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Impact of Climate Change

First,Impacts from climate change are happening now. These extend well beyond an
increase in temperature, affecting ecosystems and communities around the world.
Climate change has brought about possibly permanent alterations to Earth's
geological, biological and ecological systems.These changes have led to the
emergence of large-scale environmental hazards to human health, such as extreme
weather, ozone depletion, increased danger of wildland fires,loss of biodiversity,
stresses to food-producing systems and the global spread of infectious diseases. Our
food supply depends on climate and weather conditions, Human health is vulnerable
to climate change.Habitats are being modified, the timing of events such as flowering
and egg laying are shifting, and species are altering their home ranges.Things that we
depend upon and value water, energy, transportation,wildlife,agriculture, ecosystems,
and human health are experiencing the effects of a changing climate. variations in the
physical systems of the planet can be observed in the melting of the poles, which at
the same time cause glacial regression, snow melting, warming and thawing of
permafrost, flooding in rivers and lakes,coastal erosion, sea level rise and extreme
natural phenomena.In the biological systems and marine ecosystems, wildfires
andflora and fauna displacement searching for better life conditions.In human
systems, climate change affects and destroys crops and food production, causes
disease and death, destruction and loss of economic livelihoods and migrations of
climate refugees. Well you could start by reducing the use of air-conditioners; stop
burning rubbish carpool install catalytic converters in cars; 'clean' the smoke released
from the burning of coal in factories; and do the 3R Reduce,Reuse,Recycle .We can
prevent it byTree planting.no burning of garbages most especially the plastics
,cellophanes etc,no cutting of trees , but if you cut a tree be sure to replace it.
Impacts of Climate Change

It is clear that our changing climate is creating complex, interlinked risks to the natural,
social and economic systems on which we all depend.The examples are numerous.
Increasingly scarce water resources could exacerbate tensions between countries.
Storms of greater and greater ferocity batter countries and might undermine their
ability to provide for their citizens, leading to civil unrest. Degraded land that fails to
support communities of farmers and herders could be a factor in intercommunal
conflict.Unfortunately, humans are notoriously bad at quantifying risk. We tend to
overestimate dramatic, rare events (like terrorist attacks) but underestimate those
risks that are more omnipresent (like car accidents or air pollution) and often are far
more deadly. If we are going to be able to develop any kind of effective response to
the security impacts of climate change, we first need to be able to understand, and
then objectively track, the scope and severity of those risks.Around the world political
parties and parliaments have rightfully begun referring to climate change as a climate
crisis. This week a number of prominent figures are gathering to urge more ambitious
action. A measure of the economic impact of extreme weather is the increasing
number of billion-dollar disasters, which is shown below. The map shows all types of
weather disasters, some of which are known to be influenced by climate change
(floods, tropical storms) and some for which a climate influence is uncertain (tornadoe.
Climate change is expected to worsen the frequency, intensity, and impacts of some
types of extreme weather events. For example, sea level rise increases the impacts
of coastal storms and warming can place more stress on water supplies during
droughts. Seperate garbage, start at home and other places. The global push for
cleaner, healthier energy is on renewable energy is the best choice.

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