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Title No. 116-M93

Characterization of Palm Oil Fuel Ash as Cementitious

Supplement: A Review
by A. Shakir, M. Haziman Wan Ibrahim, N. Othman, A. Ahmed, and S. Shahidan
Palm oil fuel ash (POFA) is a by-product procured from the palm of oil palm were planted, which was 3% higher than in 2012.5
oil mill through the incineration of empty fruit bunches, meso- POFA is an abundant material and has no economic benefit;
carp fibers, and shells so as to produce electricity. POFA was hence, it is accumulated in landfills and causes ecological
considerably used as a cementitous supplement in various types pollution and land scarcity. Therefore, it is an ecological
of concrete, bricks, blocks, mortar, and grout due to its pozzolanic
nuisance due to the harmful method of disposal. Conse-
content. However, using raw POFA as cementitious replacement
quently, according to the Malaysian Palm Oil Board,6 air,
caused a distinct deterioration on the properties of the hardened
mixture. Therefore, various treatment methodologies were adopted river, sea, and groundwater contaminations have increased
to enhance the properties of POFA to improve the mechanical prop- dramatically in recent years due to the massive quantities
erties of the hardened mixture. This study reviews the treatment of waste produced. Therefore, prevention procedures should
approaches performed on POFA and their effects on the physical, be taken to manage the agriculture by-products for a sustain-
chemical, and microstructural properties of POFA. It was docu- able future. To avoid environmental pollution, the by-products
mented that grinding POFA increased its fineness and decreased have to be reused and recycled for other purposes.
the voids and porosity of the mixture. However, the optimum use Globally, 40% of energy consumption is attributed to
of grounded POFA was ranged 5 to 25% by weight of cement. On building operations, which contributes to 40% of greenhouse
the other hand, thermal treatment of POFA exhibited a substantial gas emissions.7 Cement production processes contribute
improvement on the physical, chemical, and morphological proper-
approximately 7% of the global CO2 emissions, which cause
ties of POFA; consequently, the hardened properties were dramat-
environmental and greenhouse gas problems with approx-
ically developed. Thermal-treated POFA could be used as binder
supplement up to 70% by weight of cement, whereby environmental imately 0.7 to 1.1 tonnes of CO2 being emitted for every
pollution was dropped and sustainability was achieved. It was ton of cement production.8 To reduce the amount of CO2
concluded that the higher fineness of POFA contributed to a signif- emission, cement manufacturers can help by improving the
icant pozzolanic reaction and thus promoted better performance in production process. For concrete production, the reduction of
the hardened matrix. However, future detections should address the cement content in concrete can be achieved by use of supple-
leaching behavior of POFA and the leaching performance of the mentary cementitious materials. Therefore, researchers were
hardened mixture incorporating POFA. Besides, the durability of urged to find a cement substitute to solve the problem of
specimens containing POFA as binder supplement should be well environmental contamination. It was documented that POFA
covered in the prospectus research. includes large amounts of silica, 44 to 66%.9 The silica oxide
Keywords: chemical properties and microstructure; ground palm oil
content in POFA can react with calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2
fuel ash (GPOFA); nano POFA (NPOFA); physical properties; ultrafine from the hydration process of cement producing more
POFA (UPOFA). calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H), which is a gel compound
produced through pozzolanic reaction. Thus, it contributes
INTRODUCTION to the strength of the concrete by producing stronger and
Minimizing the industrial waste and reduction of natural denser concrete as well as enhancing the durability of the
resource consumption are the foremost focus of achieving concrete.10 However, POFA, as obtained from an palm oil
cleaner production. Cleaner production comprises the mill, has coarser particles larger than 300 µm and residues
processes that enhance the quality of production through of unburned fibers and shells. Therefore, the original POFA
promoting ecoefficiency and using fewer raw materials.1 has low pozzolanic properties due to its large particles
Agro-industrial by-products such as palm oil fuel ash (POFA) and porous structure.10 It was argued that using raw POFA
exist as an abundant material in Southeastern Asia countries contributed to compressive strength degradation and work-
such as Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, and ability reduction when used as 10% cement replacement in
Malaysia. Wastes from the palm oil industry are not only concrete.11 Consequently, researchers focused their efforts
POFA but also empty fruit bunches (EFB), oil palm shell on treating POFA using various methodologies to reduce the
(OPS), and oil palm clinker (POC).2 POFA is procured from particle size and increase the surface area to promote better
a palm oil mill through the incineration of EFB, OPS, and mechanical properties for concrete and foster the ratio POFA
fibers as fuel to generate steam used for running the turbines as cement replacement up to 70% by weight of cement.12
of the mill.3 Approximately 3 million tons of POFA were ACI Materials Journal, V. 116, No. 6, November 2019.
generated in Malaysia in 2007 and 100,000 tons of POFA are MS No. M-2018-011.R5, doi: 10.14359/51716975, received November 7, 2018, and
reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2019, American Concrete
produced per annum in Thailand, and this production rate Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
will have a significant increase due to the drastic growth of obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
plantation of palm oil trees.4 In 2013, 5.23 million hectares is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.

ACI Materials Journal/November 2019 31

Table 1—Chemical composition of POFA
SiO2 49.20 48.99 43.21 43.60 63.40 20.20 61.66 59.17 69.02
Al2O3 5.45 3.78 0.38 11.40 5.50 5.70 5.13 3.73 3.90
Fe2O3 5.73 4.89 2.70 4.70 4.20 3.0 4.17 6.33 4.33
CaO 7.50 11.69 23.39 8.40 4.30 62.5 9.86 5.80 5.01
P2O5 6.41 — 5.04 — — — 3.71 — —
MgO 3.93 1.22 3.30 4.80 3.70 2.6 4.17 4.87 5.18
SO3 1.73 — 3.10 2.80 0.90 1.80 — 0.72 0.18
Na2O 0.90 0.73 — 0.39 — 0.16 0.49 0.18 0.18
LOI 13.85 10.51 — — 6 2.40 10.71 16.10 1.80
K2O 5.30 — 15.76 3.50 — 0.87 8.47 8.25 6.90

This study reviews the treatments, methodologies 19 MPa), respectively. They concluded that the finer the ash,
involving tools, and techniques performed by research on the higher the compressive strength of concrete. The higher
POFA. The effects of POFA treatment methods on POFA enhancement of the strength in concrete with the fine ash
properties such as physical, chemical, and microstructure was related to the higher surface area of the particles, which
will be considerably illustrated in this article. The effects of influenced the pozzolanic activity and increased the strength.
POFA treatment methods on the properties of the hardened
mixture will be briefly discussed. This article suggests the Use of POFA in brick fabrication
ideal methodology for POFA treatment, whereby valuable Mohammad et al.14 fabricated bricks from POFA as 5 to
knowledge is provided for the prospectus research on the 25% by weight of cement mixed along with paper sludge
best POFA processing method. 5 to 5% by weight of the mixture. POFA collected from
a Malaysian palm oil mill was dried in an oven at 221°F
RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE (105°C) for 24 hours, then ground in a Los Angeles abrasion
Considerable research has investigated the feasibility of machine. The compressive strength of the bricks decreased
using POFA as cementitious replacement after following with the increase of paper sludge. The highest compressive
various processing procedures. This article is the first initia- strength was 3770.9 psi (26 MPa) at 28 days, recorded for
tive in reviewing the effects of the treatment methodologies 5% paper sludge, 5% POFA, and 90% cement. However, the
on the properties of POFA. It also highlights their influences minimum strength was 1289.3 psi (8.9 MPa) for 20% POFA,
on the mechanical properties of the hardened mixture. There- 20% paper sludge, and 60% cement. Higher water absorp-
fore, this article provides valuable knowledge for the prospectus tion capacity of the paper sludge-POFA bricks was approx-
research regarding the ideal treatment approach and its conse- imately 39.6%. Mohammed et al. studied the leaching of
quence on the properties of POFA and the hardened mixture. paper sludge-POFA bricks. The leachate value for both
Cu and Pb was significantly below than 0.1 mg/L, which
Physical and chemical properties of POFA is below the limit imposed in the Malaysian guidelines of
Awal and Siew13 studied the effect of POFA as binder environmental waste disposal, which recommends 100 mg/L
supplement on compressive strength concrete. POFA for Cu and 5 mg/L Pb. They attributed the reduction of the
obtained from an oil palm mill was dried in an electric oven leachate to the highly alkaline environment of the solidi-
for 24 hours at 230°F (110°C); POFA was then sieved on a fication and stabilization matrix where the metals exist as
sieve 300 µm to remove any coarser material. It was then metal hydrated phases, metal hydroxides, and calcium-metal
pulverized in a modified Los Angeles abrasion machine compounds. In addition, the alkaline environment of this
using steel bars instead of balls in it; the dimensions of the nature often develop Pb from hydroxide precipitate, which
steel bars were 0.47 in. (12 mm) in diameter and 31.49 in. later becomes the more insoluble PbO. Thus, the amount of
(800 mm) in length. The ash obtained was finally sieved on Pb leachate detected is reduced.
a sieve 0.001 in. (45 µm). Chemical properties of grounded Pattamad and Vorajak15 produced cellular lightweight
POFA according to Awal and Siew are illustrated in Table 1. concrete (CLC) brick using POFA as 10 to 40% by weight
Awal used the ground POFA passing sieve 0.001 in. of cement. POFA obtained from palm oil mill was sieved
(45 µm), unground POFA passing sieve 0.011 in. (300 µm), using a 0.023 in. (0.595 mm) sieve. The chemical composition
and the raw POFA, which is neither sieved nor crushed as of POFA is illustrated in Table 2; it is obvious that the total
50% by weight of cement. They observed that the compres- amount of SiO2, Al2O3, and Fe2O3 were merely 46.29%, which
sive strength at 28 days of ground POFA was 5728.9 psi was less than 70% the minimum requirement of the pozzo-
(39.5 MPa). They found that the development of the strength lanic material as stated by ASTM C618.16 Therefore, POFA
in POFA concrete was lower than that in OPC concrete. investigated in this study could not be categorized as pozzo-
However, ungrounded POFA passing a 300 µm sieve and lanic material Class N. Compressive strength was signifi-
the raw POFA gave 4061.0 and 2755.7 psi (28 MPa  and cantly increased at 10% POFA with 6426.6 psi (44.3 MPa)

32 ACI Materials Journal/November 2019

Table 2—Physical properties of POFA
Specific gravity 2.21 — — 3.16 2.51 2.59
Fineness, m /g 2
1.348 — — 0.329 0.839 1.136
Color Dark gray Dark gray Gray Gray Dark gray Gray
Passed on sieve 0.001 in. (45 µm) (No. 325), % — 96 100 92 — —
Surface area BET, m2/g — 4.90 7.90 3.05 43.2 7.67
Relative density — 2.04 2.02 2.20 — —
Median particle size, d50, in. (µm) — — — 0.000 (6.79) 7.874 × 10 (2.45)
7.873 × 10–5 (2.06)

while the strength of the referenced mixture was 4641.2 psi POFA was fixed at 20% with 4351.1 psi (30 MPa) for 0.55
(32 MPa). However, compressive strength decreased with AK/B. Michael et al. related this behavior to the high silica
the increase of POFA. They suggested that POFA has high concentration in POFA, and the fineness of POFA played
potential to be used in lightweight brick production. Saleh et a role in developing the geopolymerization process. They
al.17 used POFA as 2 to 10% by weight of cement and rice revealed that the higher fineness of POFA contributed to a
husk as 1 to 5% by weight of sand mixed with 70% soil. distinct pozzolanic interaction and filling the voids whereby
POFA obtained from the mill was sieved in a 0.236 in. (6 mm) developing compressive strength.20 Results for flexural
sieve. Compressive strength and density of bricks decreased strength ranged from 542.4 to 268.3 psi (3.74 to 1.85 MPa).
with the increase of POFA and rice husk in bricks. The Results for splitting tensile ranged from 349.5 to 169.6 psi
highest compressive strength was 1195.1 psi (8.2 MPa) for (2.41 to 1.17 MPa). The compressive and tensile strength
4% POFA and 2% rice husk higher than the control mixture. increased with the increase of POFA up to 20%, and further
Ashwin and Christy18 produced thermal ecofriendly bricks replacement of POFA showed a distinct reduction in the
from POFA, glass powder, lime, and quarry dust. POFA was strength. The minimum requirement of 2.0 MPa of the split-
sieved on a 0.003 in. (90 µm) sieve; chemical composition ting tensile strength was achieved for the mixtures with
of POFA is indicated in Table 1. Physical properties of POFA 20% POFA. All the samples satisfied the requirement for
are exhibited in Table 2. Compressive strength varied from lightweight concrete because their dry density was less than
2232.1 to 1044.2 psi (15.4 to 7.2 MPa) for all samples. POFA 2000 kg/m3 as recommended by BS EN 206-1.21
represented the source of siliceous and aluminous material
generated silicate and aluminate hydrates in presence of the Use of POFA in concrete
cementitious material with Ca(OH)2 with the availability of Subramani and Anbuchezian22 studied the effect of POFA
moisture, whereby enhanced strength in the matrix. Further- as 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, and 17.5% cement replacement on
more, the fine particle size obtained through sieving POFA the properties of concrete. POFA was sieved on a 3.543 in.
on sieve 90 µm played a vital role in aiding the pozzolanic (90 µm) sieve. Compressive strength ranged from 3974.0 to
reactivity to attain higher strength as it was illustrated in the 4989.2 psi (27.4 to 34.4 MPa). Flexural strength varied from
following equations 522.1 to 432.2 psi (3.60 to 2.98 MPa). The tensile strength
was slightly higher than the OPC concrete by using 12.5%
Ca (OH)2 + SiO2 + H2O → C-S-H (1) POFA. The optimum ratio for POFA was 12.5% by weight
of cement in terms of compressive and tensile strength.
Ca (OH)2 + Al2O3 + H2O → C-A-H (2) Muhammad et al.23 investigated the effect of POFA as 0, 20,
40, and 60% by weight of cement on the properties of
concrete block. POFA obtained from the oil mill was dried
Use of POFA in geopolymer materials and sieved to 0.003 in. (75 µm) to eliminate the coarser
Michael et al.19 used POFA as a binder in lightweight oil grains so as to assure that only the finest particles size of
palm shell geopolymer concrete. POFA was used as 0, 10, POFA are incorporated in the mixture. The dry density of the
20, 40, and 100% by weight of fly ash to prepare geopolymer blocks decreases with the increase of POFA contents as
past. OPS was used as coarse aggregate and sand as a fine POFA has a lower density. The decrease in dry density with
aggregate. Alkaline activator/binder (AK/B) ratio was kept 20, 40, and 60% POFA were 5.4, 5.8, and 8%, indicating the
as 0.3 and 0.55 in the form of NaOH and Na2SiO3. POFA possibility of producing lighter-weight masonry block by
treatment followed by Michael et al. was similar to the incorporating POFA. Compressive strength ranged from
treatment method adopted by Awal and Siew.13 The chem- 2320.6 to 942.7 psi (16 to 6.5 MPa) and it is inversely
ical composition of POFA used in this study satisfies the proportional with POFA dose. It was attributed to the fineness
requirement of pozzolanic material because (SiO2 + Al2O3 of POFA particles. The POFA treatment method adopted in
+ Fe2O3) equals 73.1% and loss on ignition was only 10%. this study was mainly focused on screening POFA at
Compressive strength ranged from 4351.1 to 1450.3 psi (30 0.003 in. (75 µm) without pulverizing it. Therefore, it was
to 10 MPa) for 0.55 AK/B and 3625.9 to 1160.3 psi (25 to coarser than the ground POFA and thus promoted lower
8 MPa) for 0.3 AK/B. Compressive strength developed with compressive strength. It was evidenced that the microfilling
the increase of fly ash dose. However, the optimum ratio for capability of POFA is mainly relying on its fineness. The finer

ACI Materials Journal/November 2019 33

particles of POFA aid in filling the micropores that exist in the Compressive strength significantly improved after 90 days
matrix between cement particles and consequently increase as compared with the referenced mixture. Compressive
the compressive strength of concrete.24 By comparing the strength at 28 days for 0, 50, 60, and 70% TPOFA was
POFA masonry blocks and the control masonry blocks, the approximately 9717.5, 10,007.6, 9862.57, and 9572.4 psi
water absorption of POFA masonry blocks was observed to be (67, 69, 68, and 66 MPa), respectively. Hence, results for
slightly higher by 0.1%. It is due to the greater porosity of compressive strength at 28 days were almost identical to that
POFA, which tends to favor water absorption. POFA blocks of the referenced mixture. This substantial outcoming was
investigated in this study did not show any white salt formation related to the pozzolanic reaction of TPOFA. Ca(OH)2
on any of its surfaces and thus no efflorescence effect was formed during the earlier cement hydration interaction with
present. Muhammad et al. revealed that the coarse POFA used TPOFA producing additional (C-S-H), thereby intensifying
in their study resulted in bigger pores, which contribute to and enhancing the microstructure of SCC and consequently
lower compressive strength. According to Awal and Hussin,25 developing the compressive strength of concrete. Further-
the finer particles of POFA have the higher surface area, influ- more, the dramatic drop in LOI from 16.5 in GPOFA
encing the pozzolanic activity and enhancing compressive to merely 1.80% in TPOFA and the remarkable growth in
strength of concrete, while coarser POFA forms many voids (SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3) from 59.17 to 69.02% significantly
which decrease the compressive strength inside the matrix. contributed to compressive strength development. The
slump flow (SF) results for all SCC mixtures were in the
Improvements in POFA properties range of 27.55 to 29.13 in. (700 to 740 mm). The mixtures
Belal et al.26 did a comparative study between grounded containing TPOFA could improve the SF in comparison to
POFA (GPOFA) and treated POFA (TPOFA) used in a the control mixture. The enhancement of the SF can be
high level of cement replacement of 0, 50, 60, and 70% attributed to several reasons: the LOI content of the TPOFA
by weight of cement in self-consolidating concrete (SCC). was reduced from 16.1 to 1.8%, which in turn decreased the
Virgin POFA procured from an oil palm mill was dried in an unburned carbon content. The reduction in the LOI content
oven at 221°F (105°C) for 24 hours and then screened in a reduced the amount of HRWRA absorbed by TPOFA. The
0.001 in. (300 µm) sieve to eliminate coarser particles. The drying shrinkage strain values of all SCC samples were low
sieved POFA was ground in a Los Angeles abrasion machine and did not exceed 400 microstrains at 360 days of drying.
to increase the surface area and decrease the particle size. Belal et al. related the reduction in the drying shrinkage of
Overall, 30 steel rods with 0.393 in. (10 mm) diameter and SCC incorporating TPOFA to the good pozzolanic activity
19.685 in. (500 mm) length were put in a rotary cylinder. The and high packing effect. The high fineness of the TPOFA
grinding time was fixed at 18 hours at a velocity of 33.3 rpm. particles promoted pozzolanic reactions and microfiller
The obtained POFA was named grounded POFA (GPOFA). effects resulted in pore refinement and structure densifica-
To obtain treated POFA (TPOFA), GPOFA was incinerated tion, whereby the loss of the water was reduced and decreased
in a furnace at 1112°F (600°C) for 2 hours and then ground the drying shrinkage. SCC incorporating a high concentration
again using a similar procedure followed to obtain GPOFA. of TPOFA up to 70% showed lower drying shrinkage and
Physical and chemical composition properties are illustrated good resistance to aggressive chemical attack. Awal and
in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was Hussin24 demonstrated that POFA had significant potential
used to track the crystalline traces in POFA; quartz (SiO2) to inhibit expansion related to alkali-silica interaction in
represents the main component in GPOFA and TPOFA, concrete. However, past investigations recommended the
with secondary components such as iron oxide (Fe2O3) and possibility of producing grinded POFA (GPOFA) for not
portlandite Ca(OH)2. The slump flow for all SCC mixtures more than 30% by weight of cement.30,31
was in the range of 27.5 to 29.1 in. (700 to 740 mm). The Various researches have ventured in using POFA ground
mixtures containing TPOFA could improve the slump flow to a median particle size of approximately 0.000 in. (10 µm)
as compared with the control mixture. The enhancement of as partial cement substitutive up to 30% by weight of cement
the slump flow was attributed to the reduction of the loss in the production of high-strength concrete (HSC).32-34 It
on ignition (LOI) content of the TPOFA from 16.1 to 1.8%, was demonstrated that further treatment of POFA boosted its
which in turn decreases the unburned carbon content. The use as binder supplement for a higher substitution level —up
reduction in the LOI content reduces the amount of high- to 70% by weight of cement in SCC, accounting for better
range water-reducing admixture (HRWRA) absorbed by properties and durability performance as was evidenced by
TPOFA; hence, the fluidity of SCC was improved according Belal et al.26 In this sense, Zeyad et al.35 studied the feasi-
to Chandara et al.27 Alsubari et al.28 stated that the use of bility of producing ultrafine POFA (UPOFA) as binder
GPOFA with higher LOI reduced the workability of concrete supplementary in HSC approached 16,824.4 psi (116 MPa).
as the replacement level increased. It is because of the nature Ground POFA (GPOFA) was treated by similar method-
of GPOFA with higher LOI absorbing more HRWRA and ology adopted by Belal et al.26 GPOFA is shown in Fig. 1(a).
water, the flowability of the concrete will decrease accord- Consequently, GPOFA was incinerated at 932°F (500°C) for
ingly.27,28 The values of the segregation ratios of the concrete 90 minutes in a gas furnace so as to get rid of the unburned
mixtures containing 0, 50, 60, and 70% were 6.7, 8.2, 9.8, carbon which might negatively influence the pozzolanic
and 10.7%, consecutively. Results for segregation resistance properties. Eventually, incinerated POFA was exposed
were within the range stated in EFNARC.29 to further grinding similarly to the first step of grinding
GPOFA. The final treated POFA was named ultrafine POFA

34 ACI Materials Journal/November 2019

Fig. 1—(a) Ground POFA before thermal treatment; and (b) UPOFA after thermal treatment.26

Fig. 2—XRD results for GPOFA and UPOFA.26

(UPOFA), as illustrated in Fig.  1(b). According to X-ray Table 3—Mineral ratios in glassy and crystalline
fluorescence (XRF) results, the amount of SiO2 + Al2O3 + phases32
Fe2O3 was significantly increased from 59.21% in GPOFA to
75.14%. On the contrary, LOI, as expected, decreased from
15.34 to 2.53% and unburned carbon dropped from 19 to Quartz (SiO2), % 18.9 19.7
merely 0.1%; hence, UPOFA falls within the specification Cristobalite, % (SiO2 in high temperature) 1.3 1.2
of pozzolans according to ASTM C618-05.16 The composi- [K3Al3, Fe2(PO4)3], % 4.6 4.6
tion of minerals did not undergo an obvious change, as can
LOI, % 21.6 2.53
been seen from XRD results clarified in Fig. 2 as the exis-
tence of a hump between 20 and 30 degrees before and after Glassy phases (amorphous) 53.6 71.97
incineration showed the existence of amorphous phases in
GPOFA and UPOFA with the remarkable existence of quartz the chemical compounds in GPOFA and UPOFA fall within
(SiO2) and cristobalite within their crystalline phases. An the rates of glassy phase’s percent.37 Results for the concen-
XRD analysis using Rietveld-based SIROQUANT soft- trations of mineral compositions of GPOFA and UPOFA are
ware was performed so as to distinguish the main phases in illustrated in Table 3.
POFA, and to estimate the amorphous phase content (glassy
phase). Equations (3) and (4) were used to evaluate the Mglassy = 100 – M crystallines – LOI (3)
whole amounts of glassy phases in GPOFA and UPOFA by
subtracting the number of crystalline phases and LOI from Mcrystallines = Mquartz + Mcristobalite + MK-Al-P (4)
100% (wt). In addition, Eq. (5) was used to compute the
glassy phase of SiO2 in both GPOFA and UPOFA.36,37 All % SiO2(glassy) = % SiO2(total) – (Mquartz + Mcristobalite) (5)

ACI Materials Journal/November 2019 35

Fig. 3—Particle size analysis of UPOFA, GPOFA, and
Fig. 5—Rapid chloride permeability of HSC-OPC, HSCg,
cement.26 (Note: 1 µm = 3.93 × 10–5 in.)
and HSCu.35
of HSCu. However, the use of GPOFA indicated a negative
effect on water absorption and porosity of the HSCG due to
the presence of unburned carbon, which increases its water
absorption tendency.
The result for the initial surface absorption test (ISAT)
of the HSC incorporating grounded POFA (HSCg) and
high strength of the concrete incorporating ultrafine POFA
(HSCu) are indicated in Fig. 4. It was indicated that HSCu60
has the lower ISAT when compared with the control mixture
(HSC-OPC). In contrast, HSCg40 has the highest values
Fig. 4—Initial surface absorption for HSC-OPC, HSCg, and among the tested samples at every age. The highest ISA was
HSCu at time intervals of 10 minutes.35 observed at 3 days old. Because the microstructural density
increases with age, the values of ISA can be seen clearly
Thermal treatment had considerably influenced the phys- to be decreasing with strength. It can be seen also that the
ical properties of UPOFA as indicated in Table 2. Surface optimum UPOFA in terms of ISA is 40% (HSCu40). The
area substantially dropped from 34.2 to 7.67 m2/gm. It is extra UPOFA in the excess of 40% required for pore filling
attributed to the removal of unburned carbon after thermal could enhance further fluid absorption. Strength develop-
treatment and grounding. The higher surface area of GPOFA ment and microstructural density reflects the decrease in
is attributed to the presence of a higher amount of carbon ISA in all the samples. Hydration reaction appears to play
compared with UPOFA.38 On the other hand, specific a dominant role on the early day microstructural tortuosity
gravity was slightly increased from 2.51 to 2.59 prior to for 10-minute exposure of HSC samples. Compressive
thermal treatment due to the low specific gravity of carbon strength for 0, 20, 40, and 60% of UPOFA were 13,256.4,
in the raw POFA. The median particle size of GPOFA was 14,431.2, 14,721.3, and 14,228.2 psi (91.4, 99.5, 101.5, and
decreased from 7.874 × 10–5 to 7.873 × 10–5  in. (2.45 to 98.1 MPa), respectively. The optimum ratio for compressive
2.06 µm) for UPOFA. This assured that the size of carbon strength was 40% UPOFA due to the higher percentage of
particles was rather smaller in POFA particles; therefore, a glassy phase approaching 72%. The higher fineness of POFA
small effect was seen on the median particle size of UPOFA. played a significant role in developing concrete properties
Particle size analysis for cement, UPOFA, and GPOFA is because of its filler effect or microstructural strengthening to
shown in Fig. 3. It is obvious that UPOFA gained finer parti- attain higher strength. POFA became more reactive because
cles when compared with OPC and GPOFA due to further of the increment in the surface area of reactant. Zeyad et
grinding. Similar findings were mentioned by Chandara et al. recommended the use of UPOFA as 40% by weight
al.27 The inclusion of UPOFA as partial cement substitute of cement for better properties in terms of compressive
increased the slump value of the HSCu. Furthermore, work- strength, water absorption permeability, chloride migration,
ability increased with the increase of UPOFA replacement and chloride penetration rate for HSC. Figure 5 shows the
level of 20, 40, and 60% and thus increased the slump in performances of HSC-OPC, HSCg, and HSCu under their
HSCu20, HSCu40, and HSCu60 by 10.5, 18.4, and 21.1%, exposure to chloride penetration with a view to measuring
respectively, as well as compared with referenced concrete. their matrix density through the passage of chloride ions
This result was related to the higher binder paste volume and concomitant charge passed measured in coulomb (C).
of the HSCu, especially at higher UPOFA replacement due It was indicated that the effect of UPOFA-OPC replace-
to the lower specific gravity of the UPOFA in comparison ment levels at 20, 40, and 60% were equally observed in
with HSC-OPC. The excess paste volume provided better HSCu20, HSCu40 and HSCu60, consecutively. Total chlo-
roles of coating the aggregates, filling the gaps between ride charge passed was less than 1000 C in all the samples
the aggregates as well as providing lubrication for aggre- at and beyond 28 days except HSCg40 and HSC-OPC. The
gate mobility better than the referenced mixture. Results for high charges passed in the early age of HSCg and HSC-OPC
water absorption ranged from 2.3 to 3.5%. Using UPOFA samples suggested that the duo was more susceptible to
contributed to a lower rate of water absorption and porosity corrosion attack compared to HSCu. This is due to the fact

36 ACI Materials Journal/November 2019

that less propagation time is more probable in the sample Eq. (6).27 Therefore, the more appropriate burning
with less dense microstructural density characterized by temperature to treat POFA is between 752 and 1112°F
the high composition of carbon content as known of HSCg. (400 and 600°C).
This further justifies setting a limit to the carbon content of
pozzolanic materials by ASTM C618. CaCO3(s) → CaO (s) +CO2 (g) (6)
Mohammad et al.40 investigated the effect of using POFA
as binder supplement up to 25% by weight of cement in A peak heat of hydration temperature of 122°F (50°C) was
lightweight oil palm shell concrete (OPSC). GPOFA was recorded for OPC mortar at 9 hours, while 93.38 and 94.46°F
produced similarly to Belal et al.26 The optimum ratio of (34.1 and 34.7°C) were recorded at 11 hours for GPOFA and
POFA was approximately 10 to 15% by weight of cement. It UPOFA, respectively. The development of temperature was
was observed that the incorporation of 10% POFA replace- also obtained in the middepth of the mortar during the hydra-
ment level produced the highest slump value for the OPSC. tion process for all mortar samples. The use of POFA could
It could be due to the greater binder volume, as the specific successfully reduce the total temperature rise compared to
gravity of POFA was lower than cement, and the excess the normal OPC mortar regardless of the size of POFA. It
binder volume could have provided better coating, lubrica- has been researched that the fineness of binder has an effect
tion, and filling of gaps of the aggregates.38 However, when on the rate of heat development of samples to some extent.
POFA content was increased further up to 25%, the slump The hydration temperature of POFA mortar depended on the
values decreased. The higher amount of POFA is accompa- amount of calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 in the hydration
nied by higher water demand; thus, the workability of the process of cement and reactivity of materials used. Hydra-
concrete would be reduced. Mohammed et al. attributed this tion of cement was affected physically and chemically by
occurrence to the higher LOI of the POFA, indicating the adding other pozzolanic materials. Compressive strength
higher porous nature of the POFA which increased the water was significantly developed with the increase of NPOFA
demand of the fresh concrete to a greater extent. Compres- content up to 80% by weight of cement. This is due to the
sive strength decreased beyond 15% due to the existence of higher silica content after the treatment process that helps
unburned carbon and the coarser particles of POFA. It was the pozzolanic activities. AbdulMunir et al.43 studied the
concluded that the increase in POFA content up to 25% led possibility of using POFA in producing lightweight foamed
to the reduction in the splitting and flexural tensile strengths concrete for a nonstructural application. POFA treatment is
of OPSC while no significant influence of POFA was noticed indicated in Table 4. Mixture design for foam concrete
in terms of the modulus of elasticity of concrete (MOE). The (cement + POFA) was fixed at 0.5 and POFA was used as 10
MOE values were 1,841,979 to 2,233,581 psi (12.7 to 15.4 to 50% by weight of cement. The specific gravity of POFA
GPa). The increased POFA replacement level led to a reduc- was 1.48%. Compressive strength significantly decreased
tion in the MOE values of the OPSC. As the MOE of OPSC with the increase of POFA due to the bigger particle size of
was also mainly governed by the quality of the interfacial POFA, which contrasted sharply from the POFA investi-
zone, due to possibly the limited effect of POFA on the inter- gated by the aforementioned researchers. The silica oxide
facial zone, the POFA did not improve the MOE of OPSC. concentration in the bottom ash was smaller than fly POFA;
NorHasanah et al.41 studied the feasibility of producing hence, compressive strength was decreased. Siong et al.44
nano-POFA (NPOFA) as cementitious supplement up studied the effect of POFA as filler in lightweight foam
to 80% by weight of cement in the mortar. POFA treatment concrete (LFC). Control LFC was made with 100% sand as
is illustrated in Table 4. The chemical composition assess- filler and POFA was used as 10 and 20% by weight of sand.
ments using XRF showed that SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3 were POFA treatment is shown in Table 4. Figure 6(a) shows the
79.7% and 56.5% for NPOFA and GPOFA, respectively. grading curve of the unprocessed POFA and sand and
Consequently, the existence of higher silica content in Fig. 6(b) shows the grading curve of the refined POFA and
NPOFA affects the pozzolanic reaction, forming extra sand. Compressive strength for LFC 0, 10, and 20% POFA at
calcium silicate hydrate gels, resulting in denser and more 28 days was 841.2, 986.2, and 884.7 psi (5.8, 6.8, and
durable mortar. Therefore, GPOFA was classified as a Class C 6.1 MPa), respectively. It was evidenced that the compressive
pozzolan, whereas NPOFA was classified as a Class F strength for 100% sand as filler recorded the lower compres-
pozzolan.42 LOI was significantly dropped from 20.9% to sive strength whereas compressive strength, was higher for
1.3%; fineness of NPOFA was 146% higher than OPC used 10 and 20% POFA. The splitting tensile strengths of LFC 10
in this research. The percent of retained particles on screen and 20% POFA were 19% and 9% higher than that of the
0.001 in. (45 µm) were 0.13, 4.9, and 4.5 for NPOFA, control mixture. The enhancement of splitting tensile
GPOFA, and OPC, consecutively; thus, NPOFA had bigger strength of LFC with POFA as filler might be due to a formation
surface area and distinctly smaller particle size as well as of additional C-S-H enhancing its bonding property, thus
compared with GPOFA and OPC. Results for thermogravi- requiring an extra imposed load to split the cylindrical
metric analysis (TGA) showed that weight loss is mainly specimens. In the same manner, the flexural strength of LFC
due to moisture evaporation at 212 ± 41°F (100 ± 5°C). 10 and 20% POFA were 25% and 23% higher than that of the
However, CO2 removal was done between 752 and 1112°F control mixture, respectively. The thermal conductivity of
(400 and 600°C). It may be attributed to calcium carbonate the LFCs incorporated with 10 to 20% POFA filler was
decay. According to TGA result, 0.357 mg of CO2 was evap- higher than that of LFC with 100% sand filler. Siong et al.
orated through thermal treatment of POFA as shown in attributed this behavior to the densification of the micro-

ACI Materials Journal/November 2019 37

Table 4—Summary for POFA treatment methodologies adopted by research
Range of
Pozzolans concentration compressive
Type of in POFA, % strength, psi Optimum ratio
Author application Type of treatment (SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3) (MPa) of POFA
POFA was dried in oven for 24 hours at 230°F (110°C),
and then screened in 0.011 in. (300 µm). POFA was
Awal and 2755.7 to 5656.4 50% by weight
Concrete ground using Los Angeles steel bars (0.472 in. [12 mm] 60.38
Siew13 (19 to 39) of cement
diameter and 31.496 in. [800 mm] long) and finally,
sieved powder in 0.001 in. (45 µm)
Mohammad POFA was first dried in oven at 221°F (105°C) for 1290.8 to 362.5 5% by weight
Brick 57.66
et al.14 24 hours and then ground in Los Angeles (8.9 to 2.5) of cement
Pattamad and POFA was merely screened using sieve No. 30 size 10% by weight
CLC brick 46.29 —
Vorajak15 0.023 in. (0.595 mm) of cement
POFA was dried in oven and then sieved in 1232.8 to 652.6 4% by weight
Saleh et al.17 Bricks 59.7
0.236 in. (6 mm) sieve (8.5 to 4.5) of cement
Ashwin and POFA was dried in oven and sieved in 2233.5 to 1044.2 25% by weight
Brick 70.6
Christy18 0.035 in. (90 µm) sieve (15.4 to 7.2) of binder
Michael et Geopolymer light- 4351.1 to 1450.4 20% by weight
Similar treatments proposed by Awal and Siew13 73.1
al.19 weight concrete (30 to 10) of fly ash
Subramani 12.5% by
Conventional POFA was oven dried, pulverized, and screened on 3974.0 to 4989.3
and Anbuche- 71.6 weight of
concrete 3.543 in. (90 mm) sieve (27.4 to 34.4)
zian22 cement
Muhammad POFA was oven dried and sieved on 2320.6 to 942.8 20% by weight
Block —
et al.23 0.002 in. (75 µm) (16 to 6.5) of cement
POFA was dried and ground for 18 hours at velocity
9572.5 to
of 33.3 rpm and then incinerated in furnace at 1112°F 70% by weight
Belal et al.26 SCC 69.02 10,007.6 (66
(600°C) for 2 hours. Finally, it was ground again of cement
to 69)
similar to previous researches.
POFA was dried, sieved on 0.011 in. (300 µm), ground,
13,256.5 to
and incinerated in furnace at 932°F (500ºC) for 90 40% by weight
Zeyad et al. 35
HSC 73.1 16,534.3
minutes. Finally, it was then ground again similar to of cement
(91.4 to 114)
previous researches.
Lightweight POFA was dried for 24 hours, sieved on 0.011 in. (300
Mohammad 5221.4 to 6062.6 15% by weight
oil palm shell µm), pulverized in rotating drum for 30,000 cycles for 73.26
et al.40 (36.0 to 41.8) of cement
concrete 16 hours and then sieved on 0.001 in. (45 µm)
POFA was dried, sieved on 0.006 in. (150 µm), and
NorHasanah then ground until 90% passing screen 0.001 in. 3625.9 to 6526.7 80% by weight
Mortar 79.7
et al.41 (45 µm). Obtained POFA was burned in furnace at (25 to 45) of cement
932°F (500°C) for 1 hour.
POFA was immersed in water to eliminate incomplete
AbdulMunir foam concrete 145.0 to 362.6 20% by weight
burned material. Cleaned POFA was dried in oven for —
et al.43 for nonstructural (1 to 2.5) of cement
24 hours and then sieved on 0.187 in. (4.75 mm).
POFA was dried in oven at 221°F (105°C) for
Lightweight foam 841.2 to 986.3 20% by weight
Siong et al.44 24 hours and then it was sieved until 100% passing —
concrete (5.8 to 6.8) of sand
screen 0.023 in. (0.6 mm).
POFA-FB was heated at 140°F (60°C) for 1 hour and
67.58% for POFA-FB
POFA-k was heated at 302°F (150°C) for 24 hours. 2320.6 to 145.0 40% by weight
Donovan 47
Grout and 68.93% for
They were then ground in grinding machine and even- (16 to 1) of cement
tually sieved on 0.001 in. (45 µm).

structures of POFA-based LFC specimens, which were in this study: POFA-FB, which was obtained from fruit
related to the pozzolanic activity by reactive silica in POFA bunch incineration, and POFA-K, extracted from kernel
and calcium hydroxide not only enhancing the strengths of shell ash. The POFA-FB and POFA-K treatment is illus-
them but also slightly increasing their thermal trated in Table 4. POFA-FB and POFA-K values were fixed
conductivity values.45,46 to be approximately 5 ± 2% by weight (small particles) and
Donovan47 studied the effect of GPOFA as binder supple- 37.5 ± 2% by weight (big particles) of materials retained on
ment on the compressive strength of grout. POFA was sieved screen 0.001 in. (45 µm) so as to assess the filler effect of
on a 0.001 in. (45 µm) sieve to ensure that very fine parti- POFA. Chemical composition detection using XRF showed
cles of POFA were used. Two types of POFA were assessed that SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3 were 67.58% and 68.93% for

38 ACI Materials Journal/November 2019

Fig. 6—Grading curve of: (a) unprocessed POFA and sand; and (b) refined POFA and sand.44

Fig. 7—SEM for GPOFA and TPOFA.26

POFA-FB and POFA-K, respectively. The specific gravity tion respectively. Furthermore, the charges passed through
of ground small and big POFA-K and POFA-FB were 2.27, grout containing POFA-K were higher than that of grout
2.01, 2.35, and 2.01%, respectively. The median particle containing ground POFA-FB. The reduction of charges
size d50 of ground small and big POFA-K and POFA-FB passed through grout containing POFA was attributed to
were 0.0004, 0.001, 0.0004, and 0.001 in. (12.2, 30.3, 12.1, the chloride chemical binding effect. Chloride ions react
and 30.5 µm). It was demonstrated that the specific gravity with tricalcium aluminates (C3A) and C4AF to form 3CaO.
developed with the growth of the particle fineness because Al2O3.CaCl2.10H2O (calcium chloroaluminates: Friedel’s
the grounding procedure decreased the porosity and voids salt) and 3CaO.Fe2O3.Al2O3. CaCl2.10H2O (calcium chlo-
in POFA particles.48 POFA-K and POFA-FB were used as roferrites), which is present in their stable form and caused
cement replacement by 10, 20, 30, and 40%. The compressive a decrease of free chlorides available in the mixture. The
strength of POFA-K grout samples was significantly devel- presence of POFA leads to an increase in the amount of C3A
oped and peaked at 40% POFA-K as well as compared with due to the higher amount of alumina present in the mixture.49
control grout specimen. A similar growth of the compres- In addition, POFA leads to an increase of CSH gel content
sive strength was observed with the increase POFA-FB and that is formed in the pozzolanic reactions to chloride phys-
peaked at 40% replacement level. The higher compressive ical binding. Thus, the chloride binding capacity of concrete
strength achieved was attributed to the pozzolanic reactions tends to increase with increasing POFA content.50
as mentioned previously.
The resistance of grout to chloride ion ingress was deter- Microstructure of POFA
mined by means of the charges passed through grout spec- Belal et al.26 investigated morphology of GPOFA and
imens measured in coulombs (C). It was observed that the TPOFA using a scanning electron microscope (SEM), as
charges passed through the control sample were higher shown in Fig. 7. The irregularity and porosity of GPOFA
than that of ground POFA-FB and POFA-K. Moreover, microstructure can be observed in Fig. 7. Besides, no traces
the charges passed through grout containing POFA-K and of agglomeration of the particles could be seen after heat
POFA-FB mixtures decreased with the increase of ground treatment.
POFA content, up to 29.4% reduction and 52.2% reduc-

ACI Materials Journal/November 2019 39

Fig. 8—SEM analysis for UPOFA on right and GPOFA on left.35

Fig. 9—EDX results for UPOFA on left and GPOFA on right.35

Zeyad et al.35 investigated the morphology of GPOFA and scanning electron microscope (FESEM), shown in Fig. 10.
UPOFA, as shown in Fig. 8. GPOFA exhibited heterogeneous It is clear that mortar-incorporated NPOFA fine particles
and nonhomogeneous microstructure with a significant iden- worked as filler and binder; hence, very few pores could be
tification of unburned carbon comparatively with UPOFA, seen in NPOFA mortar and more calcium silicate hydrate
which showed finer particles and uniform micrograph. It (C-S-H). Eventually, stronger and more durable mortar can
was more evidenced by energy-dispersive X-ray analyzer be produced by incorporating NPOFA as binder supplement.
(EDX) analysis, which is shown in Fig. 9(a) through (c) with Mohd et al.51 studied the microstructural characteristics of
UPOFA on the left side and GPOFA on the right side. It can hardened cement paste containing NPOFA as binder supple-
be concluded from EDX that the carbon reduction in UPOFA ment. Cement paste was prepared with NPOFA as 10 to 50%
could be easily observed with high intensity in GPOFA. In by weight of cement and micro POFA (mPOFA) as 20 and
contrast, UPOFA had shown a small amount or absence of 30% by weight of cement. POFA was dried for 24 hours,
carbon content. screened on 0.006 in. (150 µm), and then subjected to a Los
NorHasanah et al.41 investigated the microstructure of Angeles abrasion machine to get mPOFA with 16.63 m2/gm
mortar containing GPOFA and NPOFA using field emission specific surface area. NPOFA was produced by grinding

40 ACI Materials Journal/November 2019

Fig. 10—Result for (FESEM) of: (a) GPOFA; and (b) NPOFA.41

Fig. 11—Results for TEM analysis.51

mPOFA with a high-energy ball milling machine up to of the extremely dense structure of hardened cement paste.
30 hours. Particle size analysis was done using transmission The microstructure of mPOFA-hcp samples in Fig. 12(b)
electron microscopy (TEM), as shown in Fig. 11. The and (c) described the inner particles of mPOFA working as
average particle size of NPOFA ranged from 20 to 90 nm filler and retained in the pore system. Cracks are seen in
and the specific surface area of NPOFA was 16.63 m2/gm. mPOFA particles with extreme silica content and thus they
Figure 12 shows the micrograph of hardened cement were dissolved and reacted with with crystalline hydrates,
paste (hcp) at 28 days: (a) OPC-hcp; (b) 20% mPOFA-hcp; producing additional C-S-H gel.
(c) 30% mPOFA-hcp; (d) 20% NPOFA-hcp; (e) 30%
NPOFA-hcp; and (f) 50% NPOFA-hcp. It is obvious to DISCUSSION
observe the anhydrous cement granules, the hydration products, Table 4 shows a summary of POFA treatment method-
and secondary calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) that ologies with respect to the type of application, pozzolan
remained in a compacted layer in the hardened paste. The concentration (SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3), the indication of
needle-like ettringite is less observed in the sample because pozzolanic interaction according to ASTM C618, the range
it was resolved to make other cement hydration compo- of compressive strength, and the optimum ratio of POFA.
nents whereby to increase the paste densification. The Compressive strength is involved in Table 4 because it is the
development of crystalline hydrates and calcium silicate most important property investigated through the replace-
hydrates (C-S-H) conquered the void system and decreased ment of natural resources with waste. It is evidenced from
the voids and porosity. NPOFA particles began producing Table 4 that the previous researches used POFA as cemen-
secondary C-S-H during this stage from the pozzolanic titious substitutive in various constructional applications
reaction between Ca(OH)2 and SiO2.47 Consequently, the such as concrete, mortar, bricks, and grout because of its fine
fibrous secondary C-S-H gels were notified in Fig. 12(e). particles and the potential pozzolanic activity. The pozzolan
The extreme fine particles and big specific surface area of concentration defined as SiO2, Al2O3, and Fe2O3 should be
NPOFA had considerably sustained the pozzolanic reactions equal to or higher than the 70% the minimum requirement
to produce secondary C-S-H gels, which aided the formation of the pozzolanic material as recommended by ASTM C618.

ACI Materials Journal/November 2019 41

Fig. 12—Microstructure of: (a) OPC-hcp; (b) 20%mPOFA-hcp; (c) 30% mPOFA-hcp; (d) 20% NPOFA-hcp; (e) 30%
NPOFA-hcp; and (f) 50%NPOFA-hcp of cement pastes at 28 days of curing age.51
The pozzolans concentrations of the raw POFA ranged from et al.26 It was evidenced that the micro-filling capability of
46 to 66% as illuminated in Table 4; hence it was categorized POFA depended on its fineness. The finer particles of POFA-
as low pozzolanic material. Besides, the raw POFA has a filled micropores existed in the matrix between cement parti-
significantly big surface area of approximately 43.2 m2/gm cles whereby the compressive strength of the hardened
that is massively bigger than the surface area of cement as matrix developed. The optimum ratio of GPOFA for
shown in Table 2. The huge amount of unburned carbon as compressive strength was ranged in 5 to 20% by weight of
investigated by literature review might disturb the pozzo- cement as seen in Table 4.
lanic activity, increase the water absorption, and eventually It was strongly demonstrated that the thermal activations
decrease the hardened properties of the matrix. Therefore, of GPOFA proposed by recent researches26,32,36 boosted the
it was argued that the original POFA obtained directly from use of POFA as cementitious replacement up to 80% by
the oil palm mill cannot be used as cementitious substitu- weight of cement as shown in Table 4. Thermal activation
tive without following certain treatments so as to produce was done by incinerating GPOFA in a gas furnace at 932
finer particles. to 1112°F (500 to 600°C) for 1 to 2 hours. It was evidenced
The majority of previous researches accorded that GPOFA that the thermal activation significantly enhanced the phys-
could be used as cementitious supplement up to 20% by ical properties of POFA as indicated in Table 2. Besides, it
weight of cement. GPOFA was produced by drying the raw resulted in a remarkable drop in moisture content and huge
POFA in the oven for 24 hours at 230°F (110°C), then removal of unburned carbon. It was reported by NorHasanah
screening at 0.0111 in. (300 µm), grinding using a machine, et al.41 that the more appropriate sintering temperature to
and finally sieving the powder at 0.0178 in. (45 µm) as clari- treat POFA is between 752 and 1112°F (400 to 600°C). The
fied in Table 4. As a matter of fact, the densification of the grounded process performed on the thermal-activated POFA
microstructure of GPOFA specimens was related to pozzo- produced a finer particle with median particles approaching
lanic activity resulting from the interaction between Ca(OH)2 1 µm, which is finer than cement. Therefore, thermal treated
and SiO2 producing secondary calcium silicate hydrate gel POFA showed a superior mechanical property sometimes
(C-S-H) as mentioned by previous researches.43,44 It was higher than the compressive strength of conventional
demonstrated that the specific gravity of POFA developed concrete. To sum up, thermal activation was recommended
with the growth of particle fineness because the grounding as the ideal treatment methodology for POFA. Thermal acti-
procedure decreased the porosity and voids in POFA parti- vated POFA could be used up to 80% by weight of cement
cles.46 However, some researches produced treated POFA in the HSC and SCC.26,35,41 The higher fineness of POFA
without pulverizing. Treatment was done by sieving the raw sustained the pozzolanic interaction and improved the prop-
POFA to finer particles using a 0.035 in. (90 µm) sieve and a erties of the hardened mixture. Furthermore, the increment
0.029  in. (75 µm) sieve instead of sieving on 0.011 in. in the surface area of the reactant made POFA more reactive,
(300  µm) as detected by Ashwin and Christy18 and Belal hence promoting better hardened properties.

42 ACI Materials Journal/November 2019

CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE RECOMMENDATIONS Malaysia, in 2007, 2008, and 2014, respectively. He is a past member of the
Malaysia Chapter – ACI. His research interests include structural health
According to the aforementioned literature, treatment monitoring—acoustic emission, structural repair, and material engineering.
approaches performed on palm oil fuel ash (POFA) and their
effects on the properties of POFA were physical, chemical, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
and morphological. The following conclusions and future The authors of this work would like to express their thanks and recogni-
tion for the Center of Postgraduate Studies (CGS) in Universiti Tun Hussein
recommendations are as follows: Onn Malaysia (UTHM) for their financial support.
1. POFA is obtained from palm oil mill through the incin-
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