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Even though the government has injected billions of ringgit to Mas for the past few years but

is still a sinking ship in terms of profit. The 5 main problems are rising of fuel cost, unpredicted tragedy,
poor company management and rising of other airlines companies. The solution to all these problems
that should be implemented by Mass is employment of experienced management team.

Firstly due to rising of fuel cost over the years , Mass should have better employment policies in
terms of getting an experienced management team . This is because one small mistake can lead to a
downfall of profit and prompt decision making is necessary . Local airlines Malaysia Airlines (MAS) saw
higher fuel cost eat into their second-quarter operating numbers, with MAS posting a net loss of
RM526.68mil [1]. With these being said better management team can take the lead and make better
judgement on which decision for the company to take upon. This team also can handle unpredictable
tragedy and restructure the company’s management . This should be the first step that Mas should
approach the loss in sale. With this first step perhaps this unique team of experts can restructure Mas
into a better goliath in other words making Mas more profitable once again. This team should be able
to face the current predicament of Mas which is having more expenditure than profit.

Secondly , a proper more experienced management team can come up with solutions and steps to
take when Mas own competitor Airasia which sells cheaper ticket. The said management team can
take this into account before preparing any solution they can analyse their competitors at a much
deeper depth as compared to normal management team. This clearly shows how stable they are under
stress yet manage to come up with a solution which will prevent further loses of profit[2].This
management team could help expand the airlines current network as well as looking for stable routes
and cheaper routes to be added in Mas network of airlines path. The best benefit of hiring such
employers are that the skills and knowledge that comes with them as these are transferable to other
teams. When such a thing happens the work ethics of other team can be improve significantly thus
reducing the company budget to hire 20 year experience foreign worker in the far foresee future
which indirectly helps the Mas to profit in terms of budget for new talents.

Thirdly although finding the correct experienced management team is not a permanent fix , nobody is
perfect and some may not be able to fit in the workplace thus mistake can easily happen . However
Mas owe this much obligation to it’s customers and having a well experienced team can bring out a
huge change onto the table.

Lastly as a conclusion Mas should hire a veteran that has vast experience and skills under their belt to
overcome and also cope with the current and future problem that Mas will be having. Mas should
overcome their problem by implementing a veteran management team as these team can make the
best decision for the company to take upon.

[1] https://www.thestar.com.my/business/business-news/2011/08/24/higher-fuel-cost-affects-mas-

[2] https://bizfluent.com/info-7746182-advantages-experience-vs-inexperience-jobs.html

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