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AD Command Line Options for Release R12 [ID 1078973.1]

Modified: Jul 30, 2012 Type: REFERENCE Status: PUBLISHED Priority: 3

AD Command Line Options

April 2010

This document contains information about AD command line options. You should read and understand all content described here before
you begin using these options. The most current version of these notes is document 1078973.1 on OracleMetaLink. There is a change log
at the end of this document.

This document contains the following sections:

Section 1: Overview
Introduction of AD command line options and how they are used.

Section 2: Command Line Options For All Major AD Utilities

Details of valid command line options for all major AD utilities.

Section 3: Command Line Options For AutoPatch

Details of valid command line options for AutoPatch.

Section 4: Command Line Options For One or More AD Utilities

Details of valid command line options for one or more AD utilities.

Section 5: Available Documentation

Additional documentation for AD utilities.

Section 1: Overview

In addition to their standard functionality, AD utilities can accept command line options to modify the actions performed by the utility. This
document describes the AD command line options. Some AD command line options are not documented here because they are either
obsolete or not normally specified by end users.

For simplicity, AD utilities are referred to in these examples by their executable names instead of their utility names.For details about the
AD utilities, see Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities. Here is a mapping of executable names to utility names:

Executable Name Utility Name

adpatch AutoPatch
adadmin AD Administration
adctrl AD Controller

All AD command line options have the format: token=value.In general, you should enter AD command line options in lowercase. The
tokenis converted to lower-case internally, but the valueis not.In some cases, valueis a comma-separated list of options. AD
command line options cannot contain embedded whitespace characters.

Examples of valid command-line argument syntax are:

adpatch options=nocopyportion,nogenerateportion

adpatch printdebug=y

Examples of invalid command-line argument syntax are:

adpatch options=nocopyportion, nogenerateportion (contains imbeded whitespace)

adpatch OPTIONS=NOCOPYPORTION,NOGENERATEPORTION (keyword will be recognized, but values won't)

Example of using multiple command-line options:

adpatch printdebug=y options=validate flags=hidepw

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Section 2: Command Line Options For All Major AD Utilities


Purpose: Summarizes available command line options.

Valid values: yor n
Default value: n
Example adpatch help=y


Purpose: Tells AD utilities what log file to use.Normally used in non-interactive mode.
Valid values: A file name (not a fully-qualified path name)
Default value: none, meaning that the utility will prompt for the log file name
Example adpatch logfile=test.log


Tells AD programs to display extra debugging information. In some cases, the

amount of extra debugging information is substantial.
Valid values: yor n
Default value: n
Example adpatch printdebug=y


Purpose: Generic flags passed to AD utilities. See table below for more information.
Valid values: A comma-separated list of flags
Default value: none, meaning that no flags have been passed
Example adpatch flags=hidepw

Table of flags:

Flag Purpose Default Comments

hidepw Tells password hider feature nohidepw
whether to omit the Starting in AD Mini-pack H, lines in an AD utility log file containing
'HIDEPW:' comments in AD passwords can be automatically masked to not display the passwords.
utility log files
When nohidepwis specified, each line containing masked
passwords is followed by a corresponding line prefixed with
'HIDEPW:' which contains the original line with passwords
When hidepwis specified, the additional 'HIDEPW:' line is not
The intent of this feature is to include passwords protected by 'HIDEPW:'
comments in the AD program log file by default so that debugging is
easier and stripping the passwords (using grep -v 'HIDEPW:' file >
file_no_pwson UNIX, for example) is easy.For cases where security is
more important than ease of debugging, hidepwcan be specified to
prevent any passwords from being listed in the AD utility log file.

logging Tells the AD utility whether loggingin Use of NOLOGGING when creating indexes may increase
to create indexes using adpatch performance.However it also makes database media recovery
LOGGING or NOLOGGING incomplete and does not work with standby databases.
LOGGING is the default in adpatch so that database media
recovery and standby databases work by default. Use of
flags=nologgingin adpatch is discouraged for production
systems unless a complete backup is taken both before and after
running adpatch.

flags=nologgingaffects indexes created through ODF only, not indexes

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flags=nologgingaffects indexes created through ODF only, not indexes
created through SQL scripts.

trace Tells the AD utility whether notrace Sometimes it is valuable to get RDBMS trace files during an AD utility run
to log all database for debugging purposes.The flags=traceoption provides an easy way
operations to a trace file to do this.

Note that flags=traceonly traces database operations internal to the

AD utility itself.Database operations in SQL scripts or external programs
run by the AD utility are not recorded by flags=trace.

This option creates multiple trace files for the AD utility and the AD
workers. There is a new trace file for each time the utility reconnects to
the database.

Section 3: Command Line Options For AutoPatch


Purpose: Tells adpatch whether to run in test mode.

Valid values: yor n
Default value: y, meaning that adpatch does not run in test mode
Example adpatch apply=n


Tells adpatch the name of the patch driver file.Normally used in non-interactive mode.Only valid when
patchtop=patch-top-level-directoryis also specified.It is valid to specify a comma-separated list
of patch driver file names.This is not recommended and may be desupported in a future Oracle
Applications release.
Valid values: A file name
Default value: none, meaning that adpatch prompts for the patch driver file name
Example adpatch patchtop=/d1/apps/patches/2344175 driver=c2344175.drv


Purpose: Tells adpatch how to organize its list of jobs to run in a phase.Does not affect
the order in which phases (or sub-phases) are run.
Valid values: forwardor backward
forward, meaning that adpatch organizes its list of jobs to run in a phase in
Default value:
the order they are listed in the patch driver file
Example adpatch order=backward


Tells adpatch the top-level directory for the current patch.Normally used in
non-interactive mode.
Valid values: A fully-qualified directory name
Default value: none, meaning that adpatch prompts for the patch directory
Example adpatch patchtop=/d1/apps/patches/2344175


Tells adpatch whether to run in pre-install mode. Pre-install mode is used to

Purpose: update AD utilities before an upgrade and to apply family consolidated
upgrade patches.
Valid values: yor n
Default value: n, meaning that adpatch does not run in pre-install mode
Example adpatch preinstall=y

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Purpose: Generic options passed to adpatch.See tables below for more information.
Valid values: A comma-separated list of options
Default value: none, meaning that no options have been passed
Example adpatch options=integrity

Table of adpatch generic options:

Option Purpose Default Usage (options=) Comments

autoconfig autoconfig Use options=noautoconfig if you The more common method
Tells AutoPatch to run are applying a number of is to merge the patches
AutoConfig automatically. patches in sequence and want to first with AD Merge Patch.
run AutoConfig once, after
applying the last patch of the
checkfile checkfile Use nocheckfileto turn off the checkfileprovides
Tells adpatch to either skip checkfile feature. significant performance
running exec, SQL, and benefits for most cases.
exectiercommands if There are very few cases
they are recorded as in which you would want to
already run or record them run with nocheckfile.
as having run after running

compiledb Tells adpatch to compiledbfor Use compiledb or In cases where multiple

automatically compile standard patches nocompiledb to change the non-merged patches are
invalid objects in the default action. applied in a maintenance
database after running nocompiledbfor window, you can use
actions normally found in standard patch nocompiledbto save time.
the database driver. translations, Merging multiple patches
documentation and applying a single
patches, and merged patch is normally a
documentation patch better strategy.

compilejsp Tells adpatch whether to compilejspfor Use compilejsp or In cases where multiple
automatically compile out- standard patches nocompilejspto change the non-merged patches are
of-date JSP files. JSP files default action. applied in a maintenance
are only compiled if the nocompilejspfor window, you can use
patch contains copyactions standard patch nocompilejspto save
for at least one JSP file. translations, time.
patches, and Merging multiple patches
documentation patch and applying a single
translations merged patch is normally a
better strategy.

copyportion copyportion Use nocopyportionto tell Mostly useful with unified

Tells adpatch whether to adpatch not to perform copy drivers
run commands normally driver actions.
found in a copy driver.

databaseportion databaseportion Use nodatabaseportionto tell Mostly useful with unified

Tells adpatch whether to adpatch not to perform database drivers
run commands normally driver actions.
found in a database driver.

generateportion generateportion Use nogenerateportionto tell Mostly useful with unified

Tells adpatch whether to adpatch not to perform generate drivers
run commands normally driver actions.
found in a generate driver.

hotpatch nohotpatch Use hotpatchto tell adpatch to AutoPatch aborts the

Tells AutoPatch to apply a apply a patch while maintenance patching session if
patch regardless of mode is disabled on the system. maintenance mode is
whether the Oracle disabled and the
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whether the Oracle disabled and the
Applications system is in options=hotpatch
maintenance mode. command is not used.

integrity nointegrity Use ingegrityto perform patch As the integrity of Oracle

Tells adpatch whether to integrity checking. Applications patches is
perform patch integrity checked before they are
checking, which verifies released, the default of
that the version of each file nointegrityis safe and
referenced in a copyaction avoids some adpatch
matches the version overhead.
present in the patch.

parallel parallel Use noparallelto tell adpatch Oracle Applications patches

Tells adpatch whether to to run actions serially. are tested using parallel
run actions that update the mode.Use of noparallel
database in parallel (like is discouraged.It may be
sql) and actions that desupported in a later
generate files in parallel Oracle Applications
(like genform) . release.

revcache revcache Use norevcacheto tell adpatch With AD Mini-pack G,

Tells adpatch whether to not to load the package revision adpatch only loads the
load the package revision cache. package revision cache
cache (if adpatch when package commands
determines it is needed). without checkfilesyntax
are present in the patch
driver file, there is not
much reason to use
norevcache. Specifying
norevcachewill cause all
package commands
without checkfilesyntax
to run.
validate novalidate Use validateto tell adpatch to Useful for finding problems
Tells adpatch whether to connect to all registered Oracle with incorrectly-registered
connect to all registered Applications schemas. Oracle Applications
Oracle Applications schemas or schemas with
schemas at the start of the invalid passwords.

Table of adpatch options that control specific actions in a patch driver file:

Option Purpose Default Usage (options=) Comments

copy copy Use nocopyto turn off
The copycommand compares file these commands.
versions in a patch with files in the
Applications file system and copies
files that have higher versions in the
patch to the Applications file system.

exec exec Use noexecto turn off

The execcommand runs executable these commands.

exectier exectier Use noexectierto turn off The nocopyportion,

The exectiercommand runs these commands. nodatabaseportion, and
executable programs on a specific list nogenerateportionoptions ignore
of tiers. exectieractions.In some unusual
cases, you may need to specify
noexectieralong with no*portion
in order to disable exectieractions
that perform copy-, database-, or
generate-related logic.
forcecopy Use noforcecopyto
The forcecopycommand copies the forcecopy change the default.
files in a patch to the Applications file
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change the default.
files in a patch to the Applications file
system without comparing the version
number of the patch files with existing

genform genform Use nogenformto turn off

The genformcommand generates these commands.
form files.

genfpll genfpll Use nogenfpllto turn off

The genfpllcommand generates these commands.
forms PL/SQL library files.

gengpll gengpll Use nogengpllto turn off

The gengpllcommand generates these commands.
Oracle Graphics PL/SQL library files.

genmenu genmenu Use nogenmenuto turn off

The genmenucommand generates these commands.
forms menu files.

genmesg genmesg Use nogenmesgto turn off

The copycommand generates Oracle these commands.
Applications message files.

genogd genogd Use nogenogdto turn off

The genogdcommand generates these commands.
Oracle Graphics files.

genrep genrep Use nogenrepto turn off

The genrepcommand generates these commands.
reports files.

genrpll genrpll Use nogenrpllto turn off

The genrpllcommand generates these commands.
reports PL/SQL library files.

genwfmsg genwfmsg Use nogenwfmsgto turn off

The genwfmsgcommand generates these commands.
Workflow resource files.

jcopy jcopy Use nojcopyto turn off

The jcopycommand updates Java these commands.
class files.

libin libin Use nolibinto turn off

The libincommand copies files into these commands.
the product library.

libout libout Use noliboutto turn off You must also specify nolibinand
The liboutcommand extracts files these commands. nocopyif you specify nolibout.
from the product library.

link link Use nolinkto turn off

The linkcommand relinks these commands.
executables with the Oracle server.

makedir makedir Use nomakedirto turn off

The makedircommand creates an these commands.
empty directory.

sql sql Use nosqlto turn off these

The sqlcommand runs SQL scripts. commands.

Section 4: Command Line Options For One or More AD Utilities

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Used by: adpatch, adadmin

Tells AD utilities to abandon an existing non-interactive session. Can be used only when
interactive=n is also specified..
Valid values: y or n.
Default value: n, meaning that the last utility run non-interactively did not successfully complete the processing..
Example adpatch interactive=n abandon=y


Used by: adpatch, adadmin, adctrl

Specifies the defaults file which stores answers to interactive AD utility questions. Normally used
in non-interactive mode.
Valid values: A fully-qualified filename.Must be under the $APPL_TOP/admin/ directory.
Default value: none, meaning that no defaults file is used.
Example adpatch defaultsfile=/d1/apps/prodappl/admin/prod1/prod_def.txt


Used by: adctrl

Specifies use of adctrl for Distributed AD. If specified by itself, causes adctrl to
wait in a loop to spawn a specified range of workers on the current machine.
Valid values: y
none, meaning that adctrl does not operate in Distributed AD mode. Instead, it
Default value:
brings up its standard menu.
Example adctrl distributed=y


Used by: adpatch, adadmin

Purpose: Tells AD utilities whether to run in interactive mode or non-interactive mode.
Valid values: yor n
Default value: y, meaning that the utility runs in interactive mode
Example adpatch interactive=n


Used by: adpatch, adadmin

Used in Distributed AD to specify the number of workers to run on the current
Valid values: zero to total number of workers (max=999)
Default value: none, meaning that all workers will run on the current machine
Example adpatch workers=10 localworkers=5


Used by: adadmin, adctrl

When running one of these utilities non-interactively, used to connect the
actions in a defaults file with a specific menu item.
See list of menu options in the description of these utilities in Oracle
Valid values: Applications Maintenance Utilities. Must be used with interactive=n and
Default value: N/A
adctrl interactive=n


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Used by: adadmin, adpatch
Specifies the number blocks in a table. If a table contains less blocks than the
threshold setting, indexes are created with parallel workers and serial DML. If
the table contains more blocks than the threshold setting, indexes are created
with one worker and parallel DML.
0 to 2147483647; if set to 0, indexes are created with parallel workers and
Valid values:
serial DML.
Default value: 20000; meaning a threshold of 20,000 blocks.
Example adpatch parallel_index_threshold=15000


Used by: adpatch, adadmin

Tells AD utilities to restart an existing session in non-interactive mode.Only
valid when interactive=nis also specified.
Valid values: yor n
n, meaning that the utility run in non-interactive mode will expect to run a
Default value:
completely new session.
Example adpatch interactive=n restart=y


Used by: adpatch, adadmin

Directs the utilities to wait for user input in a non-interactive
session when a job fails.
Valid values: yor n

Default value: n

Example adpatch wait_on_failed_job=yes


Used by: adpatch, adadmin

Specifies the number of workers to run.Normally used in non-interactive
Valid values: 1 to 99, inclusive
Default value: none, meaning that the program will prompt for the number of workers to run
Example adpatch workers=6

Section 5: Available Documentation

Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures

Change Log
Date Description

This note is for external release. In addition,

April 2, 2010 customers can refer to the Oracle Applications
Maintenance Utilities guide.

Apr 02, 2010 Created Note for R12

Note 1078973.1 by Oracle Applications Development

Copyright� 2010 Oracle Corporation
Last updated: Fri Apr 2, 2010

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