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Weightlifting (The Training Plan)

CLEAN & JERK (Warm up)

A. Suggested clean and jerk warm up

A1. 3 hang clean high pulls
A2. 3 hang muscle cleans + 3 strict presses
A3. 3 tempo front squats, tempo 53X1 + 3 push presses
A4. 3 hang power cleans to front squat (receive each rep a little deeper, pause 2 seconds in
receiving position)
A5. 3 clean pull unders + 3 push jerks A6. 3 hang (squat) cleans + 3 split jerks

- Vou can break it into sets as needed. Complete the whole thing 2 - 3 times, starting with an empty barbell
and adding load on each round if moving well
- Tempo 53X1 = 5 seconds down, 3 second hold at bottom, explode up, 1 second hold at top

SNATCH (Warm up)

A. Suggested snatch warm up

A1. 3 Romanian deadlifts
A2. 3 snatch high pulls
A3. 3 muscle snatches
A4. 3 tempo overhead squats (OHS), tempo 23X1
A5. 3 snatch balances
A6. 3 power snatches to OHS (receive each rep a little deeper, pause 2 seconds in receiving
A7. 3 snatch pull unders
A8. 3 hang (squat) snatches

- Vou can break it into sets as needed. Complete the whole thing 1 - 3 times, starting with an empty barbell
and adding load on each round if moving well
- Tempo 23X1 = 2 seconds down, 3 second hold at bottom, explode up, 1 second hold at top

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