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Intertextuality in Film Title Translation:

A Comparative Study of Translated Film Titles in

Hong Kong and Taiwan (2005-2013)

A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Arts at the University of Macau


Hong Ieng U, Elmo

Supervisor: Prof. Wang Xian, Vincent

November 2015



DECLARATION ........................................................................................................... i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................ii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ iii

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................... iii

LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................... iii

LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................... iv

Chapter One INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 1

1.1 Background .......................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Aims and objectives ............................................................................................. 2

1.3 Research questions ............................................................................................... 3

1.4 Organisation of the thesis..................................................................................... 4

Chapter Two LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................... 5

2.1 The current studies in film title translations......................................................... 5

2.2 What is ‘Intertextuality’? ..................................................................................... 5

2.3 Horizontal intertextuality versus Vertical intertextuality ..................................... 9

2.4 Functions of titles............................................................................................... 10


2.5 ‘Loyalty’ in Nord’s functional approach to translation ...................................... 13

Chapter Three METHODOLOGY .......................................................................... 16

3.1 Analytical framework......................................................................................... 16

3.2 Definitions of key terms..................................................................................... 16

3.3 Sources of data ................................................................................................... 17

3.4 Information from Wikipedia .............................................................................. 19

3.5 Methods for analysis .......................................................................................... 20

Chapter Four FINDINGS AND CASE ANALYSIS ................................................ 23

4.1 Analysis of ST .................................................................................................... 23

4.1.1 Types of intertextual references of ST ........................................................ 24

4.1.2 Comparison across genres – ST vs Intertextual reference(s) ...................... 32

4.2 Analysis and comparison of ST and HK TT ...................................................... 34

4.2.1 Types of intertextual references of HK TT ................................................. 34

4.2.2 Comparison across genres – HK TT vs Intertextual reference(s) ............... 45

4.3 Analysis and comparison of ST and TW TT ...................................................... 50

4.3.1 Types of intertextual references of TW TT ................................................. 51

4.3.2 Comparison across genres – TW TT vs Intertextual reference(s)............... 56


4.4 Summary of the findings .................................................................................... 60

Chapter Five DISCUSSION...................................................................................... 62

5.1 Possible reasons for discrepancies in intertextuality usage across ST, HK TT

and TW TT ............................................................................................................... 62

5.1.1 Different practices in each film market....................................................... 62

5.1.2 Commercial considerations ......................................................................... 64

5.1.3 Creating ST-like communicative function in TTs ....................................... 65

5.2 Pros and Cons for using intertextuality in film titles ......................................... 65

5.3 Durability of intertextual effect: Synchronic vs Diachronic .............................. 67

Chapter Six CONCLUSION ..................................................................................... 69

6.1 Significance of the research ............................................................................... 69

6.2 Limitations and further research ........................................................................ 71

REFERENCES........................................................................................................... 72

APPENDIX I - The sample of ST ............................................................................. 75

APPENDIX II – The sample of HK TT ................................................................... 98

APPENDIX III – The sample of TW TT ............................................................... 125



I declare that this thesis represents my own original work, except where due

acknowledgment is made, and that it has not been previously included in a thesis,

dissertation or report submitted to this University or to any other institution for a degree,

diploma or other qualification.

Signed __________________________



I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Vincent Wang, who

has been very patient and helpful throughout the thesis writing process. Thanks for his

guidance and materials provided that are extremely helpful and inspiring. I really

appreciate his prompt responses and follow-up e-mails along the whole process, which

gave me a lot of motivations to finish my thesis. Moreover, I would like to thank Prof.

Zhang Meifang for her advice and opinion for my topic at the preliminary stage. Her

advice made me re-thinking the direction of my thesis. My special thanks go to Dr.

James Li, for his guidance at my very first stage of my thesis writing.

In addition, I would like to thank Mr. Joel Santos and Mr. Ricardo Santos, who

had provided information for my data collection and information about film and film

titles. Thanks to the encouragement of my family along my study, especially my mother,

so that I can finally complete all the requirements of the master’s degree.



Since the term ‘intertextuality’ was coined, this concept has been widely used in various

areas such as literary studies, discourse analysis, media studies and advertising,

attracting much scholarly attention. Intertextuality can be easily seen at work in foreign

film titles and their Chinese translations, which creates notable effects. This thesis

describes the use of intertextuality in a selected sample of film titles in English from

2005 to 2013 and their Chinese translations in Hong Kong and Taiwan. We draw on the

concept of horizontal intertextuality (Hatim and Munday 2004: 86) and also Nord’s

functions of titles (1995: 261-284) to carry out both qualitative and quantitative

analyses, with the aim being to depict the usage and distribution of intertextuality in

each of the film markets - i.e. the English world, Hong Kong and Taiwan. According to

the analysis and finding, we notice that of all 3 text groups, Hong Kong translations

have the most film titles that involve intertextuality than ST and Taiwan translations.

Apart from intertextuality in sequels, Hong Kong translations tend to create their own

intertextual references from various sources though there is none in ST, while Taiwan

translations tend to retain the pattern of ST with some own creations, which usually

take references from TV programmes. Based on the results, we discuss possible reasons

causing discrepancies between the ST and TTs, pros and cons for using intertextuality

and other possible factors. Furthermore, it is interesting to observe that intertextuality


in film titles interacts with film genres - i.e. specific genres involve the use of

intertextuality and genre discrepancies among the original text, its translations and

intertextual references.

Keywords: film title, intertextuality, intertextual reference, functions of titles, genre



ST: Source Text (film titles)

TT: Target Text (film titles)

HK TT: Hong Kong Target Text (film titles)

TW TT: Taiwan Target Text (film titles)


Figure 1. Categorization of ST

Figure 2. Categorization of HK TT

Figure 3. Categorization of TW TT



Table 1. Ratio of film titles with intertextual reference in ST, HK TT and TW TT

Table 2. Types of intertextual references: the ST

Table 3. ST samples whose genre differs from that of its intertextual reference

Table 4. Types of intertextual references: the HK TT

Table 5. Details of genre discrepancies in intertextual references of Group (2a): the HK


Table 6. Details of genre discrepancies in intertextual references of Group (2b): the HK


Table 7. Types of intertextual references: the TW TT

Table 8. Three more exceptional cases of TW TT of Group (1) intertextuality

Table 9. Details of genre discrepancies in intertextual references of Group (2a): the TW


Table 10. Details of genre discrepancies in intertextual references of Group (2b): the


Table 11. Summary of findings for ST, HK TT and TW TT



1.1 Background

Film industries have been developed as one of the most mature and sophisticated

industries not only in English-speaking countries, but also in Hong Kong, Taiwan and

the Mainland China. Whether the films are attractive enough to draw the audiences’

attention and are able to pull them into the cinema, their titles are crucial to their success.

Moreover, foreign films play an important role in Hong Kong’s and Taiwan’s film

markets. Their audiences are eager to watch diverse genres of films from other parts of

the world. While taking a glance at their film title translations, it is interesting to find

that some of the translated film titles look more like the translators’ own creations rather

than translations, and some of them will take references of elements from other concrete

texts or concepts. This is called ‘intertextuality’, a term first coined by Julia Kristeva

(see Allen 2003: 81). Since then, the importance of intertextuality was being aware of

and the concept has been put into different areas for research and study other than

literary studies. The present author conducted a pilot study in the randomly selected

film titles used in English-speaking countries, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and found that

these film titles contained intertextual elements for the reason of creating resonances

and being more attractive to audiences.

Along the history, equivalence had been a central argument of translation.


However, concerning title translation, it has its own norms as film titles should usually

be short and brief, and a successful title and its translation should be able to attract

source text audience and target text audience respectively. Previous studies have found

that literal translation, free translation, transliteration, substitution, omission, etc. are

the basic methods for film title translations (Shi 2014a: 610, 2014b: 80). Some types of

title translations tend to use a functional approach, which is to fulfil the communicative

function being created in the source text. This is called ‘loyalty’ to the sources text in

terms of functions according to Christiane Nord (2002: 32-44).

Initially, the theoretical concept of intertextuality was used for studying literary

texts. Later, it has been widely used to study in other areas such as audiovisual texts –

i.e. subtitle, dubbing, media texts – i.e. advertisement, news headlines, titles, etc. This

study will mainly focus on the intertextuality aspects of film title translation for its

prevalence in our daily lives and its uniqueness as a specific type of discourse, in the

hope to shed some light in this aspect of film title translation.

1.2 Aims and objectives

This study is geared towards the following aims and objectives:

‐ To identify possible patterns of the use of intertextuality in the original and

translated film titles. The present author uses the expression ‘use of intertextuality’


only to indicate the ‘occurrence of intertextuality’ in this thesis, without the

intention to assume that the film title developer or translator has made purposeful

or intentional use of intertextuality.

‐ To categorize intertextuality in the source text and its translations of film titles.

‐ To examine the reasons for the occurrence of intertextuality - i.e. horizontal

intertextuality, in film titles translation in both source text and its translations.

‐ To examine how intertextuality reveals or interacts with the genre of the film.

‐ To investigate the types of film genre, which tend to involve intertextuality.

1.3 Research questions

We focus on investigating two research questions:

1. Is there any pattern or tendencies in the use of intertextuality in film titles in the

source text and their translations in Hong Kong and Taiwan?

2. Are there mismatches between ST and TT(s) in terms of intertextuality? If there

are, under what situation do they mismatch and for what possible reason(s)?

Based on our findings, we will further explore the following questions (cf. Chapter 5


1. What are the pros and cons for adding intertextuality in TT while there is none in

ST and also vice versa?  


2. Is intertextuality mainly a diachronic or synchronic element in our sample? And

when or under what situation does it tend to be diachronic or synchronic?  

1.4 Organisation of the thesis

This thesis is comprised of 6 chapters (cf. Table of Contents). Chapter 1 gives an

introduction, aims and objectives as well as research questions of this thesis. It also

outlines the structure of this thesis. Chapter 2 presents the past studies and detailed

information about the theoretical framework used in this thesis. Chapter 3 describes the

methods, analytical framework, definitions and source of data being used. In this study,

quantitative and qualitative analyses will be conducted. Data are retrieved mainly from

online sources, which are reliable and authentic. Chapter 4 presents the detail analysis

of each text group - i.e. original English film titles, translated film titles in Hong Kong

and those in Taiwan. Data and case analyses will be comprehensively studied. Chapter

5 is dedicated to discussion on our results, which explores possible reasons for the

findings presented in Chapter 4. Finally, Chapter 6 provides a conclusion, which points

out significance and limitations of this research.



2.1 The current studies in film title translations

Studies on film title translations tend to address topics such as comparison between

source language film titles and their translations, strategies of film titles translations,

analysis of film titles translations using relevance theory and analysis of film titles in a

commercial/ cultural/ functional perspective (see http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw, www.cnki.net

and http://wanfangdata.com.hk). Scholarly Articles around the world as well as Masters

and Doctoral degree theses in Hong Kong, Taiwan and China also tend to explore the

above areas in film titles translation. However, there are very few articles or theses

written about translation of film titles from the perspective of intertextuality. Several

articles or theses can be found, although each of them has their own interpretation of


2.2 What is ‘Intertextuality’?

Intertextuality is a term first coined by Julia Kristeva (see Allen 2000: 20). Before the

occurrence of this term, the concept of dialogism, which intertextuality was based on,

was introduced by a Russian socio-linguist, Mikhail Bakhtin. According to Bakhtin,

‘language always and only exists in social situations between actual speakers’ (ibid.:

80). Language is evaluative, and while being interpreted in a social context, ideology


can always be found. There is no neutrality in meaning. In Allen’s book, an example of

‘friend’ was mentioned to explain this point. ‘Friend’ can be interpreted differently in

different situations such as in a bar, in a classroom, in a job interview, etc. The only

place where neutrality exists is dictionary. However, he added that dictionary does not

need to be interpreted together with social context. This interdependence between

meaning from language and social context or pre-existing text is the predecessor of

intertextuality. Later in 1969, Kristeva brought this term into literary studies. According

to her, ‘every text is constructed as a mosaic of citations, every text is an absorption and

transformation of other text.’ (see Hatim and Mason 1990: 125). The meaning of text

here contains not only words, but also culture-specific knowledge, pre-existing codes,

experience or dialogues between speakers, etc. Beaugrande and Dressler (1981: 182)

also explained intertextuality in their book Introduction to Text Linguistics, ‘the

production and reception of a given text depends upon the participant’s knowledge of

other text.’ They brought up the concept of Mediation in analysing intertextuality as

well. Mediation means the extent or distance in beliefs or goals between speakers in a

communicative situation. If the knowledge is well-known or shared by the speakers,

the mediation tends to be reduced. If the information being conveyed involves a great

time or space difference between speakers, greater mediation is needed in order to

achieve an effective communication (ibid.: 182). By further interpretation about


intertextuality by Allen (2003: 81), under the theory of intertextuality, meaning of a

literary text is no longer original. The author is not the creator of the meaning or text as

there is pre-existing elements contained in every meaning or text. Venuti (2009: 157)

also said that ‘Every text is fundamentally an intertext, […]’. Though this term was

originally used in literary studies, it has been gradually spread in use in other areas.

In the area of translation studies, as mentioned by Hermans (2003: 40), translation

is inherently an intertext - readers are notified of this from the title page, which states

that this is a translation of its sources text. Translation is a typical text that contains

intertextuality as no matter how and which strategies are chosen for translating, a source

text must exist in order to let a translation being produced. Hatim and Mason (1990:

120-137) discussed the relation between intertextuality and translation in their book

Discourse and the Translator. They described intertextuality as a text being identified

‘in terms of their dependence on other relevant texts’ (ibid.: 120). However, they

emphasized that intertextuality does not merely equal to ‘Allusion’, it is not a

mechanical process, which puts some texts together to comprise a full text. There must

be an intention or reason for using intertextuality by the author, who wants to achieve

a certain communicative purpose through the use of other texts. Hatim and Mason said

it is difficult to transfer an intertextuality from a source text to a target text. Distances

in time and space, different knowledge background and experiences, etc. are the factors


that block the transformation. If intertextuality is inadequately translated, the

communication between the ST and TT will be broken. Therefore, they had introduced

a framework for recognition and transfer of intertextual reference. They had

summarized and put forward that normally, reference, cliché, literary allusion, self-

quotation, conventionalism, proverb and meditation are the texts for intertextual

references. In order to render intertextuality properly in translation, translators need to

consider 3 questions: 1) Whether to retain the ‘form’ of the intertextual reference; 2)

Whether to retain the ‘function’ of the intertextual reference; 3) To evaluate which sign

or text should be prioritized. Finally, Hatim and Mason concluded that ‘intentionality

normally outranks information content’ (ibid.: 137) as it is the foremost reason for using

intertextuality in a text. While translating intertextual references from ST, modification

is inevitable. Translators need to decide on their own to what extent translation should

be modified based on their evaluation and judgement on the differences of culture-

specific knowledge or belief system between ST and TT. Besides the western scholars’

propositions on intertextuality, a Chinese scholar Xin Wenhua also analyzed this

concept in depth. He believed that the occurrence of intertextuality changed the trend

of traditional translation studies. Translation of a text is not only dealing with words,

the interaction among other factor is crucial as well. Such interactions include relations

between text and reader, text and translator, as well as discourses among text, author,


reader, translator, literature and social historical context. It enables people to analyze a

translation from a dialogical point of view (Xin 2006: 37).

2.3 Horizontal intertextuality versus Vertical intertextuality

Hatim and Munday (2004: 86) discussed intertextuality in their book Translation: An

Advanced Resource Book. They described this concept as an interaction of ‘text with

text’. It is a higher–level interaction, which the sender uses utterance or text with other

utterance or text. The text, which is taken reference from, can be a concrete text or an

abstract object or culture–specific concept or knowledge. Based on these differences,

they have divided intertextuality into 2 types – horizontal and vertical.

‐ Horizontal Intertextuality. This means a text takes reference to another concrete

text or direct quotation of another text. In order to accurately comprehend the

whole meaning of the text the sender conveys, the receiver has to obtain a certain

knowledge or have access to the intertextual reference.

‐ Vertical Intertextuality. These are abstract and subtle elements that cannot be

observed easily like horizontal intertextuality. It means how the text convention or

social context give information to the receiver about what communicative events

or intentions the sender conveys. There are 3 aspects included in the vertical

intertextuality: 1) The purpose of expression and the intention of the text (a text


matter); 2) The conventions or modes govern how the text should be like (genre);

3) The ideology the sender intends to convey in a text (discourse).

2.4 Functions of titles

According to Christiane Nord, there is no inherent function in a text itself, but the author

or sender creates the intended function(s) for the text. However, the function(s) intended

by the sender may not be the one(s) that the receiver received. Other factors also play

an important role in determining the reception of function(s). They are situational

factors, structural features, the communicative necessities of the recipient and the

expectation or culture-specific knowledge of the recipient (Nord 1995: 263). Based on

these factors, Nord proposed 6 communicative functions of titles and headlines in ‘Text-

Functions in Translation: Titles and Headings as a Case in Point.’ (ibid.: 261-284) Later,

she revisited these 6 functions and revised some points in the article ‘Guiding the

Reader’s Reception: Pericope Titles in the New Testament’ (Nord 2012: 63-76). She

changed the term metatextual to metacommunicative and moved it to be the

subcategory of phatic function. The 5 functions of titles are distinctive, phatic -

metacommunicative, referential, expressive and appellative. The first two are essential

while the rest three are optional, most of the titles can fulfil one or more of the optional



Essential functions:

1. The distinctive function. This can be known as the identity of titles. A title has to

be unique and distinct with other titles that recipient can identify unmistakably.

2. The phatic function (- a metacommunicative function). This means that a title

presents the text and makes contact. A title opens a channel and prepares the

ground for successful communication. A successful use of this function is to make

sure that the channel the author or translator intend to convey in the title still works

and the recipients can remember it over a certain period of time. That means

recipients will have intention to continue to read or watch the content by reading

the titles. Phatic function is also subdivided into contact-opening - i.e. attractive to

recipients, and contact-preserving - i.e. retain the conventional of the culture.

Optional functions:

3. The referential function. This function implies that a title is carrying information.

It is intended to provide more information of its co-text or content. The author or

translator has to make sure the information being conveyed to the recipients is

comprehensible and acceptable in order to achieve the referential function.

4. The expressive function. This means that the author or translator conveys their

opinion through titles. Author puts their own opinions or emotions into the title.


In her article, Nord (2012: 72) also mentioned that translator is supposed not to

put his/ her opinions or emotions into a translation. However, sometimes violation

occurs due to translator’s intention to convey a certain evaluative aspect to the

receivers in the purpose of giving them direction or hints for interpretation.

5. The appellative function. This function can also be known as advertising function.

This function is actually taking up the effect created by phatic function that appeals

the audiences to read or buy the product, which the title refers to. By achieving

this, author and translator have to take into account of the recipients’ interest and

taste in order to draw their attention.

In China, Wang Fuxiang also elaborated on the functions of titles in detail in his book

An introduction to text linguistics (Wang 1994: 404-411). According to him, in ancient

China before the Warring States period, there was no title to separate or differentiate

the books or articles. Those found with titles were added later. Gradually, in order to

differentiate each text, titles occurred. Based on his analysis, titles interact with the

objects such as:

- Theme of the text – Titles can directly or indirectly reveal the theme of the text.

- Content of the text – Titles include brief summary of the text or manifest the

characters, time or location of the event or give hints of the content.


- Genre of the text – Titles should be created properly and confronted with the

genre of the text.

- Rhetoric of the text – Titles need to be attractive by properly use of rhetoric


2.5 ‘Loyalty’ in Nord’s functional approach to translation

‘Equivalence’ was at the centre of translation studies until the arrival of Skopos theory.

Nord, who suggested the concept of ‘loyalty’ and Skopos theory in translation, stated

that loyalty can be used to replace the traditional concept of ‘fidelity’, which always

refers to the linguistic and syntactic equivalence between source text and its translation.

However, in the concept of fidelity, the communicative intention or function was totally

ignored and undervalued (Nord 2002: 33). Nord suggested that, in addition to the words

themselves, translators always have more issues that need to deal with and fulfil. The

main concept of loyalty in translation is to achieve the intended purpose(s) or

function(s), which has been included in the ST, in the hope that TT receivers can have

the same reaction as the ST receivers. However, depending on the situation or other

factors, the intended purpose may not remain the same in TT. For example, if the culture

between the ST culture and TT culture is in a large distance in location or in time, in

order to let the TT works for their audiences, the function may be altered. Nowadays,


many countries around the wold are commercialized, equivalence in words and styles

between ST and TT could be one of the requirements in translation brief but not

necessarily the only one. In order to satisfy their audiences and reach their commercial

aim, advertisers or commercial sectors will always request more interesting and

attractive translation to boost their sales or box office returns. For them, once this aim

is reached, the translation will be regarded as a successful translation. From translators’

points of view, a successful film title translation is the one with which an audience will

be attracted and allured or eager to know more about the content of the film. However,

Nord also mentioned that no one can assure if the receivers recognize the intended

function, which the translator strives for. Receivers’ willingness of cooperation in a

given situation is a crucial factor. Usually, translators use ‘function marker’, which can

be verbal or non-verbal, to notify the receivers about their intended purpose. The

function markers can be a specific size of text, format, layout, etc. (ibid.: 34). Yet, the

most important is that the receivers can correctly interpret and decode these marker

codes. In this study, the intertextual references is considered as the function marker,

which requires certain previous knowledge or culture-specific knowledge from

receivers to decode them.

Nord also elevated the social position of translators. She stated that translators are

the mediators between two cultures. Being loyalty is not simply translating every word


and sentence in the ST. She gave examples in emotionality, political correctness and

vagueness in her article, to indicate that it is the translators’ obligation to make their

own decisions on any rephrasing, omission or modification if some of the words are

offensive or sensitive to the target culture receivers. However, this does not allow the

translators to make mistake or use this as an excuse for making mistake (ibid.: 38-41).

Translators need to choose whether to be ‘fidelity to the text and loyalty to the author’

(ibid.: 38). Lastly, Nord emphasized that ‘loyalty always refers to the attitude or

behaviour of the translator during the process of translation.’ (2006: 40). There is

nothing loyal in a text itself, the loyalty always means the translators’ behaviour.

To sum up, intertextuality has been examined from different scholarly points of

view and a wide range of theoretical orientations. Though the central concept remains

the same, different adaptations or interpretations have been used to study intertextuality

in different types of text in various areas. Moreover, titles have their own norms in terms

of structure and functions, and therefore, the traditional concept of equivalence does

not seem to suit this study. Loyalty, which is proposed by Nord (2002), will be used

instead. Based on our literature review, we describe the methodology for this study in

Chapter 3.



3.1 Analytical framework

The main analytical framework used in this study is Hatim and Munday’s interpretation

of intertextuality (2004: 86-88). As mentioned above, they had divided intertextuality

into horizontal intertextuality and vertical intertextuality. However, as film titles are too

short for genre-text-discourse analysis, therefore, only the horizontal intertextuality -

i.e. involving concrete text intertextual reference, will be analyzed. The references other

than those in this area will not be covered by this study. Moreover, the analysis will be

supplemented with Nord’s 5 communicative functions of titles (1995: 261-284) for

further explanation or analysis.

3.2 Definitions of key terms

Here are our working definitions of the key terms used in this research:

‐ Foreign film title: The film titles that are not originally produced in Hong Kong

or Taiwan are considered as foreign film titles. However, not every foreign film

will be taken as sample for analysis in this study. Only those film titles which are

originally produced in English and translated into Chinese will be examined. For

example, film titles originally produced in Japanese and translated into English,

which is then translated into Chinese will not be in the scope of this study.


‐ Place of film releasing: The data being retrieved are from reliable websites and

official releases. The film titles that being recorded in the box office from

http://www.hkfilmart.com are the films screened in public venues like theatre,

cinema or any cultural centres.

‐ Text groups: They refer to source text (ST), Hong Kong translation (HK TT) and

Taiwan translation (TW TT).

‐ Concrete text (references): An actual text or quotation from other sources of text.

Cultural norms or concepts are excluded as they are abstract and generic.

‐ Intertextual reference: The intertext, which is used in a film title to create


3.3 Sources of data

This study will use Hong Kong’s and Taiwan’s translations of film titles as samples for

analysis. At the pilot study stage, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China’s samples

were randomly chosen for studied. However, the result showed that there was not many

instances of intertextuality found in Mainland China’s film titles. In Mainland China,

film titles tend to be translated literally. Therefore, Hong Kong’s and Taiwan’s film

titles, which are comparatively more suitable for this study, were chosen to be the

samples for our analysis.


The Hong Kong data were gathered from http://playitagain.info/site/, a website

that contains foreign films screened in Hong Kong. It is arranged by year. The websites

linked to this site are decent and liable websites.

The Taiwan data were collected from http://tw.movie.yahoo.com/. This is a

website within Yahoo! Taiwan, which gives news and information about films screened

in Taiwan. As it is hosted in Taiwan, the translated film titles are recorded in Taiwan’s


In addition to the above main data retrieval sites, below website acted as

supplementary sources:

‐ http://www.hkfilmart.com/

An official website own by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council. The

website contains weekly box office ranking of film screened in Hong Kong.

‐ http://www.filmshk.com/

A website list all films screened in Hong Kong, including local and foreign films

‐ http://www.truemovie.com/tairelease.htm

A website list all films screened in Taiwan, including local and foreign films

‐ http://www.imdb.com/

A website about Movies and TV owned by amazon.com Company


3.4 Information from Wikipedia

The information about the intertextual references was mainly retrieved from Wikipedia

at https://www.wikipedia.org/. Though the reliability and quality of articles in

Wikipedia were in doubt in the past, it has become more well-developed and systematic

nowadays. It contains substantial information from all around the world on various

topics. Wikipedia was ranked at the top 7 most visit websites in the world according to

the internet analytic company Alexa’s report in 2013 (Dolmaya 2014: 18). Moreover,

Wikipedia allows any user who has internet access to edit and revise the content of the

article. Therefore, if anyone identifies any error from an article, he/ she can immediately

edit the article (ibid.: 17). If the language of the articles is pervasive and spoken by a

vast population, the number of views will be large and therefore, the possibility of

identifying and rectifying errors will be very high. This mechanism contributes to a

better quality of the articles in Wikipedia as they are under the world’s eyes only

insomuch as people have internet access, they can be the editor of the articles.

Furthermore, secondary school teachers began to allow students to use Wikipedia as

research sources. According to them, along with the searching process, students’ critical

thinking ability and evaluation skills can be enhanced as they will need to decide

whether the article is a qualified one (Polk, Johnston and Evers 2015: 93-94). For most

of the articles, the links of the sources (if any) will be placed at the end so that users


can click on the link to verify the authenticity of the sources being presented (ibid.: 94).

As there were hundreds of samples that need to be dealt with for this research,

retrieval from the internet would be the most effective and efficient way. There are

usually many languages can be chosen for one article in Wikipedia, within one language,

sometimes it will even be sub-divided by region or language varieties. In the course of

this research, for example, if a certain film series is searched and Chinese is selected,

separate versions of Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China would appear (if any) for

review. Therefore, Hong Kong and Taiwan versions are selected for this research if

information is to be retrieved in Wikipedia.

3.5 Methods for analysis

Both qualitative and quantitative analyses were conducted in this thesis. The data

selection procedure is indicated as below:

1. Samples of data were retrieved from the website http://www.hkfilmart.com/. There

is a resources namely ‘Weekly Box Office’, which lists the weekly box office of

Hong Kong film market. It contains the top 10 films being released in Hong Kong

that will be updated on a weekly basis. The data are comprehensive as it includes

both foreign films and non-foreign films.

2. This study covers the period from January 2005 to September 2013. Samples from


first week of each quarter - i.e. January, April, July, and October, were selected for

analysis. There were 36 weeks being recorded in total. The first week - i.e. the first

week of January 2005, only contained 9 samples. Therefore, the total number of

film titles being selected was 359.

3. As per the definition of ‘foreign film title’ (cf. 3.2), only titles originated from

English were selected. Moreover, some of the film titles were on the list for two

or more weeks as they were the box office hit, the repeated titles were counted

only once. Therefore, the finalized size of samples was down to 211. Since only

the original English film titles were taken for analysis, over 90% of the STs were

from USA.

4. Coding by the investigator was the main method for identifying the intertextuality

of the 211 film titles.

5. Those film titles, which were identified with intertextual references, were

highlighted in grey with the font bolded and underlined in Appendices I, II and III.

While all the samples with intertextual references had been identified, and all the film

genres of the films were found in the website IMDb, comparison across different genres

on intertextual references and quantitative analysis were carried out to indicate the ratio

of film titles with intertextual references in the ST, HK TT and TW TT, with individual

analysis of each text group in terms of categorization of intertextuality. Along with the


quantitative analysis, a considerable range of case studies with explanations followed.



Of the samples that had been chosen for this analysis, the HK TT had the largest number

of film titles with intertextual references, followed by the ST, while the TW TT used

intertextual references least frequently (See Table 1).

Table 1. Ratio of film titles with intertextual reference in ST, HK TT and TW TT

Number of film
Percentage (%)
Total number of titles with
with intertextual
film titles intertextual
ST (English) 211 68 32.23%
HK TT (Chinese) 211 83 39.34%
TW TT (Chinese) 211 65 30.81%

The followings are detailed analyses of each text group - i.e. ST, HK TT and TW TT.

4.1 Analysis of ST

As per our results, the ST titles can be categorized according to their types of

intertextual references. Figure 1 shows the categorization of the ST.


Figure 1. Categorization of ST


Group (1) intertextuality: Group (2) intertextuality:

the ST the ST
Film title element/ pattern Element/ Pattern from other
of prequel types of concrete texts
- Normal cases - Same genre
- Exceptional cases - Different genre

4.1.1 Types of intertextual references of ST

For the ST, the types of intertextual references are categorized into two main groups:

‐ Group (1) intertextuality: the ST - Film title element/ pattern of prequel;

‐ Group (2) intertextuality: the ST - Element/ Pattern from other types of concrete


Table 2. Types of intertextual references: the ST

Group (1) intertextuality: Group (2) intertextuality:

the ST - Film title the ST - Element/ Pattern
Main group
element/ pattern of from other types of
prequel concrete texts
a. Film title element of a. Book name
prequel b. Character’s name in book
Each group b. Film title element of c. Element of the story
includes prequel and/or book name d. Musical name
and/or TV series name e. Other film title
f. Re-release of previous film


Total number
and 48/68 (70.58%) 20/68 (29.41%)

Some film titles use several intertextual references, for example, with reference to

the book that the film is based on, to its prequel, and to its TV series. In this analysis,

all of the possible intertextual references will be listed out. Therefore, some of the film

titles will have several intertextual references from different media. This appears in the

ST, HK TT and TW TT. In Example 1, there are books, TV series and films using the

identical name ‘Sex and the City’ and presenting similar stories. Thus, all the possible

intertextual references have been clearly listed out. Moreover, in the examples below,

the intertextual references identified will be italicized and underlined for easy reference.

Example 1

ST: Sex and the City 2 (Comedy/ Drama/ Romance, 2010)

Intertextual reference to:

Sex and the City (Book, Anthology/ Chick Lit, 1007)

Sex and the City (TV Series, Comedy/ Romance, 1998-2004)

Sex and the City (Film, Comedy/ Drama/ Romance, 2008)

As referring to Table 2, over 70 percent of the intertextual references of the ST titles


fall in the Group (1) intertextuality. This shows that if a film has sequel(s), the author

of the ST tends to retain the pattern or element of the prequel or the element from the

source that the film is based on in order to give hint to audiences, who can easily relate

the sequel(s) to its prequel(s) or relevant text. Example 1 has demonstrated this point.

In this example, two essential functions are achieved plus one optional function – i.e.,

the referential function. Audiences can easily relate all these types to each other.

Example 2

ST: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2006)

Intertextual reference to:

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2001)

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2002)

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2004)

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2007)

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2009)

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 (Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2010)

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 (Adventure/ Fantasy/ Mystery, 2011)

This example is the most usual practice of the handling of sequel film titles in ST.


The author of the ST tended to preserve the most recognizable part or element of the

film titles for a series of films. Audiences would find no difficulties to relate all these

films with each other. Although some of them might not be a real sequel of its prequel(s),

this type of intertextual at least keeps the genre of the films consistent, allowing the

audiences to have a rough idea of what these films are about. Moreover, the use of this

type of intertextual pattern can make the film series looked more organized. In case

there are more sequels in the future, the author can still use this pattern, which is familiar

to the audiences. The functions of these titles are basically similar to Example 1.

Referential function is enhanced so that audiences can relate the sequels with the

prequels without much effort.

Although in most cases of the Group (1) intertextuality: the ST, film titles were

similar to the above example, there were exceptional cases. Example 3 demonstrates

one of the exceptional cases.

Example 3

ST: X-Men First Class (Action/ Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2011)

Intertextual reference to:

X-Men (Action/ Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2000)


X-Men 2 (Action/ Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2003)

X-Men: The Last Stand (Action/ Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2006)

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Action/ Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2009)

The Wolverine (Action/ Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2013)

X-Men: Days of Future Past (Action/ Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2014)

Based on the above analysis of Example 2 and observation of the sequels of film

titles, the intertextual reference in the film titles in Example 3 should be ‘X-Men’ as

this element linked the whole film series. However, there is one exception film title in

this film series - ‘The Wolverine’ (2013). Wolverine is the name of one of the characters

in X-Men, and the latest three films were designed especially for this character. It could

be the reason that the author of ST assumed audiences, who followed the whole series,

would know this is a sequel of ‘X-Men’ series. This aroused audiences’ attention and

manifested the content of the film - i.e. the story of Wolverine instead of a group of

superheroes. It can also be said that the phatic and referential functions are achieved.

However, it could also make audiences lose track about the ‘X-Men’ series as the

intertextual reference disappeared. In this example, apart from the above two functions,

the distinctive function is enhanced as no other similar titles can be confused with this



In addition, under Group (1) intertextuality: the ST, there are around 29 percent of

film titles that have intertextual references but are not sequel(s) or prequel(s) to each

other. They take references of:

a) A book’s title that the film was based on;

b) A character’s name in the book that the film was based;

c) An element of the story that the film was based, and the story was known to most

of the audiences in the society;

d) The name of a musical, which the film was based on;

e) The element or pattern of other film title and/ or book name and/ or TV series name;

f) The name of a previous film, which is re-released;

Example 4

ST: OZ the Great and Powerful (Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2013)

Intertextual reference to: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Children's novel, 1900)

This film had intertextual reference to the main character of the past children's

novel. The story was based on the book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.


Example 5

ST: We're the Millers (Comedy, 2013)

Intertextual reference to: The Millers (TV series, Comedy, 2013-2014)

This film title used element from previous popular TV series ‘The Millers’ to

reveal this is a comedy. Moreover, the main character of this film named Millers, no

matter whether the name was created intentionally or unintentionally to be identical to

the TV series, this would definitely give ST audiences the impression and idea about

the content of this film. However, they have no relation to each other at all.

Example 6

ST: Superhero Movie (Action/ Comedy/ Sci-Fi, 2008)

Intertextual reference to:

Disaster Movie (Comedy, 2008)

Scary Movie (Comedy, 2000)

Scary Movie 2 (Comedy, 2001)

Scary Movie 3 (Comedy, 2003)

Scary Movie 4 (Comedy, 2006)

Scary Movie 5 (Comedy, 2013)


The author of ST used the word ‘Movie’ as intertextual reference to relate

‘Superhero Movie’ and ‘Disaster Movie’ to ‘Scary Movie’, which is a comedy. The

word ‘Movie’ seldom appears in film title, therefore, audiences, who had watched the

‘Scary Movie’ would probably be able to find the intertextual reference. Moreover, all

of the films in this example belonged to the same genre – Comedy. Therefore, by

creating the intertextual reference, the author was in the hope that audiences would have

an idea that ‘Disaster Movie’ is not actually a tragedy but a comedy.

Like Examples 1 and 2, the distinctive function and phatic function are enhanced

in Examples 4, 5 and 6, as well as the referential function.

Example 7

ST: King Kong (Action/ Adventure/ Drama, 2006)

Intertextual reference to: King Kong (Adventure/ Fantasy/ Horror, 1933)

The author used the same film title as the previous one as this is a re-released film.

This is the most direct way to draw audiences’ attention and let them know that this

film is not a newly scripted film. However, the distinctive function is weakened to a

large extent as audiences may find it confusing if this film contains the same story as


its intertextual reference. In addition, the referential function is enriched due to the same

name being its intertextual reference.

4.1.2 Comparison across genres – ST vs Intertextual reference(s)

For all the ST samples of Group (1) intertextuality, the genre of film titles and their

intertextual reference(s) do not change because they are sequel(s) or prequel(s) to each

other. Therefore, the theme of the story should be the same or similar.

However, for those ST samples of Group (2) intertextuality, some intertextual

references belong to the same genre as the ST titles, while some others did not. The

followings are those samples in different genre from ST.

Table 3. ST samples whose genre differs from that of its intertextual reference
Intertextual Comparison of
Type of concrete
ST reference: Genre, genre: intertextual
year reference vs ST
Little Miss Sunshine Little Miss series
Character’s name Children’s book vs
1) (Adventure/ Comedy/ (Children’s book,
in a book Adult’s comedy
Drama, 2007) 1981-present)
Gnomeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet Romantic tragedy
2) (Animation/ Comedy/
(Play, 1597)
Book name
vs Comedy
Family, 2011)
Mirror Mirror
Snow White (Grimms Element of the Fairy tale vs
3) (Adventure/ Comedy/
Fairy Tale, 1812) story Comedy
Drama, 2012)

The reason for the ‘Little Miss Sunshine’ using a different genre from its

intertextual reference is most likely to enhance and reinforce the phatic function of title.


The children’s book Little Miss was very popular, which had been translated into 20

languages and sold around the world (see

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Hargreaves). The author used one of the

character’s name for this film to attract audiences’ attention. Yet it reduces the

distinctive function to some extent as audiences might relate the Little Miss series to

this film but they actually have no relation to each other.

In samples 2) and 3) in Table 3, both stories were based on their original books but

the films were designed for children. Therefore, although the genre changed, the use of

the most obvious elements from their intertextual references could reveal their

storylines. The slight changes from their intertextual references allow audiences to

successfully find the connections and to realize that they were not simply re-filming the

traditional stories, but new elements were added. Apart from the essential functions,

these two film titles also fulfilled the referential function so that audiences could find

the relation between ST and their intertextual references. The titles are more easily


Concerning the film titles of Group (1) intertextuality: the ST, their sequels all

followed the prequels’ genre. In terms of those titles of Group (2) intertextuality: the

ST, intertextual references tend to be used in genres like comedy, adventure, fantasy,

animation and romance.


4.2 Analysis and comparison of ST and HK TT

By analyzing intertextual references in HK TT, we can observe a similar categorization

as that of the ST. They are divided into 2 groups - i.e. film title element/ patter of prequel

and element/ pattern from other types of concrete texts, while the Group (2)

intertextuality: the HK TT is sub-divided into 2 groups with exceptional cases. Figure

2 below shows a clear demonstration of this categorization.

Figure 2. Categorization of HK TT


Group (1) intertextuality:

the HK TT Group (2) intertextuality:
Film title element/ pattern of the HK TT
prequel Element/ Pattern from other types
- Normal cases of concrete texts
- Exceptional cases

Group (2a): the HK TT Group (2b): the HK TT

with intertextual reference in both with intertextual reference in HK
ST and HK TT TT only Exceptional cases
- Same genre - Same genre
- Different genre - Different genre

4.2.1 Types of intertextual references of HK TT

Like the ST, the types of intertextual references can be categorized into two main groups


for HK TT:

‐ Group (1) intertextuality: the HK TT - Film title element/ pattern of prequel;

‐ Group (2) intertextuality: the HK TT - Element/ Pattern from other types of

concrete texts.

Table 4. Types of intertextual references: the HK TT

Group (2) intertextuality:

Group (1) intertextuality:
the HK TT - Element/
Main group the HK TT - Film title
Pattern from other types of
element/ pattern of prequel
concrete texts
a. Film title element of a. Book name
prequel b. Element of the story
b. Film title element of c. Musical name
Each group prequel; and/or book d. Other film title; and/or TV
includes name ; and/or TV series or show name/ TV
show name; and/or other documentary/ TV series;
film title e. Pop song lyric
f. Re-release of previous film
Total number
49/83 (59.04%) 34/83 (40.96%)
and percentage

Compare to ST, the distribution and number of film titles with intertextual

references for HK TT are notably different. There are 67 film titles with intertextual

reference in the ST, and therefore there is an increase of 16 film titles with intertextual

references in HK TT compared to those in the ST. By contrast, the difference of

percentage between Group (1) and Group (2) in HK TT is much closer than that in ST.


There are only 59.04% of the HK TT that fall in Group (1), compared with 70.58% in

the ST.

A closer look at the Group (1) intertextuality of the HK TT shows that the way of

handling a series of film or sequel(s) and the functions being involved were very similar

to that used in the ST. Example 2a is about the ‘Harry Potter’ series:

Example 2a

ST: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2006)

HK TT: 哈利波特 - 火盃的考驗

Intertextual reference to:

ST: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2001)

HK TT: 哈利波特 - 神秘的魔法石

ST: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2002)

HK TT: 哈利波特 - 消失的密室

ST: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2004)

HK TT: 哈利波特 - 阿茲卡班的逃犯

ST: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2007)

HK TT: 哈利波特 - 鳳凰會的密令


ST: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2009)

HK TT: 哈利波特 - 混血王子的背叛

ST: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 (Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2010)

HK TT: 哈利波特 - 死神的聖物 1

ST: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 (Adventure/ Fantasy/ Mystery, 2011)

HK TT: 哈利波特 - 死神的聖物 2

The translations for most of the film series or sequel(s) tend to retain the same

pattern as the ST does. However, there is one exceptional case in our samples that have

no intertextual reference in the ST, but the HK TT creates intertextuality.

Example 8

ST: Casino Royale (Action/ Adventure/ Thriller, 2007)

HK TT: 新鐵金剛智破皇家賭場

There is no intertextual reference in ST at all. By reading the film titles of its

prequels, ST audiences cannot find any relation to the whole film series. For example,

Goldfinger (Action/ Adventure/ Thriller, 1964), Diamonds Are Forever (Action/

Adventure/ Thriller, 1971), and Skyfall (Action/ Thriller, 2012). However, the Hong


Kong translation used ‘鐵金剛’ and ‘新鐵金剛’ as intertextual reference to give hint to

HK audiences that all the films were interrelated or with the same main character.

Followings are some examples of the prequels in HK TT:

 鐵金剛大戰金手指 (Action/ Adventure/ Thriller, 1964)

 鐵金剛勇破鑽石黨 (Action/ Adventure/ Thriller, 1971)

 新鐵金剛: 智破天凶城 (Action/ Thriller, 2012)

Even though some ST do not use the same pattern for titles in Example 8, the HK

TT consistently uses this pattern as its convention for other films and their sequels.

Below are some of the examples in HK TT:

 ST: Batman Begins (Action/ Crime/ Thriller, 2005)

HK TT: 蝙蝠俠: 俠影之謎

 ST: Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (Action/ Fantasy/ Sci-Fi, 2007)

HK TT: 神奇 4 俠: 銀魔現身

 ST: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (Action/ Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2011)

HK TT: 變形金剛: 黑月降臨

 ST: X-Men First Class (Action/ Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2011)

HK TT: 變種特攻: 異能第一戰


The main reason for creating its own pattern of intertextuality in HK TT is to

achieve the phatic and referential functions. If the intertextual reference of ‘新鐵金剛’

is lost, Hong Kong audiences may have difficulty to relate this film to its prequels.

Compared to the percentage of Group (2) intertextuality: the ST, the Group (2)

intertextuality: the HK TT show a significant rise. As mentioned above, there are 17

more film titles with intertextuality in the HK TT than those in the ST, while the HK

TT shows a number of film titles of Group (1) intertextuality similar to that of the ST.

Therefore, most of the increased cases in the HK TT belong to Group (2) intertextuality.

Similar to the ST, the HK TT titles of Group (2) intertextuality include the following


a) A book’s title that the film was based on;

b) An element of the story that the film was based, and the story was known to

most of the audiences in the society;

c) The name of a musical, which the film was based on;

d) The element or pattern of other film title and/ or book name and/ or TV series

name/ TV show name/ TV documentary;

e) A pop song lyric that was very popular along a period of time/ at that time;

f) The name of a previous film, which is re-released;


The HK TT titles of Group (2) intertextuality can be sub-divided into 2 groups –

Group (2a): the HK TT with intertextual reference in both ST and HK TT; Group (2b):

the HK TT with intertextual reference in HK TT only. There are 16 HK TT that fall in

Group (2a), while 19 titles in Group (2b), using intertextual references created by the

translator of HK TT.

Of the HK TT titles of Group (2a), if the script of the film is based on a book,

musical and re-release of previous films, the ST and HK TT tend to use the same type

of intertextuality. The function involved here is similar to that of Example 7 King Kong.

Example 9 demonstrates one of the examples in this type in HK TT.

Example 9

ST: Mamma Mia! (Comedy/ Musical/ Romance, 2008)

HK TT: 媽媽咪呀!

Intertextual reference to:

ST: Mamma Mia! (Musical, 2001)

HK TT: 媽媽咪呀!

However, some of them do not belong to the same type or pertain to the same

usage of intertextuality. For example,


Example 10

ST: Happily N’Ever After (Animation/ Adventure/ Comedy, 2007)

HK TT: 反斗仙履奇緣

Intertextual reference to:

ST: Grimms’ Fairy Tale (Fairy tale, 1812), Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale

HK TT: 1) 仙履奇緣 (‘Cinderella’, Animation/ Family/ Fantasy, 1950), 2a) 反斗奇

兵 (Animation/ Adventure/ Comedy, 1995), and 2b) 反 斗 奇 兵 2 (Animation/

Adventure/ Comedy, 1999)

This film is based on the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian

Andersen. The main character’s name is Cinderella, so HK TT uses Chinese translation

of ‘Cinderella’ (仙履) for the title. ‘反斗’ reminds audience about the film ‘Toy Story’

(反斗奇兵). It clearly shows that, although both the ST and the HK TT contain

intertextuality in their film titles, they do not use the same type of intertextual patterns.

The ST has its own intertextual reference, while the HK TT does not follow it and

creates its own. Despite the discrepancy, by using its own set of intertextuality, the HK

TT title enhances the distinctive function and successfully fulfills the referential

function. By reading the HK TT title, audiences will easily figure out this is a comedy

and a film related to fairy tale.


Of the whole Group (2b), the HK TT titles contain intertextuality created on its

own regardless the pattern or trend of the ST. Basically, most of these instances of

intertextuality take references of other film titles and titles of TV programmes.

Examples 11, 12 and 13 illustrate part of the examples and provide a clear reference.

Example 11

ST: The Departed (Crime/ Drama/ Thriller, 2006)

HK TT: 無間道風雲

Intertextual reference to: 無間道 (Crime/ Mystery/ Thriller, 2002)

This is one of the examples of the film titles that take reference to other film titles.

The Hong Kong film ‘無間道’ was a box office hit when it was released. This trend

spread to non-Asia countries. The film ‘The Departed’ is actually a story based on the

film ‘無間道’. However, ST did not use the English translation of ‘無間道’ (Internal

Affairs), and instead, it created its own name. While in the HK TT, it used this name to

attract audiences’ attention and, at the same time, created and fulfilled the referential

function of title by adding the last two words ‘風雲’. Through the addition, the HK TT

has achieved the distinctive function as much as possible in order to differentiate this

film from ‘無間道’. It also fulfils the phatic function, because it opens the channel for


audiences and at the same time preserving the convention of TT by using ‘風雲’, which

is a very popular term used in Hong Kong TV series or film titles, which means

unpredictable changes.

Example 12

ST: The Proposal (Comedy/ Drama/ Romance, 2009)

HK TT: 求婚的惡魔

Intertextual reference to: 穿 Prada 的惡魔 ('The Devil Wears Prada', Comedy/ Drama/

Romance, 2006)

This is another example that makes reference to another film title, although ‘The

Proposal’ is not based on the film ‘The Devil Wears Prada’. The reason for using this

intertextual reference seems to be the same as Example 11. ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ hit

the box office when it was released, most of the Hong Kong people, whether they had

watched the film or not, they had probably heard of this film title. Therefore, the

translator of HK TT used this intertextual reference to draw attention from audiences.

This fulfilled the phatic function. However, it weakens the distinctive function as part

of the audiences may think ‘The Proposal’ is a sequel or has some part related to ‘The

Devil Wears Prada’, although it is not. It would make audiences confused that the film


title was not original. On the other hand, it fulfilled the expressive function to a certain

extent as ‘惡魔’ has the meaning of devil, while this word does not appear in the ST.

Example 13

ST: The Pursuit of Happiness (Biography/ Drama, 2007)

HK TT: 尋找快樂的故事

Intertextual reference to: 尋找他鄉的故事 (ATV Documentary, 1998-2004)

‘尋找他鄉的故事’ is a TV documentary series broadcasted from 1998 to 2004 in

ATV. The series is about Hong Kong residents who left their home and lived in other

countries. It received a lot of good reviews that many Hong Kong people would

remember. The translated title of this film used the word pattern of this popular TV

documentary to attract audiences. As this series was so popular, most of the Hong Kong

audiences would find no difficulty to relate this film title to its intertextual reference.

And this pattern was used frequently in many areas in Hong Kong. For example, an

encouraging story on internet named ‘ 尋 找 幸 福 的 故 事 ’ (by 念 慈 , see

http://www.zhengjian.org/), a name of a competition ‘尋找自然的故事’ (Investigatory

Field Study Competition, 2015, see  http://ifieldstudy.net/sns/). As the intertextual

reference was a TV documentary, audiences would probably be aware that the film was


not a sequel of the TV series. And ‘快樂’, which also appeared in ST, created the

referential and expressive function. Similar to the above example, distinctive function

is not strong because it uses the similar element or word pattern as the intertextual

reference. Yet, phatic function has been enriched as it successfully attracts audiences’


4.2.2 Comparison across genres – HK TT vs Intertextual reference(s)

Like the ST, of all the HK TT samples of Group (1) intertextuality, all the film titles and

their intertextual references belong to the same genre, because they are sequel(s) or

prequel(s) to each other, which constitute a series of same genre of stories.

There is one exceptional case that shows a special genre compared with other film

titles, because its HK TT title uses a song as intertextual reference.

Example 14

ST: Broken Flowers (Comedy/ Drama/ Mystery, 2005)

HK TT: 當年相戀意中人

Intertextual reference to a line in the lyric of 舊歡如夢 (Pop song lyric, 譚炳文 (原

唱), 1960s; 李克勤 (翻唱), Love song, 1992)


In Example 14, the intertextual reference does not point to a film genre because it

is a song and the genres for songs are certainly different from films. Therefore, it would

be counted as an exceptional case that belongs neither to the same genre group nor a

different genre group. The reason for using the lyric as its intertextual reference could

be because of the popularity of this song along the years since it was released. It created

the referential and expressive function by mentioning this was a love story. As this was

a vivid and lively song, it gives a mild hint that this would be a comedy instead of a

serious love story by reading the HK TT. Moreover, the two essential functions are also


Of those HK TT samples of Group (2) intertextuality, some intertextual references

belong to the same genre while some others do not. Moreover, the HK TT Group (2)

intertextuality can be sub-divided into 2 groups – Group (2a): the HK TT with

intertextual reference in both ST and HK TT; and Group (2b): the HK TT with

intertextual reference in HK TT only. Discrepancies of genre between the HK TT and

its intertextual reference(s) occur in both groups. The amount of HK TT that show a

different genre is almost 4 times as many as those in ST. Table 5 and Table 6 show the

samples for Groups (2a) and (2b).


Table 5. Details of genre discrepancies in intertextual references of Group (2a): the

Comparison of
Intertextual genre:
Type of
ST HK TT reference: intertextual
concrete text
Genre, year reference vs HK
Tron Legacy 創世紀 (Bible/
Book name, Holy bible/ TV
(Action/ TV series Modern
1) 創戰紀 TV series series Modern
Adventure/ Sci-Fi, drama of TVB,
name drama vs Sci-Fi
2011) 1999)
Gnomeo and
Classic romantic
Juliet (Animation/ 傻密歐與茱 羅密歐與茱麗葉
2) Comedy/ Family, 麗葉 (Play, 1597)
Book name tragedy vs
Mirror Mirror
魔鏡‧魔鏡: 格林童話-白雪
(Adventure/ Element of the Fairy tale vs
3) 白雪公主決 公主 (Fairy tale,
Comedy/ Drama, story Comedy
戰黑心皇后 1812)

The reason for the alteration of genre for samples 2) and 3) is the same as ST. For

sample 1), the HK TT and ST use their own intertextual reference respectively. The ST

used ‘Tron’, which is an element appeared in its prequel’s title, as intertextual reference,

while HK TT used a pattern, which most of the TT audiences know. It could also due

to the fact that the prequel was not released in Hong Kong film market previously,

therefore, no reference could be referred to as what ST did. Similar to the above

examples, though its distinctive function is ambiguous, its phatic function is enhanced.

HK TT would rather preserve the intertextual pattern to attract audiences than to look

for an intertextual reference of the same genre or translated the ST literally. Moreover,

these two genres were totally different, rather than of similar types - i.e. The Holy Bible


or modern drama versus Sci-Fi.

Table 6. Details of genre discrepancies in intertextual references of Group (2b):

the HK TT
Comparison of
Intertextual Type of genre:
ST HK TT reference: concrete text intertextual
Genre, year reference vs HK
Samara (Horror/ ('There's
Romance vs
1) Mystery/ Thriller, 鬼迷剎瑪莉 Something About Other film title
2005) Mary', Comedy/
Romance, 1998)
My Super Ex-
(Wunan Weishi
Girlfriend TV
超女 - 強勢 (湖南衞視) TV
2) (Comedy/
回歸 Singing
TV show name entertainment
Romance/ Sci-Fi, show vs Comedy
The Pursuit of 尋找快樂的 (ATV TV Documentary vs
3) Happiness 故事 Documentary, Documentary Biography
1) 春田花花同
學會 ('McDull,
the Alumni',
Comedy/ Fantasy, Other film title,
4) Grown Ups 中坑同學會 entertainment
2006) TV show name
show vs Comedy
2) 星星同學會
Talk show, 2009)
Action/ Mystery/
(Drama/ Fantasy/
Thriller vs
5) Abduction 喋血新世紀 Romance, a series Other film title
Drama/ Fantasy/
of “Twilight”
from 2008-2012)
戰狼 300
Drama/ Thriller
6) The Grey 極地戰狼 (Action/ Fantasy/ Other film title
vs Action/
War, 2007)
Fantasy/ War
戰狼 300 Action/ Fantasy/
7) Ted 賤熊 300 (Action/ Fantasy/ Other film title War vs Comedy/
War, 2007) Fantasy
Chinese classics
老子/ 道德經
8) Now You See Me 非常盜 Book name vs Crime/
(Chinese classics)
Mystery/ Thriller


These are the titles that contain no intertextual reference in the ST, yet HK TT

created its own ones. These film titles would rather preserve the element or pattern of

their intertextual reference in other genres rather than keeping them in their original

genre. The reasons for causing a genre change can be:

a) The pattern or element was prevailing or popular at that time. Samples 1) – 8)

involve this reason.

b) There was the same or similar element(s) in both corresponding films - i.e. the new

film and its intertextual reference film. For example, in Sample 5), although the

films were irrelevant to each other, there was one actor who casted in both films –

Taylor Lautner. This explains why the HK TT uses intertextuality to his other film.

In Group (2b) : the HK TT titles, the distinctive function is generally ambiguous,

because audiences would need time to figure out whether this film is related to another

film on a similar or the same element. Their phatic function is enhanced in the above

examples. These titles have great potential to draw audiences’ attention and to be

remembered. If the audiences are able to notice the intertextuality, they should have

much less difficulty in remembering the new film titles, and find them interesting.

Some of the film titles were added the referential function as well - i.e. samples 1),

4), 6) and 8). For example, in sample 1), the ST does not mention the content or genre

in its film title, while the HK TT title contains ‘鬼’ to reveal the genre of the film. In


sample 6), the ST title is ‘The Grey’, which does not show its genre nor content.

However, in HK TT, it used ‘戰狼’, which is referring to the content and its intertextual

reference. Audiences can easily relate this to the film ‘300’ (the Hong Kong Translation

was ‘戰狼 300’), yet, the two films are not interrelated. This film is a non-Sci-Fi film

about the main character and wolves. Therefore, the translator of HK TT chose the term

‘戰狼’ which was known by many audiences at that time. Although it can be easily

remembered, its distinctive function is weakened.

Like the ST, the HK TT of Group (1) intertextuality show that all their sequels

followed the prequels’ genre. While the HK TT titles of Group (2) intertextuality,

intertextual references tend to emerge in genres like comedy, adventure, fantasy,

animation, romance, action, horror and biography.

4.3 Analysis and comparison of ST and TW TT

Upon analyzing the whole sample of TW TT, it is found that the categorization of TW

TT is the same as that of the HK TT. The film titles with intertextual references are

divided into 2 groups according to the types of intertextuality. While Group (2)

intertextuality: the TW TT is sub-divided into 2 groups with exceptional cases. Figure

3 shows the categorization of TW TT.


Figure 3. Categorization of TW TT


Group (1) intertextuality: the

TW TT Group (2) intertextuality: the
Film title element/ pattern of TW TT
prequel Element/ Pattern from other
- Normal cases types of concrete texts
- Exceptional cases

Group (2a): the TW TT Group (2b): the TW TT

With intertextual reference in With intertextual reference in
both ST and TW TT TW TT only Exceptional cases
- Same genre - Same genre
- Different genre - Different genre

4.3.1 Types of intertextual references of TW TT

Like the ST and the HK TT, the types of intertextual references could be categorized

into two main group for TW TT:

- Group (1) intertextuality: the TW TT - Film title element/ pattern of prequel;

- Group (2) intertextuality: the TW TT - Element/ Pattern from other types of

concrete texts.


Table 7. Types of intertextual references: the TW TT

Group (2) intertextuality:

Group (1) intertextuality: the
the TW TT - Element/
Main group TW TT - Film title element/
Pattern from other types of
pattern of prequel
concrete texts
a. Film title element of a. Book name
prequel b. Element of the story
b. Film title element of c. Musical name
Each group prequel; and/or book name; d. Other film title
includes and/or TV series or show e. TV Advertisement/ TV
name; and/or other film title show name
f. Re-release of previous
Total number
47/65 (72.31%) 18/65 (27.69%)
and percentage

The TW TT are very similar to the ST in the distribution and number of film titles

with intertextual references. There are 48 film titles of Group (1) intertextuality in the

ST, while there are 47 in the TW TT. The TW TT of Group (2) intertextuality are 1 title

less than the same group in the ST.

The way of handling a series of film or sequel(s) in TW TT is very similar to that

of ST and HK TT. Most of the TW TT in this group are in the same handling of

abovementioned Example 2a. The handling of Example 8 is the same as HK TT as well.

In addition, there are three more exceptional cases in which intertextual references are

present in the ST but lost in the TW TT.


Table 8. Three more exceptional cases of TW TT of Group (1) intertextuality

ST ST intertextual reference TW TT
Step up 2 :The Streets Step Up (Crime/ Drama/ 舞力全開
1) (Drama/ Music/ Romance, Music, 2006)
Tron Legacy (Action/ Tron (Action/ Adventure/ 創: 光速戰記
Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2011) Sci-Fi, 1982)
Wrath of the Titans (Action/ Clash of the Titans 怒戰天神
3) Adventure/ Fantasy, 2012) (Action/ Adventure,
Fantasy, 2010)

It is interesting to note that the HK TT titles use intertextual reference for these 3

films, while the TW TT titles do not. In sample 1) of Table 8, the prequel was translated

into ‘舞出真我’ in TW TT, but its sequel did not use the exact same pattern but changed

a little. While both the ST and HK TT titles use ‘Step up’ and ‘舞出真我’ respectively

as intertextual reference in the whole series. In sample 2), TW TT created a brand new

film title without any intertextual references. The reason could be the same as HK TT

mentioned above – the prequel was not released before, and therefore, the original

creation was made for this film title. Although sample 3) is a sequel, its prequel was

translated into ‘超世紀封神榜’ in TW TT. The prequel took reference of a Chinese

classic novel, while the sequel was translated as a brand new title. Taiwan audiences

are most likely not able to relate these two films together. For these three samples,

though the distinctive function is enhanced due to their uniqueness, the phatic function

might not be rich enough as audiences need effort and time to remember these brand

new title.

The percentage and types are very similar between ST and TW TT in Group (2)


a) A book’s title that the film was based on;

b) An element of the story that the film was based, and the story was known to most

of the audiences in the society;

c) The name of a musical, which the film was based on;

d) The element or pattern of other film title/ TV Advertisement/ TV show name;

e) The name of a previous film, which is re-released;

Same as HK TT, Group (2) intertextuality: the TW TT is sub-divided into 2 groups

– Group (2a): the TW TT with intertextual reference in both ST and TW TT; Group

(2b): the TW TT with intertextual reference in TW TT only. In TW TT, there are 10 out

of 18 film titles fall in Group (2a), they have the same type of intertextual reference as


The remaining 8 TW TT belong to Group (2b). In this group, TW TT created the

intertextual reference on its own. However, the number of film titles in this group in

TW TT is much less than that in HK TT, which contains 19 film titles. The references


are mainly come from other film title or TV show name.

Example 11a

ST: The Departed (Crime/ Drama/ Thriller, 2006)

TW TT: 神鬼無間

Intertextual reference to: 無間道 (Other film title, Crime/ Mystery/ Thriller, 2002)

The reason and explanation of this example is similar to that of HK TT - i.e. the

film is based on the Hong Kong film ‘無間道’.

Example 15

ST: Click

TW TT: 命運好好玩

Intertextual reference to: 命運好好玩 (Taiwan TV Show name, Fortune telling, 2004)

The translator of the TW TT used the same name as the popular fortune telling TV

show of Taiwan, as this film was about fate, so the use of this intertextual reference

may attract and fit the Taiwan audiences’ taste and interest. TV entertainment show and

TV idol series are very popular in Taiwan, they have many more TV channels than


Hong Kong. Watching TV is one of the pastimes for Taiwanese. Therefore, to use the

intertextual reference from TV show will be a good idea for easy remembering. In this

example, though distinctive function is weakened, the phatic function is enhanced as

Taiwan audiences may find it interesting. If audiences have interest in the film title, the

possibility of pulling them into the cinema or willingness to know more about this film

content will be greater. In other words, the appellative function is also enhanced.

4.3.2 Comparison across genres – TW TT vs Intertextual reference(s)

Similar to ST and HK TT, for all the samples of Group (1) intertextuality: the TW TT,

the film titles and their intertextual references all belong to the same genre because they

are sequel(s) or prequel(s) to each other, which are a series of same genre of stories.

Example 5a

ST: We're the Millers (Comedy, 2013)

TW TT: 全家就是米家

Intertextual reference to:

ST: The Millers (TV series, Comedy, 2013-2014)

TW TT: 全家就是你家 (TV advertisement slogan, 1997-2000)


In Example 5a, it is in the same situation as Example 14 as its genre is non-

comparable to film genres, therefore, it is treated as an exceptional case by using TV

advertisement as intertextual reference to a film title. The explanation about functions

is similar to that of Example 15.

There are 7 film titles in total for TW TT that use different genre intertextual

references, the samples fall in both Group (2a) and Group (2b) of TW TT. Tables 9 and

10 will indicate all these samples.

Table 9. Details of genre discrepancies in intertextual references of Group (2a): the

Comparison of
Intertextual genre:
Type of
ST TW TT reference: intertextual
concrete text
Genre, year reference vs TW
Clash of the 封神榜
Gods and
Titans (Action/ ('Fengshen
超世紀封神 Demons vs
1) Adventure/

Yanyi', Gods and Book name
Fantasy, 2010) Demons genre,
Gnomeo and
Juliet (Animation/ 糯米歐與茱 羅密歐與茱麗葉
2) Comedy/ Family, 麗葉 (Play, 1597)
Book name tragedy vs
Mirror Mirror
(Adventure/ Element of the Fairy tale vs
3) 魔鏡‧魔鏡: 公主 (Fairy tale,
Comedy/ Drama, story Comedy

As mentioned above, samples 2) and 3) are based on the book. However, the


screenplay writer wanted to change the story to a comedy, and therefore the film title

author chose to use the pattern or element of the intertextual reference. This directly

causes a change of genre between the film title and its intertextual reference. In sample

1), the translator of the TW TT decided to use ‘封神榜’ as intertextual reference as this

is a Chinese ancient novel about Gods and Demons and the translator believed that ‘封

神榜’ should be known to Taiwanese audiences. Therefore, the translator linked these

two elements together in one film title to reveal the content though it might look like a

Chinese story. In terms of the function-wise analysis, distinctive and phatic functions

are enhanced. However, the optional functions are not obviously achieved as the title is

not indicating properly about the actual content of the film, Taiwan audiences will easily

misunderstand the content of the film only by referring to the TW TT.

Table 10. Details of genre discrepancies in intertextual references of Group (2b):

the TW TT
Comparison of
Type of genre (TW TT
ST TW TT reference
concrete text vs intertextual
(Genre, year)
(Taiwan TV TV
1) Click 命運好好玩 entertainment TV show name entertainment
show, Fortune show vs Comedy
telling, 2004)
The Pursuit of 當幸福來敲 entertainment
2) Happiness 門
entertainment TV show name
show vs
show, 2011-
3) The Tale of 雙鼠記 雙城記 ('A Tale Book name Historical vs
Despereaux of Two City', Comedy
Historical novel/
Social criticism,
(Taiwanese TV
Spy Kids: All the entertainment TV
3D 王牌小
4) Time in the
show on SET TV show name entertainment
World in 4D Metro (三立都會 show vs Comedy
台), 2008-

Compared to HK TT, there are only 4 film titles, which created their own

intertextual references. Moreover, 3 out of 4 took references from TV show name.

While referring to the analysis of Example 15, the main reason could be the prevalence

of TV channels in Taiwan, most of the Taiwan people at different age groups watch

these TV programme, for example, TV idol series, entertainment show and fortune

telling shows. Therefore, as TV programmes have been so pervasive, audiences may

have heard the name of the TV programmes even though they have not watched. The

translator of the TW TT probably decided to use TV show’s name for this reason

because intertextual references can not only enhance the phatic function but also fulfill

the appellative function.

The genre distribution for the TW TT titles of Group (1) intertextuality is similar

to that of the ST and the HK TT. The genres with intertextual references being found in

Group (2) intertextuality: the TW TT are comedy, adventure, fantasy, animation,


romance and biography.

4.4 Summary of the findings

According to the analyses above, the intertextual references in ST, HK TT and TW TT

can be mainly categorized into two groups - i.e. Group (1) intertextuality on film title

element/ pattern of prequel and Group (2) intertextuality on Element/ Pattern from other

types of concrete texts. The handling of Group (1) intertextuality in all 3 text groups

are very similar, although there are a few exceptional cases. There are various types of

concrete texts being involved in Group (2) intertextuality in all 3 text groups. In Group

(2) intertextuality of the HK TT and TW TT, it is sub-divided into 2 groups, Group (2a)

- With intertextual reference in both ST and HK TT/ TW TT and Group (2b) - With

intertextual reference in HK TT/ TW TT only. While analyzing the figures of Group (2)

intertextuality in all 3 text groups, the HK TT has the most number of film titles. HK

TT tend to create their own intertextuality although ST do not have it. Therefore, the

HK TT shows a significant increase of titles in Group (2) intertextuality. Furthermore,

the genres being involved in intertextual references for all 3 text groups are comedy,

adventure, animation, fantasy and romance. HK TT has some more varieties than the

other two in this study, for example action, biography and horror. Intertextual references

are not found in genres like history, documentary, war and crime in this study. Table 11


summarizes the overall findings and provides examples to illustrate different types of


Table 11. Summary of findings for ST, HK TT and TW TT

Total no. of film titles with
68/211 (32.23%) 83/211 (39.34%) 65/211 (30.81%)
intertextual references
Types of intertextual references of ST,

49/83 (59.04%) 47/65 (72.31%)

Group (1) 48/68 (70.58%)
Example 2a: Example 2a:
intertextuality - Example 2:
ST: Harry Potter ST: Harry Potter
sequels ST: Harry Potter
HK TT: 哈利波特 TW TT: 哈利波特

1 Exceptional case
4 Exceptional cases
1 Exceptional case Example 8:
Exceptional case(s) Table 8 Sample 1):
Example 3: ST: Casino Royale
in Group (1) ST: Step Up
ST: X-Men HK TT: 新鐵金剛智
TW TT: 舞力全開
18/65 (27/69%)
20/68 (29.41%) 34/83 (40.96%)
Group (2) Example 11a:
Example 4: Example 11:
intertextuality – ST: The Departed
ST: Oz the Great and ST: The Departed
other concrete texts TW TT: 神鬼無間
Powerful HK TT: 無間道風雲

3/7 (42.85%)
Genre discrepancies in intertextual

3/11 (27.27%)
Table 9 Sample 1):
Group (2a) - in both Table 5 Sample 1):
ST: Clash of the Titans
ST and TTs ST: Tron Legacy
No sub-categories for TW TT: 超世紀封神
HK TT: 創戰紀
ST as no comparison. 榜
3 Film titles were 8/11 (72.73%) 4/7 (57.15%)
Group (2b) – in TTs found with Table 6 Sample 1): Table 10 Sample 1)
only discrepancies. ST: Samara ST: Click
Table 3 Sample 2): HK TT: 鬼迷剎瑪莉 TW TT: 命運好好玩
ST: Gnomeo and 1 Exceptional case 1 Exceptional case
Juliet Example 14: Example 5a:
Exceptional case ST: Broken Flowers ST: We’re the Millers
HK TT: 當年相戀意 TW TT: 全家就是米
中人 家
- Comedy
- Adventure - Comedy
- Comedy
- Fantasy - Adventure
- Adventure
- Animation - Fantasy
Film genre involved - Fantasy
- Romance - Animation
- Animation
- Action - Romance
- Romance
- Horror - Biography
- Biography



In this chapter, we will discuss the possible reasons for discrepancies in using

intertextuality across the 3 text groups, the pros and cons of using it as well as the

durability of its effect.

5.1 Possible reasons for discrepancies in intertextuality usage across


We explore possible reasons for the occurrence of discrepancies across the 3 text

groups and have summarized 3 main reasons below:

5.1.1 Different practices in each film market

It is interesting to find that the film title authors and translators have used different types

of intertextual references for the film titles. There are some possible reasons for each

film market.

- ST: There are very few titles involved the use of intertextuality. While upon analysis,

the reason for using intertextuality may be that target audiences for the newly

released films were altered, so that the genre is changed from its original script.

Moreover, it seems that ST audiences prefer to be in favor of original creation than

inserting elements from previous or other text, except sequels.


- HK TT: The translators of HK TT prefer to use intertextual references if a popular

pattern or saying fits or if there is one or several common elements shared in both

films. The translator would rather go for the intertextual elements in the film titles

even if the intertextual elements are taken from a different genre from the film.

While take a glance at the HK market, besides film market, other media also tend

to use intertextuality to attract audiences or make the text more interesting, for

example, TV series titles. Peng Pan-pan from Jinan University also pointed out that

in order to maximize its commercial value, Hong Kong film titles always imitate or

use elements from the previous box office hitter to draw audiences’ attention.

Though it can be a good promotional tactic, it also needs to bear the risk of losing

the original message of the ST (2015: 60).

- TW TT: The translators of TW TT tend to use the elements from TV programmes

as intertextual references due to the fact that Taiwan audiences have the habit of

watching TV as there are a lot more varieties or TV programmes in Taiwan than in

Hong Kong. These are referring to the TW TT of Group (2) intertextuality. While

in Group (1) intertextuality, as all of them are sequels, it is logical to use intertextual

reference to link them together.

In addition, film title translation can also be viewed as commercial translation as its

purpose is not only comprehension by audiences, but also profit making. Therefore, the


translation brief also plays an important role in how the film titles should be translated.

5.1.2 Commercial considerations

As mentioned in the Literature Review that there are 2 essential functions and 3 optional

functions for a title (cf. 2.4). From the analyses above, the results show that most of the

film titles contain intertextuality, and therefore their distinctive function will be

weakened. The authors or translators may intentionally make confusion with the

intertextual references in order to enhance the phatic function, which is to draw

audiences’ attention and for easy remembering as well as to conform to the ST’s or TT’s

conventions. Moreover, it is interesting to find that once intertextuality is used,

appellative function is also enriched. Authors and translators will create titles that fit

their own market in order to attract their target audiences, therefore, the film titles will

need to meet the taste and interest of the relevant audiences. According to the analyses

above, it is proved that the main reason for the change of genre between the film titles

and their intertextual references is to fulfill the essential functions and enrich the

appellative functions. Upon fulfillment of these functions, the possibility of boost the

box office will be larger and which is the ultimate aim that the authors and translators

create these interesting intertextual film titles.


5.1.3 Creating ST-like communicative function in TTs

No matter translating a passage or a title, there are always some cultural elements in ST,

which cannot or may not be understood by TT audiences. In order to minimize the

distance, translators tend not to maintain equivalence in words or structure of ST, but

to create the same communicative function in TT by using cultural elements from TT.

As stated by Venuti (2009: 158), this functional approach can reduce the risk of

enlarging the disjunction between ST and TT by replacing a foreign tradition into TT

while taking all possible factors into consideration - i.e. commercial factor, loyalty in

translation and features of each market, the most important function of a title apart from

informative, is appellative. In particular, for a commercial city like Hong Kong, if a title

can successfully draw audiences’ attention, it will be treated as a success.

5.2 Pros and Cons for using intertextuality in film titles

Based on this research, we can observe some advantages and disadvantages of using

intertextuality in film titles:

- Pros: The use of intertextuality in sequels leads to ostensive pros. It can link the

whole series of film together so that people will have little difficulty in identifying

them. Moreover, in both HK TT and TW TT, Example 8 (Casino Royale) shows

how important and effective the intertextual references are. Although ST does not


show the intertextual reference, both TTs insist on adding them so that TT audiences

can easily relate the film to the rest of the prequels. If intertextuality is used properly

and the audiences are able to recognize it, the translation will become more

attractive and vivid, no matter the intertextual references used belong to the same

genre or not. For example, in Example 11 and Example 11a, there is no

intertextuality in ST but both TTs add the intertextual reference as this film is based

on the Hong Kong film ‘無間道’. Audiences, who have watched this film before,

will know what ‘The Departed’ is about immediately.

- Cons: However, if intertextual reference is inadequately used, the communicative

effect cannot be achieved and the attractiveness of the film may even reduce.

Referring to sample 1) in Table 9, the film ‘Clash of the Titans’ is loosely based on

the Greek myth of Perseus. TW TT used a Chinese classic novel as intertextual

reference ‘封神榜’ in an attempt to create the same communicative effect, which

created by ST. However, it seems to be unsuccessful in the fact that the whole

translation looks like an original Chinese story about Chinese myth. Therefore, the

inappropriate use of intertextuality in translation of film titles can cause information

loss and misunderstanding.


5.3 Durability of intertextual effect: Synchronic vs Diachronic

By using intertextuality, certain benefit and effect can be created and secured, however,

the main difficulty is that not everyone can recognize these intertextual references

created by the author or translators. Audiences can only use their intuition or

observation to discover the intertextuality. Venuti mentioned that to identify

intertextuality, audiences’ reception is a critical factor. The audiences must have both

literary and cultural knowledge in order to recognize the intertextuality being conveye

by the author or translator. Apart from the knowledge, audiences’ competence to relate

the intertextual reference to the text is also important (Venuti 2009: 157-158). Moreover,

the effect of using intertextuality tend to be maximized synchronically rather than

diachronically. Audiences may not have access to the full implied meaning of the film

titles of a long period of time ago, yet this does not always hold like a rule. There are

some exceptions if 1) the intertextual patterns have been continuously used in the film

history, e.g., 海 底 奇 兵 , 反 斗 奇 兵 , 荒 失 失 奇 兵 ; 2) traditional references that

audiences have easy reference to over decades, e.g. Snow White, Cinderella. As

mentioned by Nord (2002: 35), if the distance of time and or space between ST and TT

is large, the function or intended purpose being achieved by the TT may be different

from the function or intended purpose being achieved by the ST. As this kind of

intertextual reference can be known by most of the audiences from different age groups


and different generations, these instances of classic intertextuality tend to last

diachronically. However, in the rapid-growing society nowadays, most of the

intertextual references tend to focus more on a synchronic effect rather than a

diachronic one. Beaugrande and Dressler (1981: 192) also mentioned in their book that

if the expansion of time and the processing activities between the current text and the

intertextual reference is large, greater the mediation is needed.



6.1 Significance of the research

Based on our qualitative and quantitative analyses, it is believed that, although there

are pros and cons for using intertextuality in film title translations, the advantages tend

to outperform the disadvantages. According to Nord, the essential functions are

distinctive and phatic. All the titles we have analyzed are able to fulfill these two

functions to some extent, particularly the phatic function. However, it seems that

authors or translators, who choose to use intertextuality in the titles (except the sequels),

intentionally create the confusion between the new film titles and their intertextual

references in order to attract audiences’ attention and arouse their interest. In addition,

appellative function tends to be satisfactorily achieved as long as the conventions and

implications of the intertextual references suit the target audiences’ taste and interest.

The greater the audiences find the film titles attractive and interesting, the larger the

audiences will watch the film, which is the ultimate goal of a successful film title – to

hit the box office.

Furthermore, the results also showed the differences of audiences’ perception

across the ST market, Hong Kong market and Taiwan market. The differences are

clearly revealed in the figures of Group (2) intertextuality in the 3 text groups. HK TT

has 34 out of 83 film titles of Group (2) intertextuality, which represents 40.96% of its


whole. This figure outstands the figures of ST and TW TT. One of the reasons for the

distance could lie in the preference of the audiences in the ST market, who prefer to see

original work, which is similar to Taiwan market. Therefore, both markets’ own

creations of intertextual references are relatively lower compared to the Hong Kong

market. It is worth noting that this finding is only based on film titles of Group (2)

intertextuality in the ST, the HK TT and the TW TT, rather than those of Group (1)

intertextuality in the ST, the HK TT and the TW TT, because there is always a pattern

for sequels in the ST and both TTs. In the Hong Kong market, intertextuality appears

in a wide range of media as their audiences are more used to and interested in

intertextuality. Therefore, their translations also tend to create their own intertextuality,

even though the intertextual reference and the translated film title may not be of the

same genre. Although intertextuality is a useful tool for film titles, as per our analyses,

only a few genres tend to use it, for example, comedy, adventure, fantasy and animation.

It is most likely that genres that are more relaxed and entertaining tend to use this tool.

By contrast, more serious genres like history, documentary and war are normally

translated literally.

This study can provide a preliminary understanding on intertextuality in relation

to translation studies. It shows some possible types and reasons, pros and cons,

durability of the usage and effect of intertextuality in translation. In comparison with


the ST, it can be concluded that different cultures or markets have their own usage or

practice on intertextuality for various reasons. The usage of intertextuality can also be

known as a translational strategy in addition to the strategies such as transliteration,

omission, etc.

6.2 Limitations and further research

Our analyses only focus on the wording of film titles. However, film titles are always

publicized along with posters and visual elements. This study does not intend to analyze

the effect of the visual elements in conjunction with the words. Moreover, this study

includes data for almost 9 years - i.e. from January 2005 to October 2013. However,

only selected samples were included but not the entire collection of every film title over

these years. Furthermore, we have only studied the film titles involving English to

Chinese translation. Thus, most of the film titles were originated from the United States

of America. Based on this research on intertextuality in film titles, further studies with

a more comprehensive and representative sample of film title using more systematic

analysis methods will be needed to reach an in-depth understanding of the use of

intertextuality in film title translation.



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APPENDIX I - The sample of ST

Comparison of
No. of Date of Intertextual reference: Type of Place of
No. ST genre: intertextual Remark Genre of ST
week week Genre, year concrete text origin
reference vs ST
Action |
3 Jan 2005-
1 121 National Treasure USA Adventure |
9 Jan 2005

Andrew Lloyd Webber's Drama |

3 Jan 2005- The Phantom of the Opera Same genre (Gothic/
2 121 The Phantom of the Book name USA Musical |
9 Jan 2005 (Novel, 1910/ Film, 1925) Mystery/ Romance)
Opera Romance

Animation |
3 Jan 2005-
3 121 The Polar Express USA Adventure |
9 Jan 2005
Film title
3 Jan 2005- Ocean's Eleven (Crime/ Thriller, Same genre (Crime/
4 121 Ocean's Twelve element of USA Crime | Thriller
9 Jan 2005 2001) Thriller)
Animation |
3 Jan 2005-
5 121 Shark Tale USA Adventure |
9 Jan 2005
Film title
4 Apr 2005- Miss Congeniality 2: Miss Congeniality (Animation/ Action |
6 136 element of Same genre (comedy) USA
10 Apr 2005 Armed and Fabulous Adventure/ Comedy, 2000) Comedy | Crime
Horror |
4 Apr 2005-
7 136 Samara USA Mystery |
10 Apr 2005
Drama |
4 Apr 2005- A Very Long
8 136 USA Mystery |
10 Apr 2005 Engagement
4 Apr 2005- Action | Drama |
9 136 Assault on Precinct 13 USA
10 Apr 2005 Crime


4 Jul 2005- Adventure | Sci-

10 149 War of the Worlds USA
10 Jul 2005 Fi | Thriller
Action |
4 Jul 2005-
11 149 Sahara USA Adventure |
10 Jul 2005
Animation |
4 Jul 2005-
12 149 Madagascar USA Adventure |
10 Jul 2005

Batman (Action/ Adventure,

Film title
4 Jul 2005- Batman Returns (Action, 1992) Same genre (Action/ Action | Crime |
13 149 Batman Begins element of USA
10 Jul 2005 Batman Forever (Action/ Adventure) Thriller
Adventure/ Fantasy, 1995)
Batman & Robin (Action, 1997)

4 Jul 2005- Action |

14 149 Mr. & Mrs. Smith USA
10 Jul 2005 Comedy | Crime

Star Wars Episode I: The

Phantom Menace (Action/
Film title Action |
4 Jul 2005- Star Wars Episode III: Adventure/ Fantasy, 1999) Same genre (Action/
15 149 element of USA Adventure |
10 Jul 2005 Revenge of the Sith Star Wars Episode II: Attack of Adventure/ Fantasy)
prequel Fantasy
the Clones (Action/ Adventure/
Fantasy, 2002)

Wallace & Gromit: A Grand Film title Animation |

3 Oct 2005- Wallace & Gromit: The Same genre (Action/
16 168 Day Out (Animation/ Comedy/ element of USA Comedy |
9 Oct 2005 Curse of the Were-rabbit Adventure/ Fantasy)
Family, 1990) prequel Family
Film title
3 Oct 2005- The Transporter (Action/ Same genre (Action/ Action | Crime |
17 168 Transporter 2 element of USA
9 Oct 2005 Crime/ Thriller, 2002) Crime/ Thriller) Thriller
3 Oct 2005- Biography |
18 168 Cinderella Man USA
9 Oct 2005 Drama | Sport
Comedy |
3 Oct 2005-
19 168 Broken Flowers USA Drama |
9 Oct 2005


Drama |
3 Oct 2005-
20 168 The Skeleton Key USA Mystery |
9 Oct 2005

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's

Stone (Adventure/ Family/
Fantasy, 2001)
Harry Potter and the Chamber
of Secrets (Adventure/ Family/
Fantasy, 2002)
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban (Adventure/ Family/
Fantasy, 2004)
Ref. Harry Potter and the Order
Film title
of the Phoenix (Adventure/ Same genre Adventure |
2 Jan 2006- Harry Potter and the element of
21 187 Family/ Fantasy, 2007) (Adventure/ Family/ USA Family |
8 Jan 2006 Goblet of Fire prequel and
Ref. Harry Potter and the Half- Fantasy) Fantasy
book name
Blood Prince (Adventure/ Family/
Fantasy, 2009)
Ref. Harry Potter and the
Deathly Hallows – Part 1
(Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy,
Ref. Harry Potter and the
Deathly Hallows – Part 2
(Adventure/ Fantasy/ Mystery,

Action |
2 Jan 2006- King Kong (Adventure/ Fantasy/ Re-release of Same genre
22 187 King Kong USA Adventure |
8 Jan 2006 Horror, 1933) previous film (Adventure)

With intertextual reference to the

Same genre Animation |
2 Jan 2006- Chicken Little (Folk tale/ Re-release of past film title. Though with the
23 187 Chicken Little (Animation/ USA Adventure |
8 Jan 2006 Animation, 1943) previous film same title, both stories have no
Adventure) Comedy
relation to each other.

2 Jan 2006- Comedy |

24 187 Wedding Crashers USA
8 Jan 2006 Romance
2 Jan 2006-
25 187 Derailed USA Drama | Thriller
8 Jan 2006


3 Apr 2006- Adventure |

26 200 Eight Below USA
9 Apr 2006 Drama | Family
Film title
3 Apr 2006- Basic Instinct (Drama/ Mystery/ Same genre (Mystery/ Crime | Mystery
27 200 Basic Instinct 2 element of USA
9 Apr 2006 Thriller, 1992) Thriller) | Thriller
3 Apr 2006- Adventure |
28 200 The Pink Panther USA
9 Apr 2006 Comedy | Crime

Final Destination (Horror/

Mystery/ Thriller, 2000)
Final Destination 2 (Horror/
Film title
3 Apr 2006- Thriller, 2003)
29 200 Final Destination 3 element of Same genre (Horror) USA Horror
9 Apr 2006 Ref. Final Destination 4 (Horror/
Thriller, 2009)
Ref. Final Destination 5 (Horror/
Thriller, 2011)

3 Apr 2006- Crime | Drama |

30 200 Inside Man USA
9 Apr 2006 Thriller
3 Apr 2006-
31 200 The Hills Have Eyes USA Horror | Thriller
9 Apr 2006
Animation |
3 Jul 2006-
32 250 Over the Hedge USA Adventure |
9 Jul 2006

Garfield (Animation/ Comedy/

Family, 2004)
Garfield Gets Real (Animation/
Film title Same genre
3 Jul 2006- Comedy/ Family, 2007) Comedy |
33 250 Garfield 2 element of (Animation/ Comedy/ USA
9 Jul 2006 Garfield's Fun Fest (Animation/ Family
prequel Family)
Comedy/ Family, 2008)
Garfield's Pet Force (Animation/
Comedy/ Family, 2009)

3 Jul 2006-
34 250 Crash USA Drama
9 Jul 2006
3 Jul 2006- Comedy |
35 250 She's the Man USA
9 Jul 2006 Romance


Action |
3 Jul 2006-
36 250 Poseidon USA Adventure |
9 Jul 2006
2 Oct 2006- Crime | Drama |
37 319 The Departed USA
8 Oct 2006 Thriller
Comedy |
2 Oct 2006-
38 319 The Devil Wears Prada USA Drama |
8 Oct 2006
2 Oct 2006-
39 319 An Inconvenient Truth USA Documentary
8 Oct 2006
Comedy |
2 Oct 2006-
40 319 My Super Ex-Girlfriend USA Romance | Sci-
8 Oct 2006
2 Oct 2006- Comedy |
41 319 Click USA
8 Oct 2006 Drama | Fantasy
Action |
1 Jan 2007-
42 358 Casino Royale USA Adventure |
7 Jan 2007
1 Jan 2007- Comedy |
43 358 The Holiday USA
7 Jan 2007 Romance
1 Jan 2007- Action | Sci-Fi |
44 358 deja vu USA
7 Jan 2007 Thriller
Animation |
1 Jan 2007-
45 358 Happy Feet USA Comedy |
7 Jan 2007
Action |
1 Jan 2007-
46 358 Eragon USA Adventure |
7 Jan 2007

Same name of one of the

Different genre character from character of "Little Adventure |
1 Jan 2007- Little Miss series (Children's Character's
47 358 Little Miss Sunshine (Children's book vs Miss", but the target audiences USA Comedy |
7 Jan 2007 book, 1981-present) name in a book
Adult's Comedy) for the book is children, while the Drama
film is for adult.


The actor of the main character is

Film title
the same person in "Mr. Bean".
2 Apr 2007- Mr. Bean (Comedy/ Family, element of Same genre (Comedy/ Comedy |
48 370 Mr. Bean's Holiday So ST use this as intertextual USA
8 Apr 2007 1990) prequel and TV Family) Family
reference to draw audiences'
series name

Meet the Parents (Comedy/

Romance, 2000) Animation |
2 Apr 2007-
49 370 Meet the Robinsons Meet the Fockers (Sequel of Other film title Same genre (Comedy) USA Adventure |
8 Apr 2007
'Meet the Parents', Comedy/ Comedy
Romance, 2004)
2 Apr 2007-
50 370 The Reaping USA Horror | Thriller
8 Apr 2007
2 Apr 2007- Adventure | Sci-
51 370 Sunshine USA
8 Apr 2007 Fi | Thriller

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

( Action/ Adventure/ Comedy,
Film title Animation |
2 Apr 2007- TMNT (Teenage Mutant Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Same genre (Action/
52 370 element of USA Action |
8 Apr 2007 Ninja Turtles) II: The Secret of the Ooze (1991) Adventure)
prequel Adventure
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
III ( Action/ Adventure/ Comedy,

2 Apr 2007- Biography |

53 370 The Pursuit of Happiness USA
8 Apr 2007 Drama
2 Apr 2007- Action | Fantasy
54 370 300 USA
8 Apr 2007 | War

This story was based on Brother

Grimms' Fairy Tale (Fairy tale, Grimms' and Hans Christian
Animation |
2 Apr 2007- 1812) Element of the Same genre (Family/ Andersen's fairy tales. "Happily
55 370 Happily N'Ever After USA Adventure |
8 Apr 2007 Hans Christian Andersen's fairy story Animation) even after" was one of the famous
tale phrase that means "Happy


Animation |
2 Apr 2007-
56 370 Arthur and the Invisibles USA Adventure |
8 Apr 2007

Shrek (Animation/ Adventure/

Comedy, 2001)
Film title Same genre Animation |
2 Jul 2007-8 Shrek 2 (Animation/ Adventure/
57 393 Shrek The Third element of (Animation/ USA Adventure |
Jul 2007 Comedy, 2004)
prequel Adventure/ Comedy) Comedy
Shrek Forever After (Animation/
Adventure/ Comedy, 2010)

2 Jul 2007-8 Action | Crime |

58 393 Die Hard 4.0 USA
Jul 2007 Thriller
2 Jul 2007-8
59 393 Planet Terror USA Action | Horror
Jul 2007
Film title
2 Jul 2007-8 Fantastic Four: Rise of Fantastic Four (Action/ Action | Fantasy
60 393 element of Same genre (Action) USA
Jul 2007 the Silver Surfer Adventure/ Fantasy, 2005) | Sci-Fi
2 Jul 2007-8 Crime | Drama |
61 393 Zodiac USA
Jul 2007 Mystery

Resident Evil (Action/ Horror/

Sci-Fi, 2002)
Resident Evil: Apocalypse
(Action/ Horror/ Sci-Fi, 2004) Film title
1 Oct 2007- Resident Evil: Same genre (Action/ Action | Horror |
62 423 Ref. Resident Evil: Afterlife element of USA
7 Oct 2007 Extinction Horror/ Sci-Fi) Sci-Fi
(Action/ Adventure/ Horror, prequel
Ref. Resident Evil: Retribution
(Action/ Horror/ Sci-Fi, 2012)

Adventure |
1 Oct 2007-
63 423 Stardust USA Family |
7 Oct 2007
Comedy |
1 Oct 2007-
64 423 Nanny Diaries USA Drama |
7 Oct 2007
Action |
1 Oct 2007-
65 423 Underdog USA Adventure |
7 Oct 2007


1 Oct 2007- Crime | Drama |

66 423 The Brave One USA
7 Oct 2007 Thriller
Comedy |
1 Oct 2007-
67 423 Hairspray USA Musical |
7 Oct 2007
1 Oct 2007- Horror |
68 423 1408 USA
7 Oct 2007 Mystery
31 Dec Film title
AVP: Alien vs. Predator Same genre (Action/ Action | Horror |
69 448 2007-6 Jan Aliens VS Predator 2 element of USA
(Action/ Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2004) Sci-Fi) Sci-Fi
2008 prequel
31 Dec Film title Action |
National Treasure: National Treasure (Action/ Same genre (Action/
70 448 2007-6 Jan element of USA Adventure |
Book of Secrets Adventure/ Mystery, 2004) Adventure)
2008 prequel Family
31 Dec Adventure |
71 448 2007-6 Jan The Golden Compass USA Family |
2008 Fantasy
31 Dec
Biography |
72 448 2007-6 Jan American Gangster USA
Crime | Drama
31 Dec
Drama | Sci-Fi |
73 448 2007-6 Jan I am Legend USA
31 Dec Animation |
74 448 2007-6 Jan Bee Movie USA Adventure |
2008 Comedy
31 Dec
Drama |
75 448 2007-6 Jan My Blueberry Nights USA
31 Dec Drama |
76 448 2007-6 Jan Atonement USA Mystery |
2008 Romance


Step Up (Crime/ Drama/ Music,

Ref. Step Up 3D (Drama/ Music/
31 Mar Film title
Romance, 2010) Same genre (Drama/ Drama | Music |
77 461 2007-6 Apr Step up 2 :The Streets element of USA
Ref. Step Up Revolution (Drama/ Music/ Romance) Romance
2008 prequel
Music/ Romance, 2012)
Ref. Step Up: All In (Drama/
Music/ Romance, 2014)
31 Mar Adventure |
The Spiderwick
78 461 2007-6 Apr USA Family |
2008 Fantasy
31 Mar Action |
79 461 2007-6 Apr Fool's Gold USA Adventure |
2008 Comedy
31 Mar Animation |
80 461 2007-6 Apr Horton Hears A Who! USA Adventure |
2008 Comedy
31 Mar Biography |
81 461 2007-6 Apr Charlie Wilson's War USA Comedy |
2008 Drama
30 Jun Animation |
82 477 2008-7 Jul Kung Fu Panda USA Action |
2008 Adventure
30 Jun
83 477 2008-7 Jul Hancock USA Action | Fantasy
30 Jun
Action | Crime |
84 477 2008-7 Jul Wanted USA
30 Jun Action |
The Chronicles of
85 477 2008-7 Jul USA Adventure |
Narnia: Prince Caspian
2008 Family
30 Jun Comedy |
86 477 2008-7 Jul Sex and the City USA Drama |
2008 Romance
30 Jun Adventure |
87 477 2008-7 Jul Nim's Island USA Comedy |
2008 Family


Scary Movie (Comedy, 2000)

Scary Movie 2 (Comedy, 2001)
30 Jun
Scary Movie 3 (Comedy, 2003) Action |
88 477 2008-7 Jul Superhero Movie Other film title Same genre (Comedy) USA
Scary Movie 4 (Comedy, 2006) Comedy | Sci-Fi
Ref. Scary Movie 5 (Comedy,

The Incredible Hulk (TV Series,

30 Jun Film title
Action/ Adventure/ Drama, 1978- Same genre (Action/ Action | Sci-Fi |
89 477 2008-7 Jul The Incredible Hulk element of USA
1982) Sci-Fi) Thriller
2008 prequel
Hulk (Film, Action/ Sci-Fi, 2003)

29 Sep Action |
90 491 2008-5 Oct Eagle Eye USA Mystery |
2008 Thriller
29 Sep Comedy |
91 491 2008-5 Oct Mamma Mia! Mamma Mia! (Musical, 2001) Musical name Same genre (Musical) USA Musical |
2008 Romance
29 Sep
You Don't Mess with the Action |
92 491 2008-5 Oct USA
Zohan Comedy
29 Sep
Biography |
93 491 2008-5 Oct The Duchess UK
Drama | History

1a) Scary Movie (Comedy, 2000)

1b) Scary Movie 2 (Comedy,
1c) Scary Movie 3 (Comedy,
29 Sep 2003)
94 491 2008-5 Oct Disaster Movie 1d) Scary Movie 4 (Comedy, Other film title Same genre (Comedy) USA Comedy
2008 2006)
Ref. Scary Movie 5 (Comedy,
2) Superhero Movie (Action/
Comedy/ Sci-Fi, 2008)


Madagascar (Animation/
29 Dec Adventure/ Comedy, 2005) Film title Same genre Animation |
Madagascar: Escape 2
95 510 2008-4 Jan Madagascar 3: Europe's Most element of (Animation/ USA Action |
2009 Wanted (Animation/ Adventure/ prequel Adventure) Adventure
Comedy, 2012)
29 Dec
Drama | Fantasy
96 510 2008-4 Jan Twilight USA
| Romance
29 Dec Comedy |
97 510 2008-4 Jan Bedtime Stories USA Family |
2009 Fantasy
29 Dec Adventure |
98 510 2008-4 Jan The Tale of Despereaux USA Animation |
2009 Comedy
29 Dec
The Day The Earth Drama | Sci-Fi |
99 510 2008-4 Jan USA
Stood Still Thriller
The Fast and the Furious
(Action/ Crime/ Thriller, 2001)
2 Fast 2 Furious (Action/ Crime,
30 Mar The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Film title
Same genre (Action/ Action | Crime |
100 527 2009-5 Apr Fast & Furious Drift (Action/ Crime/ Drama, element of USA
Crime/ Thriller) Drama
2009 2006) prequel
Ref. Fast Five (Action/ Crime/
Thriller, 2011)
Ref. Fast & Furious 6 (Action/
Crime/ Thriller, 2013)

30 Mar Action |
101 527 2009-5 Apr Race to Witch Mountain USA Adventure |
2009 Family

Underworld (Action/ Fantasy/

Thriller, 2003)
30 Mar Film title Action |
Underworld: Rise of the Underworld: Evolution (Action/ Same genre (Action/
102 527 2009-5 Apr element of USA Adventure |
Lycans Fantasy/ Sci-Fi, 2006) Fantasy)
2009 prequel Fantasy
Underworld: Awakening
(Action/ Fantasy/ Horror, 2012)


30 Mar Comedy |
He's Just Not That into
103 527 2009-5 Apr USA Drama |
2009 Romance
30 Mar
Drama |
104 527 2009-5 Apr The Reader USA

Transformer (Action/
Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2007)
Ref. Transformers: Dark of the
29 Jun Film title Action |
Transformers: Revenge Moon (Action/ Adventure/ Sci-Fi, Same genre (Action/
105 543 2009-5 Jul element of USA Adventure | Sci-
of the Fallen 2011) Adventure/ Sci-Fi)
2009 prequel Fi
Ref. Transformers: Age of
Extinction (Action/ Adventure/
Sci-Fi, 2014)

Ice Age (Animation/ Adventure/

Comedy, 2002)
Ice Age: The Meltdown
29 Jun Film title Same genre Animation |
Ice Age: Dawn of the (Animation/ Action/ Adventure,
106 543 2009-5 Jul element of (Animation/ USA Action |
Dinosaurs 2006)
2009 prequel Adventure) Adventure
Ref. Ice Age: Continental Drift
(Animation/ Adventure/ Comedy,

29 Jun
The Haunting in Drama | Horror |
107 543 2009-5 Jul USA
Connecticut Thriller
29 Jun
108 543 2009-5 Jul Black Ice USA Drama | Thriller
29 Jun Action |
109 543 2009-5 Jul Star Trek USA Adventure | Sci-
2009 Fi

Night at the Museum (Action/

29 Jun Night at The Museum: Adventure/ Comedy, 2006) Film title Action |
Same genre (Action/
110 543 2009-5 Jul Battle of the Ref. Night at the Museum: element of USA Adventure |
Adventure/ Comedy)
2009 Smithsonian Secret of the Tomb (Adventure/ prequel Comedy
Comedy/ Family, 2014)


28 Sep
Action | Sci-Fi |
111 564 2009-4 Oct Surrogates USA
28 Sep
Action | Sci-Fi |
112 564 2009-4 Oct District 9 USA
Garfield (Animation/ Comedy/
Family, 2004)
Garfield 2 (Animation/ Comedy/
28 Sep Film title Same genre Animation |
Family, 2006)
113 564 2009-4 Oct Garfield's Pet Force element of (Animation/ Comedy/ USA Comedy |
Garfield Gets Real (Animation/
2009 prequel Family) Family
Comedy/ Family, 2007)
Garfield's Fun Fest (Animation/
Comedy/ Family, 2008)
28 Sep
The Time Traveller’s Drama | Fantasy
114 564 2009-4 Oct USA
Wife | Romance
Final Destination (Horror/
Mystery/ Thriller, 2000)
Final Destination 2 (Horror/
28 Sep Film title
Thriller, 2003)
115 564 2009-4 Oct Final Destination 4 element of Same genre (Horror) USA Horror | Thriller
Final Destination 3 (Horror/
2009 prequel
Thriller, 2006)
Ref. Final Destination 5 (Horror/
Thriller, 2011)
28 Sep Comedy |
116 564 2009-4 Oct Fame USA Drama |
2009 Musical
28 Sep Comedy |
117 564 2009-4 Oct The Proposal USA Drama |
2009 Romance
Action |
4 Jan 2010-
118 580 Avatar USA Adventure |
10 Jan 2010
Action |
4 Jan 2010-
119 580 Sherlock Holmes USA Adventure |
10 Jan 2010


Animation |
4 Jan 2010- Cloudy with a Chance of
120 580 USA Comedy |
10 Jan 2010 Meatballs
4 Jan 2010-
121 580 Hachiko: A Dog's Story USA Drama | Family
10 Jan 2010
4 Jan 2010- Comedy |
122 580 Old Dogs USA
10 Jan 2010 Family
Comedy |
4 Jan 2010-
123 580 New York I Love You USA Drama |
10 Jan 2010
29 Mar Action |
Clash of the Titans (Fantasy/ Re-release of Same genre (Fantasy/
124 592 2010-4 Apr Clash of the Titans USA Adventure |
Adventure, 1981) previous film Adventure)
2010 Fantasy
29 Mar Animation |
How to Train Your
125 592 2010-4 Apr USA Adventure |
2010 Drama
29 Mar Adventure |
126 592 2010-4 Apr Alice in Wonderland USA Family |
2010 Fantasy
29 Mar Action |
127 592 2010-4 Apr Avatar USA Adventure |
2010 Fantasy
29 Mar
Mystery |
128 592 2010-4 Apr Shutter Island USA
Shrek (Animation/ Adventure/
Comedy, 2001)
28 Jun Film title Same genre Animation |
Shrek 2 (Animation/ Adventure/
129 607 2010-4 Jul Shrek Forever After element of (Animation/ USA Adventure |
Comedy, 2004)
2010 prequel Adventure/ Comedy) Comedy
Shrek the Third (Animation/
Adventure/ Comedy, 2007)


Twilight (Drama/ Fantasy/

Romance, 2008)
The Twilight Saga: New Moon
(Adventure/ Drama/ Fantasy,
28 Jun Ref. The Twilight Saga: Film title Same genre
The Twilight Saga: Adventure |
130 607 2010-4 Jul Breaking Dawn - Part 1 element of (Adventure/ Drama/ USA
Eclipse Drama | Fantasy
2010 (Adventure/ Drama/ Fantasy, prequel Fantasy)
Ref. The Twilight Saga:
Breaking Dawn - Part 2
(Adventure/ Drama/ Fantasy,
28 Jun Action |
131 607 2010-4 Jul Knight and Day USA Comedy |
2010 Romance
28 Jun Action |
132 607 2010-4 Jul The A-Team USA Adventure |
2010 Comedy

Sex and the City (Book,

Film title
Anthology, 1997)
28 Jun element of Comedy |
Sex and the City (TV Series, Same genre (Comedy/
133 607 2010-4 Jul Sex and the City 2 prequel, TV USA Drama |
Comedy/ Romance, 1998-2004) Romance)
2010 series name and Romance
Sex and the City (Film, Comedy/
book name
Drama/ Romance, 2008)

28 Jun Drama |
134 607 2010-4 Jul Chloe USA Mystery |
2010 Thriller

Resident Evil (Action/ Horror/

Sci-Fi, 2002)
Resident Evil: Apocalypse
Film title Action |
4 Oct 2010- (Action/ Horror/ Sci-Fi, 2004) Same genre (Action/
135 625 Resident Evil: Afterlife element of USA Adventure |
10 Oct 2010 Resident Evil: Extinction Horror/ Sci-Fi)
prequel Horror
(Action/ Horror/ Sci-Fi, 2007)
Ref. Resident Evil: Retribution
(Action/ Horror/ Sci-Fi, 2012)


4 Oct 2010- Wall Street: Money

136 625 USA Drama
10 Oct 2010 Never Sleeps
4 Oct 2010-
137 625 Grown Ups USA Comedy
10 Oct 2010
Horror |
4 Oct 2010-
138 625 Devil USA Mystery |
10 Oct 2010
4 Oct 2010- Crime | Drama |
139 625 Brooklyn's Finest USA
10 Oct 2010 Thriller
Action |
3 Jan 2011-
140 640 The Tourist USA Romance |
9 Jan 2011
Comedy |
3 Jan 2011-
141 640 Love & Other Drugs USA Drama |
9 Jan 2011
Adventure |
3 Jan 2011-
142 640 Gulliver's Travels USA Comedy |
9 Jan 2011
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone (Adventure/ Family/
Fantasy, 2001)
Harry Potter and the Chamber
of Secrets (Adventure/ Family/
Fantasy, 2002)
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban (Adventure/ Family/
Fantasy, 2004)
Film title
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Same genre Adventure |
3 Jan 2011- Harry Potter and the element of
143 640 Fire (Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, (Adventure/ Family/ USA Fantasy |
9 Jan 2011 Deathly Hallows: Part 2 prequel and
2005) Fantasy) Mystery
book name
Harry Potter and the Order of
the Phoenix (Adventure/ Family/
Fantasy, 2007)
Harry Potter and the Half-
Blood Prince (Adventure/ Family/
Fantasy, 2009)
Harry Potter and the Deathly
Hallows - Part 1 (Adventure/
Family/ Fantasy, 2010)


Film title Action |

3 Jan 2011- Tron (Action/ Adventure/ Sci-Fi,
144 640 Tron Legacy element of USA Adventure | Sci-
9 Jan 2011 1982)
prequel Fi
Animation |
3 Jan 2011-
145 640 Megamind USA Action |
9 Jan 2011
28 Mar
Action | Fantasy
146 660 2011-3 Apr Sucker Punch USA
| Thriller

"Beastly" is a romantic fantasy

drama film, which loosely based
on the novel with the same name
28 Mar 1) Beauty and the Beast (Fairy Same genre (Fantasy published in 2007. This is a
Drama | Fantasy
147 660 2011-3 Apr Beastly tale, 1756) Book name novel vs Fantasy/ retelling story of the famous fairy USA
| Romance
2011 2) Beastly (Fantasy novel, 2007) Romance) tale "Beauty and the Beast".
Therefore, both of these films
have intertextual relations to the
film screened in 2011.

This film is based on William

28 Mar Different genre Shakespeare’s play "Romeo and Animation |
148 660 2011-3 Apr Gnomeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet (Play, 1597) Book name (Romantic tragedy vs Juliet". Yet it used the similar USA Comedy |
2011 comedy) pronunciation "Gnomeo" vs Family
28 Mar Comedy |
149 660 2011-3 Apr Morning Glory USA Drama |
2011 Romance
28 Mar
Crime | Drama |
150 660 2011-3 Apr The Lincoln Lawyer USA
28 Mar Action |
151 660 2011-3 Apr Unknown USA Mystery |
2011 Thriller
28 Mar
Biography |
152 660 2011-3 Apr The King's Speech USA
Drama | History


Transformer (Action/
Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2007)
Transformer: Revenge of the
Film title Action |
4 Jul 2011- Transformers: Dark of Fallen (Action/ Adventure/ Sci- Same genre (Action/
153 691 element of USA Adventure | Sci-
10 Jul 2011 the Moon Fi, 2009) Adventure/ Sci-Fi)
prequel Fi
Ref. Transformers: Age of
Extinction (Action/ Adventure/
Sci-Fi, 2014)

4 Jul 2011-
154 691 Mr. Popper's Penguins USA Comedy
10 Jul 2011
4 Jul 2011-
155 691 The Tree of Life USA Drama | Fantasy
10 Jul 2011
X-Men (Action/ Adventure/ Sci-
Fi, 2000)
X-Men 2 (Action/ Adventure/
Sci-Fi, 2003)
X-Men: The Last Stand (Action/
Film title Action |
4 Jul 2011- Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2006) Same genre (Action/
156 691 X-Men First Class element of USA Adventure | Sci-
10 Jul 2011 X-Men Origins: Wolverine Adventure/ Sci-Fi)
prequel Fi
(Action/ Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2009)
Ref. The Wolverine (Action/
Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2013)
Ref. X-Men: Days of Future Past
(Action/ Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2014)

Action |
4 Jul 2011-
157 691 Green Lantern USA Adventure | Sci-
10 Jul 2011
Film title
3 Oct 2011- Johnny English (Action/ Same genre Adventure |
158 728 Johnny English Reborn element of USA
9 Oct 2011 Adventure/ Comedy, 2003) (Adventure/ Comedy) Comedy | Crime
3 Oct 2011- Action | Drama |
159 728 Real Steel USA
9 Oct 2011 Sci-Fi
3 Oct 2011-
160 728 Shark Night 3D USA Horror | Thriller
9 Oct 2011
3 Oct 2011- Comedy |
161 728 What's Your Number? USA
9 Oct 2011 Romance


Action |
3 Oct 2011- Spy Kids: All the Time
162 728 USA Adventure |
9 Oct 2011 in the World in 4D
Action |
3 Oct 2011-
163 728 Abduction USA Mystery |
9 Oct 2011

Mission Impossible (TV series,

Action/ Adventure/ Thriller,
Film title
Mission: Impossible (Action/
2 Jan 2012- Mission: Impossible - element of Same genre (Action/
164 765 Adventure/ Thriller, 1996) USA Action | Thriller
8 Jan 2012 Ghost Protocol prequel and TV Adventure/ Thriller)
Mission: Impossible II (Action/
series name
Adventure/ Thriller, 2000)
Mission: Impossible III (Action/
Adventure/ Thriller, 2006)

2 Jan 2012- The Girl with the Crime | Drama |

165 765 USA
8 Jan 2012 Dragon Tattoo Mystery

1) Sherlock Holmes (TV series, Film title

Action |
2 Jan 2012- Sherlock Holmes: A Crime/ Drama, 1954-1984) element of Same genre
166 765 USA Adventure |
8 Jan 2012 Game of Shadows 2) Sherlock Holmes (Film, prequel and TV (Adventure/ Crime)
Action/ Adventure/ Crime, 2009) series name

Twilight (Drama/ Fantasy/

Romance, 2008)
The Twilight Saga: New Moon
(Adventure/ Drama/ Fantasy,
Film title Same genre
2 Jan 2012- Twilight Saga: Breaking The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Adventure |
167 765 element of (Adventure/ Drama/ USA
8 Jan 2012 Dawn Part I (Adventure/ Drama/ Fantasy, Drama | Fantasy
prequel Fantasy)
Ref. The Twilight Saga:
Breaking Dawn - Part 2
(Adventure/ Drama/ Fantasy,

2 Jan 2012- Comedy |

168 765 New Year's Eve USA
8 Jan 2012 Romance


Alvin and the Chipmunks

(Animation/ Comedy/ Family,
Alvin and the Film title Animation |
2 Jan 2012- 2007) Same genre
169 765 Chipmunks: element of USA Comedy |
8 Jan 2012 Alvin and the Chipmunks: The (Animation/ Comedy)
Chipwrecked prequel Family
Squeakquel (Animation/
Comedy/ Family, 2009)

2 Jan 2012-
170 765 We Bought a Zoo USA Drama | Family
8 Jan 2012
Film title Same genre Animation |
2 Jan 2012- Happy Feet (Animation/
171 765 Happy Feet 2 element of (Animation/ Comedy/ USA Comedy |
8 Jan 2012 Comedy/ Family, 2006)
prequel Family) Family
2 Apr 2012- Adventure | Sci-
172 788 The Hunger Games USA
8 Apr 2012 Fi
Film title Action |
2 Apr 2012- Clash of the Titans (Action/ Same genre (Action/
173 788 Wrath of the Titans element of USA Adventure |
8 Apr 2012 Adventure, Fantasy, 2010) Adventure/ Fantasy)
prequel Fantasy
2 Apr 2012- Re-release of Same genre (Drama/ Drama |
174 788 Titanic 3D Titanic (Drama/ Romance, 1997) USA
8 Apr 2012 previous film Romance) Romance
The film title is the spell
mentioned in the story - "Mirror
Adventure |
2 Apr 2012- Grimms' Fairy Tale (including Element of the Different genre (fairy Mirror on the wall, who's the
175 788 Mirror Mirror USA Comedy |
8 Apr 2012 "Snow White", 1812) story tale vs comedy) fairest of them all". The film is
based on the fairy tale "Snow

Animation |
2 Apr 2012- The Lorax (Children's novel, Same genre (Comedy/
176 788 The Lorax Book name USA Comedy |
8 Apr 2012 1971) Family)
2 Apr 2012- Action | Crime |
177 788 Man on a Ledge USA
8 Apr 2012 Thriller
2 Apr 2012- Adventure |
178 788 The Grey USA
8 Apr 2012 Drama | Thriller


Spider-Man (Action/ Adventure,

Spider-Man 2 (Action/
Adventure, 2004) Film title Action |
2 Jul 2012- The Amazing Spider- Same genre (Action/
179 819 Spider-Man 3 (Action/ element of USA Adventure |
8 Jul 2012 Man Adventure)
Adventure, 2007) prequel Fantasy
Ref. The Amazing Spider-Man 2
(Action/ Adventure/ Fantasy,
2 Jul 2012- Abraham Lincoln Action | Fantasy
180 819 USA
8 Jul 2012 Vampire Hunter | Horror
2 Jul 2012-
181 819 The Dictator USA Comedy
8 Jul 2012
2 Jul 2012- Adventure |
182 819 Prometheus USA
8 Jul 2012 Mystery | Sci-Fi
Men in Black (Comedy/ Sci-Fi,
Film title
2 Jul 2012- 1997) Same genre (Comedy/ Action |
183 819 Men in Black 3 element of USA
8 Jul 2012 Men in Black II (Action/ Sci-Fi) Comedy | Sci-Fi
Comedy/ Sci-Fi, 2002)
1 Oct 2012- Comedy |
184 857 Ted USA
7 Oct 2012 Fantasy
Film title
1 Oct 2012- Same genre (Action/ Action | Crime |
185 857 Taken 2 Taken (Action/ Thriller, 2008) element of USA
7 Oct 2012 Thriller) Thriller
1 Oct 2012- Drama | Fantasy
186 857 Upside Down USA
7 Oct 2012 | Romance
1 Oct 2012- Action | Crime |
187 857 Looper USA
7 Oct 2012 Sci-Fi

Resident Evil (Action/ Horror/

Sci-Fi, 2002)
Resident Evil: Apocalypse
Film title
1 Oct 2012- Resident Evil: (Action/ Horror/ Sci-Fi, 2004) Same genre (Action/ Action | Horror |
188 857 element of USA
7 Oct 2012 Retribution Resident Evil: Extinction Horror/ Sci-Fi) Sci-Fi
(Action/ Horror/ Sci-Fi, 2007)
Resident Evil: Afterlife (Action/
Adventure/ Horror, 2010)


Animation |
1 Oct 2012- Finding Nemo (Animation/ Re-release of Same genre
189 857 Finding Nemo 3D USA Adventure |
7 Oct 2012 Adventure/ Comedy, 2003) previous film (Adventure/ Comedy)
Drama |
7 Jan 2013-
190 900 Les Miserables USA Musical |
13 Jan 2013
7 Jan 2013-
191 900 The Impossible USA Drama | Action
13 Jan 2013
Animation |
7 Jan 2013-
192 900 Wreck-It Ralph USA Adventure |
13 Jan 2013
7 Jan 2013- The Hobbit: An Adventure |
193 900 USA
13 Jan 2013 Unexpected Journey Fantasy
7 Jan 2013- Adventure |
194 900 Life of Pi USA
13 Jan 2013 Drama | Fantasy
Film title Action |
1 Apr 2013- G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra Same genre (Action/
195 928 G.I. Joe: Retaliation element of USA Adventure | Sci-
7 Apr 2013 (Action/ Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2009) Adventure/ Sci-Fi)
prequel Fi
Animation |
1 Apr 2013-
196 928 The Croods USA Adventure |
7 Apr 2013
1 Apr 2013-
197 928 Olympus Has Fallen USA Action | Thriller
7 Apr 2013
Jurassic Park (Adventure/ Sci-
Fi/ Thriller, 1993) Same genre
1 Apr 2013- Re-release of Adventure | Sci-
198 928 Jurassic Park 3D The Lost World: Jurassic Park (Adventure/ Sci-Fi/ USA
7 Apr 2013 previous film Fi | Thriller
(Adventure/ Sci-Fi/ Thriller, Thriller)

With intertextual reference to the

main character of the past Adventure |
1 Apr 2013- OZ the Great and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Same genre
199 928 Book name children's novel. The story is USA Family |
7 Apr 2013 Powerful (Children's novel, 1900) (Adventure/ Fantasy)
based on the book "The Fantasy
Wonderful Wizard of Oz".
1 Apr 2013- Drama | Fantasy
200 928 Beautiful Creatures USA
7 Apr 2013 | Romance


Action |
1 Jul 2013- DC Comics (Adventure comics, Character’s Same genre (Action/
201 947 Man of Steel USA Adventure |
7 Jul 2013 Late 1934 or late 1935) name in a book Adventure)
Film title Animation |
1 Jul 2013- Despicable Me (Animation/ Same genre (Comedy/
202 947 Despicable Me 2 element of USA Comedy |
7 Jul 2013 Comedy/ Family, 2010) Family)
prequel Family
Action |
1 Jul 2013-
203 947 World War Z USA Adventure |
7 Jul 2013
Animation |
1 Jul 2013-
204 947 Epic in 3D USA Adventure |
7 Jul 2013
1 Jul 2013- Crime | Mystery
205 947 Now You See Me USA
7 Jul 2013 | Thriller
30 Sep
206 963 2013-6 Oct Gravity USA Sci-Fi | Thriller
30 Sep
Action | Drama |
207 963 2013-6 Oct Elysium USA
30 Sep
Drama | Fantasy
208 963 2013-6 Oct About Time USA
| Romance
30 Sep
Crime | Drama |
209 963 2013-6 Oct Runner, Runner USA
30 Sep Comedy |
210 963 2013-6 Oct Don Jon USA Drama |
2013 Romance

Use element from previous

30 Sep
The Millers (TV series, Comedy, Same genre (Comedy/ popular TV series "The Millers"
211 963 2013-6 Oct We're the Millers TV series name USA Comedy
2013-2014) Sitcom 處境喜劇) to reveal this is a comedy. There
is no relation to it at all.


APPENDIX II – The sample of HK TT

Comparison of
Type of genre: Place
No. of Date of Intertextual reference: Genre,
No. HK TT concrete intertextual Remark of Genre of ST
week week year
text reference vs HK origin
Action |
3 Jan 2005-
1 121 驚天奪寶 USA Adventure |
9 Jan 2005

The composer's name was omitted in

Same genre
3 Jan 2005- 歌聲魅影 (Novel, 1910/ Film, HK TT. It could be the reason to reduce Drama | Musical
2 121 歌聲魅影 Book name (Gothic/ Mystery/ USA
9 Jan 2005 1925) length for the film title yet the audiences | Romance
are still able to recognize the film.

Animation |
3 Jan 2005-
3 121 北極快車 USA Adventure |
9 Jan 2005
Film title
3 Jan 2005- Same genre
4 121 盜海豪情十二瞞徒 盜海豪情 (Crime/ Thriller, 2001) element of USA Crime | Thriller
9 Jan 2005 (Crime/ Thriller)
Animation |
3 Jan 2005-
5 121 鯊膽大話王 USA Adventure |
9 Jan 2005
Film title
1) 選美俏卧底 (Animation/
4 Apr element of
選美俏卧底 2: 姿整任 Adventure/ Comedy, 2000) Same genre Both 1) and 2) belongs to the same genre Action |
6 136 2005-10 prequel and USA
務 2) 風月俏佳人 ('Pretty Woman', (Comedy) and 2) is famous film at that time. Comedy | Crime
Apr 2005 other film
Comedy/ Romance, 1990)

4 Apr 情迷索瑪莉 ('There's Something Different genre Horror |

Other film With intertextual reference to the past
7 136 2005-10 鬼迷剎瑪莉 About Mary', Comedy/ Romance, (Romance vs USA Mystery |
title famous film title element.
Apr 2005 1998) Horror) Thriller


4 Apr Drama |
8 136 2005-10 美麗緣未了 USA Mystery |
Apr 2005 Romance
4 Apr
Action | Drama |
9 136 2005-10 暴火線 13 USA
Apr 2005
4 Jul 2005- Adventure | Sci-
10 149 強戰世界 USA
10 Jul 2005 Fi | Thriller

1a) 反斗奇兵 (Animation/

Adventure/ Comedy, 1995)
1b) 反斗奇兵 2 (Animation/
Adventure/ Comedy, 1999)
2a) 海底奇兵 (Animation/
Adventure/ Comedy, 2003)
Ref. 反斗奇兵 3 (Animation/ Same genre Action |
4 Jul 2005- Other film With intertextual reference to the past
11 149 撒哈拉奇兵 Adventure/ Comedy, 2010) (Animation/ USA Adventure |
10 Jul 2005 title famous film title element.
Ref. 荒失失奇兵 (Animation/ Comedy) Comedy
Adventure/ Comedy, 2005)
Ref. 荒失失奇兵 2 (Animation/
Action/ Adventure, 2008)
Ref. 荒失失奇兵 3: 歐洲逐隻捉
(Animation/ Adventure/ Comedy,

1a) 反斗奇兵 (Animation/

Adventure/ Comedy, 1995)
1b) 反斗奇兵 2 (Animation/
Adventure/ Comedy, 1999)
2a) 海底奇兵 (Animation/
Adventure/ Comedy, 2003)
Ref. 反斗奇兵 3 (Animation/ Same genre Animation |
4 Jul 2005- Other film With intertextual reference to the past
12 149 荒失失奇兵 Adventure/ Comedy, 2010) (Animation/ USA Adventure |
10 Jul 2005 title famous film title element.
Ref. 荒失失奇兵 2 (Animation/ Comedy) Comedy
Action/ Adventure, 2008)
Ref. 荒失失奇兵 3: 歐洲逐隻捉
(Animation/ Adventure/ Comedy,
Ref. 撒哈拉奇兵 (Action/
Adventure/ Comedy, 2005)


蝙蝠俠 (Action/ Adventure, 1989)

蝙蝠俠再戰風雲 (Action, 1992)
蝙蝠俠: 不敗之謎 (Action/
Adventure/ Fantasy, 1995) Film title Same genre
4 Jul 2005- Action | Crime |
13 149 蝙蝠俠: 俠影之謎 蝙蝠俠與羅賓 (Action, 1997) element of (Action/ USA
10 Jul 2005 Thriller
Ref. 蝙蝠俠: 黑夜之神 (Action/ prequel Adventure)
Crime/ Drama, 2008)
Ref. 蝙蝠俠: 夜神起義 (Action/
Thriller, 2012)

4 Jul 2005- Action |

14 149 史密夫決戰史密妻 USA
10 Jul 2005 Comedy | Crime

星球大戰前傳 - 魅影危機 (Action/ Same genre

Film title Action |
4 Jul 2005- 星球大戰前傳 III - 黑 Adventure/ Fantasy, 1999) (Action/
15 149 element of USA Adventure |
10 Jul 2005 帝君臨 星球大戰前傳 II - 複製人侵略 Adventure/
prequel Fantasy
(Action/ Adventure/ Fantasy, 2002) Fantasy)

1) 超級無敵掌門狗之異想天開小 Film title Both 1) and 2) belongs to the same genre

發明 (Action/ Adventure/ Fantasy, element of Same genre though in different channel; with Animation |
3 Oct 2005- 超級無敵掌門狗之世
16 168 2002) prequel and (Comedy/ reference to "超級無敵掌門人", which USA Comedy |
9 Oct 2005 紀大騙兔
2) 超級無敵獎門人 (TV Game TV show Family) was a very popular TV game show since Family
show, 1995) name it was broadcasted.

Film title Same genre

3 Oct 2005- 換命快遞 (Action/ Crime/ Thriller, Action | Crime |
17 168 換命快遞 2 element of (Action/ Crime/ USA
9 Oct 2005 2002) Thriller
prequel Thriller)
3 Oct 2005- Biography |
18 168 擊動深情 USA
9 Oct 2005 Drama | Sport
N/A (Film vs Comedy |
3 Oct 2005- 舊歡如夢 (譚炳文 (原唱), 1960s; Pop song First line of lyric of a pop song sang by
19 168 當年相戀意中人 Song, but both are USA Drama |
9 Oct 2005 李克勤 (翻唱), Love song, 1992) lyric Hackan Lee.
about love) Mystery
Drama |
3 Oct 2005-
20 168 害匙 USA Mystery |
9 Oct 2005


哈利波特 - 神秘的魔法石
(Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2001)
哈利波特 - 消失的密室
(Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2002)
哈利波特 - 阿茲卡班的逃犯
(Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2004) Film title
Same genre
2 Jan 2006- 哈利波特 - 火盃的考 Ref. 哈利波特 - 鳳凰會的密令 element of Adventure |
21 187 (Adventure/ USA
8 Jan 2006 驗 (Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2007) prequel and Family | Fantasy
Family/ Fantasy)
Ref. 哈利波特 - 混血王子的背叛 book name
(Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2009)
Ref. 哈利波特 - 死神的聖物 1
((Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2010)
Ref. 哈利波特 - 死神的聖物 2
(Adventure/ Fantasy/ Mystery, 2011)

Action |
2 Jan 2006- 金剛 (Adventure/ Fantasy/ Horror, Re-release of Same genre
22 187 金剛 USA Adventure |
8 Jan 2006 1933) previous film (Adventure)
Animation |
2 Jan 2006-
23 187 四眼雞丁 USA Adventure |
8 Jan 2006
2 Jan 2006- Comedy |
24 187 冒牌伴郎生擒姊妹團 USA
8 Jan 2006 Romance
2 Jan 2006-
25 187 出軌 USA Drama | Thriller
8 Jan 2006
3 Apr
Adventure |
26 200 2006-9 Apr 極地雪犬 USA
Drama | Family
3 Apr Film title Same genre
本能 (Drama/ Mystery/ Thriller, Crime | Mystery
27 200 2006-9 Apr 本能 2 element of (Mystery/ USA
1992) | Thriller
2006 prequel Thriller)
3 Apr
Adventure |
28 200 2006-9 Apr 傻豹遇著烏 Sir Sir USA
Comedy | Crime


死神來了 (Horror/ Mystery/

Thriller, 2000)
3 Apr 死神又來了(Horror/ Thriller, 2003) Film title
Same genre
29 200 2006-9 Apr 死神再 3 來了 Ref. 死神 4 來了 (Horror/ Thriller, element of USA Horror
2006 2009) prequel
Ref. 死神 5 來了 (Horror/ Thriller,
3 Apr
Crime | Drama |
30 200 2006-9 Apr 案內人 USA
3 Apr
31 200 2006-9 Apr 深山大屠殺 USA Horror | Thriller
Animation |
3 Jul 2006-
32 250 四條腿拯救隊 USA Adventure |
9 Jul 2006

加菲貓 (Animation/ Comedy/

Family, 2004)
加菲貓: 玩轉大世界 (Animation/
Film title Same genre
3 Jul 2006- Comedy/ Family, 2007) Comedy |
33 250 加菲貓 2 element of (Animation/ USA
9 Jul 2006 加菲貓狂歡節 (Animation/ Family
prequel Comedy/ Family)
Comedy/ Family, 2008)
加菲貓 3D (Animation/ Comedy/
Family, 2009)

3 Jul 2006-
34 250 撞車 USA Drama
9 Jul 2006
3 Jul 2006- Comedy |
35 250 球愛可人兒 USA
9 Jul 2006 Romance
Action |
3 Jul 2006-
36 250 海神號 USA Adventure |
9 Jul 2006
Same genre Use other popular film title "無間道" as
2 Oct 2006- 無間道 (Crime/ Mystery/ Thriller, Other film Crime | Drama |
37 319 無間道風雲 (Crime/ Mystery/ part of its name as this film is inspired USA
8 Oct 2006 2002) title Thriller
Thriller) by this film.
Comedy |
2 Oct 2006-
38 319 穿 Prada 的惡魔 USA Drama |
8 Oct 2006


2 Oct 2006-
39 319 絕望真相 USA Documentary
8 Oct 2006
This term "超女" means the female
Different genre
超級女聲 (Wunan Weishi (湖南衞 contestants in this TV Singing Comedy |
2 Oct 2006- TV show (TV
40 319 超女 - 強勢回歸 視) TV Singing competition, 2004- competition "超級女聲". Yet the term USA Romance | Sci-
8 Oct 2006 name entertainment
2006) used here has nothing to do with singing Fi
show vs Comedy)
but means superhero.
2 Oct 2006- Comedy |
41 319 命運自選台 USA
8 Oct 2006 Drama | Fantasy

鐵金剛勇破神秘島 (Action/
Adventure/ Thriller, 1962)
鐵金剛勇破間諜網 (Action/
Adventure/ Thriller, 1963)
鐵金剛大戰金手指 (Action/
Adventure/ Thriller, 1964)
鐵金剛勇破魔鬼黨 (Action/
Adventure/ Thriller, 1965)
鐵金剛勇破火箭嶺 (Action/ Same genre
Film title Action |
1 Jan 2007- 新鐵金剛智破皇家賭 Adventure/ Thriller, 1967) (Action/
42 358 element of USA Adventure |
7 Jan 2007 場 鐵金剛勇破雪山堡 (Action/ Adventure/
prequel Thriller
Adventure/ Thriller, 1969) Thriller/ Crime)
鐵金剛勇破鑽石黨 (Action/
Adventure/ Thriller, 1971)
鐵金剛勇破黑魔黨 (Action/
Adventure/ Thriller, 1973)
鐵金剛大戰金槍客 (Action/
Adventure/ Thriller, 1974)
鐵金剛勇破海底城 (Action/
Adventure/ Crime, 1977)


鐵金剛勇破太空城 (Action/
Adventure/ Crime, 1979)
鐵金剛勇破海龍幫 (Action/
Adventure/ Thriller, 1981)
鐵金剛勇破爆炸黨 (Action/
Adventure/ Thriller, 1983)
鐵金剛勇戰特務飛龍 (Action/
Adventure/ Romance, 1987)
鐵金剛勇戰殺人狂魔 (Action/
Adventure/ Thriller, 1989)
新鐵金剛之金眼睛 (Action/
Adventure/ Thriller, 1995)
新鐵金剛之明日帝國 (Action/
Adventure/ Thriller, 1997)
新鐵金剛黑日危機 (Action/
Adventure/ Crime, 1999)
新鐵金剛之不日殺機 (Action/
Adventure/ Crime, 2002)
Ref. 新鐵金剛之量子殺機 (Action/
Adventure/ Thriller, 2008)
Ref. 新鐵金剛: 智破天凶城
(Action/ Thriller, 2012)
1 Jan 2007- Comedy |
43 358 緣份精華遊 USA
7 Jan 2007 Romance
1 Jan 2007- Action | Sci-Fi |
44 358 時凶感應 USA
7 Jan 2007 Thriller
Animation |
1 Jan 2007-
45 358 踢躂小企鵝 USA Comedy |
7 Jan 2007
Action |
1 Jan 2007-
46 358 俠影魔龍 USA Adventure |
7 Jan 2007
Adventure |
1 Jan 2007-
47 358 陽光小小姐 USA Comedy |
7 Jan 2007


Film title
2 Apr element of Same genre The actor of the main character is the
Comedy |
48 370 2007-8 Apr 戇豆放大假 戇豆先生 (Comedy/ Family, 1990) prequel and (Comedy/ same person in "戇豆先生". So HK TT USA
2007 TV series Family) use "戇豆" to draw audiences' attention.
2 Apr Animation |
49 370 2007-8 Apr 羅拔神奇家族 USA Adventure |
2007 Comedy
2 Apr
50 370 2007-8 Apr 魔疫 USA Horror | Thriller
2 Apr
Adventure | Sci-
51 370 2007-8 Apr 太陽倒數 USA
Fi | Thriller

忍者龜 (Action/ Adventure/

Comedy, 1990)
2 Apr Film title Same genre Animation |
忍者龜 2 (Action/ Adventure/
52 370 2007-8 Apr 忍者龜 element of (Action/ USA Action |
Comedy, 1991)
2007 prequel Adventure) Adventure
忍者龜 3 (Action/ Adventure/
Comedy, 1993)

"尋找他鄉的故事" is a TV
Documentary series broadcasted from
1998 to 2004 in ATV. The show is about
2 Apr Different genre Hong Kong residents left their home and
尋找他鄉的故事 (ATV TV Biography |
53 370 2007-8 Apr 尋找快樂的故事 (Documentary vs lived in other countries. It received a lot USA
Documentary, 1998-2004) Documentary Drama
2007 Biography) of good feedback that many Hong Kong
people remember. This film use the
element of this popular TV

2 Apr
Action | Fantasy
54 370 2007-8 Apr 戰狼 300 USA
| War


This film is based on the fairy tales of

1) 仙履奇緣 ('Cinderella', the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian
Animation/ Family/ Fantasy, 1950) Same genre Andersen.
2 Apr Animation |
2a) 反斗奇兵 (Animation/ Other film (Animation/ The main character's name is Cinderella,
55 370 2007-8 Apr 反斗仙履奇緣 USA Adventure |
Adventure/ Comedy, 1995) title Adventure/ so HK TT use Chinese translation of
2007 Comedy
2b) 反斗奇兵 2 (Animation/ Fantasy) "Cinderella" for the title. "反斗" reminds
Adventure/ Comedy, 1999) audience about the film "Toy Story" (反

The film "魔戒" received a huge success

on the box office, most of the people
魔戒首部曲: 魔戒現身
know about this name.
(Adventure/ Fantasy, 2001)
2 Apr This film used the same pronunciation of Animation |
魔戒二部曲: 雙城奇謀 Other film Same genre
56 370 2007-8 Apr 迷你魔界大冒險 this film title but written into another USA Adventure |
(Adventure/ Fantasy, 2002) title (Adventure)
2007 word "魔界" so that audience can have a Family
魔戒三部曲: 王者再臨
rough idea about what this film is about.
(Adventure/ Fantasy, 2003)
Both film are about the main characters'
adventures to some mystery places.

史力加 (Animation/ Adventure/

Comedy, 2001)
Same genre
史力加 2 (Animation/ Adventure/ Film title Animation |
2 Jul 2007- (Animation/
57 393 史力加 3 Comedy, 2004) element of USA Adventure |
8 Jul 2007 Adventure/
Ref. 史力加萬歲萬萬歲 prequel Comedy
(Animation/ Adventure/ Comedy,

2 Jul 2007- Action | Crime |

58 393 虎膽龍威 4.0 USA
8 Jul 2007 Thriller
2 Jul 2007-
59 393 索女‧喪屍‧機關槍 USA Action | Horror
8 Jul 2007
Film title
2 Jul 2007- 神奇 4 俠 (Action/ Adventure/ Same genre Action | Fantasy
60 393 神奇 4 俠: 銀魔現身 element of USA
8 Jul 2007 Fantasy, 2005) (Action) | Sci-Fi
2 Jul 2007- Crime | Drama |
61 393 殺迷藏 USA
8 Jul 2007 Mystery


生化危機之變種生還者 (Action/
Horror/ Sci-Fi, 2002)
生化危機之殲滅生還者 (Action/
Film title Same genre
1 Oct 2007- 生化危機之絕㮔生還 Horror/ Sci-Fi, 2004) Action | Horror |
62 423 element of (Action/ Horror/ USA
7 Oct 2007 者 Ref. 生化危機 3D: 戰神再生 Sci-Fi
prequel Sci-Fi)
(Action/ Adventure/ Horror, 2010)
Ref. 生化危機之滅絕真相 (Action/
Horror/ Sci-Fi, 2012)

1 Oct 2007- Adventure |

63 423 魔幻星塵 USA
7 Oct 2007 Family | Fantasy
Comedy |
1 Oct 2007-
64 423 保姆日記 USA Drama |
7 Oct 2007
Use structure or wording of other
超能特工隊 ('The Incredibles', Same genre Action |
1 Oct 2007- Other film popular film as "超能特工隊" was so
65 423 超能特工狗 Animation/ Action/ Adventure, (Action/ USA Adventure |
7 Oct 2007 title popular when it was screened in HK film
2004) Adventure) Comedy
1 Oct 2007- Crime | Drama |
66 423 強復者 USA
7 Oct 2007 Thriller
Comedy |
1 Oct 2007-
67 423 戀愛大爆發 USA Musical |
7 Oct 2007
1 Oct 2007- Horror |
68 423 1408 USA
7 Oct 2007 Mystery
31 Dec Film title
異獸戰 (Action/ Adventure/ Sci-Fi, Same genre Action | Horror |
69 448 2007-6 Jan 異獸戰 2 element of USA
2004) (Action/ Sci-Fi) Sci-Fi
2008 prequel
31 Dec Film title Same genre Action |
驚天奪寶 (Action/ Adventure/
70 448 2007-6 Jan 驚天奪寶: 世紀秘冊 element of (Action/ USA Adventure |
Mystery, 2004)
2008 prequel Adventure) Family
31 Dec
Adventure |
71 448 2007-6 Jan 魔幻羅盤 USA
Family | Fantasy
31 Dec
Biography |
72 448 2007-6 Jan 犯罪帝國 USA
Crime | Drama


31 Dec
Drama | Sci-Fi |
73 448 2007-6 Jan 魔間傳奇 USA
31 Dec Animation |
74 448 2007-6 Jan 蜜蜂電影 USA Adventure |
2008 Comedy
31 Dec
Drama |
75 448 2007-6 Jan 藍莓之夜 USA
31 Dec Drama |
76 448 2007-6 Jan 愛‧誘‧罪 USA Mystery |
2008 Romance

舞出真我 (Crime/ Drama/ Music,

Ref. 舞出真我 3D (Drama/ Music/
31 Mar Film title Same genre
Romance, 2010) Drama | Music |
77 461 2007-6 Apr 舞出真我 2 element of (Drama/ Music/ USA
Ref. 舞出真我 4 (Drama/ Music/ Romance
2008 prequel Romance)
Romance, 2012)
Ref. 舞出真我 5 (Drama/ Music/
Romance, 2014)
31 Mar
Adventure |
78 461 2007-6 Apr 史柏力魔怪書 USA
Family | Fantasy
31 Mar Action |
79 461 2007-6 Apr 愛情潛到寶 USA Adventure |
2008 Comedy
31 Mar Animation |
80 461 2007-6 Apr 大象亞鈍救細界 USA Adventure |
2008 Comedy
31 Mar Biography |
81 461 2007-6 Apr 韋氏風雲 USA Comedy |
2008 Drama
30 Jun Animation |
82 477 2008-7 Jul 功夫熊貓 USA Action |
2008 Adventure
30 Jun
83 477 2008-7 Jul 街頭超人 USA Action | Fantasy


30 Jun
Action | Crime |
84 477 2008-7 Jul 殺神特工 USA
30 Jun Action |
85 477 2008-7 Jul 魔幻王國: 卡斯柏王子 USA Adventure |
2008 Family
30 Jun Comedy |
86 477 2008-7 Jul 色慾都市 USA Drama |
2008 Romance
30 Jun Adventure |
87 477 2008-7 Jul 魔島傳奇 USA Comedy |
2008 Family
Use structure or wording of other
30 Jun 超能特工隊 ('The Incredibles', Same genre
Other film popular film as "超能特工隊" was so Action |
88 477 2008-7 Jul 超低能特工隊 Animation/ Action/ Adventure, (Action/ USA
title popular when it was screened in HK film Comedy | Sci-Fi
2008 2004) Adventure)
30 Jun Film title
Same genre Action | Sci-Fi |
89 477 2008-7 Jul 新變形俠醫 變形俠醫 (Action/ Sci-Fi, 2003) element of USA
(Action/ Sci-Fi) Thriller
2008 prequel
29 Sep Action |
90 491 2008-5 Oct 鷹眼追擊 USA Mystery |
2008 Thriller
29 Sep Comedy |
Musical Same genre
91 491 2008-5 Oct 媽媽咪呀! 媽媽咪呀! (Musical, 2001) USA Musical |
name (Musical)
2008 Romance
29 Sep
Action |
92 491 2008-5 Oct 凸務卡啦蘇 USA
29 Sep
叛逆激情 - 她與戴安 Biography |
93 491 2008-5 Oct UK
娜的命運 Drama | History

搞乜鬼奪命雜作 (Comedy, 2000) Use element of "Scary Movie", HK TT

搞乜鬼奪命雜作 2 (Comedy, 2001) for "Scary Movie" is "搞乜鬼奪命雜作
29 Sep
搞乜鬼奪命雜作 3 (Comedy, 2003) Other film Same genre ", so the beginning part "攪乜鬼" is used
94 491 2008-5 Oct 搞乜鬼咁多災爛片 USA Comedy
搞乜鬼終極奪命雜作 (Comedy, title (Comedy) a intertextual element in this film title to
2006) make audience aware that this is a
搞乜鬼奪命雜作 5 (Comedy, 2013) comedy as well.


1a) 反斗奇兵 (Animation/

Adventure/ Comedy, 1995)
1b) 反斗奇兵 2 (Animation/
Adventure/ Comedy, 1999)
Ref. 反斗奇兵 3 (Animation/
Adventure/ Comedy, 2010)
2a) 海底奇兵 (Animation/
29 Dec Adventure/ Comedy, 2003) Film title Same genre Animation |
95 510 2008-4 Jan 荒失失奇兵 2 Ref. 反斗奇兵 3 (Animation/ element of (Animation/ USA Action |
2009 Adventure/ Comedy, 2010) prequel Adventure) Adventure
3a) 荒失失奇兵 (Animation/
Adventure/ Comedy, 2005)
3b) 荒失失奇兵 3: 歐洲逐隻捉
(Animation/ Adventure/ Comedy,
4) 撒哈拉奇兵 (Action/ Adventure/
Comedy, 2005)
29 Dec
Drama | Fantasy
96 510 2008-4 Jan 吸血新世紀 USA
| Romance
29 Dec
Comedy |
97 510 2008-4 Jan 魔法童話夜 USA
Family | Fantasy
29 Dec Adventure |
98 510 2008-4 Jan 大耳仔走天涯 USA Animation |
2009 Comedy
29 Dec
Drama | Sci-Fi |
99 510 2008-4 Jan 地球停轉日 USA
狂野時速 (Action/ Crime/ Thriller,
狂野時速 2 (Action/ Crime, 2003)
狂野時速: 飄移束京 (Action/
30 Mar Crime/ Drama, 2006) Film title Same genre
Action | Crime |
100 527 2009-5 Apr 狂野時速 4 Ref. 狂野時速 5 (Action/ Crime/ element of (Action/ Crime/ USA
2009 Thriller, 2011) prequel Thriller)
Ref. 狂野時速 6 (Action/ Crime/
Thriller, 2013)
Ref. 狂野時速 7 (Action/ Crime/
Thriller, 2015)


30 Mar Action |
101 527 2009-5 Apr 勇闖魔域山 USA Adventure |
2009 Family

妖夜尋狼 (Action/ Fantasy/

Thriller, 2003)
30 Mar Film title Action |
妖夜尋狼前傳之狼神 妖夜尋狼之魔間叛徒 (Action/ Same genre
102 527 2009-5 Apr element of USA Adventure |
誕生 Fantasy/ Sci-Fi, 2006) (Action/ Fantasy)
2009 prequel Fantasy
Ref. 妖夜尋狼之血姬覺醒 (Action/
Fantasy/ Horror, 2012)
30 Mar Comedy |
103 527 2009-5 Apr 收錯愛情風 USA Drama |
2009 Romance
30 Mar
Drama |
104 527 2009-5 Apr 讀愛 USA

變形金剛 (Action/ Adventure/ Sci-

Fi, 2007) Same genre
29 Jun Film title Action |
Ref. 變形金剛: 黑月降臨 (Action/ (Action/
105 543 2009-5 Jul 變形金剛: 狂派再起 element of USA Adventure | Sci-
Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2011) Adventure/ Sci-
2009 prequel Fi
Ref. 變形金剛: 殲滅世紀 (Action/ Fi)
Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2014)

冰河世紀 (Animation/ Adventure/

Comedy, 2002)
29 Jun 冰河世紀 2 (Animation/ Action/ Film title Same genre Animation |
冰河世紀 3: 大威龍駕
106 543 2009-5 Jul Adventure, 2006) element of (Animation/ USA Action |

2009 Ref. 冰河世紀 4: 玩轉新大陸 prequel Adventure) Adventure
(Animation/ Adventure/ Comedy,

29 Jun
Drama | Horror |
107 543 2009-5 Jul 康洲驅魔實錄 USA
29 Jun
108 543 2009-5 Jul 誰和誰和誰有路 USA Drama | Thriller
29 Jun Action |
109 543 2009-5 Jul 星空奇遇記 USA Adventure | Sci-
2009 Fi


翻生侏羅館 (Action/ Adventure/ Same genre

29 Jun Film title Action |
Comedy, 2006) (Action/
110 543 2009-5 Jul 翻生侏羅館 2 element of USA Adventure |
Ref. 翻生侏羅館 3: 古墓的密秘 Adventure/
2009 prequel Comedy
(Adventure/ Comedy/ Family, 2014) Comedy)

28 Sep
Action | Sci-Fi |
111 564 2009-4 Oct 偽能叛變 USA
28 Sep
Action | Sci-Fi |
112 564 2009-4 Oct D-9 異形禁區 USA
加菲貓 (Animation/ Comedy/
Family, 2004)
加菲貓 2 (Animation/ Comedy/
28 Sep Film title Same genre Animation |
Family, 2006)
113 564 2009-4 Oct 加菲貓 3D element of (Animation/ USA Comedy |
加菲貓: 玩轉大世界 (Animation/
2009 prequel Comedy/ Family) Family
Comedy/ Family, 2007)
加菲貓狂歡節 (Animation/
Comedy/ Family, 2008)
28 Sep
Drama | Fantasy
114 564 2009-4 Oct 時光旅的戀人 USA
| Romance
死神來了 (Horror/ Mystery/
Thriller, 2000)
28 Sep 死神又來了(Horror/ Thriller, 2003) Film title
Same genre
115 564 2009-4 Oct 死神 4 來了 死神再 3 來了 (Horror/ Thriller, element of USA Horror | Thriller
2009 2006) prequel
Ref. 死神 5 來了 (Horror/ Thriller,
28 Sep
Comedy |
116 564 2009-4 Oct 我要高飛 USA
Drama | Musical
Use structure or wording of other
28 Sep 穿 Prada 的惡魔 ('The Devil Wears Same genre Comedy |
Other film popular film as "穿 Prada 的惡魔" was
117 564 2009-4 Oct 求婚的惡魔 Prada', Comedy/ Drama/ Romance, (Comedy/ Drama/ USA Drama |
title so popular when it was screened in HK
2009 2006) Romance) Romance
film market.


Action |
4 Jan 2010-
118 580 阿凡達 USA Adventure |
10 Jan 2010
Action |
4 Jan 2010-
119 580 神探福爾摩斯 USA Adventure |
10 Jan 2010
Animation |
4 Jan 2010-
120 580 美食風球 USA Comedy |
10 Jan 2010
4 Jan 2010-
121 580 秋田犬八千 USA Drama | Family
10 Jan 2010
4 Jan 2010- Comedy |
122 580 星級拍擋 USA
10 Jan 2010 Family
Comedy |
4 Jan 2010-
123 580 我愛紐約 USA Drama |
10 Jan 2010
29 Mar Action |
124 592 2010-4 Apr 人神魔戰 USA Adventure |
2010 Fantasy
29 Mar Animation |
125 592 2010-4 Apr 馴龍記 USA Adventure |
2010 Drama
29 Mar
Adventure |
126 592 2010-4 Apr 愛麗絲夢遊仙境 USA
Family | Fantasy
29 Mar Action |
127 592 2010-4 Apr 阿凡達 USA Adventure |
2010 Fantasy
29 Mar
Mystery |
128 592 2010-4 Apr 不赦島 USA
史力加 (Animation/ Adventure/
Comedy, 2001) Same genre
28 Jun Film title Animation |
史力加 2 (Animation/ Adventure/ (Animation/
129 607 2010-4 Jul 史力加萬歲萬萬歲 element of USA Adventure |
Comedy, 2004) Adventure/
2010 prequel Comedy
史力加 3 (Animation/ Adventure/ Comedy)
Comedy, 2007)


吸血新世紀 (Drama/ Fantasy/

Romance, 2008)
吸血新世紀 2: 新月傳奇
28 Jun Film title Same genre
吸血新世紀 3: 月蝕傳 (Adventure/ Drama/ Fantasy, 2009) Adventure |
130 607 2010-4 Jul element of (Adventure/ USA
奇 Ref. 吸血新世紀 4: 破曉傳奇上集 Drama | Fantasy
2010 prequel Drama/ Fantasy)
(Adventure/ Drama/ Fantasy, 2011)
Ref. 吸血新世紀 4: 破曉傳奇下集
(Adventure/ Drama/ Fantasy, 2012)

28 Jun Action |
131 607 2010-4 Jul 戀戰特務王 USA Comedy |
2010 Romance

1a) 反斗奇兵 (Animation/

Adventure/ Comedy, 1995)
1b) 反斗奇兵 2 (Animation/
Adventure/ Comedy, 1999)
1c) 反斗奇兵 3 (Animation/
Adventure/ Comedy, 2010)
2) 海底奇兵 (Animation/
28 Jun Adventure/ Comedy, 2003) Same genre Action |
Other film With intertextual reference to the past
132 607 2010-4 Jul 通天奇兵 3a) 荒失失奇兵 (Animation/ (Adventure/ USA Adventure |
title famous film title element.
2010 Adventure/ Comedy, 2005) Comedy) Comedy
3b) 荒失失奇兵 2 (Animation/
Action/ Adventure, 2008)
Ref. 荒失失奇兵 3: 歐洲逐隻捉
(Animation/ Adventure/ Comedy,
4) 撒哈拉奇兵 (Action/ Adventure/
Comedy, 2005)

Film title
色慾都市 (TV series, Comedy/ element of
28 Jun Same genre Comedy |
Romance, 1998-2004) prequel, TV
133 607 2010-4 Jul 色慾都市 2 (Comedy/ USA Drama |
色慾都市 (Film, Comedy/ Drama/ series name
2010 Romance) Romance
Romance, 2008) and book


28 Jun Drama |
134 607 2010-4 Jul 色破孽緣 USA Mystery |
2010 Thriller

生化危機之變種生還者 (Action/
Horror/ Sci-Fi, 2002)
生化危機之殲滅生還者 (Action/
4 Oct 2010- Film title Same genre Action |
生化危機 3D: 戰神再 Horror/ Sci-Fi, 2004)
135 625 10 Oct element of (Action/ Horror/ USA Adventure |
生 生化危機之絕種生還者 (Action/
2010 prequel Sci-Fi) Horror
Horror/ Sci-Fi, 2007)
Ref. 生化危機之滅絕真相 (Action/
Horror/ Sci-Fi, 2012)
4 Oct 2010-
136 625 10 Oct 華爾街金融大鱷 USA Drama
1) 春田花花同學會 ('McDull, the
Different genre
4 Oct 2010- Alumni', Animation/ Comedy/ Other film With intertextual reference to the past
137 625 10 Oct 中坑同學會 Fantasy, 2006) title, TV famous film title and TV talk show USA Comedy
2010 2) 星星同學會 (TVB show name element.
show vs Comedy)
Entertainment/ Talk show, 2009)
4 Oct 2010- Horror |
138 625 10 Oct 升降凶間 USA Mystery |
2010 Thriller
4 Oct 2010-
Crime | Drama |
139 625 10 Oct 紐約黑夜 USA
Action |
3 Jan 2011-
140 640 機密邂逅 USA Romance |
9 Jan 2011
Comedy |
3 Jan 2011-
141 640 愛情戀上癮 USA Drama |
9 Jan 2011
Adventure |
3 Jan 2011-
142 640 小人國大歷險 USA Comedy |
9 Jan 2011


哈利波特 - 神秘的魔法石
(Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2001)
哈利波特 - 消失的密室
(Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2002)
哈利波特 - 阿茲卡班的逃犯
(Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2004) Film title
Same genre Adventure |
3 Jan 2011- 哈利波特 - 死神的聖 哈利波特 - 火盃的考驗 element of
143 640 (Adventure/ USA Fantasy |
9 Jan 2011 物2 (Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2006) prequel and
Family/ Fantasy) Mystery
哈利波特 - 鳳凰會的密令 book name
(Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2007)
哈利波特 - 混血王子的背叛
(Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2009)
哈利波特 - 死神的聖物 1
(Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, 2010)

Use popular structure of bible/ TV series

so that audiences will find easy to relate
Book name, Different genre Action |
3 Jan 2011- to, though "創戰紀" is totally irrelevant
144 640 創戰紀 創世紀 (Bible/ TV series of TVB) TV series (Holy bible vs USA Adventure | Sci-
9 Jan 2011 to "創世紀" (Genesis). And the
name Sci-Fi) Fi
pronunciation of "創" is similar to

Animation |
3 Jan 2011-
145 640 毛百萬 USA Action |
9 Jan 2011
28 Mar
Action | Fantasy
146 660 2011-3 Apr 天姖戰 USA
| Thriller
"Beastly" is a romantic fantasy drama
film, which loosely based on the novel
Same genre with the same name published in 2007.
28 Mar
美女與野獸 (Fairy tale film, 1991/ (Fantasy novel vs This is a retelling story of the famous Drama | Fantasy
147 660 2011-3 Apr 美女與野獸 Book name USA
Book, 1756) Fantasy/ fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast". | Romance
Romance) Therefore, both of these films have
intertextual relations to the film screened
in 2011.


Different genre With intertextual reference to William

28 Mar Animation |
(Romantic Shakespeare’s play "Romeo and Juliet".
148 660 2011-3 Apr 傻密歐與茱麗葉 羅密歐與茱麗葉 (Play, 1597) Book name USA Comedy |
tragedy vs Yet it used the similar pronunciation "傻
2011 Family
comedy) 密" vs "羅密".
28 Mar Comedy |
149 660 2011-3 Apr 晨早兜巴星 USA Drama |
2011 Romance
28 Mar
Crime | Drama |
150 660 2011-3 Apr 依法犯法 USA
28 Mar Action |
151 660 2011-3 Apr 無名殺機 USA Mystery |
2011 Thriller
28 Mar
Biography |
152 660 2011-3 Apr 皇上無話兒 USA
Drama | History
變形金剛 (Action/ Adventure/ Sci-
Fi, 2007) Same genre
Film title Action |
4 Jul 2011- 變形金剛: 狂派再起 (Action/ (Action/
153 691 變形金剛: 黑月降臨 element of USA Adventure | Sci-
10 Jul 2011 Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2009) Adventure/ Sci-
prequel Fi
Ref. 變形金剛: 殲滅世紀 (Action/ Fi)
Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2014)
4 Jul 2011-
154 691 黑癲鵝先生 USA Comedy
10 Jul 2011
4 Jul 2011-
155 691 生命樹 USA Drama | Fantasy
10 Jul 2011
變種特攻 (Action/ Adventure/ Sci-
Use previous film name "變種特攻" as
Fi, 2000)
intertextual reference
變種特攻 2 (Action/ Adventure/
(Except the one in 2013 "The
Sci-Fi, 2003)
Wolevrines"狼人: 未來激戰)
變種特攻: 兩極爭霸 (Action/ Same genre
Film title The difference can be due to different Action |
4 Jul 2011- Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2006) (Action/
156 691 變種特攻: 異能第一戰 element of series/ categories of the films - i.e. 原始 USA Adventure | Sci-
10 Jul 2011 變種特攻: 狼人外傳 (Action/ Adventure/ Sci-
prequel 系列-> 變種特攻, 變種特攻 2, 變種特 Fi
Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2009) Fi)
攻: 兩極爭霸); 狼人系列->變種特攻:
Ref. 狼人: 武士激戰 (Action/
狼人外傳, 狼人: 武士激戰; 第一戰系
Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2013)
列->變種特攻: 異能第一戰, 變種特
Ref. 變種特攻: 未來同盟戰
攻: 未來同盟戰.
(Action/ Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2014)


Action |
4 Jul 2011-
157 691 綠燈俠 USA Adventure | Sci-
10 Jul 2011
Film title
The actor of the main character is the
戇豆先生 (Comedy/ Family, 1990) element of
3 Oct 2011- same person in "戇豆先生" and "特務戇 Adventure |
158 728 特務戇 J 之救國大業 特務戇 J (Action/ Adventure/ prequel and USA
9 Oct 2011 J". So HK TT use "戇" to draw Comedy | Crime
Comedy, 2003) TV series
audiences' attention.
3 Oct 2011- Action | Drama |
159 728 鐵甲鋼拳 USA
9 Oct 2011 Sci-Fi
3 Oct 2011-
160 728 大白鯊 3D 食人夜 USA Horror | Thriller
9 Oct 2011
3 Oct 2011- Comedy |
161 728 翻兜有情郎 USA
9 Oct 2011 Romance
Action |
3 Oct 2011- 非常小特務: 決戰鎖時
162 728 USA Adventure |
9 Oct 2011 狂魔 4D

吸血新世紀 (Drama/ Fantasy/

Romance, 2008)
吸血新世紀 2: 新月傳奇
Different genre
(Adventure/ Drama/ Fantasy, 2009) With intertextual reference to the past
(Action/ Mystery/ Action |
3 Oct 2011- 吸血新世紀 3: 月蝕傳奇 Other film famous film title element. It could be the
163 728 喋血新世紀 Thriller vs USA Mystery |
9 Oct 2011 (Adventure/ Drama/ Fantasy, 2010) title reason that there is one actor, Taylor
Drama/ Fantasy/ Thriller
吸血新世紀 4: 破曉傳奇上集 Lautner, who casted in both films.
(Adventure/ Drama/ Fantasy, 2011)
Ref. 吸血新世紀 4: 破曉傳奇下集
(Adventure/ Drama/ Fantasy, 2012)

職業特工隊 (TV series, Action/

Adventure/ Thriller, 1996)
Film title
職業特工隊 (Action/ Adventure/ Same genre
element of
2 Jan 2012- Thriller, 1996) (Action/
164 765 職業特工隊: 鬼影約章 prequel and USA Action | Thriller
8 Jan 2012 職業特工隊 2 (Action/ Adventure/ Adventure/
TV series
Thriller, 2000) Thriller)
職業特工隊 3 (Action/ Adventure/
Thriller, 2006)


2 Jan 2012- Crime | Drama |

165 765 龍紋身的女孩 USA
8 Jan 2012 Mystery
Film title Same genre Action |
2 Jan 2012- 神探福爾摩斯: 詭影遊 神探福爾摩斯 (Action/ Adventure/
166 765 element of (Adventure/ USA Adventure |
8 Jan 2012 戲 Crime, 2009)
prequel Crime) Crime

吸血新世紀 (Drama/ Fantasy/

Romance, 2008)
吸血新世紀 2: 新月傳奇
Film title Same genre
2 Jan 2012- 吸血新世紀 4: 破曉傳 (Adventure/ Drama/ Fantasy, 2009) Adventure |
167 765 element of (Adventure/ USA
8 Jan 2012 奇上集 吸血新世紀 3: 月蝕傳奇 Drama | Fantasy
prequel Drama/ Fantasy)
(Adventure/ Drama/ Fantasy, 2010)
Ref. 吸血新世紀 4: 破曉傳奇下集
(Adventure/ Drama/ Fantasy, 2012)

With intertextual reference to other

famous film title. Use "緣滿" to relate
Same genre two films together. Both films are about
2 Jan 2012- 緣滿情人節 ('Valentine's Day', Other film Comedy |
168 765 緣滿除夕夜 (Comedy/ several romantic stories in Valentine's USA
8 Jan 2012 Comedy/ Romance, 2010) title Romance
Romance) Day and New Year's Eve and both of
them were directed by the same director
Garry Marshall.

花鼠明星俱樂部 (Animation/
Film title Same genre Animation |
2 Jan 2012- Comedy/ Family, 2007)
169 765 花鼠明星俱樂部 3 element of (Animation/ USA Comedy |
8 Jan 2012 花鼠明星俱樂部 2 (Animation/
prequel Comedy) Family
Comedy/ Family, 2009)

2 Jan 2012-
170 765 翻身動物園 USA Drama | Family
8 Jan 2012
Film title Same genre Animation |
2 Jan 2012- 踢躂小企鵝 (Animation/ Comedy/
171 765 踢躂小企鵝 2 element of (Animation/ USA Comedy |
8 Jan 2012 Family, 2006)
prequel Comedy/ Family) Family
2 Apr
Adventure | Sci-
172 788 2012-8 Apr 飢餓遊戲 USA


Same genre
2 Apr Film title Action |
人神魔戰 (Action/ Adventure, (Action/
173 788 2012-8 Apr 狂神魔戰 element of USA Adventure |
Fantasy, 2010) Adventure/
2012 prequel Fantasy
2 Apr Same genre
Re-release of Drama |
174 788 2012-8 Apr 鐵達尼號 3D 鐵達尼號 (Drama/ Romance, 1997) (Drama/ USA
previous film Romance
2012 Romance)
The main film title is the spell
2 Apr Different genre mentioned in the story "魔鏡, 魔鏡, 邊 Adventure |
魔鏡‧魔鏡: 白雪公主 Element of
175 788 2012-8 Apr 格林童話 (Fairy tale, 1812) (Fairy tale vs 個最靚?” The HK TT use the same USA Comedy |
決戰黑心皇后 the story
2012 Comedy) strategy as ST. The film is based on the Drama
fairy tale "Snow White".

With intertextual reference to a popular

children's novel "The Wonderful Wizard
of Oz" (HK TT: 綠野仙踨). This story
was totally irrelevant to "綠野仙蹤", but
just use this similar name for easy
2 Apr Same genre Animation |
綠野仙蹤 ('The Wonderful Wizard memory. This story is happened in a
176 788 2012-8 Apr 綠野仙生 Book name (Comedy/ USA Comedy |
of Oz', Children's novel, 1900) wood, Therefore, the translator use "綠
2012 Family) Family
野" to show the theme - i.e. wood, of the
story. Moreover, this story is based on
another children's novel called "Lorax",
which has a similar pronunciation of "綠
野" in Cantonese.
2 Apr
Action | Crime |
177 788 2012-8 Apr 天際 100 分鐘 USA
It use the term "戰狼" to confuse or get
Different genre
attention to the audience, who will
2 Apr (Adventure/
戰狼 300 (Action/ Fantasy/ War, Other film related this to "戰狼 300", which was on Adventure |
178 788 2012-8 Apr 極地戰狼 Drama/ Thriller USA
2007) title screen on 2007. However, it was Drama | Thriller
2012 vs Action/
irrelevant to "戰狼 300". This film is
Fantasy/ War)
about fighting with the wolves.


蜘蛛俠 (Action/ Adventure, 2002)

蜘蛛俠 2 (Action/ Adventure, 2004) Film title Same genre Action |
2 Jul 2012-
179 819 蜘蛛俠: 驚世現新 蜘蛛俠 3 (Action/ Adventure, 2007) element of (Action/ USA Adventure |
8 Jul 2012
Ref. 蜘蛛俠 2: 決戰電魔 (Action/ prequel Adventure) Fantasy
Adventure/ Fantasy, 2014)
2 Jul 2012- Action | Fantasy
180 819 吸血鬼獵人: 林肯 USA
8 Jul 2012 | Horror
2 Jul 2012-
181 819 大鈍裁者 USA Comedy
8 Jul 2012
2 Jul 2012- Adventure |
182 819 普羅米修斯 USA
8 Jul 2012 Mystery | Sci-Fi
黑超特警組 (Comedy/ Sci-Fi,
Film title
2 Jul 2012- 1997) Same genre Action |
183 819 黑超特警組 3 element of USA
8 Jul 2012 黑超特警組 2 (Action/ Comedy/ (Comedy/ Sci-Fi) Comedy | Sci-Fi
Sci-Fi, 2002)

Different genre Use similar structure of "戰狼 300",

1 Oct 2012- 戰狼 300 (Action/ Fantasy/ War, Other film (Comedy/ Fantasy which was on screen on 2007, but Comedy |
184 857 賤熊 300 USA
7 Oct 2012 2007) title vs Action/ change the word "戰" to "賤", which has Fantasy
Fantasy/ War) the same pronunciation in Cantonese.

Film title
1 Oct 2012- 救參 96 小時 (Action/ Thriller, Same genre Action | Crime |
185 857 救參 96 小時 2 element of USA
7 Oct 2012 2008) (Action/ Thriller) Thriller
All the films are about something surreal
1) 魔法奇緣 ('Enchanted', Comedy/ (e.g. magic, the world is upside down)
1 Oct 2012- Family/ Fantasy, 2007) Other film Same genre but they have no relation to each other at Drama | Fantasy
186 857 逆天奇緣 USA
7 Oct 2012 2) 魔髮奇緣 ('Tangled', Animation/ title (Fantasy) all. The main theme of all these stories is | Romance
Comedy/ Family, 2010) love. So the intertextual reference gives
hint to audience what this story is about.
1 Oct 2012- Action | Crime |
187 857 時凶獵殺 USA
7 Oct 2012 Sci-Fi


生化危機之變種生還者 (Action/
Horror/ Sci-Fi, 2002)
生化危機之殲滅生還者 (Action/
Film title Same genre
1 Oct 2012- Horror/ Sci-Fi, 2004) Action | Horror |
188 857 生化危機之滅絕真相 element of (Action/ Horror/ USA
7 Oct 2012 生化危機之絕種生還者 (Action/ Sci-Fi
prequel Sci-Fi)
Horror/ Sci-Fi, 2007)
生化危機 3D: 戰神再生 (Action/
Adventure/ Horror, 2010)

1a) 反斗奇兵 (Animation/

Adventure/ Comedy, 1995)
1b) 反斗奇兵 2 (Animation/
Adventure/ Comedy, 1999)
1c) 反斗奇兵 3 (Animation/
Adventure/ Comedy, 2010)
2) 海底奇兵 (Animation/
Adventure/ Comedy, 2003) Same genre Animation |
1 Oct 2012- Re-release of With intertextual reference to the past
189 857 海底奇兵 3D 3a) 荒失失奇兵 (Animation/ (Adventure/ USA Adventure |
7 Oct 2012 previous film famous film title element.
Adventure/ Comedy, 2005) Comedy) Comedy
3b) 荒失失奇兵 2 (Animation/
Action/ Adventure, 2008)
Ref. 荒失失奇兵 3: 歐洲逐隻捉
(Animation/ Adventure/ Comedy,
4) 撒哈拉奇兵 (Action/ Adventure/
Comedy, 2005)
7 Jan 2013- Drama | Musical
190 900 孤星淚 USA
13 Jan 2013 | Romance
7 Jan 2013-
191 900 海嘯奇蹟 USA Drama | Action
13 Jan 2013
Animation |
7 Jan 2013-
192 900 無敵破壞王 USA Adventure |
13 Jan 2013
7 Jan 2013- Adventure |
193 900 哈比人: 不思議之旅 USA
13 Jan 2013 Fantasy
7 Jan 2013- Adventure |
194 900 少年 Pi 的奇幻漂流 USA
13 Jan 2013 Drama | Fantasy


Same genre
1 Apr Film title Action |
義勇群英之毒蛇反擊 義勇群英之毒蛇風暴 (Action/ (Action/
195 928 2013-7 Apr element of USA Adventure | Sci-
戰 Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2009) Adventure/ Sci-
2013 prequel Fi
1 Apr Animation |
196 928 2013-7 Apr 古魯家族 USA Adventure |
2013 Comedy
1 Apr
197 928 2013-7 Apr 白宮淪陷 USA Action | Thriller
侏羅紀公園 (Adventure/ Sci-Fi/
1 Apr Same genre
Thriller, 1993) Re-release of Adventure | Sci-
198 928 2013-7 Apr 侏羅紀公園 3D (Adventure/ Sci- USA
侏羅紀公園: 迷失世界 previous film Fi | Thriller
2013 Fi/ Thriller)
(Adventure/ Sci-Fi/ Thriller, 1997)

The story is based on "The Wonderful

Wizard of Oz" (綠野仙蹤), this story is
1 Apr Same genre a prologue of "The Wonderful Wizard of
綠野仙蹤 ('The Wonderful Wizard Adventure |
199 928 2013-7 Apr 魔境仙踪 Book name (Adventure/ Oz". So it keeps part of the original title USA
of Oz', Children's novel, 1900) Family | Fantasy
2013 Fantasy) and put some new element so that
audience will be able to relate to the
original film.
1 Apr
Drama | Fantasy
200 928 2013-7 Apr 魔法新世代 USA
| Romance

超人 (Action/ Drama/ Sci-Fi, 1978)

超人 II (Action/ Sci-Fi, 1980)
Use same name as previous film, prefix
超人 III (Action/ Comedy/ Sci-Fi,
Film title "超人" for intertextual reference. Action |
1 Jul 2013- 1983) Same genre
201 947 超人: 鋼鐵英雄 element of No "Superman" mentioned in ST, but USA Adventure |
7 Jul 2013 超人 IV: 尋求和平 (Action/ (Action)
prequel both TT added "超人" in the title for Fantasy
Adventure/ Family, 1987)
easy reference.
超人: 強戰回歸 (Action/
Adventure/ Fantasy, 2006)


Film title Both 1) and 2) belongs to the same genre

1) 壞蛋奬門人 (Animation/
element of Same genre though in different channel; with Animation |
1 Jul 2013- Comedy/ Family, 2010)
202 947 壞蛋獎門人 2 prequel and (Comedy/ reference to "超級無敵掌門人", which USA Comedy |
7 Jul 2013 2) 超級無敵獎門人 (TV Game
TV show Family) was a very popular TV game show since Family
show, 1995)
name it was broadcasted.
Action |
1 Jul 2013-
203 947 地球末日戰 USA Adventure |
7 Jul 2013
Animation |
1 Jul 2013-
204 947 綠國奇兵 USA Adventure |
7 Jul 2013
With intertextual reference to the
Different genre
sentence in Chinese famous ancient
1 Jul 2013- 老子/ 道德經 (Chinese ancient (Crime/ Mystery/ Crime | Mystery
205 947 非常盜 Book name book <<老子>> - "道可道, 非常道; 名 USA
7 Jul 2013 book) Thriller vs | Thriller
可名; 非常名". But it is totally
Chinese classics)
irrelevant to the film.
30 Sep
206 963 2013-6 Oct 引力邊緣 USA Sci-Fi | Thriller
30 Sep
Action | Drama |
207 963 2013-6 Oct 極樂帝國 2154 USA
30 Sep
Drama | Fantasy
208 963 2013-6 Oct 回到最愛的一天 USA
| Romance
30 Sep
Crime | Drama |
209 963 2013-6 Oct 逆轉賭王 USA
30 Sep Comedy |
210 963 2013-6 Oct 性人君子 USA Drama |
2013 Romance
1) 戇豆先生 (Comedy/ Family,
Use element from previous popular TV
30 Sep Same genre series
2a) 特務戇 J (Action/ Adventure/ TV show
211 963 2013-6 Oct 名瞞戇族 (Comedy/ Mr. Bean (戇豆先生) to reveal this is a USA Comedy
Comedy, 2003) name
2013 Family) comedy. There is no relation to Mr.
2b) 特務戇 J 之救國大業 (Action/
Bean at all.
Adventure/ Comedy, 2011)


APPENDIX III – The sample of TW TT

Comparison of
Type of Place
No. of Intertextual reference: Genre, genre: intertextual
No. Date of week TW TT concrete Remark of Genre of ST
week year reference vs TW
text origin

Action |
3 Jan 2005-
1 121 國家寶藏 USA Adventure |
9 Jan 2005
Drama |
3 Jan 2005- 安德魯洛伊韋伯之歌劇 歌劇魅影 (Novel, 1910/ Film, Same genre (Gothic/
2 121 Book name USA Musical |
9 Jan 2005 魅影 1925) Mystery/ Romance)
Animation |
3 Jan 2005-
3 121 北極特快車 USA Adventure |
9 Jan 2005
Film title
3 Jan 2005- Same genre (Crime/
4 121 瞞天過海 2: 長驅直入 瞞天過海 (Crime/ Thriller, 2001) element of USA Crime | Thriller
9 Jan 2005 Thriller)
Animation |
3 Jan 2005-
5 121 鯊魚黑幫 USA Adventure |
9 Jan 2005
Film title
4 Apr 2005- 麻辣女王 2: 美麗的要 麻辣女王 (Animation/ Adventure/ Same genre Action |
6 136 element of USA
10 Apr 2005 命 Comedy, 2000) (comedy) Comedy | Crime
Horror |
4 Apr 2005-
7 136 剎靈 USA Mystery |
10 Apr 2005
Drama |
4 Apr 2005-
8 136 未婚妻的漫長等待 USA Mystery |
10 Apr 2005
4 Apr 2005- Action | Drama |
9 136 殲滅 13 區 USA
10 Apr 2005 Crime


4 Jul 2005- Adventure | Sci-

10 149 世界大戰 USA
10 Jul 2005 Fi | Thriller
Action |
4 Jul 2005-
11 149 2005 撒哈拉 USA Adventure |
10 Jul 2005
Animation |
4 Jul 2005-
12 149 馬達加斯加 USA Adventure |
10 Jul 2005

蝙蝠俠 (Action/ Adventure, 1989)

蝙蝠俠大顯神威 (Action, 1992) Film title
4 Jul 2005- Same genre (Action/ Action | Crime |
13 149 蝙蝠俠: 開戰時刻 永遠的蝙蝠俠 (Action/ element of USA
10 Jul 2005 Adventure) Thriller
Adventure/ Fantasy, 1995) prequel
蝙蝠俠與羅賓 (Action, 1997)

4 Jul 2005- Action |

14 149 史密斯任務 USA
10 Jul 2005 Comedy | Crime

星際大戰首部曲 - 威脅潛伏
(Action/ Adventure/ Fantasy,
Film title Action |
4 Jul 2005- 星際大戰三部曲 - 西斯 1999) Same genre (Action/
15 149 element of USA Adventure |
10 Jul 2005 大帝的復仇 星際大戰二部曲 - 複製人全面進 Adventure/ Fantasy)
prequel Fantasy
攻 (Action/ Adventure/ Fantasy,

Film title Animation |

3 Oct 2005- 酷狗寶貝 (Action/ Adventure/ Same genre (Action/
16 168 酷狗寶貝之魔兔詛咒 element of USA Comedy |
9 Oct 2005 Fantasy, 1996) Adventure/ Fantasy)
prequel Family

Film title
3 Oct 2005- 換命快遞 (Action/ Crime/ Same genre (Action/ Action | Crime |
17 168 玩命快遞 2 element of USA
9 Oct 2005 Thriller, 2002) Crime/ Thriller) Thriller
3 Oct 2005- Biography |
18 168 最後一擊 USA
9 Oct 2005 Drama | Sport
Comedy |
3 Oct 2005-
19 168 愛情, 不用尋找 USA Drama |
9 Oct 2005


Drama |
3 Oct 2005-
20 168 毒鑰 USA Mystery |
9 Oct 2005
哈利波特 - 神秘的魔法石
(Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy,
哈利波特 - 消失的密室
(Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy,
哈利波特 - 阿茲卡班的逃犯
(Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy,
Film title
Ref. 哈利波特 - 鳳凰會的密令 Same genre Adventure |
2 Jan 2006- element of
21 187 哈利波特 - 火盃的考驗 (Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, (Adventure/ Family/ USA Family |
8 Jan 2006 prequel and
2007) Fantasy) Fantasy
book name
Ref. 哈利波特 - 混血王子的背
叛 (Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy,
Ref. 哈利波特 - 死神的聖物 1
((Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy,
Ref. 哈利波特 - 死神的聖物 2
(Adventure/ Fantasy/ Mystery,
Re-release Action |
2 Jan 2006- 金剛 (Adventure/ Fantasy/ Horror, Same genre
22 187 金剛 of previous USA Adventure |
8 Jan 2006 1933) (Adventure)
film Drama
Animation |
2 Jan 2006-
23 187 四眼天雞 USA Adventure |
8 Jan 2006
2 Jan 2006- Comedy |
24 187 婚禮終結者 USA
8 Jan 2006 Romance
2 Jan 2006-
25 187 玩火 USA Drama | Thriller
8 Jan 2006
3 Apr 2006- Adventure |
26 200 極地長征 USA
9 Apr 2006 Drama | Family


Film title
3 Apr 2006- 第六感追緝令 (Drama/ Mystery/ Same genre Crime | Mystery
27 200 第六感追緝令 2 element of USA
9 Apr 2006 Thriller, 1992) (Mystery/ Thriller) | Thriller
3 Apr 2006- Adventure |
28 200 粉紅豹 USA
9 Apr 2006 Comedy | Crime

絕命終結站 (Horror/ Mystery/

Thriller, 2000)
絕命終結站 2 (Horror/ Thriller,
Film title
3 Apr 2006- 2003)
29 200 絕命終結站 3 element of Same genre (Horror) USA Horror
9 Apr 2006 Ref. 絕命終結站 4 (Horror/
Thriller, 2009)
Ref. 絕命終結站 5 (Horror/
Thriller, 2011)

3 Apr 2006- Crime | Drama |

30 200 臥底 USA
9 Apr 2006 Thriller
3 Apr 2006-
31 200 魔山 USA Horror | Thriller
9 Apr 2006
Animation |
3 Jul 2006-
32 250 森林保衛戰 USA Adventure |
9 Jul 2006

加菲貓 (Animation/ Comedy/

Family, 2004)
加菲貓: 大明星歷險記
(Animation/ Comedy/ Family, Film title Same genre
3 Jul 2006- Comedy |
33 250 加菲貓 2 2007) element of (Animation/ USA
9 Jul 2006 Family
加菲貓狂歡節 (Animation/ prequel Comedy/ Family)
Comedy/ Family, 2008)
加菲貓 3D (Animation/ Comedy/
Family, 2009)

3 Jul 2006-
34 250 衝擊效應 USA Drama
9 Jul 2006
3 Jul 2006- Comedy |
35 250 足球尤物 USA
9 Jul 2006 Romance


Action |
3 Jul 2006-
36 250 海神號 USA Adventure |
9 Jul 2006
Use other popular film title "無間道"
2 Oct 2006- 無間道 (Crime/ Mystery/ Thriller, Other film Same genre (Crime/ Crime | Drama |
37 319 神鬼無間 as part of its name as this film is USA
8 Oct 2006 2002) title Mystery/ Thriller) Thriller
inspired by this film.
Comedy |
2 Oct 2006-
38 319 穿著 Prada 的惡魔 USA Drama |
8 Oct 2006
2 Oct 2006-
39 319 不願面對的真相 USA Documentary
8 Oct 2006

我的野蠻女友 (Korean film,

Comedy/ Romance, 2001) Comedy |
2 Oct 2006- Other film Same genre With intertextual reference to the past
40 319 我的超人女友 Ref. 我的機械人女友 (Japanese USA Romance | Sci-
8 Oct 2006 title (Comedy/ Romance) popular film title.
film, Action/ Comedy/ Romance, Fi

Use same name as the popular fortune

Different genre (TV telling TV show of Taiwan
2 Oct 2006- 命運好好玩 (Taiwan TV Show TV show Comedy |
41 319 命運好好玩 entertainment show The film is about fate, so TW TT use USA
8 Oct 2006 name, Fortune telling, 2004) name Drama | Fantasy
vs Comedy) this name to give hint to audience
what this film is about.

007 首部曲: 皇家夜總會 (Action/

Adventure/ Thriller, 2006)
Film title Same genre (Action/ Action |
1 Jan 2007- 007 量子危機 (Action/ Adventure/
42 358 007 首部曲: 皇家夜總會 element of Adventure/ Thriller/ USA Adventure |
7 Jan 2007 Thriller, 2008)
prequel Crime) Thriller
007: 空降危機 (Action/ Thriller,

1 Jan 2007- Comedy |

43 358 戀愛沒有假期 USA
7 Jan 2007 Romance
1 Jan 2007- Action | Sci-Fi |
44 358 時空線索 USA
7 Jan 2007 Thriller
Animation |
1 Jan 2007-
45 358 快樂腳 USA Comedy |
7 Jan 2007


Action |
1 Jan 2007-
46 358 龍騎士 USA Adventure |
7 Jan 2007
Adventure |
1 Jan 2007-
47 358 小太陽的願望 USA Comedy |
7 Jan 2007
Film title
The actor of the main character is the
element of
2 Apr 2007- 豆豆先生 (Comedy/ Family, Same genre same person in "豆豆先生". So HK Comedy |
48 370 豆豆假期 prequel and USA
8 Apr 2007 1990) (Comedy/ Family) TT use "豆豆" to draw audiences' Family
TV series
Animation |
2 Apr 2007-
49 370 未來小子 USA Adventure |
8 Apr 2007
2 Apr 2007-
50 370 報應 USA Horror | Thriller
8 Apr 2007
2 Apr 2007- Adventure | Sci-
51 370 太陽浩劫 USA
8 Apr 2007 Fi | Thriller

忍者龜 (Action/ Adventure/

Comedy, 1990)
Film title Animation |
2 Apr 2007- 忍者龜續集 (Action/ Adventure/ Same genre (Action/
52 370 忍者龜: 炫風再起 element of USA Action |
8 Apr 2007 Comedy, 1991) Adventure)
prequel Adventure
忍者龜 III: 時空武士 (Action/
Adventure/ Comedy, 1993)

With intertextual reference to a

Taiwan TV show name "幸福來敲門
", which is a popular entertainment
Different genre (TV
2 Apr 2007- 幸福來敲門 (GOOD TV TV show show talking about family issues Biography |
53 370 當幸福來敲門 entertainment show USA
8 Apr 2007 Entertainment show, 2011-present) name through religious beliefs. Though both Drama
vs Biography)
programs are irrelevant to each other,
the popularity of the TV show can let
audience remember this film easily.

2 Apr 2007- Action | Fantasy

54 370 300 壯士: 斯巴達的逆襲 USA
8 Apr 2007 | War


Animation |
2 Apr 2007-
55 370 邪惡新世界 USA Adventure |
8 Apr 2007
Animation |
2 Apr 2007- 亞瑟的奇幻王國: 毫髮
56 370 USA Adventure |
8 Apr 2007 人的冒險

史瑞克 (Animation/ Adventure/

Comedy, 2001)
Same genre
史瑞克 2 (Animation/ Adventure/ Film title Animation |
2 Jul 2007- (Animation/
57 393 史瑞克三世 Comedy, 2004) element of USA Adventure |
8 Jul 2007 Adventure/
Ref. 史瑞克快樂 4 神仙 prequel Comedy
(Animation/ Adventure/ Comedy,

2 Jul 2007- Action | Crime |

58 393 終極警探 4.0 USA
8 Jul 2007 Thriller
2 Jul 2007-
59 393 恐怖星球 USA Action | Horror
8 Jul 2007
Film title
2 Jul 2007- 驚奇 4 超人: 銀色衝浪 驚奇 4 超人 (Action/ Adventure/ Action | Fantasy
60 393 element of Same genre (Action) USA
8 Jul 2007 手現身 Fantasy, 2005) | Sci-Fi
2 Jul 2007- Crime | Drama |
61 393 十二生肖 USA
8 Jul 2007 Mystery

惡靈古堡 (Action/ Horror/ Sci-Fi,

惡靈古堡 2: 啟示錄 (Action/
Film title
1 Oct 2007- Horror/ Sci-Fi, 2004) Same genre (Action/ Action | Horror |
62 423 惡靈古堡 3: 大滅絕 element of USA
7 Oct 2007 Ref. 惡靈古堡 4: 陰陽界 Horror/ Sci-Fi) Sci-Fi
(Action/ Adventure/ Horror, 2010)
Ref. 惡靈古堡 5: 天讉日
(Action/ Horror/ Sci-Fi, 2012)

Adventure |
1 Oct 2007-
63 423 星塵傳奇 USA Family |
7 Oct 2007


Comedy |
1 Oct 2007-
64 423 豪門保姆日記 USA Drama |
7 Oct 2007
Action |
1 Oct 2007-
65 423 超狗任務 USA Adventure |
7 Oct 2007
1 Oct 2007- Crime | Drama |
66 423 勇敢復仇人 USA
7 Oct 2007 Thriller
Comedy |
1 Oct 2007-
67 423 髮膠明星夢 USA Musical |
7 Oct 2007
1 Oct 2007- Horror |
68 423 1408 USA
7 Oct 2007 Mystery
Film title
31 Dec 2007- 異形戰場 (Action/ Adventure/ Same genre (Action/ Action | Horror |
69 448 異形戰場 2 element of USA
6 Jan 2008 Sci-Fi, 2004) Sci-Fi) Sci-Fi
Film title Action |
31 Dec 2007- 國家寶藏 (Action/ Adventure/ Same genre (Action/
70 448 國家寶藏: 古籍秘辛 element of USA Adventure |
6 Jan 2008 Mystery, 2004) Adventure)
prequel Family
Adventure |
31 Dec 2007-
71 448 黃金羅盤 USA Family |
6 Jan 2008
31 Dec 2007- Biography |
72 448 美國黑幫 USA
6 Jan 2008 Crime | Drama
31 Dec 2007- Drama | Sci-Fi |
73 448 我是傳奇 USA
6 Jan 2008 Thriller
Animation |
31 Dec 2007-
74 448 蜂電影 USA Adventure |
6 Jan 2008
31 Dec 2007- Drama |
75 448 我的藍莓夜 USA
6 Jan 2008 Romance
Drama |
31 Dec 2007-
76 448 贖罪 USA Mystery |
6 Jan 2008


31 Mar 2007- Drama | Music |

77 461 舞力全開 Its prequel was named "舞出真我". USA
6 Apr 2008 Romance

Adventure |
31 Mar 2007-
78 461 奇幻精靈事件簿 USA Family |
6 Apr 2008
Action |
31 Mar 2007-
79 461 傻愛成金 USA Adventure |
6 Apr 2008
Animation |
31 Mar 2007-
80 461 荷頓奇遇記 USA Adventure |
6 Apr 2008
Biography |
31 Mar 2007-
81 461 蓋世奇才 USA Comedy |
6 Apr 2008
Animation |
30 Jun 2008-
82 477 功夫熊貓 USA Action |
7 Jul 2008
30 Jun 2008-
83 477 全民超人 USA Action | Fantasy
7 Jul 2008
30 Jun 2008- Action | Crime |
84 477 刺客聯盟 USA
7 Jul 2008 Fantasy
Action |
30 Jun 2008- 納尼亞傳奇: 賈思潘王
85 477 USA Adventure |
7 Jul 2008 子
Comedy |
30 Jun 2008-
86 477 慾望城市 USA Drama |
7 Jul 2008
Adventure |
30 Jun 2008-
87 477 尼魔島 USA Comedy |
7 Jul 2008
30 Jun 2008- Action |
88 477 超低能英雄 USA
7 Jul 2008 Comedy | Sci-Fi
Film title
30 Jun 2008- 綠巨人浩克 (Action/ Sci-Fi, Same genre (Action/ Use the main character's name (Hulk - Action | Sci-Fi |
89 477 無敵浩克 element of USA
7 Jul 2008 2003) Sci-Fi) 浩克) as intertextual reference. Thriller


Action |
29 Sep 2008-
90 491 鷹眼 USA Mystery |
5 Oct 2008
Comedy |
29 Sep 2008- Musical Same genre
91 491 媽媽咪呀! 媽媽咪呀! (Musical, 2001) USA Musical |
5 Oct 2008 name (Musical)
29 Sep 2008- Action |
92 491 特勤沙龍 USA
5 Oct 2008 Comedy
29 Sep 2008- Biography |
93 491 公爵夫人 UK
5 Oct 2008 Drama | History
29 Sep 2008-
94 491 終極災難電影 USA Comedy
5 Oct 2008

馬達加斯加 (Animation/
Adventure/ Comedy, 2005) Film title Same genre Animation |
29 Dec 2008-
95 510 馬達加斯加 2 馬達加斯加 3: 歐洲大圍捕 element of (Animation/ USA Action |
4 Jan 2009
(Animation/ Adventure/ Comedy, prequel Adventure) Adventure

29 Dec 2008- Drama | Fantasy

96 510 暮光之城 USA
4 Jan 2009 | Romance
Comedy |
29 Dec 2008-
97 510 天方夜談 USA Family |
4 Jan 2009
With intertextual reference to the
famous novel "雙城記". It could be
雙城記 ('A Tale of Two City', Different genre the reason that English ST use the Adventure |
29 Dec 2008-
98 510 雙鼠記 Historical novel/ Social criticism, Book name (Historical vs structure "The Tale of" which is USA Animation |
4 Jan 2009
1859) Comedy) similar to "A Tale of", so TW TT Comedy
chooses to use "A Tale of Two City"
as intertextual reference.

29 Dec 2008- Drama | Sci-Fi |

99 510 當地球停止轉動 USA
4 Jan 2009 Thriller


玩命關頭 (Action/ Crime/

Thriller, 2001)
玩命關頭 3: 東京甩尾 (Action/
Crime/ Drama, 2006)
Film title
30 Mar 2009- 玩命關頭 5 (Action/ Crime/ Same genre (Action/ Action | Crime |
100 527 玩命關頭 4 element of USA
5 Apr 2009 Thriller, 2011) Crime/ Thriller) Drama
玩命關頭 6 (Action/ Crime/
Thriller, 2013)
玩命關頭 7 (Action/ Crime/
Thriller, 2015)
Action |
30 Mar 2009-
101 527 超異能冒險 USA Adventure |
5 Apr 2009

決戰異世界 (Action/ Fantasy/

Thriller, 2003)
Film title Action |
30 Mar 2009- 決戰異世界前傳: 鬼哭 決戰異世界: 進化時代 (Action/ Same genre (Action/
102 527 element of USA Adventure |
5 Apr 2009 狼嚎 Fantasy/ Sci-Fi, 2006) Fantasy)
prequel Fantasy
Ref. 決戰異世界: 未來復甦 3D
(Action/ Fantasy/ Horror, 2012)

Comedy |
30 Mar 2009-
103 527 他其實沒那麼喜歡妳 USA Drama |
5 Apr 2009
30 Mar 2009- Drama |
104 527 為愛朗讀 USA
5 Apr 2009 Romance

變形金剛 (Action/ Adventure/

Sci-Fi, 2007)
Film title Action |
29 Jun 2009- Ref. 變形金剛 3 (Action/ Same genre (Action/
105 543 變形金剛: 復仇之戰 element of USA Adventure | Sci-
5 Jul 2009 Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2011) Adventure/ Sci-Fi)
prequel Fi
Ref. 變形金剛 4: 絕跡重生
(Action/ Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2014)


冰原歷險記 (Animation/
Adventure/ Comedy, 2002)
冰原歷險記 2 (Animation/ Film title Same genre Animation |
29 Jun 2009- 冰原歷險記 3: 恐龍現
106 543 Action/ Adventure, 2006) element of (Animation/ USA Action |
5 Jul 2009 身
Ref. 冰原歷險記 4: 板塊漂移 prequel Adventure) Adventure
(Animation/ Adventure/ Comedy,

29 Jun 2009- Drama | Horror |

107 543 康乃狄克鬼屋事件 USA
5 Jul 2009 Thriller
29 Jun 2009-
108 543 冰火情敵 USA Drama | Thriller
5 Jul 2009
Action |
29 Jun 2009-
109 543 星際爭霸戰 USA Adventure | Sci-
5 Jul 2009

博物館驚魂夜 (Action/
Film title Same genre (Action/ Action |
29 Jun 2009- Adventure/ Comedy, 2006)
110 543 博物館驚魂夜 2 element of Adventure/ USA Adventure |
5 Jul 2009 博物館驚魂夜 3 (Adventure/
prequel Comedy) Comedy
Comedy/ Family, 2014)

28 Sep 2009- Action | Sci-Fi |

111 564 獵殺代理人 USA
4 Oct 2009 Thriller
28 Sep 2009- Action | Sci-Fi |
112 564 第九禁區 USA
4 Oct 2009 Thriller
加菲貓 (Animation/ Comedy/
Family, 2004)
加菲貓 2 (Animation/ Comedy/
Family, 2006) Film title Same genre Animation |
28 Sep 2009-
113 564 加菲貓 3D 加菲貓: 大明星歷險記 element of (Animation/ USA Comedy |
4 Oct 2009
(Animation/ Comedy/ Family, prequel Comedy/ Family) Family
加菲貓狂歡節 (Animation/
Comedy/ Family, 2008)
28 Sep 2009- Drama | Fantasy
114 564 時空旅人之妻 USA
4 Oct 2009 | Romance


絕命終結站 (Horror/ Mystery/

Thriller, 2000)
絕命終結站 2 (Horror/ Thriller,
Film title
28 Sep 2009- 2003)
115 564 絕命終結站 4 element of Same genre (Horror) USA Horror | Thriller
4 Oct 2009 絕命終結站 3 (Horror/ Thriller,
Ref. 絕命終結站 5 (Horror/
Thriller, 2011)
Comedy |
28 Sep 2009-
116 564 2009 名揚四海 USA Drama |
4 Oct 2009
Comedy |
28 Sep 2009-
117 564 愛情限時簽 USA Drama |
4 Oct 2009
Action |
4 Jan 2010-
118 580 阿凡達 USA Adventure |
10 Jan 2010
Action |
4 Jan 2010-
119 580 福爾摩斯 USA Adventure |
10 Jan 2010
Animation |
4 Jan 2010-
120 580 食破天驚 USA Comedy |
10 Jan 2010
4 Jan 2010-
121 580 忠犬小八 USA Drama | Family
10 Jan 2010
4 Jan 2010- Comedy |
122 580 歐吉桑卡好 USA
10 Jan 2010 Family
Comedy |
4 Jan 2010-
123 580 紐約我愛你 USA Drama |
10 Jan 2010
With intertextual reference to the
famous Chinese ancient book. Both of
Different genre
them are about things that are unreal Action |
29 Mar 2010- 封神榜 ('Fengshen Yanyi', Gods (Gods and Demons
124 592 超世紀封神榜 Book name (Demons/ Gods) but are irrelevant to USA Adventure |
4 Apr 2010 and Demons genre, 1368-1644) vs Fantasy/
each other. TW TT use this to give Fantasy
hint to TT audience what this film is


Animation |
29 Mar 2010-
125 592 馴龍高手 USA Adventure |
4 Apr 2010
Adventure |
29 Mar 2010-
126 592 魔境夢遊 USA Family |
4 Apr 2010
Action |
29 Mar 2010-
127 592 阿凡達 USA Adventure |
4 Apr 2010
29 Mar 2010- Mystery |
128 592 隔離島 USA
4 Apr 2010 Thriller

史瑞克 (Animation/ Adventure/

Comedy, 2001) Same genre
Film title Animation |
28 Jun 2010- 史瑞克 2 (Animation/ Adventure/ (Animation/
129 607 史瑞克快樂 4 神仙 element of USA Adventure |
4 Jul 2010 Comedy, 2004) Adventure/
prequel Comedy
史瑞克三世 (Animation/ Comedy)
Adventure/ Comedy, 2007)

暮光之城 (Drama/ Fantasy/

Romance, 2008)
暮光之城 2: 新月 (Adventure/
Drama/ Fantasy, 2009)
Film title Same genre
28 Jun 2010- Ref. 暮光之城: 破曉(上) Adventure |
130 607 暮光之城: 蝕 element of (Adventure/ Drama/ USA
4 Jul 2010 (Adventure/ Drama/ Fantasy, Drama | Fantasy
prequel Fantasy)
Ref. 暮光之城: 破曉(下)
(Adventure/ Drama/ Fantasy,
Action |
28 Jun 2010-
131 607 騎士出任務 USA Comedy |
4 Jul 2010
超人特攻隊 ('The Incredibles', Same genre Action |
28 Jun 2010- Other film With intertextual reference to the past
132 607 天龍特攻隊 Animation/ Action/ Adventure, (Adventure/ USA Adventure |
4 Jul 2010 title famous film title element.
2004) Comedy) Comedy


Film title
慾望城市 (TV series, Comedy/ element of
Comedy |
28 Jun 2010- Romance, 1998-2004) prequel, TV Same genre
133 607 慾望城市 2 USA Drama |
4 Jul 2010 慾望城市 (Film, Comedy/ Drama/ series name (Comedy/ Romance)
Romance, 2008) and book
With intertextual reference to the past
famous film title element. "色,戒"
Drama |
28 Jun 2010- 色,戒 ('Lust, Caution', Drama/ Other film Same genre (Drama/ was in a huge success around the
134 607 色.誘 USA Mystery |
4 Jul 2010 Romance/ Thriller, 2007) title Thriller) world and both stories are about a girl
who acted as a spy to complete a
惡靈古堡 (Action/ Horror/ Sci-Fi,
惡靈古堡 2: 啟示錄 (Action/
Film title Action |
4 Oct 2010- Horror/ Sci-Fi, 2004) Same genre (Action/
135 625 惡靈古堡 4: 陰陽界 3D element of USA Adventure |
10 Oct 2010 惡靈古堡 3: 大滅絕 (Action/ Horror/ Sci-Fi)
prequel Horror
Horror/ Sci-Fi, 2007)
惡靈古堡 5: 天讉日 (Action/
Horror/ Sci-Fi, 2012)
4 Oct 2010-
136 625 華爾街: 金錢萬歲 USA Drama
10 Oct 2010
4 Oct 2010-
137 625 亞當等大人 USA Comedy
10 Oct 2010
Horror |
4 Oct 2010-
138 625 惡靈電梯 USA Mystery |
10 Oct 2010
4 Oct 2010- Crime | Drama |
139 625 惡夜特警隊 USA
10 Oct 2010 Thriller
Action |
3 Jan 2011-
140 640 色遇 USA Romance |
9 Jan 2011
Comedy |
3 Jan 2011-
141 640 愛情藥不藥 USA Drama |
9 Jan 2011
Adventure |
3 Jan 2011-
142 640 格列佛遊記 USA Comedy |
9 Jan 2011


哈利波特 - 神秘的魔法石
(Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy,
哈利波特 - 消失的密室
(Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy,
哈利波特 - 阿茲卡班的逃犯
(Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy,
Film title
哈利波特 - 火盃的考驗 Same genre Adventure |
3 Jan 2011- 哈利波特 - 死神的聖物 element of
143 640 (Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy, (Adventure/ Family/ USA Fantasy |
9 Jan 2011 2 prequel and
2006) Fantasy) Mystery
book name
哈利波特 - 鳳凰會的密令
(Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy,
哈利波特 - 混血王子的背叛
(Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy,
哈利波特 - 死神的聖物 1
((Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy,
Action |
3 Jan 2011-
144 640 創: 光速戰記 USA Adventure | Sci-
9 Jan 2011
Animation |
3 Jan 2011-
145 640 麥克邁: 超能壞蛋 USA Action |
9 Jan 2011
28 Mar 2011- Action | Fantasy
146 660 殺客同萌 USA
3 Apr 2011 | Thriller
28 Mar 2011- Drama | Fantasy
147 660 野獸情人 USA
3 Apr 2011 | Romance
With intertextual reference to William
Different genre Animation |
28 Mar 2011- Shakespeare’s play "Romeo and
148 660 糯米歐與茱麗葉 羅密歐與茱麗葉 (Play, 1597) Book name (Romantic tragedy USA Comedy |
3 Apr 2011 Juliet". Yet it used the similar
vs comedy) Family
pronunciation "糯米" vs "羅密".
Comedy |
28 Mar 2011-
149 660 麻辣女強人 USA Drama |
3 Apr 2011


28 Mar 2011- Crime | Drama |

150 660 下流正義 USA
3 Apr 2011 Thriller
Action |
28 Mar 2011-
151 660 狙擊陌生人 USA Mystery |
3 Apr 2011
28 Mar 2011- Biography |
152 660 王者之聲: 宣戰時刻 USA
3 Apr 2011 Drama | History

變形金剛 (Action/ Adventure/

Sci-Fi, 2007)
Film title Action |
4 Jul 2011- 變形金剛: 復仇之戰 (Action/ Same genre (Action/
153 691 變形金剛 3 element of USA Adventure | Sci-
10 Jul 2011 Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2009) Adventure/ Sci-Fi)
prequel Fi
Ref. 變形金剛 4: 絕跡重生
(Action/ Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2014)

4 Jul 2011-
154 691 波普先生的企鵝 USA Comedy
10 Jul 2011
4 Jul 2011-
155 691 永生樹 USA Drama | Fantasy
10 Jul 2011
X 戰警 (Action/ Adventure/ Sci-
Use previous film name "X 戰警" as
Fi, 2000)
intertextual reference
X 戰警 2 (Action/ Adventure/ Sci-
(Except the one in 2013 "The
Fi, 2003)
Wolevrines"金鋼狼: 武士之戰)
X 戰警: 最後戰役(Action/
Film title The difference can be due to different Action |
4 Jul 2011- Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2006) Same genre (Action/
156 691 X 戰警: 第一戰 element of series/ categories of the films - i.e. 原 USA Adventure | Sci-
10 Jul 2011 X 戰警: 金鋼狼 (Action/ Adventure/ Sci-Fi)
prequel 始系列-> X 戰警; X 戰警 2; X 戰警: Fi
Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2009)
最後戰役); 金鋼狼系列->X 戰警:
金鋼狼: 武士之戰 (Action/
金鋼狼, 金鋼狼: 武士之戰; 第一戰
Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2013)
系列->X 戰警: 第一戰, X 戰警: 未
X 戰警: 未來昔日 (Action/
Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2014)
Action |
4 Jul 2011-
157 691 綠光戰警 USA Adventure | Sci-
10 Jul 2011
Film title Same genre
3 Oct 2011- 凸搥特派員 (Action/ Adventure/ Adventure |
158 728 凸搥特派員: 二度出包 element of (Adventure/ USA
9 Oct 2011 Comedy, 2003) Comedy | Crime
prequel Comedy)


3 Oct 2011- Action | Drama |

159 728 鋼鐵擂台 USA
9 Oct 2011 Sci-Fi
3 Oct 2011-
160 728 大白鯊 3D USA Horror | Thriller
9 Oct 2011
3 Oct 2011- Comedy |
161 728 先生你哪位? USA
9 Oct 2011 Romance
With intertextual reference to the title
of popular entertainment TV show "
王牌大賤諜 (Taiwanese TV talk Different genre (TV Action |
3 Oct 2011- TV show 王牌大賤諜", in which "賤諜" has
162 728 3D 王牌小間諜 show on SET Metro (三立都會 entertainment show USA Adventure |
9 Oct 2011 name the same pronunciation of "間諜",
台), 2008-present) vs Comedy) Comedy
which means Spy. Change "大" to "小
", implies kid spy.

Action |
3 Oct 2011-
163 728 詭影訪客 USA Mystery |
9 Oct 2011

不可能的任務 (TV series, Action/

Adventure/ Thriller, 1996)
Film title
不可能的任務 (Action/
element of
2 Jan 2012- 不可能的任務: 鬼影行 Adventure/ Thriller, 1996) Same genre (Action/
164 765 prequel and USA Action | Thriller
8 Jan 2012 動 不可能的任務 2 (Action/ Adventure/ Thriller)
TV series
Adventure/ Thriller, 2000)
不可能的任務 3 (Action/
Adventure/ Thriller, 2006)

2 Jan 2012- 千禧三部曲 I: 龍紋身的 Crime | Drama |

165 765 USA
8 Jan 2012 女孩 Mystery
Film title
element of
Action |
2 Jan 2012- 福爾摩斯 (film, Action/ prequel, TV Same genre
166 765 福爾摩斯: 詭影遊戲 USA Adventure |
8 Jan 2012 Adventure/ Crime, 2009) series name (Adventure/ Crime)
and book


暮光之城 (Drama/ Fantasy/

Romance, 2008)
暮光之城 2: 新月 (Adventure/
Drama/ Fantasy, 2009) Film title Same genre
2 Jan 2012- Adventure |
167 765 暮光之城: 破曉 (上) 暮光之城: 蝕 (Adventure/ Drama/ element of (Adventure/ Drama/ USA
8 Jan 2012 Drama | Fantasy
Fantasy, 2010) prequel Fantasy)
Ref. 暮光之城: 破曉(下)
(Adventure/ Drama/ Fantasy,

2 Jan 2012- Comedy |

168 765 101 次新年快樂 USA
8 Jan 2012 Romance
鼠來寶 (Animation/ Comedy/
Film title Same genre Animation |
2 Jan 2012- Family, 2007)
169 765 鼠來寶 3 element of (Animation/ USA Comedy |
8 Jan 2012 鼠來寶 2 (Animation/ Comedy/
prequel Comedy) Family
Family, 2009)
2 Jan 2012-
170 765 我們買了動物園 USA Drama | Family
8 Jan 2012
Film title Same genre Animation |
2 Jan 2012- 快樂腳 (Animation/ Comedy/
171 765 快樂腳 2 element of (Animation/ USA Comedy |
8 Jan 2012 Family, 2006)
prequel Comedy/ Family) Family
2 Apr 2012- Adventure | Sci-
172 788 飢餓遊戲 USA
8 Apr 2012 Fi
Action |
2 Apr 2012-
173 788 怒戰天神 USA Adventure |
8 Apr 2012
2 Apr 2012- 鐵達尼號 (Drama/ Romance, Same genre (Drama/ Drama |
174 788 鐵達尼號 3D of previous USA
8 Apr 2012 1997) Romance) Romance
The main film title is the spell
mentioned in the story "魔鏡呀魔鏡,
Different genre Adventure |
2 Apr 2012- Element of 誰是世界上最美的女人". The TW
175 788 魔鏡, 魔鏡 格林童話 (Fairy tale, 1812) (fairy tale vs USA Comedy |
8 Apr 2012 the story TT use the same strategy as ST. The
comedy) Drama
film is based on the fairy tale "Snow
Animation |
2 Apr 2012-
176 788 羅雷司 USA Comedy |
8 Apr 2012


2 Apr 2012- Action | Crime |

177 788 驚天換日 USA
8 Apr 2012 Thriller

2 Apr 2012- Adventure |

178 788 即刻獵殺 USA
8 Apr 2012 Drama | Thriller

蜘蛛人 (Action/ Adventure, 2002)

蜘蛛人 2 (Action/ Adventure,
Film title Action |
2 Jul 2012- 蜘蛛人 3 (Action/ Adventure, Same genre (Action/
179 819 蜘蛛人: 驚奇再起 element of USA Adventure |
8 Jul 2012 2007) Adventure)
prequel Fantasy
Ref. 蜘蛛人驚奇再起 2: 電光之
戰 (Action/ Adventure/ Fantasy,
2 Jul 2012- Action | Fantasy
180 819 吸血鬼獵人: 林肯總統 USA
8 Jul 2012 | Horror
2 Jul 2012-
181 819 大獨裁者落難記 USA Comedy
8 Jul 2012
2 Jul 2012- Adventure |
182 819 普羅米修斯 USA
8 Jul 2012 Mystery | Sci-Fi

MIB 星際戰警 (Comedy/ Sci-Fi,

Film title
2 Jul 2012- 1997) Same genre Action |
183 819 MIB 星際戰警 3 element of USA
8 Jul 2012 MIB 星際戰警 2 (Action/ (Comedy/ Sci-Fi) Comedy | Sci-Fi
Comedy/ Sci-Fi, 2002)

1 Oct 2012- Comedy |

184 857 熊麻吉 USA
7 Oct 2012 Fantasy
Film title
1 Oct 2012- Same genre (Action/ Action | Crime |
185 857 即刻救援 2 即刻救援 (Action/ Thriller, 2008) element of USA
7 Oct 2012 Thriller) Thriller
1 Oct 2012- Drama | Fantasy
186 857 顛倒世界 USA
7 Oct 2012 | Romance
1 Oct 2012- Action | Crime |
187 857 迴路殺手 USA
7 Oct 2012 Sci-Fi


惡靈古堡 (Action/ Horror/ Sci-Fi,

惡靈古堡 2: 啟示錄 (Action/
Film title
1 Oct 2012- Horror/ Sci-Fi, 2004) Same genre (Action/ Action | Horror |
188 857 惡靈古堡 5:天譴日 3D element of USA
7 Oct 2012 惡靈古堡 3: 大滅絕 (Action/ Horror/ Sci-Fi) Sci-Fi
Horror/ Sci-Fi, 2007)
惡靈古堡 4: 陰陽界 (Action/
Adventure/ Horror, 2010)

1a) 玩具總動員 (Animation/

Adventure/ Comedy, 1995)
1b) 玩具總動員 2 (Animation/
Adventure/ Comedy, 1999)
1c) 玩具總動員 3 (Animation/ Same genre
Re-release Animation |
1 Oct 2012- Adventure/ Comedy, 2010) (Animation/
189 857 海底總動員 3D of previous USA Adventure |
7 Oct 2012 2) 海底總動員 Finding Nemo Adventure/
film Comedy
(Animation/ Adventure/ Comedy, Comedy)
Ref. 飛機總動員 Planes
(Animation/ Adventure/ Comedy,
Drama |
7 Jan 2013-
190 900 悲慘世界 USA Musical |
13 Jan 2013
7 Jan 2013-
191 900 浩劫奇蹟 USA Drama | Action
13 Jan 2013
Animation |
7 Jan 2013-
192 900 無敵破壞王 USA Adventure |
13 Jan 2013
7 Jan 2013- Adventure |
193 900 哈比人: 意外旅程 USA
13 Jan 2013 Fantasy
7 Jan 2013- Adventure |
194 900 少年 Pi 的奇幻漂流 USA
13 Jan 2013 Drama | Fantasy
Film title Action |
1 Apr 2013- 特種部隊: 眼鏡蛇的崛起 Same genre (Action/
195 928 特種部隊 2: 正面對決 element of USA Adventure | Sci-
7 Apr 2013 (Action/ Adventure/ Sci-Fi, 2009) Adventure/ Sci-Fi)
prequel Fi


Animation |
1 Apr 2013-
196 928 古魯家族 USA Adventure |
7 Apr 2013
1 Apr 2013-
197 928 全面攻佔: 倒數救援 USA Action | Thriller
7 Apr 2013

侏羅紀公園 (Adventure/ Sci-Fi/

Re-release Same genre
1 Apr 2013- Thriller, 1993) Adventure | Sci-
198 928 侏羅紀公園 3D of previous (Adventure/ Sci-Fi/ USA
7 Apr 2013 侏羅紀公園: 失落的世界 Fi | Thriller
film Thriller)
(Adventure/ Sci-Fi/ Thriller, 1997)

Adventure |
1 Apr 2013-
199 928 奧茲大帝 USA Family |
7 Apr 2013
1 Apr 2013- Drama | Fantasy
200 928 美麗魔物 USA
7 Apr 2013 | Romance
超人 (Action/ Drama/ Sci-Fi,
Use same name as previous film,
超人 II (Action/ Sci-Fi, 1980)
prefix "超人" for intertextual
超人 III (Action/ Comedy/ Sci-Fi, Film title Action |
1 Jul 2013- reference
201 947 超人: 鋼鐵英雄 1983) element of Same genre (Action) USA Adventure |
7 Jul 2013 No "Superman" mentioned in ST, but
超人 IV: 尋求和平 (Action/ prequel Fantasy
both TT added "超人" in the title for
Adventure/ Family, 1987)
easy reference.
超人再起 (Action/ Adventure/
Fantasy, 2006)
神偷奶爸 (Animation/ Comedy/
Film title Animation |
1 Jul 2013- Family, 2010) Same genre
202 947 神偷奶爸 2 element of USA Comedy |
7 Jul 2013 神偷奶爸 2 (Animation/ Comedy/ (Comedy/ Family)
prequel Family
Family, 2013)
Action |
1 Jul 2013-
203 947 末日之戰 USA Adventure |
7 Jul 2013
Animation |
1 Jul 2013-
204 947 森林戰士 USA Adventure |
7 Jul 2013
1 Jul 2013- Crime | Mystery
205 947 出神入化 USA
7 Jul 2013 | Thriller
30 Sep 2013-
206 963 地心引力 USA Sci-Fi | Thriller
6 Oct 2013


30 Sep 2013- Action | Drama |

207 963 極樂世界 USA
6 Oct 2013 Sci-Fi
30 Sep 2013- Drama | Fantasy
208 963 真愛每一天 USA
6 Oct 2013 | Romance
30 Sep 2013- Crime | Drama |
209 963 逆轉王牌 USA
6 Oct 2013 Thriller
Comedy |
30 Sep 2013-
210 963 超急情聖 USA Drama |
6 Oct 2013
To use the slogan of Taiwan
N/A (Film vs convenient store (FamilyMart) "全家
TV advertisement, 就是你家" as intertextual reference.
30 Sep 2013- 全家就是你家 (Convenient store
211 963 全家就是米家 advertiseme similar Change the word "你" to "米" (with USA Comedy
6 Oct 2013 slogan, 1997-2000)
nt pronunciation of similar pronunciation in Mandarin) to
main character) indicate the main character's name,
which was shown in ST.


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