of well cooked meals, made by
experienced staff. Over cooked food or meals served partly frozen are the worst restaurant
“ crimes” ! The second essential thing is good service. Poor waiters result in the restaurant never
getting regular, repeat business.

Speaker 6
There are so many vegetarians these days and so many fresh recipes, exotic ingredients and
new cooking techniques. This is ignored by many traditional restaurants who offer plenty of

Первое задан и е(В 1)

choices to meat eaters but very little to us vegetarians. W e often get limited to an “ expensive
leaf salad” followed by cheese and potato pie. It really gets rather tiresome.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task (Pause 15 seconds.)

Now you will hear the text again. (Repeat.)
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.


Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Уст ановит е соответствие между высказываниями каж ­

дого говорящего 1—6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А - G . И спользуйт е каждую бук­
ву, обозначающую утверждение, т олько один раз. В задании есть одн о лишнее ут вер­
ждение. В ы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Now we are ready to start.

Speaker 1

Anna is one of those people who are simply so beautiful it almost takes your breath away.
She has long blonde hair, deep blue eyes and a smile like a sunny day. She is friendly and
behaves as i f unaware o f her distracting beauty. She also tries to put people at ease by telling
jokes and by being a thoughtful listener. Still - I get completely tongue tied when I talk to her
and can feel my cheeks colouring up.

Speaker 2

Jim is a person who might be described in the East End of London as a “diamond geezer” . It
means someone who is practical, extremely valuable and enduring — like a diamond. But
“ geezer” also implies a rough appearance, and maybe even improper behaviour. So the phrase
suits Jim. He is a real rogue and always joking around. But if you ever really need help — he is
the man to have as a friend.

Speaker 3
My new neighbour is a Goth! She is into Goth fashion big time and at first I found her a bit
scary. She always seems to wear various shades of grey and black, with black or silver lipstick
and eye liner. Her hair changes constantly and is generally either peroxide blonde or raven
black — often with streaks of silver. But then I had a chat and a laugh with her in the bus
queue and now I like and enjoy seeing her.

Speaker 4
I certainly wouldn’t want to be in a position of having to rely on Rob Greene. As a colleague
he is courteous and polite. He is always well turned out and has a limitless supply of classy ties!
But he strikes me as having hidden objectives. To make a comparison with football, he is not a
team player. He plays only for Rob Greene and w ill go for goals and glory in spite of, rather
than with, his colleagues.

Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям

Speaker 5
Stephanie has so much energy I sometimes get exhausted just listening to her. She always
seems to have hundreds o f projects on the go. She walks quickly, sits down quickly and speaks
quickly! But unfortunately she is not so good at following through and completing. Still — as
part of a team she has a very valuable role to play. But to be surrounded by “ Stephanies” —
would be a nightmare.

Speaker 6
W illiam is very intelligent and so when he does say something, people who work with him
stop to listen. His contributions are always valuable and he is really good at what he does. In a
one to one situation however, he is easy to talk to but in a group he is generally quiet. I guess
he is not a natural extrovert. But if it is necessary to work in a group, everyone wants W illiam
in their team.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task (Pause 15 seconds.)

Now you will hear the text again. (Repeat.)
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.


В ы услышите 6 высказываний. Уст ановит е соответствие между высказываниями каж ­

дого говорящего 1 - 6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А - G . И спользуйт е каждую бук­
ву, обозначающую утверждение, т олько один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее ут вер­
ждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Now we are ready to start.

Speaker 1
I have 6 pen pals in 6 countries! W e are not really “ pen” pals, as such, since we communicate
via an internet site. W e “ chat” regularly about all our news but we are now involved in writing a
novel. Each of us in turn adds 200 fresh words for the next to follow on from. W e have no idea
how the story will finish but we are having lots of fun developing the story and believe we are
creating a bestseller!

Speaker 2
I write to film stars, pop singers, TV celebrities and even royalty! The letters are basically
the same explaining that I collect letters as a hobby. Very often I don’t even have a correct
address but a surprising number of my letters are delivered and some get a reply. Usually they
are printed fan mail responses but very occasionally (1 in a 100) I get a real hand written reply.
M y most treasured is from J.K. Rowling

Speaker 3
A fte r birthdays and Christmas, I always write thank you letters for any gifts I have
received. What I didn’ t realise was that every letter I sent to my Granny, since my very first
attempts at making letters, had been marked and graded! My Granny is a retired English

Первое зад ан и е(В 1)

teacher. It turns out that every letter she gets she checks for bad grammar and spelling
mistakes, marks them in red ink and gives them a grade!

Speaker 4
I have a pen pal, Katya, who lives in the Siberian city of Novosibirsk. W e go for old
fashioned “ snail mail” because somehow it is more exciting receiving a letter than an email. It is
more personal holding and reading some pages over which my friend has worked so hard. And it
is hard for her — but she is determined to conquer English and her letters get more fluent and
accurate every time.

Speaker 5
I wrote to the Prime Minister because I feel that the government should be doing more to
combat global warming. I got a reply (probably from a secretary rather than the PM ) thanking
me for my letter. It said that the government agreed with me and “ well done” for taking an
interest. But I felt politely ignored. Perhaps it was stupid to believe that the words of a 16 year
old girl would ever be taken seriously.

Speaker 6
I got a “ goodbye” letter from my girl friend. She said that she was w riting so she could
choose exactly the right words. She wanted me to understand that she liked me as a friend but
it wasn’ t a good time for her with exams coming up. W e should, she said, move on. But I
thought she should have met me. I would have preferred to talk about it, agreed together and
split up amicably.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task (Pause 15 seconds.)

Now you will hear the text again. (Repeat.)
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.


В ы услышите 6 высказываний. Уст ановит е соответствие между высказываниями каж ­

дого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А - G . И спользуйт е каждую бук­
ву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть одно лиш нее ут вер­
ждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Now we are ready to start

Speaker 1
I really regret going to university straight from school. I wasn’t really old or mature
enough to understand what a huge opportunity I had. Basically I went because I couldn’t decide
on a profession. I studied English because it was my favourite subject and simply kept my
options open. Truthfully I made a mess of it. I wish now that I ’d waited, got a few years work
experience and then gone to university to study something practical to help my career.

Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям

Speaker 2
Taking a degree in the U K is now a major enterprise. Until about 10 years ago you could
get a government grant to pay for tuition fees and accommodation. Now you have to get a
student loan. This means that you can finish your university education owing a lot o f money.
When you start working you begin to repay but it can take years to pay it all back. This makes
it almost impossible to be able to buy a house or treat yourself to decent holidays until the debt
is paid off. But then again, you can lim it your job opportunity by not going to university. I t ’s
very hard.

Speaker 3
I am going to Hull to study Computer Science. My boy friend is going to Strathclyde
University in Glasgow to study Civil Engineering. A ll my friends are either going to university
somewhere or taking a “ Gap” year. And of course I ’ll be leaving home, my parents and family. I
haven’ t gone yet but already I feel lonely. Of course I am excited as well. I ’ll make new friends
and have all kinds of new experiences. But somehow I feel my young life is almost over. I
imagine myself like a flower that is about to be up rooted and planted somewhere else. I am
trying to be cheerful but to be honest I feel like crying. But I am sure everything will be OK.

Speaker 4
Tomorrow I am starting work. I can hardly believe my luck. As o f tomorrow I ’ ll be
working in a studio helping to make animated film s. I did my work experience with the
company and they are all really friendly. And apparently they are going to give me intensive
training in all the computer design programmes I w ill need to master. I f I had gone to
university with my friends from the A rts Foundation course, I ’ d probably get the same
training. But instead I ’ ll be getting a salary and real experience rather than borrowing loads
o f money from the government.

Speaker 5
Our A Level results are due on August 30th. I need 2 A ’ s and a В to have a reasonable
chance of studying mathematics at Christ’s College Cambridge - the university attended by
John Milton and Charles Darwin among others. I have to say that I am feeling positive. I think
the exams went pretty well. There was only one question that I found quite difficult. So — who
knows? Maybe I will be listed among the famous graduates of, arguably, the most famous
university in the world. Only ten more days until I find out. I t ’ s too early to celebrate but.....

Speaker 6
Today is my last day at school. I should remember how I feel now for the rest of my life. I
will never be a school pupil again! But somehow it feels rather ordinary and natural to me. I will
say goodbye today to some people I may never meet again. But on the other hand I will stay in
touch with my close friends and I do plan to attend school reunions when I get a chance in the
future. But still it probably should feel special today and sad. Certainly I have seen a few
friends in tears today. But for me, i t ’s just another day. The future lies ahead and I am ready to
meet it. Nothing more.

Y o u h ave 15 seconds to com plete the task.

N o w you w ill h e a r the te xt a ga in .
T h is is the end o f the task . Y o u n o w h av e 15 seconds to check y o u r a n sw ers.

Первое зад ан и е(В 1)


В ы услышите 6 высказываний. Уст ановит е соответствие между высказываниями каж ­

дого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А - G . И спользуйт е каждую бук­
ву, обозначающую утверждение, т олько один раз. В задании есть одн о лишнее ут вер­
ждение. В ы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Now we are ready to start

Speaker 1
The pay is terrible and the hours are long but at least I have a job. I must admit that I
hadn’t planned to work in a factory making cardboard boxes and other packaging. But on the
positive side I am a management trainee. I will only have to work on the factory machines for
six months to get experience but then I ’ll go to the design department, the sales department,
accounting and so on — until I understand every aspect of the business. The owner says that i f I
work hard I stand a good chance o f being a departmental manager within three years.

Speaker 2
W e are enjoying our gap year. Just three girls on a big year long round-the-world
adventure. Luckily we managed to find jobs in most places we travelled to. W e ’ve been
waitresses, farm workers, cleaners and once wore costumes advertising a toy shop! W e feel quite
proud actually. But we did hit some problems — particularly in South America — where there
was a lot of disapproval about what we were doing. Probably they thought we should be married
and keeping home fo r clever and successful husbands!

Speaker 3
When I started modern literature at Sussex University I somehow managed to fall out with
my tutor on the “ Modern European Mind” module. I am not sure how it happened but the early
tutorials were frosty to say the least. Then, mid-term, I presented a paper on Thomas Mann. He
loved it! A fte r he returned my paper he asked to meet me and we spent two happy, animated
hours discussing the short stories and novellas. W e are hardly best friends but the atmosphere
in tutorials is 100% better.

Speaker 4
I can’ t say I enjoyed my school days very much. In my opinion it was far too strict. I also
felt that I was forced to study too many subjects and ended up taking several GCSEs in subjects
of little interest to me. But I am o ff to university now and I am not looking back over my
shoulder. No more noisy classrooms and compulsory PE, no more memorising the rainfall graphs
for Venezuela and the fascinating (yawn) politics of Jacobean England. I am o ff to make a new
start and will begin learning what I need to know, to be the person I want to be.

Speaker 5
Living in a hall of residence is not too bad. The people who live on our corridor have become
a little community. W e often cook and socialise together. I t ’ s pretty comfortable in my bedroom,
i f a bit small. The woods at the back are beautiful, especially now that it is autumn, and make
up for horrid green paint with which the walls are painted. Of course the walls are thin and it
can be a bit noisy studying there. But I prefer to work in the library so it is not a problem.
Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям

Speaker 6
I thought I had been robbed. My wallet was gone with just about all the money I currently
have. I reported it of course to the Campus administrator and Dad kindly offered to send some
money to help me out until the end of term. I was even briefly jealous of my friends who are now
earning a salary rather than going to university. But the great news is that I have found my
wallet and truth be told, my room is so untidy that I wasn’ t entirely surprised. I wonder if
I should give my Dad a call....

You have 15 seconds to complete the task.

Now you will hear the text again.
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.


В ы услышите 6 высказываний. Уст ановит е соот ветствие между высказываниями каж ­

дого говорящего 1—6 и утверждениями, данными в списке A —G. И спользуйт е каждую бук­
ву, обозначающую утверждение, т олько один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее ут вер­
ждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Now we are ready to start

Speaker 1
A t the end of June, a week after my 16th birthday, my compulsory education finished. I
was free to go o ff and find a job or continue with academic or vocational learning. Because I am
still undecided about a career and I ’m not even sure i f I will want to eventually go to university,
I chose to go to Brighton, Hove and Sussex 6th form College. So far it is OK. I have chosen A
Levels in English, French and History for no better reason than these were my favourite
subjects at school.

Speaker 2
I got a letter from the College today offering me the chance to take Spanish as well. It will
be a lot more work of course but I did a GCSE in Spanish at school and quite enjoyed it. I t ’ s also
a useful language for me potentially as it is spoken widely throughout the American continent.
Even in the USA, where I wouldn’t mind working one day in the future, almost 40 million
people speak Spanish as a first language. I think I ’ll at least start the course and see how it

Speaker 3
I downloaded my college term planner today. It is not as overcrowded as I feared it might
be. Actually Tuesdays and Fridays are horrid as I have lessons at the beginning and end of each
day with a 3 hour gap in the middle. I ’ll just have to get use to working in the library I suppose
but I get easily distracted there.

Первое задан и е(В 1)

Speaker 4

I go by bus to College but the bus timetable is awkward. I either arrive very early or bang
on time i f the bus is on schedule. But the bus is often a few minutes late. Unfortunately for
me, the college is really tough about being on time. I f you are late regularly you run the risk
o f being told to leave. Their policy is more or less that there are no excuses for being late or
missing a class unless you are sick and can prove it with a doctor’ s certificate. So I arrive very

Speaker 5
I must admit that I am really enjoying my college atmosphere. I think the main difference
between college and school is that all the kids want to be here as opposed to being forced to be
there. There is a lot of co-operation between the students, and the teaching staff at college
speak to you and treat you like an adult. The Spanish is coming on well but the work load is
hard. I might take the A level in June then drop Spanish next year. I ’ d rather do one language
well than two badly.

Speaker 6
I got an A fo r my end-of-term test in French and hooray! I am going to Paris next week on
an exchange program. I ’ ll be staying with Anne-Marie and her fam ily for a week and then
she’ ll come and live with my fam ily fo r a week. I haven’ t met her yet but I saw and spoke to
her on the Skype webcam. It was great. W e understood each other perfectly well, my French
professor can be proud of me! But, strange enough, Ann- Marie finds my name hard to
pronounce (I don’ t know why — I am V irginia!) W e already agreed that w e’ ll have a g ir l’ s
night out in Paris!

You have 15 seconds to complete the task.

Now you w ill hear the text again.
This is the end o f the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.


В ы услышите 6 высказываний. Уст ановит е соответствие между высказываниями каж ­

дого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А - G . И спользуйт е каждую бук­
ву, обозначающую утверждение, т олько один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее ут вер­
ждение. В ы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Now we are ready to start

Speaker 1

Albert Einstein was born in Germany in 1879. His father was a salesman who later became a
factory boss. His mother, Pauline, had a frigh t the night that Albert was born. The future
scientist had a very large and oddly shaped head. Happily his head became more “ in proportion”

Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям

as he grew, but the young Einstein further worried his parents — he couldn’ t speak properly or
at least with fluency appropriate for his age until he was nine years old.

Speaker 2
Nikola Tesla was born in 1856 to a Serbian fam ily in a small village — then in the
Austrian Empire. Legend has it that the night he was born there was an electrical storm and
the sky was filled with lightening. His long journey to success as a physicist was equally
stormy. He suffered major losses. People he trusted let him down. In fact he had so many
problems on the road to wealth and fame that at times he even had to work as a labourer —
digging ditches.

Speaker 3
Niels Bohr was born in Denmark in 1855. His father was a noted Physiologist and his
mother was wealthy and well connected. Niels and his elder brother Harald grew up to become
famous football players. Harald even played for the national football team and represented
Denmark in the Olympics. But it was Niels who eventually became the most famous brother. A t
the age of 37 he got the Nobel Prize and became one o f the most influential physicists of the
20th century.

Speaker 4
Tatyana Alexeyevna Afanasyeva was born in K iev 19th November 1876. A fte r her father
died she was brought up by her uncle in St. Petersburg and attended a pedagogical school and
college for women. In 1902 she travelled to Holland where she met and married Paul Ehrenfest.
She soon, alongside her husband, established herself as one of the great mathematicians of her
age. They had 2 children, one o f whom — Tatyana Pavlovna Ehrenfest — also became a noted

Speaker 5
Marie Curie was Polish but later became a citizen of France. She was a pioneer in the field
of radioactivity, the first person honoured with two Nobel Prizes. Although a French citizen,
she never lost her sense of Polish identity. Regardless of how famous and admired — she always
remembered her Polish childhood. In fact she lived there until the age of 24. She named the
first new chemical element that she discovered after her native country — “ polonium” . In 1932
she founded the Radium Institute in her home town Warsaw.

Speaker 6
Max Planck was born in Kiel, Germany. He was the sixth child in a fam ily devoted to the
church and state. A t school he succeeded very well in all subjects and he was especially
interested in physics and mathematics. He found it difficu lt to make a decision on what career
he was going to aim for, finally settling for physics. But he was also an excellent piano player.
Another passion of his was hiking, mountain climbing and taking long walks as regularly as

Y o u h a v e 15 seconds to com plete the task.

N o w you w ill h e a r the te xt a ga in .
T h is is the end o f the task. Y o u n o w h a v e 15 seconds to check y o u r an sw ers.

Первое задание (В 1)


Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Уст ановит е соот ветствие между вы сказываниями каж ­

дого говорящего 1 - 6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А - G . И спользуйт е каждую бук­
ву, обозначающую утверждение, т олько один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее ут вер­
ждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Now we are ready to start

Speaker 1
W e don’ t really go to Church. Unless there is a wedding, Christening or funeral we go a
maximum o f three times a year — Christmas, Easter and Harvest Festival. Harvest Festival,
usually at the end of September, is my favourite. I think mainly because it reminds me of school
and my childhood. I loved the Hymns we sang and the church looked so pretty filled with
flowers and vegetables. A fte r the Church service, all the vegetables and other products given to
the church were taken to the village hall. They were then sold by auction with all the profits
going to charity.

Speaker 2
Everybody loves Easter! You don’t need to be religious — you just need to love chocolate.
Throughout the year I have to be careful about eating too much chocolate. The occasional
treat is OK but in general I have quite a healthy diet. But for one long weekend a year — all
restrictions are abandoned. W e have traditional chocolate but each year on Easter I look for
something unusual — a chocolate lorry or space rocket! Usually they are hollow but filled with
chocolate sweets, tiny Easter eggs or chocolate toys. I feel pretty ill by the end of the weekend
but it is worth it.

Speaker 3
I like Shrove Tuesday — an important Christian festival that occurs every year 47 days
before Easter Sunday. Shrove Tuesday is traditionally the last day before Lent — a 40 day
period of eating restrictions celebrating Christ’ s journey through the desert. In the U K — this
is celebrated by eating lots of pancakes — a last treat before 40 days of strict diet and denial.
Does this mean that I am a very religious person? Not really. I am afraid, like nearly everybody
else in the U K, I simply adore pancakes!

Speaker 4
Hot Cross Buns are sweet spiced buns filled with currants and marked on top with a cross.
During the reign o f Henry V III an attempt was made to ban the buns! This is because it was
believed that they were baked using the same dough as was used in making communion wafers
or communion bread. These wafers were a part of the Catholic Church Service which at that
time was illegal in England. The problem was that buns were too popular to ban them, so
Elizabeth I eventually passed a law making them legal — but only at Easter and Christmas.

Speaker 5
A fte r Harvest Festival each year we’ d take the vegetable, pies and cooked meats to the
Village Hall to sell them in an auction. This was great fun because it was not treated seriously.
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The highest prices were traditionally bid for a can o f soup or a strangely shaped vegetable.
Nobody really cared because all the money raised was sent to charities like OXFAM — a charity
dedicated to fighting poverty and injustice and giving aid in times of famine or natural

Speaker 6
Lots of people celebrate Lent every year but not all of them for religious reasons. The fact
is that it is good for you to “ detoxify” your body each year. This means to live for a period
without eating toxins or poisons that harm our bodies over time. So for 40 days I don’ t touch
coffee, processed foods (with all their chemicals), fa tty and salty foods and red meat. I t ’ s my
personal choice. I also eat only organic (or naturally farmed) foods as these also tend to be
free of harmful toxins. It is quite hard for the first days but after 40 days I feel great, like a

You have 15 seconds to complete the task

Now you will hear the text again.
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.


Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Уст ановит е соответствие между высказываниями каж ­

дого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А - G . И спользуйт е каждую бук­
ву, обозначающую утверждение, т олько один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее ут вер­
ждение. В ы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Now we are ready to start

Speaker 1
The treaty of Paris in 1856 started an unhappy conflict between Russia and an unusual
alliance: France, Britain, The Ottoman Empire and the Republic o f Sardinia! In some ways it
was a severe setback for Russia with a loss of influence in the Crimea and Black Sea region. But
some historians argue that it was good for Russia as this set back provoked and unprecedented
period of modernisation in social and economic terms as well as in military strength.

Speaker 2
The “ space race” of the 1950’ s and 60’s was claimed as a victory by the Americans but I am
not sure; not i f the “ goals” are agreed as first satellite, first life in space, first human in space
and first human on the moon. In October 1957 Russia launched Sputnik 1: One-nil. The same
year Laika the dog visited space: two nil. A p ril 12th 1961 — Yu ri Gagarin made it three nil.
21st July 1969 — Neil Armstrong “ scored” one back for the U SA by landing on the moon. Even
so — what an incredible “ race” it was!

Speaker 3
As a young man Tsar Peter I travelled in Europe to study new developments in technology
and ship building. For some months he lived in Deptford, London, in the home of the writer
Первое зад ан и е(В 1)

John Evelyn. Не was supposed to be in disguise but everyone knew who he was. In those days it
was not easy to blend in the crowd if you were over two metres tall! He learned a lot during his
journeys that helped the Russian Empire become a major European power.

Speaker 4
For the last 10 years Academia Rossica has been building cultural relations between Russia
and the West. The London based arts group has pioneered inter-cultural projects in every
field — from contemporary art and literature to music and film . It serves people in the U K who
are interested in Russian culture. Among its events are the Russian Film Festival, Russian
Literature week and it currently runs a competition for the best translation from Russian to

Speaker 5
The first major chartered joint stock company in the W orld was The Muscovy Company. It
was founded in 1555 following a two year visit by Richard Chancellor to Arkhangelsk. The
company had a monopoly on trade between Russia and England until 1698 and continued to
trade until 1917 after which it operated as a charity. Its head quarters near the Kremlin, The
Old English Yard, were visited by Queen Elizabeth II in 1994.

Speaker 6
The International Space Station (ISS) is an internationally developed research facility shared
by five agencies: N A S A from the USA and similar agencies from Japan, Canada, Europe and the
Russia. Ownership and use of the International Space Station is governed by inter-governmental
agreements and treaties. The cost of the project has been variously estimated at between 30 and
160 billion dollars. This makes it the most expensive object ever created and has led to some
criticism by those who think the money would have been better spent on earth.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task.

Now you will hear the text again.
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.


Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Уст ановит е соответствие между высказываниями каж ­

дого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А - G . И спользуйт е каждую бук­
ву, обозначающую утверждение, т олько один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее ут вер­
ждение. В ы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Now we are ready to start.

Speaker 1
I am tryin g to read at least one novel a month. I t ’ s part of my “ intellectual” diet. The
diet includes Music, TV and even Play Station but I try to keep a balance overall. There are
times when I get seriously into a new w riter and am distracted until I ’ve read everything.

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On the other hand I can spend untold hours on Final Fantasy or some other game i f it
engages me. But as with a food diet, the odd chocolate binge won’ t hurt you as long as in the
long run you get a good balance.

Speaker 2
I would like to say I love reading Dickens i f it were true — but I just can’t get down to it. I
saw a TV version of David Copperfield and enjoyed it but it is the language in the books I find
really difficu lt to cope with. A ll the sentences seem so long and complex. I suppose it ’s just that
Dickens belongs to a different age, when people spoke and maybe even thought differently. On
the other hand Shakespeare’ s language is difficu lt for me, but it doesn’t spoil my enjoyment of
that amazing dramatist.

Speaker 3
I was sat in that armchair that Granddad made. Somehow I fe lt m yself slip back in time
as I turned each page. I became conscious o f my heart beating. Probably it was the room,
the furniture, the decoration; but that book took me somewhere else. I even felt the
temperature in the room drop and expected to see Peter Quint staring sightlessly from
the garden window.

Speaker 4
I never watch a film based on any book I have already read. Susie always does and yet she
always seems to end up saying “ not as good as the book” . On the other hand it is quite useful to
see films based on books that you ought to read but don’t want to. Shakespeare or Dickens on
film is a great help. You get a red hot story without having to get lost for days in archaic
language. On this, Susie and I are in complete agreement.

Speaker 5
Some people say that conventional books have had their day. The technology has been
surpassed. Like vinyl records and tape cassettes were to music — the traditional book will be
replaced by i-phones, online delivery or through some other multi media platform. They say that
one day we’ll no longer read words on paper stuffed between cardboard covers. But I am not so
sure. On the beach or in bed, on the train or at home I like to curl up with a good old fashioned,
comfortable, paper filled book!

Speaker 6
Beck recycles all her books. I t ’ s a nice habit. W here ever she is, when she reads the last
page, there she “ sets the book free” . This means that she writes on the inside cover a message
o f invitation to whoever happens to pick the book up next. I happened to get one of hers last
week. She wrote “ this book is a love story. Y ou ’ ll not be able to put it down until the very last
word” . And as usual she was spot on. I hardly got any work done last week finishing that
damn story!

Y o u h av e 15 seconds to com plete the ta sk (P a u s e 15 seconds.)

N o w you w ill h e a r the te xt a g a in . (R e p e a t.)
T h is is th e end o f the task. Y o u n o w h av e 15 seconds to check y o u r an sw ers.

Первое зад ан ие(В 1)


В ы услышите 6 высказываний. Уст ановит е соответствие между высказываниями каж ­

дого говорящего 1—6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А - G . И спользуйт е каждую бук­
ву, обозначающую утверждение, т олько один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее ут вер­
ждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Now we are ready to start.

Speaker 1
Susie and I collect and buy each other models of frogs! It all started as a silly joke at the
office party, but now we are serious collectors. I ’ve been trying to find an interesting one for
her birthday but it is not easy. She (that is we) have so many now. They are made from clay,
porcelain, wood, plastic and even soap and wax. Some are the size of footballs and others the
size of a match head. I am hoping to get a Japanese netsuke that I have seen on eBay.

Speaker 2
Most people think fishermen are mad — getting up at an unspeakable hour to be by a lake
or river bank: To remain there for untold hours regardless of the weather whilst, for the most
part, absolutely nothing happens! I understand their incredulity completely. But the truth is
that I find fishing the perfect way to deal with my stress levels. When I am fishing it is as if
my mind gradually empties. When I get back home I feel as if I have been away for months.

Speaker 3
I wish I had a hobby. I kind of like everything but I am not really fascinated by anything in
particular. Dad drives a taxi. He says all the drivers have hobbies as they often get hours of
waiting between jobs. Some play golf. Others have chess games, or learn languages or teach
themselves guitar. I would like to have something like that. But what? I suppose there is
nothing wrong with finding everything mildly interesting, but I hope one day I ’ ll find
something really distracting.

Speaker 4
Football training is usually on a Wednesday night. But I often do a second session on a
Friday. The keenest players (rather than the most gifted) generally get picked to start the game
in our Sunday league. Taking this into account I made a superhuman effort to get there Friday
evening and I am glad I did. The scout for Aston Villa was there. He watched a whole game and
Baz and I are both going to Villa Park for a trial.

Speaker 5
Evan Zimmermann loves watches. He's so passionate about collecting watches, in fact, that
four years ago he quit his day job as a lawyer and became the managing director of New York's
“ Antiquorum” , the largest watch auction house in the world. Now, immersed in the world of
watches, Zimmermann, 40, can keep an eager eye on rare timepieces as they become available to
add to his constantly evolving personal collection.

Speaker 6
I live in Brighton where there is rarely any decent surf. But it has not stopped the
development o f a local “ scene” . O f course we are all mad; watching surf cams day after day
Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям

hoping to see some waves. W e pine fo r our holidays when we can travel away to some decent
surf location, fo r a week or two. But fo r the most part we dream, torture ourselves watching
surf videos or create sad web sites like www.nosurfinbrighton.co.uk

You have 15 seconds to complete the task (Pause 15 seconds.)

Now you will hear the text again. (Repeat.)
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.


Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Уст ановит е соответствие между высказываниями каж ­

дого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А - G . И спользуйт е каждую бук­
ву, обозначающую утверждение, т олько один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее ут вер­
ждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Now we are ready to start.

Speaker 1
Until recently, shoppers could expect bargains after Christmas — that is high discounts and
low prices. However, retailers these days take a more scientific approach to selling. They buy
“ just in time” or “ on demand” rather than hold big stocks which they might need to sell
cheaply. Because of this they offer “ sales” year round and the “ January Sales” don’t catch the
shopper’ s attention like they used to.

Speaker 2
On Boxing Day, Next, Selfridges, Debenhams and countless other High Street stores opened
their doors to bargain hungry shoppers at 7.00am. But it was nothing like it used to be even
10 years ago. Then, shoppers would camp and queue outside the shop door right through
Christmas so they’ d be first in line to snap up a particular bargain. W hat a horrible way to
spend Christmas.

Speaker 3
I am really suspicious about “ sale prices” . As I understand it there are laws that say how
long goods must be offered at “ full Price” before that price can be reduced and legally offered as
“ on sale” . But how can anybody check that this always happens? W hat is to stop somebody
buying suits that normally sell at J100 and hanging a sign saying “ Reduced from J200” ?

Speaker 4
I do most of my shopping in supermarkets. They are organised, well stocked, well lit and
super efficient. The prices are good and the parking is free. But I honestly prefer the open air
markets. In reality the prices are about the same and it can be raining or cold. But there is
something about selecting fresh vegetables in the open air that feels more natural to me.

Speaker 5
I am a surfing and ski board instructor. I need to invest in a lot of top quality gear and
accessories. W etsuits for example need to be durable and they need to fit perfectly. Boards
Первое зад ан и е(В 1)

and accessories need to be handled and compared and discussed with a decent sales person. So I
was really happy when “ The W indfinder Shop” opened. The prices are a bit higher than buying
on the internet but you can try things out and be sure that you are getting exactly the right

Speaker 6
There are few things more boring than standing in a queue in a supermarket — especially if
you only needed a few things and are in a rush. That’s why I like the automatic check outs at
the most modern supermarkets. You scan what you’ve bought and pay by card. It takes seconds.
A lot o f shoppers think the automatic check outs are too complicated and prefer to queue. But
they are really easy to work out and they save so much time.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task (Pause 15 seconds.)

Now you will hear the text again. (Repeat.)
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.


В ы услышите 6 высказываний. Уст ановит е соот ветствие между высказываниями каж ­

дого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А - G . И спользуйт е каждую бук­
ву, обозначающую утверждение, т олько один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее ут вер­
ждение. В ы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Now we are ready to start.

Speaker 1
Every weekend I like to play football from September to June and tennis in the summer
months. It is a big commitment, but it keeps me active and healthy and there is a great social
scene linked to the friends I play with. W e often go out Saturday nights to restaurants, clubs or
the cinema. W e don’ t take it very seriously. Probably we’ ll never win any big competitions but
we are more interested in keeping fit and having fun.

Speaker 2
I am probably going to be away this weekend. I like to just set o ff on a Friday night and see
where I end up. I ’ll drive for a few hours, stay in a guest house, and then set o ff again early
next morning. I like not having an itinerary. I might go to Scotland or to Wales. I ’ ll just see
where the car takes me. Two weekends ago I drove down to Cornwall and spent all of Sunday
walking the costal path in huge winds and rain. But I absolutely loved it.

Speaker 3
For me, the perfect way to spend a Saturday morning is having a leisurely cooked breakfast
in the go lf course cafii. I don’ t play golf — I just love the cafii which has brilliant views over
the sea. For about fiv e pounds you get toast, sausage, bacon, eggs and beans plus unlimited
refills of tea or coffee. They even have newspapers there which you can take to your table and
slowly read while munching your toast.

Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям

Speaker 4
I have to work every other weekend but once a month I get a four day “ weekend” to make
up for it. I try to get all my house work, shopping and other jobs out o f the way so I can treat
these as mini holidays. Whenever I can, I go on walking holidays; either camping or staying at
youth hostels. This year I ’ve been to the Lake District, Snowdonia and even managed to
complete the South Downs W ay, 110 miles, in my four day breaks.

Speaker 5
The weather’s been bad for the last three weekends, but the forecast is OK for next week
and I should be able to get out. I thought I might play a bit of go lf or if i t ’s really nice I ’ll go
fishing. A month ago we had beautiful weather and I was lucky enough to get invited sailing.
Actually I don’t mind what I do as long as I can get outdoors. I ’ll give Tom a call tonight. W e
have the same golf “ handicap” so if he’ s free it should be a good contest.
Speaker 6
Sunday mornings I love to go to the boot sale at Brighton Marina. A ll sorts of things are
for sale — antiques, brie a brae, books, records, furniture: You name it — and somebody will be
selling it. But the reason I go is to see my friends. Some o f them are stall holders and others of
us just go there to see what’s on sale and chat. Last month however I managed to buy a rare
antique silver broach fo r J10. I ’ve since shown it to a jeweller who offered me J200 for it.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task (Pause 15 seconds.)

Now you will hear the text again. (Repeat.)
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.


Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Уст ановит е соот ветствие между высказываниями каж ­

дого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А - G . И спользуйт е каждую бук­
ву, обозначающую утверждение, т олько один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее ут вер­
ждение. В ы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Now we are ready to start

Speaker 1
Today the “ mock” exams began. I had the history paper this morning. The choice of essay
questions was really tough. I managed two of them reasonably well (origins of W W II and the
Tudors) but struggled like mad on the Russian history task. I chose one on Kerensky in the end but
realised I simply hadn’t done enough revision. This afternoon we had the multiple choice biology
paper — but again I had to do a lot of guessing. I ’ll have to work much harder before the real
Speaker 2
W e had another of Mr Corner’s impossible revision tests today. I simply hate maths and
can’t wait until it ’s all over. Each practice test has 15 marks and we then pass our finished
paper “ two mathematicians to the righ t” : He then reads out the answers and we all mark the
paper of our next but one neighbour. Again I did really badly, managing to score only 6. “ The
Corner” says I have as much chance passing as getting an Olympic Gold in Figure Skating!
Первое задан и е(В 1)

Speaker 3
Susan took her A rt History paper this afternoon. Her question was “ Compare and Contrast
the work o f six 20th Century Sculptors” . Unfortunately she had only revised three, so in
desperation she “ invented” three more. She “ created” three little-known sculptors who modelled
in clay and lived obscurely in tiny villages. She decided they were based in Sweden, Slovenia and
Spain and is hoping and praying that she will get some marks for creativity and some for her
real knowledge of clay sculpting techniques.

Speaker 4
Harry struggles with remembering the useful quotations you should always use to illustrate
your points in exam essay questions. H e’s OK with names and dates but he’s lost when trying to
back up his answer with good quotes. So he has written all the most important ones out and to
revise he sings them with his guitar! It is the craziest revision strategy I have ever heard of but
he says it works for him.

Speaker 5
There are loads of revision aids on the internet providing sample answers for the questions
that are likely to come up in the exam. The trouble is that everybody reads them and our
teachers believe that this will result in 1000s of kids making almost identical answers. For
teachers who have to grade the papers, they can see instantly which students are recycling
internet answers. They are much more likely to give higher marks to students who have
prepared thoroughly, read independently and are not afraid of w riting their own ideas.

Speaker 6
Our French teacher seems to believe that practice tests are valuable regardless of whether
you have covered the material already. Maybe she’s right. A t least with French there are
“compensation strategies” and alternative ways of expressing things. Still I hate to be quizzed
on vocabulary I have not yet learned. It seems such a waste of time.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task.

Now you will hear the text again.
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.


В ы услышите 6 высказываний. Уст ановит е соответствие между высказываниями каж ­

дого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А - G . И спользуйт е каждую бук­
ву, обозначающую утверждение, т олько один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее ут вер­
ждение. В ы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Now we are ready to start

Speaker 1
Mobile phones: students are permitted to bring mobile phones into school but they must be
switched o ff at all times and kept out of sight. There are no exceptions. In case of an accident
Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям

or emergency of any kind students must report to the nearest teacher who will then phone if
assistance is needed. I f any student is seen using a mobile, it will be immediately confiscated
and not returned until the end of term.

Speaker 2
W e have to keep our school diaries on us at all times and have them ready for inspection at
any time. It reminds me a bit of having your passport or documents checked! But it is a good
idea. You have to complete the diary daily — including homework assignments and deadlines. I
find it really helpful and to be honest I ’d be lost without it. I t ’ s good for self management and
probably good practice for our future lives as adults. I ’d prefer an electronic version (less easy
to lose) but still I think it ’s a good system.

Speaker 3
Home task deadlines are supposed to be very strict. The teachers can refuse to accept work
that is handed in late and since we have “ continuous assessment” this could be a problem. But in
practice, teachers are quite good about extending deadlines provided you are polite and honest.
I f you are genuinely having trouble with a task they tend to be supportive and ready to help
with advice. However, although deadlines may be extended, they never actually go away!

Speaker 4
I hate bullies. I simply don’t understand why some children behave in such an unkind and
even cruel manner. Perhaps it is just part of growing up. Anyway, especially since I became a
school prefect, I keep a close eye out fo r any such bad behaviour. I f I witness something I
think might be bullying behaviour I tell a teacher and they also keep a close watch. It is
generally d ifficu lt to catch them and prove their wrong doing. But luckily it is quite rare in
our school.

Speaker 5
Our school has a three way-contract that has to be signed by parents, pupils and teachers.
The pupils sign, agreeing that they will follow all the school rules. The parents sign that they
will ensure the attendance and good behaviour of their child: Also that they will make sure their
child does all the prescribed homework. And the teachers sign that they will do their best to
help the pupils fu lfil their full educational potential. It is more of a simple agreement rather
than a contract. I am not sure i f in practice it is particularly valuable.

Speaker 6
I am doing A Levels in Music and Music Technology plus History and Maths! I plan, after I
finish school, to take a degree in modern music and my ambition is to be a full time musician.
So I thought that my request to have two days approved holiday to attend a music festival was a
reasonable one. The teachers were not at all keen on the idea but luckily for me they finally
agreed. I expect I will learn a lot and that’ s what education is about — isn’t it?

Y o u h ave 15 seconds to com plete the task.

N o w you w ill h e a r the text a g a in .
T h is is the end o f the task. Y o u n o w h av e 15 seconds to check y o u r an sw ers.

Первое зад ан и е(В 1)


В ы услышите 6 высказываний. Уст ановит е соот ветствие между высказываниями каж ­

дого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А -G . Используйт е каждое ут ­
верждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, т олько один раз. В задании есть о д ­
но лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в
таблицу. У вас есть 20 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданием.

Now we are ready to start

Speaker 1
Leonardo Da Vinci, master of the Italian Renaissance, isn’ t generally thought of as an
architect. However, he has influenced architects through the centuries by his research and
contributions in the fields of anatomical structure, mechanics, hydraulics, engineering,
mathematics and optics. He actually described himself as an experienced architect, although he
only once, in 1487, submitted drawings for a design of the cupola for Milan cathedral, which
were rejected.

Speaker 2
Russian architect Vasily Petrovich Stasov (1769-1848) lived in France and Italy before
returning to his homeland. He believed that the most trivial buildings -barracks, storehouses,
stables — should look imposing and monumental. In 1820, after a great fire, he remodelled
parts of the baroque Catherine Palace in a neoclassical style. Also, after the disastrous fire in
the W inter Palace in 1837, he remodelled many of the halls.

Speaker 3
Italian Renaissance painter Michelangelo actually had quite a low regard for painting and
much preferred sculpture and architecture. Whereas he is famous for his frescoes in the Sistine
Chapel in Rome, not everyone realises he was an architect of Saint Peter’s Basilica. He was 74
when he took over the plans from Antonio da Sangallo and he transformed the designs
completely. The western end and the dome were built from his drawings and plans.

Speaker 4
Julia Morgan (1872-1957) is considered by some to be the greatest ever woman architect —
even though she grew up in an age when women were actively discouraged from this profession.
Her story is one of great determination and readiness to overcome all difficulties to achieve her
goal. Qualification and acceptance were hard won but the brilliance of her work was eventually
noticed and noted. In 1919 she was asked to design Hearst Castle by W illiam Randolph
Hearst — one of the most famous private residences in the world.

Speaker 5
The great American architect Frank Lloyd W righ t was married 3 times and had 7 children.
Many of his children and grandchildren went on to become noted architects — although one
granddaughter was the Oscar winning actress Anne Baxter. W rig h t’s third w ife was Olga
Ivanova Lazovich. Her daughter, Svetlana was married to W rig h t’ s assistant W illiam Peters,
who after Svetlana’ s death was briefly married to Svetlana Alliluyeva — the only daughter of
Joseph Stalin.
Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям

Speaker 6
Norman Foster is one of the U K ’ s most prolific designers of landmark office buildings.
Often his work involves a mixture of cutting edge technology and basic physical laws — such as
convection. The famous office building, best known as “ The Gherkin” , has complex outer walls
that let in passive air for cooling and then gently expel the air as it warms and rises. It is
almost as i f this intelligent and efficient structure is breathing.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task.

Now you will hear the texts again.
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.


Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Уст ановит е соответствие между высказываниями каж ­

дого говорящего 1 -6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А - G . И спользуйт е каждое ут ­
верждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, т олько один ра з. В задании есть о д ­
но лишнее ут верж дение. В ы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в
таблицу. У вас есть 20 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданием.

Now we are ready to start.

Speaker 1
My Dad always says that the weather was different when he was young. The skies were
often blue from horizon to horizon, not always cloudy like now. The English summers were long
and warm and in winter there would be decent snow — especially in January and February. He
says that this has convinced him that climate change is real. But I ’m not sure. Maybe he just
remembers the best days o f his childhood and conveniently forgets the horrid days.

Speaker 2
The difference between weather and climate is simply time. The weather is what is
happening outside right now and the climate is how the atmosphere behaves over relatively long
periods o f time. I think people talk too casually about climate change. The climate has always
been changing since the world was formed. W hat is important is how we protect the planet as
much as possible from the ravages of pollution. But the climate will continue to change

Speaker 3
Moonbows are rare. They occur when the moon is full but low in the sky and its rays refract
through the spray from waterfalls. Haloes are rings formed around the sun when ice crystals
refract light in the upper atmosphere. The bright areas in the arcs are called sundogs. But most
dramatic of all are fire rainbows when the sun shines through ice crystals held in high altitude
cirrus cloud. It is a great disappointment to me that I have seen none of these — but I live in hope.

Speaker 4
W hat happens outside this week or next week has nothing to do with the role of humans in
causing climate change. It is professionally irresponsible for scientists to claim that some
Первое зад ан и е(В 1)

weather observed these days is “ consistent with” long term predictions for climate change. Any
weather and all weather patterns can “ f i t ” long term predictions. W hat is needed is less headline
grabbing statements that frighten everyone to death and more serious study of long term

Speaker 5
The US Environmental Protection agency has an interesting website — It supports the view
that the rate of unnatural climate change can be reduced by positive action. It challenges the
idea that as individuals we are powerless to help our planet. In fact the site demonstrates that if
we all individually change our lives just in small ways, it could make a very big difference to
our planet.

Speaker 6
In England, when it rains hard, we often say that i t ’s raining “ cats and dogs” . But actually
there have been many cases of so called “ non-aqueous rain” — usually where birds or fish fall
like rain. In 1939 in W iltshire, England, there was a shower of frogs and in 1983, in Dorset,
lumps of coal fell from the sky. There are different opinions as to why this happens but as far
as I know, so far, no actual cats or dogs fell from the sky! That really would fuel the discussion
on climate change.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task.

Now you will hear the text again.
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

{True/False/No information)


В ы услышите разговор между братом и сестрой о лет них каникулах. Определите, какие
из приведённых утверждений ( А 1 - А 7 ) соот ветствуют содержанию т е к ст а (1 ), какие
не соот вет ст вую т (Ё ) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя
дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного о т вет а (3 ). Обведите номер выбранного ва­
ми варианта ответа. В ы услышите запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start.

Katie: You are going to work all summer as a volunteer?

Paul: Yes. I t ’ s really exciting. I can’ t wait.
Katie: Let me see now, that’ll be no money, no time o ff and no summer. I can only see
Paul: Ha-Ha, how w itty you are, very funny. Is it worth even trying to explain to a summer
department store worker such as yourself?
Katie: Steady on brother! OK — tell me about it. I am all ears.
Paul: Did you know there are thousands o f people with no computer skills? Think about
that for a moment. W hat jobs today don’t need computers? And think about our media
surroundings. I t ’s all websites, virtual opportunities, social networking and so on. Then just
imagine you don’t understand any of it. Imagine no prospect ever of getting a job or even....
Katie: Paul — there is no excuse nowadays for anyone not having basic computer skills.
Paul: Really? W hat about people over 50? They never had computer classes at school
because for ordinary people then, there were no computers. And what about those disadvantaged
by dyslexia, or those from tough home environments, or the elderly, or....
Katie: I get the picture. Go on.
Paul: I ’ll be in a training centre, giving one-to-one tuition to people whose lives might
really change for the better. I did one evening a week last term and loved it. Now I have a whole
Katie: W ell I will work 7 days a week for most of the summer. And then I am going to the
south of France with James and we’ll have the summer holiday of our lives.
Paul: That’s great Katie. Don’t think I don’t approve or even that I am not a tiny bit
jealous. I am not a saint and actually in a sense, we are both taking the same option.
Katie: W hat do you mean?
Paul: You, dear sister, and I are both choosing exactly what we want to do this summer and
really, we are making that choice only for ourselves.
Katie: W ell — I still think you should get a halo.

Y o u h av e 15 seconds to com plete th e ta sk (P a u s e 15 seconds.)

N o w you w ill h e a r the text a g a in . (R e p e a t.)
T h is is the end o f the task. Y o u n o w h a v e 15 seconds to check y o u r an sw ers.
Второе задание(А1-А7)


В ы услышите разговор между братом и сестрой о лет них каникулах. Определите, какие
из приведённых утверждений ( А 1 —А 7 ) соот ветствуют содержанию т е к ст а (1 ), какие
не соот вет ст вую т (2 ) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя
дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного о т вет а (З ). Обведите номер выбранного ва­
ми варианта ответа. В ы услышите запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start.

Katie: Paul’ s going to be working as a volunteer this summer. For some reason this news
has unsettled me a bit.
James: W hy is he doing it?
Katie: He just wants to. I guess he gets a kick from helping people.
James: So why does it bother you?
Katie: I suppose it ’ s because I have been thinking that my brother is going to do something
much better with his life than I ever will. The decisions we make now, I mean, aren’ t they the
same kind of decisions we’ ll make throughout our lives? I f I am self indulgent now — won’t I
always be?
James: Katie — that’s a bit heavy. And your thinking is upside down.
Katie: Or inside out?
James: I don’t know what you mean Kate — but think about this. You’re young. You don’t
have kids or to pay for a house. You’ll possibly never know again the freedom you have now. Or
if you do — then это слово удалить you’ ll be old. This is your time now. Paul’s doing what he
wants. So should you.
Katie: But don’t you think we should live our lives to try and make a difference?
James: W e all make a difference in small ways. The jobs we do, the money we spend, the
decisions we influence. I t ’s small stuff but we are small amongst almost 7 billion people who live
here. And maybe one day you’ ll have children who will also have children and they’ll all touch
the world in small ways.
Katie: Now who is getting weird?
James: Katie — all I am saying is not everyone is going to be Mother Theresa and thank
God for that say I.
Katie: And your conclusion M r Philosopher, sir?
James: My conclusion is that you and I going to the Mediterranean Sea, to sunshine, to cool
bars, to nights of dancing. And we will never forget and we will never regret.
Katie: Agreed! And I suppose I could volunteer one night a week next term — like Paul did.
James: W ay to go Mother Katie!

Y o u h av e 15 seconds to com plete the ta sk (P a u s e 15 seconds.)

N o w yo u w ill h e a r the text a g a in . (R e p e a t.)
T h is is the end o f the task. Y o u n o w h av e 15 seconds to check y o u r a n sw ers.

Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям


В ы услышите разговор между братом и сестрой о лет них каникулах. Определите, какие
из приведённых утверждений ( А 1 —А 7 ) соот ветствуют содержанию т е к ст а (1 ), какие
не соот вет ст вую т (2 ) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя
дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного от ве т а (3 ). Обведите номер выбранного ва­
ми варианта ответа. В ы услышите запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start.

Ivy: Thank you so much Paul. I can’t believe it. I can use e-mail! I can down load files! I can
go e-shopping! I t ’ s like a whole new world.
Paul: Iv y — the pleasure is all mine. I told you it would be really easy.
Ivy: I know you did. And I said to my husband Fred I ’ d never manage to switch on a
computer let alone use it. And he turned round and said to me “You listen to that Paul. H e’ s
alright he is” . And he was dead right. Guess what! Fred wants to have lessons as well but only if
he can have them with you.
Paul: It would be a privilege to teach your husband Ivy. I am sure he’ll be as bright a star
as you are.
Ivy: W hat’s on the course in the autumn? W ill you still be here?
Paul: I ’ll be back to college in September but I ’m still planning to do one evening a week
here. So are my sister Katie and her boyfriend James, so you’ ll have plenty to choose from.
Ivy: You’ re my choice Paul! So what do you think I should study next?
Paul: W ell, you’ve completed the beginners course Ivy and the logical next step is the
improvers’ course. But in my opinion you now know enough to go straight to a higher level.
You can take the C LA IT course and get a diploma. Or you can stretch to Office Skills and
Administration which is a bit tougher but it will really improve your chance of getting a job.
Ivy: Oh I can just see me. Keen young 57 year old secretary!
Paul: You are not too old Ivy. I f you get the right qualifications you could be earning a
decent salary next year.
Ivy: Which course will you be teaching in September?
Paul: I ’ll be doing C LA IT every Wednesday evening.
Ivy: Then I ’ ll begin with CLAIT.
Paul: And you can always do the Skills course in January. It might well be the best route.
Ivy: Where do I sign?
Paul: Just tell Frances in reception and she’ ll get you registered.

Y o u h ave 15 seconds to com plete th e ta sk (P a u s e 15 seconds.)

N o w you w ill h e a r the text a g a in . (R e p e a t.)
T h is is the end o f the task. Y o u n o w h a v e 15 seconds to check y o u r a n sw ers.

Второе задание(А1-А7)


В ы услышите разговор двух студентов о выборе курса истории. Определите, какие из

приведённых утверждений ( А 1 —А 7 ) соот ветствуют содержанию т е к ст а (1 ), какие не
соот вет ст вую т (2 ) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя
дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного о т ве т а (3 ). Обведите номер выбранного ва­
ми варианта ответа. В ы услышите запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start

Victor. Hi, Anna. Have you registered yet?

Anna. Yes, I ’ve just seen my adviser and I ’m through. I t ’ s easy now we register by
computer. How about you?
Victor. Almost, but I don’t know who to take for history. I ’m thinking about Dr. Smith. I
hear he’s easy. W h o’ d you have for history?
Anna. Oh, Victor, take Dr. Jones. She’ s terrific! I used to hate history, but I loved her
Victor. I hear she’s hard.
Anna. She knows that’s what students think. She told us she’s not hard, it ’ s understanding
history that’s hard.
Victor. So what’ s her course like?
Anna. W ell, it ’ s not memorizing names and dates! She wants you to understand the
processes that shape human communities so we can understand how the world got to be the way
it is today.
Victor. Good Lord! W hat are her tests like?
Anna. There’s a test at the end of each unit, but before she begins a unit she hands out a
review sheet with everything she might test on. She won’t ask any question on the test that’ s
not covered on the review sheet.
Victor. Hey, piece o f cake!
Anna. Think so? One of the questions was “ Explain how the process of industrialization
differed in any two o f the following countries: England, the United States, Germany, Russia.”
Victor. I ’ m not believing this! How’d she expect you to answer a question like that?
Anna. She spent a week talking about the process of industrialization in general. Then we
spent a week in class applying that to the process o f industrialization in England. A fte r that she
expected the class to take the initiative in analyzing the process in the other countries. By the
time we’ d gone through that, we could have explained what the F iji Islands had to do in order
to industrialize! And notice, Victor, whichever country we chose to write about on the exam, we
had to pick the important names and dates from that country’s history.
Victor. Seems to me that’ s expecting a lot.
Anna. W ell, she said once, I don’t expect you to know everything; but I do expect you to
know something.
Victor. W ere the tests objective or essay?
Anna. The unit tests were mixed. There were some names, dates, and geographical locations
tested with objective questions, but every unit exam had an essay question.

Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям

Victor. Did she count spelling and grammar and all that in the grade?
Anna. Yes, she said this is higher education and we’re expected to know how to write and
Victor. Well, Anna, you’ve convinced me. I ’m taking Dr. Smith for history.
Anna. Victor!

You have 15 seconds to complete the task.

Now you will hear the text again.
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

Второе задание(А1-А7)


В ы услышите разговор студентов о семестровом экзамене по истории. Определите, ка­

кие из приведённых утверждений ( А 1 - А 7 ) соот ветствуют содержанию т екст а ( 1 ), ка­
кие не соот вет ст вую т (2 ) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста
нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного от вет а (З ). Обведите номер выбран­
ного вами варианта ответа. В ы услышите запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start

Anna. Hi, Victor. I just finished my last exam and I ’ m on my way home. How about you?
Victor. One more. Dr. Smith’s history exam.
Anna. Oh, how was his class? Did you like it?
Victor. Not much. He just read from his notes the whole semester. You had Dr. Jones,
didn’t you? What was her final exam like?
Anna. It was fun. She called it a multiple-choice essay exam. There were six essay questions
and we could choose any two to answer.
Victor. Just two?
Anna. She said she wanted to find out what we knew, not what we didn’t.
Victor. What kind of questions were they?
Anna. Remember, I told you she didn’t expect us to remember a lot of names and dates. She
called that “ the one-damn-thing-after-another” school of history. She wanted us to learn the
processes that shape communities.
Victor. Like what?
Anna. Well, in the Civilization course you took, it would be the processes that broke
down medieval institutions, or the processes of forming a national state, or the process of
industrialization in Europe. Things like that.
Victor. How do you write an essay about a process?
Anna. Well, one of the things I wrote about was imperialism. We learned to look for what
was happening inside a country to make it want to expand, to look at geography to see why it
expanded in the direction it did, to look for the goals of expansion and the methods of controlling
new territory, and finally to look at the ways colonial people tried to defend themselves. That’s
the process. Then in the exam we applied that to an example, like Spanish imperialism in
America, or British imperialism in Africa, or whatever. That’s where we used names and
dates...giving details for a specific case of imperialism.
Victor. I think you may have learned something. That sounds easier than trying to guess
what’s in Dr. Smith’s head. I have no idea what to study for.
Anna. Well, good luck, Victor. See you next semester.

Y o u have 15 seconds to complete the task.

N o w you w ill hear the text again.
This is the end of the task. Y ou now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям


В ы услышите разговор двух американских учеников о школьной программе обменов. Опре­

делите, какие из приведённых утверждений ( А 1 - А 7 ) соответствуют содержанию тек-
с т а ( 1 ), какие не соот вет ст вуют ( 2 ) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании
текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного о т ве т а (З ). Обведите номер
выбранного вами варианта ответа. В ы услышите запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start

Rosalind: David, listen to this! W e’re going to host an exchange student this year! Her
name’s Elena Yakunina. She’s from Bulgaria.
David: Elena Yakunina? That sounds Russian. I once had a pen-pal from Russia with the
same last name!
Rosalind: Her family was Russian. Her grandfather’s parents went to Bulgaria during the
Russian Civil War. They were Ukrainian. Oh, this is all so exciting!
David: I hope she speaks English. It will be a long year if she doesn’t.
Rosalind: She probably speaks it better than we do. Her dad’s a chemist, but her mom
teaches English.
David: I'll bet she’s read a lot about America. What do you know about Bulgaria?
Rosalind: Not much. But I ’m on my way to the library to check out some books. Dad’ s even
ordered some language books. W e’re going to practice at home.
David: That should be a riot!
Rosalind: And mom’s learning to cook some Bulgarian dishes.
David: Won’t that be a nice cultural experience! Feeding Bulgarian food to a Bulgarian!
Where’d you find out about the program?
Rosalind: Mrs. Young, our French teacher, invited a lady from American Field Services to
talk to our language class. She told us we could get more information from the Student
Exchange Resource Center on the internet.
David: How’d your parents feel about hosting a foreign student?
Rosalind: They had to think about it for awhile, but then they got excited, too. The AFS
lady came by to talk to us, and then we made arrangements for the new student at school.
David: I wonder what my parents would think about hosting a foreign student.
Rosalind: Who knows? They might prefer to send you o ff to some far-away country.
David: Timbuktu would be fun.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task.

Now you will hear the text again.
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

Второе задание(А1-А7)


В ы услышите разговор между братом и сестрой о покупке новой машины. Определите,

какие из приведённых утверждений ( А 1 —А 7 ) соот ветствуют содержанию т екст а(1),
какие не соот вет ст вуют (2 ) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста
нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа(З). Обведите номер выбран­
ного вами варианта ответа. В ы услышите запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start.

Alice: You really are going to buy a NEW car? They are so expensive compared to buying
one that’s maybe three or four years old.
Michael: Yes. I had planned to buy a second hand one but then I heard about this new
car scrappage scheme. Provided your old car is at least 10 years old, you get a J2000 price
reduction on your new car - paid for by the government.
Alice: What is a scrappage scheme?
Michael: It basically means that your old car is taken away, scrapped and recycled. For the
government the motive is to help the new car industry. But they also want to get old, petrol
thirsty and environmentally unfriendly cars o ff the road.
Alice: What sort of car are you thinking of getting?
Michael: I am seriously thinking about buying a hybrid car — possibly the Toyota or Honda.
Alice: What is a hybrid car?
Michael: It is a car that generally combines a small fuel efficient petrol engine with an
electric motor generator: This powers the car while cruising on level roads. Hybrids are still
quite expensive but there are some really good offers available at the moment. Combined with
the scrappage scheme I can just about afford it.
Alice: So it will be quite cheap to run once you have paid for it?
Michael: Certainly it will use a lot less petrol than an ordinary car and if you operate a car
that produces low emissions — then you don’t have to pay Road Tax.
Alice: And what about reliability and performance. How quickly does it accelerate?
Michael: It goes from zero to 62 miles per hour in 12 seconds. As for reliability — all the
reports seem to be quite good. It has a guarantee for the first 90,000 miles.
Alice: Well I have to say that I am really proud of you. You are not as green as me because I
refuse to give up my bicycle. But I do realise that it is C02 emissions from cars that make one of
the biggest contributions to global warming. So well done — you have the approval of your sister.
Michael: Any other questions?
Alice: Well — only the MOST important question of all. What colour are you getting?

You have 15 seconds to complete the task (Pause 15 seconds.)

Now you will hear the text again. (Repeat.)
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям


В ы услышите разговор между отцом и дочерью о поездке в магазин. Определите, какие из

приведённых утверждений ( А 1 - А 7 ) соответствуют содержанию т екст а(1), какие не со­
от вет ст вуют (2 ) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать
ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа(З). Обведите номер выбранного вами ва­
риант а ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start.

Alice: I ’m just going to the shop to get a few bits and pieces. Do you need anything?
Dad: You couldn’t pick up a half a dozen litre bottles of carbonated water could you?
Alice: I would Dad but I am going by bike and I can’t get anything heavy. It ’ s more a case
of anything small and urgent — then I ’m your girl.
Dad: Well we need batteries for the remote control. They are small and really urgent. W e’ ll
not be able to watch TV otherwise
Alice: More urgent for you than for me. But no problem, batteries: Anything else?
Dad: I think we are pretty low on toothpaste and maybe soap. Do you want to check?
Alice: I checked already and we have plenty.
Dad: I know what we really need — a roll of insulation tape. Some wires have come loose
under the stairs and I promised your mum that I would sort it out. Actually we need a new box
of fuses as well. They really have run out because I looked yesterday. And by the way we need a
new screwdriver set because....
Alice: I am not sure i f I can get those from the shop on the corner. Probably it will be
necessary to go into the centre of town.
Dad: Why don’t we both go? I ’ll take the car and then we can stock up on some of the
heavier things like water, fruit and veg.
Alice: You haven’ t looked outside have you? There’s been an accident at the top of Gardner
Street. The police have now closed it to cars and set up a diversion but the traffic is at a
complete standstill. The only way to travel just now is by bike or on foot which is why I am
going to cycle there.
Dad: I didn’t realise. Was it a bad accident?
Alice: They say on the radio news that nobody was hurt but 5 vehicles are involved and they
don’ t expect the road to be open again until later this evening.
Dad: I see. So we won’t get a chance to visit the town centre shops until tomorrow. In that
case just some batteries — if they sell them at the corner shop. I hope they do because I don’t
know how a TV addict like you will possibly survive a whole evening without TV
Alice: Ha ha. Well it takes one to know one
Dad: Be careful on the bike. The traffic may be at a standstill but there are always a few
drivers who go on pavements and similar stunts. Have you asked your Mum or brother if they
need anything urgent?
Alice: I asked Mum but she doesn’t need anything. Michael’s still not home from college.

Y o u have 15 seconds to complete the task (P au se 15 seconds.)

N o w you w ill hear the text again. (R epeat.)
This is the end of the task. Y o u now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

Второе задание(А1-А7)


В ы услышите разговор между братом и сестрой о планах на вечер. Определите, какие из

приведённых утверждений ( А 1 - А 7 ) соответствуют содержанию т екст аЦ ), какие не со­
от вет ст вую т (2 ) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать
ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа(З). Обведите номер выбранного вами ва­
риант а ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start.

Alice: Hi Michael. How was your day?

Michael: College was OK but it was a nightmare driving home. How was yours?
Alice: Boring — but I was really glad of my bike when I came home. I cycled through the
park. It was a bit longer than usual — maybe 25 minutes.
Michael: And for me it took almost 4 hours. There was an accident in Gardner Street I was
supposed to have a free afternoon and I was going to play tennis.
Alice: The traffic is still bad now otherwise I might have gone to see “Avatar” at the
Michael: Is that the 3D film?
Alice: Yes. Actually I have seen it twice before but the 3D effect is so impressive on a
cinema screen. I doubt I ’d ever watch it on DVD at home. Anyway — there’s no chance of going
out any where this evening. A t least we can watch TV. I managed to use my bike to get to the
corner shop and pick up some batteries for the remote.
Michael: Have you looked to see if there is anything on worth watching?
Alice: I checked the TV guide and to be honest there is nothing much worth watching
tonight. There is a film I ’d like to see about Jim Morrison and The Doors. I forget its name. But
it starts rather late so I think I ’ll just record it and get an early night.
Michael: It ’s called “ The Doors” and I have it on DVD if you want to watch it earlier. It ’s a
really good film. I might watch it again with you.
Alice: On the other hand I might take the opportunity to make some progress on my
dissertation. What joy — another couple of thousand words on political references and codes in
Michael: Wow — that sounds like fun!
Alice: Have you had any more luck finding your new “ green” vehicle?
Michael: I was thinking of a metallic red actually
Alice: Very funny!
Michael: W ell I am thinking about it still. I am still not sure if I can afford it or not. But I
am going down to the show room next week for a test drive and to see what sort of deals they
can offer.

Y o u have 15 seconds to complete the task (P au se 15 seconds.)

N o w you w ill hear the text again. (R epeat.)
This is the end o f the task. Y o u now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям


Вы услышите разговор брата и сестры. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений

А 1 -А 7 соот ветствуют содержанию текста (1 — T r u e ), какие не соответствуют
(2 — F a ls e ) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни
положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — N o t sta ted ). Обведите номер выбран­
ного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды. У вас есть 20 секунд, чтобы
ознакомиться с заданиями.

Now we are ready to start.

Victor. Which person in history would you most have liked to be?
Anna. Victor — I am trying to watch TV!
Victor. Yes you are watching “ Who wants to be a millionaire” which means that actually
you are completely bored and need stimulating discussion.
Anna. I like this programme. The questions are interesting. It ’s you who are bored. Why
don’t you go and read a book or get on with that wretched history essay you’ve been writing.
What is it — ‘On social reform in the middle nineteenth century’ ? It sounds as interesting as
watching paint drying!
Victor. The essay, I admit, is rather boring. There are too many laws, acts and committees
and not enough action in these years. But there were some remarkable individuals at that time.
Florence Nightingale for example — would you like to have been her? I can tell you she lived a
long life — 90 years I think- and was respected and honoured in her life time.
Anna. I know about Nightingale. She was an aristocrat, wasn’t she? Her rich family tried to
stop her from becoming a nurse and going to war. What was the nickname they gave her?
Victor. She was known as “ The Lady of the Lamp” because she moved among the sick and
wounded carrying a lamp. The soldiers thought she was like an angel.
Anna. Enough already! I ’m watching TV!
Victor. Her work changed everything in respect to hygiene and sanitation. Her birthday,
the 12th of May, is International Nurses Day and all new nurses take the “ Nightingale
Pledge” .
Anna. No.
Victor. What do you mean “ No” ?
Anna. No I wouldn’t have wanted to be Florence Nightingale — although of course I admire
her. I wouldn’t want to have spent my life among the sick and injured. I ’m just not that kind of
person. Also she had so much opposition from men who thought women were only fit to be wives
and mothers. To be honest, I ’m perfectly happy being me.
Victor. Cleopatra? Jane Austen, Nancy Astor, Billie Holiday, Coco Chanel?
Anna. Nancy Astor’s certainly one of my all time heroines and role models. She was
clever and funny; the first woman MP and so important in the fight for women’s equality. She
said “We are not asking for superiority for we have always had that — all we seek is
Victor. Yes. I see. So you would have liked to have been Nancy, wouldn’t you?

Второе задание (А1-А7)

Anna. What I would like, brother dear, is to watch my TV programme. Ah — look it ’s

finishing now!
Victor. And my programme is on next — “ Top Gear”
Anna. I think you’ ll be remembered by history as — Victor the Annoying.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task.

Now you’ll hear the text again.
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям


В ы услышите разговор друзей. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений ( А 1 - А 7 )

соот ветствуют содержанию текста (1 — T r u e ), какие не соот ветствуют (2 — F a ls e )
и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положитель­
ного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — N o t sta ted ). Обведите номер выбранного вами ва­
риант а ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды. У вас есть 20 секунд, чтобы ознакомить­
ся с заданиями.

Now we are ready to start.

Anna. Our history class was so boring! I think that the 19th century was really interesting.
So much happened in technology and industry, there were revolutions and new countries were
created — like Italy and Germany.
David. What do you mean? Italy and Germany have been there since the Romans!
Anna. Italy became a nation state in 1861 and Germany in 1871. Before that they were a
collection of small territories.
David. So recently! That’s amazing. But why is your class so boring?
Anna. It ’s not so much what we learn that is boring but how we learn. I understand that we
need to know about the passing of laws, important dates and so on. But these things are, if you
like, the punctuation marks of history. Punctuation is important but it doesn’t alone give a
sense of what really happened.
David. What do you mean? How can you study history without names, dates, laws, acts and
so forth?
Anna. You of course need to know dates and important events. But real history is about the
lives of people. Were they hungry, or comfortable? Did they live in fear? Did they care about
and understand all that was happening at government level? What did they really believe and
hope for? What did they really talk about? That is real history!
David. So you think that diaries, letters, newspapers and so forth are more important and
more interesting in studying history?
Anna. I do. But I accept that we need to learn about the big events as well. The problem
with my history class is that it ’s all about headline events and what we think about them now.
Not about how the people living through it all felt. Our lessons seem like a skeleton version of
history — with no flesh or life.
David. Have you talked to your teacher about how you feel? It ’s Mr Hansen — right?
Anna. I did actually, and he was quite nice about it. He said that you’ve to have the
skeleton first as without structure there’s no hope of understanding history.
David. And do you agree with him?
Anna. I suppose so. I ’ll just have to accept that it ’ll be boring for a while and hope that it
gets more interesting later on. My brother, older brother—Victor, does history at university and
he really loves it.

Yo u have 15 seconds to complete the task.

N o w you’ll hear the text again.
This is the end of the task. Y o u now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

Второе задание(А1-А7)


В ы услышите разговор брата и сестры. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений

(А 1 -А 7 ) соот ветствуют содержанию текста (1 — T r u e ), какие не соответствуют
(2 — F a ls e ) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни
положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — N o t stated ). Обведите номер выбран­
ного вами варианта ответа. В ы услышите запись дважды. У вас есть 20 секунд, чтобы
ознакомиться с заданиями.

Now we are ready to start.

Anna: I just saw the film “Elizabeth” .

Victor: Who did you go with?
Anna: So you’ re not interested in the film — only who I went with?
Victor: Older brothers care about younger sisters — that’ s all.
Anna: You mean older brothers are too curious, or rather just plain nosey! But have you
seen the film?
Victor: As a matter of fact, I have. Not only that — we had a seminar on it. The purpose
being to examine in what ways historical movies alter actual history, and we explored the
various reasons why film makers like to re-write history.
Anna: What an interesting subject! Why do they want to present history inaccurately?
Were there many historically incorrect episodes in Elizabeth?
Victor: The most common reason for “changing” history in a movie is for dramatic effect,
simply to make the story better. But more interesting reasons include national pride, a political or
social agenda or sometimes good old-fashioned propaganda. In “Elizabeth” the director, I believe,
was partly making a better story, partly appealing to English patriotism and partly pragmatic.
Anna: Pragmatic — what do you mean?
Victor: Well, Cate Blanchet, who plays Queen Elizabeth, has blue eyes. Her eyes are
sensitive and she cannot wear coloured contact lenses. Queen Elizabeth, famously, had deep
amber brown eyes and red hair. So the pragmatic thing to do was to change history and
celebrate Elizabeth’s blue eyes!
Anna: I see. So what else did they change?
Victor: Lots of things. The Film presented Mary and Elizabeth as the only two heirs of
Henry VIII. This is not true. They had a brother, Edward, who was King for 6 years. They
portray Elizabeth and Dudley as lovers. There’s no historical evidence for this. They show in the
film Elizabeth being furious when she discovered that Dudley was secretly married. In fact,
Elizabeth attended their wedding. So, in summary, there were a huge number of historical
inaccuracies in the film. But for all that, I really enjoyed it. Did you and your new boyfriend
enjoy it?
Anna: David is not my boyfriend!
Victor: Ah — so you went with David!

Y o u have 15 seconds to complete the task.

N o w you’ll hear the text again.
This is the end o f the task. Y o u now have 15 seconds to check your answers.
Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям


В ы услышите разговор между английскими студентами, приехавшими во Францию в

конце лет них каникул. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений ( А 1 - А 7 ) соот ­
ветствуют содержанию т е к ст а (1 ), какие не соот вет ст вую т ( 2 ) и о чём в тексте не
сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицатель­
ного от ве т а (3 ). Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. В ы услышите за­
пись дважды.

Now we are ready to start.

James: So are you glad we came?
Katie: I really am. Nice is so nice.
James: Ha-ha! Do you really like it here?
Katie: I do.
James: Especially being here with me — right?
Katie: Not only that. Actually I think Nice is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. I f I
were French I would want to live and work here.
James: You prefer Nice to Paris?
Katie: Definitely I do. I hate Paris anyway. It ’s overrated, expensive and it smells. The air
is better here and the climate is nicer. And — a few further significant bonuses — it ’s by the
sea, beautiful countryside is close by and yet it is still a perfect small city. If I lived here I
would have an apartment just o ff the Place Massena and every evening stroll the Promenade des
James: You think this holiday was worth seven weeks working in that department store?
Katie: Yeah — but I did think about my brother quite a bit. He was doing that volunteer
computer thing.
James: And he’s still there and we, my dear, are here. There is no doubt in my mind that
we made the best choice. And now a suggestion. Well, a bit more than a suggestion. Well,
actually a statement or maybe even ....
Katie: What have you done?
James: I have booked the best table at La Cambuse.
Katie: Jamie, we can’t afford to eat there!
James: Probably we can’t. But we will. I keep telling you. Now is our time for experience
and memory. It is going to be amazing. And afterwards we will briefly visit the Sari Bulldog
and then finish the night at Club 54.
Katie: And see the sunrise on the beach again. Well, we only have two days left to starve!
Let’s do it.
James: You are catching on girl.

Y o u have 15 seconds to complete the task (P au se 15 seconds.)

N o w you w ill hear the text again. (R epeat.)
This is the end o f the task. Y o u now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

Второе задание(А1-А7)


В ы услышите разговор между братом и сестрой после лет них каникул. Определите, ка­
кие из приведённых утверждений ( А 1 - А 7 ) соот ветствуют содержанию т е к ст а (1 ), ка­
кие не соот вет ст вуют ( 2 ) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста
нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного от ве т а (3 ). Обведите номер выбран­
ного вами варианта ответа. В ы услышите запись дважды..

Now we are ready to start.

Paul: So was Nice nice?
Katie: Paul, please — not that old joke again! But it wasn’t so much nice as absolutely
beautiful, wonderful and amazing. You really should try and go there some day if you can.
Paul: W ell actually I can and I will. I don’t think that I mentioned this before but Am y’s
grandmother and mother are French and Amy speaks reasonable French herself.
Katie: Your girlfriend speaks French!!
Paul: Yes — and when I showed her the postcard you sent me she said that her mum had
taken her on holiday to Nice when she was twelve.
Katie: You have got to be kidding me?
Paul: When your post card arrived she began to reminisce about that holiday and then
called her brother John as he was also on that childhood holiday.
Katie: This is a tease, right?
Paul: Anyway, the upshot is that they decided to visit Nice again and they have invited me
to go with them!
Katie: You are not joking are you?
Paul: Katie — I ’m really not joking. But you know what is so weird? I was really jealous
whilst you were in France. Towards the end of the summer I began to get desperate for a break.
I was enjoying my work and my trainees were so grateful, but I felt like I worked all summer
and then went back to college. I didn’t earn any money as a volunteer, so I couldn’t afford to
treat myself to anything.
Katie: W ell — then this must be your reward for being such a saint, brother Paul! When
are you going?
Paul: It will be in the spring break. You’ll have to show me all the photographs and give me
a list of must-see places.
Katie: W ith pleasure. I can hardly believe this news and I am so happy for you Paul.
Paul: What was the highlight?
Katie: W ell there is an amazing restaurant called La Cambuse, a pub called the Sari Bulldog
and a really brilliant dance club. In Nice, I had one of the nicest nights in my life.

Y o u have 15 seconds to complete the task (P au se 15 seconds.)

N o w you w ill hear the text again. (R epeat.)
This is the end o f the task. Y o u now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям


Вы услышите разговор между продавцом и покупателем об условиях покупки машины.

Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений (А 1 - А 7 ) соответствуют содержанию
т екст а(1), какие не соот вет ст вуют (2 ) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основа­
нии текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа(З). Обведите
номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. В ы услышите запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start

Sales Lady: Apart from the scrappage scheme allowance we can offer two more things. Until
the end of January we are offering 20% discount o ff the final calculated price. What this
means is that after all other discounts and allowances the price comes to J16,000. However —
just this month — you can buy for J12,800.
Michael: And what’ s the other thing?
Sales Lady: Again — just for this month — we have an amazing low interest purchasing
scheme, provided your credit references are good.
Michael: Credit references?
Sales Lady: Well basically it means you fill in this form and it is sent to your bank. If they
agree — then the deal can go ahead.
Michael: And the deal is?
Sales Lady: 6% interest and 5 years: That is J13,568 in sixty monthly payments of J226.
Michael: Well I have made my decision. I want to buy so let’s get filling in those forms.
How long does the whole process take?
Sales Lady: The credit decision and administration takes just a few days but we’ll need to
order the car and that takes about three weeks. OK — there are several forms. Let’s start with
this one. They are all fairly straight forward but you’ll want to read them carefully before you
sign anything. Would you like me to make you a coffee?
Michael: Yes please — black with no sugar. So what are these forms?
Sales Lady: The first is our Lease purchase agreement. It gives you the option of selling
back to us and getting a new model every three years. It is worth thinking about because the
technology is changing so fast. The second is for the bank reference and that pink form is for
which colour you choose, accessories etc
Michael: New model every three years?
Sales Lady: Yes — we simply have a system where we guarantee to buy back at a pre agreed
price and that money is put towards you buying a new model. It is a really good option. Do you
know what colour you are going for?
Michael: Red Metallic. Thank you for all your help and advice. I had better get down to
these forms.
Sales lady: And I ’ll get your coffee. I ’ve forgotten already. White with sugar?
Michael: Black without please.

Y o u have 15 seconds to complete the task (Pau se 15 seconds.)

N o w you w ill hear the text again. (R epeat.)
This is the end o f the task. Y o u now have 15 seconds to check your answers.
Второе задание (А1-А7)


В ы услышите разговор между братом и сестрой о планах на ближайшее будущее. Опре­

делите, какие из приведённых утверждений ( А 1 - А 7 ) соот ветствуют содержанию тек-
ст а(1), какие не соот вет ст вуют (2) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании
текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа(З). Обведите номер
выбранного вами варианта ответа. В ы услышите запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start.

Alice: You finally bought your car?

Michael: Yes - but I ’ll be paying for it for the next five years. I ’ll get it next week. I am
thinking of taking it somewhere for a weekend away. Amazing to think that the whole time I
am cruising up the motorway I ’ ll not be using petrol.
Alice: Where will you go?
Michael: I was thinking of Leeds. It is motorway for 90% of the journey so it will be a
really good test of how the hybrid engine performs.
Alice: Leeds — eh? That wouldn’t be Leeds as in where your friend Lucy lives?
Michael: She’s not my friend. Well she is a friend but not my girlfriend or anything. But
yes, I might say hello to her if she happens to be in.
Alice: I see. You are going to drive 500 miles to Leeds and back just to see if she’s in. Oops —
I mean to check if the car engine works OK
Michael: Sisters are so annoying
Alice: That’s what we are here for. Are you up to anything tonight?
Michael: I am going bowling with a bunch of friends one of whom happens to be Charles.
You know — Charles: The one who makes my kid sister faint every time he walks past.
Alice: Ah — that Charles. Well I do admit that he is rather gorgeous. Do you need an extra
person to make up the numbers?
Michael: Consider yourself invited my dear. We need to be there at 7.30ish and we’ve got
two lanes booked for 8. Not having the car yet I ’ m planning to go by bus. Is it the number 52 or
the 14 for the town centre?
Alice: Either will do. Since you have proved yourself such a wonderful brother I hereby
agree to make you dinner.
Michael: Dinner? We need to leave in an hour.
Alice: Well I meant a snack really. I didn’t have time for lunch and I ’ll be starving by 8. I
know we can eat while we are bowling but do you fancy a sandwich to keep you going.
Michael: Yeah — good idea, I ’d love one. Are you going to come with me on the bus?
Alice: No — I am going on my beloved, environmentally friendly bicycle.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task (P au se 15 seconds.)

N o w you w ill hear the text again. (R epeat.)
This is the end o f the task. Y o u now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям


В ы услышите разговор двух студентов о целесообразности изучения иност ранного языка.

Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений ( А 1 - А 7 ) соот ветствуют содержанию
т ек ст а ( 1 ), какие не соот вет ст вую т (2 ) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на осно­
вании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного о т ве т а (З ). Обведите
номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. В ы услышите запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start

Rosalind: David, I told Mrs. Young, my French teacher, I want to teach foreign language
after college. She said if I do, I should have some good reasons why it ’s important to learn one.
David: Well, most people in the world speak English, so why bother?
Rosalind: No, that’s not true. She said less than 6% speak English as their first language,
and probably twice that number as a second or third language.
David: Let s see. That gives me about a billion and a half people to talk to. That should be
Rosalind: I ’m serious, David.
David: Well, what reasons have you thought of so far?
Rosalind: For one thing, studying a foreign language helps you understand language in
general, and that helps you understand and use your own better.
David: Give me something practical.
Rosalind: OK, it improves your chance of being accepted to college and graduate school, and
it opens the possibility of foreign studies.
David: Not bad. What else?
Rosalind: Later on you’re prepared for a wider range of jobs; and it makes foreign travel
easier and more interesting.
David: Mrs. Young will be pleased, Rosalind. You’ ll be her star pupil!
Rosalind: I still have another reason, David. I t ’s probably the most important.
David: Maybe I should sit down.
Rosalind: How can I explain this? If you lived in a house and never went out, would you
know how the rest of the world lived?
David: No, of course not.
Rosalind: I think it’s the same with language. A different language gives you a different
vision of life, a vision you’ll find in foreign films, art, literature, conversations, all that. It
opens a world of experience that’s closed to you otherwise.
David: You may be right, Rosalind. I can see you’ve put some thought into this.
Rosalind: I know I ’m right, David. Learn a foreign language!
David: Maybe someday, but not right away. Hey, that rhymes! What a gift! I ’m a poet and
didn’t know it! Think I should join the poetry club?
Rosalind: David! W ill you ever be serious?!

Y o u have 15 seconds to complete the task.

N o w you w ill hear the text again.
This is the end o f the task. Y o u now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

Второе задание (А1-А7)


В ы услышите разговор двух вы пускников вуза уровня бакалавриата. Определите, какие

из приведённых утверждений ( А 1 - А 7 ) соот ветствуют содержанию т е к ст а (1 ), какие
не соот вет ст вую т (2 ) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя
дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного о т ве т а (З ). Обведите номер выбранного ва­
ми варианта ответа. В ы услышите запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start

Rosalind: David, you look so distinguished in your cap and gown. Did you ever think this
day would come?
David: Sure, but not so soon. Now I have to find a job. What are your plans?
Rosalind: Graduate school. I can’t do much with an undergraduate degree in foreign
David: You could teach. You always said more kids need to learn another language.
Rosalind: I can always teach. But I want to have more options, like diplomatic work or
international business or tourism.
David: I don’t blame you. If I had the money I ’d go on for an MBA-Masters in Business
Administration, but I need to work first. French was your major wasn’t it?
Rosalind: Oui. Parlez vous francais?
David: Un peu.
Rosalind: Bravo, David!
David: And I know you learned Russian, but I ’m not sure why?
Rosalind: Remember when Elena, the exchange student, stayed with us in high school? We
couldn’t find any Bulgarian language books, so we practiced Russian instead. It was pretty
David: Ты говоришь по-русски? Молодец! Это трудный язык.
Rosalind: David! Where did YOU learn Russian?
David: In ROTC, Reserve Officer Training Corps, a military program for college students.
They said a language would help if we ever chose a military career.
Rosalind: I ’m amazed! How well do you know it?
David: Not very well, just phrase-book Russian. My favourite phrase is: “ Простите, я за­
блудился. Как пройти к метро?”
Rosalind: You’re a man of many surprises! Uh-oh. Looks like we’re lining up. See you after
David: Do you have a date?
Rosalind: No, I was hoping you’d be my date, David!
David: Oh, my heart! I think I'll die!
Rosalind: Very funny.

Yo u have 15 seconds to complete the task.

N o w you w ill h ear the text again.
This is the end o f the task. Y o u now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям


В ы услышите разговор двух друзей о воображаемой вечеринке. Определите, какие из при­

ведённых утверждений ( А 1 - А 7 ) соот ветствуют содержанию текста (1 — T r u e ), какие
не соответствуют (2 — F a lse ) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании тек­
ста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — N o t s ta ted ). Обве­
дите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. В ы услышите запись дважды. У вас есть
20 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданиями.

Now we are ready to start.

Anna: If you could have a dinner party with 5 guests from history — who would you
David: Five guests with me — making 6 altogether?
Anna: Yes — three boys and three girls from history!
David: That is not an easy one. I really admire Albert Einstein but I ’m not sure I would want
him at my dinner party. In fact, I think most people from history probably wouldn’t make good
dinner guests. They only got to be famous by being either very serious or extremely horrible!
Anna: What about William Shakespeare? I imagine he’ d be great at a dinner party. I can
just imagine him saying “ To have tea, or not to have tea? That is the question” .
David: Very funny — not, but that’s a good choice. OK, so I will invite Shakespeare —
Shakespeare and Ivan the Terrible.
Anna: What? That would be...
David: Terrible? No, I don’t think so. Of course, we’d have to imagine that at this party
everyone could speak English, but I think Ivan would make for some lively conversation.
Anna: And the women? Who would you invite?
David: Of course, I would invite Cleopatra, if she was free — reputedly one of the most
beautiful women in history. Together we could also discuss with Shakespeare how well he
represented her in his play “Anthony and Cleopatra” .
Anna: OK — who else?
David: Well, I think Nancy Astor would be fun.
Anna: That’ s a coincidence. My brother was talking about Nancy Astor the other day. He
said she was very clever and funny. And she was the first woman member of parliament in the
UK — right? Good choice! So, we have you, Shakespeare, Ivan the Terrible plus Cleopatra,
Nancy Astor and.... who will be the final lady to invite to this marvelous party?
David: The last guest will be a beautiful lady, great company and someone I think all the
other guests will enjoy. W ill you, Anna, be free to join this party?
Anna: Thanks for the compliment, but I ’m not someone from history.
David: But it ’s my imaginary party and I ’d love you to be there.

Yo u have 15 seconds to complete the task.

N o w you’ll hear the text again.
This is the end o f the task. Y o u now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

Второе задание (А1-А7)


В ы услышите разговор друзей. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А 1 —А 7

соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — T r u e ), какие не соот ветствуют (2 — F a ls e )
и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положитель­
ного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — N o t sta ted ). Обведите номер выбранного вами ва­
риант а ответа. В ы услышите запись дважды. У вас есть 20 секунд, чтобы ознакомить­
ся с заданиями.

Now we are ready to start.

David: Anna, if you are interested, I ’m going to make a visit to my old school next
Saturday. Would you like to come?
Anna: Why on earth would I want to visit your old school?
David: Because I know you’re studying the Tudors at the moment — Henry VIII and the
reformation — right?
Anna: Yes, and so?
David: Well, I went to school at a place called Kimbolton, in Cambridgeshire. It ’s about one
hour drive from here if the traffic isn’t too bad.
Anna: And the connection with Henry VIII is...?
David: Henry VIII had six wives — but arguably the most important one historically was
Katherine of Aragon, his first wife.
Anna: That’s right. Because he wanted a son to be King after him and he only had a
daughter — Mary. He divorced Katherine because she was past child bearing age and he needed
to marry again to have a son. The Catholic Pope refused to give him a divorce, so Henry broke
away from the Catholic Church, destroyed all the monasteries and steered England towards the
protestant church. What on earth has this got to do with your school?
David: When Henry separated from Katherine and married Anne Boleyn — he sent Katherine
to a castle — in Kimbolton.
Anna: You’re joking?
David: The headmaster’s office is in the room that was formerly her bedroom. She lived
there until she died. A fter her death her coffin was carried to London — about 60 miles — and
people lined the route all the way to say goodbye to her. When I was at school there were plenty
of stories about her ghost that still walks the corridors of Kimbolton Castle.
Anna: Is it open to the public then?
David: No, I ’m afraid it isn’t. But because I went to school I can go back on special school
reunion days. They’re called “Old Kimboltonian Days” . And I can take a guest. There will be a
tour. Probably we’ll see a game of cricket in the afternoon and in the evening there will be a
dinner dance. What do you say?
Anna: I ’m not sure. On Sunday I ’m going to Brighton for the day and will need to get up
early. Can I think about it? I ’ll let you know by tomorrow.

Y ou have 15 seconds to complete the task.

N o w you’ll hear the text again.
This is the end of the task. Y o u now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

(Multiple choice)


Вы услышите рассказ об инциденте в ресторане. В заданиях А 8 -А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2

или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. В ы услышите запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start.

A difficult client
When I was nineteen I worked in the kitchen of a Creole restaurant in Panama City, Florida.
The word “ Creole” refers to people who are descended from settlers in the colonial French
Louisiana (before it became part of the USA in 1803). And Creole food is great. It is a blend of
French, Spanish and Caribbean styles. I used to knock up fantastic fresh salads, filet and fry
grouper fresh from the harbour. I made vast vats of red beans and rice and tureens of gumbo.
I boiled great pans of fresh shrimp and cracked open and then fried Oysters in white wine.
The odd thing is that I am not a trained chef. Every single recipe was based on a mixture of
measures in the recipe book. So many cups of this, shakes of that, tablespoons of Tabasco or
citrus, jugs of cut celery, etc. But every meal turned out perfect so long as I followed “ the
book” to the letter.
I worked in the kitchen with a rather strange guy from Los Angeles called Scott. He had a
strange haircut and was disconcertingly crossed eyed. But the waitresses were cute — especially
Suzie with her long curly brown hair.
One day we had a bit of an episode. A woman in the restaurant started screaming and
demanding to see the chef. I could hear the commotion from deep within the kitchens and began to
look for somewhere to hide. Scott was out that day and there was nobody else in the kitchen. Suzie
caught me as I tried to hide behind the rice sacks in the larder. “You’ve got to come out John. She’s
gone absolutely mental. The other customers are gonna call the cops if we can’t sort this” .
Feeling terribly afraid and inadequate I was led out to the woman making the noise. She
stopped screaming but continued to shake as she eyed me up and down. Because she’d asked for
the “ chef” I guessed I must have made a terrible mistake in the kitchen. I was alone down there
that lunchtime so whatever was wrong it must have been my fault. What would she say if she
discovered I wasn’t a chef at all but doing a holiday job making recipes from a book?
The truth eventually came out. I had served her a basket of whole boiled shrimp. According
to the lady, the little devils had little “ faces” and “ eyes” , “ stared at her” and had completely
freaked her out. I spoke to her very softly and sat down next to her. I told her I ’ d take them
away and if she still wanted shrimp I ’d peel them myself and bring them to her. She thanked me
very much. Seemed very happy and after a short while consumed the shelled shrimp and left.
Afterward I was again called to the front by Suzie. But this time I got a round of applause
from the other customers and $120 were the tips.
Y o u have 15 seconds to complete the task (P au se 15 seconds.)
N o w you w ill hear the text again. (R epeat.)
This is the end o f the task. Y o u now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

Третье задание (А8-А14)


В ы услышите рассказ о фестивале под открытым небом. В заданиях А 8 —А 1 4 обведите

цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. В ы услышите
запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start.

The Glastonbury Festival

My friends and I went to Glastonbury this year: That is to The Glastonbury Festival of
Contemporary Performing Arts. It is apparently the largest festival of its kind in the world. It ’ s
most famous for the music of course but there is also dance, comedy, theatre, circus and
cabaret. It is a huge camp site with stages and tents everywhere. And the location is legendry
for various reasons. New Age people believed it was marked by the convergence of ley lines. I
am not sure what these are supposed to be, but apparently when the lines converge you get
locations of mystical or psychic energy! The site is also over looked by a strange conical hill
called Glastonbury Tor which is somehow connected to the King Arthur legend.
One thing for sure is there was lots of normal energy when we went there. There were no
fewer than 137000 happy campers. A ll the tickets were sold the previous year within 90 minutes
of being announced. You have to be well networked to even get a chance of a ticket.
I was a little bit apprehensive this year. Glastonbury festival always seems to get a lot of
rain and the site becomes a sea of mud. Some people reckon this adds to the fun but after three
days I think it becomes a nightmare. You are never dry, easily lose your shoes in the quagmire
and are always falling over. This year there was rain but on the first day only. A fter that it was
warm and dry and the festival was simply incredible.
The first night I heard so much music. There were big electric sets on the main stage and
acoustic sets in a different pavilion. Lily Allen was amazing. Bjorn Again — a tribute band to
ABBA — were such good fun. To see and watch such a huge crowd singing and dancing to the
ABBA song “ Dancing Queen” was unforgettable. On Saturday night we saw “The Boss” — Bruce
Springsteen. And on Sunday the highlight was Blur — one of my favourite all time bands.
But the overall highlight was on the first night. Neil Young was on the big stage but I
wanted to hear a guy called Ray Davies. Davies was front man of a massive 1960s band called
The Kinks. He sang all the old Kinks songs — including a breezy version of “ Sunny Afternoon”
and an a-cappella, nursery rhyme version of “ Days” . And just everybody sang along to the final
encore of “ Waterloo Sunset” .
But here is the most amazing thing and my best Glastonbury memory. We actually met Ray
Davies in person, earlier that day, and he is one of the nicest blokes you could ever hope to
meet. We also got friendly with people from some of the fringe day time acts. They were so
talented and such good fun to be with — but meeting Ray was something I ’ll bore my
grandchildren with. If I live that long, find a girl, get married and have children who in turn
have children — they’ll call me the Glastonbury Granddad!

Y ou have 15 seconds to complete the task (P au se 15 seconds.)

N o w you w ill hear the text again. (R epeat.)
This is the end o f the task. Y o u now have 15 seconds to check your answ ers.
Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям


В ы услышите рассказ о фотоохоте на тигров. В заданиях А 8 -А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или

3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start.

Long ago in Eastern Rajasthan, where the Aravali hills meet the Vindyan plateau, tigers
were once hunted by the Maharajas of Jaipur. And for the last three days they have been hunted
by me, Lucy and Gemmy: three girls out to shoot a tiger in Ranthambhore Park in India.
As you might guess our hunting weapons of choice are not guns, but cameras. We had been
told that nowadays this is the best place in the world for photographing a tiger in the wild, but
until today we had no success.
On the technical and logistical side all had been going really well. We got the best possible
guide — Farid. He has been up early every morning to queue for a jeep and also to book the best
routes. Without him we would be limited to the giant canters (big trucks) that haul round large
numbers of regular tourists. Also the cameras have been operating well. We knew in advance
that the dust would be a serious problem and we have been rotating cameras via fleece lined
bags that keep out dust and protect them from the harsh sun.
Ranthambhore is a mixture of dense forest and open bush. So far our best shots have been
in low light and fast lenses with wide apertures have been the norm. We were also glad that at
planning stage we took note of the advice to pack warm clothes. In the early morning it is really
chilly sitting motionless in the open jeep. By mid morning it is T-shirt weather and the
afternoons are simply baking — so we were glad to have prepared for all extremes.
Until today we had only a few good shots of “ lesser” target species and a few bad shots of
more interesting ones. This means that our pictures of gazelles, hares and a monitor lizard are
rather classy; and the shots of leopard and boar came out rather blurry — but not a glimpse of
tiger. We knew that it would require a huge amount of patience. In fact we also knew that
sometimes tourist groups come for a whole week and don’ t spot a single “ stripey” .
But today we got lucky. Very early this morning, just a few hundred metres from the
ancient fort, Farid motioned excitedly to a small mess of Dhok and banyan trees. Lucy and
Gemmy were already set up and adjusting settings and shooting simultaneously. I was much
slower but in the end it didn’t matter. We had a clear and sustained view of a beautiful
tigress and three cubs. For five minutes we took literally hundreds of pictures: One is very
special — of a cub just staring straight at my lens. And then Farid said we had to leave;
that we were the intruders and politeness to the animals demanded our withdrawal.
Afterwards we celebrated like mad, showed our photos to the group and received warm
congratulations from everyone on shooting our first tiger.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task (P au se 15 seconds.)

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This is the end o f the task. Y o u now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

Третье задание (А8-А14)


В ы услышите рассказ об одаренном ребенке. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или

3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. В ы услышите запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start.

Future Composer

When I left home to go to university, I rented a room in the house of a local family — the
Bridges. They had two kids: Robert, their fifteen year old son and Louise, their eleven year old
daughter. Mr Bridges is a successful chemical engineer and a really friendly guy. His big hobby
is restoring vintage motorbikes. Mrs Bridges works in the university library which was really
useful for me as she often gave me a ride to campus. I lived with them for a year and still see
them pretty often, even though I now have my own flat.
The Bridges are fantastic people and I was welcomed into their family almost as an elder son.
But looking back on it, the most memorable thing was watching the incredible transformation of
Robert — their talented son.
I love listening to music and I often go to listen to live music, but Robert is possibly one of
the most naturally gifted musicians I have ever come across. The amazing thing is that when I
first met him he’d never even touched a musical instrument. However, not long after I moved into
their spare room, an upright piano was installed in their lounge. It was actually an unwanted gift
from Mrs Bridges’ sister who secretly hoped that the children might want to learn how to play it.
I had a small part to play in what happened next. I was chatting to Robert when he told me
how much he loved the piano music sound track to Final Fantasy, one of his computer play
station games. I then found him a piece of film on the internet of someone playing the same
piece of music — but the film showed only the musicians hands on the keyboard. I joked to
Robert that he could teach himself to play by copying the hands on their own new piano.
That was two years ago. Robert has become an astonishingly good pianist in this time. He
learned that first piece in just 3 days. A fter a month he could play 10 or more complex pieces
although at that stage he couldn’t even read music. The Bridges then got him a piano teacher,
Luke, who turned out to be an inspiration. Luke liked the same kind of music as Robert and
always gave him exciting new pieces to learn whilst teaching him to read music and the
fundamentals of technique.
The most exciting thing of all started about a year ago when, with only a little guidance from
Luke, Robert began to compose music himself. Then, with help from some of Luke’s friends, he was
able to submit several pieces for publishing and for use as sound tracks for future computer games.
I now really enjoy listening to Robert’s music. Perhaps one day another youngster will see Robert’s
hands on the computer, filmed playing his own compositions — and the cycle might begin again.

Y o u have 15 seconds to complete the task (P au se 15 seconds.)

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Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям


В ы услышите рассказ о каникулах на море. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или

3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. В ы услышите запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start.

Childhood Holidays

When I was young we always used to go on family holidays by car to the West Country —
Devon, Somerset or Cornwall. My sister, brother and I fought like crazy for a window seat and
each of us suffered terribly when we had to sit in the middle, behind the gear box. There were
three main problems driving long distances in those days of early childhood. Firstly we lived
near Lincoln which is on the eastern side of England and about 200km north of London.
Secondly there were fewer motorways then and the roads were smaller and slower. Finally my
parent’s Morris Estate car was a bone shaker! We always felt sick on long car journeys.
Our parents tried to improve the journeys by encouraging travelling songs. This generally
improved no ones mood! They tried to introduce plenty of stops for some small treat — like a
fizzy drink and some sweets. But every short stop was followed by the agony of climbing back in
to the car. A fter countless hours I suspect even my parents were worn down by our constant
squabbling and the mind numbing, constant question “Are we nearly there yet?”
However I still remember the excitement of the last few miles when truly, we could all
sense the beginning of the end of our journey. The landscape changed, the roads became steeper
and sometimes breathtakingly steep and narrow. A ll of us were leaning forward for the first
glimpse of the sea: When we saw “ the blue” we knew that we were really close.
Generally we stayed in cottages on farms. The excitement on finally getting out of the car
was at fever pitch. We immediately became “ red Indians” running round madly, whooping
dementedly, exploring and marking out our new world; giving names to trees and cattle. Then
there was the cottage to explore and beds to lay claim to. More noise, arguments, charging
around and pure, giddy excitement.
We generally arrived very late having set o ff before dawn. A fter tea we were still excited
but willing to go to bed because the biggest treat of all awaited us next morning: The beach!
Warm sunshine, sand and sparkling blue-green sea — a joy for anyone but for three small
children a heady combination that took our level of excitement to uncharted highs. We ran, we
swam and we dug. A t first we would dig holes just to see how deep we could go. My Dad warned
us that if we dug too far we would reach Australia and of course we believed him. But after the
holes — came the castles; built carefully and patiently with up turned bucket of damp sand. We
made moats and towers and courtyards — castles worthy of King Arthur and the Round Table.
Then of course at the end of the day we watched breathlessly as each wave of the incoming
tide hit the walls, breached them and eventually completely removed all evidence that the castle
ever existed. But my goodness — how exciting it was to witness and how far away the
nightmare of the car journey had been exiled.

Y o u have 15 seconds to complete the task (P au se 15 seconds.)

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Третье задание (А8-А14)


Вы услышите рассказ о современной рекламе. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или

3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start.

Viral Advertising

Viral advertising and viral marketing are rapidly becoming the most popular methods of
bringing new products to the attention of potential buyers. Health products, chocolate and even
football teams have all been promoted this way. The viral approach is popular with some advertisers
because it focuses on the most likely groups of potential buyers. It also has the feel of making
innocent suggestions (rather than “ hard sell” advertising) and most importantly, for advertisers, it
is cheap: Certainly the costs are small compared to traditional advertising on TV, radio or posters.
But what is viral advertising and does it really work? More to the point is there a sinister
side to this new phenomenon?
Viral Advertising is basically the practice of placing sales messages into social network sites on
the internet. These are internet sites used by teenagers for “ chatting” , special groups with hobbies
or shared interests and even relationship/ dating sites. The idea is that these messages “ infect” (as
in a medical virus) a user by persuading that person to buy something. The plan is that the buyer,
who is connected to other people on the networking site, then “infects” other people by letting them
know what was purchased and how good or useful or tasty it is!. These “ infected” people (who are
just buyers) then “ infect” others until finally there is an “ epidemic” — with tens of thousands of
people buying something because it was apparently suggested by an internet friend.
Some advertisers love this approach because internet groups, chat rooms and forums tend to
be made up of people with similar interests. If advertisers “ drop” their messages in the right
place — before long, it is at least possible that huge numbers of people will know about their
products. That is the theory at least.
However some people believe viral marketing is wrong. In other words some companies
apparently use their own people or “ actors” to join chat rooms on the pretext of genuine
involvement with that particular group. The reality however is that they are like spies (or
worse) as they spread commercial messages by making apparently innocent comments. They also,
some believe, are collecting marketing information under false pretences.
Other observers have complained about “astroturfing” . This is the same process used for
political purposes where people send messages giving the impression of being members of the public.
In other words they attempt to manipulate and create a “ grass roots” movement (the “ turf” in
“Astroturf” refers to planted grass) where lots of people seem to demand something or other.
Many books and articles have been written about the phenomenon of viral marketing,
astroturfing etc. But the reality is that it is difficult to be certain about how much is real
opinion and how much is based on planted “ fake” messages. My opinion is that if you want
advice from a friend, it is far better to do it the old fashioned way — by having real, person to
person, conversations.

Y o u have 15 seconds to complete the task (P au se 15 seconds.)

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This is the end o f the task. Y o u now have 15 seconds to check your answers.
Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям


В ы услышите рассказ о роли язы ка в судьбе одного человека. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обведи­

те цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. В ы услы­
шите запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start

Language and Me
Language has always been a struggle. When I was a very young child, my father was
working on his dissertation at Yale University. My mother worked to earn a living while he
climbed the academic ladder. That left me with a Negro maid for a companion. Everyone was too
busy to talk, so I grew up largely without language or, at most, its very basics: an angry rebuke
here, a grunt there. My brother, two years older, might have made an effort, but he was in
elementary school and thought I was too dumb to spend time with. I grew to be five years old,
talking very little and very badly. These are the years in which the cells that wire the brain for
language are most active, and less so thereafter.
Boys develop language later than girls, so that added another burden as I struggled through
primary school. By the time I was beginning to make progress, the family moved to another part
of the country that had a very different dialect, as well as some odd social customs that led me
to avoid conversation. I remember trying to speak like they did by saying. ‘Yes, sir’ and ‘Yes,
ma-am’ , when before I ’d answered adults with a polite ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ . Then in my effort to use
the new tongue I made a fatal mistake. I violated regional customs by saying ‘Yes, ma-am’ to a
black woman, bringing ridicule and contempt on myself by unforgiving classmates. Thereafter I
decided to remain mostly mute.
In secondary school, I was a good enough student, but lazy and satisfied with В grades. I
didn’t have the language skills, nor did I come from the right part of the country to feel
comfortable talking to girls. Instead I drew attention to myself in sports and mathematics. I
could work math problems faster than the instructor, which brought me certain fame; and I
played basketball better than most at that school.
As I approached my senior year, my parents decided to do something about my verbal
poverty, neglected for so long, by insisting that I enroll in a course in Latin. By that time I was
old enough to rebel, so I enrolled like a good son and failed without a second thought.
Skill in math, athletic ability, and the fact that my father was a professor who passed on to
me and my brother good, textbook English, earned me an appointment to the US Naval
Academy. A t that time the course of study was the same for everyone, Electrical Engineering,
with one exception: foreign language. We could choose the language we wanted to study. But a
problem remained: how would I, with my lack of verbal skill, compete against those who had
studied three years of French in high school, four years of Spanish, or two of German? The
solution became obvious when I saw the list of choices. I would take Russian and be assured of a
level playing field. Had there been Chinese or Swahili on the list, the choice might have taken
Russian language studies at the Naval Academy opened new worlds. Little need be said
about the quality of instruction, which was designed solely to produce junior naval officers with
useful skills. Instruction consisted of memorizing pages of technical vocabulary that might be
Третье задание (А8-А14)

used in talking to a Russian pilot who boarded to guide the ship to port, ordering supplies from
Russian merchants, joining Russian officers on maneuvers, etc, I left the language program not
knowing the Russian words for horse, or grass, or even green.
But it wasn’t fatal. For studying the language led to a study of Russian history and
literature which immediately became a passion. What a world Pushkin and Tolstoy, Dostoevsky
and Chekhov, and many, many others opened to an American student who had been fed nothing
but anti-Soviet propaganda since the end of World War II (the Great Patriotic War)! In time,
the fragile balance between studying naval boilers and Russian life couldn’t last. I left the Naval
Academy in the third year of study to begin an academic career that focused on Russian History
and World Civilization.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task.

Now you will hear the text again.
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям


В ы услышите рассказ о первом годе работы молодого учителя. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обве­

дите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. В ы услы­
шите запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start

First year teacher

In the last semester of college, I married. I was poor and had no car; so I rode a bicycle and
carried my wife on the handlebars. By the end of college, it was clear we were going to have a
baby, so I needed to find a job soon and postpone my graduate program at the University for
better times. I took a job in another state in a town I ’d never seen or heard of, because it paid
more than any other teaching position I could find.
It turned out to be a tiny village of 1300 that once was a lumber town with the largest
sawmill in the world. Now there was not a tree in sight, the low wet lands had been drained, and
the region produced soybeans and cotton. The school where I would teach had only sixteen
teachers for grades one through twelve. That meant we had to teach many courses. My college
degree was in history, but they already had a history teacher, so I taught geography, general
math, algebra I, algebra II, trigonometry, and physics. That was a challenge! Thank Lord I ‘ve
been keen on maths since junior high school and later had a chance of getting more training in
this area while temporarily studying Electrical Engineering at the US Naval Academy.
Teachers were also expected to sponsor student activities, and I was asked to sponsor the
junior class. That class earned money by staging a school play, and it also organized and
decorated the gymnasium for a junior-senior prom. I had no experience with drama, but that
didn’t seem to matter. My colleague, a new biology teacher was asked to coach the junior
basketball team though he had never played basketball. I had, and, after watching his misery
during the first practice, I volunteered to take his job too...without pay as well. Sometimes,
riding on the back roads with the team on a cold and crowded school bus, I wondered if I ’d
lost my mind.
Basketball was this tiny school’ s only sport, so the boys played twelve months a year and
produced one of the finest teams in the state. For some reason, these rustic country athletes
decided to take my course in trigonometry. It was a delight. I sent them out in teams to see who
could be the first to measure the height of a tree or building, with only a protractor and
measuring tape. They loved competition and in the process they learned trigonometry.
On the day my first child was born, I passed cigars around this class to smoke in
celebration. Unexpectedly, the school principal came to the door to see what was going on.
Thinking quickly, I offered him a cigar and saved my job.
The play the juniors put on that year under my direction was a surprise success. The class
selected a mystery that was intended to be scary, but their acting was so poor it became a
comedy. The audience left the building with tears in their eyes from so much laughing. The
young woman who had helped me with the play went home with a nervous breakdown.
In 1957, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the first spaceship to orbit the earth. The US
Congress responded to Sputnik by financing the National Defense Education Act, intended to
Третье задание (А8-А14)

produce a corps of specialists who could help respond to what was thought to be a Soviet threat.
Three of the first-year teachers in this tiny school received three-year grants for university
graduate programs. I was one, and I ’ve been grateful to the Soviet Union ever since for my
graduate education.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task.

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This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям


В ы услышите рассказ взрослого человека о том, как будучи школьниками, они зарабаты­
вали деньги в летние каникулы. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соот вет­
ствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start

Summer work
When I grew up in the American South, summers were brutal, reaching 42-46 C. We found
summer jobs at the cotton compress, the pickle plant, unloading railroad boxcars, painting
houses, mowing lawns — anything to occupy ourselves and make a little money.
When I was fifteen, the employment office in town listed a job in a canning factory in
Wisconsin, paying 85 cents an hour. That was more than we were making at home and
Wisconsin was cooler than where we lived, so I and two of my school friends embarked on the
great adventure.
To get to the canning factory, we rode 1400 km in an old school bus filled with
hard-scrabble country farmers, who found they could make more money as itinerant workers in
the North than farming their small bean patches in the South. Once there, we slept in a barn on
canvas cots, and were assigned jobs in the factory or in the fields. The crop was peas; and when
the peas were ripe they had to be harvested immediately or they’d rot. So we worked 16-18
hours a day for five weeks to bring in the harvest.
Field work was a delight in the cool Wisconsin summers. The pea vines were cut at the
ground and loaded onto trucks with pitchforks. They were hauled several miles to a vinery that
stripped the vines and husks from the peas, which were then sent to the cannery. The vines were
stacked and let to rot for fertilizer; and every vinery smelled like a sewer that could be smelled
miles away. In the cannery, the peas were sorted into sizes, sent down a conveyor belt where we
picked out any dirt or weeds that remained, funneled into cans, cooked, and packed into cartons
for shipping. Seeing the dirt that survived the process, we stopped eating peas for years after.
When the season was over, we hitchhiked home, rather than endure the ride on the school
bus. We told friends about the work and beautiful weather, the money we’d made and the fun
we’d had. So the next summer over twenty school mates hitchhiked north in teams of two,
racing to get there first, catching rides on freight trains when cars weren’t stopping for us on
the road. We learned to follow the harvest, working in the canneries farthest south where the
peas came in first, then moving to those farther north to catch the next harvest.
The following summer, probably forty school mates made the pea harvest. Some took other
paths and went to the cherry harvest in Michigan or the corn harvest in Illinois. Hitchhiking
isn’t always safe and there were many of us on the road, but as far as I know only one team was
robbed and left on the highway in their underwear. Other than lost dignity and bruised feelings
they were not harmed. Through some process at our school, the pea-pickers became a breed apart
from any group, to say nothing of the stay-at-homers. They were welcomed home by the girls at
the end of the summer; and the tales they told — some of them true — inspired awe and
admiration. They became a band of brothers, who, even when they meet years later, find
themselves talking about little else.
Yo u have 15 seconds to complete the task.
N o w you w ill hear the text again.
This is the end o f the task. Y o u now have 15 seconds to check your answers.
Третье задание (А8-А14)


В ы услышите рассказ человека о его опыте использования современных технологий.

В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами ва­
риант у ответа. В ы услышите запись дважды. У вас есть 50 секунд, чтобы ознакомить­
ся с заданиями.

Now we are ready to start.

The modern world

Life has changed so much during my 50 years. When I was at school we were briefly shown
a primitive bulky computer with the first available word processing software. That was my
entire computer training! The real tools of my school days were pencils and pens—old fashioned
fountain pens with copper nibs and a refillable ink cartridges.
A t university I used a typewriter and I never noticed the communication revolution that
was happening all around me. A t the age of 24 I was still using an electronic typewriter when
the boss said that they were all being thrown out and we’d have new computers. Our card filing
systems were going to be replaced by something weird called a database. Like many people at the
time I was doubtful that the computers would “ take over” the working world, so I bought one of
the discarded typewriters at a knockdown price for personal use at home.
But work demanded that I adapt to the computer and so I learned to write letters, copying
them to a pre-formatted letterhead and then printing them o ff and putting them in envelopes
for posting. A t that point I hadn’t heard about email or the internet.
A t the age of 30 I had a management position in a publishing company and my own
glamorous secretary! I dictated letters and gave instructions about data collection and management
although I really didn’t know how to do it myself. Very soon I realized it was time to learn and
adapt or be left behind!
About this time the first mobile phones were beginning to appear. They were large and
heavy — about the size of a large house brick! I had been promoted to director and so I was
expected to have one. It fitted into my car — a top of the range rover — and could be operated
hands free from a switch in the steering column. I still remember the day that I was driving in
London and the phone buzzed. I was suddenly speaking to someone in Chicago. It all seemed like
a science fiction dream. And that was over 20 years ago!
My first experience of the internet was in the early 90’s. I was on a business trip to Japan
and a colleague told me about it. He then gave me a demonstration by looking on to the official
site of the White House — home of the government of the USA. I was simply astonished.
Today the technology keeps driving forward at such a pace that one cannot but wonder what
is around the corner. Cures for every disease? Travel in space and time? Immortality?
But the other day we all got a reminder that we all still live on a rapidly circling ball of
molten magma — the same planet that saw the dinosaurs come and go: the planet of
earthquakes, tsunamis and successive dramatic ice ages. Our planet is not especially impressed
by our modernity and sophistication. A volcano in Iceland filled the skies with ash and for a
while it looked like the age of travel was over. I was one of many stranded travelers taking an
almost 24 hour train journey to get home.

Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям

W ill we find ways to cope with our climate change as fossil fuels run out along with all the
materials needed to fuel our technological development? I, of course, hope that the wonderful
breakthroughs of modern life will continue and develop. But equally, I sometimes wonder what’s
in store for our children and our children’s children.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task.

Now you will hear the text again.
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

Третье задание (А8-А14)


В ы услыш ите рассуж дения англичанина о великих научны х от крыт иях. В заданиях
А 8 - А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соот ветствующ ую выбранному вами варианту от ­
вета. В ы услыш ите запись дважды. У вас есть 50 секунд, чтобы ознакомит ься с зада­

Now we are ready to start.

Who invented it first?

I ’m not really what you would call a patriot, but of course, I love my country. I was born as
a result of pure chance on an island o ff the northern coast of Europe called the United
Kingdom — in the southern part of it called England. So I can’t see the reason for being proud
of my country. I had nothing to do with its history or achievements. I just happened to be born
there. If I was born in France or America or Russia, maybe I would feel differently. I don’t
know. But as with most English people I ’m not really into waving flags or boasting about
achievements in one field or another. W e’re happy enough to celebrate Ireland’s St Patrick’s
Day on the 17th of March or even the 4th of July for the Americans but we’re not too fussed
about our own national day — St George’s — on the 23rdof April.
Nevertheless, I do find it as a minimum interesting how many inventions were discovered in
the UK. Over the past 50 years, according to Japanese research, more than 40 per cent of
discoveries taken up on a worldwide basis originated in the United Kingdom. Many of these
British inventions have had an enormous impact on the world. For example, imagine how
different life would be today if Michael Faraday hadn’t built the first simple electrical generator
or if James Watt hadn’t developed the steam engine?
I also find it interesting and even more amusing to see the international arguments over
who invented what, especially between the UK and the USA. For example, the Americans claim
the first powered flight as their invention for the W right brothers in 1903. But the British
claim that the invention belonged to a British man, Percy Pilcher, who designed and built a
powered aeroplane in 1899. Unfortunately Pilcher died before being able to fly it, but he was
still (the Brits say) the inventor.
The Americans, similarly, claim that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. But Sir Joseph
Swan of Newcastle announced that he had made a working light bulb on the 18th of December,
1878 and on the 18th of January, 1879 he gave a public demonstration in Sunderland —
10 months before Edison. The Americans say it was just a working model and not a commercial
reality, but then they would say that, wouldn’t they?
The first telephone message was made at 5 Exeter Place, Boston, Massachusetts on the 10th
of March, 1876. Alexander Graham Bell called to his assistant, “Come here, Watson, I want
you.” The rest is history. But Alexander Graham Bell was born in 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland.
He moved to Canada for health reasons when he was 23, and only then migrated to the USA. He
was British, so Brits can rightly claim the telephone as a British invention.
In 1896 Guglielmo Marconi won even greater fame for sending a wireless telegraph over
94 miles. But David Edward Hughes, born in London of Welsh parents, is recorded as the
Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям

first person in the world to transmit and receive radio waves in 1879. Yet another British
So forget the W right Brothers, Marconi and Thomas Edison. A ll they had was good PR. In
their own quiet, modest way the Brits were always first there. As if it had anything to do with
me or as if I really care!

You have 15 seconds to complete the task.

Now you will hear the text again.
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

Третье задание (А8-А14)


В ы услышите рассказ о быт овых традициях и предрассудках. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обве­

дите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услы­
шите запись дважды. У вас есть 50 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданиями.

Now we are ready to start.

Traditional Beliefs and Superstitions

There are many unusual traditional beliefs concerning house and home. For the most part
they are now recorded in folk history books and not really followed or seriously believed in
today. But there are still a few, mostly older people, who continue the old traditions of their
ancestors. Here are a few that I ’ve heard about.
A common superstition is the belief that houses can be friendly or hostile, lucky or unlucky.
There are fortunately many remedies to “ correct” a house with negative qualities. The front
door is a good starting place! It ’ s a sensible place to spread good luck as this is the main point
of entry. A ll manner of statues, symbols, etc. have been used for this job. Probably the most
common is a horseshoe — with points upwards to stop the luck from running out.
And there are plenty of sayings about doors. It is apparently unlucky to enter the house for
the first time by the back door, as this entrance isn’t protected against evil spirits. Also that
you should encourage visitors to leave by the same door they came in to avoid taking the
owner's luck with them! If a door blows open, a visitor is coming and so on and so forth.
There are plenty of superstitions about cooking as well. When any food is mixed it should
be stirred clockwise, as all functions of importance should be performed in an east to west
direction. You should also never leave a tray in the oven when it’s not in use. I have no idea
Some of these old beliefs, however, are quite practical. For example, one saying states you
should never waste leftover morsels of pastry or dough from making bread or cakes, or the
whole baking will be ruined. Although some others defy all logic: for example, if you drop a
slice of buttered bread, butter side up — a visitor will arrive.
There are lots of old beliefs concerning salt. The Ancient Greeks believed that salt was
sacred and consequently used it in their sacrificial cakes and preparations. They also believed it
to be a symbol of friendship, and if any was spilled, it was an omen of the end of a friendship.
Among some peoples it was the custom to pay workers in amounts of salt, hence our modern
word salary, from salarium.
There are also plenty of beliefs about tea. Never stir the teapot anti-clockwise or you will
stir up a quarrel. If two women pour from the same pot, one of them will have a baby within a
year. There is also widespread belief in 'reading the tea-leaves' to predict the future. I believe if
you stir the tea twice and wait 5 minutes, you’ll get a decent brew!
According to tradition you should be very cautious around mirrors: to break one will result
in seven years bad luck. This belief might originate with prehistoric peoples, who, on seeing
their image reflected in water, believed it represented their soul. Should anything disturb this
image then his own life was in danger.

Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям

There are plenty of old traditions that seem to me plain daft. For example — do not sing
in bath as this will lead to sorrow before evening; Get out of bed the right side but, if you
can't avoid it, put your right sock and shoe on first — and never, never ever put a hat on the
As for me, I like singing in the bath and will continue to take the risk.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task.

Now you will hear the text again.
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

Третье задание (А8-А14)


В ы услышите рассказ о конкурсе бальных танцев. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обведите цифру 1,

2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. В ы услышите запись

Now we are ready to start.

Ball room dancing is now so popular — in school, on TV, touring festivals, master classes in
town etc. It was almost inevitable that they would do a competition at our college. The only
shock is that James and I have made it to the final. There are three couples in the final
dance-off, we have all finished our last two dances and now are waiting for the judges.
Given that we finalists had to choose any one Latin dance plus any traditional ball room
dance (out of hundreds available), it was an amazing co-incidence that all three couples
independently chose the exact same versions of the same two dances. I suppose in a sense this
will result in more objective scoring from the judges.
The two dances chosen were a Salsa and a Waltz. But all of us went for a very fast Salsa
that was close to a Mamba. Salsas vary in speed between 150 and 250 beats per minute. A “ 250”
is quite rare but incredibly we all chose (mercifully different) dance tracks of more than 240
beats per minute. And we also all chose the same relatively unusual waltz. It ’s called a
Hesitation Waltz where there is a halt on the standing foot during the full waltz measure.
It is amazing that six of us, all friends, rehearsed the same relatively rare dances for the
whole week and yet nobody said a thing. We were all being secretive and tactical I suppose. But
the co-incidences did not stop there. We three girls chose similar dresses for each dance and we
are all similar in size, shape and hair colour. For the salsa we picked versions of what we have
now nicknamed “ Mango Sparklers” . Short, peachy, rhinestone covered, zigzag skirts with
matching long zigzag sleeves! A t least the three boys managed to appear in different colours.
And for the waltz we all had dark pink full skirts in lightweight satin with layers of frothy
organza mesh. Not identical but incredibly similar.
W e’ll have the final result in the next few minutes. But at least we can be sure that the
judges’ marking will not have been swayed by the trimmings of the performance. They are
actually supposed to score on “ presentation” , “body alignment” and “ shape” . Well — I doubt in
this case they’ll be able to tell the three couples apart. They’ll have to judge on the essence of
each dance — on poise, hold of frame, musicality, expression and timing rather than what we
look like.
“ Come on Katie, it ’s time to go back on the floor. The results are out” James is still out of
breath from the last salsa but has a huge smile on his face. He thinks we will win.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task (Pause 15 seconds.)

Now you will hear the text again. (Repeat.)
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.
This is the end of the listening test.

Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям


В ы услышите рассказ о фестивале новы х экстремальных видов спорта. В заданиях А 8 -

А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.
В ы услышите запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start.

The White A ir Extreme Sports Festival was held in Brighton last year. There were dozens
of displays that interested me, but the ones I liked enough to consider trying were made up of
weird combinations. Brush boarding, for example, is surfing on a conventional surf board — but
without ever getting wet. They had this high technology bank of brushes (designed by the air
force apparently) that exactly simulate wave action. We more or less got the hang of this in a
couple of tries but then, we are experienced surfers. A fter this there was the roller skiing! This
weird combination of ski and bike looks great when the experts do it. James was with us for the
morning and he managed to get a nasty cut on his foot when he simultaneously crashed and lost
his boots in a freaky collision.
The land yachting was fun to watch — but you need lots of money to get into this. The
“yachts” were made of high tech, lightweight metals or carbon fibre. They all have 3 wheels and
are constructed so low to the ground that the pilot is almost lying down. The wind that day was
a modest 10 knots (5 m/s) but they were achieving amazing bursts of acceleration in all
directions around the course.
We all did the Aquathlon early that morning — which was fairly easy to be honest. A 400
metre swim and a 5km run. None of us did that well but we weren’t trying hard — it was just for
fun. But it got us all in the mood that evening to have a try at the most spectacular of the
unusual combinations — Kite Surfing. The kites were huge and brightly coloured. Some were 5
metres tall but there were monsters of up to 25 metres. And put simply — the kite powers you
along the wave-tops on a surf board. But we soon found it was rather more complicated than that!
The first problem is that you frequently get dragged into the air. Well — actually that is
supposed to happen. Experienced kite surfers do massive “jumps” tens of metres into the air. We
discovered that going up into the air was simple — the tricky part was to land smoothly and carry
on surfing. Usually our boards anchored awkwardly, followed by an undignified drag and crashing
the kite. It also takes time and a huge amount of energy to get started again after each “crash” .
To be honest after 30 minutes I was approaching exhaustion — and I am pretty fit. We would
never have tried Kite Surfing without experienced instructors on hand to teach, advise and keep
us safe. But the biggest problem of all was the wind which was blowing o ff the shore. For
inexperienced kite surfers this implied a one way ticket across the channel to France! But again,
the experienced riders seemed to be able to achieve anything regardless of wind direction —
I don’t know how they do it.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task (Pause 15 seconds.)

Now you will hear the text again. (Repeat.)
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.
This is the end of the listening test.

Третье задание (А8-А14)


В ы услышите рассказ о знаменит ых сестрах. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2

или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись

Now we are ready to start.

Fabulous Sisters

Venus and Serena Williams are two of the biggest names, not only in tennis but also in the
history of women’s sports and black history. Together known as the Williams sisters, Venus and
Serena have a combined total of forty two grand slam titles. Serena has won 23 compared to her
sister’ s 19 and Venus has won 3 Olympic Gold medals compared to Serena’s 2. But Serena has
won more career prize money than any other female athlete in history.
But things have not always come easy for the Williams sisters. They learned their game and
practiced their tennis basics in a city torn by gang warfare - Compton, California. While many
of their contemporaries had professional coaches and played on private courts, they played on
municipal courts and were coached by their father, Richard.
The girls showed a natural aptitude for the game and quickly advanced to amateur
competition. When Venus made her professional debut in October 1994, Robin Flinn of the New
Y ork Times called her “ the most unorthodox tennis prodigy her sport has ever seen.” Venus,
older than Serena by about 15 months, was the first to reach the top of the world women's
rankings, and she has stayed at the top of the game ever since.
Over the years and in spite of their struggles and injuries, journalists are always targeting
them for not being devoted enough to the game of tennis. The sisters have branched out into
acting and fashion. Serena even has her own fashion label “Aneres” — which is her name spelled
backwards. They are beautiful and stylish and it seems like people criticize them almost just for
being so great at everything they do!
What a lot of people don’t know is how much charity work the sisters do. Venus and Serena
know what it is like to be poor from their childhood and they love to help kids who aren’t so
lucky. For the past three years in a row, the Williams sisters have played exhibitions all over
the country during the off-season to raise money for the Ronald McDonald House Charity; a
charity that donates money to children in need around the globe. Also during the 2006
off-season, Serena took a trip to Ghana where she visited people around the country. Serena fell
in love with the country and after coming home, completely inspired, she would like to open a
school there. In February, the sisters also went to Jamaica where they gave tennis clinics to
hundreds of children. This was despite the fact that Serena was unwell and at that time unable
to play pro tennis and Venus was struggling with a left wrist injury so bad she couldn’t type or
write, let alone play!

You have 15 seconds to complete the task (Pause 15 seconds.)

Now you will hear the text again. (Repeat.)
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.
This is the end of the listening test.

Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям


Вы услышите рассказ о популярной телепередаче. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обведите цифру 1,

2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись

Now we are ready to start.

One of the most popular reality TV series in the UK these days is called “ Come dine with me” .
It is shown through out the week with four (or sometimes five) individuals each cooking a meal
for the others in their own homes. Each meal is voted for by the other guests and the person who
collects the highest score from the other guests at the end of the week wins a J1000 prize.
It is successful for a number of reasons. First of all there are the recipes. Each guest is
doing all they can to impress the others by planning their evening as host, carefully selecting
and preparing ingredients. Generally the funniest part of the program is when the one cooking
is in their own kitchen panicking and trying, often unsuccessfully, to cook over ambitious
dishes. They frantically turn the pages of recipe books or make frantic phone calls for advice
while outwardly trying to appear calm and in control. Sometimes dishes break, or roasts get
turned to ash in an over heated oven or the soup ends up on the floor; often accompanied by
memorable but not necessarily polite use of the English language.
The next piece of TV joy is being in each persons house, seeing their dficor and lay out and
enjoying them trying to outshine their fellow guests. Why people are so fascinated by other
peoples houses I cannot begin to guess. But I have to confess that I am as nosey as everyone else.
Finally there is the meal and you get to hear all the conversation (public and private)
between the guests as they praise or condemn their host. Finally comes the judging (marks out
of 10) when each member of the house party privately gives the host cook a score. The
programme runs through the week starting on a Monday and finishing with the final result
being announced on a Friday. Some of the “ stars” of the programme go on to become national
favourites and some of them even attain minor celebrity status.
There is also a celebrity version of the program unimaginatively entitled “ Celebrity Come
Dine with me” . It is exactly the same format but of course viewers already know who the people
are and something about their lives: And it is really interesting to see these people’ s real
houses, to see how they live and listen in on all the celebrity gossip. The prizes for the celebrity
version always go to charity.
I am thinking about applying to be on the show. It would be really good fun if I was chosen.
In my imagination I can imagine trying to impress my guests with lines like “ of course I caught
the fish myself” and “I had these specially imported from Bolivia” . The reality is that I am not a
good cook and I never use recipe books. However I do enjoy cooking and I love dinner parties
and conversation. Maybe I will just roll up my courage and apply.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task (Pause 15 seconds.)

Now you will hear the text again. (Repeat.)
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.
This is the end of the listening test.

Третье задание (А8-А14)


В ы услышите воспоминания взрослого человека о детстве. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обведите

цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. В ы услышите
запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start


Nature and history conspired to make the place where we lived when I first entered school a
wonderland. Glaciers during the Ice Age scooped the soil out the Great Lakes to the north,
pushed it south, and left our region a heap of hills and valleys, creeks and rivers that was a
young boy’s dream. Snow piled up in the narrow valleys in winter, and when it melted it flooded
the town each spring. When I was old enough to get a job delivering newspapers, we delivered
them in a rowboat to the houses near the rivers.
The town was located where the Muskingum River flows into the Ohio. It was a trading post
for American Indians, who built several sacred mounds there. When whites settled, they named
the town Marietta for Marie Antoinette, the French queen at the time of the American
Revolution. Marietta was settled in the 1790s by war veterans whose graves remain there still.
The county, the main street, the elementary school I went to, and many other sites were named
for the president of the country at the time, George Washington.
The Ohio River divided the free from the slave states before the Civil War, and Marietta
was a station on the Underground Railroad. It helped slaves from Virginia, across the river,
escape to northern cities and to Canada. A small number remained in town, though they were
always in danger of being recaptured, until after the war.
Elementary school was a time of fun and adventure. I had a small boat, but it leaked so
badly I couldn’t take it on the river without a friend along to bail out the water. I fell in love in
the fifth grade with a girl who had beautiful green eyes. They were crossed, but that didn’t
matter to a fifth grader. I had a wonderful dog, a Samoyed, a Siberian sled dog, who slept on
my bed and followed me everywhere. Once she followed me to my girlfriend’s house and ate one
of the family’s chickens. That was the end of my romance.
There were a few black students in our school, but at that age we didn’t have a name for
them. They were our friends, some better athletes than we were whom we greatly admired. Two
events led me to think that adults knew something we didn’ t. In the 4th grade when we were
practicing for the May Pole Dance, a black boy in my class was allowed to dance with a black
girl in another class. The rest of us couldn’t do that, so I didn’t think it was fair. Another time
I wandered into a barbershop that served blacks, and I got a bad haircut. My father took me
back to have it cut again, but turned around when he saw which shop I ’d gone to.
The days of innocence ended with elementary school. Our family moved to a racially divided
southern city, where I learned that one name often used for my black friends was nigger.
Culture shock set me adrift. Later in life I studied history and social science, still trying to
learn why my Southern white friends felt as they did about my Northern black ones.

Y ou have 15 seconds to complete the task.

N o w you w ill hear the text again.
This is the end o f the task. Y o u now have 15 seconds to check your answers.
Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям


В ы услышите лекцию об основны х ст упенях образования в СШ А. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 об­

ведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы ус­
лышите запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start

The Academic Ladder
An increasing number of American children begin their academic life in a pre-school
program prior to entering elementary school at ages 5 or 6. Pre-school was aimed at children
from disadvantaged homes at first, but now growing numbers of families see the program as a
way of giving their children an academic advantage.
American children are required to attend school between ages 6 to 17 or 18. State attendance
laws vary. They can meet this requirement by attending public or private schools, or they may be
taught at home. Each program is certified by the state, and each is evaluated by student
performance on standardized tests. Elementary school covers grades 1-6, though some schools
refer to grades 4-6 as middle school. Junior high school refers to grades 7-9, and senior high school
to grades 10-12. These grade divisions can vary. They may be based on educational philosophy or
they may just be related to the school facilities available at a particular time and place.
Students go on to higher education after high school according to their interest, the
universities assessment of their ability, and their families’ ability to finance it. Students with
outstanding academic, musical or athletic ability may be awarded scholarships; and students
may apply for government or private loans.
Each state supports a small number of 4-year colleges and a larger number of 2-year
community colleges. Community colleges may offer diplomas for 2-year occupational curricula,
and they also serve as feeders to the 4-year colleges, offering the general education courses that
would be required there.
Four-year colleges and universities provide degree programs required for a professional
career, certified by a Bachelor s Degree. Degree programs include a general education
component required of all students, a major field of study, and a minor — generally a related
or supplementary — field of study. Majors in business, for example, may take a minor in
international affairs if they’re interested in international business.
The Bachelor Degree is the minimal credential needed for entry into a profession. A Bachelor
of Science in Education (BSE), for example, is required of everyone entering the teaching
profession. Those who seek additional credentials needed for upward mobility in their profession
go on to study for degrees in graduate school, any level higher than the 4-year Bachelor’s Degree.
A Master’s Degree is generally the next degree earned. It focuses on an academic or
professional specialty, generally requiring a written thesis covering original research.
Requirements vary, but many master’s programs require 30 hours of additional course work.
Some universities allow doctoral students to skip the master’s degree and pursue advanced
studies leading to their doctorate (Ph.D). A doctorate degree certifies a level of academic
competence that allows one full membership and elite status in their chosen profession.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task.

N o w you w ill hear the text again.
This is the end o f the task. Y o u now have 15 seconds to check your answers.
Третье задание (А8-А14)


В ы услышите рассказ о художнике. В заданиях А 8 - А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соот ­

ветствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. В ы услышите запись дважды. У вас
есть 50 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданиями.

Now we are ready to start.

James Abbot McNeill Whistler

James Abbot McNeill Whistler was born in Lowell, Massachusetts, USA although at one
point in his life he claimed he was born in St. Petersburg! He declared “ I shall be born when and
where I want, and I do not choose to be born in Lowell” ! But he did have a real connection with
Russia. His father worked in Russia and, at the age of 9, young Whistler came to join him. He
had private art lessons in St. Petersburg for 2 years before enrolling at the Imperial Academy of
Fine Arts. He spent a lot of time in Russia but after his father died, Whistler, at the age of 15,
returned home.
Some years followed in the USA, during which he joined the army, learned print and
map making and other skills. But at the age of 21 he left America, never to return. His first
destination was Paris and his first circle of artist acquaintances belonged to the realist school of
painting. During this period Whistler began to develop his theories about art: line, he believed,
was more important than colour and the most important colour of all, to achieve total harmony,
was black.
A t the age of 25 he made London his adopted home and soon began to make a name for
himself as an artist. He had a huge ego, was a tireless self-promoter, dressed extravagantly, was
famously witty and had a distinctive artistic style — a combination of factors that couldn’t fail
to get him noticed in London society.
He saw parallels between the harmony of music and the harmony of colours. Many of his
paintings began to be titled or named after musical terms — they were called, “ arrangements” ,
“ harmonies” or “ nocturnes” . He adopted the slogan “ art for art’s sakes” meaning that art itself
was independent of any moral or social function — a view he shared with his sometimes friend,
Mr. Oscar Wilde.
Wilde and Whistler became the essential guests for any important party in London and they
competed in making witty and cutting remarks. Once Wilde was impressed by a Whistler
comment and said “ I wish I had said that” to which Whistler replied “You will, Oscar, you will” .
They fell out completely in the end and Whistler is the model for the murdered artist in
“A Portrait of Dorian Gray” .
But Whistler had other opponents. The art critic John Ruskin wrote that Whistler’s work
was “ flinging a pot of paint in the public’s face” . Whistler responded by taking Ruskin to court
in one of the most famous legal contests in British History. Technically Whistler was the winner
but he was only awarded a farthing in compensation — the equivalent of a kopek! But the cost
of the trial contributed to Whistler being declared bankrupt and losing his house, paintings and
property to pay his debts.
Whistler recovered from this set back and until his death remained committed to his
paintings and to developing his ideas. He categorically denied belonging to any school of

Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям

painters. But he did have significant contact with and exchanged ideas with Realist, Impressionist
and Symbolist artists, profoundly influencing many of them. He achieved fame throughout Europe
and in America and today remains as popular as ever, with his work held in collections
throughout the world. During the Ruskin trial he was asked how he could justify charging 200
guineas (then worth one hundred thousand pounds) for a painting that took 2 days to complete.
His answer was that he charged the money “ for the knowledge I have gained in a lifetime” .

You have 15 seconds to complete the task.

Now you will hear the text again.
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.

Третье задание (А8-А14)


В ы услышите рассказ о том, как извержение вулкана в И сландии повлияло на от пуск

одной семьи. В заданиях А 8 —А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбран­
ному вами варианту ответа. В ы услышите запись дважды. У вас есть 50 секунд, чтобы
ознакомиться с заданиями.

Now we are ready to start.

The Volcano

Altogether, we were 5 adults and 3 children (5 to 16 years old). I ’m Lucy Brown, the 16
years old. The rest of the group consisted of my parents — Gordon and Mary. Before you
ask — my Dad isn’t the Prime Minister! Also with us were Uncle Bob, Aunty June and their
kids — Alice (aged 13) and Robin (aged 5) and finally Grandma — who refuses to tell me her
age and seems to think she’s still a teenager! W e were enjoying an end of season visit to
Courcheval, in the French Alps, when on 14th of April, 2010, we saw a news report about a
volcano in Iceland.
A t first we were simply impressed by the power of nature and happy to hear that there
weren’t huge numbers of people killed. Dad told me that there was a Volcano in Iceland in 1783
called Laki, which directly or indirectly killed 2 million people through sulfur dioxide poisoning.
So we watched the TV and were quietly glad that the volcano was so far away. It couldn’t
possibly trouble us, could it?
By the weekend, more than 63,000 flights had been canceled in 23 European countries. The
TV broadcasts were discussing the implications for the global economy and millions of travelers
were stranded - including us!
Because no new holiday makers arrived in Courcheval, our accommodation was still
available. W e were sharing a 6 bedroom chalet. Dad and Uncle Bob went to see the owner, who
told them that she couldn’t afford to let us stay for free. The chalet was normally rented for one
week at a time for 1400 Euros. But she kindly agreed to a daily rate of just 100 Euros for every
day that we were stranded.
It thought it would have been nice to stay a bit longer — but by that weekend no one knew
how long the disruption would last. A ll the adults were supposed to be at work on Monday.
Aunty June’s a Primary School teacher and Mum’s a nurse. There would be problems if they
couldn’t get back. My cousins and I needed to be back at school — especially me, with exams
coming up. Only Dad and Uncle Bob were alright as they both had laptop computers with Wi-Fi
and could work remotely; but the inevitable decision was taken — we had to get home.
We had already booked a 12-seater taxi van to take us to Geneva on Saturday, from where
we were supposed to fly to Birmingham (we live in Wolverhampton and Birmingham is our
nearest airport). We were at Geneva airport for about an hour. During that time we learned that
there would be no flights over the weekend and no guarantees as to when they would resume.
Also — when the services did start again, we would have to wait until there was flight with 8
available places! The rest of our delay in Geneva was for the negotiation with our taxi van
driver. In the end a price was agreed of 2200 Euros to take us to Calais. From there we would
get a Ferry to Dover and a train home.

Тексты для аудирования к тренировочным заданиям

I thought about the volcano (whose name I couldn’t pronounce) quite a bit on the way home.
It seems to me that the planet we live on is still quite young, rather than old: Probably it has as
much future as it has past and that both the distant past and the future are as impenetrable as
the ash cloud pouring from the volcano.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task.

Now you will hear the text again.
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.


Первое задание (В1).

Понимание основного содержания текста

Тренировочное задание № 1 Тренировочное задание № 2 Тренировочное задание № 3

Тренировочное задание № 4 Тренировочное задание № 5 Тренировочное задание № 6
Тренировочное задание № 7 Тренировочное задание № 8 Тренировочное задание № 9
Тренировочное задание № 10 Тренировочное задание № 11 Тренировочное задание № 12
Тренировочное задание № 13 Тренировочное задание № 14 Тренировочное задание № 15
Тренировочное задание № 16 Тренировочное задание № 17 Тренировочное задание № 18
Тренировочное задание № 19 Тренировочное задание № 20


Второе задание (А1-А7).

Понимание запрашиваемой информации

А1 А2 АЗ А4 А5 А6 А7
Тренировочное задание № 1 2 3 1 1 1 3 1
Тренировочное задание № 2 2 1 2 1 3 1 3
Тренировочное задание № 3 1 1 3 2 2 1 1
Тренировочное задание № 4 3 2 1 1 1 3 2
Тренировочное задание № 5 2 1 2 3 1 1 3
Тренировочное задание № 6 3 1 3 3 2 1 2
Тренировочное задание № 7 2 3 2 3 1 3 1
Тренировочное задание № 8 2 1 2 3 2 1 3
Тренировочное задание № 9 2 3 2 1 2 3 1
Тренировочное задание № 10 1 2 2 3 1 2 3

А1 А2 АЗ А4 А5 А6 А7
Тренировочное задание № 11 2 1 2 3 1 2 1
Тренировочное задание № 12 1 3 2 2 1 1 2
Тренировочное задание № 13 3 1 2 2 1 3 1
Тренировочное задание № 14 2 1 2 1 2 3 3
Тренировочное задание № 15 2 2 1 3 1 2 3
Тренировочное задание № 16 2 3 2 1 1 3 2
Тренировочное задание № 17 1 1 1 3 2 3 3
Тренировочное задание № 18 2 3 1 3 1 1 2
Тренировочное задание № 19 2 1 1 3 2 1 3
Тренировочное задание № 20 2 1 2 2 1 2 3


Третье задание (А8-А14).

Детальное понимание текста

А8 А9 А10 АН А12 А13 А14

Тренировочное задание № 1 2 3 1 3 1 2 3
Тренировочное задание № 2 3 3 1 3 1 1 2
Тренировочное задание № 3 3 1 2 1 2 3 2

Тренировочное задание № 4 2 3 1 3 2 1 1

Тренировочное задание № 5 3 3 1 2 1 2 3

Тренировочное задание № 6 3 1 2 3 2 3 2

Тренировочное задание № 7 2 3 2 1 3 1 3

Тренировочное задание № 8 2 3 1 1 2 1 2

Тренировочное задание № 9 2 3 2 3 1 2 3

А8 А9 А10 A ll А12 А13 А14

Тренировочное задание № 10 3 2 1 2 3 1 3

Тренировочное задание № 11 1 3 2 1 2 3 3
Тренировочное задание № 12 1 2 1 3 1 2 3
Тренировочное задание № 13 3 1 3 1 3 2 3
Тренировочное задание № 14 1 3 1 1 2 1 2
Тренировочное задание № 15 3 1 3 1 3 2 1
Тренировочное задание № 16 3 1 2 1 3 1 2
Тренировочное задание № 17 1 2 1 2 3 3 2

Тренировочное задание № 18 3 2 1 3 1 1 2

Тренировочное задание № 19 2 2 1 3 1 1 3

Тренировочное задание № 20 3 3 2 3 1 2 3

Справочное издание

Соловова Елена Николаевна

John Parsons


Центр изучения английского языка Елены Солововой

Гигиенический сертификат
№Д.007297.05.10 от 07.05.2010 г.

Главный редактор Л Д . Л а п п о
Технический редактор Т. В. Ф ат ю хина
Корректор Н. С. Садпвникпва
Дизайн обложки Л .В . Д ем ьян ова
Компьютерная верстка Д .А . Я р о ш

105066, Москва, ул. Нижняя Красносельская, д. 35, стр. 1.

www.exam en.biz
E-mail: по общим вопросам: info@ exam en.biz;
по вопросам реализации: sale@exam en.biz
тел ./факс 641-00-30 (многоканальный)

Общероссийский классификатор продукции

О К 005-93, том 2; 953005 — книги, брошюры, литература учебная

Отпечатано в соответствии с предоставленными материалами

в ЗА О «И П К Парето-Принт», г. Тверь, www.pareto-print.rn

По вопросам реализации обращаться по тел.:

641-00-30 (многоканальный).
♦ Систематизировать информацию о ЕГЭ
♦ Конкретизировать информацию о каждой части экзамена (Аудирование, Чтение,
Лексика-грамматика, Письмо)
♦ Предложить алгоритм работы с каждым типом задания во всех частях экзамена
♦ Предложить тренировочные задания для отработки заданного алгоритма
♦ Живой современный английский язык
♦ Точное соответствие формату ЕГЭ
♦ Понятные стратегии выполнения заданий
♦ Тематический подход с учетом требований
Государственного Образовательного Стандарта и кодификатора ЕГЭ
♦ Наличие дополнительных заданий, направленных
на систематизацию лексики по каждой теме
Предложенные в сборниках алгоритмы выполнения каждого задания ЕГЭ и
тренировочные задания помогут:
• повысить концентрацию внимания на ключевых моментах каждого задания
♦ избежать потери времени на экзамене
Полные варианты экзамена покажут, готовы ли вы к выполнению ЕГЭ в режиме
реального времени.
Если учащийся выполнил полные варианты экзамена и успел заполнить бланки ответов в
отведенное время, он может с уверенностью сказать:

' ' 1


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