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Personal account of Experiences with Law of Attraction material from

Abraham Hicks

By Ronnie B.

I just wanted to share a little something from my own personal experience...

Since 2006 I have been a big fan of the Abraham material..
I was introduced back then by Wayne Dyer when I met him at a seminar in
At first, I must admit, the message didn't quite reach me. I didn't understand
the language and was a little unsure that this was quite for me. But a short
while after first flicking through 'Ask, and it is given' I watched an early
version of 'The Secret'. It was Esther/Abraham that resonated the most, by far.
It actually left me with a feeling like nothing I'd ever felt before. So I thought
I'd better take another look...
This time it just clicked. And it was like coming home..
I went deep into the teachings and have never looked back.
Those were the days of Upstream/Downstream (still my favourite analogy!!)
and going with the flow. I remember how Abraham promised that "Everything
you want is Downstream" and I loved that idea. I could somehow feel it was
But now I know it for sure, which is the best feeling of all.
These years since have been magical.
So many things that I once could barely imagine, have happened. From
relationships, to adventures, to experiences in places with people that were
once beyond my wildest dreams. I can now see how this was once all a
vibrational reality that I was always being called towards...
When I think back I realise that I could sense it, get glimpses of it. But just
didn't understand what was really going on.
Now I know it was the most expanded version of me calling me, pulling me,
drawing me, back to feeling good, back to the place where all those prayers
have been answered..
I was being called by my own Inner Being. I can see that now, so clearly..
Which is a beautiful thing, because you realise that the dreams calling you
forwards now, are inevitable..
They will all come true, sooner or later. Without doubt.
Because they already have.
And a very big part of you is already there. Knowing it, living it..
I get that soo clearly now that it gives me goosebumps..
Such sweet relief... 😉
So the thing I really wanted to share is this; It's about having faith and trust..
Having trust and faith that feeling better is everything.
Back in those days I would listen to how it's all already Done, you just need to
believe in it..
And somehow I kept that faith and believed in that, even when it seemed
Now I reflect back to the dreams I had then and realise how they have come
true. Often in far, farrr better ways than I could have ever predicted..
Usually when I gave up trying to make anything 'out there' happen atall
Btw this Universe has quite the sense of humour too!! 😉
So yeah, the vortex is real, the vibrationl existence of all you desire is real. And
it's soooo damn true that you have become it in the most beautiful, basic, way
That's what I wanna share with anyone who may need to hear it.
I remember those times I felt truly awful, but now understand that was just
the gap between what I was seeing and what my soul knew and could see
It was a gap that would always close naturally, if I would only allow it..
And the times I thought were the worst, that was when I reached the furthest
And once you've reached, it's done. You can never be truly happy being less
than that ever again..
Which is the greatest blessing of all x
People may ask if I'm a millionaire, or if I've won the lottery and the answer to
both is no. That was never the dream anyway. Though I do feel like the richest
man alive sometimes..
But just to stand in the middle of a life that is full of dreams coming true is so
much more than enough...
And when you receive something that you really wanted but hadn't even put
into words, something that no-one in the whole world even knew you wanted
(except the Universe) you just know - to the core of your being - that you are
loved, heard, known, understood..
There is not a feeling in the world like it. Pure worthiness.
And the avenues the Universe can find to deliver the goods are beyond
So I just wanna remind everyone that everything Abraham says is pure and
In these last 11+ years I have listened to countless hours of recordings and
read too many transcripts to mention. Never once have I ever found anything
that didn't ring true..
But it's by far my own life experience that's become my best teacher now.
Yesterday I spent much of the day basking in the beauty of a forest near where
I live. It’s like a little slice of Heaven on Earth. I realised something while I was
there that kinda blew my mind, but I know it came from somewhere deeep
"Heaven, paradise, Nirvana, whatever, is not a place.. but a state of being".. and
you can get there ohhh so much easier that you may think... just following the
feelings, leaning into what feels slightly better...
Finding some things to appreciate. Finding a little relief..
And as you transform, so do the conditions around you.
So just trust, with all that you are, in All That You Are..
And in All-That-Is, it won't let you down.
That's all I know for sure..
Much ❤ to one and all x

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