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Noticing Your Life 9/12/16

Manifestors: It’s Not Personal

(By Leela Swann-Herbert)
The Manifestor aura has been described as closed, repellent, or non-attractive. The
mystery for the other types is that the Manifestors closed aura mechanically triggers a
pull-back reaction. A Manifestors presence doesn’t feel like everyone else’s; where they
stand is guarded in the energy field. Manifestors can seem unavailable, that they that
cannot be reached; no matter how much effort is made by the other, or by the

Two arm lengths in every direction, the aura field is different for each Type. The
Manifestors aura is the very first experience that we have in meeting a Manifestor. The
unique way in which the Manifestor aura is experienced is at the root of many of the
difficulties in being a Manifestor; and it at the root of how the mind interprets our
interactions with Manifestors.

I am an Emotional Generator daughter of an Emotional Manifestor father, and the

mother of an Emotional Manifestor son, and the aura phenomenon of the Manifestor is
deeply familiar to me. For years, before my Human Design experiment, my mind
turned the mechanical differences between us into stories of not being loved, and of not
being loving enough, the Unavailable Father, and the Unreachable Child. I made the
Manifestor mechanics personal to me.

I remember this feeling with my son, especially when he was a baby. How I felt towards
him when I was alone was distinctly different than how I felt when I was with him. I
loved my son deeply; and yet, the minute I stepped into his aura, there was a subtle
pull-back, a mental dialog of something’s not quite right with me, with him, with how
being together felt. As a parent, I pushed through these thoughts, and yet, never truly
felt like I connected deeply with my son; at least, not as much as my mind thought I
should or could.

Even today, when I step into my 94 year old father’s aura, there is a subtle, energetic
pulling back that takes place within me. There is a subtle cringe in my energy, an ego
push to want him to be different than he is. I now know that this experience is based
upon my conditioning: my push to be in control, my emotional drive to make him
feel/seem more like a Generator, so that I feel more comfortable with him.

For me, the beauty of experiencing the mechanics of Human Design is in the deep
recognition of what is, not what my mind thinks what could be, should be, if only. When
I recognized that my father and son were simply closed, I realized that their aura wasn’t
personal. It wasn’t about me, about love, or anything else my inner dialog could
interpret. My experience is simply a function of the differences between us: my open-to-
everything-in-life aura, and their closed-to-everyone aura.

The nature of this closed aura protects the Manifestor from being influenced by others.
The great gift of the Manifestor design is their power to initiate, to put into words and
action the energy of their non-sacral motors. By being closed to influence, they carry the
potential to be deeply aligned to their Inner Authority as the guide for their actions.
What most Manifestors fail to recognize in their closed aura, is that their words and
actions impact others. The Manifestor operates behind closed doors, so when they act
or speak it has great impact. It can feel like what they say or do comes out of nowhere –
others can’t sense it, can feel blind-sided.

This impact upon others is why the strategy of informing others before initiating can be
life changing for a Manifestor. With the act of informing, they begin to recognize their
own impact upon others; not to be influenced by the other, but to acknowledge the
interconnectedness, even when they do not feel it. And, by informing others, they build
a communication bridge of trust with others.

It is important to teach a Manifestor child to have good manners, to develop the

strategy of asking permission. Asking permission is the child’s process of developing the
recognition that what they do impacts others. Within the strategy of asking permission
is an acknowledgment, that in this case, for now, this is not the child’s decision; it is not
the child’s mind that gets to decide, but the Inner Authority of the parent. Gradually, as
the child develops their awareness of their Inner Authority, decisions are moved from
the responsibility of the parent’s Inner Authority to the child’s Inner Authority; asking
permission becomes the act of informing.

What many Manifestors fail to recognize is that the act of informing is also the moment
that they can develop the awareness of their Inner Authority. So often decision making
in Manifestors is presented as ‘they can do what they want’. This is not true.
Manifestors are not here to make mental decisions, nor are they here to make personal
ego decisions. The one Ego Manifesting channel is the 45/21 which deals with the
material wellbeing of the tribe: which is an Inner Authority decision based upon serving
the greater good.

It is in the act of informing that the Manifestor has the opportunity to be aware of their
Inner Authority. Not everything the Manifestor informs about is going to actually
happen, not all thoughts become initiated. Manifestors are built to only initiate action
upon what they recognize as correct in that moment of informing; either through their
emotional clarity of informing multiple times, or splenic awareness in the Now of
informing, or the ego push/pull towards the greater good. Otherwise, it is just another
thought, another idea that comes and goes, regardless of who or how many times they
have informed others about it.

Mature Manifestors find great peace in not having to do everything their mind thinks,
or their ego wants. One of the consistent themes I’ve noticed among all the Manifestors
in my life is their drive to be left alone to do their own thing. To be left in peace. To not
have to deal with the continual interference of those who want them to be available all
the time. To be left alone to do or not do, to simply enjoy being, as they are.

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