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From: Jason Zengerle <jzengerle@tnr.

To: Peter Heimlich <sales@globalfabric.com>
Subject: update
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 08:48:17 -0500

Peter, i have some bad news. the new yorker has decided not to run my story. the editor i
worked with liked the piece, but the magazine's top editor didn't--and after a lot of back and
forth and stops and starts (including, i gather, that call to you from the factchecker when it
looked as if the piece would run), he decided to kill it. i was given the news yesterday
afternoon. i'm now trying to find a new home for the story and i'll let you know if/when i do.
sorry for the disappointment. it's very disappointing to me, too. best, jason

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